/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Console Server DLL * FILE: win32ss/user/winsrv/consrv/frontends/gui/guiterm.c * PURPOSE: GUI Terminal Front-End * PROGRAMMERS: Gé van Geldorp * Johannes Anderwald * Jeffrey Morlan * Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #include "guiterm.h" #include "resource.h" // HACK!! Remove it when the hack in GuiWriteStream is fixed #define CONGUI_UPDATE_TIME 0 #define CONGUI_UPDATE_TIMER 1 #define PM_CREATE_CONSOLE (WM_APP + 1) #define PM_DESTROY_CONSOLE (WM_APP + 2) /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ typedef struct _GUI_INIT_INFO { HANDLE GuiThreadStartupEvent; ULONG_PTR InputThreadId; HWINSTA WinSta; HDESK Desktop; HICON hIcon; HICON hIconSm; BOOLEAN IsWindowVisible; GUI_CONSOLE_INFO TermInfo; } GUI_INIT_INFO, *PGUI_INIT_INFO; static BOOL ConsInitialized = FALSE; extern HICON ghDefaultIcon; extern HICON ghDefaultIconSm; extern HCURSOR ghDefaultCursor; VOID SetConWndConsoleLeaderCID(IN PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData); BOOLEAN RegisterConWndClass(IN HINSTANCE hInstance); BOOLEAN UnRegisterConWndClass(HINSTANCE hInstance); /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ VOID GuiConsoleMoveWindow(PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData) { /* Move the window if needed (not positioned by the system) */ if (!GuiData->GuiInfo.AutoPosition) { SetWindowPos(GuiData->hWindow, NULL, GuiData->GuiInfo.WindowOrigin.x, GuiData->GuiInfo.WindowOrigin.y, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } } static VOID DrawRegion(PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData, SMALL_RECT* Region) { RECT RegionRect; SmallRectToRect(GuiData, &RegionRect, Region); /* Do not erase the background: it speeds up redrawing and reduce flickering */ InvalidateRect(GuiData->hWindow, &RegionRect, FALSE); /**UpdateWindow(GuiData->hWindow);**/ } VOID InvalidateCell(PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData, SHORT x, SHORT y) { SMALL_RECT CellRect = { x, y, x, y }; DrawRegion(GuiData, &CellRect); } /****************************************************************************** * GUI Terminal Initialization * ******************************************************************************/ VOID CreateSysMenu(HWND hWnd); static ULONG NTAPI GuiConsoleInputThread(PVOID Param) { NTSTATUS Status; PCSR_THREAD pcsrt = NULL; PGUI_INIT_INFO GuiInitInfo = (PGUI_INIT_INFO)Param; DESKTOP_CONSOLE_THREAD DesktopConsoleThreadInfo; ULONG_PTR InputThreadId = HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread); HANDLE hThread = NULL; LONG WindowCount = 0; MSG msg; /* * This thread dispatches all the console notifications to the * notification window. It is common for all the console windows * in a given desktop in a window station. */ /* Assign this console input thread to this desktop */ DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.DesktopHandle = GuiInitInfo->Desktop; // Duplicated desktop handle DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.ThreadId = InputThreadId; Status = NtUserConsoleControl(ConsoleCtrlDesktopConsoleThread, &DesktopConsoleThreadInfo, sizeof(DesktopConsoleThreadInfo)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quit; /* Connect this CSR thread to the USER subsystem */ pcsrt = CsrConnectToUser(); if (pcsrt == NULL) goto Quit; hThread = pcsrt->ThreadHandle; /* Assign the desktop to this thread */ if (!SetThreadDesktop(DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.DesktopHandle)) goto Quit; /* The thread has been initialized, set the event */ NtSetEvent(GuiInitInfo->GuiThreadStartupEvent, NULL); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; while (GetMessageW(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { switch (msg.message) { case PM_CREATE_CONSOLE: { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = (PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA)msg.lParam; PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console = GuiData->Console; HWND NewWindow; RECT rcWnd; DPRINT("PM_CREATE_CONSOLE -- creating window\n"); NewWindow = CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, GUI_CONWND_CLASS, Console->Title.Buffer, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, GuiData->IsWindowVisible ? HWND_DESKTOP : HWND_MESSAGE, NULL, ConSrvDllInstance, (PVOID)GuiData); if (NewWindow == NULL) { DPRINT1("Failed to create a new console window\n"); continue; } ASSERT(NewWindow == GuiData->hWindow); InterlockedIncrement(&WindowCount); // // FIXME: TODO: Move everything there into conwnd.c!OnNcCreate() // /* Retrieve our real position */ // See conwnd.c!OnMove() GetWindowRect(GuiData->hWindow, &rcWnd); GuiData->GuiInfo.WindowOrigin.x = rcWnd.left; GuiData->GuiInfo.WindowOrigin.y = rcWnd.top; if (GuiData->IsWindowVisible) { /* Move and resize the window to the user's values */ /* CAN WE DEADLOCK ?? */ GuiConsoleMoveWindow(GuiData); // FIXME: This MUST be done via the CreateWindowExW call. SendMessageW(GuiData->hWindow, PM_RESIZE_TERMINAL, 0, 0); } // FIXME: HACK: Potential HACK for CORE-8129; see revision 63595. CreateSysMenu(GuiData->hWindow); if (GuiData->IsWindowVisible) { /* Switch to full-screen mode if necessary */ // FIXME: Move elsewhere, it cause misdrawings of the window. if (GuiData->GuiInfo.FullScreen) SwitchFullScreen(GuiData, TRUE); DPRINT("PM_CREATE_CONSOLE -- showing window\n"); ShowWindowAsync(NewWindow, (int)GuiData->GuiInfo.ShowWindow); } else { DPRINT("PM_CREATE_CONSOLE -- hidden window\n"); ShowWindowAsync(NewWindow, SW_HIDE); } continue; } case PM_DESTROY_CONSOLE: { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = (PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA)msg.lParam; MSG TempMsg; /* Exit the full screen mode if it was already set */ // LeaveFullScreen(GuiData); /* * Window creation is done using a PostMessage(), so it's possible * that the window that we want to destroy doesn't exist yet. * So first empty the message queue. */ while (PeekMessageW(&TempMsg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessageW(&TempMsg); } if (GuiData->hWindow == NULL) continue; DestroyWindow(GuiData->hWindow); NtSetEvent(GuiData->hGuiTermEvent, NULL); if (InterlockedDecrement(&WindowCount) == 0) { DPRINT("CONSRV: Going to quit the Input Thread 0x%p\n", InputThreadId); goto Quit; } continue; } } TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessageW(&msg); } Quit: DPRINT("CONSRV: Quit the Input Thread 0x%p, Status = 0x%08lx\n", InputThreadId, Status); /* Remove this console input thread from this desktop */ // DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.DesktopHandle; DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.ThreadId = 0; NtUserConsoleControl(ConsoleCtrlDesktopConsoleThread, &DesktopConsoleThreadInfo, sizeof(DesktopConsoleThreadInfo)); /* Close the duplicated desktop handle */ CloseDesktop(DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.DesktopHandle); // NtUserCloseDesktop /* Cleanup CSR thread */ if (pcsrt) { if (hThread != pcsrt->ThreadHandle) DPRINT1("WARNING!! hThread (0x%p) != pcsrt->ThreadHandle (0x%p), you may expect crashes soon!!\n", hThread, pcsrt->ThreadHandle); CsrDereferenceThread(pcsrt); } /* Exit the thread */ RtlExitUserThread(Status); return 0; } // FIXME: Maybe return a NTSTATUS static BOOL GuiInit(IN PCONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo, IN HANDLE ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle, IN OUT PGUI_INIT_INFO GuiInitInfo) { BOOL Success = TRUE; UNICODE_STRING DesktopPath; DESKTOP_CONSOLE_THREAD DesktopConsoleThreadInfo; HWINSTA hWinSta; HDESK hDesk; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE hInputThread; CLIENT_ID ClientId; /* * Initialize and register the console window class, if needed. */ if (!ConsInitialized) { if (!RegisterConWndClass(ConSrvDllInstance)) return FALSE; ConsInitialized = TRUE; } /* * Set-up the console input thread. We have * one console input thread per desktop. */ if (!CsrImpersonateClient(NULL)) // return STATUS_BAD_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL; return FALSE; if (ConsoleInitInfo->DesktopLength) { DesktopPath.MaximumLength = ConsoleInitInfo->DesktopLength; DesktopPath.Length = DesktopPath.MaximumLength - sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); DesktopPath.Buffer = ConsoleInitInfo->Desktop; } else { RtlInitUnicodeString(&DesktopPath, L"Default"); } hDesk = NtUserResolveDesktop(ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle, &DesktopPath, FALSE, &hWinSta); DPRINT("NtUserResolveDesktop(DesktopPath = '%wZ') returned hDesk = 0x%p; hWinSta = 0x%p\n", &DesktopPath, hDesk, hWinSta); CsrRevertToSelf(); if (hDesk == NULL) return FALSE; /* * We need to see whether we need to create a * new console input thread for this desktop. */ DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.DesktopHandle = hDesk; DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.ThreadId = (ULONG_PTR)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Special value to say we just want to retrieve the thread