4 #ifdef __cplusplus
5 	extern "C" {
6 	#define _AWTL_DEFAULTPARM(v) = (v)
7 #else /* ! __cplusplus */
8 	#define _AWTL_DEFAULTPARM(v)
9 #endif /* ? __cplusplus */
11 #ifdef _MSC_VER
12 	#define _AWTL_VARARG __cdecl
13 #else
14 	#define _AWTL_VARARG
15 #endif
17 #include "aw.h"
19 /******************************/
20 /* return codes & error codes */
21 /******************************/
23 typedef
24 enum AwTlErc
25 {
26 	/* General Errors */
27 	  AW_TLE_OK /* apparent success */
28 	, AW_TLE_DXERROR /* unexpected DirectX error - see awTlLastDxErr */
29 	, AW_TLE_BADPARMS /* parameters passed to function were invalid, or requested unsupported functionality */
30 	, AW_TLE_NOINIT /* initialization functions have not been successfully called */
31 	/* File reading errors */
32 	, AW_TLE_CANTOPENFILE /* file open failed - see awTlLastWinErr for the Windows error code */
33 	, AW_TLE_CANTREADFILE /* unexpected error reading file - see awTlLastWinErr for the Windows error code */
34 	, AW_TLE_EOFMET /* unexpected end of file encountered */
35 	, AW_TLE_BADFILEFORMAT /* file format identifier not recognized */
36 	, AW_TLE_BADFILEDATA /* file data not consistent */
37 	/* Conversion errors */
38 	, AW_TLE_CANTPALETTIZE /* texture format is palettized; file data is not */
39 	, AW_TLE_IMAGETOOLARGE /* image size is larger in one or both dimensions than maximum texture size */
40 	, AW_TLE_CANTRELOAD /* loading a new texture into an existing surface failed because the existing surface is an unsuitable size, etc. */
41 }
42 	AW_TL_ERC;
45 /*********/
46 /* Flags */
47 /*********/
49 enum
50 {
51 	  AW_TLF_DEFAULT     = 0x00000000U /* no flags set */
52 	, AW_TLF_TRANSP      = 0x00000001U /* src data has transparency */
53 	, AW_TLF_PREVSRC     = 0x00000002U /* in AwRestoreTexture, use previously stored source data flags (AW_TLF_TRANSP only) */
54 	, AW_TLF_COMPRESS    = 0x00000004U /* use ALLOCONLOAD flag */
55 	, AW_TLF_CHROMAKEY   = 0x00000008U /* use chroma keying for transparency when the texture format has an alpha channel */
56 	, AW_TLF_VIDMEM      = 0x00000010U /* use Video memory for surfaces which are not textures */
57 	, AW_TLF_PREVSRCALL  = 0x00000020U /* in AwRestoreTexture, use ALL previously stored flags, except AW_TLF_CHECKLOST and AW_TLF_SKIPNOTLOST */
58 	, AW_TLF_TEXTURE     = 0x00000040U /* in AwCreateSurface, create a surface in the texture format with the texture flag set */
59 	, AW_TLF_MINSIZE     = 0x00000080U /* with the 'a' option, ensure all surfaces/textures created are at least as big as the rectangle specified even if the rect is partially off the image */
60 	, AW_TLF_CHECKLOST   = 0x00000100U /* checks for lost surfaces and calls restore on them */
61 	, AW_TLF_SKIPNOTLOST = 0x00000200U /* if the above flag also is specified, does not bother trying to restore surfaces which weren't lost */
63 	, _AW_TLF_FORCE32BITENUM = 0x0fffffffU /* probably entirely unnecessary */
64 };
66 /* SBF - alt_tab junk */
67 #define ATIncludeSurfaceDb(p, d, s) fprintf(stderr, "ATIncludeSurfaceDb: %s/%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, s)
68 #define ATIncludeTextureDb(p, d, s) fprintf(stderr, "ATIncludeTextureDb: %s/%d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, s)
69 void ATIncludeSurface(DDSurface * pSurface, AW_BACKUPTEXTUREHANDLE hBackup);
70 void ATRemoveSurface(DDSurface * pSurface);
71 void ATRemoveTexture(D3DTexture * pTexture);
74 extern AW_TL_ERC awTlLastErr;
76 extern D3DTexture * AwCreateTexture(char const * _argFormatS, ...);
77 extern DDSurface * AwCreateSurface(char const * _argFormatS, ...);
79 extern AW_TL_ERC AwDestroyBackupTexture(AW_BACKUPTEXTUREHANDLE _bH);
82 typedef int (* AW_TL_PFN_CALLBACK) (void *);
84 /* Structure for receiving specific regions of an image in a surface or texture.
85  * A pointer to an array of thise structures is passed to the AwCreate...
86  * functions if the 'a' format specifier is used. The fields 'left', 'right',
87  * 'top' and 'bottom' specify the rectangle to cut out of the image being loaded
88  * and must be valid. In AwCreateSurface, the 'pSurface' field is used and is a
89  * pointer to the Direct Draw surface created; in AwCreateTexture, the
90  * 'pTexture' field is used and is a pointer to the Direct 3D texture created.
91  * If an error occurs all the pointers in the array will be set to NULL. The
92  * 'width' and 'height' fields will be filled in with the width and height of
93  * the surface or texture that is created. If the rectangle specified is
94  * completely outsided the main image, the width and height will be set to zero,
95  * and the pointer field will be set to NULL, but this does not constitute an
96  * error. If the 't' option is used, the pointer fields are assumed to be valid
97  * textures or surfaces into which to load the new textures or surfaces. If the
98  * pointer is NULL, the structure is ignored. The pointers will remain unchanged
99  * even in the event of an error or a rectangle specified outside the main
100  * image, though the width and height will still be set to zero.
101  */
102 struct AwCreateGraphicRegion
103 {
104 	unsigned left, top, right, bottom; /* rectangle to cut from the original image */
105 	unsigned width, height; /* width and height of the resulting surface or texture */
106 #if 0
107 	union /* DDSurface or D3DTexture pointer depending on the context used */
108 	{
109 		DDSurface * pSurface; /* Direct Draw Surface object pointer */
110 		D3DTexture * pTexture; /* Direct 3D Texture object pointer */
111 	};
112 #endif
113 };
115 /* typedef to save typing 'struct' when not using C++ */
116 typedef struct AwCreateGraphicRegion AW_CREATEGRAPHICREGION;
118 extern char const * AwTlErrorToString(AW_TL_ERC _AWTL_DEFAULTPARM(awTlLastErr));
120 #if 0
122 #include <windows.h>
123 #include <d3d.h>
125 /*********************************************/
126 /* Note:                                     */
127 /*                                           */
128 /* This header file contains typedefs for    */
129 /*  DDObject                                 */
130 /*  D3DDevice                                */
131 /*  D3DTexture                               */
132 /*  D3DSurface                               */
133 /* and #defines for their corresponding IIDs */
134 /*  GUID_DD_SURFACE                          */
135 /*  GUID_D3D_TEXTURE                         */
136 /*                                           */
137 /* They are currently typedeffed as follows  */
138 /*  typedef IDirectDraw2        DDObject;    */
139 /*  typedef IDirect3DDevice     D3DDevice;   */
140 /*  typedef IDirect3DTexture    D3DTexture;  */
141 /*  typedef IDirect3DSurface    DDSurface;   */
142 /*********************************************/
143 #include "aw.h"
145 /***********************************************************************************/
146 /* awTexLd.h - Author: Jake Hotson                                                 */
147 /*                                                                                 */
148 /* Loading of textures into D3D surfaces                                           */
149 /*	requires DirectX 5 or later                                                    */
150 /*	requires db.c and db.h                                                         */
151 /*	also requires                                                                  */
152 /*		Watcom C++ 11.0 or later                                                   */
153 /*		or Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 or later                                       */
154 /*		or another suitable compiler                                               */
155 /*                                                                                 */
156 /* 	Load any known file format                                                     */
157 /* 		Microsoft bitmap (.BMP)                                                    */
158 /* 		OS/2 1.x bitmap (.BMP)                                                     */
