/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)bb.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 6/7/85"; #endif not lint /* * bb.c * * Basic block optimizations. * * University of Utah CS Dept modification history: * * Revision 2.1 84/07/19 12:01:20 donn * Changed comment headers for UofU. * * Revision 1.2 84/04/02 14:22:49 donn * Bug in copy propagation missed places where temporaries are assigned to * by OPSTAREQ or OPPLUSEQ, e.g. exponentiation with an integer constant * power, expanded inline. * */ #include "defs.h" #include "optim.h" /* * This file contains code for determination of basic blocks, * as well as some other optimization supporting routines * [including the main routine 'optimize()']. * * The compiler's general debugging flag ['debugflag'] has been * extended to provide the capability of having multiple flags * which are contained in an array. If the option -d is used, * then the flag debugflag[0] is set. If a sequence of one or more * numbers are given (e.g, -d3,7,12), then the flags debugflag[3], * debugflag[7], and debugflag[12] are set. The maximum number of * flags available is specified in the defines.h file. */ Bblockp firstblock = NULL; /* first block in buffer */ Bblockp lastblock = NULL; /* last block in buffer */ expptr tempalloc(); optimize () { Bblockp bb; Slotp sl,nextsl; if (debugflag[2]) showbuffer (); optloops (); if (debugflag[3]) showbuffer (); formbblock (); optcse (); if (debugflag[4]) showbuffer (); if (! debugflag[7]) copyprop (); if (debugflag[9]) showbuffer (); for (sl = firstslot; sl; sl = nextsl) { nextsl = sl->next; if (sl->type == SKFRTEMP) { templist = mkchain (sl->expr,templist); sl->expr = NULL; delslot (sl); } else sl->expr = tempalloc (sl->expr); } if (! debugflag[10]) regalloc (); flushopt (); } /* * creates a new basic block record */ LOCAL Bblockp newblock (sl) Slotp sl; { register Bblockp bb; bb = ALLOC( bblock ); bb->next = NULL ; if (lastblock) { bb->prev = lastblock; lastblock->next = bb; lastblock = bb; } else { firstblock = lastblock = bb; bb->prev = NULL; } bb->first = sl; return (bb); } /* * scans slot buffer, creating basic block records */ formbblock () { Slotp sl; field type; Bblockp newbb; newbb = NULL; for (sl = firstslot; sl; sl = sl->next) { type = sl->type; switch (type) { case SKEQ: if (!newbb) newbb = newblock(sl); if (containscall(sl->expr)) { newbb->last = sl; newbb = NULL; } break; case SKNULL: case SKASSIGN: case SKFRTEMP: if (!newbb) newbb = newblock(sl); break; case SKPAUSE: case SKSTOP: case SKIFN: case SKGOTO: case SKCMGOTO: case SKARIF: case SKASGOTO: case SKIOIFN: case SKCALL: case SKRETURN: if (!newbb) newbb = newblock(sl); newbb->last = sl; newbb = NULL; break; case SKLABEL: if (newbb) newbb->last = sl->prev; newbb = newblock(sl); break; case SKDOHEAD: case SKENDDO: if (!newbb) newbb = newblock(sl); break; default: badthing("SKtype", "formbblock", type); break; } } if (newbb) newbb->last = lastslot; } /* * frees all basic block records * as well as the id and value node chains hanging off the bb and their * respective cross link chains (IDlist, DUPlist and NODElist structs) */ clearbb () { Bblockp bb,next; for (bb = firstblock; bb; bb = next) { next = bb->next; { idptr idp,next; for(idp = bb->headid; idp; idp = next) { next = idp->next; { nodelptr nodelp, next; for(nodelp = idp->headnodelist; nodelp; nodelp = next) { next = nodelp->next; free( (charptr) nodelp); } } free( (charptr) idp); } } { valuen vp,next; for(vp = bb->headnode; vp; vp = next) { next = vp->next; { idlptr idlp, next; for(idlp = vp->headdeplist; idlp; idlp = next) { next = idlp->next; free( (charptr) idlp); } } { duplptr duplp, next; for(duplp = vp->headduplist; duplp; duplp = next) { next = duplp->next; free( (charptr) duplp); } } free( (charptr) vp); } } free ( (charptr) bb); } firstblock = lastblock = NULL; } /* structure for maintaining records on copy statements */ typedef struct Subrec { Addrp lmem; Addrp rmem; int sets; } *Subrecp; LOCAL chainp sublist; /* list of copy statements */ LOCAL int prop1count; /* count of number of temporaries eliminated */ LOCAL int prop2count; /* count of number of uses of temporaries replaced */ expptr rmcommaop(); Addrp subfor(); /* * eliminates copy statements of the form T1 = T2 from the intermediate * code, where T1 and T2 are temporary variables which are each * set only once; eliminates the copy statement and replaces each * use of T1 by T2 (T1 is therefore totally eliminated). */ LOCAL copyprop () { Slotp sl,nextsl; expptr expr; Tempp lp,rp; for (sl = firstslot; sl; sl = sl->next) sl->expr = rmcommaop (sl->expr,sl); prop1count = prop2count = 0; findcopies (); for (sl = firstslot; sl; sl = nextsl) { nextsl = sl->next; expr = sl->expr; if ((sl->type == SKFRTEMP) && subfor (expr)) { delslot (sl); expr = ENULL; } else if (expr && expr->tag == TEXPR && expr->exprblock.opcode == OPASSIGN) { lp = (Tempp) expr->exprblock.leftp; rp = (Tempp) expr->exprblock.rightp; if (lp->tag == TTEMP && rp->tag == TTEMP) if (subfor(lp->memalloc) == rp->memalloc && !subfor (rp->memalloc)) { frexpr (expr); expr = sl->expr = ENULL; prop1count++; } } propagate (expr); } if (debugflag[0]) fprintf (diagfile, "%d temporarie%s replaced by copy propagation (%d use%s)\n", prop1count,(prop1count==1 ? "" : "s"), prop2count,(prop2count==1 ? "" : "s") ); } /* * finds copy statements and enters information in table */ LOCAL findcopies () { Slotp sl; expptr expr; chainp cp; for (sl = firstslot; sl; sl = sl->next) { expr = sl->expr; if (expr) switch (expr->tag) { case TEXPR: ckexpr (expr); break; case TLIST: for (cp = expr->listblock.listp; cp; cp = cp->nextp) { expr = (expptr) cp->datap; ckexpr (expr); } break; default: break; } } } /* * checks an individual expression */ ckexpr (expr) expptr expr; { Tempp lp,rp; int oc = expr->exprblock.opcode; if (oc == OPASSIGN || oc == OPPLUSEQ || oc == OPSTAREQ) { lp = (Tempp) expr->exprblock.leftp; rp = (Tempp) expr->exprblock.rightp; if (lp->tag == TTEMP) if (rp->tag == TTEMP && oc == OPASSIGN) enter (lp->memalloc, rp->memalloc); else enter (lp->memalloc, ENULL); } } /* * Enters the given memalloc values in the table (or update if they * are already there), for the assignment statement m1 = m2. * If m2 is NULL, this indicates that the assignment is not a copy * statement. */ LOCAL enter (m1,m2) Addrp m1,m2; { chainp cp; Subrecp old,new; for (cp = sublist; cp; cp = cp->nextp) { old = (Subrecp) cp->datap; if (old->lmem == m1) { old->sets++; return; } } new = ALLOC (Subrec); new->lmem = m1; new->rmem = m2; new->sets = 1; sublist = mkchain (new, sublist); } /* * looks for record for the given memalloc value */ LOCAL Subrecp lookup (mem) Addrp mem; { chainp cp; Subrecp rec; for (cp = sublist; cp; cp = cp->nextp) { rec = (Subrecp) cp->datap; if (rec->lmem == mem) return rec; } return NULL; } /* * checks to see if there is a substitute for given memalloc value */ LOCAL Addrp subfor (mem) Addrp mem; { Subrecp rec,rec2; Addrp sub; rec = lookup (mem); if (rec && rec->sets == 1) { sub = rec->rmem; rec2 = lookup(sub); if (rec2 && rec2->sets == 1) return sub; } return NULL; } /* * actually propagates the information */ LOCAL propagate (expr) expptr expr; { chainp t; Addrp new; if (! expr) return; switch (expr->tag) { case TEXPR: propagate (expr->exprblock.leftp); propagate (expr->exprblock.rightp); break; case TADDR: propagate (expr->addrblock.vleng); propagate (expr->addrblock.memoffset); break; case TLIST: for (t = expr->listblock.listp; t; t = t->nextp) propagate (t->datap); break; case TTEMP: new = subfor (expr->tempblock.memalloc); if (new) { expr->tempblock.memalloc = new; prop2count++; } break; default: break; } } /* * allocates ADDR blocks for each TEMP in the expression */ LOCAL expptr tempalloc (expr) expptr expr; { chainp t; if (! expr) return NULL; switch (expr->tag) { case TEXPR: expr->exprblock.leftp = tempalloc (expr->exprblock.leftp); expr->exprblock.rightp = tempalloc (expr->exprblock.rightp); break; case TADDR: expr->addrblock.vleng = tempalloc (expr->addrblock.vleng); expr->addrblock.memoffset = tempalloc (expr->addrblock.memoffset); break; case TLIST: for (t = expr->listblock.listp; t; t = t->nextp) t->datap = (tagptr) tempalloc (t->datap); break; case TTEMP: return (expptr) cpexpr (altmpn (expr)); break; default: break; } return expr; } /********************* debugging routines *********************/ Announce (s,q) char *s; expptr q; { fprintf (diagfile,"\nAn expression [%s]----->\n",s); showexpr(q,0); fprintf (diagfile,"\n-------------end of expr--------------\n"); } /* * dump the basic block buffer, including expressions, mnemonically */ showbuffer () { Slotp sl; Bblockp bb; int i; fprintf (diagfile,"Basic blocks with first and last slots ----------\n"); for (i=1, bb = firstblock; bb; i++, bb = bb->next) fprintf (diagfile,"%2d. %d %d\n",i,bb->first,bb->last); fprintf (diagfile,"\n"); fprintf (diagfile,"Slots and expressions ----------\n"); fprintf (diagfile,"tag pointer vtype vclass vstg vleng\n"); fprintf (diagfile," ADDR memno memoffset istemp ntempelt varleng\n"); fprintf (diagfile," TEMP memalloc istemp ntempelt varleng\n"); fprintf (diagfile," EXPR opcode leftp rightp\n"); fprintf (diagfile," LIST type listp\n"); fprintf (diagfile,"\n"); for (i=1, sl = firstslot; sl; i++, sl = sl->next) { fprintf (diagfile,"%2d. ",i); showslt (sl); } fprintf (diagfile,"---------- End of showbuffer ----------\n"); } /* * dumps a single slot in the code buffer */ LOCAL charptr Zslot[] = {"NULL", "IFN","GOTO","LABEL","EQ","CALL","CMGOTO","STOP","DOHEAD", "ENDDO","ARIF","RETURN","ASGOTO","PAUSE","ASSIGN","IOIFN","FRTEMP"}; showslt (sl) Slotp sl; { fprintf (diagfile,"(%2d) %d %s %d\n", sl->lineno,sl,Zslot[sl->type],sl->label); showexpr (sl->expr,0); fprintf (diagfile,"\n"); } showslottype (type) int type; { fprintf (diagfile,"%s\n",Zslot[type]); } /* * displays the given expression at the given indentation, showing * its subexpressions at further indentations */ LOCAL charptr Ztag[] = {"----", "NAME","CONST","EXPR","ADDR","TEMP","PRIM","LIST","IMPLDO","ERROR"}; LOCAL charptr Zstg[] = {"unk", "ARG","AUTO","BSS","INIT","CONST","EXT","INTR","STFUNCT", "COMMON","EQUIV","REG","LENG","NULL","PREG"}; LOCAL