ID. NtUserConsoleControl(ConsoleCtrlDesktopConsoleThread, &DesktopConsoleThreadInfo, sizeof(DesktopConsoleThreadInfo)); DPRINT("NtUserConsoleControl returned ThreadId = 0x%p\n", DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.ThreadId); /* * Save the opened window station and desktop handles in the initialization * structure. They will be used later on, and released, by the GUI frontend. */ GuiInitInfo->WinSta = hWinSta; GuiInitInfo->Desktop = hDesk; /* Here GuiInitInfo contains original handles */ /* If we already have a console input thread on this desktop... */ if (DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.ThreadId != 0) { /* ... just use it... */ DPRINT("Using input thread InputThreadId = 0x%p\n", DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.ThreadId); GuiInitInfo->InputThreadId = DesktopConsoleThreadInfo.ThreadId; goto Quit; } /* ... otherwise create a new one. */ /* Initialize a startup event for the thread to signal it */ Status = NtCreateEvent(&GuiInitInfo->GuiThreadStartupEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Success = FALSE; goto Quit; } /* * Duplicate the desktop handle for the console input thread internal needs. * If it happens to need also a window station handle in the future, then * it is there that you also need to duplicate the window station handle! * * Note also that we are going to temporarily overwrite the stored handles * in GuiInitInfo because it happens that we use also this structure to give * the duplicated handles to the input thread that is going to initialize. * After the input thread finishes its initialization, we restore the handles * in GuiInitInfo to their old values. */ Status = NtDuplicateObject(NtCurrentProcess(), hDesk, NtCurrentProcess(), (PHANDLE)&GuiInitInfo->Desktop, 0, 0, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Success = FALSE; goto Quit; } /* Here GuiInitInfo contains duplicated handles */ Status = RtlCreateUserThread(NtCurrentProcess(), NULL, TRUE, // Start the thread in suspended state 0, 0, 0, (PVOID)GuiConsoleInputThread, (PVOID)GuiInitInfo, &hInputThread, &ClientId); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Add it as a static server thread and resume it */ CsrAddStaticServerThread(hInputThread, &ClientId, 0); Status = NtResumeThread(hInputThread, NULL); } DPRINT("Thread creation hInputThread = 0x%p, InputThreadId = 0x%p, Status = 0x%08lx\n", hInputThread, ClientId.UniqueThread, Status); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) || hInputThread == NULL) { /* Close the thread's handle */ if (hInputThread) NtClose(hInputThread); /* We need to close here the duplicated desktop handle */ CloseDesktop(GuiInitInfo->Desktop); // NtUserCloseDesktop /* Close the startup event and bail out */ NtClose(GuiInitInfo->GuiThreadStartupEvent); DPRINT1("CONSRV: Failed to create graphics console thread.\n"); Success = FALSE; goto Quit; } /* No need to close hInputThread, this is done by CSR automatically */ /* Wait for the thread to finish its initialization, and close the startup event */ NtWaitForSingleObject(GuiInitInfo->GuiThreadStartupEvent, FALSE, NULL); NtClose(GuiInitInfo->GuiThreadStartupEvent); /* * Save the input thread ID for later use, and restore the original handles. * The copies are held by the console input thread. */ GuiInitInfo->InputThreadId = (ULONG_PTR)ClientId.UniqueThread; GuiInitInfo->WinSta = hWinSta; GuiInitInfo->Desktop = hDesk; /* Here GuiInitInfo contains again original handles */ Quit: if (!Success) { /* * Close the original handles. Do not use the copies in GuiInitInfo * because we may have failed in the middle of the duplicate operation * and the handles stored in GuiInitInfo may have changed. */ CloseDesktop(hDesk); // NtUserCloseDesktop CloseWindowStation(hWinSta); // NtUserCloseWindowStation } return Success; } /****************************************************************************** * GUI Console Driver * ******************************************************************************/ static VOID NTAPI GuiDeinitFrontEnd(IN OUT PFRONTEND This); static NTSTATUS NTAPI GuiInitFrontEnd(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, IN PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console) { PGUI_INIT_INFO GuiInitInfo; PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData; if (This == NULL || Console == NULL || This->Context2 == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; ASSERT(This->Console == Console); GuiInitInfo = This->Context2; /* Terminal data allocation */ GuiData = ConsoleAllocHeap(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*GuiData)); if (!GuiData) { DPRINT1("CONSRV: Failed to create GUI_CONSOLE_DATA\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /// /* HACK */ Console->FrontEndIFace.Context = (PVOID)GuiData; /* HACK */ GuiData->Console = Console; GuiData->ActiveBuffer = Console->ActiveBuffer; GuiData->hWindow = NULL; GuiData->IsWindowVisible = GuiInitInfo->IsWindowVisible; /* The console can be resized */ Console->FixedSize = FALSE; InitializeCriticalSection(&GuiData->Lock); /* * Set up GUI data */ RtlCopyMemory(&GuiData->GuiInfo, &GuiInitInfo->TermInfo, sizeof(GuiInitInfo->TermInfo)); /* Initialize the icon handles */ if (GuiInitInfo->hIcon != NULL) GuiData->hIcon = GuiInitInfo->hIcon; else GuiData->hIcon = ghDefaultIcon; if (GuiInitInfo->hIconSm != NULL) GuiData->hIconSm = GuiInitInfo->hIconSm; else GuiData->hIconSm = ghDefaultIconSm; ASSERT(GuiData->hIcon && GuiData->hIconSm); /* Mouse is shown by default with its default cursor shape */ GuiData->hCursor = ghDefaultCursor; GuiData->MouseCursorRefCount = 0; /* A priori don't ignore mouse signals */ GuiData->IgnoreNextMouseSignal = FALSE; /* Initialize HACK FOR CORE-8394. See conwnd.c!OnMouse for more details. */ GuiData->HackCORE8394IgnoreNextMove = FALSE; /* Close button and the corresponding system menu item are enabled by default */ GuiData->IsCloseButtonEnabled = TRUE; /* There is no user-reserved menu id range by default */ GuiData->CmdIdLow = GuiData->CmdIdHigh = 0; /* Initialize the selection */ RtlZeroMemory(&GuiData->Selection, sizeof(GuiData->Selection)); GuiData->Selection.dwFlags = CONSOLE_NO_SELECTION; RtlZeroMemory(&GuiData->dwSelectionCursor, sizeof(GuiData->dwSelectionCursor)); GuiData->LineSelection = FALSE; // Default to block selection // TODO: Retrieve the selection mode via the registry. GuiData->InputThreadId = GuiInitInfo->InputThreadId; GuiData->WinSta = GuiInitInfo->WinSta; GuiData->Desktop = GuiInitInfo->Desktop; /* Finally, finish to initialize the frontend structure */ This->Context = GuiData; ConsoleFreeHeap(This->Context2); This->Context2 = NULL; /* * We need to wait until the GUI has been fully initialized * to retrieve custom settings i.e. WindowSize etc... * Ideally we could use SendNotifyMessage for this but its not * yet implemented. */ NtCreateEvent(&GuiData->hGuiInitEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); NtCreateEvent(&GuiData->hGuiTermEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); DPRINT("GUI - Checkpoint\n"); /* Create the terminal window */ PostThreadMessageW(GuiData->InputThreadId, PM_CREATE_CONSOLE, 0, (LPARAM)GuiData); /* Wait until initialization has finished */ NtWaitForSingleObject(GuiData->hGuiInitEvent, FALSE, NULL); DPRINT("OK we created the console window\n"); NtClose(GuiData->hGuiInitEvent); GuiData->hGuiInitEvent = NULL; /* Check whether we really succeeded in initializing the terminal window */ if (GuiData->hWindow == NULL) { DPRINT("GuiInitConsole - We failed at creating a new terminal window\n"); GuiDeinitFrontEnd(This); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static VOID NTAPI GuiDeinitFrontEnd(IN OUT PFRONTEND This) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; DPRINT("Send PM_DESTROY_CONSOLE message and wait on hGuiTermEvent...\n"); PostThreadMessageW(GuiData->InputThreadId, PM_DESTROY_CONSOLE, 0, (LPARAM)GuiData); NtWaitForSingleObject(GuiData->hGuiTermEvent, FALSE, NULL); DPRINT("hGuiTermEvent set\n"); NtClose(GuiData->hGuiTermEvent); GuiData->hGuiTermEvent = NULL; CloseDesktop(GuiData->Desktop); // NtUserCloseDesktop CloseWindowStation(GuiData->WinSta); // NtUserCloseWindowStation DPRINT("Destroying icons !! - GuiData->hIcon = 0x%p ; ghDefaultIcon = 0x%p ; GuiData->hIconSm = 0x%p ; ghDefaultIconSm = 0x%p\n", GuiData->hIcon, ghDefaultIcon, GuiData->hIconSm, ghDefaultIconSm); if (GuiData->hIcon != NULL && GuiData->hIcon != ghDefaultIcon) { DPRINT("Destroy hIcon\n"); DestroyIcon(GuiData->hIcon); } if (GuiData->hIconSm != NULL && GuiData->hIconSm != ghDefaultIconSm) { DPRINT("Destroy hIconSm\n"); DestroyIcon(GuiData->hIconSm); } This->Context = NULL; DeleteCriticalSection(&GuiData->Lock); ConsoleFreeHeap(GuiData); DPRINT("Quit GuiDeinitFrontEnd\n"); } static VOID NTAPI GuiDrawRegion(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, SMALL_RECT* Region) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; /* Do nothing if the window is hidden */ if (!GuiData->IsWindowVisible) return; DrawRegion(GuiData, Region); } static VOID