1 {!
2 	@file		AUComponent.h
3  	@framework	AudioUnit.framework
4  	@copyright	(c) 2002-2015 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
5 	@brief		C interfaces for working with Audio Units.
7 	@discussion
9 	An audio unit is a plugin that can be loaded into an application's process and used to process
10 	or generate audio. An audio unit is an AudioComponent type and so the AudioComponent APIs are
11 	used to find specific types of audio units, open and close them.
13 	Audio units use a general notion of description to specify an unique instance. The Type is the
14 	general category of an audio unit. The SubType is an unique identifier specified by the
15 	Manufacturer (provider) of the audio unit. The IDs that are used for Type are specified by
16 	Apple, the Manufacturer ID should be specified by an unique identifier
17 	(as registered with apple). See AudioComponentDescription.
19 	Audio unit types are of the following (see below for more information)
21 		kAudioUnitType_Output					= 'auou',
22 		kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice				= 'aumu',
23 		kAudioUnitType_MusicEffect				= 'aumf',
24 		kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter			= 'aufc',
25 		kAudioUnitType_Effect					= 'aufx',
26 		kAudioUnitType_Mixer					= 'aumx',
27 		kAudioUnitType_Panner					= 'aupn',
28 		kAudioUnitType_OfflineEffect			= 'auol',
29 		kAudioUnitType_Generator				= 'augn',
31 	An audio unit's general operations are:
32 		- Open an audio unit (AudioComponentInstanceNew)
33 		- Configure it based on the context (AudioUnitSetProperty)
34 		- Initialize the audio unit (AudioUnitInitialize)
35 			- at this point the audio unit is in a state where it can render audio
36 		- Render audio (AudioUnitRender)
38 	An important part of a render operation for an audio unit is to manipulate the various controls
39 	that the unit provides to change the render effects; for instance to change the decay time of
40 	a reverb, the cut off frequency of a filter, etc. These are called parameters, and
41 	AudioUnitGetParameter and AudioUnitSetParameter are used to interact with these.
43 	If any reconfiguration of the audio unit is required, then:
44 		- Uninitialize (AudioUnitUninitialize)
45 		- Configure it based on the context (AudioUnitSetProperty)
46 		- Initialize the audio unit (AudioUnitInitialize)
48 	Once the host is finished with an audio unit, it closes it:
49 		- Dispose the audio unit (AudioComponentInstanceDispose)
51 	Audio units can be used programmatically (for instance, mixers can be used to render audio for a
52 	game, a generator to play audio files, etc), or they can be hosted in Digital Audio Workstation
53 	(DAW) applications such as Logic, Garage Band, etc. In the DAW case, it is common for an audio
54 	unit to provide a custom view to allow the user to interact with what can be complex DSP
55 	operations that the audio unit performs. The view is retrieved from an audio unit through
56 	AudioUnitGetProperty and then the host instantiates it (see <AudioToolbox/AUCocoaUIView.h>).
57 }
58 {  Pascal Translation:  Gorazd Krosl <gorazd_1957@yahoo.ca>, October 2009 }
59 {  Pascal Translation Update: Jonas Maebe <jonas@freepascal.org>, October 2012 }
60 {  Pascal Translation Update: Jonas Maebe <jonas@freepascal.org>, July 2019 }
61 {
62     Modified for use with Free Pascal
63     Version 308
64     Please report any bugs to <gpc@microbizz.nl>
65 }
67 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
68 {$mode macpas}
69 {$modeswitch cblocks}
70 {$packenum 1}
71 {$macro on}
72 {$inline on}
73 {$calling mwpascal}
75 unit AUComponent;
76 interface
78 {$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0308}
80 {$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
82 {$endc}
84 {$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
85 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
86 {$endc}
87 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
88 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
89 {$endc}
91 {$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC32}
92 	{$setc __ppc__ := 1}
93 {$elsec}
94 	{$setc __ppc__ := 0}
95 {$endc}
96 {$ifc not defined __ppc64__ and defined CPUPOWERPC64}
97 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 1}
98 {$elsec}
99 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 0}
100 {$endc}
101 {$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
102 	{$setc __i386__ := 1}
103 {$elsec}
104 	{$setc __i386__ := 0}
105 {$endc}
106 {$ifc not defined __x86_64__ and defined CPUX86_64}
107 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 1}
108 {$elsec}
109 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 0}
110 {$endc}
111 {$ifc not defined __arm__ and defined CPUARM}
112 	{$setc __arm__ := 1}
113 {$elsec}
114 	{$setc __arm__ := 0}
115 {$endc}
116 {$ifc not defined __arm64__ and defined CPUAARCH64}
117   {$setc __arm64__ := 1}
118 {$elsec}
119   {$setc __arm64__ := 0}
120 {$endc}
122 {$ifc defined cpu64}
123   {$setc __LP64__ := 1}
124 {$elsec}
125   {$setc __LP64__ := 0}
126 {$endc}
129 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
130 	{$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
131 {$endc}
133 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
134 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
135 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
136 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
137 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
138 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
139 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
140 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
141 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
144 {$elifc defined __ppc64__ and __ppc64__}
145 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
146 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := TRUE}
147 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
148 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
149 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
150 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
151 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
152 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
155 {$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
156 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
157 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
158 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
159 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
160 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
161 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
162 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
163  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
164 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
166 {$elsec}
167 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
168 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
170 {$endc}
172 {$elifc defined __x86_64__ and __x86_64__}
173 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
174 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
175 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
176 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := TRUE}
177 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
178 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
179 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
180  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
181 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
183 {$elsec}
184 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
185 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
187 {$endc}
189 {$elifc defined __arm__ and __arm__}
190 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
191 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
192 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
193 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
194 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := TRUE}
195 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
196 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
197 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
200 {$elifc defined __arm64__ and __arm64__}
201 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
202 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
203 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
204 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
205 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
206 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := TRUE}
207 {$ifc defined ios}
208 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
209 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
211 {$elsec}
212 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
213 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
215 {$endc}
217 {$elsec}
218 	{$error __ppc__ nor __ppc64__ nor __i386__ nor __x86_64__ nor __arm__ nor __arm64__ is defined.}
219 {$endc}
221 {$ifc defined __LP64__ and __LP64__ }
222   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := TRUE}
223 {$elsec}
224   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := FALSE}
225 {$endc}
227 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
230 {$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
233 {$elsec}
234 	{$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
235 {$endc}
240 {$setc OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES := TRUE}
242 {$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
245 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 := FALSE}
246 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OSX := TRUE}
247 {$setc TARGET_CARBON := TRUE}
248 {$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
249 {$setc TARGET_CPU_MIPS := FALSE}
251 {$setc TARGET_OS_UNIX := FALSE}
252 {$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
253 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
254 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM := FALSE}
257 {$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
258 {$setc TYPE_EXTENDED := FALSE}
259 {$setc TYPE_LONGLONG := TRUE}
260 uses MacTypes,AudioComponents,CFBase,CFArray,CFDate,CoreAudioTypes;
261 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
266 //=====================================================================================================================
267 //#pragma mark Overview
274 //================================================================================================
275 //#pragma mark -
276 //#pragma mark Audio Unit Types
277 {!
278 	@typedef			AudioUnit
279 	@discussion			An audio unit is of type AudioComponentInstance as defined in
280 						AudioComponent.h
281 }
282 type
283 	AudioUnit = AudioComponentInstance;
286 {!
287     @enum           Audio Unit Types
288     @abstract		different types of audio units
289 	@discussion		Audio units are classified into different types, where those types perform
290 					different roles and functions.
291 					There are some general categories of functionality that apply across different
292 					types of audio units:
293 					(1) Real-time usage
294 						The audio unit will complete its operations in less time than is
295 						represented by the render buffer. All audio units with the exception of
296 						the OfflineEffect should meet this criteria
297 					(2) Real-time I/O
298 						Will request the same amount of audio input as it is being asked to
299 						produce for output. Effects, Panners, Mixers and MusicDevices are required
300 						to adhere to this restriction. FormatConverter's can with some constraints
301 						be used in this situation (for instance, sample rate conversion, float-int),
302 						but the host of the audio unit is responsible for insuring this.
303 					(3) UI versus Programmatic usage
304 						UI usage covers the case of using an audio unit in a Digital Audio
305 						Workstation (DAW) with appropriate UI (for example a filter in Garage Band
306 						or Logic). Effects, Panners, MusicDevices are all expected to be usable
307 						within this context.
308 						Programmatic usage is where an audio unit is used by a host app as part of
309 						a general signal processing chain.
310 						For instance, a mixer audio unit can be used to take several different
311 						audio sources in a game and mix them together. Mixers, Output units are
312 						for programmatic usage. FormatConverter and Generator types are generally
313 						programmatic audio units, but if they can be used in a UI situation, they
314 						specify a custom view. The app can then use that to decide that, with
315 						appropriate constraints, the audio unit could be presented in a DAW type
316 						application. For instance, the AUConverter audio unit from apple can do
317 						sample rate conversion, etc, but has not general utility for a user in a
318 						DAW app. Apple's Varispeed or AUTimePitch audio units can be used to change
319 						the playback rate and pitch and so could be used to good affect by a user
320 						in a DAW type environment, as well as just providing this general
321 						functionality to any program.
323 	@constant		kAudioUnitType_Output
324 					An output unit can be used as the head of an AUGraph. Apple provides a number
325 					of output units that interface directly with an audio device
327 	@constant		kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice
328 					Used to describe software musical instruments such as samplers and
329 					synthesisers. They respond to MIDI and create notes, which are then controlled
330 					through parameters or MIDI control messages. See <AudioToolbox/MusicDevice.h>
332 	@constant		kAudioUnitType_MusicEffect
333 					Is an effect that is also able to respond directly to MIDI control messages,
334 					typically through the mapping of these MIDI messages to different parameters
335 					of the effect's DSP algorithm.
