/*- * Copyright (c) 1991 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * Ralph Campbell. * * %sccs.include.redist.c% * * @(#)kadb.c 7.2 (Berkeley) 03/14/92 */ /* * Define machine dependent primitives for kdb. */ #include "kdb/defs.h" #undef SP #include "machine/reg.h" #include "machine/trap.h" #include "machine/mips_opcode.h" REGLIST kdbreglist[] = { /* register_name, address */ "AT", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[AST], "v0", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[V0], "v1", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[V1], "a0", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[A0], "a1", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[A1], "a2", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[A2], "a3", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[A3], "t0", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[T0], "t1", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[T1], "t2", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[T2], "t3", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[T3], "t4", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[T4], "t5", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[T5], "t6", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[T6], "t7", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[T7], "t8", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[T8], "t9", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[T9], "s0", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[S0], "s1", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[S1], "s2", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[S2], "s3", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[S3], "s4", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[S4], "s5", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[S5], "s6", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[S6], "s7", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[S7], "s8", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[S8], "sp", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[SP], "gp", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[GP], "ra", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[RA], "mullo", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[MULLO], "mulhi", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[MULHI], "SR", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[SR], "pc", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[PC], "f0", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F0], "f1", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F1], "f2", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F2], "f3", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F3], "f4", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F4], "f5", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F5], "f6", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F6], "f7", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F7], "f8", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F8], "f9", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F9], "f10", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F10], "f11", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F11], "f12", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F12], "f13", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F13], "f14", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F14], "f15", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F15], "f16", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F16], "f17", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F17], "f18", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F18], "f19", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F19], "f20", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F20], "f21", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F21], "f22", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F22], "f23", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F23], "f24", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F24], "f25", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F25], "f26", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F26], "f27", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F27], "f28", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F28], "f29", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F29], "f30", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F30], "f31", &kdbpcb.pcb_regs[F31], 0, 0 }; static char *op_name[64] = { /* 0 */ "spec", "bcond","j", "jal", "beq", "bne", "blez", "bgtz", /* 8 */ "addi", "addiu","slti", "sltiu","andi", "ori", "xori", "lui", /*16 */ "cop0", "cop1", "cop2", "cop3", "op24", "op25", "op26", "op27", /*24 */ "op30", "op31", "op32", "op33", "op34", "op35", "op36", "op37", /*32 */ "lb", "lh", "lwl", "lw", "lbu", "lhu", "lwr", "ld", /*40 */ "sb", "sh", "swl", "sw", "op54", "op55", "swr", "sd", /*48 */ "lwc0", "lwc1", "lwc2", "lwc3", "ldc0", "ldc1", "ldc2", "ldc3", /*56 */ "swc0", "swc1", "swc2", "swc3", "sdc0", "sdc1", "sdc2", "sdc3" }; static char *spec_name[64] = { /* 0 */ "sll", "spec01","srl", "sra", "sllv", "spec05","srlv","srav", /* 8 */ "jr", "jalr", "spec12","spec13","syscall","break","spec16","tas", /*16 */ "mfhi", "mthi", "mflo", "mtlo", "spec24","spec25","spec26","spec27", /*24 */ "mult", "multu","div", "divu", "spec34","spec35","spec36","spec37", /*32 */ "add", "addu", "sub", "subu", "and", "or", "xor", "nor", /*40 */ "spec50","spec51","slt","sltu", "spec54","spec55","spec56","spec57", /*48 */ "spec60","spec61","spec62","spec63","spec64","spec65","spec66","spec67", /*56 */ "spec70","spec71","spec72","spec73","spec74","spec75","spec76","spec77" }; static char *bcond_name[32] = { /* 0 */ "bltz", "bgez", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", /* 8 */ "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", /*16 */ "bltzal", "bgezal", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", /*24 */ "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", "?", }; static char *cop1_name[64] = { /* 0 */ "fadd", "fsub", "fmpy", "fdiv", "fsqrt","fabs", "fmov", "fneg", /* 8 */ "fop08","fop09","fop0a","fop0b","fop0c","fop0d","fop0e","fop0f", /*16 */ "fop10","fop11","fop12","fop13","fop14","fop15","fop16","fop17", /*24 */ "fop18","fop19","fop1a","fop1b","fop1c","fop1d","fop1e","fop1f", /*32 */ "fcvts","fcvtd","fcvte","fop23","fcvtw","fop25","fop26","fop27", /*40 */ "fop28","fop29","fop2a","fop2b","fop2c","fop2d","fop2e","fop2f", /*48 */ "fcmp.f","fcmp.un","fcmp.eq","fcmp.ueq","fcmp.olt","fcmp.ult", "fcmp.ole","fcmp.ule", /*56 */ "fcmp.sf","fcmp.ngle","fcmp.seq","fcmp.ngl","fcmp.lt","fcmp.nge", "fcmp.le","fcmp.ngt" }; static char *fmt_name[16] = { "s", "d", "e", "fmt3", "w", "fmt5", "fmt6", "fmt7", "fmt8", "fmt9", "fmta", "fmtb", "fmtc", "fmtd", "fmte", "fmtf" }; static char *reg_name[32] = { "zero", "at", "v0", "v1", "a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5", "t6", "t7", "s0", "s1", "s2", "s3", "s4", "s5", "s6", "s7", "t8", "t9", "k0", "k1", "gp", "sp", "s8", "ra" }; static char *c0_opname[64] = { "c0op00","tlbr", "tlbwi", "c0op03","c0op04","c0op05","tlbwr", "c0op07", "tlbp", "c0op11","c0op12","c0op13","c0op14","c0op15","c0op16","c0op17", "rfe", "c0op21","c0op22","c0op23","c0op24","c0op25","c0op26","c0op27", "c0op30","c0op31","c0op32","c0op33","c0op34","c0op35","c0op36","c0op37", "c0op40","c0op41","c0op42","c0op43","c0op44","c0op45","c0op46","c0op47", "c0op50","c0op51","c0op52","c0op53","c0op54","c0op55","c0op56","c0op57", "c0op60","c0op61","c0op62","c0op63","c0op64","c0op65","c0op66","c0op67", "c0op70","c0op71","c0op72","c0op73","c0op74","c0op75","c0op77","c0op77", }; static