#define CONCAT_I(a, b) a ## b #define CONCAT(a, b) CONCAT_I(a, b) #define pixel_t CONCAT(uint, CONCAT(BPP, _t)) #ifdef GENERIC #define NAME CONCAT(generic_, BPP) #else #define NAME BPP #endif #define MAX_BYTES_PER_PIXEL 4 static void CONCAT(send_hextile_tile_, NAME)(VncState *vs, int x, int y, int w, int h, void *last_bg_, void *last_fg_, int *has_bg, int *has_fg) { VncDisplay *vd = vs->vd; uint8_t *row = vnc_server_fb_ptr(vd, x, y); pixel_t *irow = (pixel_t *)row; int j, i; pixel_t *last_bg = (pixel_t *)last_bg_; pixel_t *last_fg = (pixel_t *)last_fg_; pixel_t bg = 0; pixel_t fg = 0; int n_colors = 0; int bg_count = 0; int fg_count = 0; int flags = 0; uint8_t data[(MAX_BYTES_PER_PIXEL + 2) * 16 * 16]; int n_data = 0; int n_subtiles = 0; /* Enforced by set_pixel_format() */ assert(vs->client_pf.bytes_per_pixel <= MAX_BYTES_PER_PIXEL); for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { for (i = 0; i < w; i++) { switch (n_colors) { case 0: bg = irow[i]; n_colors = 1; break; case 1: if (irow[i] != bg) { fg = irow[i]; n_colors = 2; } break; case 2: if (irow[i] != bg && irow[i] != fg) { n_colors = 3; } else { if (irow[i] == bg) bg_count++; else if (irow[i] == fg) fg_count++; } break; default: break; } } if (n_colors > 2) break; irow += vnc_server_fb_stride(vd) / sizeof(pixel_t); } if (n_colors > 1 && fg_count > bg_count) { pixel_t tmp = fg; fg = bg; bg = tmp; } if (!*has_bg || *last_bg != bg) { flags |= 0x02; *has_bg = 1; *last_bg = bg; } if (n_colors < 3 && (!*has_fg || *last_fg != fg)) { flags |= 0x04; *has_fg = 1; *last_fg = fg; } switch (n_colors) { case 1: n_data = 0; break; case 2: flags |= 0x08; irow = (pixel_t *)row; for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { int min_x = -1; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) { if (irow[i] == fg) { if (min_x == -1) min_x = i; } else if (min_x != -1) { hextile_enc_cord(data + n_data, min_x, j, i - min_x, 1); n_data += 2; n_subtiles++; min_x = -1; } } if (min_x != -1) { hextile_enc_cord(data + n_data, min_x, j, i - min_x, 1); n_data += 2; n_subtiles++; } irow += vnc_server_fb_stride(vd) / sizeof(pixel_t); } break; case 3: flags |= 0x18; irow = (pixel_t *)row; if (!*has_bg || *last_bg != bg) flags |= 0x02; for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { int has_color = 0; int min_x = -1; pixel_t color = 0; /* shut up gcc */ for (i = 0; i < w; i++) { if (!has_color) { if (irow[i] == bg) continue; color = irow[i]; min_x = i; has_color = 1; } else if (irow[i] != color) { has_color = 0; #ifdef GENERIC vnc_convert_pixel(vs, data + n_data, color); n_data += vs->client_pf.bytes_per_pixel; #else memcpy(data + n_data, &color, sizeof(color)); n_data += sizeof(pixel_t); #endif hextile_enc_cord(data + n_data, min_x, j, i - min_x, 1); n_data += 2; n_subtiles++; min_x = -1; if (irow[i] != bg) { color = irow[i]; min_x = i; has_color = 1; } } } if (has_color) { #ifdef GENERIC vnc_convert_pixel(vs, data + n_data, color); n_data += vs->client_pf.bytes_per_pixel; #else memcpy(data + n_data, &color, sizeof(color)); n_data += sizeof(pixel_t); #endif hextile_enc_cord(data + n_data, min_x, j, i - min_x, 1); n_data += 2; n_subtiles++; } irow += vnc_server_fb_stride(vd) / sizeof(pixel_t); } /* A SubrectsColoured subtile invalidates the foreground color */ *has_fg = 0; if (n_data > (w * h * sizeof(pixel_t))) { n_colors = 4; flags = 0x01; *has_bg = 0; /* we really don't have to invalidate either the bg or fg but we've lost the old values. oh well. */ } break; default: break; } if (n_colors > 3) { flags = 0x01; *has_fg = 0; *has_bg = 0; n_colors = 4; } vnc_write_u8(vs, flags); if (n_colors < 4) { if (flags & 0x02) vs->write_pixels(vs, last_bg, sizeof(pixel_t)); if (flags & 0x04) vs->write_pixels(vs, last_fg, sizeof(pixel_t)); if (n_subtiles) { vnc_write_u8(vs, n_subtiles); vnc_write(vs, data, n_data); } } else { for (j = 0; j < h; j++) { vs->write_pixels(vs, row, w * 4); row += vnc_server_fb_stride(vd); } } } #undef MAX_BYTES_PER_PIXEL #undef NAME #undef pixel_t #undef CONCAT_I #undef CONCAT