NTAPI GuiWriteStream(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, SMALL_RECT* Region, SHORT CursorStartX, SHORT CursorStartY, UINT ScrolledLines, PWCHAR Buffer, UINT Length) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buff; SHORT CursorEndX, CursorEndY; RECT ScrollRect; if (NULL == GuiData || NULL == GuiData->hWindow) return; /* Do nothing if the window is hidden */ if (!GuiData->IsWindowVisible) return; Buff = GuiData->ActiveBuffer; if (GetType(Buff) != TEXTMODE_BUFFER) return; if (0 != ScrolledLines) { ScrollRect.left = 0; ScrollRect.top = 0; ScrollRect.right = Buff->ViewSize.X * GuiData->CharWidth; ScrollRect.bottom = Region->Top * GuiData->CharHeight; ScrollWindowEx(GuiData->hWindow, 0, -(int)(ScrolledLines * GuiData->CharHeight), &ScrollRect, NULL, NULL, NULL, SW_INVALIDATE); } DrawRegion(GuiData, Region); if (CursorStartX < Region->Left || Region->Right < CursorStartX || CursorStartY < Region->Top || Region->Bottom < CursorStartY) { InvalidateCell(GuiData, CursorStartX, CursorStartY); } CursorEndX = Buff->CursorPosition.X; CursorEndY = Buff->CursorPosition.Y; if ((CursorEndX < Region->Left || Region->Right < CursorEndX || CursorEndY < Region->Top || Region->Bottom < CursorEndY) && (CursorEndX != CursorStartX || CursorEndY != CursorStartY)) { InvalidateCell(GuiData, CursorEndX, CursorEndY); } // HACK!! // Set up the update timer (very short interval) - this is a "hack" for getting the OS to // repaint the window without having it just freeze up and stay on the screen permanently. Buff->CursorBlinkOn = TRUE; SetTimer(GuiData->hWindow, CONGUI_UPDATE_TIMER, CONGUI_UPDATE_TIME, NULL); } /* static */ VOID NTAPI GuiRingBell(IN OUT PFRONTEND This) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; /* Emit an error beep sound */ SendNotifyMessage(GuiData->hWindow, PM_CONSOLE_BEEP, 0, 0); } static BOOL NTAPI GuiSetCursorInfo(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buff) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; /* Do nothing if the window is hidden */ if (!GuiData->IsWindowVisible) return TRUE; if (GuiData->ActiveBuffer == Buff) { InvalidateCell(GuiData, Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); } return TRUE; } static BOOL NTAPI GuiSetScreenInfo(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER Buff, SHORT OldCursorX, SHORT OldCursorY) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; /* Do nothing if the window is hidden */ if (!GuiData->IsWindowVisible) return TRUE; if (GuiData->ActiveBuffer == Buff) { /* Redraw char at old position (remove cursor) */ InvalidateCell(GuiData, OldCursorX, OldCursorY); /* Redraw char at new position (show cursor) */ InvalidateCell(GuiData, Buff->CursorPosition.X, Buff->CursorPosition.Y); } return TRUE; } static VOID NTAPI GuiResizeTerminal(IN OUT PFRONTEND This) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; /* Resize the window to the user's values */ PostMessageW(GuiData->hWindow, PM_RESIZE_TERMINAL, 0, 0); } static VOID NTAPI GuiSetActiveScreenBuffer(IN OUT PFRONTEND This) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER ActiveBuffer; HPALETTE hPalette; EnterCriticalSection(&GuiData->Lock); GuiData->WindowSizeLock = TRUE; InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID*)&GuiData->ActiveBuffer, ConDrvGetActiveScreenBuffer(GuiData->Console)); GuiData->WindowSizeLock = FALSE; LeaveCriticalSection(&GuiData->Lock); ActiveBuffer = GuiData->ActiveBuffer; /* Change the current palette */ if (ActiveBuffer->PaletteHandle == NULL) hPalette = GuiData->hSysPalette; else hPalette = ActiveBuffer->PaletteHandle; DPRINT("GuiSetActiveScreenBuffer using palette 0x%p\n", hPalette); /* Set the new palette for the framebuffer */ SelectPalette(GuiData->hMemDC, hPalette, FALSE); /* Specify the use of the system palette for the framebuffer */ SetSystemPaletteUse(GuiData->hMemDC, ActiveBuffer->PaletteUsage); /* Realize the (logical) palette */ RealizePalette(GuiData->hMemDC); GuiResizeTerminal(This); // ConioDrawConsole(Console); } static VOID NTAPI GuiReleaseScreenBuffer(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, IN PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER ScreenBuffer) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; /* * If we were notified to release a screen buffer that is not actually * ours, then just ignore the notification... */ if (ScreenBuffer != GuiData->ActiveBuffer) return; /* * ... else, we must release our active buffer. Two cases are present: * - If ScreenBuffer (== GuiData->ActiveBuffer) IS NOT the