/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. * * @(#)wsfe.c 5.3 06/11/86 */ /* * write sequential formatted external */ #include "fio.h" LOCAL char wsfe[] = "write sfe"; extern int w_ed(),w_ned(); int x_putc(),pr_put(),x_wend(),x_wnew(),x_tab(); LOCAL ioflag new; s_wsfe(a) cilist *a; /*start*/ { int n; reading = NO; sequential = YES; if(n=c_sfe(a,WRITE,SEQ,wsfe)) return(n); if(curunit->url) err(errflag,F_ERNOSIO,wsfe) if(!curunit->uwrt && ! nowwriting(curunit)) err(errflag, errno, wsfe) curunit->uend = NO; if (curunit->uprnt) putn = pr_put; else putn = x_putc; new = YES; doed= w_ed; doned= w_ned; doend = x_wend; dorevert = donewrec = x_wnew; dotab = x_tab; if(pars_f()) err(errflag,F_ERFMT,wsfe) fmt_bg(); return(OK); } LOCAL x_putc(c) { if(c=='\n') recpos = reclen = cursor = 0; else recpos++; putc(c,cf); return(OK); } LOCAL pr_put(c) { if(c=='\n') { new = YES; recpos = reclen = cursor = 0; } else if(new) { new = NO; if(c=='0') c = '\n'; else if(c=='1') c = '\f'; else return(OK); } else recpos++; putc(c,cf); return(OK); } LOCAL x_wnew() { if(reclen>recpos) fseek(cf,(long)(reclen-recpos),1); return((*putn)('\n')); } LOCAL x_wend(last) char last; { if(reclen>recpos) fseek(cf,(long)(reclen-recpos),1); if(last) return((*putn)(last)); else return(OK); } e_wsfe() { int n; n=en_fio(); fmtbuf=NULL; return(n); }