1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Functions relating to rational polynomial surfaces, which are trimmed by
3 // curves (either rational polynomial curves, or piecewise linear
4 // approximations to curves of intersection that can't be represented
5 // exactly in ratpoly form), and assembled into watertight shells.
6 //
7 // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues.
8 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 #ifndef __SURFACE_H
11 #define __SURFACE_H
13 // Utility functions, Bernstein polynomials of order 1-3 and their derivatives.
14 double Bernstein(int k, int deg, double t);
15 double BernsteinDerivative(int k, int deg, double t);
17 class SSurface;
18 class SCurvePt;
20 // Utility data structure, a two-dimensional BSP to accelerate polygon
21 // operations.
22 class SBspUv {
23 public:
24     Point2d  a, b;
26     SBspUv  *pos;
27     SBspUv  *neg;
29     SBspUv  *more;
31     enum {
32         INSIDE            = 100,
33         OUTSIDE           = 200,
34         EDGE_PARALLEL     = 300,
35         EDGE_ANTIPARALLEL = 400,
36         EDGE_OTHER        = 500
37     };
39     static SBspUv *Alloc(void);
40     static SBspUv *From(SEdgeList *el, SSurface *srf);
42     void ScalePoints(Point2d *pt, Point2d *a, Point2d *b, SSurface *srf);
43     double ScaledSignedDistanceToLine(Point2d pt, Point2d a, Point2d b,
44         SSurface *srf);
45     double ScaledDistanceToLine(Point2d pt, Point2d a, Point2d b, bool seg,
46         SSurface *srf);
48     void InsertEdge(Point2d a, Point2d b, SSurface *srf);
49     static SBspUv *InsertOrCreateEdge(SBspUv *where, const Point2d &ea, const Point2d &eb, SSurface *srf);
50     int ClassifyPoint(Point2d p, Point2d eb, SSurface *srf);
51     int ClassifyEdge(Point2d ea, Point2d eb, SSurface *srf);
52     double MinimumDistanceToEdge(Point2d p, SSurface *srf);
53 };
55 // Now the data structures to represent a shell of trimmed rational polynomial
56 // surfaces.
58 class SShell;
60 class hSSurface {
61 public:
62     uint32_t v;
63 };
65 class hSCurve {
66 public:
67     uint32_t v;
68 };
70 // Stuff for rational polynomial curves, of degree one to three. These are
71 // our inputs, and are also calculated for certain exact surface-surface
72 // intersections.
73 class SBezier {
74 public:
75     int             tag;
76     int             auxA, auxB;
78     int             deg;
79     Vector          ctrl[4];
80     double          weight[4];
81     uint32_t        entity;
83     Vector PointAt(double t);
84     Vector TangentAt(double t);
85     void ClosestPointTo(Vector p, double *t, bool converge=true);
86     void SplitAt(double t, SBezier *bef, SBezier *aft);
87     bool PointOnThisAndCurve(SBezier *sbb, Vector *p);
89     Vector Start(void);
90     Vector Finish(void);
91     bool Equals(SBezier *b);
92     void MakePwlInto(SEdgeList *sel, double chordTol=0);
93     void MakePwlInto(List<SCurvePt> *l, double chordTol=0);
94     void MakePwlInto(SContour *sc, double chordTol=0);
95     void MakePwlInto(List<Vector> *l, double chordTol=0);
96     void MakePwlWorker(List<Vector> *l, double ta, double tb, double chordTol);
97     void MakePwlInitialWorker(List<Vector> *l, double ta, double tb, double chordTol);
99     void AllIntersectionsWith(SBezier *sbb, SPointList *spl);
100     void GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig, double *umin, double *umax);
101     void Reverse(void);
103     bool IsInPlane(Vector n, double d);
104     bool IsCircle(Vector axis, Vector *center, double *r);
105     bool IsRational(void);
107     SBezier TransformedBy(Vector t, Quaternion q, double scale);
108     SBezier InPerspective(Vector u, Vector v, Vector n,
109                           Vector origin, double cameraTan);
110     void ScaleSelfBy(double s);
112     static SBezier From(Vector p0, Vector p1, Vector p2, Vector p3);
113     static SBezier From(Vector p0, Vector p1, Vector p2);
114     static SBezier From(Vector p0, Vector p1);
115     static SBezier From(Vector4 p0, Vector4 p1, Vector4 p2, Vector4 p3);
116     static SBezier From(Vector4 p0, Vector4 p1, Vector4 p2);
117     static SBezier From(Vector4 p0, Vector4 p1);
118 };
120 class SBezierList {
121 public:
122     List<SBezier>   l;
124     void Clear(void);
125     void ScaleSelfBy(double s);
126     void CullIdenticalBeziers(void);
127     void AllIntersectionsWith(SBezierList *sblb, SPointList *spl);
128     bool GetPlaneContainingBeziers(Vector *p, Vector *u, Vector *v,
129                                         Vector *notCoplanarAt);
130 };
132 class SBezierLoop {
133 public:
134     int             tag;
135     List<SBezier>   l;
Clear(void)137     inline void Clear(void) { l.Clear(); }
138     bool IsClosed(void);
139     void Reverse(void);
140     void MakePwlInto(SContour *sc, double chordTol=0);
141     void GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig, double *umin, double *umax);
143     static SBezierLoop FromCurves(SBezierList *spcl,
144                                   bool *allClosed, SEdge *errorAt);
145 };
147 class SBezierLoopSet {
148 public:
149     List<SBezierLoop> l;
150     Vector normal;
151     Vector point;
153     static SBezierLoopSet From(SBezierList *spcl, SPolygon *poly,
154                                double chordTol,
155                                bool *allClosed, SEdge *errorAt,
156                                SBezierList *openContours);
158     void GetBoundingProjd(Vector u, Vector orig, double *umin, double *umax);
159     void MakePwlInto(SPolygon *sp);
160     void Clear(void);
161 };
163 class SBezierLoopSetSet {
164 public:
165     List<SBezierLoopSet>    l;
167     void FindOuterFacesFrom(SBezierList *sbl, SPolygon *spxyz, SSurface *srfuv,
168                             double chordTol,
169                             bool *allClosed, SEdge *notClosedAt,
170                             bool *allCoplanar, Vector *notCoplanarAt,
171                             SBezierList *openContours);
172     void AddOpenPath(SBezier *sb);
173     void Clear(void);
174 };
176 // Stuff for the surface trim curves: piecewise linear
177 class SCurvePt {
178 public:
179     int         tag;
180     Vector      p;
181     bool        vertex;
182 };
184 class SCurve {
185 public:
186     hSCurve         h;
188     // In a Boolean, C = A op B. The curves in A and B get copied into C, and
189     // therefore must get new hSCurves assigned. For the curves in A and B,
190     // we use newH to record their new handle in C.
191     hSCurve         newH;
192     enum {
193         FROM_A             = 100,
194         FROM_B             = 200,
195         FROM_INTERSECTION  = 300
196     };
197     int             source;
199     bool            isExact;
200     SBezier         exact;
202     List<SCurvePt>  pts;
204     hSSurface       surfA;
205     hSSurface       surfB;
207     static SCurve FromTransformationOf(SCurve *a, Vector t, Quaternion q,
208                                         double scale);
209     SCurve MakeCopySplitAgainst(SShell *agnstA, SShell *agnstB,
210                                 SSurface *srfA, SSurface *srfB);
211     void RemoveShortSegments(SSurface *srfA, SSurface *srfB);
212     SSurface *GetSurfaceA(SShell *a, SShell *b);
213     SSurface *GetSurfaceB(SShell *a, SShell *b);
215     void Clear(void);
216 };
218 // A segment of a curve by which a surface is trimmed: indicates which curve,
219 // by its handle, and the starting and ending points of our segment of it.
220 // The vector out points out of the surface; it, the surface outer normal,
221 // and a tangent to the beginning of the curve are all orthogonal.
222 class STrimBy {
223 public:
224     hSCurve     curve;
225     bool        backwards;
226     // If a trim runs backwards, then start and finish still correspond to
227     // the actual start and finish, but they appear in reverse order in
228     // the referenced curve.
229     Vector      start;
230     Vector      finish;
232     static STrimBy EntireCurve(SShell *shell, hSCurve hsc, bool bkwds);
233 };
235 // An intersection point between a line and a surface
236 class SInter {
237 public:
238     int         tag;
239     Vector      p;
240     SSurface    *srf;
241     Point2d     pinter;
242     Vector      surfNormal;     // of the intersecting surface, at pinter
243     bool        onEdge;         // pinter is on edge of trim poly
244 };
246 // A rational polynomial surface in Bezier form.
