/* * Copyright (c) 1983 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * %sccs.include.redist.c% */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)stabstring.c 5.5 (Berkeley) 06/01/90"; #endif /* not lint */ /* * String information interpretation * * The string part of a stab entry is broken up into name and type information. */ #include "defs.h" #include "stabstring.h" #include "object.h" #include "main.h" #include "symbols.h" #include "names.h" #include "languages.h" #include "tree.h" #include #include #ifndef public #endif /* * Special characters in symbol table information. */ #define CONSTNAME 'c' #define TYPENAME 't' #define TAGNAME 'T' #define MODULEBEGIN 'm' #define EXTPROCEDURE 'P' #define PRIVPROCEDURE 'Q' #define INTPROCEDURE 'I' #define EXTFUNCTION 'F' #define PRIVFUNCTION 'f' #define INTFUNCTION 'J' #define EXTVAR 'G' #define MODULEVAR 'S' #define OWNVAR 'V' #define REGVAR 'r' #define VALUEPARAM 'p' #define VARIABLEPARAM 'v' #define LOCALVAR /* default */ /* * Type information special characters. */ #define T_SUBRANGE 'r' #define T_ARRAY 'a' #define T_OLDOPENARRAY 'A' #define T_OPENARRAY 'O' #define T_DYNARRAY 'D' #define T_SUBARRAY 'E' #define T_RECORD 's' #define T_UNION 'u' #define T_ENUM 'e' #define T_PTR '*' #define T_FUNCVAR 'f' #define T_PROCVAR 'p' #define T_IMPORTED 'i' #define T_SET 'S' #define T_OPAQUE 'o' #define T_FILE 'd' /* * Table of types indexed by per-file unique identification number. */ #define NTYPES 1000 private Symbol typetable[NTYPES]; public initTypeTable () { bzero(typetable, sizeof(typetable)); (*language_op(curlang, L_MODINIT))(typetable); } /* * Put an nlist entry into the symbol table. * If it's already there just add the associated information. * * Type information is encoded in the name following a ":". */ private Symbol constype(); private Char *curchar; #define skipchar(ptr, ch) \ { \ if (*ptr != ch) { \ panic("expected char '%c', found '%s'", ch, ptr); \ } \ ++ptr; \ } #define optchar(ptr, ch) \ { \ if (*ptr == ch) { \ ++ptr; \ } \ } #ifdef sun # define chkcont(ptr) \ { \ if (*ptr == '\\' or *ptr == '?') { \ ptr = getcont(); \ } \ } #else if notsun # define chkcont(ptr) \ { \ if (*ptr == '?') { \ ptr = getcont(); \ } \ } #endif #define newSym(s, n) \ { \ s = insert(n); \ s->level = curblock->level + 1; \ s->language = curlang; \ s->block = curblock; \ } #define makeVariable(s, n, off) \ { \ newSym(s, n); \ s->class = VAR; \ s->symvalue.offset = off; \ getType(s); \ } #define makeParameter(s, n, cl, off) \ { \ if ((s = lookup(n)) == nil or s->block != curblock) { \ newSym(s, n); \ s->storage = STK; \ s->class = cl; \ s->symvalue.offset = off; \ getType(s); \ } \ curparam->chain = s; \ curparam = s; \ } public entersym (name, np) String name; struct nlist *np; { Symbol s; register char *p, *q, *r; register Name n; char c; p = index(name, ':'); *p = '\0'; c = *(p+1); if (autostrip and streq(language_name(curlang), "c++")) { /* * Strip off redundant prefixes from C++ names. * Static variables are prefixed with _static_. * Formal arguments of functions are prefixed with _au0_. * Automatic variables are prefixed with _au[1-9][0-9]*_. * Class members are prefixed with _T_, where T is a class tag. */ if (strncmp("_static_", name, 8) == 0 and name[8] != '\0') { name += 8; } q = name; if (*q++ == '_' and *q++ == 'a' and *q++ == 'u' and isdigit(*q++)) { while (isdigit(*q)) ++q; if (*q++ == '_' and *q != '\0') name = q; } q = name; if (*q++ == '_' and c == EXTFUNCTION) { /* * Punt on static class members, for speed. */ for (r = q; (r = index(r, '_')) != nil; ++r) { if (r == q) { continue; } *r = '\0'; s = lookup(identname(q, true)); if (s != nil and s->class == TYPE) { char *newname = r + 1; if (*newname != '\0') { name = newname; break; } } *r = '_'; } } } n = identname(name, true); chkUnnamedBlock(); curchar = p + 2; switch (c) { case CONSTNAME: newSym(s, n); constName(s); break; case TYPENAME: newSym(s, n); typeName(s); break; case TAGNAME: s = symbol_alloc(); s->name = n; s->level = curblock->level + 1; s->language = curlang; s->block = curblock; tagName(s); break; case MODULEBEGIN: publicRoutine(&s, n, MODULE, np->n_value, false); curmodule = s; break; case EXTPROCEDURE: publicRoutine(&s, n, PROC, np->n_value, false); break; case PRIVPROCEDURE: privateRoutine(&s, n, PROC, np->n_value); break; case INTPROCEDURE: publicRoutine(&s, n, PROC, np->n_value, true); break; case EXTFUNCTION: publicRoutine(&s, n, FUNC, np->n_value, false); break; case PRIVFUNCTION: privateRoutine(&s, n, FUNC, np->n_value); break; case INTFUNCTION: publicRoutine(&s, n, FUNC, np->n_value, true); break; case EXTVAR: extVar(&s, n, np->n_value); break; case MODULEVAR: if (curblock->class != MODULE) { exitblock(); } makeVariable(s, n, np->n_value); s->storage = EXT; s->level = program->level; s->block = curmodule; getExtRef(s); break; case OWNVAR: makeVariable(s, n, np->n_value); ownVariable(s, np->n_value); getExtRef(s); break; case REGVAR: makeVariable(s, n, np->n_value); s->storage = INREG; break; case VALUEPARAM: makeParameter(s, n, VAR, np->n_value); # ifdef IRIS /* * Bug in SGI C compiler -- generates stab offset * for parameters with size added in. */ if (s->storage == STK and curlang == findlanguage(".c")) { s->symvalue.offset -= size(s); } # endif break; case VARIABLEPARAM: makeParameter(s, n, REF, np->n_value); break; default: /* local variable */ --curchar; makeVariable(s, n, np->n_value); s->storage = STK; break; } if (tracesyms) { printdecl(s); fflush(stdout); } } /* * Enter a named constant. */ private constName (s) Symbol s; { integer i; double d; char *p, buf[1000]; s->class = CONST; skipchar(curchar, '='); p = curchar; ++curchar; switch (*p) { case 'b': s->type = t_boolean; s->symvalue.constval = build(O_LCON, getint()); break; case 'c': s->type = t_char; s->symvalue.constval = build(O_LCON, getint()); break; case 'i': s->type = t_int; s->symvalue.constval = build(O_LCON, getint()); break; case 'r': sscanf(curchar, "%lf", &d); while (*curchar != '\0' and *curchar != ';') { ++curchar; } --curchar; s->type = t_real; s->symvalue.constval = build(O_FCON, d); break; case 's': p = &buf[0]; skipchar(curchar, '\''); while (*curchar != '\'') { *p = *curchar; ++p; ++curchar; } *p = '\0'; s->symvalue.constval = build(O_SCON, strdup(buf)); s->type = s->symvalue.constval->nodetype; break; case 'e': getType(s); skipchar(curchar, ','); s->symvalue.constval = build(O_LCON, getint()); break; case 'S': getType(s); skipchar(curchar, ','); i = getint(); /* set size */ skipchar(curchar, ','); i = getint(); /* number of bits in constant */ s->symvalue.constval = build(O_LCON, 0); break; default: s->type = t_int; s->symvalue.constval = build(O_LCON, 0); printf("[internal error: unknown constant type '%c']", *p); break; } s->symvalue.constval->nodetype = s->type; } /* * Enter a type name. */ private typeName (s) Symbol s; { register integer i; s->class = TYPE; s->language = curlang; s->block = curblock; s->level = curblock->level + 1; i = getint(); if (i == 0) { panic("bad input on type \"%s\" at \"%s\"", symname(s), curchar); } else if (i >= NTYPES) { panic("too many types in file \"%s\"", curfilename()); } /* * A hack for C typedefs that don't create new types, * e.g. typedef unsigned int Hashvalue; * or typedef struct blah BLAH; */ if (*curchar != '=') { s->type = typetable[i]; if (s->type == nil) { s->type = symbol_alloc(); typetable[i] = s->type; } } else { if (typetable[i] != nil) { typetable[i]->language = curlang; typetable[i]->class = TYPE; typetable[i]->type = s; } else { typetable[i] = s; } skipchar(curchar, '='); getType(s); } } /* * Enter a tag name. */ private tagName (s) Symbol s; { register integer i; s->class = TAG; i = getint(); if (i == 0) { panic("bad input on tag \"%s\" at \"%s\"", symname(s), curchar); } else if (i >= NTYPES) { panic("too many types in file \"%s\"", curfilename()); } if (typetable[i] != nil) { typetable[i]->language = curlang; typetable[i]->class = TYPE; typetable[i]->type = s; } else { typetable[i] = s; } skipchar(curchar, '='); getType(s); } /* * Setup a symbol entry for a public procedure or function. * * If it contains nested procedures, then it may already be defined * in the current block as a MODULE. */ private publicRoutine (s, n, class, addr, isinternal) Symbol *s; Name n; Symclass class; Address addr; boolean isinternal; { Symbol nt, t; newSym(nt, n); if (isinternal) { markInternal(nt); } enterRoutine(nt, class); find(t, n) where t != nt and t->class == MODULE and t->block == nt->block endfind(t); if (t == nil) { t = nt; } else { t->language = nt->language; t->class = nt->class; t->type = nt->type; t->chain = nt->chain; t->symvalue = nt->symvalue; nt->class = EXTREF; nt->symvalue.extref = t; delete(nt); curparam = t; changeBlock(t); } if (t->block == program) { t->level = program->level; } else if (t->class == MODULE) { t->level = t->block->level; } else if (t->block->class == MODULE) { t->level = t->block->block->level; } else { t->level = t->block->level + 1; } *s = t; } /* * Setup a symbol entry for a private procedure or function. */ private privateRoutine (s, n, class, addr) Symbol *s; Name n; Symclass class; Address addr; { Symbol t; boolean isnew; find(t, n) where t->level == curmodule->level and t->class == class endfind(t); if (t == nil) { isnew = true; t = insert(n); } else { isnew = false; } t->language = curlang; enterRoutine(t, class); if (isnew) { t->symvalue.funcv.src = false; t->symvalue.funcv.inline = false; t->symvalue.funcv.beginaddr = addr; newfunc(t, codeloc(t)); findbeginning(t); } *s = t; } /* * Set up for beginning a new procedure, function, or module. * If it's a function, then read the type. * * If the next character is a ",", then read the name of the enclosing block. * Otherwise assume the previous function, if any, is over, and the current * routine is at the same level. */ private enterRoutine (s, class) Symbol s; Symclass class; { s->class = class; if (class == FUNC) { getType(s); } if (s->class != MODULE) { getExtRef(s); } else if (*curchar == ',') { ++curchar; } if (*curchar != '\0') { exitblock(); enterNestedBlock(s); } else { if (curblock->class == FUNC or curblock->class == PROC) { exitblock(); } if (class == MODULE) { exitblock(); } enterblock(s); } curparam = s; } /* * Handling an external variable is tricky, since we might already * know it but need to define it's type for other type information * in the file. So just in case we read the type information anyway. */ private extVar (symp, n, off) Symbol *symp; Name n; integer off; { Symbol s, t; find(s, n) where s->level == program->level and s->class == VAR endfind(s); if (s == nil) { makeVariable(s, n, off); s->storage = EXT; s->level = program->level; s->block = curmodule; getExtRef(s); } else { t = constype(nil); } *symp = s; } /* * Check to see if the stab string contains the name of the external * reference. If so, we create a symbol with that name and class EXTREF, and * connect it to the given symbol. This link is created so that when * we see the linker symbol we can resolve it to the given symbol. */ private getExtRef (s) Symbol s; { char *p; Name n; Symbol t; if (*curchar == ',' and *(curchar + 1) != '\0') { p = index(curchar + 1, ','); *curchar = '\0'; if (p != nil) { *p = '\0'; n = identname(curchar + 1, false); curchar = p + 1; } else { n = identname(curchar + 1, true); } t = insert(n); t->language = s->language; t->class = EXTREF; t->block = program; t->level = program->level; t->symvalue.extref = s; } } /* * Find a block with the given identifier in the given outer block. * If not there, then create it. */ private Symbol findBlock (id, m) String id; Symbol m; { Name n; Symbol s; n = identname(id, true); find(s, n) where s->block == m and isblock(s) endfind(s); if (s == nil) { s = insert(n); s->block = m; s->language = curlang; s->class = MODULE; s->level = m->level + 1; } return s; } /* * Enter a nested block. * The block within which it is nested is described * by "module{:module}[:proc]". */ private enterNestedBlock (b) Symbol b; { register char *p, *q; Symbol m, s; Name n; q = curchar; p = index(q, ':'); m = program; while (p != nil) { *p = '\0'; m = findBlock(q, m); q = p + 1; p = index(q, ':'); } if (*q != '\0') { m = findBlock(q, m); } b->level = m->level + 1; b->block = m; pushBlock(b); } /* * Enter a statically-allocated variable defined within a routine. * * Global BSS variables