/* See if various BMI2 instructions give expected results */ #include #include #include #define CC_C 1 #define CC_O (1 << 11) #ifdef __x86_64__ #define REG uint64_t #else #define REG uint32_t #endif void test_adox_adcx(uint32_t in_c, uint32_t in_o, REG adcx_operand, REG adox_operand) { REG flags; REG out_adcx, out_adox; asm("pushf; pop %0" : "=r"(flags)); flags &= ~(CC_C | CC_O); flags |= (in_c ? CC_C : 0); flags |= (in_o ? CC_O : 0); out_adcx = adcx_operand; out_adox = adox_operand; asm("push %0; popf;" "adox %3, %2;" "adcx %3, %1;" "pushf; pop %0" : "+r" (flags), "+r" (out_adcx), "+r" (out_adox) : "r" ((REG)-1), "0" (flags), "1" (out_adcx), "2" (out_adox)); assert(out_adcx == in_c + adcx_operand - 1); assert(out_adox == in_o + adox_operand - 1); assert(!!(flags & CC_C) == (in_c || adcx_operand)); assert(!!(flags & CC_O) == (in_o || adox_operand)); } void test_adcx_adox(uint32_t in_c, uint32_t in_o, REG adcx_operand, REG adox_operand) { REG flags; REG out_adcx, out_adox; asm("pushf; pop %0" : "=r"(flags)); flags &= ~(CC_C | CC_O); flags |= (in_c ? CC_C : 0); flags |= (in_o ? CC_O : 0); out_adcx = adcx_operand; out_adox = adox_operand; asm("push %0; popf;" "adcx %3, %1;" "adox %3, %2;" "pushf; pop %0" : "+r" (flags), "+r" (out_adcx), "+r" (out_adox) : "r" ((REG)-1), "0" (flags), "1" (out_adcx), "2" (out_adox)); assert(out_adcx == in_c + adcx_operand - 1); assert(out_adox == in_o + adox_operand - 1); assert(!!(flags & CC_C) == (in_c || adcx_operand)); assert(!!(flags & CC_O) == (in_o || adox_operand)); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* try all combinations of input CF, input OF, CF from op1+op2, OF from op2+op1 */ int i; for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { printf("%d\n", i); test_adcx_adox(!!(i & 1), !!(i & 2), !!(i & 4), !!(i & 8)); test_adox_adcx(!!(i & 1), !!(i & 2), !!(i & 4), !!(i & 8)); } return 0; }