1## Modifications - MF - 1 Dec 2010
2#  -- change default colors to more distinguishable values
3#  -- allow to work with >3 dimensional arrays
4#  -- modified defaults for mfrow/mfcol to give landscape display, nr <= nc, rather than nr >= nc
6# Take a 2+D array and return a 3D array, with dimensions 3+ as a single dimension
7# Include as a separate function, since it is useful in other contexts
8array3d <- function(x, sep=':') {
9	if(length(dim(x)) == 2) {
10        x <- if(is.null(dimnames(x)))
11            array(x, c(dim(x), 1))
12        else
13            array(x, c(dim(x), 1), c(dimnames(x), list(NULL)))
14        return(x)
15    }
16  else if(length(dim(x))==3) return(x)
17  else {
18	  x3d <- array(x, c(dim(x)[1:2], prod(dim(x)[-(1:2)])))
19	  if (!is.null(dimnames(x))) {
20		  n3d <- paste(names(dimnames(x))[-(1:2)], collapse=sep)
21		  d3d <- apply(expand.grid(dimnames(x)[-(1:2)]), 1, paste, collapse=sep)
22		  dimnames(x3d) <- c(dimnames(x)[1:2], list(d3d))
23		  names(dimnames(x3d))[3] <- n3d
24  	}
25  	return(x3d)
26  }
29"fourfold" <-
31#        color = c("#99CCFF","#6699CC","#FF5050","#6060A0", "#FF0000", "#000080"),
32         color = c("#99CCFF","#6699CC","#FFA0A0","#A0A0FF", "#FF0000", "#000080"),
33         conf_level = 0.95,
34         std = c("margins", "ind.max", "all.max"), margin = c(1, 2),
35         space = 0.2, main = NULL, sub = NULL, mfrow = NULL, mfcol = NULL, extended = TRUE,
36         ticks = 0.15, p_adjust_method = p.adjust.methods, newpage = TRUE,
37         fontsize = 12, default_prefix = c("Row", "Col", "Strata"), sep = ": ", varnames = TRUE,
38         return_grob = FALSE)
41    ## Code for producing fourfold displays.
42    ## Reference:
43    ##   Friendly, M. (1994).
44    ##   A fourfold display for 2 by 2 by \eqn{k} tables.
45    ##   Technical Report 217, York University, Psychology Department.
46    ##   http://datavis.ca/papers/4fold/4fold.pdf
47    ##
48    ## Implementation notes:
49    ##
50    ##   We need plots with aspect ratio FIXED to 1 and glued together.
51    ##   Hence, even if k > 1 we prefer keeping everything in one plot
52    ##   region rather than using a multiple figure layout.
53    ##   Each 2 by 2 pie is is drawn into a square with x/y coordinates
54    ##   between -1 and 1, with row and column labels in [-1-space, -1]
55    ##   and [1, 1+space], respectively.  If k > 1, strata labels are in
56    ##   an area with y coordinates in [1+space, 1+(1+gamma)*space],
57    ##   where currently gamma=1.25.  The pies are arranged in an nr by
58    ##   nc layout, with horizontal and vertical distances between them
59    ##   set to space.
60    ##
61    ##   The drawing code first computes the complete are of the form
62    ##     [0, totalWidth] x [0, totalHeight]
63    ##   needed and sets the world coordinates using plot.window().
64    ##   Then, the strata are looped over, and the corresponding pies
65    ##   added by filling rows or columns of the layout as specified by
66    ##   the mfrow or mfcol arguments.  The world coordinates are reset
67    ##   in each step by shifting the origin so that we can always plot
68    ##   as detailed above.
70    if(!is.array(x))
71        stop("x must be an array")
72    dimx <- dim(x)   # save original dimensions for setting default mfrow/mfcol when length(dim(x))>3
73    x <- array3d(x)
74    if(any(dim(x)[1:2] != 2))
75        stop("table for each stratum must be 2 by 2")
76    dnx <- dimnames(x)
77    if(is.null(dnx))
78        dnx <- vector("list", 3)
79    for(i in which(sapply(dnx, is.null)))
80        dnx[[i]] <- LETTERS[seq(length = dim(x)[i])]
81    if(is.null(names(dnx)))
82        i <- 1 : 3
83    else
84        i <- which(is.null(names(dnx)))
85    if(any(i > 0))
86        names(dnx)[i] <- default_prefix[i]
87    dimnames(x) <- dnx
88    k <- dim(x)[3]
90    if(!((length(conf_level) == 1) && is.finite(conf_level) &&
91         (conf_level >= 0) && (conf_level < 1)))
92        stop("conf_level must be a single number between 0 and 1")
93    if(conf_level == 0)
94        conf_level <- FALSE
96    std <- match.arg(std)
98    findTableWithOAM <- function(or, tab) {
99        ## Find a 2x2 table with given odds ratio `or' and the margins
100        ## of a given 2x2 table `tab'.