337 	@constant		kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter
338 					A format converter is a general category for audio units that can change the
339 					format (for instance, sample rate conversion) from an input to an output, as
340 					well as other, non-I/O type manipulations (like a deferred render or varispeed
341 					type of operation). As such, a format converter can ask for as much or as
342 					little audio input to produce a given output. They are still expected to
343 					complete their rendering within the time represented by the output buffer.
344 					For format converters that have some utility as an "audio effect or processor",
345 					it is quite common to provide an offline version of this audio unit as well.
346 					For instance, Apple ships a format converter (for use in a "real-time" like
347 					situation) and an offline version (for processing audio files) of the Time
348 					Pitch and Varispeed audio units.
350 	@constant		kAudioUnitType_Effect
351 					An audio unit that will process some x number of audio input samples to produce
352 					x number of audio output samples. The common case for an effect is to have a
353 					single input to a single output, though some effects take side-chain inputs as
354 					well. Effects can be run in "offline" contexts (such as processing a file), but
355 					they are expected to run in real-time. A delay unit or reverb is a good
356 					example of this.
358 	@constant		kAudioUnitType_Mixer
359 					An audio unit that takes some number of inputs, mixing them to provide 1 or
360 					more audio outputs. A stere mixer (mono and stereo inputs to produce one
361 					stereo output) is an example of this.
363 	@constant		kAudioUnitType_Panner
364 					A panner is a specialised effect that will pan a single audio input to a single
365 					output. Panner units are required to support a collection of standardised
366 					parameters that specify the panning coordinates (aside from whatever custom
367 					parameters the panner may provide). A surround panner is an example of this
369 	@constant		kAudioUnitType_Generator
370 					A generator will have no audio input, but will just produce audio output. In
371 					some ways it is similar to a MusicDevice, except that a generator provides no
372 					MIDI input, or notion of "notes". A tone generator is a good example of this.
374 	@constant		kAudioUnitType_OfflineEffect
375 					An offline effect is used to process data from a file and is also used to
376 					publish a capability that cannot be run in real-time. For instance, the process
377 					of normalisation requires seeing the entire audio input before the scalar to
378 					apply in the normalisation process can be estimated. As such, offline effects
379 					also have a notion of a priming stage that can be performed before the actual
380 					rendering/processing phase is executed.
382     @constant		kAudioUnitType_MIDIProcessor
383                     Plugins of this type process midi input and produce midi output. They do not produce audio.
385 }
386 const
387 	kAudioUnitType_Output = FourCharCode('auou');
388 	kAudioUnitType_MusicDevice = FourCharCode('aumu');
389 	kAudioUnitType_MusicEffect = FourCharCode('aumf');
390 	kAudioUnitType_FormatConverter = FourCharCode('aufc');
391 	kAudioUnitType_Effect = FourCharCode('aufx');
392 	kAudioUnitType_Mixer = FourCharCode('aumx');
393 	kAudioUnitType_Panner = FourCharCode('aupn');
394 	kAudioUnitType_Generator = FourCharCode('augn');
395 	kAudioUnitType_OfflineEffect = FourCharCode('auol');
396 	kAudioUnitType_MIDIProcessor = FourCharCode('aumi');
399 {!
400     @enum           Audio Unit Types (for inter-app audio)
401     @abstract		types of inter-app audio units
403     @constant       kAudioUnitType_RemoteEffect
404     @constant       kAudioUnitType_RemoteGenerator
405     @constant       kAudioUnitType_RemoteInstrument
406     @constant       kAudioUnitType_RemoteMusicEffect
408 	@discussion
409         These Audio Unit types are identical to the corresponding "non-remote" types (e.g.
410         kAudioUnitType_Effect, etc.), with the exception that they are the types that must be
411         used for AudioUnits defined by applications calling AudioOutputUnitPublish.
413 		When Audio Components of these types are instantiated via AudioComponentInstanceNew,
414 		a connection is made to the process which published the component via AudioOutputUnitPublish.
416 		When using Audio Units which are instances of these components, one must take care to
417 		initialize the unit only immediately before beginning a series of render operations, and
418 		uninitialize it immediately afterwards, since while initialized, the Audio Unit's background
419 		process is being kept awake and is consuming system resources.
421 		When using AudioUnitGetProperty and AudioUnitSetProperty, only Apple-defined properties
422 		are supported.
424 		For kAudioUnitProperty_HostCallbacks, hosts can set this property on any remote audio unit.
425 		This will cause the host callbacks to be called on each render cycle and the results
426 		communicated to the remote AU's process. The owner of the published AU ("node") can *get*
427 		this property on its output units, obtaining the structure of function pointers, and call
428 		the host callbacks during the render cycle.
429 }
430 const
431 	kAudioUnitType_RemoteEffect = FourCharCode('aurx');
432 	kAudioUnitType_RemoteGenerator = FourCharCode('aurg');
433 	kAudioUnitType_RemoteInstrument = FourCharCode('auri');
434 	kAudioUnitType_RemoteMusicEffect = FourCharCode('aurm');
437 //================================================================================================
438 //#pragma mark -
439 //#pragma mark Apple Audio Units
440 {!
441     @enum           Apple audio unit manufacturer ID.
442     @discussion		the unique ID used to identifier audio units provided by Apple, Inc.
443 }
444 const
445 	kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple = FourCharCode('appl');
447 {!
448 	@enum			Apple input/output audio unit sub types
449 	@discussion		These are the subtypes for the various input/output units that Apple ships. Input/output
450 					units add an additional notion of Start and Stop.
451 					see <AudioToolbox/AudioOutputUnit.h>
453 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_GenericOutput
454 					A generic output unit provides the start/stop API, and provides the basic
455 					services to convert Linear PCM formats.
457 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO
458 						- Available on OS X and with iOS 3.0 or greater
459 					This audio unit can do input as well as output. Bus 0 is used for the output
460 					side, bus 1 is used to get audio input (thus, on the iPhone, it works in a
461 					very similar way to the Remote I/O). This audio unit does signal processing on
462 					the incoming audio (taking out any of the audio that is played from the device
463 					at a given time from the incoming audio).
464 }
465 const
466 	kAudioUnitSubType_GenericOutput = FourCharCode('genr');
467 	kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO = FourCharCode('vpio');
469 {!
470 	@enum			Apple input/output audio unit sub types (OS X)
471 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput
472 						- desktop only
473 					The audio unit that interfaces to any audio device. The user specifies which
474 					audio device to track. The audio unit can do input from the device as well as
475 					output to the device. Bus 0 is used for the output side, bus 1 is used
476 					to get audio input from the device.
478 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput
479 						- desktop only
480 					A specialisation of AUHAL that is used to track the user's selection of the
481 					default device as set in the Sound Prefs
483 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_SystemOutput
484 						- desktop only
485 					A specialisation of AUHAL that is used to track the user's selection of the
486 					device to use for sound effects, alerts
487 					and other UI sounds.
489 }
490 const
491 {$ifc not TARGET_OS_IPHONE}
492 	kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput = FourCharCode('ahal');
493 	kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput = FourCharCode('def ');
494 	kAudioUnitSubType_SystemOutput = FourCharCode('sys ');
495 {$endc} { not TARGET_OS_IPHONE }
497 {!
498 	@enum			Apple music instrument audio unit sub types
500 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_DLSSynth
501 						- desktop only
502 					A multi-timbral music device that can use sample banks in either DLS or
503 					SoundFont formats. It fully supports GM-MIDI and the basic extensions of
504 					GS-MIDI.
505 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_Sampler
506 					A mono-timbral music device which is a sampler synthesizer and supports full
507 					interactive editing of all state.
508 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_MIDISynth
509 					A fully GM-compatible multi-timbral music device which is a sampler synthesizer.
510 					It can load instruments from sample banks in either DLS or SoundFont formats.
511 }
513 {$ifc not TARGET_OS_IPHONE}
514 const
515 	kAudioUnitSubType_DLSSynth = FourCharCode('dls ');
516 //#endif
517 {$endc} { not TARGET_OS_IPHONE }
518 	kAudioUnitSubType_Sampler = FourCharCode('samp');
519 	kAudioUnitSubType_MIDISynth = FourCharCode('msyn');
521 {!
522 	@enum			Apple converter audio unit sub types
523 	@discussion		These are the subtypes for the various converter units that apple ships.
524 					Except for AUConverter, which is available on both desktop and iPhone, these
525 					audio units are only available on the desktop.
527 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_AUConverter
528 					An audio unit that uses an AudioConverter to do Linear PCM conversions (sample
529 					rate, bit depth, interleaving).
531 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_Varispeed
532 					An audio unit that can be used to control playback rate (as the rate is faster,
533 					the pitch is higher). It provides a generic view, so can be used in both a UI
534 					and programmatic context. It also comes in an Offline version so can be used
535 					to process audio files.
537 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_DeferredRenderer
538 					An audio unit that is used to get its input from a separate thread than the
539 					thread that its render method is called. It thus allows an application to
540 					introduce multiple threads into a rendering graph. There is a buffer sized
541 					delay introduced between the input and output
543 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_Splitter
544                     An audio unit that provides 2 output buses and 1 input bus. The audio unit
545                     splits (duplicates) the input signal to the two output buses
547 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_MultiSplitter
548                     An audio unit that sends its input bus to any number of output buses.
549                     Every output bus gets all channels of the input bus.
550                     This unit's implementation is lighter weight than kAudioUnitSubType_Splitter
551                     even for two output buses, and is recommended over kAudioUnitSubType_Splitter.
553 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_Merger
554 					An audio unit that provides 2 input buses and 2 output bus. The audio unit
555 					merges the two inputs to the single output
557 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_NewTimePitch
558 					An audio unit that provides good quality time stretching and pitch shifting
559 					while still being very fast.
