1 {
2 Copyright (C) Alexey Torgashin, uvviewsoft.com
3 License: MPL 2.0 or LGPL
4 }
5 unit ATSynEdit_Adapter_EControl;
7 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
9 interface
11 uses
12   Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls,
13   Forms, Dialogs,
14   syncobjs,
15   ATSynEdit,
16   ATSynEdit_LineParts,
17   ATSynEdit_Adapters,
18   ATSynEdit_Carets,
19   ATSynEdit_Ranges,
20   ATSynEdit_SortedRange,
21   ATStringProc,
22   ATStringProc_Separator,
23   ATStringProc_TextBuffer,
24   ATStrings,
25   ec_syntax_format,
26   ec_SyntAnal;
28 type
29   { TATRangeInCodeTree }
31   TATRangeInCodeTree = class
32   public
33     PosBegin: TPoint;
34     PosEnd: TPoint;
35     DataString: string; //for CudaText plugins
36     procedure Assign(Src: TATRangeInCodeTree);
37   end;
39 type
40   TATEditorEvent = procedure(Sender: TATSynEdit) of object;
42 type
43   { TATAdapterEControl }
45   TATAdapterEControl = class(TATAdapterHilite)
46   private type
47     TATAdapterProgressKind = (epkFirst, epkSecond, epkBoth);
48   private
49     EdList: TFPList;
50     Buffer: TATStringBuffer;
51     FRangesColored: TATSortedRanges;
52     FRangesColoredBounds: TATSortedRanges;
53     FRangesSublexer: TATSortedRanges;
54     FEnabledLineSeparators: boolean;
55     FEnabledSublexerTreeNodes: boolean;
56     FBusyTreeUpdate: boolean;
57     FStopTreeUpdate: boolean;
58     FTimeParseBegin: QWORD;
59     FTimeParseElapsed: integer;
60     FOnLexerChange: TATEditorEvent;
61     FOnParseBegin: TNotifyEvent;
62     FOnParseDone: TNotifyEvent;
63     procedure DebugIntegersWithPointers(L: TATIntegersWithPointers);
64     procedure DebugRangesColored;
65     procedure DoCheckEditorList; inline;
66     procedure ClearFoldIndexers;
67     procedure DoFoldAdd(AX, AY, AY2: integer; AStaple: boolean; const AHint: string);
68     procedure DoCalcParts(var AParts: TATLineParts; ALine, AX, ALen: integer;
69       AColorFont, AColorBG: TColor; var AColorAfter: TColor; AEditorIndex: integer);
70     procedure ClearRanges;
DoFindTokennull71     function DoFindToken(APos: TPoint; AExactPos: boolean = false): integer;
GetTokenColor_FromBoundRangesnull72     function GetTokenColor_FromBoundRanges(ATokenIndex, AEditorIndex: integer): TecSyntaxFormat;
73     procedure DoFoldFromLinesHidden;
74     procedure DoChangeLog(Sender: TObject; ALine: integer);
75     procedure ParseBegin;
76     procedure ParseDone(Sender: TObject);
77     procedure ProgressFirst(Sender: TObject);
78     procedure ProgressSecond(Sender: TObject);
79     procedure ProgressBoth(Sender: TObject);
GetRangeParentnull80     function GetRangeParent(const R: TecTextRange): TecTextRange;
GetTokenColorBG_FromColoredRangesnull81     function GetTokenColorBG_FromColoredRanges(const APos: TPoint; ADefColor: TColor;
82       AEditorIndex: integer): TColor;
GetTokenColorBG_FromMultiLineTokensnull83     function GetTokenColorBG_FromMultiLineTokens(APos: TPoint;
84       ADefColor: TColor; AEditorIndex: integer): TColor;
EditorRunningCommandnull85     function EditorRunningCommand: boolean;
86     procedure UpdateBuffer(ABuffer: TATStringBuffer);
87     procedure UpdatePublicDataNeedTo;
88     procedure UpdateRanges;
89     procedure UpdateRangesActive(AEdit: TATSynEdit);
90     procedure UpdateRangesActiveAll;
91     procedure UpdateRangesSublex;
92     procedure UpdateEditors(AKind: TATAdapterProgressKind);
GetLexernull93     function GetLexer: TecSyntAnalyzer;
94     procedure SetLexer(AAnalizer: TecSyntAnalyzer);
GetLexerSuportsDynamicHilitenull95     function GetLexerSuportsDynamicHilite: boolean;
IsDynamicHiliteEnablednull96     function IsDynamicHiliteEnabled: boolean;
97   public
98     AnClient: TecClientSyntAnalyzer;
99     //
100     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
101     destructor Destroy; override;
102     //
103     procedure AddEditor(AEditor: TComponent);
104     property Lexer: TecSyntAnalyzer read GetLexer write SetLexer;
105     property LexerParsingElapsed: integer read FTimeParseElapsed;
LexerAtPosnull106     function LexerAtPos(Pnt: TPoint): TecSyntAnalyzer;
107     property EnabledSublexerTreeNodes: boolean read FEnabledSublexerTreeNodes write FEnabledSublexerTreeNodes default false;
108     procedure ParseFromLine(ALine: integer; AWait: boolean);
109     procedure Stop;
Editornull110     function Editor: TATSynEdit;
111     procedure StopTreeUpdate;
IsParsingBusynull112     function IsParsingBusy: boolean;
DebugStringnull113     function DebugString: string;
114     procedure UpdateRangesFoldAndColored;
116     //tokens
117     procedure __GetTokenWithIndex(AIndex: integer; out APntFrom, APntTo: TPoint;
118       out ATokenString, ATokenStyle: string; out ATokenKind: TATTokenKind);
119     procedure __GetTokenAtPos(APos: TPoint; out APntFrom, APntTo: TPoint;
120       out ATokenString, ATokenStyle: string; out ATokenKind: TATTokenKind);
GetTokenKindAtPosnull121     function GetTokenKindAtPos(APos: TPoint): TATTokenKind;
GetTokenStringnull122     function GetTokenString(const token: PecSyntToken): string;
123     procedure GetTokenProps(const token: PecSyntToken; out APntFrom, APntTo: TPoint;
124       out ATokenString, ATokenStyle: string; out ATokenKind: TATTokenKind);
126     //support for syntax-tree
127     property TreeBusy: boolean read FBusyTreeUpdate;
128     procedure TreeFill(ATree: TTreeView);
129     procedure __TreeGetPositionOfRange_EC(const R: TecTextRange; out APosBegin, APosEnd: TPoint);
__TreeGetRangeOfPositionnull130     function __TreeGetRangeOfPosition(APos: TPoint): TecTextRange; //unused function
132     //sublexers
133     function SublexerRangeCount: integer;
SublexerRangePropsnull134     function SublexerRangeProps(AIndex: integer; out AStart, AEnd: TPoint; out
135       ALexerName: string): boolean;
137   public
138     procedure OnEditorScroll(Sender: TObject); override;
139     procedure OnEditorCaretMove(Sender: TObject); override;
140     procedure OnEditorChangeEx(Sender: TObject; AChange: TATLineChangeKind; ALine, AItemCount: integer); override;
141     procedure OnEditorCalcHilite(Sender: TObject;
142       var AParts: TATLineParts;
143       ALineIndex, ACharIndex, ALineLen: integer;