159 /* 		OS/2 2.x bitmap (.BMP)                                                     */
160 /* 		Portable Bitmap (.PBM)                                                     */
161 /* 		Portable Graymap (.PGM)                                                    */
162 /* 		Portable Pixelmap (.PPM)                                                   */
163 /* 	                                                                               */
164 /* 	Load from various media                                                        */
165 /* 		File name                                                                  */
166 /* 		Windows file handle                                                        */
167 /* 		Raw file data in memory                                                    */
168 /* 	                                                                               */
169 /* 	Load into any given texture format provided a conversion is possible           */
170 /* 		Pad to the required size that the driver will accept                       */
171 /*                                                                                 */
172 /* 	Optional handling of transparency                                              */
173 /* 		Use alpha bits if available                                                */
174 /* 		Otherwise chroma keying to be used                                         */
175 /* 		Transparency colour is RGB(0,0,0) for non palettized data                  */
176 /* 		Or index 0 in palettized data                                              */
177 /* 		                                                                           */
178 /* 	Optional storing of processed raw data                                         */
179 /* 		Use internal format independent of DirectX                                 */
180 /* 		Function to reload from this data into a possibly different texture format */
181 /* 		                                                                           */
182 /* 	Five optional levels of diagnostics possible                                   */
183 /*		1. Logs when a function returns because of an error                        */
184 /*		2. Logs the nature of the error                                            */
185 /*		3. Logs immediately when an error occurs                                   */
186 /*		4. Logs information as data is parsed, and when main functions are called  */
187 /*		5. Logs success of every small subsection of code                          */
188 /* 	                                                                               */
189 /* 	Maximum error reporting                                                        */
190 /*                                                                                 */
191 /* 	Optimal Loading Speed                                                          */
192 /***********************************************************************************/
194 /* Version 2.1 */
195 #define AW_TL_VERSION 210 /* Preprocessor constant can be used to determine the version of this code */
197 /*
198 Version History:
199 ----------------
200 version AW_TL_VERSION
201 0.9     090           Incomplete & May still contain bugs
202 0.91    091           AW_TLF_CHROMAKEY flag, and 't' option supported. Fewer bugs
203 0.92    092           Slightly more debug code
204 0.93    093           Using typedefs DDObject, D3DDevice, D3DTexture
205 1.0     100           Assumed to be bug-free
206 1.1     110           Internal redesign with interface to support any file format
207 1.2     120           Allow for loading into Direct Draw surfaces which are not textures
208 1.21    121           Two extra format flags to get width and height of actual image (as opposed to DD/D3D surface)
209 1.22    122           Split up the initialization function AwSetD3DDevice() into DD part and D3D part
210 1.3     130           New function: AwGetTextureSize()
211 1.31    131           New format flag for a callback function for when video mem runs out
212 1.4     140           Support for loading image split into several surfaces/textures and for loading surfaces as textures
213 1.5     150           Multiple texture format support
215 2.0     200           Beginning support for DX 6.0 - new AwSet..Format functions take LPDDPIXELFORMAT not LPDDSURFACEDESC
216 2.1     210           AW_TLF_CHECKLOST and AW_TLF_SKIPNOTLOST flags added
217 */
219 /**********************************************/
220 /* Handle C++ linkage and optional parameters */
221 /**********************************************/
223 #ifdef __cplusplus
224 	extern "C" {
225 	#define _AWTL_DEFAULTPARM(v) = (v)
226 #else /* ! __cplusplus */
227 	#define _AWTL_DEFAULTPARM(v)
228 #endif /* ? __cplusplus */
230 #ifdef _MSC_VER
231 	#define _AWTL_VARARG __cdecl
232 #else
233 	#define _AWTL_VARARG
234 #endif
236 /******************************/
237 /* return codes & error codes */
238 /******************************/
240 typedef
241 enum AwTlErc
242 {
243 	/* General Errors */
244 	  AW_TLE_OK /* apparent success */
245 	, AW_TLE_DXERROR /* unexpected DirectX error - see awTlLastDxErr */
246 	, AW_TLE_BADPARMS /* parameters passed to function were invalid, or requested unsupported functionality */
247 	, AW_TLE_NOINIT /* initialization functions have not been successfully called */
248 	/* File reading errors */
249 	, AW_TLE_CANTOPENFILE /* file open failed - see awTlLastWinErr for the Windows error code */
250 	, AW_TLE_CANTREADFILE /* unexpected error reading file - see awTlLastWinErr for the Windows error code */
251 	, AW_TLE_EOFMET /* unexpected end of file encountered */
252 	, AW_TLE_BADFILEFORMAT /* file format identifier not recognized */
253 	, AW_TLE_BADFILEDATA /* file data not consistent */
254 	/* Conversion errors */
255 	, AW_TLE_CANTPALETTIZE /* texture format is palettized; file data is not */
256 	, AW_TLE_IMAGETOOLARGE /* image size is larger in one or both dimensions than maximum texture size */
257 	, AW_TLE_CANTRELOAD /* loading a new texture into an existing surface failed because the existing surface is an unsuitable size, etc. */
258 }
259 	AW_TL_ERC;
261 extern AW_TL_ERC awTlLastErr;
262 extern HRESULT awTlLastDxErr;
263 extern DWORD awTlLastWinErr;
265 #ifdef NDEBUG
266 	#define AwTlErrorToString ThisIsADebugFunction! /* generate compiler error */
267 	#define AwDxErrorToString ThisIsADebugFunction! /* generate compiler error */
268 	#define AwWinErrorToString ThisIsADebugFunction! /* generate compiler error */
269 #else /* ! NDEBUG */
270 	extern char const * AwTlErrorToString(AW_TL_ERC _AWTL_DEFAULTPARM(awTlLastErr));
271 	extern char const * AwDxErrorToString(HRESULT _AWTL_DEFAULTPARM(awTlLastDxErr));
272 	extern char const * AwWinErrorToString(DWORD _AWTL_DEFAULTPARM(awTlLastWinErr));
273 #endif /* ? NDEBUG */
275 /*********/
276 /* Flags */
277 /*********/
279 enum
280 {
281 	  AW_TLF_DEFAULT     = 0x00000000U /* no flags set */
282 	, AW_TLF_TRANSP      = 0x00000001U /* src data has transparency */
283 	, AW_TLF_PREVSRC     = 0x00000002U /* in AwRestoreTexture, use previously stored source data flags (AW_TLF_TRANSP only) */
284 	, AW_TLF_COMPRESS    = 0x00000004U /* use ALLOCONLOAD flag */
285 	, AW_TLF_CHROMAKEY   = 0x00000008U /* use chroma keying for transparency when the texture format has an alpha channel */
286 	, AW_TLF_VIDMEM      = 0x00000010U /* use Video memory for surfaces which are not textures */
287 	, AW_TLF_PREVSRCALL  = 0x00000020U /* in AwRestoreTexture, use ALL previously stored flags, except AW_TLF_CHECKLOST and AW_TLF_SKIPNOTLOST */
288 	, AW_TLF_TEXTURE     = 0x00000040U /* in AwCreateSurface, create a surface in the texture format with the texture flag set */
289 	, AW_TLF_MINSIZE     = 0x00000080U /* with the 'a' option, ensure all surfaces/textures created are at least as big as the rectangle specified even if the rect is partially off the image */
290 	, AW_TLF_CHECKLOST   = 0x00000100U /* checks for lost surfaces and calls restore on them */
291 	, AW_TLF_SKIPNOTLOST = 0x00000200U /* if the above flag also is specified, does not bother trying to restore surfaces which weren't lost */
293 	, _AW_TLF_FORCE32BITENUM = 0x0fffffffU /* probably entirely unnecessary */
294 };
296 /*********/
297 /* Types */
298 /*********/
300 /* a callback function */
301 typedef int (* AW_TL_PFN_CALLBACK) (void *);
303 /* Structure for receiving specific regions of an image in a surface or texture.
