1 /********************************************************************/
2 /*                                                                  */
3 /*  s7   Seed7 interpreter                                          */
4 /*  Copyright (C) 1990 - 2005  Thomas Mertes                        */
5 /*                                                                  */
6 /*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or   */
7 /*  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as  */
8 /*  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of  */
9 /*  the License, or (at your option) any later version.             */
10 /*                                                                  */
11 /*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
12 /*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  */
14 /*  GNU General Public License for more details.                    */
15 /*                                                                  */
16 /*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public       */
17 /*  License along with this program; if not, write to the           */
18 /*  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,             */
19 /*  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.                       */
20 /*                                                                  */
21 /*  Module: Main                                                    */
22 /*  File: seed7/src/data.h                                          */
23 /*  Changes: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2000  Thomas Mertes      */
24 /*  Content: Type definitions for general data structures.          */
25 /*                                                                  */
26 /********************************************************************/
28 typedef enum {
29     SYMBOLOBJECT,        /* pos (file, line) - Symbol object        */
30                          /*                    created by read_atom */
31                          /*                    and read_name        */
32     DECLAREDOBJECT,      /* NO VALUE -         Object declared and  */
33                          /*                    not initialized      */
34     FORWARDOBJECT,       /* NO VALUE -         Object declared      */
35                          /*                    forward              */
36     FWDREFOBJECT,        /* objValue -    Reference to Object which */
37                          /*               was declared forward      */
38     BLOCKOBJECT,         /* blockValue - Procedure possibly with    */
39                          /*              parameters, declared       */
40                          /*              result or local variables  */
41     CALLOBJECT,          /* listValue - Subroutine call:            */
42                          /*             First element is subroutine */
43                          /*             Rest of list is parameters  */
44     MATCHOBJECT,         /* listValue - Don't exec subroutine call: */
45                          /*             First element is subroutine */
46                          /*             Rest of list is parameters  */
47     TYPEOBJECT,          /* typeValue -   type                      */
48     FORMPARAMOBJECT,     /* objValue -    Reference to formal param */
49     INTOBJECT,           /* intValue -    integer                   */
50     BIGINTOBJECT,        /* bigIntValue - bigInteger                */
51     CHAROBJECT,          /* charValue -   char                      */
52     STRIOBJECT,          /* striValue -   string                    */
53     BSTRIOBJECT,         /* bstriValue -  byte string               */
54     ARRAYOBJECT,         /* arrayValue -  array                     */
55     HASHOBJECT,          /* hashValue -   hash                      */
56     STRUCTOBJECT,        /* structValue - struct                    */
57     CLASSOBJECT,         /* structValue - struct                    */
58     INTERFACEOBJECT,     /* objValue -    Dynamic Object            */
59     SETOBJECT,           /* setValue -    set                       */
60     FILEOBJECT,          /* fileValue -   file                      */
