# @(#)README 5.3 (Berkeley) 07/29/92 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This Sony RISC workstation support is done as a sub-project in WIDE research project. Sony Corp. contributed device drivers and gave us great technical supports. Kazumasa Utashiro worked mainly for 4.4-alpha porting but that work was based on 4.3-Reno port helped by other project members, Tadamichi Matsuyama and Hidetoshi Unno. This version is just a snapshot of developing system and has many unimplemented feature and bugs. I hope this will be more stable in final 4.4BSD release. Please contact utashiro@sra.co.jp if you have any comment about this code. Bugfix will be greatly appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I've been using NWS-3200 laptop machine for development. Only 3200's LCD display is supported now. You can use this kernel on 3400 by serial line console, but it is not tested well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Config command is not changed to support NEWS because it will be changed to support dual processor machine in the future. Diffs are in CONFIG.DIFF in /sys/news3400 directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GCC 2.x has a problem to build library objects. Usually library object is made by following way: cc -c x.c ld -r -x x.o mv a.out x.o But using gcc 2.x (at least 2.2.2), some objects made by this way can't be linked. ld complains that the object has bad isym. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Known bugs: - Floating point doesn't work always. - Display driver is slow. - Serial line driver is slow. - Reboot doesn't work. - NFS doesn't work (it worked before...) - System hangs when ^S is typed from bitmap console. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kazumasa Utashiro Software Research Associates, Inc. 1-1-1 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan