4 #include <X11/Xmd.h>
5 #include "clientprops.h"
7 #ifdef __cplusplus
8 extern "C" {
9 #endif
11 struct ASRawHints;
12 struct MwmHints;
13 struct ASDatabaseRecord;
14 struct ASVector;
15 struct ScreenInfo;
16 struct ASFeel;
17 struct ASImage;
18 /***********************************************************************/
19 /*       AfterStep structure to hold summary of all the hints :        */
20 /***********************************************************************/
22 /***********************************************************/
23 /* AS Startup flags :                                      */
24 #define AS_StartPosition        (1<<0)
25 #define AS_StartPositionUser    (1<<1)
26 #define AS_Position 		    (1<<1)
27 #define AS_StartSize			(1<<2)
28 #define AS_Size					(1<<2)
29 #define AS_StartSizeUser		(1<<3)
30 #define AS_StartBorderWidth     (1<<4)
31 #define AS_BorderWidth     		(1<<4)
32 /* Viewport cannot be changed after window is mapped : */
33 #define AS_StartViewportX       (1<<5)
34 #define AS_StartViewportY       (1<<6)
35 #define AS_StartDesktop         (1<<7)
36 #define AS_Desktop 		        (1<<7)
37 #define AS_StartLayer			(1<<8)
38 #define AS_Layer				(1<<8)
39 /* the following are flags identifying client's status : */
40 #define AS_StartsIconic         (1<<9)
41 #define AS_Iconic               (1<<9)
42 #define AS_StartsMaximizedX     (1<<10)
43 #define AS_MaximizedX           (1<<10)
44 #define AS_StartsMaximizedY     (1<<11)
45 #define AS_MaximizedY           (1<<11)
46 #define AS_StartsSticky         (1<<12)
47 #define AS_Sticky               (1<<12)
48 #define AS_StartsShaded         (1<<13)
49 #define AS_Shaded               (1<<13)
50 /* special state - client withdrawn itself */
51 #define AS_Withdrawn            (1<<14)
52 #define AS_Dead                 (1<<15) /* dead client - has been destroyd or about to be destroyed */
53 /* special state - client is mapped - there is a small gap between MapRequest+XMapWindow and MapNotify event */
54 #define AS_Mapped               (1<<16)
55 #define AS_IconMapped           (1<<17)
56 #define AS_Hidden               (1<<18)
57 #define AS_Shaped               (1<<19)        /* client itself is shaped */
58 #define AS_ShapedDecor          (1<<20)        /* frame decorations use shaped MyStyle */
59 #define AS_ShapedIcon           (1<<21)        /* icon decorations use shaped MyStyle */
60 #define AS_UnMapPending         (1<<22)
61 #define AS_MoveresizeInProgress (1<<23)
62 #define AS_Fullscreen			(1<<24)
63 #define AS_Urgent				(1<<25)
64 #define AS_Focused       (1<<26)
67 /***********************************************************/
68 /* General flags                                           */
69 #define AS_MinSize				(1<<0)
70 #define AS_MaxSize				(1<<1)
71 #define AS_SizeInc				(1<<2)
72 #define AS_Aspect				(1<<3)
73 #define AS_BaseSize				(1<<4)
74 #define AS_Gravity				(1<<5)
75 #define AS_PID					(1<<6)
76 #define AS_Transient 			(1<<7)
77 #define AS_AcceptsFocus			(1<<8)
78 #define AS_ClickToFocus			(1<<9)
79 #define AS_Titlebar				(1<<10)
80 #define AS_VerticalTitle		(1<<11)
81 #define AS_Border				(1<<12)
82 #define AS_Handles				(1<<13)
83 #define AS_Frame				(1<<14)
84 #define AS_SkipWinList          (1<<15)
85 #define AS_DontCirculate        (1<<16)
86 #define AS_AvoidCover           (1<<17)
87 #define AS_IconTitle            (1<<18)
88 #define AS_Icon                 (1<<19)
89 #define AS_Windowbox            (1<<20)
90 #define AS_FocusOnMap           (1<<21)
91 #define AS_ShortLived           (1<<22)
92 #define AS_Module				(1<<23)
93 #define AS_IgnoreConfigRequest  (1<<24)
94 #define AS_IgnoreRestackRequest (1<<25)
95 #define AS_WMDockApp			(1<<26)  /* res_class == "DockApp" and main
96 										  * window is 1x1 (just don't ask why)
97 										  * usually that means that icon
98 										  * window should be animated */
99 #define AS_UseCurrentViewport  	(1<<27)
100 #define AS_WindowOpacity	   	(1<<28)
101 #define AS_HitPager	   	(1<<29)
