1 /*
2  * Copyright 2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated (http://www.adobe.com/).
3  * All Rights Reserved.
4  *
5  * This software is licensed as OpenSource, under the Apache License, Version
6  * 2.0.
7  * This license is available at: http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0.
8  */
10 /* The following ifdef block is the standard way of creating macros which make
11  * exporting from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with
12  * the ACLIB_API symbol defined on the command line. This symbol should not be
13  * defined on any project that uses this DLL. This way any other project whose
14  * source files include this file see ACLIB_API functions as being imported
15  * from a DLL, wheras this DLL sees symbols defined with this macro as being
16  * exported.
17 */
18 #ifndef PSAUTOHINT_H_
19 #define PSAUTOHINT_H_
21 #include <stddef.h>
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24 extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 #ifdef AC_C_LIB_EXPORTS
29 #ifdef _WIN32
30 #define ACLIB_API __declspec(dllexport)
31 #elif __GNUC__ && __MACH__
32 #define ACLIB_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
33 #else
34 #define ACLIB_API
35 #endif
37 #else
38 #define ACLIB_API
39 #endif
41 enum
42 {
43     AC_Success,
44     AC_FatalError,
45     AC_UnknownError,
46     AC_InvalidParameterError
47 };
49 enum
50 {
51     AC_LogDebug = -1,
52     AC_LogInfo,
53     AC_LogWarning,
54     AC_LogError
55 };
58 typedef struct ACBuffer ACBuffer;
60 ACLIB_API ACBuffer* ACBufferNew(size_t size);
61 ACLIB_API void ACBufferFree(ACBuffer* buffer);
62 ACLIB_API void ACBufferReset(ACBuffer* buffer);
63 ACLIB_API void ACBufferWrite(ACBuffer* buffer, char* data, size_t length);
64 ACLIB_API void ACBufferWriteF(ACBuffer* buffer, char* format, ...);
65 ACLIB_API void ACBufferRead(ACBuffer* buffer, char** data, size_t* length);
67 /*
68  * Function: AC_getVersion
69  *
70  * Returns AC library version.
71  */
72 ACLIB_API const char* AC_getVersion(void);
74 /*
75  * Function: AC_SetMemManager
76  *
77  * If this is supplied, then the AC lib will call this function for all memory
78  * allocations. Otherwise it will use alloc/malloc/free.
79  */
80 typedef void* (*AC_MEMMANAGEFUNCPTR)(void* ctxptr, void* old, size_t size);
82 ACLIB_API void AC_SetMemManager(void* ctxptr, AC_MEMMANAGEFUNCPTR func);
84 /*
85  * Function: AC_SetReportCB
86  *
87  * If this is supplied, then the AC lib will use this call back to report
88  * messages.
89  *
90  */
91 typedef void (*AC_REPORTFUNCPTR)(char* msg, int level);
95 /*
96  * Function: AC_SetReportStemsCB
97  *
98  * If this is called, then the AC lib will write all the stem widths it
99  * encounters.
100  *
101  * If allStems is false, then stems defined by curves are excluded from the
102  * reporting.
103  *
104  * userData is a pointer provided by the client, and will be passed to report
105  * callback functions.
106  *
107  * Note that the callbacks should not dispose of the glyphName memory; that
108  * belongs to the AC lib. It should be copied immediately - it may may last
109  * past the return of the callback.
110  */
111 typedef void (*AC_REPORTSTEMPTR)(float top, float bottom, char* glyphName,
112                                  void* userData);
114 ACLIB_API void AC_SetReportStemsCB(AC_REPORTSTEMPTR hstemCB,
115                                    AC_REPORTSTEMPTR vstemCB,
116                                    unsigned int allStems,
117                                    void* userData);
119 /*
120  * Function: AC_SetReportZonesCB
121  *
122  * If this is called , then the AC lib will write all the alignment zones it
123  * encounters.
124  *
125  * userData is a pointer provided by the client, and will be passed to report
126  * callback functions.
127  *
128  * Note that the callbacks should not dispose of the glyphName memory; that
129  * belongs to the AC lib. It should be copied immediately - it may may last
130  * past the return of the callback.
131  */
132 typedef void (*AC_REPORTZONEPTR)(float top, float bottom, char* glyphName,
133                                  void* userData);
136                                    AC_REPORTZONEPTR stemCB,
137                                    void* userData);
139 /*
140  * Function: AC_SetReportRetryCB
141  *
142  * If this is called, then the AC lib will call this function when it wants to
143  * discard the previous log content and start from scratch.
144  *
145  * This is to be used when AC_SetReportZonesCB or AC_SetReportStemsCB are used.
146  */
147 typedef void (*AC_RETRYPTR)(void* userData);
149 ACLIB_API void AC_SetReportRetryCB(AC_RETRYPTR retryCB, void* userData);
151 /*
152  * Function: AutoHintString
153  *
154  * This function takes srcbezdata, a pointer to null terminated C string
155  * containing glyph data in the bez format (see bez spec) and fontinfo, a
156  * pointer to null terminated C string containing fontinfo for the bez glyph.
157  *
158  * Hint information is added to the bez data and returned to the caller through
159  * the buffer dstbezdata. dstbezdata must be allocated before the call and a
160  * pointer to its length passed as *length. If the space allocated is
161  * insufficient for the target bezdata, it will be reallocated as needed.
162  */
163 ACLIB_API int AutoHintString(const char* srcbezdata, const char* fontinfo,
164                              ACBuffer* outbuffer, int allowEdit,
165                              int allowHintSub, int roundCoords);
167 /*
168  * Function: AutoHintStringMM
169  *
170  */
171 ACLIB_API int AutoHintStringMM(const char** srcbezdata, int nmasters,
172                                const char** masters, ACBuffer** outbuffers);
174 /*
175  * Function: AC_initCallGlobals
176  *
177  * This function must be called in the case where the program is switching
178  * between any of the auto-hinting and stem reporting modes while running.
179  */
180 ACLIB_API void AC_initCallGlobals(void);
182 #ifdef __cplusplus
183 }
184 #endif
185 #endif /* PSAUTOHINT_H_ */