/* Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California */ static char *sccsid = "@(#)ex_get.c 6.1 10/19/80"; #include "ex.h" #include "ex_tty.h" /* * Input routines for command mode. * Since we translate the end of reads into the implied ^D's * we have different flavors of routines which do/don't return such. */ static bool junkbs; short lastc = '\n'; ignchar() { ignore(getchar()); } getchar() { register int c; do c = getcd(); while (!globp && c == CTRL(d)); return (c); } getcd() { register int c; again: c = getach(); if (c == EOF) return (c); c &= TRIM; if (!inopen) if (!globp && c == CTRL(d)) setlastchar('\n'); else if (junk(c)) { checkjunk(c); goto again; } return (c); } peekchar() { if (peekc == 0) peekc = getchar(); return (peekc); } peekcd() { if (peekc == 0) peekc = getcd(); return (peekc); } getach() { register int c; static char inline[128]; c = peekc; if (c != 0) { peekc = 0; return (c); } if (globp) { if (*globp) return (*globp++); globp = 0; return (lastc = EOF); } top: if (input) { if (c = *input++) { if (c &= TRIM) return (lastc = c); goto top; } input = 0; } flush(); if (intty) { c = read(0, inline, sizeof inline - 4); if (c < 0) return (lastc = EOF); if (c == 0 || inline[c-1] != '\n') inline[c++] = CTRL(d); if (inline[c-1] == '\n') noteinp(); inline[c] = 0; for (c--; c >= 0; c--) if (inline[c] == 0) inline[c] = QUOTE; input = inline; goto top; } if (read(0, (char *) &lastc, 1) != 1) lastc = EOF; return (lastc); } /* * Input routine for insert/append/change in command mode. * Most work here is in handling autoindent. */ static short lastin; gettty() { register int c = 0; register char *cp = genbuf; char hadup = 0; int numbline(); extern int (*Pline)(); int offset = Pline == numbline ? 8 : 0; int ch; if (intty && !inglobal) { if (offset) { holdcm = 1; printf(" %4d ", lineDOT() + 1); flush(); holdcm = 0; } if (value(AUTOINDENT) ^ aiflag) { holdcm = 1; #ifdef LISPCODE if (value(LISP)) lastin = lindent(dot + 1); #endif tab(lastin + offset); while ((c = getcd()) == CTRL(d)) { if (lastin == 0 && isatty(0) == -1) { holdcm = 0; return (EOF); } lastin = backtab(lastin); tab(lastin + offset); } switch (c) { case '^': case '0': ch = getcd(); if (ch == CTRL(d)) { if (c == '0') lastin = 0; if (!OS) { putchar('\b' | QUOTE); putchar(' ' | QUOTE); putchar('\b' | QUOTE); } tab(offset); hadup = 1; c = getchar(); } else ungetchar(ch); break; case '.': if (peekchar() == '\n') { ignchar(); noteinp(); holdcm = 0; return (EOF); } break; case '\n': hadup = 1; break; } } flush(); holdcm = 0; } if (c == 0) c = getchar(); while (c != EOF && c != '\n') { if (cp > &genbuf[LBSIZE - 2]) error("Input line too long"); *cp++ = c; c = getchar(); } if (c == EOF) { if (inglobal) ungetchar(EOF); return (EOF); } *cp = 0; cp = linebuf; if ((value(AUTOINDENT) ^ aiflag) && hadup == 0 && intty && !inglobal) { lastin = c = smunch(lastin, genbuf); for (c = lastin; c >= value(TABSTOP); c -= value(TABSTOP)) *cp++ = '\t'; for (; c > 0; c--) *cp++ = ' '; } CP(cp, genbuf); if (linebuf[0] == '.' && linebuf[1] == 0) return (EOF); return (0); } /* * Crunch the indent. * Hard thing here is that in command mode some of the indent * is only implicit, so we must seed the column counter. * This should really be done differently so as to use the whitecnt routine * and also to hack indenting for LISP. */ smunch(col, ocp) register int col; char *ocp; { register char *cp; cp = ocp; for (;;) switch (*cp++) { case ' ': col++; continue; case '\t': col += value(TABSTOP) - (col % value(TABSTOP)); continue; default: cp--; CP(ocp, cp); return (col); } } char *cntrlhm = "^H discarded\n"; checkjunk(c) char c; { if (junkbs == 0 && c == '\b') { write(2, cntrlhm, 13); junkbs = 1; } } line * setin(addr) line *addr; { if (addr == zero) lastin = 0; else getline(*addr), lastin = smunch(0, linebuf); }