/* code.x-ecs 4.1 83/08/05 */ "\001 ", /*space*/ "\001!", /*!*/ "\001\"", /*"*/ "\001#", /*#*/ "\001$", /*$*/ "\001%", /*%*/ "\001&", /*&*/ "\001'", /*'*/ "\001(", /*(*/ "\001)", /*)*/ "\001*", /***/ "\001+", /*+*/ "\001,", /*,*/ "\001-", /*-*/ "\001.", /*.*/ "\001/", /*/*/ "\2010", /*0*/ "\2011", /*1*/ "\2012", /*2*/ "\2013", /*3*/ "\2014", /*4*/ "\2015", /*5*/ "\2016", /*6*/ "\2017", /*7*/ "\2018", /*8*/ "\2019", /*9*/ "\001:", /*:*/ "\001;", /*;*/ "\001<", /*<*/ "\001=", /*=*/ "\001>", /*>*/ "\001?", /*?*/ "\001@", /*@*/ "\201A", /*A*/ "\201B", /*B*/ "\201C", /*C*/ "\201D", /*D*/ "\201E", /*E*/ "\201F", /*F*/ "\201G", /*G*/ "\201H", /*H*/ "\201I", /*I*/ "\201J", /*J*/ "\201K", /*K*/ "\201L", /*L*/ "\201M", /*M*/ "\201N", /*N*/ "\201O", /*O*/ "\201P", /*P*/ "\201Q", /*Q*/ "\201R", /*R*/ "\201S", /*S*/ "\201T", /*T*/ "\201U", /*U*/ "\201V", /*V*/ "\201W", /*W*/ "\201X", /*X*/ "\201Y", /*Y*/ "\201Z", /*Z*/ "\001[", /*[*/ "\001\\", /*\*/ "\001]", /*]*/ "\001^", /*^*/ "\001_", /*_*/ "\001`", /*`*/ "\201a", /*a*/ "\201b", /*b*/ "\201c", /*c*/ "\201d", /*d*/ "\201e", /*e*/ "\201f", /*f*/ "\201g", /*g*/ "\201h", /*h*/ "\201i", /*i*/ "\201j", /*j*/ "\201k", /*k*/ "\201l", /*l*/ "\201m", /*m*/ "\201n", /*n*/ "\201o", /*o*/ "\201p", /*p*/ "\201q", /*q*/ "\201r", /*r*/ "\201s", /*s*/ "\201t", /*t*/ "\201u", /*u*/ "\201v", /*v*/ "\201w", /*w*/ "\201x", /*x*/ "\201y", /*y*/ "\201z", /*z*/ "\001{", /*{*/ "\001|", /*|*/ "\001}", /*}*/ "\001~", /*~*/ "\000\0", /*narrow sp*/ "\001-", /*hyphen*/ "\001\016Z\017", /*bullet*/ "\002[]", /*square*/ "\002--", /*3/4 em dash*/ "\001_", /*rule*/ "\0031/4", /*1/4*/ "\0031/2", /*1/2*/ "\0033/4", /*3/4*/ "\001-", /*minus*/ "\202fi", /*fi*/ "\202fl", /*fl*/ "\202ff", /*ff*/ "\203ffi", /*ffi*/ "\203ffl", /*ffl*/ "\001\016p\017", /*degree*/ "\001|\b\342-\302", /*dagger*/ "\001\301s\343s\302", /*section*/ "\001'", /*foot mark*/ "\001\033Z", /*acute accent*/ "\001`", /*grave accent*/ "\001_", /*underrule*/ "\001/", /*long slash*/ "\000\0", /*half narrow space*/ "\001 ", /*unpaddable space*/ "\001\016A\017", /*alpha*/ "\001\016B\017", /*beta*/ "\001\016C\017", /*gamma*/ "\001\016D\017", /*delta*/ "\001\016E\017", /*epsilon*/ "\001\016F\017", /*zeta*/ "\001\016G\017", /*eta*/ "\001\016H\017", /*theta*/ "\001\016I\017", /*iota*/ "\001\016J\017", /*kappa*/ "\001\016K\017", /*lambda*/ "\001\016L\017", /*mu*/ "\001\016M\017", /*nu*/ "\001\016N\017", /*xi*/ "\001\016O\017", /*omicron*/ "\001\016P\017", /*pi*/ "\001\016Q\017", /*rho*/ "\001\016R\017", /*sigma*/ "\001\016S\017", /*tau*/ "\001\016T\017", /*upsilon*/ "\001\016U\017", /*phi*/ "\001\016V\017", /*chi*/ "\001\016W\017", /*psi*/ "\001\016X\017", /*omega*/ "\001\016#\017", /*Gamma*/ "\001\016$\017", /*Delta*/ "\001\016(\017", /*Theta*/ "\001\016+\017", /*Lambda*/ "\001\016.\017", /*Xi*/ "\001\0160\017", /*Pi*/ "\001\0169\017", /*Sigma*/ "\000", /**/ "\001\0164\017", /*Upsilon*/ "\001\0165\017", /*Phi*/ "\001\0167\017", /*Psi*/ "\001\0168\017", /*Omega*/ "\001\016[\017", /*square root*/ "\001\016Y\017", /*\(ts yields script-l*/ "\001\016k\017", /*root en*/ "\001>\b_", /*>=*/ "\001<\b_", /*<=*/ "\001=\b_", /*identically equal*/ "\001-", /*equation minus*/ "\001\016o\017", /*approx =*/ "\001\016n\017", /*approximates*/ "\001=\b/", /*not equal*/ "\002-\242-\202>", /*right arrow*/ "\002<\b\202-\242\200-", /*left arrow*/ "\001|\b^", /*up arrow*/ "\001|\b\302v\342", /*down arrow*/ "\001=", /*equation equal*/ "\001\016|\017", /*multiply*/ "\001\016}\017", /*divide*/ "\001\016j\017", /*plus-minus*/ "\001\243|\203_\203|\243", /*cup (union)*/ "\001\243|\203\351_\311\203|\243", /*cap (intersection)*/ "\001\243(\203\302-\345-\303", /*subset of*/ "\001\302-\345-\303\203)\243", /*superset of*/ "\001_\b\243(\203\302-\345-\303", /*improper subset*/ "\001_\b\302-\345-\303\203)\243", /*improper superset*/ "\001\016~\017", /*infinity*/ "\001\200o\201\301`\241\341`\241\341`\201\301", /*partial derivative*/ "\001\016:\017", /*gradient*/ "\001\200-\202\341,\301\242", /*not*/ "\001\016?\017", /*integral sign*/ "\002o\242c\202", /*proportional to*/ "\001O\b/", /*empty set*/ "\001<\b\341-\302", /*member of*/ "\001+", /*equation plus*/ "\003(R)", /*registered*/ "\003(C)", /*copyright*/ "\001|", /*box rule */ "\001\033Y", /*cent sign*/ "\001|\b\342=\302", /*double dagger*/ "\002=>", /*right hand*/ "\002<=", /*left hand*/ "\001*", /*math * */ "\001\0162\017", /*\(bs yields small sigma*/ "\001|", /*or (was star)*/ "\001O", /*circle*/ "\001|", /*left top of big brace*/ "\001|", /*left bot of big brace*/ "\001|", /*right top of big brace*/ "\001|", /*right bot of big brace*/ "\001\016]\017", /*left center of big brace*/ "\001\016\\\017", /*right center of big brace*/ "\001|", /*bold vertical*/ "\001|", /*left floor (lb of big bracket)*/ "\001|", /*right floor (rb of big bracket)*/ "\001|", /*left ceiling (lt of big bracket)*/ "\001|" /*right ceiling (rt of big bracket)*/ };