console * active screen buffer, then we can safely switch to it. * - If ScreenBuffer IS the console active screen buffer, we must release * it ONLY. */ /* Release the old active palette and set the default one */ if (GetCurrentObject(GuiData->hMemDC, OBJ_PAL) == ScreenBuffer->PaletteHandle) { /* Set the new palette */ SelectPalette(GuiData->hMemDC, GuiData->hSysPalette, FALSE); } /* Set the adequate active screen buffer */ if (ScreenBuffer != GuiData->Console->ActiveBuffer) { GuiSetActiveScreenBuffer(This); } else { EnterCriticalSection(&GuiData->Lock); GuiData->WindowSizeLock = TRUE; InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID*)&GuiData->ActiveBuffer, NULL); GuiData->WindowSizeLock = FALSE; LeaveCriticalSection(&GuiData->Lock); } } static BOOL NTAPI GuiSetMouseCursor(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, HCURSOR CursorHandle); static VOID NTAPI GuiRefreshInternalInfo(IN OUT PFRONTEND This) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; /* Update the console leader information held by the window */ SetConWndConsoleLeaderCID(GuiData); /* * HACK: * We reset the cursor here so that, when a console app quits, we reset * the cursor to the default one. It's quite a hack since it doesn't proceed * per - console process... This must be fixed. * * See GuiInitConsole(...) for more information. */ /* Mouse is shown by default with its default cursor shape */ GuiData->MouseCursorRefCount = 0; // Reinitialize the reference counter GuiSetMouseCursor(This, NULL); } static VOID NTAPI GuiChangeTitle(IN OUT PFRONTEND This) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; PostMessageW(GuiData->hWindow, PM_CONSOLE_SET_TITLE, 0, 0); } static BOOL NTAPI GuiChangeIcon(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, HICON IconHandle) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; HICON hIcon, hIconSm; if (IconHandle == NULL) { hIcon = ghDefaultIcon; hIconSm = ghDefaultIconSm; } else { hIcon = CopyIcon(IconHandle); hIconSm = CopyIcon(IconHandle); } if (hIcon == NULL) return FALSE; if (hIcon != GuiData->hIcon) { if (GuiData->hIcon != NULL && GuiData->hIcon != ghDefaultIcon) { DestroyIcon(GuiData->hIcon); } if (GuiData->hIconSm != NULL && GuiData->hIconSm != ghDefaultIconSm) { DestroyIcon(GuiData->hIconSm); } GuiData->hIcon = hIcon; GuiData->hIconSm = hIconSm; DPRINT("Set icons in GuiChangeIcon\n"); PostMessageW(GuiData->hWindow, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG , (LPARAM)GuiData->hIcon ); PostMessageW(GuiData->hWindow, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, (LPARAM)GuiData->hIconSm); } return TRUE; } static HWND NTAPI GuiGetConsoleWindowHandle(IN OUT PFRONTEND This) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; return GuiData->hWindow; } static VOID NTAPI GuiGetLargestConsoleWindowSize(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, PCOORD pSize) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER ActiveBuffer; HMONITOR hMonitor; MONITORINFO MonitorInfo; LONG Width, Height; UINT WidthUnit, HeightUnit; if (!pSize) return; /* * Retrieve the monitor that is mostly covered by the current console window; * default to primary monitor otherwise. */ MonitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MonitorInfo); hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(GuiData->hWindow, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); if (hMonitor && GetMonitorInfoW(hMonitor, &MonitorInfo)) { /* Retrieve the width and height of the client area of this monitor */ Width = MonitorInfo.rcWork.right - MonitorInfo.rcWork.left; Height = MonitorInfo.rcWork.bottom - MonitorInfo.rcWork.top; } else { /* * Retrieve the width and height of the client area for a full-screen * window on the primary display monitor. */ Width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFULLSCREEN); Height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFULLSCREEN); // RECT WorkArea; // SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &WorkArea, 0); // Width = WorkArea.right; // Height = WorkArea.bottom; } ActiveBuffer = GuiData->ActiveBuffer; #if 0 // NOTE: This would be surprising if we wouldn't have an associated buffer... if (ActiveBuffer) #endif GetScreenBufferSizeUnits(ActiveBuffer, GuiData, &WidthUnit, &HeightUnit); #if 0 else /* Default: graphics mode */ WidthUnit = HeightUnit = 1; #endif Width -= (2 * (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE))); Height -= (2 * (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)); if (Width < 0) Width = 0; if (Height < 0) Height = 0; pSize->X = (SHORT)(Width / (int)WidthUnit ) /* HACK */ + 2; pSize->Y = (SHORT)(Height / (int)HeightUnit) /* HACK */ + 1; } static BOOL NTAPI GuiGetSelectionInfo(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, PCONSOLE_SELECTION_INFO pSelectionInfo) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; if (pSelectionInfo == NULL) return FALSE; ZeroMemory(pSelectionInfo, sizeof(*pSelectionInfo)); if (GuiData->Selection.dwFlags != CONSOLE_NO_SELECTION) RtlCopyMemory(pSelectionInfo, &GuiData->Selection, sizeof(*pSelectionInfo)); return TRUE; } static BOOL NTAPI GuiSetPalette(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, HPALETTE PaletteHandle, UINT PaletteUsage) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; HPALETTE OldPalette; // if (GetType(GuiData->ActiveBuffer) != GRAPHICS_BUFFER) return FALSE; if (PaletteHandle == NULL) return FALSE; /* Set the new palette for the framebuffer */ OldPalette = SelectPalette(GuiData->hMemDC, PaletteHandle, FALSE); if (OldPalette == NULL) return FALSE; /* Specify the use of the system palette for the framebuffer */ SetSystemPaletteUse(GuiData->hMemDC, PaletteUsage); /* Realize the (logical) palette */ RealizePalette(GuiData->hMemDC); /* Save the original system palette handle */ if (GuiData->hSysPalette == NULL) GuiData->hSysPalette = OldPalette; return TRUE; } static ULONG NTAPI GuiGetDisplayMode(IN OUT PFRONTEND This) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; ULONG DisplayMode = 0; if (GuiData->GuiInfo.FullScreen) DisplayMode |= CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE; // CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN else DisplayMode |= CONSOLE_WINDOWED; return DisplayMode; } static BOOL NTAPI GuiSetDisplayMode(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, ULONG NewMode) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; BOOL FullScreen; if (NewMode & ~(CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_MODE | CONSOLE_WINDOWED_MODE)) return FALSE; /* Do nothing if the window is hidden */ if (!GuiData->IsWindowVisible) return TRUE; FullScreen = ((NewMode & CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_MODE) != 0); if (FullScreen != GuiData->GuiInfo.FullScreen) { SwitchFullScreen(GuiData, FullScreen); } return TRUE; } static INT NTAPI GuiShowMouseCursor(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, BOOL Show) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; if (GuiData->IsWindowVisible) { /* Set the reference count */ if (Show) ++GuiData->MouseCursorRefCount; else --GuiData->MouseCursorRefCount; /* Effectively show (or hide) the cursor (use special values for (w|l)Param) */ PostMessageW(GuiData->hWindow, WM_SETCURSOR, -1, -1); } return GuiData->MouseCursorRefCount; } static BOOL NTAPI GuiSetMouseCursor(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, HCURSOR CursorHandle) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; /* Do nothing if the window is hidden */ if (!GuiData->IsWindowVisible) return TRUE; /* * Set the cursor's handle. If the given handle is NULL, * then restore the default cursor. */ GuiData->hCursor = (CursorHandle ? CursorHandle : ghDefaultCursor); /* Effectively modify the shape of the cursor (use special values for (w|l)Param) */ PostMessageW(GuiData->hWindow, WM_SETCURSOR, -1, -1); return TRUE; } static HMENU NTAPI GuiMenuControl(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, UINT CmdIdLow, UINT CmdIdHigh) { PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; GuiData->CmdIdLow = CmdIdLow ; GuiData->CmdIdHigh = CmdIdHigh; return GetSystemMenu(GuiData->hWindow, FALSE); } static BOOL NTAPI GuiSetMenuClose(IN OUT PFRONTEND This, BOOL Enable) { /* * NOTE: See http://www.mail-archive.com/harbour@harbour-project.org/msg27509.html * or http://harbour-devel.1590103.n2.nabble.com/Question-about-hb-gt-win-CtrlHandler-usage-td4670862i20.html * for more information. */ PGUI_CONSOLE_DATA GuiData = This->Context; HMENU hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(GuiData->hWindow, FALSE); if (hSysMenu == NULL) return FALSE; GuiData->IsCloseButtonEnabled = Enable; EnableMenuItem(hSysMenu, SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND | (Enable ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED)); return TRUE; } static FRONTEND_VTBL GuiVtbl = { GuiInitFrontEnd, GuiDeinitFrontEnd, GuiDrawRegion, GuiWriteStream, GuiRingBell, GuiSetCursorInfo, GuiSetScreenInfo, GuiResizeTerminal, GuiSetActiveScreenBuffer, GuiReleaseScreenBuffer, GuiRefreshInternalInfo, GuiChangeTitle, GuiChangeIcon, GuiGetConsoleWindowHandle, GuiGetLargestConsoleWindowSize, GuiGetSelectionInfo, GuiSetPalette, GuiGetDisplayMode, GuiSetDisplayMode, GuiShowMouseCursor, GuiSetMouseCursor, GuiMenuControl, GuiSetMenuClose, }; NTSTATUS NTAPI GuiLoadFrontEnd(IN OUT PFRONTEND FrontEnd, IN OUT PCONSOLE_STATE_INFO ConsoleInfo, IN OUT PCONSOLE_INIT_INFO ConsoleInitInfo, IN HANDLE ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle) { PCONSOLE_START_INFO ConsoleStartInfo; PGUI_INIT_INFO GuiInitInfo; USEROBJECTFLAGS UserObjectFlags; if (FrontEnd == NULL || ConsoleInfo == NULL || ConsoleInitInfo == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; ConsoleStartInfo = ConsoleInitInfo->ConsoleStartInfo; /* * Initialize a private initialization info structure for later use. * It must be freed by a call to GuiUnloadFrontEnd or GuiInitFrontEnd. */ GuiInitInfo = ConsoleAllocHeap(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*GuiInitInfo)); if (GuiInitInfo == NULL) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* Initialize GUI terminal emulator common functionalities */ if (!GuiInit(ConsoleInitInfo, ConsoleLeaderProcessHandle, GuiInitInfo)) { ConsoleFreeHeap(GuiInitInfo); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } GuiInitInfo->IsWindowVisible = ConsoleInitInfo->IsWindowVisible; if (GuiInitInfo->IsWindowVisible) { /* Don't show the console if the window station is not interactive */ if (GetUserObjectInformationW(GuiInitInfo->WinSta, UOI_FLAGS, &UserObjectFlags, sizeof(UserObjectFlags), NULL)) { if (!(UserObjectFlags.dwFlags & WSF_VISIBLE)) GuiInitInfo->IsWindowVisible = FALSE; } } /* * Load terminal settings */ #if 0 /* Impersonate the caller in order to retrieve settings in its context */ // if (!CsrImpersonateClient(NULL)) // return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; CsrImpersonateClient(NULL); /* 1. Load the default settings */ GuiConsoleGetDefaultSettings(&GuiInitInfo->TermInfo); #endif GuiInitInfo->TermInfo.ShowWindow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; if (GuiInitInfo->IsWindowVisible) { /* 2. Load the remaining console settings via the registry */ if ((ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_TITLEISLINKNAME) == 0) { #if 0 /* Load the terminal infos from the registry */ GuiConsoleReadUserSettings(&GuiInitInfo->TermInfo); #endif /* * Now, update them with the properties the user might gave to us * via the STARTUPINFO structure before calling CreateProcess * (and which was transmitted via the ConsoleStartInfo structure). * We therefore overwrite the values read in the registry. */ if (ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW) { GuiInitInfo->TermInfo.ShowWindow = ConsoleStartInfo->wShowWindow; } if (ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_USEPOSITION) { ConsoleInfo->AutoPosition = FALSE; ConsoleInfo->WindowPosition.x = ConsoleStartInfo->dwWindowOrigin.X; ConsoleInfo->WindowPosition.y = ConsoleStartInfo->dwWindowOrigin.Y; } if (ConsoleStartInfo->dwStartupFlags & STARTF_RUNFULLSCREEN) { ConsoleInfo->FullScreen = TRUE; } } } #if 0 /* Revert impersonation */ CsrRevertToSelf(); #endif // Font data StringCchCopyNW(GuiInitInfo->TermInfo.FaceName, ARRAYSIZE(GuiInitInfo->TermInfo.FaceName), ConsoleInfo->FaceName, ARRAYSIZE(ConsoleInfo->FaceName)); GuiInitInfo->TermInfo.FontFamily = ConsoleInfo->FontFamily; GuiInitInfo->TermInfo.FontSize = ConsoleInfo->FontSize; GuiInitInfo->TermInfo.FontWeight = ConsoleInfo->FontWeight; // Display GuiInitInfo->TermInfo.FullScreen = ConsoleInfo->FullScreen; GuiInitInfo->TermInfo.AutoPosition = ConsoleInfo->AutoPosition; GuiInitInfo->TermInfo.WindowOrigin = ConsoleInfo->WindowPosition; /* Initialize the icon handles */ // if (ConsoleStartInfo->hIcon != NULL) GuiInitInfo->hIcon = ConsoleStartInfo->hIcon; // else // GuiInitInfo->hIcon = ghDefaultIcon; // if (ConsoleStartInfo->hIconSm != NULL) GuiInitInfo->hIconSm = ConsoleStartInfo->hIconSm; // else // GuiInitInfo->hIconSm = ghDefaultIconSm; // ASSERT(GuiInitInfo->hIcon && GuiInitInfo->hIconSm); /* Finally, initialize the frontend structure */ FrontEnd->Vtbl = &GuiVtbl; FrontEnd->Context = NULL; FrontEnd->Context2 = GuiInitInfo; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI GuiUnloadFrontEnd(IN OUT PFRONTEND FrontEnd) { if (FrontEnd == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (FrontEnd->Context ) GuiDeinitFrontEnd(FrontEnd); if (FrontEnd->Context2) ConsoleFreeHeap(FrontEnd->Context2); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* EOF */