561 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_AUiPodTimeOther
562 					An audio unit that provides time domain time stretching.
564 }
565 const
566 	kAudioUnitSubType_AUConverter = FourCharCode('conv');
567 	kAudioUnitSubType_Varispeed = FourCharCode('vari');
568 	kAudioUnitSubType_DeferredRenderer = FourCharCode('defr');
569 	kAudioUnitSubType_Splitter = FourCharCode('splt');
570 	kAudioUnitSubType_MultiSplitter = FourCharCode('mspl');
571 	kAudioUnitSubType_Merger = FourCharCode('merg');
572 	kAudioUnitSubType_NewTimePitch = FourCharCode('nutp');
573 	kAudioUnitSubType_AUiPodTimeOther = FourCharCode('ipto');
574 	kAudioUnitSubType_RoundTripAAC = FourCharCode('raac');
576 {!
577 	@enum			Apple converter audio unit sub types (OS X only)
578 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_TimePitch
579 					An audio unit that can be used to have independent control of both playback
580 					rate and pitch. It provides a generic view, so can be used in both a UI and
581 					programmatic context. It also comes in an Offline version so can be used to
582 					process audio files.
584 }
585 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
586 const
587 	kAudioUnitSubType_TimePitch = FourCharCode('tmpt');
588 {$endc} {TARGET_OS_MAC}
590 {!
591 	@enum			Apple effect audio unit sub types
592 	@discussion		These are the subtypes for the various effect units that apple ships
594 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_Delay
595 						- desktop only
596 					A delay audio unit
598 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_LowPassFilter
599 					A filter that passes frequencies below a specified cut-off frequency
601 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_HighPassFilter
602 					A filter that passes frequencies above a specified cut-off frequency
604 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_BandPassFilter
605 					A filter that passes frequencies between a low and high cut-off frequency.
607 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_HighShelfFilter
608 					A filter that can be used to implement a "treble" control
610 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_LowShelfFilter
611 					A filter that can be used to implement a "bass" control
613 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_ParametricEQ
614 					A parametric EQ filter
616 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_PeakLimiter
617 					A peak limiter
619 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_DynamicsProcessor
620 					A dynamics compressor/expander
622 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_SampleDelay
623 						- desktop only
624 					A delay that is used to delay the input a specified number of samples until
625 					the output
627 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_Distortion
628 					A distortion audio unit
630 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_NBandEQ
631 					A generalized N-band graphic EQ with specifiable filter types per-band
633 }
634 const
635 	kAudioUnitSubType_PeakLimiter = FourCharCode('lmtr');
636 	kAudioUnitSubType_DynamicsProcessor = FourCharCode('dcmp');
637 	kAudioUnitSubType_LowPassFilter = FourCharCode('lpas');
638 	kAudioUnitSubType_HighPassFilter = FourCharCode('hpas');
639 	kAudioUnitSubType_BandPassFilter = FourCharCode('bpas');
640 	kAudioUnitSubType_HighShelfFilter = FourCharCode('hshf');
641 	kAudioUnitSubType_LowShelfFilter = FourCharCode('lshf');
642 	kAudioUnitSubType_ParametricEQ = FourCharCode('pmeq');
643 	kAudioUnitSubType_Distortion = FourCharCode('dist');
644 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
645 	kAudioUnitSubType_Delay = FourCharCode('dely');
646 	kAudioUnitSubType_SampleDelay = FourCharCode('sdly');
647 {$endc} {TARGET_OS_MAC}
648 	kAudioUnitSubType_NBandEQ = FourCharCode('nbeq');
650 {!
651 	@enum			Apple effect audio unit sub types (OS X only)
652 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_GraphicEQ
653 					A 10 or 31 band Graphic EQ
654 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_MultiBandCompressor
655 					A 4 band compressor/expander
656 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_MatrixReverb
657 					A reverb that can be used to simulate various and different spaces
658 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_Pitch
659 					An audio unit used to change the pitch
660 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_AUFilter
661 					A filter unit that combines 5 different filters (low, 3 mids, high)
662 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_NetSend
663 					An audio unit that is used in conjunction with _NetReceive to send audio
664 					across the network (or between different applications)
665 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_RogerBeep
666 					An audio unit that can be used to emit a short tone in gaps between speech
667 					- similar to the tones used in a walkie-talkie
668 }
669 const
670 	kAudioUnitSubType_GraphicEQ = FourCharCode('greq');
671 	kAudioUnitSubType_MultiBandCompressor = FourCharCode('mcmp');
672 	kAudioUnitSubType_MatrixReverb = FourCharCode('mrev');
673 	kAudioUnitSubType_Pitch = FourCharCode('tmpt');
674 	kAudioUnitSubType_AUFilter = FourCharCode('filt');
675 	kAudioUnitSubType_NetSend = FourCharCode('nsnd');
676 	kAudioUnitSubType_RogerBeep = FourCharCode('rogr');
679 {!
680 	@enum			Apple mixer audio unit sub types
681 	@discussion		These are the subtypes for the various mixer units that apple ships
683 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_MultiChannelMixer
684 					Can have any number of inputs, with any number of channels on any input to one
685 					output bus with any number of channels.
687     @constant       kAudioUnitSubType_SpatialMixer
688                     Inputs that are mono will be panned around using 3D coordinates and parameters.
689                     Stereo inputs are passed directly through to the output.
690                     A single output is presented with 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 channels.
691                     There is also a built in reverb.
693 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_MatrixMixer
694 					Any number of input and output buses with any number of channels on any bus.
695 					The mix is presented as a matrix of channels that can be controlled through
696 					input volume per channel, "cross-point" volume (a given input channel to a
697 					given output channel), output volume per channel and a global volume across
698 					the whole matrix
701 }
702 const
703 	kAudioUnitSubType_MultiChannelMixer = FourCharCode('mcmx');
704 	kAudioUnitSubType_MatrixMixer = FourCharCode('mxmx');
705 	kAudioUnitSubType_SpatialMixer = FourCharCode('3dem');
707 {!
708 	@enum			Apple mixer audio unit sub types (OS X only)
709 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_StereoMixer
710 					Inputs can be mono or stereo. Single stereo output
712     @constant		kAudioUnitSubType_3DMixer
713                     (deprecated, use kAudioUnitSubType_SpatialMixer instead)
714                     Inputs can be mono, in which case they can be panned around using 3D
715                     coordinates and parameters.
716                     Stereo inputs are passed directly through to the output.
717                     4 channel "ambisonic" inputs will be rendered to the output configuration
718                     A single output of 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 channels.
719 }
720 const
721 	kAudioUnitSubType_StereoMixer = FourCharCode('smxr');
722 	kAudioUnitSubType_3DMixer = FourCharCode('3dmx'); (* API_DEPRECATED("no longer supported", macos(10.3, 10.10)) API_UNAVAILABLE(ios, watchos, tvos)
723  *)
724 											// use kAudioUnitSubType_SpatialMixer instead
726 {!
727 	@enum			Apple panner audio unit sub types
728 	@discussion		These are the subtypes for the various panner units that apple ships
730 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_SphericalHeadPanner
731 						- desktop only
732 					A panner unit that uses the spherical head model to pan to a stereo output
734 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_VectorPanner
735 						- desktop only
736 					A panner unit that uses a moving pan between the two closes, adjacent channels
737 					in a 3D space to a
738 					surround output
740 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_SoundFieldPanner
741 						- desktop only
742 					A panner unit that uses a sound-field notion to pan to a surround output
744 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_HRTFPanner
745 						- desktop only
746 					A panner unit that uses a generic "HRTF" model to pan to a stereo output
747 }
748 {$if TARGET_OS_MAC}
749 const
750 	kAudioUnitSubType_SphericalHeadPanner = FourCharCode('sphr');
751 	kAudioUnitSubType_VectorPanner = FourCharCode('vbas');
752 	kAudioUnitSubType_SoundFieldPanner = FourCharCode('ambi');
753 	kAudioUnitSubType_HRTFPanner = FourCharCode('hrtf');
754 {$endc} { TARGET_OS_MAC }
756 {!
757 	@enum			Apple generator audio unit sub types
758 	@discussion		These are the subtypes for the various generator units that apple ships
760 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_ScheduledSoundPlayer
761 					A generator unit that can be used to schedule slices of audio to be played at
762 					a specified time. The audio is scheduled using the time stamps for the render
763 					operation, and can be scheduled from any thread.
765 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_AudioFilePlayer
766 					A generator unit that is used to play a file. It presents a custom UI so can
767 					be used in a UI context as well
769 	@constant		kAudioUnitSubType_NetReceive
770 						- desktop only
771 					A generator unit that is paired with _NetSend to receive the audio that unit
772 					sends. It presents a custom UI so can be used in a UI context as well
773 }
774 const
775 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
776 	kAudioUnitSubType_NetReceive = FourCharCode('nrcv');
777 {$endc} { TARGET_OS_MAC }
778 	kAudioUnitSubType_ScheduledSoundPlayer = FourCharCode('sspl');
779 	kAudioUnitSubType_AudioFilePlayer = FourCharCode('afpl');
781 //=====================================================================================================================
782 //#pragma mark -
783 //#pragma mark Audio Unit Constants and typedefs
784 {!
785 	@enum			AudioUnitRenderActionFlags
786 	@discussion		These flags can be set in a callback from an audio unit during an audio unit
787 					render operation from either the RenderNotify Proc or the render input
788 					callback.
790 	@constant		kAudioUnitRenderAction_PreRender
791 					Called on a render notification Proc - which is called either before or after
792 					the render operation of the audio unit. If this flag is set, the proc is being
793 					called before the render operation is performed.