61     FILEDESOBJECT,       /* fileDesValue - file descriptor          */
62     SOCKETOBJECT,        /* socketValue - socket                    */
63     POLLOBJECT,          /* pollValue -   poll list                 */
64     LISTOBJECT,          /* listValue -   list                      */
65     FLOATOBJECT,         /* floatValue -  float                     */
66     WINOBJECT,           /* winValue -    Window                    */
67     PROCESSOBJECT,       /* processValue - Process                  */
68     ENUMLITERALOBJECT,   /* objValue -    Enumeration literal       */
69     CONSTENUMOBJECT,     /* objValue -    Constant enumeration obj  */
70     VARENUMOBJECT,       /* objValue -    Variable enumeration obj  */
71     REFOBJECT,           /* objValue -    reference                 */
72     REFLISTOBJECT,       /* listValue -   ref_list                  */
73     EXPROBJECT,          /* listValue -   expression                */
74     ACTOBJECT,           /* actValue -    Action                    */
75     VALUEPARAMOBJECT,    /* objValue -    Formal value parameter    */
76     REFPARAMOBJECT,      /* objValue -    Formal ref parameter      */
77     RESULTOBJECT,        /* objValue -    Result of procedure       */
78     LOCALVOBJECT,        /* objValue -    Local variable            */
79     DATABASEOBJECT,      /* databaseValue - Database                */
80     SQLSTMTOBJECT,       /* sqlStmtValue -  SQL statement           */
81     PROGOBJECT           /* progValue -   Program                   */
82   } objectCategory;
84 typedef enum {
85     SY_TOKEN,
86     EXPR_TOKEN,
90   } tokenCategory;
92 typedef uint32Type         posType;
93 typedef unsigned int       lineNumType;
94 typedef unsigned int       fileNumType;
95 typedef uint16Type         categoryType;
97 typedef struct identStruct    *identType;
98 typedef struct tokenStruct    *tokenType;
99 typedef struct nodeStruct     *nodeType;
100 typedef struct entityStruct   *entityType;
101 typedef struct ownerStruct    *ownerType;
102 typedef struct objectStruct   *objectType;
103 typedef struct propertyStruct *propertyType;
104 typedef struct stackStruct    *stackType;
105 typedef struct typeListStruct *typeListType;
106 typedef struct typeStruct     *typeType;
107 typedef struct listStruct     *listType;
108 typedef struct locObjStruct   *locObjType;
109 typedef struct locListStruct  *locListType;
110 typedef struct blockStruct    *blockType;
111 typedef struct arrayStruct    *arrayType;
112 typedef struct hashElemStruct *hashElemType;
113 typedef struct hashStruct     *hashType;
114 typedef struct structStruct   *structType;
115 typedef struct progStruct     *progType;
116 typedef struct inFileStruct   *inFileType;
118 typedef const struct identStruct    *const_identType;
119 typedef const struct tokenStruct    *const_tokenType;
120 typedef const struct nodeStruct     *const_nodeType;
121 typedef const struct entityStruct   *const_entityType;
122 typedef const struct ownerStruct    *const_ownerType;
123 typedef const struct objectStruct   *const_objectType;
124 typedef const struct propertyStruct *const_propertyType;
125 typedef const struct stackStruct    *const_stackType;
126 typedef const struct typeListStruct *const_typeListType;
127 typedef const struct typeStruct     *const_typeType;
128 typedef const struct listStruct     *const_listType;
129 typedef const struct locObjStruct   *const_locObjType;
130 typedef const struct locListStruct  *const_locListType;
131 typedef const struct blockStruct    *const_blockType;
132 typedef const struct arrayStruct    *const_arrayType;
133 typedef const struct hashElemStruct *const_hashElemType;
134 typedef const struct hashStruct     *const_hashType;
135 typedef const struct structStruct   *const_structType;
136 typedef const struct progStruct     *const_progType;
137 typedef const struct inFileStruct   *const_inFileType;
139 typedef objectType (*actType) (listType);
141 typedef struct identStruct {
142     ustriType name;
143     identType next1;
144     identType next2;
145     entityType entity;
146     tokenType prefix_token;
147     tokenType infix_token;
148     priorityType prefix_priority;
149     priorityType infix_priority;