103 #define NOLOOK_HINT_FLAGS	(AS_IgnoreConfigRequest|AS_Module|AS_ShortLived| \
104 							 AS_AvoidCover|AS_AcceptsFocus|AS_ClickToFocus| \
105 							 AS_UseCurrentViewport)
108 /***********************************************************/
109 /* AS supported protocols :                                */
110 #define AS_DoesWmTakeFocus 		(1<<0)
111 #define AS_DoesWmDeleteWindow 	(1<<1)
112 #define AS_DoesWmPing           (1<<2)
113 #define AS_NeedsVisibleName		(1<<3)  /* only if window has _NET_WM_NAME hint */
114 #define AS_DoesKIPC				(1<<4)
116 /***********************************************************/
117 /* AS function masks :                                     */
118 #define AS_FuncPopup            (1<<0)
119 #define AS_FuncMinimize         (1<<1)
120 #define AS_FuncMaximize         (1<<2)
121 #define AS_FuncResize           (1<<3)
122 #define AS_FuncMove             (1<<4)
123 #define AS_FuncClose            (1<<7)
124 #define AS_FuncKill             (1<<8)
125 #define AS_FuncPinMenu          (1<<9)
126 /***********************************************************/
127 /* AS layers :                                             */
128 #define AS_LayerLowest          AS_LayerDesktop
129 #define AS_LayerDesktop         -10000  /* our desktop - just for the heck of it */
130 #define AS_LayerOtherDesktop    -2      /* for all those other file managers, KDE, GNOME, etc. */
131 #define AS_LayerBack            -1      /* normal windows below */
132 #define AS_LayerNormal           0      /* normal windows */
133 #define AS_LayerTop              1      /* normal windows above */
134 #define AS_LayerService          2      /* primarily for Wharfs, etc. */
135 #define AS_LayerUrgent           3      /* for modal dialogs that needs urgent answer (System Modal)*/
136 #define AS_LayerOtherMenu        4      /* for all those other menus - KDE, GNOME, etc. */
137 #define AS_LayerMenu             10000  /* our menu  - can't go wrong with that */
138 #define AS_LayerHighest          AS_LayerMenu
140 #define ASHINTS_STATIC_DATA 	 28     /* number of elements below that are not */
141 										/* dynamic arrays */
143 typedef struct ASHints
144 {
145   /* NULL terminated list of names/aliases */
146 #define MAX_WINDOW_NAMES        8
147   char *names[MAX_WINDOW_NAMES+1] ;
148   /* these are merely shortcuts to the above list DON'T FREE THEM !!! */
149   char *res_name, *res_class, *icon_name ;
150   int res_name_idx, res_class_idx, icon_name_idx ;
152   unsigned char names_encoding[MAX_WINDOW_NAMES+1];  /* one of the AS_Text_ values */
154   /* these are copy of above done, when ASDatabase was last matched */
155   char *matched_name0 ;
156   unsigned char matched_name0_encoding;
158   ASFlagType flags ;
159   ASFlagType protocols ;
160   ASFlagType function_mask ;
162 #define AS_ClientIcon           (1<<0)
163 #define AS_ClientIconPixmap     (1<<1)
164 #define AS_ClientIconPosition   (1<<2)
165 #define AS_ClientIconARGB		(1<<3)
167   ASFlagType client_icon_flags ;
168   union { Window window; Pixmap pixmap; } icon ;
169   Pixmap icon_mask ;
170   CARD32 *icon_argb ;
171   int icon_x, icon_y ;
172   char *icon_file ;
174   int min_width, min_height ;
175   int max_width, max_height ;
176   int width_inc, height_inc ;
177   struct { int x; int y ; } min_aspect, max_aspect ;
178   int base_width, base_height ;
179   int gravity ;
180   unsigned int border_width ; /* this is border width that will be used
181 							   * in the frame decoration  - not to confuse with border width
182 							   * of the initial withdrawn-to-normal transition  */
183   unsigned int handle_width ;
184   Window group_lead ;
185   Window transient_for;
187   CARD32 *cmap_windows ; /* terminated with None value (zero)*/
189   int pid ;
191   char *frame_name ;
192   char *windowbox_name ;
193   char *mystyle_names[BACK_STYLES];
195   ASFlagType disabled_buttons ;
197   ASFlagType hints_types_raw ;
198   ASFlagType hints_types_clean ;
200   char *client_host ;    /* hostname of the computer on which client was executed */
