1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   copyright           : (C) 2004 by Hendrik Sattler                     *
3  *   mail                : post@hendrik-sattler.de                         *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
7  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
8  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
9  *                                                                         *
10  ***************************************************************************/
12 #ifndef ATCOMMAND_H
13 #define ATCOMMAND_H
15 #include "intincl.h"
17 #include "stdlib.h"
18 #include <sys/types.h>
20 struct at_hw_access {
21   char* (*read) (int (*stop_condition)(const char*, const size_t));
22   int (*write) (const char* data, size_t count);
23 };
25 /** MUST be run before any other at_* function is used
26  * @param tty must not be NULL, specifies how to access the tty
27  * @param pin may be NULL, PIN to use _once_ in automatic pin handling
28  */
29 void at_init (struct at_hw_access* tty, char* pin);
30 void at_set_tty(struct at_hw_access* tty);
32 /** test if the vendor is supported and model not blacklisted
33  */
34 int at_sie_supported ();
36 /* useful wrapper around tty_read_line() that removes
37  *   echos, empty lines and does pin handling
38  * use tty_read_line() if you don't need those things
39  */
40 char* at_read_line ();
42 /* used as callback for tty_read_line()
43  */
44 int at_check_line_end (const char* input, const size_t len);
46 /** may be used directly for simple commands of the form AT<command>[=<parmlist>]
47  * @param command must not be NULL
48  * @param parmlist may be NULL, also see AT_READ_SUFFIX
49  */
50 void at_command_send (const char* command, const char* parmlist);
52 /** may be used by syntax/value requests of the form AT<command>?
53  * @param command must not be NULL
54  */
55 void at_syntax_request (const char* command);
57 /** may be used to send data, e.g. requested by an "> " prompt
58  */
59 void at_data_send (const char* data, size_t size);
61 /** evaluate a return value (a line returned by the phone)
62  * @param reponse the reponse line
63  * @param command may be NULL, needed to detect a command prefix
64  * @param content if a prefix was detected and content is not NULL
65  *                *content is a pointer to the first character after
66  *                the command prefix in response. If no command prefix
67  *                was detectet, *content points to response
68  */
69 enum return_code {
70   AT_RET_ERROR = 0x01, //also mask for errors
71   AT_RET_ERROR_CME = 0x03,
72   AT_RET_ERROR_CMS = 0x05,
73   AT_RET_OK = 0x00,
74   AT_RET_ANSWER = 0x02, //answer line for a command
75   AT_RET_OTHER = 0x04 //none of the above
76 };
77 enum return_code at_line_type (const char* response,
78 			       const char* command,
79 			       char** content);
82 /* comfort functions */
84 /* used by commands that expect only two lines in the response
85  * - first line for the data
86  * - second line for command status
87  * This returns the  data or NULL on any error.
88  * A possible command prefix is removed from the data.
89  * command may be NULL (avoids prefix removal)
90  */
91 char* at_get_value (const char* command);
93 /** parse an AT string list
94  * @param a string list that looks like '("...","...",.....,"...")'
95  * @return same format as str_split()
96  */
97 char** at_parse_stringlist (char* stringlist);
99 /* some shortcuts with caching
100  */
101 char* at_get_vendor (void);
102 char* at_get_model (void);
104 /* end of comfort functions */
109 /** send a fragment of a binary file to the phone
110  * if part or total is 0 (means deleting) the value of total is ignored
111  * if part or total is negative, part and total are ignored
112  * @param ftype file type, must not be NULL
113  * @param slot must be a valid value for the chosen file type
114  * @param part count, starting at 1, less or equal than total
115  * @param total maximum part number
116  */
117 char* at_sie_binary_write (const char* ftype, unsigned int slot,
118 			   int part, int total);
120 /** read binary files
121  * @param ftype file type, must not be NULL
122  * @param slot must be a valid value for the chosen file type
123  */
124 char* at_sie_binary_read (const char* ftype, unsigned int slot);
126 /** write a phonebook entry
127  * If number or text are NULL, both are ignored.