795 	@constant		kAudioUnitRenderAction_PostRender
796 					Called on a render notification Proc - which is called either before or after
797 					the render operation of the audio unit. If this flag is set, the proc is being
798 					called after the render operation is completed.
800 	@constant		kAudioUnitRenderAction_OutputIsSilence
801 					This flag can be set in a render input callback (or in the audio unit's render
802 					operation itself) and is used to indicate that the render buffer contains only
803 					silence. It can then be used by the caller as a hint to whether the buffer
804 					needs to be processed or not.
806 	@constant		kAudioOfflineUnitRenderAction_Preflight
807 					This is used with offline audio units (of type 'auol'). It is used when an
808 					offline unit is being preflighted, which is performed prior to the actual
809 					offline rendering actions are performed. It is used for those cases where the
810 					offline process needs it (for example, with an offline unit that normalises an
811 					audio file, it needs to see all of the audio data first before it can perform
812 					its normalisation)
814 	@constant		kAudioOfflineUnitRenderAction_Render
815 					Once an offline unit has been successfully preflighted, it is then put into
816 					its render mode. So this flag is set to indicate to the audio unit that it is
817 					now in that state and that it should perform its processing on the input data.
819 	@constant		kAudioOfflineUnitRenderAction_Complete
820 					This flag is set when an offline unit has completed either its preflight or
821 					performed render operations
823 	@constant		kAudioUnitRenderAction_PostRenderError
824 					If this flag is set on the post-render call an error was returned by the
825 					AUs render operation. In this case, the error can be retrieved through the
826 					lastRenderError property and the audio data in ioData handed to the post-render
827 					notification will be invalid.
828 	@constant		kAudioUnitRenderAction_DoNotCheckRenderArgs
829 					If this flag is set, then checks that are done on the arguments provided to render
830 					are not performed. This can be useful to use to save computation time in
831 					situations where you are sure you are providing the correct arguments
832 					and structures to the various render calls
833 }
834 type
835 	AudioUnitRenderActionFlags = UInt32;
836 	AudioUnitRenderActionFlagsPtr = ^AudioUnitRenderActionFlags;
837 const
838 	kAudioUnitRenderAction_PreRender = 1 shl 2;
839 	kAudioUnitRenderAction_PostRender = 1 shl 3;
840 	kAudioUnitRenderAction_OutputIsSilence = 1 shl 4;
841 	kAudioOfflineUnitRenderAction_Preflight = 1 shl 5;
842 	kAudioOfflineUnitRenderAction_Render = 1 shl 6;
843 	kAudioOfflineUnitRenderAction_Complete = 1 shl 7;
844 	kAudioUnitRenderAction_PostRenderError = 1 shl 8;
845 	kAudioUnitRenderAction_DoNotCheckRenderArgs = 1 shl 9;
847 {!
848 	@enum			Audio unit errors
849 	@discussion		These are the various errors that can be returned by AudioUnit... API calls
851 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty
852 					The property is not supported
853 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter
854 					The parameter is not supported
855 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement
856 					The specified element is not valid
857 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_NoConnection
858 					There is no connection (generally an audio unit is asked to render but it has
859 					not input from which to gather data)
860 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_FailedInitialization
861 					The audio unit is unable to be initialized
862 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess
863 					When an audio unit is initialized it has a value which specifies the max
864 					number of frames it will be asked to render at any given time. If an audio
865 					unit is asked to render more than this, this error is returned.
866 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_InvalidFile
867 					If an audio unit uses external files as a data source, this error is returned
868 					if a file is invalid (Apple's DLS synth returns this error)
869 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_UnknownFileType
870 					If an audio unit uses external files as a data source, this error is returned
871 					if a file is invalid (Apple's DLS synth returns this error)
872 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_FileNotSpecified
873 					If an audio unit uses external files as a data source, this error is returned
874 					if a file hasn't been set on it
875 					(Apple's DLS synth returns this error)
876 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_FormatNotSupported
877 					Returned if an input or output format is not supported
878 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_Uninitialized
879 					Returned if an operation requires an audio unit to be initialized and it is
880 					not.
881 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope
882 					The specified scope is invalid
883 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_PropertyNotWritable
884 					The property cannot be written
885 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext
886 					Returned when an audio unit is in a state where it can't perform the requested
887 					action now - but it could later. Its usually used to guard a render operation
888 					when a reconfiguration of its internal state is being performed.
889 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue
890 					The property is valid, but the value of the property being provided is not
891 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_PropertyNotInUse
892 					Returned when a property is valid, but it hasn't been set to a valid value at
893 					this time.
894 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_Initialized
895 					Indicates the operation cannot be performed because the audio unit is
896 					initialized.
897 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_InvalidOfflineRender
898 					Used to indicate that the offline render operation is invalid. For instance,
899 					when the audio unit needs to be pre-flighted,
900 					but it hasn't been.
901 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_Unauthorized
902 					Returned by either Open or Initialize, this error is used to indicate that the
903 					audio unit is not authorised, that it cannot be used. A host can then present
904 					a UI to notify the user the audio unit is not able to be used in its current
905 					state.
906 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_MIDIOutputBufferFull
907 					Returned during the render call, if the audio unit produces more MIDI output,
908 					than the default allocated buffer. The audio unit can provide a size hint, in
909 					case it needs a larger buffer. See the documentation for AUAudioUnit's
910 					MIDIOutputBufferSizeHint property.
911     @constant   kAudioComponentErr_InstanceInvalidated
912         The component instance's implementation is not available, most likely because the process
913         that published it is no longer running.
914 	@constant	kAudioUnitErr_RenderTimeout
915 		The audio unit did not satisfy the render request in time.
916 	@constant kAudioUnitErr_ExtensionNotFound
917 		The specified identifier did not match any Audio Unit Extensions.
918 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameterValue
919 					The parameter value is not supported, e.g. the value specified is NaN or
920 					infinite.
921 }
922 const
923 	kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty = -10879;
924 	kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter = -10878;
925 	kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement = -10877;
926 	kAudioUnitErr_NoConnection = -10876;
927 	kAudioUnitErr_FailedInitialization = -10875;
928 	kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess = -10874;
929 	kAudioUnitErr_InvalidFile = -10871;
930 	kAudioUnitErr_UnknownFileType = -10870;
931 	kAudioUnitErr_FileNotSpecified = -10869;
932 	kAudioUnitErr_FormatNotSupported = -10868;
933 	kAudioUnitErr_Uninitialized = -10867;
934 	kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope = -10866;
935 	kAudioUnitErr_PropertyNotWritable = -10865;
936 	kAudioUnitErr_CannotDoInCurrentContext = -10863;
937 	kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue = -10851;
938 	kAudioUnitErr_PropertyNotInUse = -10850;
939 	kAudioUnitErr_Initialized = -10849;
940 	kAudioUnitErr_InvalidOfflineRender = -10848;
941 	kAudioUnitErr_Unauthorized = -10847;
942 	kAudioUnitErr_MIDIOutputBufferFull = -66753;
943 	kAudioComponentErr_InstanceTimedOut = -66754;
944 	kAudioComponentErr_InstanceInvalidated = -66749;
945 	kAudioUnitErr_RenderTimeout = -66745;
946 	kAudioUnitErr_ExtensionNotFound = -66744;
947 	kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameterValue = -66743;
951 {!
952     @enum       AudioComponent errors for inter-app audio
954     @constant   kAudioComponentErr_DuplicateDescription
955         a non-unique component description was provided to AudioOutputUnitPublish
956     @constant   kAudioComponentErr_UnsupportedType
957         an unsupported component type was provided to AudioOutputUnitPublish
958     @constant   kAudioComponentErr_TooManyInstances
959         components published via AudioOutputUnitPublish may only have one instance
960     @constant   kAudioComponentErr_NotPermitted
961 		app needs "inter-app-audio" entitlement or host app needs "audio" in its UIBackgroundModes.
962 		Or app is trying to register a component not declared in its Info.plist.
963     @constant   kAudioComponentErr_InitializationTimedOut
964         host did not render in a timely manner; must uninitialize and reinitialize.
965 	@constant	kAudioComponentErr_InvalidFormat
966 		inter-app AU element formats must have sample rates matching the hardware.
967 }
968 const
969 	kAudioComponentErr_DuplicateDescription = -66752;
970 	kAudioComponentErr_UnsupportedType = -66751;
971 	kAudioComponentErr_TooManyInstances = -66750;
972 	kAudioComponentErr_NotPermitted = -66748;
973 	kAudioComponentErr_InitializationTimedOut = -66747;
974 	kAudioComponentErr_InvalidFormat = -66746;
977 {!
978 	@typedef			AudioUnitPropertyID
979 	@discussion			Type used for audio unit properties.
980 						Properties are used to describe the state of an audio unit (for instance,
981 						the input or output audio format)
982 }
983 type
984 	AudioUnitPropertyID = UInt32;
985 {!
986 	@typedef			AudioUnitScope
987 	@discussion			Type used for audio unit scopes. Apple reserves the 0 < 1024 range for
988 						audio unit scope identifiers.
989 						Scopes are used to delineate a major attribute of an audio unit
990 						(for instance, global, input, output)
991 }
992 type
993 	AudioUnitScope = UInt32;
994 {!
995 	@typedef			AudioUnitElement
996 	@discussion			Type used for audio unit elements.
997 						Scopes can have one or more member, and a member of a scope is
998 						addressed / described by its element
999 						For instance, input bus 1 is input scope, element 1
1000 }
1001 type
1002 	AudioUnitElement = UInt32;
1003 {!
1004 	@typedef			AudioUnitParameterID
1005 	@discussion			Type used for audio unit parameters.
1006 						Parameters are typically used to control and set render state
1007 						(for instance, filter cut-off frequency)
1008 }
1009 type
1010 	AudioUnitParameterID = UInt32;
1011 {!
1012 	@typedef			AudioUnitParameterValue
1013 	@discussion			Type used for audio unit parameter values.
1014 						The value of a given parameter is specified using this type
1015 						(typically a Float32)
1016 }
1017 type
1018 	AudioUnitParameterValue = Float32;
1019 	AudioUnitParameterValuePtr = ^AudioUnitParameterValue;
1021 {!
1022 	@enum			AUParameterEventType
1023 	@discussion		The type of a parameter event (see AudioUnitScheduleParameter)
1025 	@constant		kParameterEvent_Immediate
1026 					The parameter event describes an immediate change to the parameter value to
1027 					the new value
1028 	@constant		kParameterEvent_Ramped
1029 					The parameter event describes a change to the parameter value that should
1030 					be applied over the specified period of time
1031 }
1032 type
1033 	AUParameterEventType = UInt32;
1034 	AUParameterEventTypePtr = ^AUParameterEventType;
1035 const
1036 	kParameterEvent_Immediate = 1;
1037 	kParameterEvent_Ramped = 2;
1039 {!
1040 	@struct			AudioUnitParameterEvent
1041 	@discussion		A parameter event describes a change to a parameter's value, where the type of
1042 					the event describes how that change is to be applied (see AUParameterEventType).
1043 					A parameter is uniquely defined through the triplet of scope, element and
1044 					parameterID.
1046 					See AudioUnitScheduleParameters
1048 	@field			scope
1049 					The scope for the parameter
1050 	@field			element
1051 					The element for the parameter
1052 	@field			parameter
1053 					The parameterID for the parameter
1055 	@field			eventType
1056 					The event type. This field further defines how the union described by
1057 					eventValues is to be interpreted.
1059 	@field			eventValues
1060 					If the parameter event type is _Immediate, then the immediate struct of this
1061 					union should be used.
1062 					If the parameter event type is _Ramped, then the ramp struct of this union
1063 					should be used.
1065 }
1066 type
1067 	AudioUnitParameterEventRampRec = record
1068 		startBufferOffset: SInt32;
1069 		durationInFrames: UInt32;
1070 		startValue: AudioUnitParameterValue;
1071 		endValue: AudioUnitParameterValue;
1072 	end;
1073 	AudioUnitParameterEventImmediateRec = record
1074 		bufferOffset: UInt32;
1075 		value: AudioUnitParameterValue;
1076 	end;
1077 	AudioUnitParameterEventEventValues = record
1078 		case UInt8 of
1079 			0:	(ramp : AudioUnitParameterEventRampRec);
1080 			1:	(immediate : AudioUnitParameterEventImmediateRec);
1081 	end;
1083 	AudioUnitParameterEvent = record
1084 		scope: AudioUnitScope;
1085 		element: AudioUnitElement;
1086 		parameter: AudioUnitParameterID;
1088 		eventType: AUParameterEventType;
1089 		eventValues: AudioUnitParameterEventEventValues;
1090 	end;
1091 	AudioUnitParameterEventPtr = ^AudioUnitParameterEvent;
1093 {!
1094 	@struct			AudioUnitParameter
1095 	@discussion		An audio unit parameter is defined by the triplet of audio unit scope, element
1096 					and parameterID. This struct is used with the functions in AudioUnitUtilities.h
1097 					to deal with audio unit parameters, but is included in this header file for
1098 					completeness.
1100 	@field			mAudioUnit
1101 					The audio unit instance to which the specified parameter applies.
1102 	@field			mParameterID
1103 					The parameterID for the parameter
1104 	@field			mScope
1105 					The scope for the parameter
1106 	@field			mElement
1107 					The element for the parameter
1108 }
1109 type
1110 	AudioUnitParameter = record
1111 		mAudioUnit: AudioUnit;
1112 		mParameterID: AudioUnitParameterID;
1113 		mScope: AudioUnitScope;
1114 		mElement: AudioUnitElement;
1115 	end;
1116 	AudioUnitParameterPtr = ^AudioUnitParameter;
1118 {!
1119 	@struct			AudioUnitProperty
1120 	@discussion		An audio unit property is defined by the triplet of audio unit scope, element
1121 					and propertyID. This struct is used with the functions in AudioUnitUtilities.h
1122 					to deal with audio unit properties, but is included in this header file for
1123 					completeness.
1125 	@field			mAudioUnit
1126 					The audio unit instance which the specified property applies too
1127 	@field			mPropertyID
1128 					The propertyID for the property
1129 	@field			mScope
1130 					The scope for the property
1131 	@field			mElement
1132 					The element for the property
1133 }
1134 type
1135 	AudioUnitProperty = record
1136 		mAudioUnit: AudioUnit;
1137 		mPropertyID: AudioUnitPropertyID;
1138 		mScope: AudioUnitScope;
1139 		mElement: AudioUnitElement;
1140 	end;
1141 	AudioUnitPropertyPtr = ^AudioUnitProperty;
1144 {!
1145 	@typedef		AURenderCallback
1146 	@discussion		This is the prototype for a function callback Proc that is used both with the
1147 					AudioUnit render notification API and the render input callback. See
1148 					kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback property or AudioUnitAddRenderNotify.
1149 					This callback is part of the process of a call to AudioUnitRender. As a
1150 					notification it is called either before or after the audio unit's render
1151 					operations. As a render input callback, it is called to provide input data for
1152 					the particular input bus the callback is attached too.
1154 	@param			inRefCon
1155 					The client data that is provided either with the AURenderCallbackStruct or as
1156 					specified with the Add API call
1157 	@param			ioActionFlags
1158 					Flags used to describe more about the context of this call (pre or post in the
1159 					notify case for instance)
1160 	@param			inTimeStamp
1161 					The times stamp associated with this call of audio unit render
1162 	@param			inBusNumber
1163 					The bus number associated with this call of audio unit render
1164 	@param			inNumberFrames
1165 					The number of sample frames that will be represented in the audio data in the
1166 					provided ioData parameter
1167 	@param			ioData
1168 					The AudioBufferList that will be used to contain the rendered or provided
1169 					audio data. These buffers will be aligned to 16 byte boundaries (which is
1170 					normally what malloc will return). Can be null in the notification that
1171 					input is available.
1172 }
1173 type
inRefConnull1174 	AURenderCallback = function( inRefCon: UnivPtr; var ioActionFlags: AudioUnitRenderActionFlags; const (*var*) inTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; inBusNumber: UInt32; inNumberFrames: UInt32; ioData: AudioBufferListPtr ): OSStatus;
1176 {!
1177 	@typedef		AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc
1178 	@discussion		This is the prototype for a function callback Proc that is registered with an
1179 					audio unit to notify the caller of any changes to a value of an audio unit
1180 					property. See AudioUnitAddPropertyListener
1182 	@param			inRefCon
1183 					The client data that is provided with the add property listener registration
1184 	@param			inUnit
1185 					The audio unit upon which the specified property value has changed
1186 	@param			inID
1187 					The property whose value has changed
1188 	@param			inScope
1189 					The scope of the property whose value has changed
1190 	@param			inElement
1191 					The element ID on the scope of the property whose value has changed
1192 }
1193 type
1194 	AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc = procedure( inRefCon: UnivPtr; inUnit: AudioUnit; inID: AudioUnitPropertyID; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement );
1196 {!
1197 	@typedef		AUInputSamplesInOutputCallback
1198 	@discussion		This is the prototype for a function callback Proc that is registered with an
1199 					audio unit to notify the caller of for the user of a varispeed or AUTimePitch
1200 					audio unit where it is not clear what input sample is represented in the
1201 					rendered output samples.
1203 	@param			inRefCon
1204 					The client data that is provided with the add property listener registration
1205 	@param			inOutputTimeStamp
1206 					The time stamp that corresponds to the first sample of audio data produced in
1207 					AudioUnitRender (its output data)
1208 	@param			inInputSample
1209 					The sample number of the input that is represented in the first sample of that
1210 					output time stamp
1211 	@param			inNumberInputSamples
1212 					The number of input samples that are represented in an output buffer
1213 }
1214 type
1215 	AUInputSamplesInOutputCallback = procedure( inRefCon: UnivPtr; const (*var*) inOutputTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; inInputSample: Float64; inNumberInputSamples: Float64 );
1217 {!
1218 	@constant kAudioComponentRegistrationsChangedNotification
1219 	@abstract Notification generated when the set of available AudioComponents changes.
1220 	@discussion
1221 		Register for this notification name with [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] or
1222 		CFNotificationCenterGetLocalCenter(), using an object of NULL.
1223 }
1224 var kAudioComponentRegistrationsChangedNotification: CFStringRef; external name '_kAudioComponentRegistrationsChangedNotification'; (* attribute const *)
1225 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11), ios(7.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1227 {!
1228 	@constant kAudioComponentInstanceInvalidationNotification
1229 	@abstract Notification generated when an audio unit extension process exits abnormally.
1230 	@discussion
1231 		Register for this notification name with [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] or
1232 		CFNotificationCenterGetLocalCenter(). The "object" refers to an AUAudioUnit instance to
1233 		be observed, or can be nil to observe all instances. The notification's userInfo
1234 		dictionary contains a key, "audioUnit", an NSValue whose pointerValue is the
1235 		AudioUnit or AudioComponentInstance which is wrapping the AUAudioUnit communicating with the
1236 		extension process. (This may be null if there is no such component instance.) For example:
1238 	[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:(NSString *)kAudioComponentInstanceInvalidationNotification object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) (
1239 		AUAudioUnit *auAudioUnit = (AUAudioUnit *)note.object;
1240 		NSValue *val = note.userInfo[@"audioUnit"];
1241 		AudioUnit audioUnit = (AudioUnit)val.pointerValue;
1242 		NSLog(@"Received kAudioComponentInstanceInvalidationNotification: auAudioUnit %@, audioUnit %p", auAudioUnit, audioUnit);
1243 	)];
1244 }
1245 var kAudioComponentInstanceInvalidationNotification: CFStringRef; external name '_kAudioComponentInstanceInvalidationNotification'; (* attribute const *)
1246 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.11), ios(9.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1249 //================================================================================================
1250 //#pragma mark -
1251 //#pragma mark Functions
1253 {!
