C C Copyright (c) 1980 The Regents of the University of California. C All rights reserved. C C %sccs.include.proprietary.f% C C @(#)sortst.f 5.2 (Berkeley) 04/12/91 C program tst c to test various syslib routines external ntest character*10 num(10) do 10 i=1,10 write(*,'(i2,": ",$)') i 10 read(*,*) num(i) write(*,*) num call qsort(num, 10, 10, ntest) write(*,*) num end integer*2 function ntest(i1, i2) character*10 i1, i2 ntest = 0 if (lgt(i1,i2)) ntest = 1 if (llt(i1,i2)) ntest = -1 return end