2Objects used to extract and plot results from output files in text format.
4import os
5import numpy as np
6import pandas as pd
8from collections import OrderedDict
9from io import StringIO
10from monty.string import is_string, marquee
11from monty.functools import lazy_property
12from monty.termcolor import cprint
13from pymatgen.core.units import bohr_to_ang
14from abipy.core.symmetries import AbinitSpaceGroup
15from abipy.core.structure import Structure, dataframes_from_structures
16from abipy.core.kpoints import has_timrev_from_kptopt
17from abipy.core.mixins import TextFile, AbinitNcFile, NotebookWriter
18from abipy.abio.inputs import GEOVARS
19from abipy.abio.timer import AbinitTimerParser
20from abipy.abio.robots import Robot
21from abipy.flowtk import EventsParser, NetcdfReader, GroundStateScfCycle, D2DEScfCycle
24class AbinitTextFile(TextFile):
25    """
26    Base class for the ABINIT main output files and log files.
27    """
28    @property
29    def events(self):
30        """
31        List of ABINIT events reported in the file.
32        """
33        # Parse the file the first time the property is accessed or when mtime is changed.
34        stat = os.stat(self.filepath)
35        if stat.st_mtime != self._last_mtime or not hasattr(self, "_events"):
36            self._events = EventsParser().parse(self.filepath)
37        return self._events
39    def get_timer(self):
40        """
41        Timer data.
42        """
43        timer = AbinitTimerParser()
44        timer.parse(self.filepath)
45        return timer
48class AbinitLogFile(AbinitTextFile, NotebookWriter):
49    """
50    Class representing the Abinit log file.
52    .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram
53    .. inheritance-diagram:: AbinitLogFile
54    """
56    def to_string(self, verbose=0):
57        return str(self.events)
59    def plot(self, **kwargs):
60        """Empty placeholder."""
61        return None
63    def yield_figs(self, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover
64        """
65        This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user.
66        """
67        yield None
69    def write_notebook(self, nbpath=None):
70        """
71        Write a jupyter_ notebook to ``nbpath``. If nbpath is None, a temporay file in the current
72        working directory is created. Return path to the notebook.
73        """
74        nbformat, nbv, nb = self.get_nbformat_nbv_nb(title=None)
76        nb.cells.extend([
77            nbv.new_code_cell("abilog = abilab.abiopen('%s')" % self.filepath),
78            nbv.new_code_cell("print(abilog.events)"),
79        ])
81        return self._write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath)
84class AbinitOutputFile(AbinitTextFile, NotebookWriter):
85    """
86    Class representing the main Abinit output file.
88    .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram
89    .. inheritance-diagram:: AbinitOutputFile
90    """
91    # TODO: Extract number of errors and warnings.
93    def __init__(self, filepath):
94        super().__init__(filepath)
95        self.debug_level = 0
96        self._parse()
98    def _parse(self):
99        """
100        header: String with the input variables
101        footer: String with the output variables
102        datasets: Dictionary mapping dataset index to list of strings.
103        """
104        # Get code version and find magic line signaling that the output file is completed.
105        self.version, self.run_completed = None, False
106        self.overall_cputime, self.overall_walltime = 0.0, 0.0
107        self.proc0_cputime, self.proc0_walltime = 0.0, 0.0
109        with open(self.filepath) as fh:
110            for line in fh:
111                if self.version is None and line.startswith(".Version"):
112                    self.version = line.split()[1]
114                if line.startswith("- Proc."):
115                    #- Proc.   0 individual time (sec): cpu=         25.5  wall=         26.1
116                    tokens = line.split()
117                    self.proc0_walltime = float(tokens[-1])
118                    self.proc0_cputime = float(tokens[-3])
120                if line.startswith("+Overall time"):
121                    #+Overall time at end (sec) : cpu=         25.5  wall=         26.1
122                    tokens = line.split()
123                    self.overall_cputime = float(tokens[-3])
124                    self.overall_walltime = float(tokens[-1])
126                if " Calculation completed." in line:
127                    self.run_completed = True
129        # Parse header to get important dimensions and variables
130        self.header, self.footer, self.datasets = [], [], OrderedDict()
131        where = "in_header"
133        with open(self.filepath, "rt") as fh:
134            for line in fh:
135                if "== DATASET" in line:
136                    # Save dataset number
137                    # == DATASET  1 ==================================================================
138                    where = int(line.replace("=", "").split()[-1])
139                    assert where not in self.datasets
140                    self.datasets[where] = []
141                elif "== END DATASET(S) " in line:
142                    where = "in_footer"
144                if where == "in_header":
145                    self.header.append(line)
146                elif where == "in_footer":
147                    self.footer.append(line)
148                else:
149                    # dataset number --> lines
150                    self.datasets[where].append(line)
152        self.header = "".join(self.header)
153        if self.debug_level: print("header:\n", self.header)
154        # Output files produced in dryrun_mode contain the following line:
155        # abinit : before driver, prtvol=0, debugging mode => will skip driver
156        self.dryrun_mode = "debugging mode => will skip driver" in self.header
157        #print("dryrun_mode:", self.dryrun_mode)
159        #if " jdtset " in self.header: raise NotImplementedError("jdtset is not supported")
160        #if " udtset " in self.header: raise NotImplementedError("udtset is not supported")
162        self.ndtset = len(self.datasets)
163        if not self.datasets:
164            #raise NotImplementedError("Empty dataset sections.")
