/* Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California */ static char sccsid[] = "@(#)tree.c 1.8 (Berkeley) 03/01/85"; static char rcsid[] = "$Header: tree.c,v 1.5 84/12/26 10:42:55 linton Exp $"; /* * Parse tree management. */ #include "defs.h" #include "tree.h" #include "operators.h" #include "debug.h" #include "eval.h" #include "events.h" #include "symbols.h" #include "scanner.h" #include "source.h" #include "object.h" #include "mappings.h" #include "process.h" #include "machine.h" #ifndef public #include "lists.h" typedef struct Node *Node; typedef Node Command; typedef List Cmdlist; #include "operators.h" #include "symbols.h" #include "events.h" #define MAXNARGS 5 struct Node { Operator op; Symbol nodetype; union treevalue { Symbol sym; Name name; long lcon; double fcon; String scon; Node arg[MAXNARGS]; struct { Node cond; Cmdlist actions; } event; struct { Boolean inst; Event event; Cmdlist actions; } trace; struct { Boolean source; Boolean skipcalls; } step; struct { String mode; Node beginaddr; Node endaddr; Integer count; } examine; } value; }; #define evalcmd(cmd) eval(cmd) #define cmdlist_append(cmd, cl) list_append(list_item(cmd), nil, cl) #endif typedef char *Arglist; #define nextarg(type) ((type *) (ap += sizeof(type)))[-1] /* * Build a tree. */ /* VARARGS1 */ public Node build(op, args) Operator op; { register Node p, q; register Arglist ap; Integer i; p = new(Node); p->op = op; p->nodetype = nil; ap = (Arglist) &args; switch (op) { case O_NAME: p->value.name = nextarg(Name); break; case O_SYM: case O_PRINTCALL: case O_PRINTRTN: case O_PROCRTN: p->value.sym = nextarg(Symbol); break; case O_DEBUG: case O_LCON: case O_CCON: case O_CONT: case O_CATCH: case O_IGNORE: case O_TRACEOFF: p->value.lcon = nextarg(long); break; case O_FCON: p->value.fcon = nextarg(double); break; case O_SCON: case O_CHFILE: case O_EDIT: case O_SOURCE: p->value.scon = nextarg(String); break; case O_RVAL: case O_INDIR: p->value.arg[0] = nextarg(Node); break; case O_CALL: q = nextarg(Node); if (q->op == O_SYM and (q->value.sym->class == TYPE or q->value.sym->class == TAG) ) { p->op = O_TYPERENAME; p->value.arg[0] = nextarg(Node); p->value.arg[1] = q; q = p->value.arg[0]; if (q->value.arg[1] != nil) { error("too many arguments to type rename"); } p->value.arg[0] = q->value.arg[0]; } else { p->value.arg[0] = q; p->value.arg[1] = nextarg(Node); } break; case O_ADDEVENT: case O_ONCE: case O_IF: p->value.event.cond = nextarg(Node); p->value.event.actions = nextarg(Cmdlist); break; case O_TRACEON: p->value.trace.inst = nextarg(Boolean); p->value.trace.event = nil; p->value.trace.actions = nextarg(Cmdlist); break; case O_STEP: p->value.step.source = nextarg(Boolean); p->value.step.skipcalls = nextarg(Boolean); break; case O_EXAMINE: p->value.examine.mode = nextarg(String); p->value.examine.beginaddr = nextarg(Node); p->value.examine.endaddr = nextarg(Node); p->value.examine.count = nextarg(Integer); break; default: for (i = 0; i < nargs(op); i++) { p->value.arg[i] = nextarg(Node); } break; } check(p); assigntypes(p); if (tracetree) { printf("built %s node 0x%x with arg[0] 0x%x arg[1] 0x%x\n", opname(p->op), p, p->value.arg[0], p->value.arg[1]); fflush(stdout); } return p; } /* * Strip away indirection from a