247 class SSurface {
248 public:
249     int             tag;
250     hSSurface       h;
252     // Same as newH for the curves; record what a surface gets renamed to
253     // when I copy things over.
254     hSSurface       newH;
256     RgbaColor       color;
257     uint32_t        face;
259     int             degm, degn;
260     Vector          ctrl[4][4];
261     double          weight[4][4];
263     List<STrimBy>   trim;
265     // For testing whether a point (u, v) on the surface lies inside the trim
266     SBspUv          *bsp;
267     SEdgeList       edges;
269     // For caching our initial (u, v) when doing Newton iterations to project
270     // a point into our surface.
271     Point2d         cached;
273     static SSurface FromExtrusionOf(SBezier *spc, Vector t0, Vector t1);
274     static SSurface FromRevolutionOf(SBezier *sb, Vector pt, Vector axis,
275                                         double thetas, double thetaf);
276     static SSurface FromPlane(Vector pt, Vector u, Vector v);
277     static SSurface FromTransformationOf(SSurface *a, Vector t, Quaternion q,
278                                          double scale,
279                                          bool includingTrims);
280     void ScaleSelfBy(double s);
282     void EdgeNormalsWithinSurface(Point2d auv, Point2d buv,
283                                   Vector *pt, Vector *enin, Vector *enout,
284                                   Vector *surfn,
285                                   uint32_t auxA,
286                                   SShell *shell, SShell *sha, SShell *shb);
287     void FindChainAvoiding(SEdgeList *src, SEdgeList *dest, SPointList *avoid);
288     SSurface MakeCopyTrimAgainst(SShell *parent, SShell *a, SShell *b,
289                                     SShell *into, int type);
290     void TrimFromEdgeList(SEdgeList *el, bool asUv);
291     void IntersectAgainst(SSurface *b, SShell *agnstA, SShell *agnstB,
292                           SShell *into);
293     void AddExactIntersectionCurve(SBezier *sb, SSurface *srfB,
294                           SShell *agnstA, SShell *agnstB, SShell *into);
296     typedef struct {
297         int     tag;
298         Point2d p;
299     } Inter;
300     void WeightControlPoints(void);
301     void UnWeightControlPoints(void);
302     void CopyRowOrCol(bool row, int this_ij, SSurface *src, int src_ij);
303     void BlendRowOrCol(bool row, int this_ij, SSurface *a, int a_ij,
304                                               SSurface *b, int b_ij);
305     double DepartureFromCoplanar(void);
306     void SplitInHalf(bool byU, SSurface *sa, SSurface *sb);
307     void AllPointsIntersecting(Vector a, Vector b,
308                                     List<SInter> *l,
309                                     bool seg, bool trimmed, bool inclTangent);
310     void AllPointsIntersectingUntrimmed(Vector a, Vector b,
311                                             int *cnt, int *level,
312                                             List<Inter> *l, bool segment,
313                                             SSurface *sorig);
315     void ClosestPointTo(Vector p, Point2d *puv, bool converge=true);
316     void ClosestPointTo(Vector p, double *u, double *v, bool converge=true);
317     bool ClosestPointNewton(Vector p, double *u, double *v, bool converge=true);
319     bool PointIntersectingLine(Vector p0, Vector p1, double *u, double *v);
320     Vector ClosestPointOnThisAndSurface(SSurface *srf2, Vector p);
321     void PointOnSurfaces(SSurface *s1, SSurface *s2, double *u, double *v);
322     Vector PointAt(double u, double v);
323     Vector PointAt(Point2d puv);
324     void TangentsAt(double u, double v, Vector *tu, Vector *tv);
325     Vector NormalAt(Point2d puv);
326     Vector NormalAt(double u, double v);
327     bool LineEntirelyOutsideBbox(Vector a, Vector b, bool segment);
328     void GetAxisAlignedBounding(Vector *ptMax, Vector *ptMin);
329     bool CoincidentWithPlane(Vector n, double d);
