LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US IDR_MAINMENU MENU BEGIN POPUP "&File" BEGIN MENUITEM "&New...", ID_NEW MENUITEM "&Open...", ID_OPEN MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Close\tCtrl+F4", ID_CLOSE, GRAYED MENUITEM "C&lose all", ID_CLOSEALL, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Save", ID_SAVE, GRAYED MENUITEM "Save &As...", ID_SAVEAS, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Print Pre&view", ID_PRINTPRE, GRAYED MENUITEM "&Print...", ID_PRINT, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Page Set&up...", ID_PAGESETUP, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit\tAlt+F4", ID_EXIT END POPUP "&Edit" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Undo", ID_UNDO, GRAYED MENUITEM "&Redo", ID_REDO, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Cu&t", ID_CUT, GRAYED MENUITEM "&Copy", ID_COPY, GRAYED MENUITEM "&Paste", ID_PASTE, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Clear", -1, GRAYED MENUITEM "Select &All", ID_SELALL, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Find...\tCtrl+F",-1, GRAYED MENUITEM "Find Next", -1, GRAYED MENUITEM "Replace\tCtrl+H", -1, GRAYED MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Object Properties",-1, GRAYED MENUITEM "Object", -1, GRAYED END POPUP "&View" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Toolbar", -1, CHECKED MENUITEM "&Format Bar", -1, CHECKED MENUITEM "&Ruler", -1, CHECKED MENUITEM "&Status Bar", ID_STATUSBAR, CHECKED END POPUP "&Insert" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Date and Time...",-1, GRAYED MENUITEM "&Object...", -1, GRAYED END POPUP "&Format" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Font...", -1 GRAYED MENUITEM "Bulletstyle", -1, GRAYED MENUITEM "Paragraph...", -1, GRAYED MENUITEM "tabs...", -1, GRAYED END POPUP "&Window" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Cascade", ID_WINDOW_CASCADE MENUITEM "Tile &Horizontally", ID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ MENUITEM "Tile &Vertically", ID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT MENUITEM "&Arrange Icons", ID_WINDOW_ARRANGE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Nex&t\tCtrl+F6", ID_WINDOW_NEXT END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&About...", ID_ABOUT END END IDR_POPUP MENU BEGIN POPUP "popup" BEGIN MENUITEM SEPARATOR END END IDD_NEWDOCSEL DIALOGEX 6,6,159,67 CAPTION "New" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg",0,0 STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME | DS_MODALFRAME BEGIN LTEXT "New document Type:", IDC_STATIC, 4, 3, 72, 9 LISTBOX IDC_LIST, 4, 16, 104, 46, WS_TABSTOP PUSHBUTTON "&OK", IDOK, 112, 16, 44, 13 PUSHBUTTON "&Cancel", IDCANCEL, 112, 33, 44, 13 END IDD_ABOUTBOX DIALOGEX 22,16,190,182 CAPTION "About WordPad" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg",0,0 STYLE DS_SHELLFONT | WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME | WS_SYSMENU | DS_MODALFRAME BEGIN LTEXT "WordPad II v0.1\nCopyright (C) 2006\nGed Murphy (", IDC_STATIC, 48, 7, 150, 36 PUSHBUTTON "Close", IDOK, 65, 162, 44, 15 ICON IDI_ICON, IDC_STATIC, 10, 10, 7, 30 EDITTEXT IDC_LICENSE_EDIT, 8, 40, 174, 110, WS_VISIBLE | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP | ES_READONLY | ES_MULTILINE END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_LICENSE "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\r\n\r\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.\r\n\r\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA." IDS_DEFAULT_NAME "Document %1!u!" IDS_READY " Ready." END STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_DOC_TYPE_RICH_TEXT "Rich Text Document" IDS_DOC_TYPE_UNICODE_TEXT "Text Document" IDS_DOC_TYPE_TEXT "Unicode Text Document" END /* Tooltips */ STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_TOOLTIP_NEW "New" IDS_TOOLTIP_OPEN "Open" IDS_TOOLTIP_SAVE "Save" IDS_TOOLTIP_PRINTPRE "Print preview" IDS_TOOLTIP_PRINT "Print" IDS_TOOLTIP_CUT "Cut" IDS_TOOLTIP_COPY "Copy" IDS_TOOLTIP_PASTE "Paste" IDS_TOOLTIP_UNDO "Undo" IDS_TOOLTIP_REDO "Redo" END /* Hints */ STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_HINT_BLANK " " IDS_HINT_NEW " Creates a new document." IDS_HINT_OPEN " Opens an existing document." IDS_HINT_CLOSE " Closes this window." IDS_HINT_CLOSEALL " Closes all windows." IDS_HINT_SAVE " Saves the active document." IDS_HINT_SAVEAS " Saves the active document with a new name." IDS_HINT_PRINT " Prints the active document." IDS_HINT_PRINTPRE " Previews the printed document." IDS_HINT_PAGESETUP " Changes page layout settings." IDS_HINT_EXIT " Exits this application." IDS_HINT_CASCADE " Arrange windows so they overlap." IDS_HINT_TILE_HORZ " Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles." IDS_HINT_TILE_VERT " Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles." IDS_HINT_ARRANGE " Arrange icons at the bottom of the window." IDS_HINT_NEXT " Activates the next window." IDS_HINT_SYS_RESTORE " Restores this window to normal size." IDS_HINT_SYS_MOVE " Moves this window." IDS_HINT_SYS_SIZE " Resizes this window." IDS_HINT_SYS_MINIMIZE " Collapses this window to an icon." IDS_HINT_SYS_MAXIMIZE " Expands this window to fill this screen." END