201   char *client_cmd  ;    /* preparsed command line of the client */
202   CARD32 window_opacity ;
204   ASFlagType extwm_window_type;
205 }
206 ASHints;
208 /* the following flags will let us specify what exactly has
209  * changed when hints are updated : */
210 #define AS_HintChangeName       (1<<0)
211 #define AS_HintChangeClass      (1<<1)
212 #define AS_HintChangeResName    (1<<2)
213 #define AS_HintChangeIconName   (1<<3)
215 #define AS_HintChangeEverything ASFLAGS_EVERYTHING
217 #define ASSTATUSHINTS_STATIC_DATA 11    /* number of elements below that are not */
218 										/* dynamic arrays */
220 typedef struct ASStatusHints
221 {
222 	ASFlagType   flags ;
224 	int             x, y;
225 	unsigned int    width, height;
226 	unsigned int    border_width ; /* this border width is needed only to calculate
227 									* reference point when we are starting up */
228 	int    			viewport_x, viewport_y;
229 	int             desktop ;
230 	int 			layer ;
232 	/* get's set by window manager - not read from hints: */
233 	Window          icon_window;
234 	unsigned int    frame_size[FRAME_SIDES];   /* size of the frame decoration */
236 	unsigned int 	frame_border_width ;
237 }ASStatusHints;
239 /*
240  * This structure will hold pointers to merge function according to
241  * priorities set by user :
242  */
243 typedef void (*hints_merge_func)(ASHints* clean, struct ASRawHints *raw,
244 								 struct ASDatabaseRecord *db_rec,
245 								 ASStatusHints *status,
246 								 ASFlagType what);  /* see HINT_ flags above */
248 typedef struct ASSupportedHints
249 {
250 	ASFlagType hints_flags ;  /* 0x1<<type */
251 	HintsTypes 	  hints_types[HINTS_Supported];
252 	hints_merge_func merge_funcs[HINTS_Supported];
253 	int 		  hints_num ;
254 }ASSupportedHints;
258 /*************************************************************************/
259 /*                           Interface                                   */
260 /*************************************************************************/
261 /* this calculates offset from the anchor position to the left/top corner of the frame : */
262 #define APPLY_GRAVITY(grav,pos,size,bw1,bw2) \
263 { switch( (grav) )					         \
264 {case  0 : (pos) -= ((int)(size)>>1)+(int)(bw1)    ; break ; /* Center/Forget */ \
265  case  1 : (pos) -= (int)(bw1)+(int)(bw2)+(int)(size)   ; break ; /* South/East */    \
266  case  2 : (pos) -= (int)(bw1)                 ; break ; /* Static */        \
267  default :                                 break ; /* North/West */    \
268 }}
270 unsigned char get_hint_name_encoding( ASHints *hints, int name_idx );
271 ASHints *merge_hints( struct ASRawHints *raw, struct ASDatabase *db, ASStatusHints *status,
272 					  ASSupportedHints *list, ASFlagType what, ASHints* reusable_memory, Window client );
273 void merge_asdb_hints (ASHints * clean, struct ASRawHints * raw, struct ASDatabaseRecord * db_rec, ASStatusHints * status, ASFlagType what);
275 void check_motif_hints_sanity (struct MwmHints * motif_hints);
276 ASFlagType extwm_state2as_state_flags( ASFlagType extwm_flags );
278 /*
279  * few function - shortcuts to implement update of selected hints :
280  */
281 /* returns True if protocol/function hints actually changed :*/
282 Bool update_protocols( struct ScreenInfo *scr, Window w, ASSupportedHints *list, ASFlagType *pprots, ASFlagType *pfuncs );
283 Bool update_colormaps( struct ScreenInfo *scr, Window w, ASSupportedHints *list, CARD32 **pcmap_windows );
284 Bool update_property_hints( Window w, Atom property, ASHints *hints, ASStatusHints *status );
285 Bool update_property_hints_manager( Window w, Atom property, ASSupportedHints *list,
286 									struct ASDatabase * db, ASHints *hints, ASStatusHints *status );
287 void update_cmd_line_hints (Window w, Atom property,
288 					   ASHints * hints, ASStatusHints * status);
290 void check_hints_sanity (struct ScreenInfo * scr, ASHints * clean, ASStatusHints * status, Window client);