node, thus returning a node for * interpreting the expression as an lvalue. */ public Node unrval (exp) Node exp; { Node p; Symbol t; if (exp->op == O_RVAL) { p = exp->value.arg[0]; dispose(exp); } else if (exp->op == O_INDIR) { p = exp->value.arg[0]; if (p->op == O_RVAL) { p->op = O_INDIR; p->nodetype = exp->nodetype; } dispose(exp); } else { p = exp; } return p; } /* * Create a node for renaming a node to a pointer type. */ public Node renameptr (p, t) Node p; Node t; { t->nodetype = newSymbol(nil, 0, PTR, t->nodetype, nil); p = build(O_TYPERENAME, p, t); } /* * Return the tree for a unary ampersand operator. */ public Node amper(p) Node p; { Node r; checkref(p); switch (p->op) { case O_RVAL: case O_INDIR: r = p->value.arg[0]; r->nodetype = t_addr; dispose(p); break; case O_TYPERENAME: r = p; r->nodetype = newSymbol(nil, 0, PTR, r->nodetype, nil); break; case O_SYM: if (isblock(p->value.sym)) { r = build(O_LCON, codeloc(p->value.sym)); } else { r = build(O_LCON, address(p->value.sym, nil)); } r->nodetype = t_addr; dispose(p); break; case O_DOT: r = p; r->nodetype = t_addr; break; default: beginerrmsg(); fprintf(stderr, "expected variable, found \""); prtree(stderr, p); fprintf(stderr, "\""); tfree(p); enderrmsg(); /* NOTREACHED */ } return r; } /* * Create a "concrete" version of a node. * This is necessary when the type of the node contains * an unresolved type reference. */ public Node concrete(p) Node p; { findtype(p->nodetype); return build(O_INDIR, p); } /* * Create a command list from a single command. */ public Cmdlist buildcmdlist(cmd) Command cmd; { Cmdlist cmdlist; cmdlist = list_alloc(); cmdlist_append(cmd, cmdlist); return cmdlist; } /* * Print out a command. */ public printcmd(f, cmd) File f; Command cmd; { register Integer i; register Command c; register Node p; switch (cmd->op) { case O_PRINTIFCHANGED: case O_PRINTSRCPOS: case O_STOPIFCHANGED: case O_TRACEON: break; case O_STEP: if (cmd->value.step.skipcalls) { fprintf(f, "next"); } else { fprintf(f, "step"); } if (not cmd->value.step.source) { fprintf(f, "i"); } break; default: fprintf(f, "%s", opinfo[ord(cmd->op)].opstring); if (nargs(cmd->op) != 0) { fprintf(f, " "); } break; } switch (cmd->op) { case O_PRINTCALL: case O_PRINTRTN: case O_PROCRTN: fprintf(f, "%s", symname(cmd->value.sym)); break; case O_PRINTSRCPOS: p = cmd->value.arg[0]; if (p != nil and p->op != O_QLINE) { printf("trace "); prtree(f, p); } break; case O_CHFILE: case O_EDIT: case O_SOURCE: fprintf(f, "%s", cmd->value.scon); break; case O_CATCH: case O_IGNORE: case O_TRACEOFF: fprintf(f, "%d", cmd->value.lcon); break; case O_ADDEVENT: case O_ONCE: case O_IF: fprintf(f, " "); prtree(f, cmd->value.event.cond); fprintf(f, " { "); foreach (Command, c, cmd->value.event.actions) printcmd(f, c); if (not list_islast()) { fprintf(f, ";"); } endfor fprintf(f, " }", opinfo[ord(cmd->op)].opstring); break; case O_TRACEON: print_tracestop(f, cmd); break; case O_EXAMINE: prtree(f, cmd->value.examine.beginaddr); if (cmd->value.examine.endaddr != nil) { fprintf(f, ","); prtree(f, cmd->value.examine.endaddr); } fprintf(f, "/"); if (cmd->value.examine.count > 1) { fprintf(f, "%d", cmd->value.examine.count); } fprintf("%s", cmd->value.examine.mode); break; default: if (nargs(cmd->op) != 