304  * A pointer to an array of thise structures is passed to the AwCreate...
305  * functions if the 'a' format specifier is used. The fields 'left', 'right',
306  * 'top' and 'bottom' specify the rectangle to cut out of the image being loaded
307  * and must be valid. In AwCreateSurface, the 'pSurface' field is used and is a
308  * pointer to the Direct Draw surface created; in AwCreateTexture, the
309  * 'pTexture' field is used and is a pointer to the Direct 3D texture created.
310  * If an error occurs all the pointers in the array will be set to NULL. The
311  * 'width' and 'height' fields will be filled in with the width and height of
312  * the surface or texture that is created. If the rectangle specified is
313  * completely outsided the main image, the width and height will be set to zero,
314  * and the pointer field will be set to NULL, but this does not constitute an
315  * error. If the 't' option is used, the pointer fields are assumed to be valid
316  * textures or surfaces into which to load the new textures or surfaces. If the
317  * pointer is NULL, the structure is ignored. The pointers will remain unchanged
318  * even in the event of an error or a rectangle specified outside the main
319  * image, though the width and height will still be set to zero.
320  */
321 struct AwCreateGraphicRegion
322 {
323 	unsigned left, top, right, bottom; /* rectangle to cut from the original image */
324 	unsigned width, height; /* width and height of the resulting surface or texture */
325 	union /* DDSurface or D3DTexture pointer depending on the context used */
326 	{
327 		DDSurface * pSurface; /* Direct Draw Surface object pointer */
328 		D3DTexture * pTexture; /* Direct 3D Texture object pointer */
329 	};
330 };
332 /* typedef to save typing 'struct' when not using C++ */
333 typedef struct AwCreateGraphicRegion AW_CREATEGRAPHICREGION;
335 /********************/
336 /* Public functions */
337 /********************/
339 /* AwSetD3DDevice(DDObject * _ddP, D3DDevice * _d3ddeviceP)
341 	Description:
342 		Tells the texture loaders about the DirectDraw and
343 		Direct3D setup. You must call this function before
344 		loading any textures, and also every time you change
345 		the DirectDraw or Direct3D device setup.
346 		As of v1.22 this function is overloaded and only
347 		available to C++ programmers.
349 	Parameters:
350 		_ddP
351 			Pointer to the DirectDraw object obtained from
352 			a call to DirectDrawCreate().
353 		_d3ddeviceP
354 			Pointer to the Direct3DDevice object obtained
355 			from its GUID which is the lpGuid parameter in
356 			a call to a D3DENUMDEVICESCALLBACK function for
357 			your chosen driver.
359 	Returns:
360 		AW_TLE_OK if the function completed successfully;
361 		AW_TLE_BADPARMS if the parameters passed to the
362 			function were incorrect
363 		AW_TLE_DXERROR if a DirectX SDK call failed
364 */
365 #ifdef __cplusplus
366 	extern "C++" AW_TL_ERC AwSetD3DDevice(DDObject * _ddP, D3DDevice * _d3ddeviceP);
367 #endif
369 /* AwSetDDObject(DDObject * _ddP)
370    AwSetD3DDevice(D3DDevice * _d3ddeviceP)
372 	Description:
373 		These functions together do what the two parameter
374 		version of AwSetD3DDevice(), above, does. You
375 		needn't call AwSetD3DDevice() if you are only
376 		loading direct draw surfaces. The parameters and
377 		return values are as described above.
378 */
380 extern AW_TL_ERC AwSetD3DDevice(D3DDevice * _d3ddeviceP);
381 extern AW_TL_ERC AwSetDDObject(DDObject * _ddP);
383 /* AwSetTextureFormat2(LPDDPIXELFORMAT _ddpfP)
385 	Description:
386 		Informs the texture loaders of the currently slected
387 		texture format. You must call this function before
388 		loading any textures, and also every time you change
389 		the texture format.