char *c0_reg[32] = { "index","random","tlblo","c0r3","context","c0r5","c0r6","c0r7", "badvaddr","c0r9","tlbhi","c0r11","sr", "cause","epc", "c0r15", "c0r16","c0r17","c0r18","c0r19","c0r20","c0r21","c0r22","c0r23", "c0r24","c0r25","c0r26","c0r27","c0r28","c0r29","c0r30","c0r31" }; /* * Print the cause of the trap to kdb. */ void kdbprinttrap(causeReg, vadr) unsigned causeReg, vadr; { int type, pc; extern char *trap_type[]; type = (causeReg & MACH_CR_EXC_CODE) >> MACH_CR_EXC_CODE_SHIFT; /* check to see if we are entering kdb via kdbpanic() */ pc = kdbpcb.pcb_regs[PC]; if (type == T_BREAK && pc < 0) { if (kdbpeek(pc) == MACH_BREAK_KDB) kdbpcb.pcb_regs[PC] = pc + 4; } kdbprintf("trap: %s\n", trap_type[type]); } unsigned kdb_ss_addr; unsigned kdb_ss_instr; void kdbsetsstep() { register unsigned va; register int *locr0 = kdbpcb.pcb_regs; int i; /* compute next address after current location */ va = MachEmulateBranch(locr0, locr0[PC], 0, 1); if (kdb_ss_addr) { kdbprintf("kdbsetsstep: breakpoint already set at %x (va %x)\n", kdb_ss_addr, va); return; } kdb_ss_addr = va; if ((int)va < 0) { /* kernel address */ kdb_ss_instr = kdbpeek(va); kdbpoke((caddr_t)va, MACH_BREAK_SSTEP); return; } kdb_ss_instr = fuiword(va); i = suiword((caddr_t)va, MACH_BREAK_SSTEP); if (i < 0) { register struct proc *p = curproc; vm_offset_t sa, ea; int rv; sa = trunc_page((vm_offset_t)va); ea = round_page((vm_offset_t)va+sizeof(int)-1); rv = vm_map_protect(&p->p_vmspace->vm_map, sa, ea, VM_PROT_DEFAULT, FALSE); if (rv == KERN_SUCCESS) { i = suiword((caddr_t)va, MACH_BREAK_SSTEP); (void) vm_map_protect(&p->p_vmspace->vm_map, sa, ea, VM_PROT_READ|VM_PROT_EXECUTE, FALSE); } } if (i < 0) return; } void kdbclrsstep() { register unsigned cr, pc, va; unsigned instr; int i; /* ignore this trap if it is not a break trap */ cr = kdbvar[kdbvarchk('t')]; if ((cr & MACH_CR_EXC_CODE) != (T_BREAK << MACH_CR_EXC_CODE_SHIFT)) return; /* fix pc if break instruction is in the delay slot */ pc = kdbpcb.pcb_regs[PC]; if ((int)cr < 0) pc += 4; /* check to be sure its the one we are expecting */ va = kdb_ss_addr; if (!va || va != pc) return; /* read break instruction */ instr = kdbpeek(va); if (instr != MACH_BREAK_SSTEP) return; if ((int)va < 0) { /* kernel address */ kdbpoke((caddr_t)va, kdb_ss_instr); kdb_ss_addr = 0; return; } /* restore original instruction and clear BP */ i = suiword((caddr_t)va, kdb_ss_instr); if (i < 0) { register struct proc *p = curproc; vm_offset_t sa, ea; int rv; sa = trunc_page((vm_offset_t)va); ea = round_page((vm_offset_t)va+sizeof(int)-1); rv = vm_map_protect(&p->p_vmspace->vm_map, sa, ea, VM_PROT_DEFAULT, FALSE); if (rv == KERN_SUCCESS) { i = suiword((caddr_t)va, p->p_md.md_ss_instr); (void) vm_map_protect(&p->p_vmspace->vm_map, sa, ea, VM_PROT_READ|VM_PROT_EXECUTE, FALSE); } } if (i < 0) kdbprintf("can't clear break at %x\n", va); kdb_ss_addr = 0; } void kdbreadc(lp) char *lp; { int c; c = cngetc(); if (c == '\r') c = '\n'; *lp = c; } void kdbwrite(lp, len) char *lp; int len; { while (len-- > 0) cnputc(*lp++); } /* ARGSUSED */ void kdbprintins(space, ins) int space; long ins; { InstFmt i; i.word = ins; switch (i.JType.op) { case OP_SPECIAL: if (i.word == 0) { kdbprintf("nop"); break; } if (i.RType.func == OP_ADDU && i.RType.rt == 0) { kdbprintf("move\t%s,%s", reg_name[i.RType.rd], reg_name[i.RType.rs]); break; } kdbprintf("%s", spec_name[i.RType.func]); switch (i.RType.func) { case OP_SLL: case OP_SRL: case OP_SRA: kdbprintf("\t%s,%s,%d", reg_name[i.RType.rd], reg_name[i.RType.rt], i.RType.shamt); break; case OP_SLLV: case OP_SRLV: case OP_SRAV: kdbprintf("\t%s,%s,%s", reg_name[i.RType.rd], reg_name[i.RType.rt], reg_name[i.RType.rs]); break; case OP_MFHI: case OP_MFLO: kdbprintf("\t%s", reg_name[i.RType.rd]); break; case OP_JR: case OP_JALR: case OP_MTLO: case OP_MTHI: kdbprintf("\t%s", reg_name[i.RType.rs]); break; case OP_MULT: case OP_MULTU: case OP_DIV: case OP_DIVU: kdbprintf("\t%s,%s", reg_name[i.RType.rs], reg_name[i.RType.rt]); break; case OP_SYSCALL: break; case OP_BREAK: kdbprintf("\t%d", (i.RType.rs << 5) | i.RType.rt); break; default: kdbprintf("\t%s,%s,%s", reg_name[i.RType.rd], reg_name[i.RType.rs], reg_name[i.RType.rt]); }; break; case OP_BCOND: kdbprintf("%s\t%s,", bcond_name[i.IType.rt], reg_name[i.IType.rs]); goto pr_displ; case OP_BLEZ: case OP_BGTZ: kdbprintf("%s\t%s,", op_name[i.IType.op], reg_name[i.IType.rs]); goto pr_displ; case OP_BEQ: if (i.IType.rs == 0 && i.IType.rt == 0) { kdbprintf("b\t"); goto pr_displ; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case OP_BNE: kdbprintf("%s\t%s,%s,", op_name[i.IType.op], reg_name[i.IType.rs], reg_name[i.IType.rt]); pr_displ: kdbpsymoff(kdbdot + 4 + ((short)i.IType.imm << 2), ISYM, ""); break; case OP_COP0: switch (i.RType.rs) { case OP_BCx: case OP_BCy: kdbprintf("bc0%c\t", "ft"[i.RType.rt & COPz_BC_TF_MASK]); goto pr_displ; case OP_MT: kdbprintf("mtc0\t%s,%s", reg_name[i.RType.rt], c0_reg[i.RType.rd]); break; case OP_MF: kdbprintf("mfc0\t%s,%s", reg_name[i.RType.rt], c0_reg[i.RType.rd]); break; default: kdbprintf("%s", c0_opname[i.FRType.func]); }; break; case OP_COP1: switch (i.RType.rs) { case OP_BCx: case OP_BCy: kdbprintf("bc1%c\t", "ft"[i.RType.rt & COPz_BC_TF_MASK]); goto pr_displ; case OP_MT: kdbprintf("mtc1\t%s,f%d", reg_name[i.RType.rt], i.RType.rd); break; case OP_MF: kdbprintf("mfc1\t%s,f%d", reg_name[i.RType.rt], i.RType.rd); break; case OP_CT: kdbprintf("ctc1\t%s,f%d", reg_name[i.RType.rt], i.RType.rd); break; case OP_CF: kdbprintf("cfc1\t%s,f%d", reg_name[i.RType.rt], i.RType.rd); break; default: kdbprintf("%s.%s\tf%d,f%d,f%d", cop1_name[i.FRType.func], fmt_name[i.FRType.fmt], i.FRType.fd, i.FRType.fs, i.FRType.ft); }; break; case OP_J: case OP_JAL: kdbprintf("%s\t", op_name[i.JType.op]); kdbpsymoff((kdbdot & 0xF0000000) | (i.JType.target << 2), ISYM, ""); break; case OP_LWC1: case OP_SWC1: kdbprintf("%s\tf%d,", op_name[i.IType.op], i.IType.rt); goto loadstore; case OP_LB: case OP_LH: case OP_LW: case OP_LBU: case OP_LHU: case OP_SB: case OP_SH: case OP_SW: kdbprintf("%s\t%s,", op_name[i.IType.op], reg_name[i.IType.rt]); loadstore: kdbprintf("%d(%s)", (short)i.IType.imm, reg_name[i.IType.rs]); break; case OP_ORI: case OP_XORI: if (i.IType.rs == 0) { kdbprintf("li\t%s,0x%X", reg_name[i.IType.rt], i.IType.imm); break; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ case OP_ANDI: kdbprintf("%s\t%s,%s,0x%X", op_name[i.IType.op], reg_name[i.IType.rt], reg_name[i.IType.rs], i.IType.imm); break; case OP_LUI: kdbprintf("%s\t%s,0x%X", op_name[i.IType.op], reg_name[i.IType.rt], i.IType.imm); break; case OP_ADDI: case OP_ADDIU: if (i.IType.rs == 0) { kdbprintf("li\t%s,%D", reg_name[i.IType.rt], (short)i.IType.imm); break; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: kdbprintf("%s\t%s,%s,%D", op_name[i.IType.op], reg_name[i.IType.rt], reg_name[i.IType.rs], (short)i.IType.imm); } kdbdotinc = 4; } #define MIPS_JR_RA 0x03e00008 /* instruction code for jr ra */ /* * Print a stack backtrace. */ void kdbstacktrace(printlocals) int printlocals; { unsigned pc, sp, ra, va, subr; int a0, a1, a2, a3; unsigned instr; InstFmt i; int more, stksize; extern MachKernGenException(); extern MachUserGenException(); extern MachKernIntr(); extern MachUserIntr(); extern setsoftclock(); /* get initial values from the exception frame */ sp = kdbpcb.pcb_regs[SP]; pc = kdbpcb.pcb_regs[PC]; ra = kdbpcb.pcb_regs[RA]; a0 = kdbpcb.pcb_regs[A0]; a1 = kdbpcb.pcb_regs[A1]; a2 = kdbpcb.pcb_regs[A2]; a3 = kdbpcb.pcb_regs[A3]; loop: /* check for current PC in the kernel