144       var AColorAfterEol: TColor;
145       AMainText: boolean); override;
146     procedure OnEditorCalcPosColor(Sender: TObject;
147       AX, AY: integer; var AColor: TColor); override;
IsParsedAtLeastPartiallynull148     function IsParsedAtLeastPartially: boolean; override;
GetLexerNamenull149     function GetLexerName: string; override;
IsDataReadynull150     function IsDataReady: boolean; override;
IsDataReadyPartiallynull151     function IsDataReadyPartially: boolean; override;
153   published
154     property OnLexerChange: TATEditorEvent read FOnLexerChange write FOnLexerChange;
155     property OnParseBegin: TNotifyEvent read FOnParseBegin write FOnParseBegin;
156     property OnParseDone: TNotifyEvent read FOnParseDone write FOnParseDone;
157   end;
159 procedure ApplyPartStyleFromEcontrolStyle(var part: TATLinePart; st: TecSyntaxFormat);
CodetreeFindItemForPositionnull161 function CodetreeFindItemForPosition(ATree: TTreeView; APosX, APosY: integer): TTreeNode;
162 procedure CodetreeSelectItemForPosition(ATree: TTreeView; APosX, APosY: integer);
164 implementation
166 uses Math;
168 const
169   cBorderEc: array[TecBorderLineType] of TATLineStyle = (
170     cLineStyleNone,
171     cLineStyleSolid,
172     cLineStyleDash,
173     cLineStyleDash,
174     cLineStyleDash,
175     cLineStyleDash,
176     cLineStyleSolid2px,
177     cLineStyleSolid2px,
178     cLineStyleWave,
179     cLineStyleDotted
180     );
182 procedure ApplyPartStyleFromEcontrolStyle(var part: TATLinePart; st: TecSyntaxFormat); inline;
183 var
184   NStyles: byte;
185 begin
186   if st.FormatType in [ftCustomFont, ftFontAttr, ftColor, ftBackGround] then
187   begin
188     if st.BgColor<>clNone then
189       part.ColorBG:= st.BgColor;
190   end;
192   if Assigned(st.Font) then
193   begin
194     if st.FormatType in [ftCustomFont, ftFontAttr, ftColor] then
195     begin
196       if st.Font.Color<>clNone then
197         part.ColorFont:= st.Font.Color;
198     end;
199     if st.FormatType in [ftCustomFont, ftFontAttr] then
200     begin
201       NStyles:= 0;
202       if fsBold in st.Font.Style then
203         NStyles:= NStyles or afsFontBold;
204       if fsItalic in st.Font.Style then
205         NStyles:= NStyles or afsFontItalic;
206       if fsStrikeOut in st.Font.Style then
207         NStyles:= NStyles or afsFontCrossed;
208       part.FontStyles:= NStyles;
209     end;
210   end;
212   part.ColorBorder:= st.BorderColorBottom;
213   part.BorderUp:= cBorderEc[st.BorderTypeTop];
214   part.BorderDown:= cBorderEc[st.BorderTypeBottom];
215   part.BorderLeft:= cBorderEc[st.BorderTypeLeft];
216   part.BorderRight:= cBorderEc[st.BorderTypeRight];
217 end;
219 { TATRangeInCodeTree }
221 procedure TATRangeInCodeTree.Assign(Src: TATRangeInCodeTree);
222 begin
223   PosBegin:= Src.PosBegin;
224   PosEnd:= Src.PosEnd;
225   DataString:= Src.DataString;
226 end;
229 { TATAdapterEControl }
231 procedure TATAdapterEControl.DoCheckEditorList; inline;
232 begin
233   if EdList.Count=0 then
234     raise Exception.Create('Adapter: Empty editor list');
235 end;
237 procedure TATAdapterEControl.OnEditorCalcHilite(Sender: TObject;
238   var AParts: TATLineParts; ALineIndex, ACharIndex, ALineLen: integer;
239   var AColorAfterEol: TColor; AMainText: boolean);
240 var
241   Ed: TATSynEdit;
242 begin
243   if AnClient=nil then Exit;
244   DoCheckEditorList;
245   Ed:= TATSynEdit(Sender);
247   AnClient.CriSecForData.Enter;
248   try
249     AColorAfterEol:= clNone;
250     DoCalcParts(AParts, ALineIndex, ACharIndex-1, ALineLen,
251       Ed.Colors.TextFont,
252       clNone,
253       AColorAfterEol,
254       Ed.EditorIndex);
255   finally
256     AnClient.CriSecForData.Leave;
257   end;
258 end;
260 procedure TATAdapterEControl.OnEditorCalcPosColor(Sender: TObject; AX,
261   AY: integer; var AColor: TColor);
262 var
263   Ed: TATSynEdit;
264   NColor: TColor;
265 begin
266   if AnClient=nil then exit;
267   Ed:= Sender as TATSynEdit;
269   //this is for lexer "ranges" with BG color
270   NColor:= GetTokenColorBG_FromColoredRanges(Point(AX, AY), clNone, Ed.EditorIndex);
271   if NColor<>clNone then
272   begin
273     AColor:= NColor;
274     exit;
275   end;
277   AnClient.CriSecForData.Enter;
278   try
279     //this is for multi-line tokens with BG color
280     //example: code-blocks in reST lexer
281     NColor:= GetTokenColorBG_FromMultiLineTokens(Point(AX, AY), clNone, Ed.EditorIndex);
282     if NColor<>clNone then
283     begin
284       AColor:= NColor;
285       exit;
286     end;
287   finally
288     AnClient.CriSecForData.Leave;
289   end;
290 end;
TATAdapterEControl.IsParsedAtLeastPartiallynull292 function TATAdapterEControl.IsParsedAtLeastPartially: boolean;
293 begin
294   if Assigned(AnClient) then
295     Result:= AnClient.PublicData.FinishedPartially
296   else
297     Result:= true; //return 'true' for none-lexer
298 end;
TATAdapterEControl.GetLexerNamenull300 function TATAdapterEControl.GetLexerName: string;
301 begin
302   if Assigned(AnClient) then
303     Result:= AnClient.Owner.LexerName
304   else
305     Result:= '-';
306 end;
TATAdapterEControl.GetTokenColorBG_FromMultiLineTokensnull308 function TATAdapterEControl.GetTokenColorBG_FromMultiLineTokens(APos: TPoint;
309   ADefColor: TColor; AEditorIndex: integer): TColor;
310 //all calls of this func must be guarded by CriSecForData.Enter/Leave
311 var
312   Token: PecSyntToken;
313   NToken: integer;
314 begin
315   Result:= ADefColor;
316   if AnClient=nil then exit;
317   NToken:= DoFindToken(APos);
318   if NToken<0 then exit;
319   if not AnClient.PublicData.Tokens.IsIndexValid(NToken) then exit;
321   Token:= AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(NToken);
322   if IsPosInRange(
323     APos.X, APos.Y,
324     Token^.Range.PointStart.X, Token^.Range.PointStart.Y,
325     Token^.Range.PointEnd.X, Token^.Range.PointEnd.Y) = cRelateInside then
326     if Token^.Style<>nil then
327       Result:= Token^.Style.BgColor;
328 end;
331 procedure TATAdapterEControl.DebugRangesColored;
332 var
333   Rng: PATSortedRange;
334 begin
335   if FRangesColored.Count>0 then
336   begin
337     Rng:= FRangesColored.ItemPtr(0);
338     Application.MainForm.Caption:= Format('RngColored: (%d,%d..%d,%d)',
339       [Rng^.Pos1.X, Rng^.Pos1.Y, Rng^.Pos2.X, Rng^.Pos2.Y]);
340   end;
341 end;
TATAdapterEControl.GetTokenColorBG_FromColoredRangesnull343 function TATAdapterEControl.GetTokenColorBG_FromColoredRanges(const APos: TPoint;
344   ADefColor: TColor; AEditorIndex: integer): TColor;
345 var
346   Rng: PATSortedRange;
347   N: integer;
348 begin
349   Result:= ADefColor;
351   //cannot use binary search (Find) here, because of nested ranges
352   N:= FRangesColored.FindByLineIndexer(APos, AEditorIndex, true);
353   if N>=0 then
354     exit(FRangesColored.ItemPtr(N)^.Color);
356   N:= FRangesSublexer.FindByLineIndexer(APos, AEditorIndex, false);
357   if N>=0 then
358   begin
359     Rng:= FRangesSublexer.ItemPtr(N);
360     if Rng^.IsPosInside(APos) then
361       exit(Rng^.Color);
362   end;
363 end;
365 procedure TATAdapterEControl.UpdateRangesActive(AEdit: TATSynEdit);
366 begin
367   if not IsDynamicHiliteEnabled then Exit;
369   FRangesColored.UpdateRangesActive(AEdit);
370   FRangesColoredBounds.UpdateRangesActive(AEdit);
372   FRangesColored.DeactivateNotMinimalRanges(AEdit);
373   FRangesColoredBounds.DeactivateNotMinimalRanges(AEdit);
374 end;
377 procedure TATAdapterEControl.DoCalcParts(var AParts: TATLineParts; ALine, AX,
378   ALen: integer; AColorFont, AColorBG: TColor; var AColorAfter: TColor; AEditorIndex: integer);
379 //all calls of this proc must be guarded by CriSecForData.Enter/Leave
380 var
381   partindex: integer;
382   //
383   procedure AddMissingPart(AOffset, ALen: integer); inline;
384   var
385     part: PATLinePart;
386   begin
387     if ALen<=0 then Exit;
388     part:= @AParts[partindex];
389     FillChar(part^, SizeOf(TATLinePart), 0);
391     part^.Offset:= AOffset;
392     part^.Len:= ALen;
394     (*
395     ////cannot make this code OK for test Markdown file with long wrapped lines,
396     ////some text chars have clNone, like white
398     //check that part's last char is space (ie it's space part),
399     //and set for it clNone
400     if Strings.LineCharAt(ALine, AOffset+ALen+AX-1)=' ' then
401       part^.ColorFont:= clNone
402     else
403     *)
404       part^.ColorFont:= AColorFont;
406     part^.ColorBG:= GetTokenColorBG_FromColoredRanges(
407       Point(AX+AOffset, ALine),
408       AColorBG,
409       AEditorIndex);
411     Inc(partindex);
412   end;
413   //
414 var
415   tokenStart, tokenEnd, TestPoint: TPoint;
416   startindex, mustOffset: integer;
417   token: PecSyntToken;
418   tokenStyle, tokenStyle2: TecSyntaxFormat;
419   part: TATLinePart;
420   nColor: TColor;
421   i: integer;
422 begin
423   partindex:= 0;
425   if ALine<=High(AnClient.PublicData.TokenIndexer) then
426     startindex:= AnClient.PublicData.TokenIndexer[ALine]
427   else
428     startindex:= -1;
430   {
431   //don't exit, need more work for AColorAfter
432   if startindex<0 then
433     exit;
434     }
436   FillChar(part{%H-}, SizeOf(part), 0);
438   if startindex>=0 then
439   for i:= startindex to AnClient.PublicData.Tokens.Count-1 do
440   begin
441     token:= AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(i);
442     tokenStart:= token^.Range.PointStart;
443     tokenEnd:= token^.Range.PointEnd;
445     Dec(tokenStart.x, AX);
446     Dec(tokenEnd.x, AX);
448     if (tokenStart.y>ALine) then Break;
449     if (tokenStart.y>ALine) or (tokenEnd.y<ALine) then Continue;
450     if (tokenEnd.y<=ALine) and (tokenEnd.x<0) then Continue;
451     if (tokenStart.y>=ALine) and (tokenStart.x>=ALen) then Continue;
453     FillChar(part{%H-}, SizeOf(part), 0);
454     if (tokenStart.y<ALine) or (tokenStart.x<0) then
455       part.Offset:= 0
456     else
457       part.Offset:= tokenStart.X;
459     if (tokenEnd.y>ALine) or (tokenEnd.x>=ALen) then
460       part.Len:= ALen-part.Offset
461     else
462       part.Len:= tokenEnd.X-part.Offset;
464     part.ColorFont:= AColorFont;
465     part.ColorBG:= GetTokenColorBG_FromColoredRanges(token^.Range.PointStart, AColorBG, AEditorIndex);
467     tokenStyle:= token^.Style;
468     tokenStyle2:= GetTokenColor_FromBoundRanges(i, AEditorIndex);
469     if tokenStyle2<>nil then
470       tokenStyle:= tokenStyle2;
471     if tokenStyle<>nil then
472       ApplyPartStyleFromEcontrolStyle(part, tokenStyle);
474     //add missing part
475     if partindex=0 then
476       mustOffset:= 0
477     else
478       with AParts[partindex-1] do
479         mustOffset:= Offset+Len;
481     if part.Offset>mustOffset then
482     begin
483       AddMissingPart(mustOffset, part.Offset-mustOffset);
484       if partindex>=High(AParts) then Exit;
485     end;
487     //add calculated part
488     if part.Len>0 then
489     begin
490       AParts[partindex]:= part;
491       Inc(partindex);
492       if partindex>=High(AParts) then Exit;
493     end;
494   end;
496   //application.MainForm.Caption:= 'startindex '+inttostr(startindex)+' count-tokens '+inttostr(count);
498   //add ending missing part
499   //(not only if part.Len>0)
500   mustOffset:= part.Offset+part.Len;
501   if mustOffset<ALen then
502     AddMissingPart(mustOffset, ALen-mustOffset);
504   //calc AColorAfter
505   TestPoint:= Point(AX+ALen, ALine);
507   //a) calc it from colored-ranges
508   nColor:= GetTokenColorBG_FromColoredRanges(TestPoint, clNone, AEditorIndex);
509   //if (nColor=clNone) and (ALen>0) then
510   //  nColor:= GetTokenColorBG_FromColoredRanges(mustOffset-1, clNone, AEditorIndex);
512   //b) calc it from multi-line tokens (with bg-color)
513   if (nColor=clNone) then
514     nColor:= GetTokenColorBG_FromMultiLineTokens(TestPoint, clNone, AEditorIndex);
516   if (nColor=clNone) then
517     nColor:= AColorAfter;
518   AColorAfter:= nColor;
519 end;
521 procedure TATAdapterEControl.ClearRanges;
522 var
523   j: integer;
524   Ed: TATSynEdit;
525 begin
526   FRangesColored.Clear;
527   FRangesColoredBounds.Clear;
528   FRangesSublexer.Clear;
530   for j:= 0 to EdList.Count-1 do
531   begin
532     Ed:= TATSynEdit(EdList[j]);
534     //Tag=-1 means persistent range from command "Fold selection"
535     if Ed.Fold.HasTagPersist then
536       Ed.Fold.DeleteAllExceptTag(cTagPersistentFoldRange)
537     else
538       Ed.Fold.Clear;
540     //Ed.Strings.ClearSeparators; //separators are not used in this adapter