1254 	@function		AudioUnitInitialize
1255 	@abstract		initialize an audio unit
1256 	@discussion		Upon success, the audio unit has been successfully initialized. This means
1257 					that the formats for input and output are valid and can be supported and it
1258 					has based its allocations on the max number of frames that it is able to
1259 					render at any given time. Once initialized, it is in a state where it can be
1260 					asked to render.
1262 					In common practice, major state of an audio unit (such as its I/O formats,
1263 					memory allocations) cannot be changed while an audio unit is initialized.
1265 	@param			inUnit
1266 					The audio unit to initialize
1267 	@result			noErr, or an error representing the reasons why the audio unit was not able
1268 					to be initialized successfully
1269 }
AudioUnitInitializenull1270 function AudioUnitInitialize( inUnit: AudioUnit ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitInitialize';
1271 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1273 {!
1274 	@function		AudioUnitUninitialize
1275 	@abstract		uninitialize an audio unit
1276 	@discussion		Once an audio unit has been initialized, to change its state in response to
1277 					some kind of environmental change, the audio unit should be uninitialized.
1278 					This will have the effect of the audio unit de-allocating its resources.
1279 					The caller can then reconfigure the audio unit to match the new environment
1280 					(for instance, the sample rate to process audio is different than it was) and
1281 					then re-initialize the audio unit when those changes have been applied.
1283 	@param			inUnit
1284 					The audio unit to uninitialize
1285 	@result			noErr, or an error representing the reasons why the audio unit was not able
1286 					to be initialized successfully. Typically this call won't return an error
1287 					unless the audio unit in question is no longer valid.
1288 }
AudioUnitUninitializenull1289 function AudioUnitUninitialize( inUnit: AudioUnit ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitUninitialize';
1290 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1293 {!
1294 	@function		AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo
1295 	@abstract		retrieves information about a specified property
1296 	@discussion		The API can be used to retrieve both the size of the property, and whether it
1297 					is writable or not. In order to get a general answer on the capability of an
1298 					audio unit, this function should be called before the audio unit
1299 					is initialized (as some properties are writable when the audio unit is
1300 					initialized, and others not)
1302 	@param			inUnit
1303 					the audio unit
1304 	@param			inID
1305 					the property identifier
1306 	@param			inScope
1307 					the scope of the property
1308 	@param			inElement
1309 					the element of the scope
1310 	@param			outDataSize
1311 					if not null, then will retrieve the maximum size for the property. if null,
1312 					then it is ignored
1313 	@param			outWritable
1314 					if not null, then will retrieve whether the property can be written or not.
1315 					if null, then it is ignored
1317 	@result			noErr, or various audio unit errors related to properties
1318 }
AudioUnitGetPropertyInfonull1319 function AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo( inUnit: AudioUnit; inID: AudioUnitPropertyID; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement; outDataSize: UInt32Ptr; outWritable: BooleanPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo';
1320 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1322 {!
1323 	@function		AudioUnitGetProperty
1324 	@abstract		retrieves the value of a specified property
1325 	@discussion		The API can is used to retrieve the value of the property. Property values for
1326 					audio units are always passed by reference
1328 	@param			inUnit
1329 					the audio unit
1330 	@param			inID
1331 					the property identifier
1332 	@param			inScope
1333 					the scope of the property
1334 	@param			inElement
1335 					the element of the scope
1336 	@param			outData
1337 					used to retrieve the value of the property. It should point to memory at least
1338 					as large as the value described by ioDataSize
1339 	@param			ioDataSize
1340 					on input contains the size of the data pointed to by outData, on output, the
1341 					size of the data that was returned.
1343 	@result			noErr, or various audio unit errors related to properties
1344 }
AudioUnitGetPropertynull1345 function AudioUnitGetProperty( inUnit: AudioUnit; inID: AudioUnitPropertyID; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement; outData: UnivPtr; var ioDataSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitGetProperty';
1346 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1348 {!
1349 	@function		AudioUnitSetProperty
1350 	@abstract		sets the value of a specified property
1351 	@discussion		The API can is used to set the value of the property. Property values for
1352 					audio units are always passed by reference
1354 	@param			inUnit
1355 					the audio unit
1356 	@param			inID
1357 					the property identifier
1358 	@param			inScope
1359 					the scope of the property
1360 	@param			inElement
1361 					the element of the scope
1362 	@param			inData
1363 					if not null, then is the new value for the property that will be set. If null,
1364 					then inDataSize should be zero, and the call is then used to remove a
1365 					previously set value for a property. This removal is only valid for
1366 					some properties, as most properties will always have a default value if not
1367 					set.
1368 	@param			inDataSize
1369 					the size of the data being provided in inData
1371 	@result			noErr, or various audio unit errors related to properties
1372 }
AudioUnitSetPropertynull1373 function AudioUnitSetProperty( inUnit: AudioUnit; inID: AudioUnitPropertyID; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement; inData: {const} UnivPtr; inDataSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitSetProperty';
1374 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1376 {!
1377 	@function		AudioUnitAddPropertyListener
1378 	@abstract		registration call to receive notifications for when a property changes
1379 	@discussion		When an audio unit property value changes, a notification callback can be
1380 					called by the audio unit to  inform interested parties that this event has
1381 					occurred. The notification is defined by the tuple of inProc and
1382 					inProcUserData as paired to the specified property ID, so the previously
1383 					defined AudioUnitRemovePropertyListener is deprecated because it didn't allow
1384 					for the provision of the inProcUserData to remove a given listener (so,
1385 					you should use AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserData).
1387 	@param			inUnit
1388 					the audio unit
1389 	@param			inID
1390 					the property identifier
1391 	@param			inProc
1392 					the procedure to call when the property changes (on any scope or element)
1393 	@param			inProcUserData
1394 					the user data to provide with the callback
1396 	@result			noErr, or various audio unit errors related to properties
1397 }
AudioUnitAddPropertyListenernull1398 function AudioUnitAddPropertyListener( inUnit: AudioUnit; inID: AudioUnitPropertyID; inProc: AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc; inProcUserData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitAddPropertyListener';
1399 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1401 {!
1402 	@function		AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserData
1403 	@abstract		remove a previously registered property listener
1404 	@discussion		Removes a previously registered property listener as specified by the inProc
1405 					and inProcUser data as paired to the property identifier
1407 	@param			inUnit
1408 					the audio unit
1409 	@param			inID
1410 					the property identifier
1411 	@param			inProc
1412 					the procedure previously registered
1413 	@param			inProcUserData
1414 					the user data paired with the provided inProc
1416 	@result			noErr, or various audio unit errors related to properties
1417 }
AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserDatanull1418 function AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserData( inUnit: AudioUnit; inID: AudioUnitPropertyID; inProc: AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc; inProcUserData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserData';
1419 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1421 {!
1422 	@function		AudioUnitAddRenderNotify
1423 	@abstract		a notification callback to call when an audio unit is asked to render
1424 	@discussion		allows an application to register a callback with an audio unit for whenever
1425 					the audio unit is asked to render. The callback is called both before the
1426 					audio unit performs its render operations (the render flag's pre-render bit
1427 					is set) and after the audio unit has completed its render operations (the
1428 					render flag's post-render bit is set). On post-render, the audio buffer list
1429 					(ioData) will contain valid audio data that was rendered by the audio unit.
1431 					The inProc and inProcUserData are treated as a tuple entity, so when wanting
1432 					to remove one, both the inProc and its inProcUserData must be specified
1434 	@param			inUnit
1435 					the audio unit
1436 	@param			inProc
1437 					an AURenderCallback proc
1438 	@param			inProcUserData
1439 					the user data that will be provided with the proc when it is called
1441 	@result			noErr, or an audio unit error code
1442 }
AudioUnitAddRenderNotifynull1443 function AudioUnitAddRenderNotify( inUnit: AudioUnit; inProc: AURenderCallback; inProcUserData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitAddRenderNotify';
1444 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1446 {!
1447 	@function		AudioUnitRemoveRenderNotify
1448 	@abstract		remove a previously registered render notification proc
1450 	@param			inUnit
1451 					the audio unit
1452 	@param			inProc
1453 					an AURenderCallback proc
1454 	@param			inProcUserData
1455 					the user data that was provided with the proc when it was previously
1456 					registered
1458 	@result			noErr, or an audio unit error code
1459 }
AudioUnitRemoveRenderNotifynull1460 function AudioUnitRemoveRenderNotify( inUnit: AudioUnit; inProc: AURenderCallback; inProcUserData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitRemoveRenderNotify';
1461 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1463 {!
1464 	@function		AudioUnitGetParameter
1465 	@abstract		Get the value of a parameter
1466 	@discussion		Get the value of a parameter as specified by its ID, scope and element.
1468 	@param			inUnit
1469 					the audio unit
1470 	@param			inID
1471 					the parameter ID
1472 	@param			inScope
1473 					the scope for the parameter
1474 	@param			inElement
1475 					the element on the scope for the parameter
1476 	@param			outValue
1477 					Must be non-null, and upon success will contain the current value for the
1478 					specified parameter
1480 	@result			noErr, or an audio unit error code (such as InvalidParameter)
1481 }
AudioUnitGetParameternull1482 function AudioUnitGetParameter( inUnit: AudioUnit; inID: AudioUnitParameterID; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement; var outValue: AudioUnitParameterValue ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitGetParameter';
1483 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1485 {!