101        m <- rowSums(tab)[1]
102        n <- rowSums(tab)[2]
103        t <- colSums(tab)[1]
104        if(or == 1)
105            x <- t * n / (m + n)
106        else if(or == Inf)
107            x <- max(0, t - m)
108        else {
109            A <- or - 1
110            B <- or * (m - t) + (n + t)
111            C <- - t * n
112            x <- (- B + sqrt(B ^ 2 - 4 * A * C)) / (2 * A)
113        }
114        matrix(c(t - x, x, m - t + x, n - x), nrow = 2)
115    }
117    drawPie <- function(r, from, to, n = 500, color = "transparent") {
118        p <- 2 * pi * seq(from, to, length = n) / 360
119        x <- c(cos(p), 0) * r
120        y <- c(sin(p), 0) * r
121        grid.polygon(x, y, gp = gpar(fill = color), default.units = "native")
122        invisible(NULL)
123    }
125    stdize <- function(tab, std, x) {
126        ## Standardize the 2 x 2 table `tab'.
127        if(std == "margins") {
128            if(all(sort(margin) == c(1, 2))) {
129                ## standardize to equal row and col margins
130                u <- sqrt(odds(tab)$or)
131                u <- u / (1 + u)
132                y <- matrix(c(u, 1 - u, 1 - u, u), nrow = 2)
133            }
134            else if(margin %in% c(1, 2))
135                y <- prop.table(tab, margin)
136            else
137                stop("incorrect margin specification")
138        }
139        else if(std == "ind.max")
140            y <- tab / max(tab)
141        else if(std == "all.max")
142            y <- tab / max(x)
143        y
144    }
146    odds <- function(x) {
147        ## Given a 2 x 2 or 2 x 2 x k table `x', return a list with
148        ## components `or' and `se' giving the odds ratios and standard
149        ## deviations of the log odds ratios.
150        if(length(dim(x)) == 2) {
151            dim(x) <- c(dim(x), 1)
152            k <- 1
153        }
154        else
155            k <- dim(x)[3]
156        or <- double(k)
157        se <- double(k)
158        for(i in 1 : k) {
159            f <- x[ , , i]
160            if(any(f == 0))
161                f <- f + 0.5
162            or[i] <- (f[1, 1] * f[2, 2]) / (f[1, 2] * f[2, 1])
163            se[i] <- sqrt(sum(1 / f))
164        }
165        list(or = or, se = se)
166    }
168    gamma <- 1.25                       # Scale factor for strata labels
170    angle.f <- c( 90, 180,  0, 270)     # `f' for `from'
171    angle.t <- c(180, 270, 90, 360)     # `t' for `to'
173    byrow <- FALSE
174    if(!is.null(mfrow)) {
175        nr <- mfrow[1]
176        nc <- mfrow[2]
177    }
178    else if(!is.null(mfcol)) {
179        nr <- mfcol[1]
180        nc <- mfcol[2]
181        byrow <- TRUE
182    }
183    else if(length(dimx)>3) {
184        nr <- dimx[3]
185        nc <- prod(dimx[-(1:3)])
186    }
187    else {
188#       nr <- ceiling(sqrt(k))
189        nr <- round(sqrt(k))
190        nc <- ceiling(k / nr)
191    }
192    if(nr * nc < k)
193        stop("incorrect geometry specification")
194    if(byrow)
195        indexMatrix <- expand.grid(1 : nc, 1 : nr)[, c(2, 1)]
196    else
197        indexMatrix <- expand.grid(1 : nr, 1 : nc)
199    totalWidth <- nc * 2 * (1 + space) + (nc - 1) * space
200    totalHeight <- if(k == 1)
201        2 * (1 + space)
202    else
203        nr * (2 + (2 + gamma) * space) + (nr - 1) * space
204    xlim <- c(0, totalWidth)
205    ylim <- c(0, totalHeight)
206    if (newpage) grid.newpage()
207    if (!is.null(main) || !is.null(sub))
208      pushViewport(viewport(height = 1 - 0.1 * sum(!is.null(main), !is.null(sub)),
209                            width = 0.9,
210                            y = 0.5 - 0.05 * sum(!is.null(main), - !is.null(sub))
211                            )
212                   )
214    pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xlim, yscale = ylim,
215                           width = unit(min(totalWidth / totalHeight, 1), "snpc"),
216                           height = unit(min(totalHeight / totalWidth, 1), "snpc")))
217    o <- odds(x)
219    ## perform logoddsratio-test for each stratum (H0: lor = 0) and adjust p-values
220    if(is.numeric(conf_level) && extended)
221      p.lor.test <- p.adjust(sapply(1 : k, function(i) {
222                               u <- abs(log(o$or[i])) / o$se[i]