150     priorityType left_token_priority;
151   } identRecord;
153 typedef struct tokenStruct {
154     tokenType next;
155     tokenType alternative;
156     union {
157       identType ident;
158       struct {
159         priorityType priority;
160         typeType type_of;
161       } expr_par;
162       typeType type_of;
163       intType select;
164     } token_value;
165     tokenCategory token_category;
166   } tokenRecord;
168 typedef struct nodeStruct {
169     uintType usage_count;
170     objectType match_obj;
171     nodeType next1;
172     nodeType next2;
173     entityType entity;
174     nodeType symbol;
175     nodeType inout_param;
176     nodeType other_param;
177     nodeType attr;
178   } nodeRecord;
180 typedef struct entityStruct {
181     identType ident;
182     objectType syobject;
183     listType fparam_list;
184     union {
185       ownerType owner;
186       entityType next;
187     } data;
188   } entityRecord;
190 typedef struct ownerStruct {
191     objectType obj;
192     stackType decl_level;
193     ownerType next;
194   } ownerRecord;
196 typedef union {
197     posType      pos;           /* SYMBOLOBJECT */
198     typeType     typeValue;     /* TYPEOBJECT */
199     intType      intValue;      /* INTOBJECT */
200     bigIntType   bigIntValue;   /* BIGINTOBJECT */
201     charType     charValue;     /* CHAROBJECT */
202     striType     striValue;     /* STRIOBJECT */
203     bstriType    bstriValue;    /* BSTRIOBJECT */
204     arrayType    arrayValue;    /* ARRAYOBJECT */
205     hashType     hashValue;     /* HASHOBJECT */
206     setType      setValue;      /* SETOBJECT */
207     structType   structValue;   /* STRUCTOBJECT */
208     uintType     binaryValue;   /* INTOBJECT */
209     fileType     fileValue;     /* FILEOBJECT */
210     fileDesType  fileDesValue;  /* FILEDESOBJECT */
211     socketType   socketValue;   /* SOCKETOBJECT */
212     pollType     pollValue;     /* POLLOBJECT */
213     listType     listValue;     /* LISTOBJECT, EXPROBJECT */
214     winType      winValue;      /* WINOBJECT */
215     processType  processValue;  /* PROCESSOBJECT */
216     objectType   objValue;      /* ENUMLITERALOBJECT, CONSTENUMOBJECT */
217                                 /* VARENUMOBJECT, VALUEPARAMOBJECT */
218                                 /* REFPARAMOBJECT, RESULTOBJECT */
219                                 /* LOCALVOBJECT, FORMPARAMOBJECT */
220                                 /* INTERFACEOBJECT */
221     blockType    blockValue;    /* BLOCKOBJECT */
222     actType      actValue;      /* ACTOBJECT */
223     databaseType databaseValue; /* DATABASEOBJECT */
224     sqlStmtType  sqlStmtValue;  /* SQLSTMTOBJECT */
225     progType     progValue;     /* PROGOBJECT */
226 #if WITH_FLOAT
227     floatType    floatValue;    /* FLOATOBJECT */
228 #endif
229   } valueUnion;
231 typedef struct propertyStruct {
232     entityType entity;
233     listType params;
234     fileNumType file_number;
235     lineNumType line;
236     unsigned int syNumberInLine;
237   } propertyRecord;
239 typedef union {
240     propertyType property;
241     posType posinfo;
242   } descriptorUnion;
244 typedef struct objectStruct {
245     typeType type_of;
246     descriptorUnion descriptor;
247     valueUnion value;
248     categoryType objcategory;
249   } objectRecord;
251 typedef struct stackStruct {
252     listType local_object_list;
253     listType *object_list_insert_place;
254     stackType upward;
255     stackType downward;
256   } stackRecord;
258 typedef struct typeListStruct {
259     typeListType next;
260     typeType type_elem;
261   } typeListRecord;
263 typedef enum {
265     PARAM_VALUE,
266     PARAM_REF
267   } parameterType;
269 typedef struct typeStruct {
270     objectType match_obj;
271     typeType meta;
272     typeType func_type;
273     typeType varfunc_type;
274     typeType result_type;
275     boolType is_varfunc_type;
276     parameterType in_param_type;
277     typeListType interfaces;
278     identType name;
279     progType owningProg;
280     objectType inout_f_param_prototype;
281     objectType other_f_param_prototype;
282     objectType create_call_obj;
283     objectType destroy_call_obj;
284     objectType copy_call_obj;
