/* * Copyright (c) 1982, 1990 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * %sccs.include.redist.c% * * @(#)if_apx.c 7.2 (Berkeley) 08/09/91 */ /* * Driver for SGS-THOMSON MK5025 based Link level controller. * The chip will do LAPB in hardware, although this driver only * attempts to use it for HDLC framing. * * Driver written by Keith Sklower, based on lance AMD7990 * driver by Van Jacobsen, and information graciously supplied * by the ADAX corporation of Berkeley, CA. */ #include "apx.h" #if NAPX > 0 #include "param.h" #include "mbuf.h" #include "socket.h" #include "ioctl.h" #include "errno.h" #include "syslog.h" #include "net/if.h" #include "net/netisr.h" #include "net/if_types.h" #include "netccitt/x25.h" #include "if_apxreg.h" int apxprobe(), apxattach(), apxstart(), apx_uprim(), apx_meminit(); int apxinit(), x25_ifoutput(), x25_rtrequest(), apxioctl(), apxreset(); void apx_ifattach(), apxinput(), apxintr(), apxtint(), apaxrint(); struct apx_softc { struct ifnet apx_if; caddr_t apx_device; /* e.g. isa_device */ u_short apx_csr4; /* byte gender, set in mach dep code */ struct apc_reg *apx_reg; /* control regs for both subunits */ struct apc_mem *apx_hmem; /* Host addr for shared memory */ struct apc_mem *apx_dmem; /* Device (chip) addr for shared mem */ struct sgcp *apx_sgcp; /* IO control port for this subunit */ struct apc_modes apx_modes; /* Parameters, as amended by ioctls */ int apx_rxnum; /* Last receiver dx we looked at */ int apx_txnum; /* Last tranmistter dx we stomped on */ int apx_txcnt; /* Number of packets queued for tx*/ } apx_softc[2 * NAPX], *apx_lastsoftc = apx_softc; struct apxstat { int nulltx; int pint; } apxstat; /* default operating paramters for devices */ struct apc_modes apx_default_modes = { { 1, /* apm_sgob.lsaddr; */ 3, /* apm_sgob.rsaddr; */ -SGMTU, /* apm_sgob.n1; */ ((-10)<<8), /* apm_sgob.n2_scale; */ -1250, /* apm_sgob.t1; */ -10000, /* apm_sgob.t3; */ -80, /* apm_sgob.tp; */ }, 2, /* apm_txwin; */ 5, /* apm_apxmode; */ 0, /* apm_apxaltmode; */ IFT_X25, /* apm_iftype; */ }; /* Begin bus & endian dependence */ #include "isa_device.h" struct isa_driver apxdriver = { apxprobe, apxattach, "apx", }; #define SG_RCSR(apx, csrnum) \ (outw(&(apx->apx_sgcp->sgcp_rap), csrnum << 1), \ inw(&(apx->apx_sgcp->sgcp_rdp))) #define SG_WCSR(apx, csrnum, data) \ (outw(&(apx->apx_sgcp->sgcp_rap), csrnum << 1), \ outw(&(apx->apx_sgcp->sgcp_rdp), data)) #define APX_RCSR(apx, csrname) inb(&(apx->apx_reg->csrname)) #define APX_WCSR(apx, csrname, data) outb(&(apx->apx_reg->csrname), data) #define TIMO 10000 /* used in apx_uprim */ apxprobe(id) register struct isa_device *id; { int moffset, subunit, unit = id->id_unit << 1; struct apc_reg *reg = (struct apc_reg *)id->id_iobase; register struct apx_softc *apx = apx_softc + unit; /* Set and read DTR defeat in channel 0 to test presence of apc */ outb(®->axr_altmode, 4); if (inb(®->axr_altmode) == 0) return 0; /* No board present */ for (subunit = 0; subunit < 2; subunit++, apx++) { /* Set and read DTR mode to test present of SGS thompson chip */ apx->apx_if.if_unit = unit++; apx->apx_sgcp = reg->axr_sgcp + subunit; SG_WCSR(apx, 5, 0x08); if (((SG_RCSR(apx, 5) & 0xff08) != 0x08)) { apxerror(apx, "no mk5025 for channel", subunit); continue; } moffset = subunit ? id->id_msize >> 1 : 0; apx->apx_hmem = (struct apc_mem *) (id->id_maddr + moffset); apx->apx_dmem = (struct apc_mem *) (moffset); apx->apx_modes = apx_default_modes; apx->apx_device = (caddr_t) id; apx->apx_reg = reg; apx->apx_csr4 = 0x0110; /* no byte swapping for PC-AT */ } return 1; } apxattach(id) register struct isa_device *id; { int unit = id->id_unit + id->id_unit; apx_ifattach(unit); apx_ifattach(unit + 1); return (0); } /* End bus & endian dependence */ /* * Interface exists: make available by filling in network interface * record. System will initialize the interface when it is ready * to accept packets. */ void apx_ifattach(unit) { register struct ifnet *ifp = &(apx_softc[unit].apx_if); /* * Initialize ifnet structure */ if (apx_softc[unit].apx_device == 0) return; ifp->if_name = "apc"; ifp->if_mtu = SGMTU; ifp->if_init = apxinit; ifp->if_output = x25_ifoutput; ifp->if_start = apxstart; ifp->if_ioctl = apxioctl; ifp->if_reset = apxreset; ifp->if_type = apx_default_modes.apm_iftype; ifp->if_hdrlen = 5; ifp->if_addrlen = 8; if_attach(ifp); } /* * Initialization of interface */ apxinit(unit) int unit; { struct ifnet *ifp = &apx_softc[unit].apx_if; int s = splimp(); ifp->if_flags &= ~(IFF_RUNNING|IFF_OACTIVE); if (apxreset(unit) && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP)) { ifp->if_flags |= IFF_RUNNING; (void)apxstart(ifp); } splx(s); return 0; } apxreset(unit) int unit; { register struct apx_softc *apx = &apx_softc[unit ^ 1]; u_char apm_apxmode = 0, apm_apxaltmode = 0; #define MODE(m) (m |= apx->apx_modes.m << ((apx->apx_if.if_unit & 1) ? 1 : 0)) MODE(apm_apxmode); MODE(apm_apxaltmode); apx = apx_softc + unit; MODE(apm_apxmode); MODE(apm_apxaltmode); APX_WCSR(apx, axr_mode, apm_apxmode); APX_WCSR(apx, axr_altmode, apm_apxaltmode); apx->apx_txnum = apx->apx_rxnum = apx->apx_txcnt = 0; if (apx_uprim(apx, SG_STOP, "stop") || !(apx->apx_if.if_flags & IFF_UP)) return 0; apx_meminit(apx->apx_hmem, apx); /* also sets CSR2 */ SG_WCSR(apx, 3, (int)apx->apx_dmem); SG_WCSR(apx, 4, apx->apx_csr4); if (apx_uprim(apx, SG_INIT, "init request") || apx_uprim(apx, SG_STAT, "status request") || apx_uprim(apx, SG_TRANS, "transparent mode")) return 0; SG_WCSR(apx, 0, SG_INEA); return 1; } apx_uprim(apx, request, ident) int request; char *ident; register struct apx_softc *apx; { register int timo = 0; int reply = SG_RCSR(apx, 1); if (reply & 0x8040) SG_WCRS(1, 0x8040); /* Magic! */ SG_WCSR(apx, 1, request | SG_UAV); do { reply = SG_RCRS(1); if (timo >= TIMO | reply & 0x8000) { apxerror(apx, ident, reply); return 1; } } while (reply & SG_UAV); return 0; } apx_meminit(apc, apx) register struct apc_mem *apc; struct apx_softc *apx; { register struct apc_mem *apcbase = apx->apx_dmem; register int i; #define LOWADDR(e) (((u_long)&(apcbase->e)) & 0xffff) #define HIADDR(e) ((((u_long)&(apcbase->e)) >> 16) & 0xff) #define SET_SGDX(dx, f, a, b, m) \ { (dx).sgdx_addr = LOWADDR(a); (dx).sgdx_bcnt = (b);\ (dx).sgdx_mcnt = (m); (dx).sgdx_flags = (f) | HIADDR(a); } bzero((caddr_t)apc, LOWADDR(apc_rxmd[0])); apc->apc_mode = 0x8040; /* 2 flag spacing, trans mode, 16bit FCS */ apc->apc_sgop = apx->apx_modes.apm_sgop; apc->apc_rlen = SG_RLEN | HIADDR(apc_rxmd[0]); apc->apc_rdra = LOWADDR(apc_rxmd[0]); apc->apc_rlen = SG_TLEN | apx->apx_modes.apm_txwin |HIADDR(apc_txmd[0]); apc->apc_tdra = LOWADDR(apc_txmd[0]); SET_SGDX(apc->apc_rxtid, SG_OWN, apc_rxidbuf, -SGMTU, 0); SET_SGDX(apc->apc_txtid, 0, apc_txidbuf, -SGMTU, 0); apc->apc_stathi = HIADDR(apc_sgsb); apc->apc_statlo = LOWADDR(apc_sgsb); for (i = 0; i < SGRBUF; i++) SET_SGDX(apc->apc_rxmd[i], SG_OWN, apc_rbuf[i][0], -SGMTU, 0) for (i = 0; i < SGTBUF; i++) SET_SGDX(apc->apc_txmd[i], SG_TUI, apc_tbuf[i][0], 0, 0) SG_WCSR(apx, 2, SG_UIE | SG_PROM | HIADDR(apc_mode)); } /* * Start output on interface. Get another datagram to send * off of the interface queue, and copy it to the interface * before starting the output. */ apxstart(ifp) struct ifnet *ifp; { register struct apx_softc *apx = &apx_softc[ifp->if_unit]; register struct sgdx *dx; struct apc_mem *apc = apx->apx_hmem; struct mbuf *m; int len; if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING) == 0) return (0); do { dx = apc->apc_txmd + apx->apx_txnum; if (dx->sgdx_flags & SG_OWN) return (0); IF_DEQUEUE(&ifp->if_snd, m); if (m == 0) return (0); len = min(m->m_pkthdr.len, SGMTU); m_copydata(m, 0, len, apc->apc_tbuf[apx->apx_txnum]); dx->sgdx_mcnt = -len; dx->sgdx_flags = SG_OWN | SG_TUI | (0xff & dx->sgdx_flags); SG_WCSR(apx, 0, SG_INEA | SG_TDMD); if (++apx->apx_txnum >= SGTBUF) apx->apx_txnum = 0; } while (++apx->apx_txcnt < SGTBUF); apx->apx_txcnt = SGTBUF; ifp->if_flags |= IFF_OACTIVE; return (0); } void apxintr() { register struct apx_softc *apx = apx_lastsoftc; struct apx_softc *apxlim = apx_softc + NAPX + NAPX; int reply; do { if (apx->apx_if.if_flags & IFF_UP) /* Try to turn off interrupt cause */ while ((reply = SG_RCSR(apx, 0)) & 0xff) { SG_WCSR(apx, 0, SG_INEA | 0xfe); if (reply & (SG_MERR|SG_TUR|SG_ROR)) { apxerror(apx, "mem, rx, or tx error", reply); apxinit(apx->apx_if.if_unit); break; } if (reply & SG_RINT) apxrint(apx); if (reply & SG_TINT) apxtint(apx); if (reply & SG_PINT) apxstat.pint++; } if (++apx >= apxlim) apx = apx_softc; } while (apx != apx_lastsoftc); } void apxtint(apx) register struct apx_softc *apx; { register struct apc_mem *apc = apx->apx_hmem; int i, loopcount = 0; do { if ((i = apx->apx_txnum - apx->apx_txcnt) < 0) i += SGTBUF; if (apc->apc_txmd[i].sgdx_flags & SG_OWN) { if (loopcount) break; apxstat.nulltx++; return; } loopcount++; apx->apx_if.if_flags &= ~IFF_OACTIVE; } while (--apx->apx_txcnt > 0); apxstart(&apx->apx_if); } apxrint(apx) register struct apx_softc *apx; { register struct apc_mem *apc = apx->apx_hmem; register struct sgdx *dx = apc->apc_rxmd + apx->apx_rxnum; #define SGNEXTRXMD \ dx = ++apx->apx_rxnum == SGRBUF ? &apc->apc_rxmd[apx->apx_rxnum = 0] : dx + 1; /* * Out of sync with hardware, should never happen? */ if (dx->sgdx_flags & SG_OWN) { apxerror(apx, "out of sync"); return; } /* * Process all buffers with valid data */ while ((dx->sgdx_flags & SG_OWN) == 0) { if ((dx->sgdx_flags & (SG_SLF|SG_ELF)) != (SG_SLF|SG_ELF)) { /* * Find the end of the packet so we can see how long * it was. We still throw it away. */ apxerror(apx, "chained buffer", dx->sgdx_flags); do { dx->sgdx_bcnt = 0; dx->sgdx_flags = SG_OWN | (0xff&dx->sgdx_flags); SGNEXTRXMD; } while (!