1486 	@function		AudioUnitSetParameter
1487 	@abstract		Set the value of a parameter
1488 	@discussion		Set the value of a parameter as specified by its ID, scope and element.
1489 					Parameter IDs are consistent across all of the elements in a scope - so for a
1490 					mixer, the "input volume" parameter can be applied on any input, and the
1491 					particular input is specified by the elementID.
1493 	@param			inUnit
1494 					the audio unit
1495 	@param			inID
1496 					the parameter ID
1497 	@param			inScope
1498 					the scope for the parameter
1499 	@param			inElement
1500 					the element on the scope for the parameter
1501 	@param			inValue
1502 					the new value for the parameter.
1503 	@param			inBufferOffsetInFrames
1504 					generally should be set to zero - see AudioUnitScheduleParameters
1506 	@result			noErr, or an audio unit error code (such as InvalidParameter)
1507 }
AudioUnitSetParameternull1508 function AudioUnitSetParameter( inUnit: AudioUnit; inID: AudioUnitParameterID; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement; inValue: AudioUnitParameterValue; inBufferOffsetInFrames: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitSetParameter';
1509 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1511 {!
1512 	@function		AudioUnitScheduleParameters
1513 	@abstract		Schedule changes to the value of a parameter
1514 	@discussion		This API is used to schedule intra-buffer changes to the value of a parameter
1515 					(immediate) or to ramp a parameter from a start value to an end value for a
1516 					specified number of samples (ramp)
1518 					The API allows for the scheduling of multiple parameter events with the one
1519 					call. All of the parameter events must apply to the current (and only apply to
1520 					the current) audio unit render call, so the events are scheduled as a part of
1521 					the pre-render notification callback.
1523 					When scheduling an immediate parameter event, the new value at the specified
1524 					sample buffer offset is provided
1526 					When scheduling a ramped parameter, the ramp is scheduled each audio unit
1527 					render for the duration of the ramp. Each schedule of the the new audio unit
1528 					render specifies the progress of the ramp.
1530 					Parameters that can have events scheduled to them will indicate this through
1531 					their parameter info struct
1533 	@param			inUnit
1534 					the audio unit
1535 	@param			inParameterEvent
1536 					a pointer to an array of parameter event structs
1537 	@param			inNumParamEvents
1538 					the number of parameter event structs pointed to by inParameterEvent
1540 	@result			noErr, or an audio unit error code (such as InvalidParameter)
1541 }
AudioUnitScheduleParametersnull1542 function AudioUnitScheduleParameters( inUnit: AudioUnit; const inParameterEvent: AudioUnitParameterEventPtr; inNumParamEvents: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitScheduleParameters';
1543 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1545 {!
1546 	@function		AudioUnitRender
1547 	@abstract		the render operation where ioData will contain the results of the audio unit's
1548 					render operations
1549 	@discussion		an audio unit will render the amount of audio data described by
1550 					inNumberOfFrames and the results of that render will be contained within
1551 					ioData. The caller should provide audio time stamps where at least the sample
1552 					time is valid and it is incrementing sequentially from its previous call
1553 					(so, the next time stamp will be the current time stamp + inNumberFrames)
1554 					If the sample time is not incrementing sequentially, the audio unit will infer
1555 					that there is some discontinuity with the timeline it is rendering for
1557 					The caller must provide a valid ioData AudioBufferList that matches the
1558 					expected topology for the current audio format for the given bus. The buffer
1559 					list can be of two variants:
1560 					(1) If the mData pointers are non-null then the audio unit will render its
1561 					output into those buffers. These buffers should be aligned to 16 byte
1562 					boundaries (which is normally what malloc will return).
1563 					(2) If the mData pointers are null, then the audio unit can provide pointers
1564 					to its own buffers. In this case the audio unit is required to keep those
1565 					buffers valid for the duration of the calling thread's I/O cycle
1567 	@param			inUnit
1568 					the audio unit
1569 	@param			ioActionFlags
1570 					any appropriate action flags for the render operation
1571 	@param			inTimeStamp
1572 					the time stamp that applies to this particular render operation. when
1573 					rendering for multiple output buses the time stamp will generally be the same
1574 					for each output bus, so the audio unit is able to determine without doubt that
1575 					this the same render operation
1576 	@param			inOutputBusNumber
1577 					the output bus to render for
1578 	@param			inNumberFrames
1579 					the number of sample frames to render
1580 	@param			ioData
1581 					the audio buffer list that the audio unit is to render into.
1583 	@result			noErr, or an audio unit render error
1584 }
AudioUnitRendernull1585 function AudioUnitRender( inUnit: AudioUnit; ioActionFlags: AudioUnitRenderActionFlagsPtr; const (*var*) inTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; inOutputBusNumber: UInt32; inNumberFrames: UInt32; ioData: AudioBufferListPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitRender';
1586 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1588 {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC}
AudioUnitProcessnull1589 function AudioUnitProcess( inUnit: AudioUnit; ioActionFlags: AudioUnitRenderActionFlagsPtr; const (*var*) inTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; inNumberFrames: UInt32; var ioData: AudioBufferList ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitProcess';
1590 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(6.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
AudioUnitProcessMultiplenull1592 function AudioUnitProcessMultiple( inUnit: AudioUnit; ioActionFlags: AudioUnitRenderActionFlagsPtr; const (*var*) inTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; inNumberFrames: UInt32; inNumberInputBufferLists: UInt32; {const} inInputBufferLists: AudioBufferListPtrPtr; inNumberOutputBufferLists: UInt32; ioOutputBufferLists: AudioBufferListPtrPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitProcessMultiple';
1593 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(6.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1594 {$endc} {TARGET_OS_MAC}
1596 {!
1597 	@function		AudioUnitReset
1598 	@abstract		reset an audio unit's render state
1599 	@discussion		This call will clear any render state of an audio unit. For instance, with a
1600 					delay or reverb type of audio unit reset will clear any of the delay lines
1601 					maintained within the audio unit. Typically, this call is made when an
1602 					audio unit was previously rendering, and was taken out of the render chain
1603 					(say, the track it is in was muted) and is being added back in (unmuted).
1604 					The host should reset the audio unit before adding it back so that it doesn't
1605 					produce audio from its delay lines that is no longer valid.
1607 					The call should only clear memory, it should NOT allocate or free memory
1608 					resources (this is done in the Initialize calls).
1610 	@param			inUnit
1611 					the audio unit
1612 	@param			inScope
1613 					the scope - typically this is set to GlobalScope
1614 	@param			inElement
1615 					the element - typically this is set to 0
1617 	@result			noErr, or an audio unit error
1618 }
AudioUnitResetnull1619 function AudioUnitReset( inUnit: AudioUnit; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitReset';
1620 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1623 {!
1624     @function       AudioOutputUnitPublish
1626     @abstract       Register an audio output unit as available to be used as an audio unit by
1627                     other applications.
1629     @param          inOutputUnit
1630                         The audio output unit to be published.
1631     @param          inDesc
1632                         The AudioComponentDescription under which to register the application.
1633     @param          inName
1634                         The application or component name.
1635     @result         An OSStatus result code.
1637     @discussion
1638         This allows a publishing application to register its audio (input/)output unit as being able
1639         to be redirected and repurposed as an audio unit effect, generator, music device or music
1640         effect by another host application.
1641 }
AudioOutputUnitPublishnull1642 function AudioOutputUnitPublish( const (*var*) inDesc: AudioComponentDescription; inName: CFStringRef; inVersion: UInt32; inOutputUnit: AudioUnit ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioOutputUnitPublish';
1643 (* API_AVAILABLE(ios(7.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos) *)
1646 {!
1647     @function       AudioComponentGetLastActiveTime
1648     @abstract       Fetches the time at which the application publishing the component was last active.
1649 	@discussion
1650 		Inter-app audio hosts can use this to sort the list of available nodes by how recently
1651 		the user interacted with them.
1653     @param          inComponent
1654                         The AudioComponent being queried.
1655     @result         The CFAbsoluteTime at which the node was last active (0 if never).
1656 }
AudioComponentGetLastActiveTimenull1657 function AudioComponentGetLastActiveTime( comp: AudioComponent ): CFAbsoluteTime; external name '_AudioComponentGetLastActiveTime';
1658 (* API_AVAILABLE(ios(7.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos) *)
1662 {!
1663 	@function		AudioUnitExtensionSetComponentList
1664 	@abstract		Allows the implementor of an audio unit extension to dynamically modify the
1665 					list of component registrations for the extension.
1666 	@param			extensionIdentifier
1667 						The bundle ID of the audio unit extension.
1668 	@param			audioComponentInfo
1669 						An array of dictionaries, one for each component, in the same format as
1670 						described in AudioComponent.h for the Info.plist key "AudioComponents".
1671     @result         An OSStatus result code.
1672 	@discussion
1673 					Note that the bundle ID of the process calling this API must prefix (or match)
1674 					the provided extension identifier.
1675 }
AudioUnitExtensionSetComponentListnull1676 function AudioUnitExtensionSetComponentList(extensionIdentifier: CFStringRef; audioComponentInfo: CFArrayRef {__nullable}): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitExtensionSetComponentList';
1677 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.13), ios(11.0)) __TVOS_PROHIBITED __WATCHOS_PROHIBITED *)
1679 {!
1680 	@function		AudioUnitExtensionCopyComponentList
1681 	@abstract		Returns the component registrations for a given audio unit extension.
1682 	@param			extensionIdentifier
1683 						The bundle ID of the audio unit extension.
1684 	@result			An array of dictionaries, one for each component, in the same format as
1685 					described in AudioComponent.h for the Info.plist key "AudioComponents".