291 void check_status_sanity (struct ScreenInfo * scr, ASStatusHints * status);
294 void destroy_hints( ASHints *clean, Bool reusable );
295 Bool compare_names( ASHints *old, ASHints *hints );
296 ASFlagType compare_hints( ASHints *old, ASHints *hints );
297 ASFlagType function2mask( int function );
298 void constrain_size ( ASHints *hints, ASStatusHints *status,
299 					  int max_width, int max_height );
300 void get_gravity_offsets (ASHints *hints, int *xp, int *yp);
301 int translate_asgeometry( struct ScreenInfo *scr, ASGeometry *asg, int *px, int *py, unsigned int *pwidth, unsigned int *pheight );
302 void real2virtual (ASStatusHints *status, int *x, int *y, int vx, int vy );
303 void virtual2real (ASStatusHints *status, int *x, int *y, int vx, int vy);
304 int make_anchor_pos (ASStatusHints * status, int pos, int size, int vpos, int grav, int max_pos);
305 void make_detach_pos (ASHints * hints, ASStatusHints * status, XRectangle *anchor, int *detach_x, int *detach_y);
306 ASFlagType change_placement( struct ScreenInfo *scr, ASHints *hints, ASStatusHints *status, XPoint *anchor, ASStatusHints *new_status, int vx, int vy, ASFlagType what );
308 void status2anchor( XRectangle *anchor, struct ASHints *hints, struct ASStatusHints *status, int vwidth, int vheight );
309 void anchor2status( struct ASStatusHints *status, struct ASHints *hints, XRectangle *anchor );
311 int calculate_viewport( int *pos, int size, int scr_vpos, int scr_size, int max_viewport );
312 char *make_client_geometry_string (struct ScreenInfo * scr, ASHints *hints, ASStatusHints *status, XRectangle *anchor, int vx, int vy, char **pure_geometry);
313 char *make_client_command( struct ScreenInfo *scr, ASHints *hints, ASStatusHints *status, XRectangle *anchor, int vx, int vy);
315 Bool set_all_client_hints( Window w, ASHints *hints, ASStatusHints *status, Bool set_command );
316 struct ASImage* get_client_icon_image( struct ScreenInfo * scr, ASHints *hints, int desired_size);
317 CARD32 set_hints_window_opacity_percent( ASHints *clean, int opaque_percent );
320 /* printing functions :
321  * if func and stream are not specified - fprintf(stderr) is used ! */
322 void print_clean_hints( stream_func func, void* stream, ASHints *clean );
323 void print_status_hints( stream_func func, void* stream, ASStatusHints *status );
325 /* serialization so that we can send modules some data :                         */
326 void serialize_string( char * string, struct ASVector *buf );
327 void serialize_CARD32_zarray( CARD32 *array, struct ASVector *buf );
328 Bool serialize_clean_hints( ASHints *clean, struct ASVector *buf );
329 Bool serialize_names( ASHints *clean, struct ASVector *buf );
330 Bool serialize_status_hints( ASStatusHints *status, struct ASVector *buf );
332 /*  deserialization so that module can read out communications:                  */
333 char *deserialize_string( CARD32 **pbuf, size_t *buf_size );
334 CARD32 *deserialize_CARD32_zarray( CARD32 **pbuf, size_t *buf_size );
335 ASHints *deserialize_clean_hints( CARD32 **pbuf, size_t *buf_size, ASHints *reusable_memory );
336 Bool deserialize_names( ASHints *clean, CARD32 **pbuf, size_t *buf_size );
337 ASStatusHints *deserialize_status_hints( CARD32 **pbuf, size_t *buf_size, ASStatusHints *reusable_memory );
340 /* This will let us to change what hints are actually applied and in what order */
341 ASSupportedHints *create_hints_list();
342 void destroy_hints_list( ASSupportedHints **plist );
343 Bool enable_hints_support( ASSupportedHints *list, HintsTypes type );
344 Bool disable_hints_support( ASSupportedHints *list, HintsTypes type );
345 HintsTypes *supported_hints_types( ASSupportedHints *list, int *num_return );
348 /*************************************************************************/
349 /********************************THE END**********************************/
350 /*************************************************************************/
351 #ifdef __cplusplus
352 }
353 #endif
356 #endif /* HINTS_H_HEADER_INCLUDED */