391 	Parameters:
392 		_ddpfP
393 			Pointer to a DDPIXELFORMAT structure which
394 			describes the texture format.
396 	Returns:
397 		AW_TLE_OK if the function completed successfully;
398 		AW_TLE_BADPARMS if the parameters passed to the
399 			function were incorrect
400 */
401 extern AW_TL_ERC AwSetTextureFormat2(LPDDPIXELFORMAT _ddpfP);
402 #define AwSetTextureFormat(_descP) (AwSetTextureFormat2((_descP) ? &(_descP)->ddpfPixelFormat : NULL))
404 /* AwSetAdditionalTextureFormat2(LPDDPIXELFORMAT _ddpfP, unsigned _maxAlphaBits, int _canDoTransp, unsigned _maxColours)
406 	Description:
407 		Informs the texture loaders an additional texture
408 		format that should be used in certain cases. After
409 		a call to AwSetTextureFormat, there are no
410 		additional formats. Each additional format that you
411 		want to make available should be set with a call to
412 		this function. When a texture is being loaded, the
413 		additional formats are considered in the order that
414 		they were set (ie. the order in which the calls to
415 		this function were made). For each format
416 		considered, if it could be used for the image and
417 		the image's specification passes the tests for this
418 		format, the format will replace the previously
419 		chosen format (either the base format set by
420 		AwSetTextureFormat or an earlier additional format
421 		whose conditions of use were also met).
423 	Parameters:
424 		_ddpfP
425 			Pointer to a DDPIXELFORMAT structure which
426 			describes the texture format.
427 		_maxAlphaBits
428 			Specifies that this format should only be used
429 			for images that do not have more bits of alpha
430 			information than this value.
431 		_canDoTransp
432 			If zero, specifies that this format should not
433 			be used for images which have a transparent
434 			colour.
435 		_maxColours
436 			Specifies that this format should only be used
437 			for images that do not contain more unique
438 			colours than this value. If this value is zero,
439 			the format can be used for images with any
440 			number of colours. If this value is non-zero,
441 			this format will not be used for images whose
442 			number of unique colours cannot be determined.
444 	Returns:
445 		AW_TLE_OK if the function completed successfully;
446 		AW_TLE_NOINIT if AwSetTextureFormat was not
447 			previously called.
448 		AW_TLE_BADPARMS if the parameters passed to the
449 			function were incorrect
450 */
451 extern AW_TL_ERC AwSetAdditionalTextureFormat2(LPDDPIXELFORMAT _ddpfP, unsigned _maxAlphaBits, int _canDoTransp, unsigned _maxColours);
452 #define AwSetAdditionalTextureFormat(_descP, _maxAlphaBits, _canDoTransp, _maxColours) (AwSetAdditionalTextureFormat2((_descP) ? &(_descP->ddpfPixelFormat) : NULL,_maxAlphaBits,_canDoTransp,_maxColours))
454 /* AwSetSurfaceFormat2(LPDDPIXELFORMAT _ddpfP)
456 	Description:
457 		As for AwSetTextureFormat but tells AwCreateSurface()
458 		what format surfaces for blitting should be in
459 */
460 extern AW_TL_ERC AwSetSurfaceFormat2(LPDDPIXELFORMAT _ddpfP);
461 #define AwSetSurfaceFormat(_descP) (AwSetSurfaceFormat2((_descP) ? &(_descP)->ddpfPixelFormat : NULL))
463 /* AwGetTextureSize(unsigned * _widthP, unsigned * _heightP, unsigned _width, unsigned _height)
465 	Description:
466 		Calculates the size required for a texture on the
467 		current driver, given a minimum size required to
468 		hold the proposed image.
470 	Parameters:
471 		_widthP
472 			Pointer to a variable which will receive the
473 			width required for a Direct 3D texture.