128  * @param slot where to write to
129  * @param number number of the entry
130  * @param numtype GSM number type of the entry
131  * @param text text of the entry
132  */
133 void at_gen_phonebook_write (unsigned int slot, const char* number,
134 			     unsigned int numtype, const char* text);
136 /** read phonebook with a defined range
137  * @param slot_low start of the range
138  * @param slot_high end of the range
139  */
140 char* at_gen_phonebook_read (unsigned int slot_low, unsigned int slot_high);
141 char* at_sie_phonebook_read_sorted (unsigned int slot_low, unsigned int slot_high);
143 /** read address book slots like a phonebook
144  * @param slot address book slot to access
145  * @param type type of numbers: 0-3; ignored if <0
146  */
147 char* at_sie_phonebook_vcf_read (unsigned int slot, int type);
149 /** select the phonebook memory to use for further action
150  * @param mem must not be NULL
151  * @return return the used command or NULL if mem is NULL
152  */
153 char* at_gen_phonebook_select (const char* mem);
154 char* at_sie_phonebook_select (const char* mem);
156 /** delete slot from the previously selected phonebook memory
157  */
158 void at_gen_sms_delete (unsigned int slot);
160 /** send SMS from slot to number
161  * @param number if NULL, it is ignored
162  */
163 void at_gen_sms_slot_send (unsigned int slot, const char* number);
165 /** send a SMS directly (not stored in the phone)
166  * @param len PDU length (use the libsmspdu helper function!)
167  */
168 void at_gen_sms_send (unsigned int len);
170 /** store a SMS in the phone (not sent)
171  * @param len PDU length (use the libsmspdu helper function!)
172  */
173 void at_gen_sms_store (unsigned int len);
175 /** select SMS storages
176  * @param mem1 must not be NULL,
177  * @param mem2 if NULL, mem2 and mem3 are ignored,
178  * @param mem3 if NULL, mem3 is ignored
179  */
180 void at_gen_sms_mem (const char* mem1, const char* mem2, const char* mem3);
183 char* at_gen_sms_slot_read (unsigned int slot);
184 char* at_sie_sms_slot_read (unsigned int slot);
185 char* at_gen_sms_list_read (unsigned int list_id);
186 char* at_sie_sms_list_read (unsigned int list_id);
189 void at_gen_charset (const char* charset);
190 void at_gen_smsc (const char* number);
191 void at_gen_pin (const char* pin);
193 char* at_gen_lock (const char* lock, int mode,
194 		   const char* password, uint8_t class);
195 char* at_sie_lock (const char* lock, int mode,
196 		   const char* password, uint8_t class);
197 char* at_gen_password (const char* lock,
198 		       const char* oldpin,
199 		       const char* newpin);
200 char* at_sie_password (const char* lock,
201 		       const char* oldpin,
202 		       const char* newpin);
204 /* those functions are for direct SMS receive mode
205  * see Siemens manual for L55, S45 or S35i for details
206  */
207 void at_gen_sms_phase (int enable);
208 void at_gen_msg_direct (int mode, int mt, int bm, int ds);
210 /* Returns NULL if all keys from keylist were processed
211  * else returns a pointer in keylist to the first unprocessed key.
212  * This is normal, just recall it again with the new pointer
213  *   (after you read the response to the issued command).
214  */
215 char* at_gen_keypad (char* keylist, uint8_t duration, uint8_t pause);
220 /* common strings
221  */
222 #define AT_PREFIX          "AT"
223 #define AT_GENERIC_PREFIX  "+C"
224 #define AT_SIEMENS_PREFIX  "^S"
225 #define AT_READ_SUFFIX     "?"
226 #define AT_REPLY_SEPERATOR ": "
227 #define AT_WRITE_DELIM     "="
229 /* often, commands are prefixed to a reply
230  * or the following status messages appear
231  */
232 #define AT_OK         "OK"
233 #define AT_ERROR      "ERROR"
238 /* generic commands
239  * those may work for phones from all vendors
240  */
241 //those have no parameters at all
242 #define AT_GEN_INIT        "Z"     // init the phone to defaults
243 #define AT_GEN_VENDOR      "+CGMI" // get vendor
244 #define AT_GEN_MODEL       "+CGMM" // get model
245 #define AT_GEN_REVISION    "+CGMR" // get model revision
246 #define AT_GEN_IMSI        "+CGSN" // get international mobile subcriber identity ?????