223                               2 * (1 - pnorm(u))
224                             }),
225                             method = p_adjust_method
226                             )
228    scale <- space / (2 * convertY(unit(1, "strheight", "Ag"), "native", valueOnly = TRUE) )
229    v <- 0.95 - max(convertX(unit(1, "strwidth", as.character(c(x))), "native", valueOnly = TRUE) ) / 2
231    fontsize = fontsize * scale
233    for(i in 1 : k) {
235        tab <- x[ , , i]
237        fit <- stdize(tab, std, x)
239        xInd <- indexMatrix[i, 2]
240        xOrig <- 2 * xInd - 1 + (3 * xInd - 2) * space
241        yInd <- indexMatrix[i, 1]
242        yOrig <- if(k == 1)
243            (1 + space)
244        else
245            (totalHeight
246             - (2 * yInd - 1 + ((3 + gamma) * yInd - 2) * space))
247        pushViewport(viewport(xscale = xlim - xOrig, yscale = ylim - yOrig))
249        ## drawLabels()
250        u <- 1 + space / 2
251        adjCorr <- 0.2
252        grid.text(
253                  paste(names(dimnames(x))[1],
254                        dimnames(x)[[1]][1],
255                        sep = sep),
256                  0, u,
257                  gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize),
258                  default.units = "native"
259             )
260        grid.text(
261                  paste(names(dimnames(x))[2],
262                        dimnames(x)[[2]][1],
263                        sep = sep),
264                  -u, 0,
265                  default.units = "native",
266                  gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize),
267                  rot = 90)
268        grid.text(
269                  paste(names(dimnames(x))[1],
270                        dimnames(x)[[1]][2],
271                        sep = sep),
272                  0, -u,
273                  gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize),
274                  default.units = "native"
275             )
276        grid.text(
277                  paste(names(dimnames(x))[2],
278                        dimnames(x)[[2]][2],
279                        sep = sep),
280                  u, 0,
281                  default.units = "native",
282                  gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize),
283                  rot = 90)
284        if (k > 1) {
285            grid.text(if (!varnames)
286                          dimnames(x)[[3]][i]
287                      else
288                          paste(names(dimnames(x))[3],
289                                dimnames(x)[[3]][i],
290                                sep = sep),
291                      0, 1 + (1 + gamma / 2) * space,
292                      gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize * gamma),
293                      default.units = "native"
294                      )
295          }
297        ## drawFrequencies()
299        ### in extended plots, emphasize charts with significant logoddsratios
300        emphasize <- if(extended && is.numeric(conf_level))
301          2 * extended * (1 + (p.lor.test[i] < 1 - conf_level))
302        else 0
304        d <- odds(tab)$or
305        drawPie(sqrt(fit[1,1]),  90, 180, col = color[1 + (d > 1) + emphasize])
306        drawPie(sqrt(fit[2,1]), 180, 270, col = color[2 - (d > 1) + emphasize])
307        drawPie(sqrt(fit[1,2]),   0,  90, col = color[2 - (d > 1) + emphasize])
308        drawPie(sqrt(fit[2,2]), 270, 360, col = color[1 + (d > 1) + emphasize])
310        u <- 1 - space / 2
311        grid.text(as.character(c(tab))[1],
312                  -v, u,
313                  just = c("left", "top"),
314                  gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize),
315                  default.units = "native")
316        grid.text(as.character(c(tab))[2],
317                  -v, -u,
318                  just = c("left", "bottom"),
319                  gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize),
320                  default.units = "native")
321        grid.text(as.character(c(tab))[3],
322                  v, u,
323                  just = c("right", "top"),
324                  gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize),