0) { i = 0; for (;;) { prtree(f, cmd->value.arg[i]); ++i; if (i >= nargs(cmd->op)) break; fprintf(f, " "); } } break; } } /* * Print out a trace/stop command name. */ #define fprintI(f, b) { if (b) fprintf(f, "i"); } private print_tracestop(f, cmd) File f; Command cmd; { register Command c, ifcmd, stopcmd; Boolean done; done = false; ifcmd = list_element(Command, list_head(cmd->value.trace.actions)); checkref(ifcmd); if (ifcmd->op == O_IF) { stopcmd = list_element(Command, list_head(ifcmd->value.event.actions)); checkref(stopcmd); if (stopcmd->op == O_STOPX) { fprintf(f, "stop"); fprintI(f, cmd->value.trace.inst); fprintf(f, " if "); prtree(f, ifcmd->value.event.cond); done = true; } } else if (ifcmd->op == O_STOPIFCHANGED) { fprintf(f, "stop"); fprintI(f, cmd->value.trace.inst); fprintf(f, " "); prtree(f, ifcmd->value.arg[0]); done = true; } if (not done) { fprintf(f, "%s ", cmd->value.trace.inst ? "tracei" : "trace"); foreach (Command, c, cmd->value.trace.actions) printcmd(f, c); if (not list_islast()) { fprintf(f, ";"); } endfor } } /* * Print out a tree. */ public prtree(f, p) File f; register Node p; { register Node q; Operator op; if (p != nil) { op = p->op; if (ord(op) > ord(O_LASTOP)) { panic("bad op %d in prtree", p->op); } switch (op) { case O_NAME: fprintf(f, "%s", ident(p->value.name)); break; case O_SYM: printname(f, p->value.sym); break; case O_QLINE: if (nlhdr.nfiles > 1) { prtree(f, p->value.arg[0]); fprintf(f, ":"); } prtree(f, p->value.arg[1]); break; case O_LCON: fprintf(f, "%d", p->value.lcon); break; case O_CCON: fprintf(f, "'%c'", p->value.lcon); break; case O_FCON: fprintf(f, "%g", p->value.fcon); break; case O_SCON: fprintf(f, "\"%s\"", p->value.scon); break; case O_INDEX: prtree(f, p->value.arg[0]); fprintf(f, "["); prtree(f, p->value.arg[1]); fprintf(f, "]"); break; case O_COMMA: prtree(f, p->value.arg[0]); if (p->value.arg[1] != nil) { fprintf(f, ", "); prtree(f, p->value.arg[1]); } break; case O_RVAL: case O_ITOF: prtree(f, p->value.arg[0]); break; case O_CALL: prtree(f, p->value.arg[0]); if (p->value.arg[1]!= nil) { fprintf(f, "("); prtree(f, p->value.arg[1]); fprintf(f, ")"); } break; case O_INDIR: prtree(f, p->value.arg[0]); fprintf(f, "^"); break; case O_DOT: prtree(f, p->value.arg[0]); fprintf(f, ".%s", symname(p->value.arg[1]->value.sym)); break; case O_TYPERENAME: prtree(f, p->value.arg[1]); fprintf(f, "("); prtree(f, p->value.arg[0]); fprintf(f, ")"); break; default: switch (degree(op)) { case BINARY: prtree(f, p->value.arg[0]); fprintf(f, "%s", opinfo[ord(op)].opstring); prtree(f, p->value.arg[1]); break; case UNARY: fprintf(f, "%s", opinfo[ord(op)].opstring); prtree(f, p->value.arg[0]); break; default: if (opinfo[ord(op)].opstring == nil) { fprintf(f, "[op %d]", ord(op)); } else { fprintf(f, "%s", opinfo[ord(op)].opstring); } break; } break; } } } /* * Free storage associated with a tree. */ public tfree(p) Node p; { Integer i; if (p == nil) { return; } switch (p->op) { case O_QLINE: dispose(p->value.arg[0]->value.scon); dispose(p->value.arg[0]); tfree(p->value.arg[1]); break; case O_SCON: unmkstring(p->nodetype); dispose(p->nodetype); dispose(p->value.scon); break; default: for (i = 0; i < nargs(p->op); i++) { tfree(p->value.arg[i]); } break; } dispose(p); }