247 #define AT_GEN_IMEI        "+CIMI" // get international mobile entity identity
248 #define AT_GEN_BATTERY     "+CBC"  // get battery status
249 #define AT_GEN_SIGNAL      "+CSQ"  // get signal strength/ber
250 #define AT_GEN_HANGUP      "+CHUP" // terminate a call
251 #define AT_GEN_CALLINFO    "+CLCC" // list current calls
253 //these ones may use the parameter scheme ?/=?/=<...>
254 #define AT_GEN_ECHO_ENABLE   "E1"    // enable echo response
255 #define AT_GEN_ECHO_DISABLE  "E0"    // disable echo response
256 #define AT_GEN_ERROR         "+CMEE" // select type of response for errors
257 #define AT_GEN_PB_SELECT     "+CPBS" // select phonebook memory / get list of phonebook memories
258 #define AT_GEN_PB_READ       "+CPBR" // read entries from phonebook
259 #define AT_GEN_PB_WRITE      "+CPBW" // write entries to phonebook
260 #define AT_GEN_SMS_MEM       "+CPMS" // select SMS memory / get list
261 #define AT_GEN_SMS_STORE     "+CMGW" // store SMS to slot
262 #define AT_GEN_SMS_DELETE    "+CMGD" // delete SMS slot
263 #define AT_GEN_SMS_SEND      "+CMGS" // send SMS (without storing to a slot)
264 #define AT_GEN_SMS_SLOT_SEND "+CMSS" // send SMS from slot
265 #define AT_GEN_SMS_SLOT_READ "+CMGR" // read SMS from slot (marks unread as read)
266 #define AT_GEN_SMS_LIST_READ "+CMGL" // read SMS by status (marks unread as read)
267 #define AT_GEN_SMS_PHASE     "+CSMS"
268 #define AT_GEN_MSG_DIRECT    "+CNMI"
269 #define AT_GEN_MSG_ACK       "+CNMA"
270 #define AT_GEN_SMSC          "+CSCA" // set/get SMSC
271 #define AT_GEN_CHARSET       "+CSCS" // set/get current character set
272 #define AT_GEN_PIN           "+CPIN" // enter pin (DANGEROUS)
273 #define AT_GEN_TIME          "+CCLK" // set/read time
274 #define AT_GEN_OPERATOR      "+COPS" // get operator
275 #define AT_GEN_CSD_STATUS    "+CREG" // get area code and cell id (for CSD)
276 #define AT_GEN_GPRS_STATUS   "+CGREG" // get area code and cell id (for GPRS)
277 #define AT_GEN_GPRS_ATTACH   "+CGATT" // is GPRS in attached mode?
278 #define AT_GEN_GPRS_CLASS    "+CGCLASS" //get GPRS class
279 #define AT_GEN_LOCK          "+CLCK" // set/get lock status
280 #define AT_GEN_PASSWORD      "+CPWD" // set/change password to a lock
281 #define AT_GEN_TERM_CMODE    "+CMEC" // mobile termination control mode (needed for keypad control)
282 #define AT_GEN_KEYPAD        "+CKPD" // keypad control
284 /* siemens-specific commands
285  * probably only works with phones made by Siemens
286  * not all of those are (really) fully documented
287  */
288 #define AT_SIE_PB_VCF_READ    "^SDBR" // read address book like phonebook
289 #define AT_SIE_PB_READ_SORTED "^SPBG" // read phonebook pre-sorted
290 #define AT_SIE_PB_SELECT      "^SPBS" // select phonebook memory / get list of phonebook memories
291 #define AT_SIE_PB_DELETE      "^SDLD" // delete for phonebooks (only DC, MD and LD)
292 #define AT_SIE_CARD_ID        "^SCID" // get SIM card identity number
293 #define AT_SIE_BIN_READ       "^SBNR" // read binary data
294 #define AT_SIE_BIN_WRITE      "^SBNW" // write binary data
295 #define AT_SIE_SMS_SLOT_READ  "^SMGR" // read SMS from slot (without marking unread as read)
296 #define AT_SIE_SMS_LIST_READ  "^SMGL" // read SMS by list (without marking unread as read)
297 #define AT_SIE_LOCK           "^SLCK" // set/get lock status
298 #define AT_SIE_PASSWORD       "^SPWD" // set/change password to a lock
299 #define AT_SIE_PREF_OP_READ   "^SPLR" // read an entry from the preferred operator list
300 #define AT_SIE_PREF_OP_WRITE  "^SPLW" // write an entry to the preferred operator list
301 #define AT_SIE_OP_LIST        "^SPLM" // read PLMN list
303 /* currentyl not used but available on some phones
304    ^SABD // accessory for bluetooth data
305    ^SACD // accessory data
306    ^SACM // output ACM
307    ^SBLK // clear blacklist
308    ^SBMH // bookmark handling
309    ^SCCM // CC monitor
310    ^SCKA // sim card status
311    ^SCKS // sim card status (unsolicited)
312    ^SCNI // call number information
313    ^SGDV // GPRS data volume
314    ^SICO // icon control
315    ^SIFS // query interface setting
316    ^SKPD // keypad control
317    ^SLNG // language settings
318    ^SMSO // mobile switch off
319    ^SNFS // NF hardware select
320    ^SNFV // volume set
321    ^SPIC // output PIN counter
322    ^SPLM // get PLMN
323    ^SPLR // read preferred operator list
324    ^SPLW // write preferred operator list
325    ^SPST // play signal tone
326    ^SPTT // push to talk
327    ^SRMP // ring melody playback
328    ^SSET // profile setting control
329    ^SSTK // SIM ToolKit
330    ^SVMC // voice memo control
331  */
333 #endif