474 		_heightP
475 			Pointer to a variable which will receive the
476 			height.
477 		_width
478 			Minimum width required for the proposed image.
479 		_height
480 			Minimum height required.
482 	Returns:
483 		AW_TLE_OK if the required Direct 3D texture size was
484 			calculated;
485 		AW_TLE_IMAGETOOLARGE if the driver specifies a
486 			maximum texture size which is less than the size
487 			that would be required to hold an image of the
488 			proposed size;
489 		AW_TLE_NOINIT if driver information was unavailable
490 			because initialization functions weren't called.
491 */
492 extern AW_TL_ERC AwGetTextureSize(unsigned * _widthP, unsigned * _heightP, unsigned _width, unsigned _height);
494 /* AwCreateTexture(char const * _argFormatS, ...)
496 	Description:
497 		Creates a Direct3D texture for use by the device
498 		renderer. The exact functionality is determined by
499 		the first argument which is a format specifier
500 		string.
502 	Parameters:
503 		_argFormatS
504 			Pointer to a null terminated string which
505 			specifies the order, types and interpretations
506 			of the other parameters. Each character in the
507 			string corresponds to a parameter passed to	the
508 			function, and the parameters are parsed in the
509 			same order as their format specifiers appear in
510 			the string. For clarity, upper case letters are
511 			used to indicate paramters which are pointers to
512 			data that will be filled in by the function, and
513 			lower case letters are used for parameters which
514 			are simply data to be used by the function.
516 			The following specifiers are permitted:
518 		s	The next argument is of type 'LPCTSTR' and is a
519 			pointer to a ASCII or UNICODE string which is
520 			the filename of an image file to load.
521 		h	The next argument is of type 'HANDLE' and is a
522 			Windows file handle with its file pointer set to
523 			the start of an image file's data.
524 		p	The next argument is of type 'void const *' and
525 			is a pointer to an image file's data in memory.
526 		r	The next argument is of type
527 			'AW_BACKUPTEXTUREHANDLE' and is used to restore
528 			a previously loaded texture, possibly with the
529 			texture format or Direct3D device having
530 			changed.
531 		x	The next argument is of type 'unsigned' and is
532 			the maximum number of bytes that should be read
533 			from a file or memory. If parsing the file data
534 			would cause more bytes to be read than this
535 			value, the function fails and the error is
536 			'AW_TLE_EOFMET'. This may be useful in
537 			conjunction with format specifier 'm' in order
538 			to prevent a general protection (GP) fault.
539 		N	The next argument is of type 'unsigned *' and
540 			points to a variable which will receive the
541 			number of bytes which are actually read from a
542 			file or memory. This value will be filled in
543 			even if the function fails (unless the error is
544 			'AW_TLE_BADPARMS').
545 		f	The next argument is of type 'unsigned' and can
546 			be any combination of 'AW_TLF_...' flags (above)
547 			which control special functionality.
548 		W	The next argument is of type 'unsigned *' and
549 			points to a variable which will receive the
550 			width of the texture that is created.
551 		H	The next argument is of type 'unsigned *' and
552 			points to a variable which will receive the
553 			height of the texture that is created.
554 		X	The next argument is of type 'unsigned *' and
555 			points to a variable which will receive the
556 			width of the original image.
557 		Y	The next argument is of type 'unsigned *' and
558 			points to a variable which will receive the
559 			height of the original image.
560 		B	The next argument is of type
561 			'AW_BACKUPTEXTUREHANDLE *' and points to a
562 			variable which will receive a handle that can
563 			later be used with format specifier 'r' in a
564 			call to this function in order to avoid
565 			reloading from a file an image that has
566 			previously been loaded. This value will be
567 			filled in only if the function succeeds. When
568 			you no longer need this handle, you should
569 			deallocate the memory associated with it by
570 			calling 'AwDestroyBackupTexture()'.