charptr Zclass[] = {"unk", "PARAM","VAR","ENTRY","MAIN","BLOCK","PROC","NAMELIST"}; LOCAL charptr Zop[] = {"----", "PLUS","MINUS","STAR","SLASH","POWER","NEG","OR","AND","EQV", "NEQV","NOT","CONCAT","LT","EQ","GT","LE","NE","GE","CALL", "CCALL","ASSIGN","PLUSEQ","STAREQ","CONV","LSHIFT","MOD", "COMMA","QUEST","COLON","ABS","MIN","MAX","ADDR","INDIRECT", "BITOR","BITAND","BITXOR","BITNOT","RSHIFT","PAREN"}; LOCAL charptr Ztype[] = {"unk", "ADDR","SHORT","LONG","REAL","DREAL","COMPLEX","DCOMPLEX", "LOGICAL","CHAR","SUBR","ERROR"}; showexpr(p,indent) tagptr p; int indent; { int i; int type; chainp q; #define PRHEAD(q) fprintf(diagfile,"%s %d %s %s %s %d", \ Ztag[q->tag], q, Ztype[q->headblock.vtype], \ Zclass[q->headblock.vclass], Zstg[q->headblock.vstg], \ q->headblock.vleng); #define SHOWEXPR(p) showexpr(p,indent+2) if(p == NULL) return; for (i=0; itag) { case TCONST: PRHEAD(p); type=p->constblock.vtype; if (ISCHAR(p)) { fprintf(diagfile," ISCHAR ccp= %d\n", p->constblock.constant.ccp); SHOWEXPR(p->constblock.vleng); } else if( ISINT(type) ) fprintf(diagfile," ci= %d\n",p->constblock.constant.ci); else if( ISREAL(type) ) fprintf(diagfile, " cd[0]= %e\n",p->constblock.constant.cd[0]); else fprintf(diagfile," cd[0]= %e cd[1]= %e\n", p->constblock.constant.cd[0], p->constblock.constant.cd[1] ); break; case TADDR: PRHEAD(p); fprintf(diagfile, " memno= %d %d %d %d %d\n", p->addrblock.memno,p->addrblock.memoffset,p->addrblock.istemp, p->addrblock.ntempelt,p->addrblock.varleng); SHOWEXPR(p->addrblock.vleng); SHOWEXPR(p->addrblock.memoffset); break; case TTEMP: fprintf(diagfile,"%s %d %s %s %d", Ztag[p->tag], p, Ztype[p->headblock.vtype], Zclass[p->headblock.vclass], p->headblock.vleng); fprintf(diagfile, " memalloc= %d %d %d %d\n", p->tempblock.memalloc,p->tempblock.istemp, p->tempblock.ntempelt,p->tempblock.varleng); SHOWEXPR(p->tempblock.vleng); SHOWEXPR(p->tempblock.memalloc); break; case TERROR: fprintf(diagfile,"ERROR %d\n",p); break; case TNAME: fprintf(diagfile,"NAME %d\n",p); return; case TPRIM: fprintf(diagfile,"PRIM %d --- not implemented\n",p); break; case TEXPR: PRHEAD(p); fprintf(diagfile," opcode= %s %d %d\n", Zop[p->exprblock.opcode],p->exprblock.leftp, p->exprblock.rightp); SHOWEXPR(p->exprblock.leftp); if(p->exprblock.rightp) SHOWEXPR(p->exprblock.rightp); break; case TLIST: fprintf(diagfile,"LIST %d %s %d\n",p, Ztype[p->listblock.vtype],p->listblock.listp); for(q= p->listblock.listp ; q ; q = q->nextp) SHOWEXPR(q->datap); for (i=0; itag,p); } } selective()/************************************/ { int i; Slotp sl; i=0; fprintf (stderr,"SELECTIVE OUTPUT\n"); for (sl=firstslot;sl;sl=sl->next) { i++; /* if (i>=176 && i<184) */ { fprintf (stderr,"%d. ",i); showslt(sl); } } } LOCAL containscall(p) expptr p; { chainp cp; if (p == NULL) return NO; switch (p->tag) { case TADDR: if (containscall(p->addrblock.vleng) || containscall(p->addrblock.memoffset)) return YES; else return NO; case TCONST: return NO; case TERROR: return NO; case TEXPR: if (p->exprblock.opcode == OPCALL || p->exprblock.opcode == OPCCALL) return YES; if (containscall(p->exprblock.vleng) || containscall(p->exprblock.leftp) || containscall(p->exprblock.rightp)) return YES; else return NO; case TLIST: cp = p->listblock.listp; while (cp) { if (containscall(cp->datap)) return YES; cp = cp->nextp; } return NO; default: return YES; } }