325                  default.units = "native")
326        grid.text(as.character(c(tab))[4],
327                  v, -u,
328                  just = c("right", "bottom"),
329                  gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize),
330                  default.units = "native")
332        ## draw ticks
333        if(extended && ticks)
334          if(d > 1) {
335            grid.lines(c(sqrt(fit[1,1])           * cos(3*pi/4),
336                         (sqrt(fit[1,1]) + ticks) * cos(3*pi/4)),
337                       c(sqrt(fit[1,1])           * sin(3*pi/4),
338                         (sqrt(fit[1,1]) + ticks) * sin(3*pi/4)),
339                       gp = gpar(lwd = 1),
340                       default.units = "native"
341                       )
342            grid.lines(c(sqrt(fit[2,2])           * cos(-pi/4),
343                         (sqrt(fit[2,2]) + ticks) * cos(-pi/4)),
344                       c(sqrt(fit[2,2])           * sin(-pi/4),
345                         (sqrt(fit[2,2]) + ticks) * sin(-pi/4)),
346                       gp = gpar(lwd = 1),
347                       default.units = "native"
348                       )
349          } else {
350            grid.lines(c(sqrt(fit[1,2])           * cos(pi/4),
351                         (sqrt(fit[1,2]) + ticks) * cos(pi/4)),
352                       c(sqrt(fit[1,2])           * sin(pi/4),
353                         (sqrt(fit[1,2]) + ticks) * sin(pi/4)),
354                       gp = gpar(lwd = 1),
355                       default.units = "native"
356                       )
357            grid.lines(c(sqrt(fit[2,1])           * cos(-3*pi/4),
358                         (sqrt(fit[2,1]) + ticks) * cos(-3*pi/4)),
359                       c(sqrt(fit[2,1])           * sin(-3*pi/4),
360                         (sqrt(fit[2,1]) + ticks) * sin(-3*pi/4)),
361                       gp = gpar(lwd = 1),
362                       default.units = "native"
363                       )
364          }
366        ## drawConfBands()
367        if(is.numeric(conf_level)) {
368            or <- o$or[i]
369            se <- o$se[i]
370            ## lower
371            theta <- or * exp(qnorm((1 - conf_level) / 2) * se)
372            tau <- findTableWithOAM(theta, tab)
373            r <- sqrt(c(stdize(tau, std, x)))
374            for(j in 1 : 4)
375                drawPie(r[j], angle.f[j], angle.t[j])
376            ## upper
377            theta <- or * exp(qnorm((1 + conf_level) / 2) * se)
378            tau <- findTableWithOAM(theta, tab)
379            r <- sqrt(c(stdize(tau, std, x)))
380            for(j in 1 : 4)
381                drawPie(r[j], angle.f[j], angle.t[j])
382        }
384        ## drawBoxes()
385        grid.polygon(c(-1,  1, 1, -1),
386                     c(-1, -1, 1,  1),
387                     default.units = "native",
388                     gp = gpar(fill = "transparent")
389                     )
390        grid.lines(c(-1, 1), c(0, 0), default.units = "native")
391        for(j in seq(from = -0.8, to = 0.8, by = 0.2))
392            grid.lines(c(j, j), c(-0.02, 0.02), default.units = "native")
393        for(j in seq(from = -0.9, to = 0.9, by = 0.2))
394            grid.lines(c(j, j), c(-0.01, 0.01), default.units = "native")
395        grid.lines(c(0, 0), c(-1, 1), default.units = "native")
396        for(j in seq(from = -0.8, to = 0.8, by = 0.2))
397            grid.lines(c(-0.02, 0.02), c(j, j), default.units = "native")
398        for(j in seq(from = -0.9, to = 0.9, by = 0.2))
399            grid.lines(c(-0.01, 0.01), c(j, j), default.units = "native")
401        popViewport(1)
403    }
405    if(!is.null(main) || !is.null(sub)) {
406        if (!is.null(main))
407          grid.text(main,
408                    y = unit(1, "npc") + unit(1, "lines"),
409                    gp = gpar(fontsize = 20, fontface = 2))
410        if (!is.null(sub))
411          grid.text(sub,
412                    y = unit(0, "npc") - unit(1, "lines"),
413                    gp = gpar(fontsize = 20, fontface = 2))
414        popViewport(1)
415      }
417    popViewport(1)
419    if (return_grob)
420        return(invisible(grid.grab()))
421    else
422        return(invisible(NULL))