571 		t	The next argument is of type 'D3DTexture *'
572 			and is used to load the new texture into an
573 			existing texture surface. The parameter is NOT
574 			Release()d; you should do this yourself. This is
575 			only guaranteed to work if the new texture is of
576 			the same height and pitch as the previous one
577 			and compression is not used on either.
578 		c	The next two arguments indicate a callback
579 			function which will be called if a texture cannot
580 			be created due to insufficient video memory. The
581 			idea is to allow the callee to free some video
582 			memory and request further attempts at creating
583 			the texture. The first of the two arguments is of
584 			type AW_TL_PFN_CALLBACK and is a function pointer
585 			to the function that would be called. This
586 			function takes one parameter of type 'void *'
587 			which is an implementation-specific value, and
588 			returns type 'int', which is non-zero if another
589 			attempt at creating the texture should be made.
590 			If the callback function returns zero, then the
591 			texture load will be aborted. The second of the
592 			two arguments is of type 'void *' and is the
593 			implementation-specific value passed to the
594 			callback function.
595 		a	The next two arguments indicate an array of
596 			rectangles to cut out of the original image and
597 			create textures for each rectangle. The first of
598 			these two arguments is of type 'unsigned' and is
599 			the size of the array. The second argument is of
600 			type 'AW_CREATEGRAPHICREGION *' and points to an
601 			array of AwCreateGraphicRegion structs, each
602 			indicating a region to cut out of the original
603 			image and create a texture for. In this case, the
604 			function always returns NULL, and you should test
605 			for failure by examining awTlLastErr. The 't'
606 			option, if used, must appear after 'a' in the
607 			format string, and does not correspond to any
608 			parameter, since the texture into which to
609 			reload will be specified for each region in
610 			the array of structures. The 'W' and 'H' options
611 			will be ignored. For more information, see the
612 			definition of this structure above.
614 			There are some restrictions on parameters:
616 			Exactly one of 's', 'h', 'p' or 'r' must be
617 			used.
619 			Neither 'x' nor 'N' may be used with 'r'.
621 			'r' cannot be used with 'B'.
623 			Neither 'W' or 'H' should be used with 'a'.
625 			Each specifier should be used only once.
627 			't' may not appear before 'a'.
629 			There are no other restriction on the order
630 			that the parameters occur.
632 	Returns:
633 		A valid D3DTexture * if the function succeeds;
634 			awTlLastErr will also be AW_TLE_OK
635 		NULL if the function fails. awTlLastErr will be
636 			AW_TLE_BADPARMS if the parameters were
637 			incorrect, or any other error code if the
638 			parameters were correct but another error
639 			occurred.
640 */
641 extern D3DTexture * _AWTL_VARARG AwCreateTexture(char const * _argFormatS, ...);
643 /* AwCreateSurface(char const * _argFormatS, ...)
645 	Description:
646 		As for AwCreateTexture(), but returns a pointer to
647 		a newly created direct draw surface which is not a
648 		texture
650 	Parameters:
651 		_argFormatS
652 			As AwCreateTexture(), except
654 		t	The next argument is of type 'DDSurface *'
656 */
657 extern DDSurface * _AWTL_VARARG AwCreateSurface(char const * _argFormatS, ...);
659 /* AwDestroyBackupTexture(AW_BACKUPTEXTUREHANDLE _bH)
661 	Description:
662 		Deallocates the memory associated with a backup
663 		texture handle, created by a call to
664 		'AwCreateTexture()' with a 'B' specifier. The handle
665 		cannot be used after this.
667 	Parameters:
668 		_bH
669 			The handle whose associated memory should be
670 			deallocated.
672 	Returns:
673 		AW_TLE_OK if the function succeeds.
674 		AW_TLE_BADPARMS if the handle was not valid.
675 */
676 extern AW_TL_ERC AwDestroyBackupTexture(AW_BACKUPTEXTUREHANDLE _bH);
678 #endif
689 /* End Wrappers */
690 #ifdef __cplusplus
691 	}
692 #endif /* __cplusplus */
694 #endif /* ! _INCLUDED_AWTEXLD_H_ */