330     bool CoincidentWith(SSurface *ss, bool sameNormal);
331     bool IsExtrusion(SBezier *of, Vector *along);
332     bool IsCylinder(Vector *axis, Vector *center, double *r,
333                         Vector *start, Vector *finish);
335     void TriangulateInto(SShell *shell, SMesh *sm);
337     // these are intended as bitmasks, even though there's just one now
338     enum {
339         AS_UV  = 0x01,
340         AS_XYZ = 0x00
341     };
342     void MakeTrimEdgesInto(SEdgeList *sel, int flags, SCurve *sc, STrimBy *stb);
343     void MakeEdgesInto(SShell *shell, SEdgeList *sel, int flags,
344             SShell *useCurvesFrom=NULL);
346     Vector ExactSurfaceTangentAt(Vector p, SSurface *srfA, SSurface *srfB,
347                                 Vector dir);
348     void MakeSectionEdgesInto(SShell *shell, SEdgeList *sel, SBezierList *sbl);
349     void MakeClassifyingBsp(SShell *shell, SShell *useCurvesFrom);
350     double ChordToleranceForEdge(Vector a, Vector b);
351     void MakeTriangulationGridInto(List<double> *l, double vs, double vf,
352                                     bool swapped);
353     Vector PointAtMaybeSwapped(double u, double v, bool swapped);
355     void Reverse(void);
356     void Clear(void);
357 };
359 class SShell {
360 public:
361     IdList<SCurve,hSCurve>      curve;
362     IdList<SSurface,hSSurface>  surface;
364     bool                        booleanFailed;
366     void MakeFromExtrusionOf(SBezierLoopSet *sbls, Vector t0, Vector t1,
367                              RgbaColor color);
368     void MakeFromRevolutionOf(SBezierLoopSet *sbls, Vector pt, Vector axis,
369                               RgbaColor color, Group *group);
371     void MakeFromUnionOf(SShell *a, SShell *b);
372     void MakeFromDifferenceOf(SShell *a, SShell *b);
373     enum {
374         AS_UNION      = 10,
375         AS_DIFFERENCE = 11,
376         AS_INTERSECT  = 12
377     };
378     void MakeFromBoolean(SShell *a, SShell *b, int type);
379     void CopyCurvesSplitAgainst(bool opA, SShell *agnst, SShell *into);
380     void CopySurfacesTrimAgainst(SShell *sha, SShell *shb, SShell *into,
381                                     int type);
382     void MakeIntersectionCurvesAgainst(SShell *against, SShell *into);
383     void MakeClassifyingBsps(SShell *useCurvesFrom);
384     void AllPointsIntersecting(Vector a, Vector b, List<SInter> *il,
385                                 bool seg, bool trimmed, bool inclTangent);
386     void MakeCoincidentEdgesInto(SSurface *proto, bool sameNormal,
387                                  SEdgeList *el, SShell *useCurvesFrom);
388     void RewriteSurfaceHandlesForCurves(SShell *a, SShell *b);
389     void CleanupAfterBoolean(void);
391     // Definitions when classifying regions of a surface; it is either inside,
392     // outside, or coincident (with parallel or antiparallel normal) with a
393     // shell.
394     enum {
395         INSIDE     = 100,
396         OUTSIDE    = 200,
397         COINC_SAME = 300,
398         COINC_OPP  = 400
399     };
400     static const double DOTP_TOL;
401     int ClassifyRegion(Vector edge_n, Vector inter_surf_n, Vector edge_surf_n);
402     bool ClassifyEdge(int *indir, int *outdir,
403                       Vector ea, Vector eb,
404                       Vector p,
405                       Vector edge_n_in, Vector edge_n_out, Vector surf_n);
407     void MakeFromCopyOf(SShell *a);
408     void MakeFromTransformationOf(SShell *a,
409                                     Vector trans, Quaternion q, double scale);
410     void MakeFromAssemblyOf(SShell *a, SShell *b);
411     void MergeCoincidentSurfaces(void);
413     void TriangulateInto(SMesh *sm);
414     void MakeEdgesInto(SEdgeList *sel);
415     void MakeSectionEdgesInto(Vector n, double d,
416                                 SEdgeList *sel, SBezierList *sbl);
417     bool IsEmpty(void);
418     void RemapFaces(Group *g, int remap);
419     void Clear(void);
420 };
422 #endif