285     objectType ord_call_obj;
286     objectType in_call_obj;
287     objectType value_obj;
288   } typeRecord;
290 typedef struct listStruct {
291     listType next;
292     objectType obj;
293   } listRecord;
295 typedef struct locObjStruct {
296     objectType object;
297     objectType init_value;
298     objectType create_call_obj;
299     objectType destroy_call_obj;
300   } locObjRecord;
302 typedef struct locListStruct {
303     locObjRecord local;
304     locListType next;
305   } locListRecord;
307 typedef struct blockStruct {
308     locListType params;
309     locObjRecord result;
310     locListType local_vars;
311     listType local_consts;
312     objectType body;
313   } blockRecord;
315 typedef struct arrayStruct {
316     intType min_position;
317     intType max_position;
318     objectRecord arr[1];
319   } arrayRecord;
321 typedef struct hashElemStruct {
322     hashElemType next_less;
323     hashElemType next_greater;
324     objectRecord key;
325     objectRecord data;
326   } hashElemRecord;
328 typedef struct hashStruct {
329     unsigned int bits;
330     unsigned int mask;
331     unsigned int table_size;
332     memSizeType size;
333     hashElemType table[1];
334   } hashRecord;
336 typedef struct structStruct {
337     memSizeType usage_count;
338     memSizeType size;
339     objectRecord stru[1];
340   } structRecord;
342 #define NUMBER_OF_SYSVARS 31
344 typedef objectType sysType[NUMBER_OF_SYSVARS];
346 #define ID_TABLE_SIZE     1024
348 typedef struct {
349     identType table[ID_TABLE_SIZE];
350     identType table1[127];
351     identType literal;
352     identType end_of_file;
353   } idRootType;
355 typedef struct {
356     identType lparen;
357     identType lbrack;
358     identType lbrace;
359     identType rparen;
360     identType rbrack;
361     identType rbrace;
362     identType dot;
363     identType colon;
364     identType comma;
365     identType semicolon;
366     identType dollar;
367     identType r_arrow;
368     identType l_arrow;
369     identType out_arrow;
370     identType in_arrow;
371     identType type;
372     identType constant;
373     identType ref;
374     identType syntax;
375     identType system;
376     identType include;
377     identType is;
378     identType func;
379     identType param;
380     identType enumlit;
381     identType subtype;
382     identType newtype;
383     identType action;
384   } findIdType;
386 typedef struct {
387     entityType literal;
388     entityType inactive_list;
389   } entityRootType;
391 typedef struct {
392     propertyType literal;
393   } propertyRootType;
395 typedef struct progStruct {
396     uintType usage_count;
397     objectType main_object;
398     const_striType arg0;
399     const_striType program_name;
400     const_striType program_path;
401     objectType arg_v;
402     uintType option_flags;
403     unsigned int error_count;
404     void *includeFileHash;
405     idRootType ident;
406     findIdType id_for;
407     entityRootType entity;
408     propertyRootType property;
409     sysType sys_var;
410     listType types;
411     listType literals;
412     nodeType declaration_root;
413     stackType stack_global;
414     stackType stack_data;
415     stackType stack_current;
416     listType exec_expr_temp_results;
417   } progRecord;
419 typedef struct inFileStruct {
420     FILE *fil;
421     const_ustriType name_ustri;
422     striType name;
424     ustriType start;
425     const_ustriType nextch;
426     const_ustriType beyond;
427     memSizeType buffer_size;
428 #else
430     ustriType buffer;
431 #endif
432 #endif
433     int character;
434     inFileType curr_infile;
435     inFileType up_infile;
436     inFileType next;
438     boolType write_library_names;
439     boolType write_line_numbers;
440 #endif
441     lineNumType line;
442     lineNumType incr_message_line;
443     lineNumType next_msg_line;
444     fileNumType file_number;
445     progType owningProg;
446     boolType end_of_file;
447   } inFileRecord;
450 extern progType prog;
453 #define INIT_POS(O,L,F)     (O)->value.pos = ((posType) (L)) | (((posType) (F)) << 20)
454 #define GET_POS_LINE_NUM(O) (lineNumType) ((O)->value.pos & 1048575L)