541   end;
542 end;
544 (*
545 procedure TATAdapterEControl.DoClearRanges_OnlySimple;
546 var
547   Ed: TATSynEdit;
548   R: TATSynRange;
549   i, j: integer;
550 begin
551   for j:= 0 to EdList.Count-1 do
552   begin
553     Ed:= TATSynEdit(EdList[j]);
554     for i:= Ed.Fold.Count-1 downto 0 do
555     begin
556       R:= Ed.Fold.Items[i];
557       if R.IsSimple then
558         Ed.Fold.Delete(i);
559     end;
560   end;
561 end;
562 *)
564 constructor TATAdapterEControl.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
565 begin
566   inherited;
568   EdList:= TFPList.Create;
569   AnClient:= nil;
570   Buffer:= TATStringBuffer.Create;
571   FRangesColored:= TATSortedRanges.Create;
572   FRangesColoredBounds:= TATSortedRanges.Create;
573   FRangesSublexer:= TATSortedRanges.Create;
574   FEnabledLineSeparators:= false;
575   FEnabledSublexerTreeNodes:= false;
576 end;
578 destructor TATAdapterEControl.Destroy;
579 begin
580   AddEditor(nil);
582   if Assigned(AnClient) then
583     FreeAndNil(AnClient);
585   FreeAndNil(FRangesSublexer);
586   FreeAndNil(FRangesColoredBounds);
587   FreeAndNil(FRangesColored);
589   FreeAndNil(Buffer);
590   FreeAndNil(EdList);
592   inherited;
593 end;
595 procedure TATAdapterEControl.AddEditor(AEditor: TComponent);
596 // not nil: adapter adds this editor object to his editors list,
597 //   and should setup editor's OnLog
598 // nil: adapter forgets about all editors
599 var
600   i: integer;
601 begin
602   if AEditor=nil then
603   begin
604     for i:= 0 to EdList.Count-1 do
605       TATSynEdit(EdList[i]).AdapterForHilite:= nil;
606     EdList.Clear;
607   end
608   else
609   begin
610     if EdList.IndexOf(AEditor)<0 then
611     begin
612       EdList.Add(AEditor);
613       TATSynEdit(AEditor).OnChangeLog:= @DoChangeLog;
614       TATSynEdit(AEditor).AdapterForHilite:= Self;
615     end;
616   end;
617 end;
LexerAtPosnull619 function TATAdapterEControl.LexerAtPos(Pnt: TPoint): TecSyntAnalyzer;
620 begin
621   Result:= nil;
622   if Assigned(AnClient) then
623     Result:= AnClient.AnalyzerAtPos(
624                Buffer.CaretToStr(Pnt),
625                AnClient.PublicData.SublexRanges);
626 end;
628 procedure TATAdapterEControl.StopTreeUpdate;
629 begin
630   FStopTreeUpdate:= true;
631 end;
IsParsingBusynull633 function TATAdapterEControl.IsParsingBusy: boolean;
634 var
635   EvResult: TWaitResult;
636 begin
637   if Assigned(AnClient) then
638   begin
639     EvResult:= AnClient.EventParseIdle.WaitFor(0);
640     Result:= EvResult<>wrSignaled;
641   end
642   else
643     Result:= false;
644 end;
646 procedure TATAdapterEControl.Stop;
647 begin
648   if not Application.Terminated then
649   begin
650     if FBusyTreeUpdate then
651     begin
652       Sleep(100);
653       //Application.ProcessMessages;
654     end;
655   end;
657   if Assigned(AnClient) then
658     AnClient.Stop;
659 end;
Editornull661 function TATAdapterEControl.Editor: TATSynEdit;
662 begin
663   if EdList.Count=0 then
664     Result:= nil
665   else
666     Result:= TATSynEdit(EdList[0]);
667 end;
GetTokenStringnull670 function TATAdapterEControl.GetTokenString(const token: PecSyntToken): string;
671 begin
672   if Assigned(Buffer) then
673     Result:= Utf8Encode(Buffer.SubString(token^.Range.StartPos+1, token^.Range.EndPos-token^.Range.StartPos))
674   else
675     Result:= '';
676 end;
678 procedure TATAdapterEControl.GetTokenProps(const token: PecSyntToken;
679   out APntFrom, APntTo: TPoint; out ATokenString, ATokenStyle: string;
680   out ATokenKind: TATTokenKind);
681 begin
682   APntFrom:= token^.Range.PointStart;
683   APntTo:= token^.Range.PointEnd;
684   ATokenString:= GetTokenString(token);
685   if Assigned(token^.Style) then
686   begin
687     ATokenStyle:= token^.Style.DisplayName;
688     ATokenKind:= TATTokenKind(token^.Style.TokenKind);
689   end
690   else
691   begin
692     ATokenStyle:= '';
693     ATokenKind:= atkOther;
694   end;
695 end;
697 //function is not used in CudaText
698 procedure TATAdapterEControl.__GetTokenWithIndex(AIndex: integer;
699   out APntFrom, APntTo: TPoint;
700   out ATokenString, ATokenStyle: string;
701   out ATokenKind: TATTokenKind);
702 begin
703   APntFrom:= Point(-1, -1);
704   APntTo:= Point(-1, -1);
705   ATokenString:= '';
706   ATokenStyle:= '';
707   ATokenKind:= atkOther;
709   if AnClient=nil then exit;
710   if Buffer=nil then exit;
712   if AnClient.PublicData.Tokens.IsIndexValid(AIndex) then
713     GetTokenProps(
714       AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(AIndex),
715       APntFrom,
716       APntTo,
717       ATokenString,
718       ATokenStyle,
719       ATokenKind);
720 end;
722 //function is not used in CudaText
723 procedure TATAdapterEControl.__GetTokenAtPos(APos: TPoint;
724   out APntFrom, APntTo: TPoint;
725   out ATokenString, ATokenStyle: string;
726   out ATokenKind: TATTokenKind);
727 var
728   n: integer;
729 begin
730   APntFrom:= Point(-1, -1);
731   APntTo:= Point(-1, -1);
732   ATokenString:= '';
733   ATokenStyle:= '';
734   ATokenKind:= atkOther;
736   if AnClient=nil then exit;
737   if Buffer=nil then exit;
739   n:= DoFindToken(APos);
740   if n>=0 then
741     GetTokenProps(
742       AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(n),
743       APntFrom,
744       APntTo,
745       ATokenString,
746       ATokenStyle,
747       ATokenKind);
748 end;
GetTokenKindAtPosnull751 function TATAdapterEControl.GetTokenKindAtPos(APos: TPoint): TATTokenKind;
752 var
753   Style: TecSyntaxFormat;
754   n: integer;
755 begin
756   Result:= atkOther;
758   if AnClient=nil then exit;
759   if Buffer=nil then exit;
761   n:= DoFindToken(APos, true{AExactPos});
762   if n<0 then exit;
764   AnClient.CriSecForData.Enter;
765   try
766     if not AnClient.PublicData.Tokens.IsIndexValid(n) then exit;
767     Style:= AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(n)^.Style;
768     if Assigned(Style) then
769       Result:= TATTokenKind(Style.TokenKind);
770   finally
771     AnClient.CriSecForData.Leave;
772   end;
773 end;
GetRangeParentnull775 function TATAdapterEControl.GetRangeParent(const R: TecTextRange): TecTextRange;
776 //cannot use R.Parent!
777 //
778 //this is called from TreeFill, so calls are guarded by CriticalSection.Enter/Leave
779 // https://github.com/Alexey-T/CudaText/issues/3074
780 var
781   RTest: TecTextRange;
782   NLast, i: integer;
783 begin
784   Result:= nil;
785   NLast := AnClient.PublicData.FoldRanges.Count - 1;
786   for i:= Min(NLast, R.Index-1) downto 0 do
787   begin
788     RTest:= TecTextRange(AnClient.PublicData.FoldRanges[i]);
789     if (RTest.StartIdx<=R.StartIdx) and
790        (RTest.EndIdx>=R.EndIdx) and
791        (RTest.Level<R.Level) then
792     begin
793       Result:= RTest;
794       Exit
795     end;
796   end;
797 end;
799 function TreeFindNode(ATree: TTreeView; ANode: TTreeNode; const ANodeText: string): TTreeNode;
800 var
801   N: TTreeNode;
802 begin
803   Result:= nil;
804   if ATree.Items.Count=0 then exit;
805   if ANode<>nil then
806     N:= ANode.GetFirstChild
807   else
808     N:= ATree.Items[0];
809   repeat
810     if N=nil then exit;
811     if N.Text=ANodeText then Exit(N);
812     N:= N.GetNextSibling;
813   until false;
814 end;
816 procedure TATAdapterEControl.TreeFill(ATree: TTreeView);
817 var
818   R, RangeParent: TecTextRange;
819   NodeParent, NodeGroup: TTreeNode;
820   NodeText, NodeTextGroup, SItem: string;
821   NameRule, NameLexer: string;
822   NodeData: pointer;
823   RangeNew: TATRangeInCodeTree;
824   Sep: TATStringSeparator;
825   i: integer;
826 begin
827   if AnClient=nil then exit;
828   AnClient.CriSecForData.Enter;
829   FStopTreeUpdate:= false;
830   FBusyTreeUpdate:= true;
832   //ATree.Items.BeginUpdate;
834   try
835     ATree.Items.Clear;
836     NameLexer:= AnClient.Owner.LexerName;
838     for i:= 0 to AnClient.PublicData.FoldRanges.Count-1 do
839     begin
840       if FStopTreeUpdate then exit;
841       if Application.Terminated then exit;
843       R:= TecTextRange(AnClient.PublicData.FoldRanges[i]);
844       if R.Rule=nil then Continue;
845       if not R.Rule.DisplayInTree then Continue;
847       if not FEnabledSublexerTreeNodes then
848       begin
849         NameRule:= R.Rule.SyntOwner.LexerName;
850         //must allow lexer name "PHP_" if main lexer is "PHP"
851         if NameRule[Length(NameRule)]='_' then
852           SetLength(NameRule, Length(NameRule)-1);
853         if NameRule<>NameLexer then Continue;
854       end;
856       NodeText:= Trim(Utf8Encode(AnClient.GetRangeName(R, AnClient.PublicData.Tokens)));
857       NodeTextGroup:= Trim(Utf8Encode(AnClient.GetRangeGroup(R)));
858       NodeData:= R;
859       NodeParent:= nil;
860       NodeGroup:= nil;
862       //strip tree items from #10
863       SDeleteFromEol(NodeText);
864       SDeleteFromEol(NodeTextGroup);
866       RangeParent:= GetRangeParent(R);
867       while (RangeParent<>nil) and (not RangeParent.Rule.DisplayInTree) do
868         RangeParent:= GetRangeParent(RangeParent);
869       if RangeParent<>nil then
870         NodeParent:= ATree.Items.FindNodeWithData(RangeParent);
872       if NodeTextGroup<>'' then
873       begin
874         Sep.Init(NodeTextGroup, '\');
875         repeat
876           if not Sep.GetItemStr(SItem) then Break;
878           if SItem='' then
879             NodeGroup:= nil
880           else
881           begin
882             NodeGroup:= TreeFindNode(ATree, NodeParent, SItem);
883             if NodeGroup=nil then
884             begin
885               NodeGroup:= ATree.Items.AddChild(NodeParent, SItem);
886               NodeGroup.ImageIndex:= R.Rule.TreeGroupImage;
887               NodeGroup.SelectedIndex:= NodeGroup.ImageIndex;
888             end;
889           end;
890           NodeParent:= NodeGroup;
891         until false;
892       end;
894       NodeParent:= ATree.Items.AddChildObject(NodeParent, NodeText, NodeData);
895       NodeParent.ImageIndex:= R.Rule.TreeItemImage;
896       NodeParent.SelectedIndex:= NodeParent.ImageIndex;
897     end;
899     //tree filled with Data as TecTextRange
900     //now replace all Data to TATRangeInCodetree
901     for i:= 0 to ATree.Items.Count-1 do
902     begin
903       NodeParent:= ATree.Items[i];
904       if NodeParent.Data=nil then Continue;
905       R:= TecTextRange(NodeParent.Data);
907       RangeNew:= TATRangeInCodeTree.Create;
909       if R.StartIdx>=0 then
910         RangeNew.PosBegin:= AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(R.StartIdx)^.Range.PointStart
911       else
912         RangeNew.PosBegin:= Point(-1, -1);
914       if R.EndIdx>=0 then
915         RangeNew.PosEnd:= AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(R.EndIdx)^.Range.PointEnd
916       else
917         RangeNew.PosEnd:= Point(-1, -1);
919       NodeParent.Data:= RangeNew;
920     end;
922   finally
923     //ATree.Items.EndUpdate;
924     ATree.Invalidate;
925     FBusyTreeUpdate:= false;
926     AnClient.CriSecForData.Leave;
927   end;
928 end;
930 procedure TATAdapterEControl.__TreeGetPositionOfRange_EC(const R: TecTextRange;
931   out APosBegin, APosEnd: TPoint);
932 begin
933   APosBegin:= Point(-1, -1);
934   APosEnd:= Point(-1, -1);
935   if R=nil then exit;
936   if AnClient=nil then exit;
938   if R.StartIdx>=0 then
939     APosBegin:= AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(R.StartIdx)^.Range.PointStart;
941   if R.EndIdx>=0 then
942     APosEnd:=  AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(R.EndIdx)^.Range.PointEnd;
943 end;
945 //unused function
__TreeGetRangeOfPositionnull946 function TATAdapterEControl.__TreeGetRangeOfPosition(APos: TPoint): TecTextRange;
947 var
948   R: TecTextRange;
949   NTokenOrig: integer;
950   i: integer;
951 begin
952   Result:= nil;
953   if AnClient=nil then exit;
955   NTokenOrig:= DoFindToken(APos);
956   if NTokenOrig<0 then exit;
958   //find last range, which contains our token
959   for i:= AnClient.PublicData.FoldRanges.Count-1 downto 0 do
960   begin
961     R:= TecTextRange(AnClient.PublicData.FoldRanges[i]);
962     if not R.Rule.DisplayInTree then Continue;
964     if (R.StartIdx<=NTokenOrig) and
965        (R.EndIdx>=NTokenOrig) then
966        exit(R);
967   end;
968 end;
SublexerRangeCountnull970 function TATAdapterEControl.SublexerRangeCount: integer;
971 begin
972   if Assigned(AnClient) then
973     Result:= AnClient.PublicData.SublexRanges.Count
974   else
975     Result:= 0;
976 end;
SublexerRangePropsnull978 function TATAdapterEControl.SublexerRangeProps(AIndex: integer;
979   out AStart, AEnd: TPoint; out ALexerName: string): boolean;
980 //this func must be guarded with CriSecForData.Enter/Leave
981 var
982   Range: TecSubLexerRange;
983 begin
984   Result:= false;
985   AStart:= Point(0, 0);
986   AEnd:= Point(0, 0);
987   ALexerName:= '';
989   if AnClient=nil then exit;
990   if Buffer=nil then exit;
992   Result:= (AIndex>=0) and (AIndex<SublexerRangeCount);
993   if Result then
994   begin
995     Range:= AnClient.PublicData.SublexRanges[AIndex];
996     if Range.Range.StartPos<0 then exit;
997     AStart:= Range.Range.PointStart;
998     AEnd:= Range.Range.PointEnd;
999     if Assigned(Range.Rule) and Assigned(Range.Rule.SyntAnalyzer) then
1000       ALexerName:= Range.Rule.SyntAnalyzer.LexerName;
1001   end;
1002 end;
1004 procedure TATAdapterEControl.OnEditorScroll(Sender: TObject);
1005 begin
1006   UpdatePublicDataNeedTo;
1007 end;
1009 procedure TATAdapterEControl.UpdatePublicDataNeedTo;
1010 var
1011   Ed: TATSynEdit;
1012   NLine1, NLine2: integer;
1013 begin
1014   if AnClient=nil then exit;
1015   if EdList.Count=0 then exit;
1017   Ed:= TATSynEdit(EdList[0]);
1018   NLine1:= Ed.LineBottom+1;
1020   if EdList.Count>1 then
1021   begin
1022     Ed:= TATSynEdit(EdList[1]);
1023     if Ed.Visible then
1024       NLine2:= Ed.LineBottom+1
1025     else
1026       NLine2:= 0;
1027   end
1028   else
1029     NLine2:= 0;
1031   if (NLine2>0) and (Abs(NLine1-NLine2)<50) then
1032   begin
1033     NLine1:= Max(NLine1, NLine2);
1034     NLine2:= NLine1;
1035   end;
1037   AnClient.PublicDataNeedTo:= NLine1;
1038   AnClient.PublicDataNeedTo2:= NLine2;
1039 end;
1042 function CodetreeFindItemForPosition(ATree: TTreeView; APosX, APosY: integer): TTreeNode;
1043 var
1044   Node, NodeNear: TTreeNode;
1045   Range: TATRangeInCodeTree;
1046   Pos1, Pos2: TPoint;
1047   i: integer;
1048 begin
1049   Result:= nil;
1050   NodeNear:= nil;
1052   //ranges are sorted only by start position, but are nested, cannot use binary search
1053   //we find _last_ range which includes APos
1054   for i:= ATree.Items.Count-1 downto 0 do
1055   begin
1056     Node:= ATree.Items[i];
1057     if Node.Data<>nil then
1058       if TObject(Node.Data) is TATRangeInCodeTree then
1059       begin
1060         Range:= TATRangeInCodeTree(Node.Data);
1061         Pos1:= Range.PosBegin;
1062         Pos2:= Range.PosEnd;
1064         //remember first node above APos (ignore X to speedup)
1065         //it we won't find node which includes APos, we'll take NodeNear
1066         if NodeNear=nil then
1067           if (Pos1.Y=APosY) or //node start at the same line
1068             ((Pos1.Y<APosY) and (Pos1.Y<>Pos2.Y)) then //node starts above and is not one-liner
1069               NodeNear:= Node;
1071         //found node which includes APos
1072         if IsPosInRange(
1073           APosX, APosY,
1074           Pos1.X, Pos1.Y,
1075           Pos2.X, Pos2.Y,
1076           true) = cRelateInside then
1077         begin
1078           Result:= Node;
1079           Break;
1080         end;
1081       end;
1082   end;
1084   if Result=nil then
1085     if NodeNear<>nil then
1086       Result:= NodeNear;
1087 end;
1090 procedure CodetreeSelectItemForPosition(ATree: TTreeView; APosX, APosY: integer);
1091 var
1092   Node: TTreeNode;
1093 begin
1094   Node:= CodetreeFindItemForPosition(ATree, APosX, APosY);
1095   if Assigned(Node) then
1096   begin
1097     Node.MakeVisible;
1098     ATree.Selected:= Node;
1099   end;
1100 end;
1102 procedure TATAdapterEControl.OnEditorCaretMove(Sender: TObject);
1103 begin
1104   UpdateRangesActive(Sender as TATSynEdit);
1105 end;
1108 procedure TATAdapterEControl.SetLexer(AAnalizer: TecSyntAnalyzer);
1109 begin
1110   if IsParsingBusy then exit;
1112   ClearRanges;
1114   if Assigned(AnClient) then
1115     FreeAndNil(AnClient);
1117   ParseBegin;
1119   if Assigned(AAnalizer) then
1120   begin
1121     UpdateBuffer(Buffer);
1122     UpdatePublicDataNeedTo;
1124     AnClient:= TecClientSyntAnalyzer.Create(AAnalizer, Buffer);
1125     if EdList.Count>0 then
1126       AnClient.FileName:= ExtractFileName(Editor.FileName);
1127     AnClient.OnParseDone:= @ParseDone;
1128     AnClient.OnProgressFirst:= @ProgressFirst;
1129     AnClient.OnProgressSecond:= @ProgressSecond;
1130     AnClient.OnProgressBoth:= @ProgressBoth;
1131   end;
1133   if Assigned(FOnLexerChange) then
1134     FOnLexerChange(Editor);
1136   DynamicHiliteSupportedInCurrentSyntax:= GetLexerSuportsDynamicHilite;
1137 end;
1139 procedure TATAdapterEControl.OnEditorChangeEx(Sender: TObject; AChange: TATLineChangeKind; ALine,
1140   AItemCount: integer);
1141 begin
1142   FRangesColored.UpdateOnChange(AChange, ALine, AItemCount);
1143   FRangesColoredBounds.UpdateOnChange(AChange, ALine, AItemCount);
1144   FRangesSublexer.UpdateOnChange(AChange, ALine, AItemCount);
1145 end;
1147 procedure TATAdapterEControl.UpdateBuffer(ABuffer: TATStringBuffer);
1148 var
1149   Ed: TATSynEdit;
1150   Lens: array of integer;
1151   Str: TATStrings;
1152   i: integer;
1153 begin
1154   Ed:= Editor;
1155   if Ed=nil then exit;
1156   Str:= Ed.Strings;
1157   SetLength(Lens{%H-}, Str.Count);
1158   for i:= 0 to Length(Lens)-1 do
1159     Lens[i]:= Str.LinesLen[i];
1160   ABuffer.Setup(Str.TextString_Unicode(Ed.OptMaxLineLenToTokenize), Lens);
1161 end;
1163 procedure TATAdapterEControl.UpdateRanges;
1164 begin
1165   ClearRanges;
1167   if AnClient=nil then exit;
1168   AnClient.CriSecForData.Enter;
1169   try
1170     UpdateRangesFoldAndColored;