are chained together so we can resolve them * when the start of common is determined. The list is kept in order * so that f77 can display all vars in a COMMON. */ private ownVariable (s, addr) Symbol s; Address addr; { s->storage = EXT; /* s->level = 1; */ if (curcomm) { if (commchain != nil) { commchain->symvalue.common.chain = s; } else { curcomm->symvalue.common.offset = (integer) s; } commchain = s; s->symvalue.common.offset = addr; s->symvalue.common.chain = nil; } } /* * Get a type from the current stab string for the given symbol. */ private getType (s) Symbol s; { Symbol t, addtag(); if (s->class == TAG) { t = addtag(s); t->type = constype(nil); s->type = t->type; } else { s->type = constype(nil); } } /* * Construct a type out of a string encoding. */ private Rangetype getRangeBoundType(); private Symbol constype (type) Symbol type; { register Symbol t; register integer n; char class; char *p; while (*curchar == '@') { p = index(curchar, ';'); if (p == nil) { fflush(stdout); fprintf(stderr, "missing ';' after type attributes"); } else { curchar = p + 1; } } if (isdigit(*curchar)) { n = getint(); if (n >= NTYPES) { panic("too many types in file \"%s\"", curfilename()); } if (*curchar == '=') { if (typetable[n] != nil) { t = typetable[n]; } else { t = symbol_alloc(); typetable[n] = t; } ++curchar; constype(t); } else { t = typetable[n]; if (t == nil) { t = symbol_alloc(); typetable[n] = t; } } } else { if (type == nil) { t = symbol_alloc(); } else { t = type; } t->language = curlang; t->level = curblock->level + 1; t->block = curblock; class = *curchar++; switch (class) { case T_SUBRANGE: consSubrange(t); break; case T_ARRAY: t->class = ARRAY; t->chain = constype(nil); skipchar(curchar, ';'); chkcont(curchar); t->type = constype(nil); break; case T_OLDOPENARRAY: t->class = DYNARRAY; t->symvalue.ndims = 1; t->type = constype(nil); t->chain = t_int; break; case T_OPENARRAY: consDynarray(t, OPENARRAY); break; case T_DYNARRAY: consDynarray(t, DYNARRAY); break; case T_SUBARRAY: t->class = SUBARRAY; t->symvalue.ndims = getint(); skipchar(curchar, ','); t->type = constype(nil); t->chain = t_int; break; case T_RECORD: consRecord(t, RECORD); break; case T_UNION: consRecord(t, VARNT); break; case T_ENUM: consEnum(t); break; case T_PTR: t->class = PTR; t->type = constype(nil); break; /* * C function variables are different from Modula-2's. */ case T_FUNCVAR: t->class = FFUNC; t->type = constype(nil); if (streq(language_name(curlang), "modula-2")) { skipchar(curchar, ','); consParamlist(t); } break; case T_PROCVAR: t->class = FPROC; consParamlist(t); break; case T_IMPORTED: consImpType(t); break; case T_SET: t->class = SET; t->type = constype(nil); break; case T_OPAQUE: consOpaqType(t); break; case T_FILE: t->class = FILET; t->type = constype(nil); break; default: badcaseval(class); } } return t; } /* * Construct a subrange type. */ private consSubrange (t) Symbol t; { t->class = RANGE; t->type = constype(nil); skipchar(curchar, ';'); chkcont(curchar); t->symvalue.rangev.lowertype = getRangeBoundType(); t->symvalue.rangev.lower = getint(); skipchar(curchar, ';'); chkcont(curchar); t->symvalue.rangev.uppertype = getRangeBoundType(); t->symvalue.rangev.upper = getint(); } /* * Figure out the bound type of a range. * * Some letters indicate a dynamic bound, ie what follows * is the offset from the fp which contains the bound; this will * need a different encoding when pc a['A'..'Z'] is * added; J is a special flag to handle fortran a(*) bounds */ private Rangetype getRangeBoundType () { Rangetype r; switch (*curchar) { case 'A': r = R_ARG; curchar++; break; case 'T': r = R_TEMP; curchar++; break; case 'J': r = R_ADJUST; curchar++; break; default: r = R_CONST; break; } return r; } /* * Construct a dynamic array descriptor. */ private consDynarray (t, c) register Symbol t; Symclass c; { t->class = c; t->symvalue.ndims = getint(); skipchar(curchar, ','); t->type = constype(nil); t->chain = t_int; } /* * Construct a record or union type. */ private consRecord (t, class) Symbol t; Symclass class; { register Symbol u; register char *cur, *p; Name name; integer d; t->class = class; t->symvalue.offset = getint(); d = curblock->level + 1; u = t; chkcont(curchar); cur = curchar; while (*cur != ';' and *cur != '\0') { p = index(cur, ':'); if (p == nil) { panic("index(\"%s\", ':') failed", curchar); } *p = '\0'; if ( autostrip and *cur == '_' and streq(language_name(curlang), "c++") ) { /* * Strip off redundant prefixes from C++ names. * Class members are prefixed with _T_, where T is a class tag. */ register char *q, *r; Symbol s; /* * The slow way... Check for members defined in the base class. */ for (q = cur + 1, r = q; (r = index(r, '_')) != nil; ++r) { if (r == q) { continue; } *r = '\0'; s = lookup(identname(q, true)); if (s != nil and s->class == TYPE) { char *newcur = r + 1; if (*newcur != '\0') { cur = newcur; break; } } *r = '_'; } } name = identname(cur, true); u->chain = newSymbol(name, d, FIELD, nil, nil); cur = p + 1; u = u->chain; u->language = curlang; curchar = cur; u->type = constype(nil); skipchar(curchar, ','); u->symvalue.field.offset = getint(); skipchar(curchar, ','); u->symvalue.field.length = getint(); skipchar(curchar, ';'); chkcont(curchar); cur = curchar; } if (*cur == ';') { ++cur; } curchar = cur; } /* * Construct an enumeration type. */ private consEnum (t) Symbol t; { register Symbol u; register char *p; register integer count; t->class = SCAL; count = 0; u = t; while (*curchar != ';' and *curchar != '\0' and *curchar != ',') { p = index(curchar, ':'); assert(p != nil); *p = '\0'; u->chain = insert(identname(curchar, true)); curchar = p + 1; u = u->chain; u->language = curlang; u->class = CONST; u->level = curblock->level + 1; u->block = curblock; u->type = t; u->symvalue.constval = build(O_LCON, (long) getint()); ++count; skipchar(curchar, ','); chkcont(curchar); } if (*curchar == ';') { ++curchar; } t->symvalue.iconval = count; } /* * Construct a parameter list for a function or procedure variable. */ private consParamlist (t) Symbol t; { Symbol p; integer i, d, n, paramclass; n = getint(); skipchar(curchar, ';'); p = t; d = curblock->level + 1; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { p->chain = newSymbol(nil, d, VAR, nil, nil); p = p->chain; p->type = constype(nil); skipchar(curchar, ','); paramclass = getint(); if (paramclass == 0) { p->class = REF; } skipchar(curchar, ';'); chkcont(curchar); } } /* * Construct an imported type. * Add it to a list of symbols to get fixed up. */ private consImpType (t) Symbol t; { register char *p; Symbol tmp; p = curchar; while (*p != ',' and *p != ';' and *p != '\0') { ++p; } if (*p == '\0') { panic("bad import symbol entry '%s'", curchar); } t->class = TYPEREF; t->symvalue.typeref = curchar; if (*p == ',') { curchar = p + 1; tmp = constype(nil); } else { curchar = p; } skipchar(curchar, ';'); *p = '\0'; } /* * Construct an opaque type entry. */ private consOpaqType (t) Symbol t; { register char *p; register Symbol s; register Name n; boolean def; p = curchar; while (*p != ';' and *p != ',') { if (*p == '\0') { panic("bad opaque symbol entry '%s'", curchar); } ++p; } def = (Boolean) (*p == ','); *p = '\0'; n = identname(curchar, true); find(s, n) where s->class == TYPEREF endfind(s); if (s == nil) { s = insert(n); s->class = TYPEREF; s->type = nil; } curchar = p + 1; if (def) { s->type = constype(nil); skipchar(curchar, ';'); } t->class = TYPE; t->type = s; } /* * Read an integer from the current position in the type string. */ private integer getint () { register integer n; register char *p; register Boolean isneg; n = 0; p = curchar; if (*p == '-') { isneg = true; ++p; } else { isneg = false; } while (isdigit(*p)) { n = 10*n + (*p - '0'); ++p; } curchar = p; return isneg ? (-n) : n; } /* * Add a tag name. This is a kludge to be able to refer * to tags that have the same name as some other symbol * in the same block. */ private Symbol addtag (s) register Symbol s; { register Symbol t; char buf[100]; if (streq(language_name(curlang), "c++")) { t = insert(s->name); t->class = TYPE; } else { sprintf(buf, "$$%.90s", ident(s->name)); t = insert(identname(buf, false)); t->class = TAG; } t->language = s->language; t->block = s->block; return t; }