455 #define GET_POS_FILE_NUM(O) (fileNumType) (((O)->value.pos & 2146435072L) >> 20)
457 #define CREATE_POSINFO(L,F) (((posType) (L)) | (((posType) (F)) << 20))
458 #define GET_LINE_NUM(O)     (lineNumType) (((long)(O)->descriptor.posinfo) & 1048575L)
459 #define GET_FILE_NUM(O)     (fileNumType) ((((long)(O)->descriptor.posinfo) & 2146435072L) >> 20)
461 #define CATEGORY_MASK  ((categoryType)   63)
462 #define VAR_MASK       ((categoryType)   64)
463 #define TEMP_MASK      ((categoryType)  128)
464 #define TEMP2_MASK     ((categoryType)  256)
465 #define POSINFO_MASK   ((categoryType)  512)
466 #define MATCH_ERR_MASK ((categoryType) 1024)
467 #define UNUSED_MASK    ((categoryType) 2048)
469 #define MAX_CATEGORY_FIELD_VALUE ((categoryType) 4095)
470 #define LEGAL_CATEGORY_FIELD(O)  ((objectCategory) ((O)->objcategory <= MAX_CATEGORY_FIELD_VALUE))
472 #define SET_ANY_FLAG(O,FLAG)            (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory | (FLAG))
474 #define INIT_CATEGORY_OF_OBJ(O,CAT)     (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) (CAT)
475 #define SET_CATEGORY_OF_OBJ(O,CAT)      (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) (((O)->objcategory & ~CATEGORY_MASK) | (categoryType) (CAT))
476 #define CATEGORY_OF_OBJ(O)              ((objectCategory) ((O)->objcategory & CATEGORY_MASK))
478 #define INIT_CATEGORY_OF_VAR(O,CAT)     (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((CAT) | VAR_MASK)
479 #define SET_VAR_FLAG(O)                 (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory | VAR_MASK)
480 #define CLEAR_VAR_FLAG(O)               (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory & ~VAR_MASK)
481 #define VAR_OBJECT(O)                   ((O)->objcategory & VAR_MASK)
482 #define COPY_VAR_FLAG(O1,O2)            (O1)->objcategory = (categoryType) (((O1)->objcategory & ~VAR_MASK) | ((O2)->objcategory & VAR_MASK))
484 #define INIT_CATEGORY_OF_TEMP(O,CAT)    (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((CAT) | TEMP_MASK)
485 #define SET_TEMP_FLAG(O)                (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory | TEMP_MASK)
486 #define CLEAR_TEMP_FLAG(O)              (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory & ~TEMP_MASK)
487 #define TEMP_OBJECT(O)                  ((O)->objcategory & TEMP_MASK)
489 #define INIT_CATEGORY_OF_TEMP2(O,CAT)   (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((CAT) | TEMP2_MASK)
490 #define SET_TEMP2_FLAG(O)               (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory | TEMP2_MASK)
491 #define CLEAR_TEMP2_FLAG(O)             (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory & ~TEMP2_MASK)
492 #define TEMP2_OBJECT(O)                 ((O)->objcategory & TEMP2_MASK)
494 #define INIT_CATEGORY_OF_POSINFO(O,CAT) (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((CAT) | POSINFO_MASK)
495 #define SET_POSINFO_FLAG(O)             (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory | POSINFO_MASK)
496 #define CLEAR_POSINFO_FLAG(O)           (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory & ~POSINFO_MASK)
497 #define HAS_POSINFO(O)                  ((O)->objcategory & POSINFO_MASK)
498 #define COPY_POSINFO_FLAG(O1,O2)        (O1)->objcategory = (categoryType) (((O1)->objcategory & ~POSINFO_MASK) | ((O2)->objcategory & POSINFO_MASK))
500 #define SET_MATCH_ERR_FLAG(O)           (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory | MATCH_ERR_MASK)
501 #define CLEAR_MATCH_ERR_FLAG(O)         (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory & ~MATCH_ERR_MASK)
502 #define HAS_MATCH_ERR(O)                ((O)->objcategory & MATCH_ERR_MASK)
504 #define SET_UNUSED_FLAG(O)              (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory | UNUSED_MASK)
505 #define CLEAR_UNUSED_FLAG(O)            (O)->objcategory = (categoryType) ((O)->objcategory & ~UNUSED_MASK)
506 #define IS_UNUSED(O)                    ((O)->objcategory & UNUSED_MASK)
508 #define HAS_PROPERTY(O)                 (!HAS_POSINFO(O) && (O)->descriptor.property != NULL)
509 #define HAS_ENTITY(O)                   (HAS_PROPERTY(O) && (O)->descriptor.property->entity != NULL)
510 #define GET_ENTITY(O)                   ((O)->descriptor.property->entity)