1171     UpdateRangesSublex; //sublexer ranges last
1172   finally
1173     AnClient.CriSecForData.Leave;
1174   end;
1176   UpdateRangesActiveAll;
1177 end;
1179 procedure TATAdapterEControl.UpdateRangesActiveAll;
1180 var
1181   i: integer;
1182 begin
1183   for i:= 0 to EdList.Count-1 do
1184     UpdateRangesActive(TATSynEdit(EdList[i]));
1185 end;
EditorRunningCommandnull1187 function TATAdapterEControl.EditorRunningCommand: boolean;
1188 var
1189   i: integer;
1190 begin
1191   Result:= false;
1192   if EdList.Count>0 then
1193     for i:= 0 to EdList.Count-1 do
1194       if TATSynEdit(EdList[i]).IsRunningCommand then
1195         exit(true);
1196 end;
1198 procedure TATAdapterEControl.ClearFoldIndexers;
1199 var
1200   Ed: TATSynEdit;
1201   i: integer;
1202 begin
1203   for i:= 0 to EdList.Count-1 do
1204   begin
1205     Ed:= TATSynEdit(EdList[i]);
1206     Ed.Fold.ClearLineIndexer(Ed.Strings.Count);
1207   end;
1208 end;
1210 procedure TATAdapterEControl.DoFoldAdd(AX, AY, AY2: integer; AStaple: boolean; const AHint: string);
1211 var
1212   i: integer;
1213 begin
1214   for i:= 0 to EdList.Count-1 do
1215     TATSynEdit(EdList[i]).Fold.Add(AX, AY, AY2, AStaple, AHint);
1216 end;
1219 procedure TATAdapterEControl.UpdateEditors(AKind: TATAdapterProgressKind);
1220 //const
1221 //  cStrProgress: array[TATAdapterProgressKind] of string = ('1st', '2nd', 'both');
1222 var
1223   Ed: TATSynEdit;
1224 begin
1225   //Application.MainForm.Caption:= TimeToStr(Now)+', update '+cStrProgress[AKind];
1227   if EdList.Count>0 then
1228   if AKind in [epkFirst, epkBoth] then
1229   begin
1230     Ed:= TATSynEdit(EdList[0]);
1231     Ed.Update;
1232   end;
1234   if AKind in [epkSecond, epkBoth] then
1235     if EdList.Count>1 then
1236     begin
1237       Ed:= TATSynEdit(EdList[1]);
1238       if Ed.Visible then
1239         Ed.Update;
1240     end;
1241 end;
1244 procedure TATAdapterEControl.DoFoldFromLinesHidden;
1245 var
1246   Ed: TATSynEdit;
1247   i: integer;
1248 begin
1249   for i:= 0 to EdList.Count-1 do
1250   begin
1251     Ed:= TATSynEdit(EdList[i]);
1252     Ed.UpdateFoldedFromLinesHidden;
1253   end;
1254 end;
1257 procedure TATAdapterEControl.UpdateRangesFoldAndColored;
1258 //all calls of this procedure must be guarded with CriSecForData.Enter/Leave
1259 var
1260   Ed: TATSynEdit;
1261   R: TecTextRange;
1262   Pnt1, Pnt2, Pnt1Wide, Pnt2Wide: TPoint;
1263   Style: TecSyntaxFormat;
1264   SHint: string;
1265   tokenStart, tokenEnd: PecSyntToken;
1266   ColoredRange: TATSortedRange;
1267   i: integer;
1268 begin
1269   if AnClient=nil then Exit;
1271   //check folding enabled
1272   Ed:= Editor;
1273   if Ed=nil then exit;
1274   if not Ed.OptFoldEnabled then exit;
1276   //init Ed.Fold.LineIndexer's
1277   ClearFoldIndexers;
1279   for i:= 0 to AnClient.PublicData.FoldRanges.Count-1 do
1280   begin
1281     if Application.Terminated then exit;
1283     R:= TecTextRange(AnClient.PublicData.FoldRanges[i]);
1284     if R.Rule=nil then Continue;
1285     if R.Rule.BlockType<>btRangeStart then Continue;
1287     /////issue: rules in C# with 'parent' set give wrong ranges;
beginnull1288     //rule "function begin", "prop begin";
1289     //e.g. range from } bracket to some token before "else"
1290     //temp workard: skip rule with 'parent'
1291     {$ifdef skip_some_rules}
1292     if R.Rule.NotParent then Continue;
1293     {$endif}
1295     if not AnClient.PublicData.Tokens.IsIndexValid(R.StartIdx) then Continue;
1296     if not AnClient.PublicData.Tokens.IsIndexValid(R.EndIdx) then Continue;
1298     tokenStart:= AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(R.StartIdx);
1299     tokenEnd:= AnClient.PublicData.Tokens._GetItemPtr(R.EndIdx);
1300     Pnt1:= tokenStart^.Range.PointStart;
1301     Pnt2:= tokenEnd^.Range.PointEnd;
1302     if Pnt1.Y<0 then Continue;
1303     if Pnt2.Y<0 then Continue;
1305     //fill fold ranges
1306     if not R.Rule.NotCollapsed then
1307     begin
1308       SHint:= UTF8Encode(AnClient.GetCollapsedText(R)); //+'/'+R.Rule.GetNamePath;
1309       DoFoldAdd(Pnt1.X+1, Pnt1.Y, Pnt2.Y, R.Rule.DrawStaple, SHint);
1310     end;
1312     //fill FRangesColored
1313     //not only if DymamicHilite enabled (e.g. AutoIt has always hilited blocks)
1314     if R.Rule.DynHighlight<>dhNone then
1315     begin
1316       Style:= R.Rule.Style;
1317       if Style<>nil then
1318         if Style.BgColor<>clNone then
1319         begin
1320           Pnt1Wide:= Pnt1;
1321           Pnt2Wide:= Pnt2;
1322           //support lexer opt "Highlight lines of block"
1323           if R.Rule.Highlight then
1324           begin
1325             Pnt1Wide.X:= 0;
1326             Pnt2Wide.X:= Buffer.LineLength(Pnt2.Y) + 1;
1327               //+1 to make range longer, to hilite line to screen end
1328           end;
1330           ColoredRange.Init(
1331             Pnt1,
1332             Pnt2,
1333             Pnt1Wide,
1334             Pnt2Wide,
1335             R.StartIdx,
1336             R.EndIdx,
1337             Style.BgColor,
1338             R.Rule,
1339             (R.Rule.HighlightPos=cpAny)
1340             );
1342           if R.Rule.DynHighlight=dhBound then
1343             FRangesColoredBounds.Add(ColoredRange)
1344           else
1345             FRangesColored.Add(ColoredRange);
1346         end;
1347     end;
1348   end;
1350   //ShowMessage(Ed.Fold.MessageLineIndexer); //debug
1352   //this list is not sorted so create internal indexer
1353   FRangesColoredBounds.UpdateBoundIndexer;
1355   FRangesColored.UpdateLineIndexer(Ed.Strings.Count);
1356   //FRangesColored.DebugLineIndexer;
1358   //keep folded blks that were folded
1359   DoFoldFromLinesHidden;
1360 end;
1362 procedure TATAdapterEControl.DebugIntegersWithPointers(L: TATIntegersWithPointers);
1363 var
1364   i: integer;
1365   s: string;
1366 begin
1367   if L.Count=0 then exit;
1368   s:= '';
1369   for i:= 0 to Min(30, L.Count-1) do
1370     s+= IntToStr(L[i].Value)+#10;
1371   ShowMessage(s);