interrupt handler code */ if (pc >= (unsigned)MachKernIntr && pc < (unsigned)MachUserIntr) { /* NOTE: the offsets depend on the code in locore.s */ kdbprintf("interupt\n"); a0 = kdbchkget(sp + 36, DSP); a1 = kdbchkget(sp + 40, DSP); a2 = kdbchkget(sp + 44, DSP); a3 = kdbchkget(sp + 48, DSP); pc = kdbchkget(sp + 20, DSP); ra = kdbchkget(sp + 92, DSP); sp = kdbchkget(sp + 100, DSP); } /* check for current PC in the exception handler code */ if (pc >= 0x80000000 && pc < (unsigned)setsoftclock) { ra = 0; goto done; } /* * Find the beginning of the current subroutine by scanning backwards * from the current PC for the end of the previous subroutine. */ va = pc - sizeof(int); while ((instr = kdbchkget(va, ISP)) != MIPS_JR_RA) va -= sizeof(int); va += 2 * sizeof(int); /* skip back over branch & delay slot */ /* skip over nulls which might separate .o files */ while ((instr = kdbchkget(va, ISP)) == 0) va += sizeof(int); subr = va; /* scan forwards to find stack size and any saved registers */ stksize = 0; more = 3; for (; more; va += sizeof(int), more = (more == 3) ? 3 : more - 1) { instr = kdbchkget(va, ISP); i.word = instr; switch (i.JType.op) { case OP_SPECIAL: switch (i.RType.func) { case OP_JR: case OP_JALR: more = 2; /* stop after next instruction */ break; case OP_SYSCALL: case OP_BREAK: more = 1; /* stop now */ }; break; case OP_BCOND: case OP_J: case OP_JAL: case OP_BEQ: case OP_BNE: case OP_BLEZ: case OP_BGTZ: more = 2; /* stop after next instruction */ break; case OP_COP0: case OP_COP1: case OP_COP2: case OP_COP3: switch (i.RType.rs) { case OP_BCx: case OP_BCy: more = 2; /* stop after next instruction */ }; break; case OP_SW: /* look for saved registers on the stack */ if (i.IType.rs != 29) break; switch (i.IType.rt) { case 4: /* a0 */ a0 = kdbchkget(sp + (short)i.IType.imm, DSP); break; case 5: /* a1 */ a1 = kdbchkget(sp + (short)i.IType.imm, DSP); break; case 6: /* a2 */ a2 = kdbchkget(sp + (short)i.IType.imm, DSP); break; case 7: /* a3 */ a3 = kdbchkget(sp + (short)i.IType.imm, DSP); break; case 31: /* ra */ ra = kdbchkget(sp + (short)i.IType.imm, DSP); } break; case OP_ADDI: case OP_ADDIU: /* look for stack pointer adjustment */ if (i.IType.rs != 29 && i.IType.rt != 29) break; stksize = (short)i.IType.imm; } } done: #if 0 kdbpsymoff((long)pc, ISYM, ""); #else kdbprintf("%X+%X ", subr, pc - subr); /* XXX */ #endif kdbprintf("(%X,%X,%X,%X)\n", a0, a1, a2, a3); if (ra) { pc = ra; sp -= stksize; goto loop; } } /* * Very simple memory allocator for kdb. */ char * kdbmalloc(size) int size; { static char buffer[4096]; static char *bufp = buffer; char *p; /* round size up to sizeof(int) */ size = (size + sizeof(int) - 1) & ~(sizeof(int) - 1); p = bufp; bufp = p + size; return (p); } /* * Machine dependent printing '$'. * Return zero if modif character not recognized. */ kdbprintmachdep(modif) { register int i, j; extern int tlbhi, tlblo; switch (modif) { case 'p': case 'P': /* print TLB entries */ if (kdbadrflg) { i = kdbadrval; if (i < 0 || i > VMMACH_NUM_TLB_ENTRIES) { extern char *kdbBADMOD; kdberror(kdbBADMOD); break; } if (kdbcntflg == 0) j = i + 1; else { j = i + kdbcntval; if (j > VMMACH_NUM_TLB_ENTRIES) j = VMMACH_NUM_TLB_ENTRIES; } } else { i = 0; j = VMMACH_NUM_TLB_ENTRIES; } for (; i < j; i++) { MachTLBRead(i); if (modif == 'p' && !(tlblo & PG_V)) continue; kdbprintf("TLB %2d: hi %8X low %8X\n", i, tlbhi, tlblo); } kdbprintf("TLB PID %x\n", MachTLBGetPID()); break; case 'f': /* find a TLB entry by virtaddr */ case 'F': /* find a TLB entry by physaddr */ j = kdbdot & PG_FRAME; for (i = 0; i < VMMACH_NUM_TLB_ENTRIES; i++) { MachTLBRead(i); if (modif == 'f') { if ((tlbhi & PG_FRAME) != j) continue; } else { if ((tlblo & PG_FRAME) != j) continue; } kdbprintf("TLB %2d: hi %8X low %8X\n", i, tlbhi, tlblo); } break; default: return (0); } return (1); }