.\" %sccs.include.proprietary.roff% .\" .\" @(#)g0 6.2 (Berkeley) 04/17/91 .\" .EH 'USD:27-%''Typesetting Mathematics _ User\'s Guide' .OH 'Typesetting Mathematics _ User\'s Guide''USD:27-%' .EQ delim $$ .EN \".ND "June 2, 1976" .\".RP \".TM "76-1273-4 76-1271-4" 39199 39199-11 .TL Typesetting Mathematics _ User's Guide \&\ \ \ \ \ (Second\ Edition) .AU 2C-518 6021 Brian W. Kernighan and Lorinda L. Cherry .AI .MH .AB .in .ll .PP This is the user's guide for a system for typesetting mathematics, using the phototypesetters on the .UX operating system. .PP Mathematical expressions are described in a language designed to be easy to use by people who know neither mathematics nor typesetting. Enough of the language to set in-line expressions like $lim from {x-> pi /2} ( tan~x) sup{sin~2x}~=~1$ or display equations like .in .5i .EQ I G(z)~mark =~ e sup { ln ~ G(z) } ~=~ exp left ( sum from k>=1 {S sub k z sup k} over k right ) ~=~ prod from k>=1 e sup {S sub k z sup k /k} .EN .EQ I lineup = left ( 1 + S sub 1 z + { S sub 1 sup 2 z sup 2 } over 2! + ... right ) left ( 1+ { S sub 2 z sup 2 } over 2 + { S sub 2 sup 2 z sup 4 } over { 2 sup 2 cdot 2! } + ... right ) ... .EN .EQ I lineup = sum from m>=0 left ( sum from pile { k sub 1 ,k sub 2 ,..., k sub m >=0 above k sub 1 +2k sub 2 + ... +mk sub m =m} { S sub 1 sup {k sub 1} } over {1 sup k sub 1 k sub 1 ! } ~ { S sub 2 sup {k sub 2} } over {2 sup k sub 2 k sub 2 ! } ~ ... { S sub m sup {k sub m} } over {m sup k sub m k sub m ! } right ) z sup m .EN .in 0 can be learned in an hour or so. .PP The language interfaces directly with the phototypesetting language .UC TROFF , so mathematical expressions can be embedded in the running text of a manuscript, and the entire document produced in one process. This user's guide is an example of its output. .PP The same language may be used with the .UC UNIX formatter .UC NROFF to set mathematical expressions on .UC DASI and .UC GSI terminals and Model 37 teletypes. .AE .CS 11 0 11 0 0 3