1372 end;
1374 procedure TATAdapterEControl.UpdateRangesSublex;
1375 //all calls of this proc must be guarded by CriSecForData.Enter/Leave
1376 var
1377   Ed: TATSynEdit;
1378   R: TecSubLexerRange;
1379   Style: TecSyntaxFormat;
1380   Range: TATSortedRange;
1381   i: integer;
1382 begin
1383   for i:= 0 to AnClient.PublicData.SublexRanges.Count-1 do
1384   begin
1385     if Application.Terminated then exit;
1387     R:= AnClient.PublicData.SublexRanges[i];
1388     if R.Rule=nil then Continue;
1389     if R.Range.StartPos<0 then Continue;
1390     if R.Range.EndPos<0 then Continue;
1392     Style:= R.Rule.Style;
1393     if Style=nil then Continue;
1394     if Style.BgColor<>clNone then
1395     begin
1396       Range.Init(
1397         R.Range.PointStart,
1398         R.Range.PointEnd,
1399         R.Range.PointStart,
1400         R.Range.PointEnd,
1401         -1,
1402         -1,
1403         Style.BgColor,
1404         nil,
1405         true
1406         );
1407       FRangesSublexer.Add(Range);
1408     end;
1409   end;
1411   Ed:= Editor;
1412   if Assigned(Ed) then
1413     FRangesSublexer.UpdateLineIndexer(Ed.Strings.Count);
1414 end;
TATAdapterEControl.DoFindTokennull1417 function TATAdapterEControl.DoFindToken(APos: TPoint; AExactPos: boolean = false): integer;
1418 begin
1419   if AnClient=nil then //real use case
1420     exit(-1);
1421   if APos.X=0 then
1422   begin
1423     if APos.Y<=High(AnClient.PublicData.TokenIndexer) then
1424       Result:= AnClient.PublicData.TokenIndexer[APos.Y]
1425     else
1426       Result:= -1;
1427   end
1428   else
1429   if AExactPos then
1430     Result:= AnClient.PublicData.Tokens.FindAt(AnClient.Buffer.CaretToStr(APos))
1431   else
1432     Result:= AnClient.PublicData.Tokens.PriorAt(AnClient.Buffer.CaretToStr(APos));
1433 end;
TATAdapterEControl.GetLexernull1435 function TATAdapterEControl.GetLexer: TecSyntAnalyzer;
1436 begin
1437   if Assigned(AnClient) then
1438     Result:= AnClient.Owner
1439   else
1440     Result:= nil;
1441 end;
1443 procedure TATAdapterEControl.DoChangeLog(Sender: TObject; ALine: integer);
1444 begin
1445   if AnClient=nil then Exit;
1446   AnClient.Stop; //stop parsing before slow UpdateBuffer()
1447   UpdateBuffer(Buffer);
1448   UpdatePublicDataNeedTo;
1449   AnClient.TextChangedOnLine(ALine);
1450 end;
GetTokenColor_FromBoundRangesnull1452 function TATAdapterEControl.GetTokenColor_FromBoundRanges(ATokenIndex, AEditorIndex: integer): TecSyntaxFormat;
1453 begin
1454   Result:= nil;
1455   if not IsDynamicHiliteEnabled then exit;
1457   //Cannot use FRangesColoredBounds.Find, because it has overlapping ranges,
1458   //so Find will miss some tokens
1459   Result:= FRangesColoredBounds.FindStyleByTokenIndex(ATokenIndex, AEditorIndex);
1460 end;
GetLexerSuportsDynamicHilitenull1462 function TATAdapterEControl.GetLexerSuportsDynamicHilite: boolean;
1463 var
1464   An: TecSyntAnalyzer;
1465   Rule: TecTagBlockCondition;
1466   i: integer;
1467 begin
1468   Result:= false;
1469   if AnClient=nil then exit;
1470   An:= AnClient.Owner;
1471   for i:= 0 to An.BlockRules.Count-1 do
1472   begin
1473     Rule:= An.BlockRules[i];
1474     if Assigned(Rule) and
1475       (Rule.HighlightPos in [cpBound, cpRange, cpOutOfRange]) and
1476       (Rule.DynHighlight in [dhRange, dhRangeNoBound, dhBound]) then exit(true);
1477   end;
1478 end;
TATAdapterEControl.IsDynamicHiliteEnablednull1480 function TATAdapterEControl.IsDynamicHiliteEnabled: boolean;
1481 var
1482   Ed: TATSynEdit;
1483 begin
1484   Ed:= Editor;
1485   if Assigned(Ed) then
1486     Result:= DynamicHiliteActiveNow(Ed.Strings.Count)
1487   else
1488     Result:= false;
1489 end;
1491 procedure TATAdapterEControl.ParseBegin;
1492 begin
1493   if Assigned(FOnParseBegin) then
1494     FOnParseBegin(Self);
1495   FStopTreeUpdate:= false;
1496   FTimeParseBegin:= GetTickCount64;
1497 end;
1499 procedure TATAdapterEControl.ParseDone(Sender: TObject);
1500 begin
1501   //UpdateRanges call needed for small files, which are parsed to end by one IdleAppend call,
1502   //and timer didn't tick
1503   UpdateRanges;
1505   FTimeParseElapsed:= GetTickCount64-FTimeParseBegin;
1507   if Assigned(FOnParseDone) then
1508     FOnParseDone(Self);
1510   UpdateEditors(epkBoth);
1511 end;
1513 procedure TATAdapterEControl.ProgressFirst(Sender: TObject);
1514 begin
1515   UpdateEditors(epkFirst);
1516 end;
1518 procedure TATAdapterEControl.ProgressSecond(Sender: TObject);
1519 begin
1520   UpdateEditors(epkSecond);
1521 end;
1523 procedure TATAdapterEControl.ProgressBoth(Sender: TObject);
1524 begin
1525   UpdateEditors(epkBoth);
1526 end;
1528 procedure TATAdapterEControl.ParseFromLine(ALine: integer; AWait: boolean);
1529 begin
1530   if AnClient=nil then exit;
1531   ParseBegin;
1532   AnClient.TextChangedOnLine(ALine);
1534   if AWait then
1535   begin
1536     //this method gives too small duration time, like 40 microsec
1537     //AnClient.EventParseIdle.WaitFor(INFINITE);
1539     //this method gives ok duration times, like 140ms
1540     repeat
1541       Sleep(60);
1542       Application.ProcessMessages;
1543     until AnClient.IsFinished or Application.Terminated;
1544   end;
1545 end;
DebugStringnull1547 function TATAdapterEControl.DebugString: string;
1548 var
1549   i: integer;
1550 begin
1551   Result:= '';
1552   for i:= 0 to EdList.Count-1 do
1553     Result+= '"'+ExtractFileName(TATSynEdit(EdList[i]).FileName)+'" ';
1554   if Lexer<>nil then
1555     Result+= '- '+Lexer.LexerName;
1556 end;
IsDataReadynull1558 function TATAdapterEControl.IsDataReady: boolean;
1559 begin
1560   if Assigned(AnClient) then
1561     Result:= AnClient.PublicData.Finished
1562   else
1563     Result:= true;
1564 end;
IsDataReadyPartiallynull1566 function TATAdapterEControl.IsDataReadyPartially: boolean;
1567 begin
1568   if Assigned(AnClient) then
1569     Result:= AnClient.PublicData.FinishedPartially
1570   else
1571     Result:= true;
1572 end;
1574 end.