(dx->sgdx_flags & (SG_OWN|SG_SLF|SG_ELF))); /* * If search terminated without successful completion * we reset the hardware (conservative). */ if ((dx->sgdx_flags & (SG_OWN|SG_SLF|SG_ELF)) != SG_ELF) { apxreset(apx->apx_if.if_unit); return; } } else apxinput(&apx->apx_if, apc->apc_rbuf[apx->apx_rxnum], -dx->sgdx_bcnt); dx->sgdx_bcnt = 0; dx->sgdx_flags = SG_OWN | (0xff & dx->sgdx_flags); SGNEXTRXMD; } } void apxinput(ifp, buffer, len) register struct ifnet *ifp; caddr_t buffer; { register struct ifqueue *inq; struct mbuf *m, *apxget(); extern struct ifqueue hdintrq, ipintrq; int isr; ifp->if_ipackets++; { register u_char *cp = (u_char *)buffer; if (cp[0] == 0xff && cp[1] == 0x3) { /* This is a UI HDLC Packet, so we'll assume PPP protocol. for now, IP only. */ buffer += 4; len -= 4; inq = &ipintrq; isr = NETISR_IP; } else { inq = &hdintrq; isr = NETISR_CCITT; } } if (len <= 0) return; m = apxget(buffer, len , 0, ifp); if (m == 0) return; if(IF_QFULL(inq)) { IF_DROP(inq); m_freem(m); } else { IF_ENQUEUE(inq, m); schednetisr(isr); } } /* * Routine to copy from board local memory into mbufs. */ struct mbuf * apxget(buf, totlen, off0, ifp) char *buf; int totlen, off0; struct ifnet *ifp; { register struct mbuf *m; struct mbuf *top = 0, **mp = ⊤ register int off = off0, len; register char *cp; char *epkt; cp = buf; epkt = cp + totlen; if (off) { cp += off + 2 * sizeof(u_short); totlen -= 2 * sizeof(u_short); } MGETHDR(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); if (m == 0) return (0); m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp; m->m_pkthdr.len = totlen; m->m_len = MHLEN; while (totlen > 0) { if (top) { MGET(m, M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA); if (m == 0) { m_freem(top); return (0); } m->m_len = MLEN; } len = min(totlen, epkt - cp); if (len >= MINCLSIZE) { MCLGET(m, M_DONTWAIT); if (m->m_flags & M_EXT) m->m_len = len = min(len, MCLBYTES); else len = m->m_len; } else { /* * Place initial small packet/header at end of mbuf. */ if (len < m->m_len) { if (top == 0 && len + max_linkhdr <= m->m_len) m->m_data += max_linkhdr; m->m_len = len; } else len = m->m_len; } bcopy(cp, mtod(m, caddr_t), (unsigned)len); cp += len; *mp = m; mp = &m->m_next; totlen -= len; if (cp == epkt) cp = buf; } return (top); } /* * Process an ioctl request. */ apxioctl(ifp, cmd, data) register struct ifnet *ifp; int cmd; caddr_t data; { register struct ifaddr *ifa = (struct ifaddr *)data; int s = splimp(), error = 0; struct apx_softc *apx = &apx_softc[ifp->if_unit]; switch (cmd) { case SIOCSIFCONF_X25: ifp->if_flags |= IFF_UP; error = hd_ctlinput(PRC_IFUP, ifa->ifa_addr); if (error == 0) apxinit(ifp->if_unit); break; case SIOCSIFADDR: ifa->ifa_rtrequest = x25_rtrequest; break; case SIOCSIFFLAGS: if (((ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) == 0 && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING)) || (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_RUNNING) == 0) apxinit(ifp->if_unit); break; case SIOCSIFMODE: if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) == 0) apx->apx_modes = *(struct apc_modes *)data; else default: error = EINVAL; } splx(s); return (error); } apxerror(apx, msg, data) register struct apx_softc *apx; char *msg; { log(LOG_WARNING, "apc%d: %s, stat=0x%x\n", apx->apx_if.if_unit, msg, data); } #endif /* NAPX */