1686 					The caller should release this value when done with it.
1687 }
AudioUnitExtensionCopyComponentListnull1688 function AudioUnitExtensionCopyComponentList(extensionIdentifier: CFStringRef): CFArrayRef {__nullable}; external name '_AudioUnitExtensionCopyComponentList';
1689 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.13), ios(11.0)) __TVOS_PROHIBITED __WATCHOS_PROHIBITED *)
1690 {$endc} {TARGET_CPU_64 or TARGET_OS_IPHONE}
1693 {!
1694 	@enum			AudioUnitRange
1695 	@discussion		the range of selectors that are used to dispatch through to the various audio
1696 					unit API
1698 	@constant		kAudioUnitRange
1699 	@constant		kAudioUnitInitializeSelect
1700 	@constant		kAudioUnitUninitializeSelect
1701 	@constant		kAudioUnitGetPropertyInfoSelect
1702 	@constant		kAudioUnitGetPropertySelect
1703 	@constant		kAudioUnitSetPropertySelect
1704 	@constant		kAudioUnitAddPropertyListenerSelect
1705 	@constant		kAudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerSelect
1706 	@constant		kAudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserDataSelect
1707 	@constant		kAudioUnitAddRenderNotifySelect
1708 	@constant		kAudioUnitRemoveRenderNotifySelect
1709 	@constant		kAudioUnitGetParameterSelect
1710 	@constant		kAudioUnitSetParameterSelect
1711 	@constant		kAudioUnitScheduleParametersSelect
1712 	@constant		kAudioUnitRenderSelect
1713 	@constant		kAudioUnitResetSelect
1714 	@constant		kAudioUnitComplexRenderSelect
1715 	@constant		kAudioUnitProcessSelect
1716 	@constant		kAudioUnitProcessMultipleSelect
1717 }
1718 const
1719 	kAudioUnitRange = $0000; 	// range of selectors for audio units
1720 	kAudioUnitInitializeSelect = $0001;
1721 	kAudioUnitUninitializeSelect = $0002;
1722 	kAudioUnitGetPropertyInfoSelect = $0003;
1723 	kAudioUnitGetPropertySelect = $0004;
1724 	kAudioUnitSetPropertySelect = $0005;
1725 	kAudioUnitAddPropertyListenerSelect = $000A;
1726 	kAudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerSelect = $000B;
1727 	kAudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserDataSelect = $0012;
1728 	kAudioUnitAddRenderNotifySelect = $000F;
1729 	kAudioUnitRemoveRenderNotifySelect = $0010;
1730 	kAudioUnitGetParameterSelect = $0006;
1731 	kAudioUnitSetParameterSelect = $0007;
1732 	kAudioUnitScheduleParametersSelect = $0011;
1733 	kAudioUnitRenderSelect = $000E;
1734 	kAudioUnitResetSelect = $0009;
1735 	kAudioUnitComplexRenderSelect = $0013;
1736 	kAudioUnitProcessSelect = $0014;
1737 	kAudioUnitProcessMultipleSelect = $0015;
1739 //================================================================================================
1740 //#pragma mark -
prototypesnull1741 //#pragma mark Dispatch function prototypes
1743 type
1744 	AudioUnitInitializeProc = function( self: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
1746 type
selfnull1747 	AudioUnitUninitializeProc = function( self: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
1749 type
selfnull1750 	AudioUnitGetPropertyInfoProc = function( self: UnivPtr; prop: AudioUnitPropertyID; scope: AudioUnitScope; elem: AudioUnitElement; outDataSize: UInt32Ptr; outWritable: BooleanPtr ): OSStatus;
1752 type
selfnull1753 	AudioUnitGetPropertyProc = function( self: UnivPtr; inID: AudioUnitPropertyID; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement; outData: UnivPtr; var ioDataSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus;
1755 type
selfnull1756 	AudioUnitSetPropertyProc = function( self: UnivPtr; inID: AudioUnitPropertyID; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement; inData: {const} UnivPtr; inDataSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus;
1758 type
selfnull1759 	AudioUnitAddPropertyListenerProc = function( self: UnivPtr; prop: AudioUnitPropertyID; proc: AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc; userData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
1761 type
selfnull1762 	AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerProc = function( self: UnivPtr; prop: AudioUnitPropertyID; proc: AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc ): OSStatus;
1764 type
selfnull1765 	AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserDataProc = function( self: UnivPtr; prop: AudioUnitPropertyID; proc: AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc; userData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
1767 type
selfnull1768 	AudioUnitAddRenderNotifyProc = function( self: UnivPtr; proc: AURenderCallback; userData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
1770 type
selfnull1771 	AudioUnitRemoveRenderNotifyProc = function( self: UnivPtr; proc: AURenderCallback; userData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
1773 type
selfnull1774 	AudioUnitScheduleParametersProc = function( self: UnivPtr; const (*var*) events: AudioUnitParameterEvent; numEvents: UInt32 ): OSStatus;
1776 type
selfnull1777 	AudioUnitResetProc = function( self: UnivPtr; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement ): OSStatus;
1779 type
selfnull1780 	AudioUnitComplexRenderProc = function( self: UnivPtr; ioActionFlags: AudioUnitRenderActionFlagsPtr; const (*var*) inTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; inOutputBusNumber: UInt32; inNumberOfPackets: UInt32; var outNumberOfPackets: UInt32; var outPacketDescriptions: AudioStreamPacketDescription; var ioData: AudioBufferList; outMetadata: UnivPtr; var outMetadataByteSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus;
1782 type
selfnull1783 	AudioUnitProcessProc = function( self: UnivPtr; ioActionFlags: AudioUnitRenderActionFlagsPtr; const (*var*) inTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; inNumberFrames: UInt32; var ioData: AudioBufferList ): OSStatus;
1785 type
selfnull1786 	AudioUnitProcessMultipleProc = function( self: UnivPtr; ioActionFlags: AudioUnitRenderActionFlagsPtr; const (*var*) inTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; inNumberFrames: UInt32; inNumberInputBufferLists: UInt32; {const} inInputBufferLists: AudioBufferListPtrPtr; inNumberOutputBufferLists: UInt32; ioOutputBufferLists: AudioBufferListPtrPtr ): OSStatus;
1789 {!
1790 	@typedef		AudioUnitGetParameterProc
1791 	@discussion		This proc can be exported through the FastDispatch property or is used as the prototype for
1792 					an audio component dispatch for this selector.
1794 					The arguments are the same as are provided to the corresponding API call
1796 	@param			inComponentStorage
1797 					For a component manager component, this is the component instance storage
1798 					pointer
1799 	@param			inID
1800 	@param			inScope
1801 	@param			inElement
1802 	@param			outValue
1803 }
1804 type
inComponentStoragenull1805 	AudioUnitGetParameterProc = function( inComponentStorage: UnivPtr; inID: AudioUnitParameterID; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement; var outValue: AudioUnitParameterValue ): OSStatus;
1807 {!
1808 	@typedef		AudioUnitSetParameterProc
1809 	@discussion		This proc can be exported through the FastDispatch property or is used as the prototype for
1810 					an audio component dispatch for this selector.
1812 					The arguments are the same as are provided to the corresponding API call
1814 	@param			inComponentStorage
1815 					For a component manager component, this is the component instance storage
1816 					pointer
1817 	@param			inID
1818 	@param			inScope
1819 	@param			inElement
1820 	@param			inValue
1821 	@param			inBufferOffsetInFrames
1822 }
1823 type
inComponentStoragenull1824 	AudioUnitSetParameterProc = function( inComponentStorage: UnivPtr; inID: AudioUnitParameterID; inScope: AudioUnitScope; inElement: AudioUnitElement; inValue: AudioUnitParameterValue; inBufferOffsetInFrames: UInt32 ): OSStatus;
1826 {!
1827 	@typedef		AudioUnitRenderProc
1828 	@discussion		This proc can be exported through the FastDispatch property or is used as the prototype for
1829 					an audio component dispatch for this selector.
1831 					The arguments are the same as are provided to the corresponding API call
1833 	@param			inComponentStorage
1834 					For a component manager component, this is the component instance storage
1835 					pointer
1836 	@param			ioActionFlags
1837 	@param			inTimeStamp
1838 	@param			inOutputBusNumber
1839 	@param			inNumberFrames
1840 	@param			ioData
1841 }
1842 type
inComponentStoragenull1843 	AudioUnitRenderProc = function( inComponentStorage: UnivPtr; ioActionFlags: AudioUnitRenderActionFlagsPtr; const (*var*) inTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; inOutputBusNumber: UInt32; inNumberFrames: UInt32; var ioData: AudioBufferList ): OSStatus;
1846 //=====================================================================================================================
1847 //#pragma mark -
1848 //#pragma mark Deprecated
1849 {!
1850 	@enum			deprecated - Audio unit errors
1851 	@discussion		These are the various errors that can be returned by AudioUnit... API calls
1853 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_IllegalInstrument
1854 					Apple's DLS synth returns this error if information about a particular
1855 					instrument patch is requested, but is not valid.
1856 	@constant		kAudioUnitErr_InstrumentTypeNotFound
1857 					Apple's DLS synth returns this error if information about a particular
1858 					instrument patch is requested, but is not valid.
1859 }
1860 const
1861 	kAudioUnitErr_IllegalInstrument = -10873;
1862 	kAudioUnitErr_InstrumentTypeNotFound = -10872;
1864 //#if !__LP64__ && !TARGET_OS_IPHONE
1865 {$ifc not TARGET_CPU_64 and not TARGET_OS_IPHONE}
1866 // this call is deprecated and replaced by AudioUnitRemovePropertyListenerWithUserData
pointernull1867 // this allows apps to use the same function pointer more than once
1868 // you provide the same function ptr and user data as provided when you add a property listener
1869 function AudioUnitRemovePropertyListener( inUnit: AudioUnit; inID: AudioUnitPropertyID; inProc: AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioUnitRemovePropertyListener';
1871 //#endif
1872 {$endc}
1874 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
1876 end.
1877 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}