/* * Copyright (c) 1991, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * The Mach Operating System project at Carnegie-Mellon University. * * %sccs.include.redist.c% * * @(#)vm_page.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 03/21/94 * * * Copyright (c) 1987, 1990 Carnegie-Mellon University. * All rights reserved. * * Authors: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND * FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the * rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * Resident memory management module. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Associated with page of user-allocatable memory is a * page structure. */ struct pglist *vm_page_buckets; /* Array of buckets */ int vm_page_bucket_count = 0; /* How big is array? */ int vm_page_hash_mask; /* Mask for hash function */ simple_lock_data_t bucket_lock; /* lock for all buckets XXX */ struct pglist vm_page_queue_free; struct pglist vm_page_queue_active; struct pglist vm_page_queue_inactive; simple_lock_data_t vm_page_queue_lock; simple_lock_data_t vm_page_queue_free_lock; /* has physical page allocation been initialized? */ boolean_t vm_page_startup_initialized; vm_page_t vm_page_array; long first_page; long last_page; vm_offset_t first_phys_addr; vm_offset_t last_phys_addr; vm_size_t page_mask; int page_shift; /* * vm_set_page_size: * * Sets the page size, perhaps based upon the memory * size. Must be called before any use of page-size * dependent functions. * * Sets page_shift and page_mask from cnt.v_page_size. */ void vm_set_page_size() { if (cnt.v_page_size == 0) cnt.v_page_size = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; page_mask = cnt.v_page_size - 1; if ((page_mask & cnt.v_page_size) != 0) panic("vm_set_page_size: page size not a power of two"); for (page_shift = 0; ; page_shift++) if ((1 << page_shift) == cnt.v_page_size) break; } /* * vm_page_startup: * * Initializes the resident memory module. * * Allocates memory for the page cells, and * for the object/offset-to-page hash table headers. * Each page cell is initialized and placed on the free list. */ void vm_page_startup(start, end) vm_offset_t *start; vm_offset_t *end; { register vm_page_t m; register struct pglist *bucket; vm_size_t npages; int i; vm_offset_t pa; extern vm_offset_t kentry_data; extern vm_size_t kentry_data_size; /* * Initialize the locks */ simple_lock_init(&vm_page_queue_free_lock); simple_lock_init(&vm_page_queue_lock); /* * Initialize the queue headers for the free queue, * the active queue and the inactive queue. */ TAILQ_INIT(&vm_page_queue_free); TAILQ_INIT(&vm_page_queue_active); TAILQ_INIT(&vm_page_queue_inactive); /* * Calculate the number of hash table buckets. * * The number of buckets MUST BE a power of 2, and * the actual value is the next power of 2 greater * than the number of physical pages in the system. * * Note: * This computation can be tweaked if desired. */ if (vm_page_bucket_count == 0) { vm_page_bucket_count = 1; while (vm_page_bucket_count < atop(*end - *start)) vm_page_bucket_count <<= 1; } vm_page_hash_mask = vm_page_bucket_count - 1; /* * Allocate (and initialize) the hash table buckets. */ vm_page_buckets = (struct pglist *) pmap_bootstrap_alloc(vm_page_bucket_count * sizeof(struct pglist)); bucket = vm_page_buckets; for (i = vm_page_bucket_count; i--;) { TAILQ_INIT(bucket); bucket++; } simple_lock_init(&bucket_lock); /* * Truncate the remainder of physical memory to our page size. */ *end = trunc_page(*end); /* * Pre-allocate maps and map entries that cannot be dynamically * allocated via malloc(). The maps include the kernel_map and * kmem_map which must be initialized before malloc() will * work (obviously). Also could include pager maps which would * be allocated before kmeminit. * * Allow some kernel map entries... this should be plenty * since people shouldn't be cluttering up the kernel * map (they should use their own maps). */ kentry_data_size = round_page(MAX_KMAP*sizeof(struct vm_map) + MAX_KMAPENT*sizeof(struct vm_map_entry)); kentry_data = (vm_offset_t) pmap_bootstrap_alloc(kentry_data_size); /* * Compute the number of pages of memory that will be * available for use (taking into account the overhead * of a page structure per page). */ cnt.v_free_count = npages = (*end - *start + sizeof(struct vm_page)) / (PAGE_SIZE + sizeof(struct vm_page)); /* * Record the extent of physical memory that the * virtual memory system manages. */ first_page = *start; first_page += npages*sizeof(struct vm_page); first_page = atop(round_page(first_page)); last_page = first_page + npages - 1; first_phys_addr = ptoa(first_page); last_phys_addr = ptoa(last_page) + PAGE_MASK; /* * Allocate and clear the mem entry structures. */ m = vm_page_array = (vm_page_t) pmap_bootstrap_alloc(npages * sizeof(struct vm_page)); /* * Initialize the mem entry structures now, and * put them in the free queue. */ pa = first_phys_addr; while (npages--) { m->flags = 0; m->object = NULL; m->phys_addr = pa; #ifdef i386 if (pmap_isvalidphys(m->phys_addr)) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vm_page_queue_free, m, pageq); } else { /* perhaps iomem needs it's own type, or dev pager? */ m->flags |= PG_FICTITIOUS | PG_BUSY; cnt.v_free_count--; } #else /* i386 */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vm_page_queue_free, m, pageq); #endif /* i386 */ m++; pa += PAGE_SIZE; } /* * Initialize vm_pages_needed lock here - don't wait for pageout * daemon XXX */ simple_lock_init(&vm_pages_needed_lock); /* from now on, pmap_bootstrap_alloc can't be used */ vm_page_startup_initialized = TRUE; } /* * vm_page_hash: * * Distributes the object/offset key pair among hash buckets. * * NOTE: This macro depends on vm_page_bucket_count being a power of 2. */ #define vm_page_hash(object, offset) \ (((unsigned)object+(unsigned)atop(offset))&vm_page_hash_mask) /* * vm_page_insert: [ internal use only ] * * Inserts the given mem entry into the object/object-page * table and object list. * * The object and page must be locked. */ void vm_page_insert(mem, object, offset) register vm_page_t mem; register vm_object_t object; register vm_offset_t offset; { register struct pglist *bucket; int spl; VM_PAGE_CHECK(mem); if (mem->flags & PG_TABLED) panic("vm_page_insert: already inserted"); /* * Record the object/offset pair in this page */ mem->object = object; mem->offset = offset; /* * Insert it into the object_object/offset hash table */ bucket = &vm_page_buckets[vm_page_hash(object, offset)]; spl = splimp(); simple_lock(&bucket_lock); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(bucket, mem, hashq); simple_unlock(&bucket_lock); (void) splx(spl); /* * Now link into the object's list of backed pages. */ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&object->memq, mem, listq); mem->flags |= PG_TABLED; /* * And show that the object has one more resident * page. */ object->resident_page_count++; } /* * vm_page_remove: [ internal use only ] * NOTE: used by device pager as well -wfj * * Removes the given mem entry from the object/offset-page * table and the object page list. * * The object and page must be locked. */ void vm_page_remove(mem) register vm_page_t mem; { register struct pglist *bucket; int spl; VM_PAGE_CHECK(mem); if (!(mem->flags & PG_TABLED)) return; /* * Remove from the object_object/offset hash table */ bucket = &vm_page_buckets[vm_page_hash(mem->object, mem->offset)]; spl = splimp(); simple_lock(&bucket_lock); TAILQ_REMOVE(bucket, mem, hashq); simple_unlock(&bucket_lock); (void) splx(spl); /* * Now remove from the object's list of backed pages. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&mem->object->memq, mem, listq); /* * And show that the object has one fewer resident * page. */ mem->object->resident_page_count--; mem->flags &= ~PG_TABLED; } /* * vm_page_lookup: * * Returns the page associated with the object/offset * pair specified; if none is found, NULL is returned. * * The object must be locked. No side effects. */ vm_page_t vm_page_lookup(object, offset) register vm_object_t object; register vm_offset_t offset; { register vm_page_t mem; register struct pglist *bucket; int spl; /* * Search the hash table for this object/offset pair */ bucket = &vm_page_buckets[vm_page_hash(object, offset)]; spl = splimp(); simple_lock(&bucket_lock); for (mem = bucket->tqh_first; mem != NULL; mem = mem->hashq.tqe_next) { VM_PAGE_CHECK(mem); if ((mem->object == object) && (mem->offset == offset)) { simple_unlock(&bucket_lock); splx(spl); return(mem); } } simple_unlock(&bucket_lock); splx(spl); return(NULL); } /* * vm_page_rename: * * Move the given memory entry from its * current object to the specified target object/offset. * * The object must be locked. */ void vm_page_rename(mem, new_object, new_offset) register vm_page_t mem; register vm_object_t new_object; vm_offset_t new_offset; { if (mem->object == new_object) return; vm_page_lock_queues(); /* keep page from moving out from under pageout daemon */ vm_page_remove(mem); vm_page_insert(mem, new_object, new_offset); vm_page_unlock_queues(); } /* * vm_page_alloc: * * Allocate and return a memory cell associated * with this VM object/offset pair. * * Object must be locked. */ vm_page_t vm_page_alloc(object, offset) vm_object_t object; vm_offset_t offset; { register vm_page_t mem; int spl; spl = splimp(); /* XXX */ simple_lock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock); if (vm_page_queue_free.tqh_first == NULL) { simple_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock); splx(spl); return(NULL); } mem = vm_page_queue_free.tqh_first; TAILQ_REMOVE(&vm_page_queue_free, mem, pageq); cnt.v_free_count--; simple_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock); splx(spl); VM_PAGE_INIT(mem, object, offset); /* * Decide if we should poke the pageout daemon. * We do this if the free count is less than the low * water mark, or if the free count is less than the high * water mark (but above the low water mark) and the inactive * count is less than its target. * * We don't have the counts locked ... if they change a little, * it doesn't really matter. */ if (cnt.v_free_count < cnt.v_free_min || (cnt.v_free_count < cnt.v_free_target && cnt.v_inactive_count < cnt.v_inactive_target)) thread_wakeup((int)&vm_pages_needed); return (mem); } /* * vm_page_free: * * Returns the given page to the free list, * disassociating it with any VM object. * * Object and page must be locked prior to entry. */ void vm_page_free(mem) register vm_page_t mem; { vm_page_remove(mem); if (mem->flags & PG_ACTIVE) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&vm_page_queue_active, mem, pageq); mem->flags &= ~PG_ACTIVE; cnt.v_active_count--; } if (mem->flags & PG_INACTIVE) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&vm_page_queue_inactive, mem, pageq); mem->flags &= ~PG_INACTIVE; cnt.v_inactive_count--; } if (!(mem->flags & PG_FICTITIOUS)) { int spl; spl = splimp(); simple_lock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vm_page_queue_free, mem, pageq); cnt.v_free_count++; simple_unlock(&vm_page_queue_free_lock); splx(spl); } } /* * vm_page_wire: * * Mark this page as wired down by yet * another map, removing it from paging queues * as necessary. * * The page queues must be locked. */ void vm_page_wire(mem) register vm_page_t mem; { VM_PAGE_CHECK(mem); if (mem->wire_count == 0) { if (mem->flags & PG_ACTIVE) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&vm_page_queue_active, mem, pageq); cnt.v_active_count--; mem->flags &= ~PG_ACTIVE; } if (mem->flags & PG_INACTIVE) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&vm_page_queue_inactive, mem, pageq); cnt.v_inactive_count--; mem->flags &= ~PG_INACTIVE; } cnt.v_wire_count++; } mem->wire_count++; } /* * vm_page_unwire: * * Release one wiring of this page, potentially * enabling it to be paged again. * * The page queues must be locked. */ void vm_page_unwire(mem) register vm_page_t mem; { VM_PAGE_CHECK(mem); mem->wire_count--; if (mem->wire_count == 0) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vm_page_queue_active, mem, pageq); cnt.v_active_count++; mem->flags |= PG_ACTIVE; cnt.v_wire_count--; } } /* * vm_page_deactivate: * * Returns the given page to the inactive list, * indicating that no physical maps have access * to this page. [Used by the physical mapping system.] * * The page queues must be locked. */ void vm_page_deactivate(m) register vm_page_t m; { VM_PAGE_CHECK(m); /* * Only move active pages -- ignore locked or already * inactive ones. */ if (m->flags & PG_ACTIVE) { pmap_clear_reference(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); TAILQ_REMOVE(&vm_page_queue_active, m, pageq); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vm_page_queue_inactive, m, pageq); m->flags &= ~PG_ACTIVE; m->flags |= PG_INACTIVE; cnt.v_active_count--; cnt.v_inactive_count++; if (pmap_is_modified(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m))) m->flags &= ~PG_CLEAN; if (m->flags & PG_CLEAN) m->flags &= ~PG_LAUNDRY; else m->flags |= PG_LAUNDRY; } } /* * vm_page_activate: * * Put the specified page on the active list (if appropriate). * * The page queues must be locked. */ void vm_page_activate(m) register vm_page_t m; { VM_PAGE_CHECK(m); if (m->flags & PG_INACTIVE) { TAILQ_REMOVE(&vm_page_queue_inactive, m, pageq); cnt.v_inactive_count--; m->flags &= ~PG_INACTIVE; } if (m->wire_count == 0) { if (m->flags & PG_ACTIVE) panic("vm_page_activate: already active"); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&vm_page_queue_active, m, pageq); m->flags |= PG_ACTIVE; cnt.v_active_count++; } } /* * vm_page_zero_fill: * * Zero-fill the specified page. * Written as a standard pagein routine, to * be used by the zero-fill object. */ boolean_t vm_page_zero_fill(m) vm_page_t m; { VM_PAGE_CHECK(m); m->flags &= ~PG_CLEAN; pmap_zero_page(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(m)); return(TRUE); } /* * vm_page_copy: * * Copy one page to another */ void vm_page_copy(src_m, dest_m) vm_page_t src_m; vm_page_t dest_m; { VM_PAGE_CHECK(src_m); VM_PAGE_CHECK(dest_m); dest_m->flags &= ~PG_CLEAN; pmap_copy_page(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(src_m), VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(dest_m)); }