165            self.ndtset = 1
166            self.datasets[1] = "Empty dataset"
168        for key, data in self.datasets.items():
169            if self.debug_level: print("data")
170            self.datasets[key] = "".join(data)
171            if self.debug_level: print(self.datasets[key])
173        self.footer = "".join(self.footer)
174        if self.debug_level: print("footer:\n", self.footer)
176        self.initial_vars_global, self.initial_vars_dataset = self._parse_variables("header")
177        self.final_vars_global, self.final_vars_dataset = None, None
178        if self.run_completed:
179            if self.dryrun_mode:
180                # footer is not present. Copy values from header.
181                self.final_vars_global, self.final_vars_dataset = self.initial_vars_global, self.initial_vars_dataset
182            else:
183                self.final_vars_global, self.final_vars_dataset = self._parse_variables("footer")
185    def _parse_variables(self, what):
186        vars_global = OrderedDict()
187        vars_dataset = OrderedDict([(k, OrderedDict()) for k in self.datasets.keys()])
188        #print("keys", vars_dataset.keys())
190        lines = getattr(self, what).splitlines()
191        if what == "header":
192            magic_start = " -outvars: echo values of preprocessed input variables --------"
193        elif what == "footer":
194            magic_start = " -outvars: echo values of variables after computation  --------"
195        else:
196            raise ValueError("Invalid value for what: `%s`" % str(what))
198        magic_stop = "================================================================================"
200        # Select relevant portion with variables.
201        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
202            if magic_start in line:
203                break
204        else:
205            raise ValueError("Cannot find magic_start line: `%s`\nPerhaps this is not an Abinit output file!" % magic_start)
206        lines = lines[i+1:]
208        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
209            if magic_stop in line:
210                break
211        else:
212            raise ValueError("Cannot find magic_stop line: `%s`\nPerhaps this is not an Abinit output file!" % magic_stop)
213        lines = lines[:i]
215        # Parse data. Assume format:
216        #   timopt          -1
217        #    tnons      0.0000000  0.0000000  0.0000000     0.2500000  0.2500000  0.2500000
218        #               0.0000000  0.0000000  0.0000000     0.2500000  0.2500000  0.2500000
219        def get_dtindex_key_value(line):
220            tokens = line.split()
221            s, value = tokens[0], " ".join(tokens[1:])
222            l = []
223            for i, c in enumerate(s[::-1]):
224                if c.isalpha():
225                    key = s[:len(s)-i]
226                    break
227                l.append(c)
228            else:
229                raise ValueError("Cannot find dataset index in token: %s\n" % s)
231            #print(line, "\n", l)
232            dtindex = None
233            if l:
234                l.reverse()
235                dtindex = int("".join(l))
236            return dtindex, key, value
238        # (varname, dtindex), [line1, line2 ...]
239        stack_var, stack_lines = None, []
241        def pop_stack():
242            if stack_lines:
243                key, dtidx = stack_var
244                value = " ".join(stack_lines)
245                if dtidx is None:
246                    vars_global[key] = value
247                else:
248                    vars_dataset[dtidx][key] = value
250        for line in lines:
251            if not line: continue
252            # Ignore first char
253            line = line[1:].lstrip().rstrip()
254            if not line: continue
255            #print("line", line)
256            if line[0].isalpha():
257                pop_stack()
258                stack_lines = []
259                dtidx, key, value = get_dtindex_key_value(line)
260                stack_var = (key, dtidx)
261                stack_lines.append(value)
262            else:
263                stack_lines.append(line)
265        pop_stack()
267        return vars_global, vars_dataset
269    def _get_structures(self, what):
270        if what == "header":
271            vars_global, vars_dataset = self.initial_vars_global, self.initial_vars_dataset
272        elif what == "footer":
273            vars_global, vars_dataset = self.final_vars_global, self.final_vars_dataset
274        else:
275            raise ValueError("Invalid value for what: `%s`" % str(what))
277        #print("global", vars_global["acell"])
278        from abipy.abio.abivars import is_abiunit
279        inigeo = {k: vars_global[k] for k in GEOVARS if k in vars_global}
281        spgvars = ("spgroup", "symrel", "tnons", "symafm")
282        spgd_global = {k: vars_global[k] for k in spgvars if k in vars_global}
283        global_kptopt = vars_global.get("kptopt", 1)
285        structures = []
286        for i in self.datasets:
287            # This code breaks down if there are conflicting GEOVARS in globals and dataset.
288            d = inigeo.copy()
289            d.update({k: vars_dataset[i][k] for k in GEOVARS if k in vars_dataset[i]})
291            for key, value in d.items():
292                # Must handle possible unit.
293                fact = 1.0
294                tokens = [t.lower() for t in value.split()]
295                if is_abiunit(tokens[-1]):
296                    tokens, unit = tokens[:-1], tokens[-1]
297                    if unit in ("angstr", "angstrom", "angstroms"):
298                        fact = 1.0 / bohr_to_ang
299                    elif unit in ("bohr", "bohrs", "au"):
300                        fact = 1.0
301                    else:
302                        raise ValueError("Don't know how to handle unit: %s" % unit)
304                s = " ".join(tokens)
305                dtype = float if key not in ("ntypat", "typat", "natom") else int
306                try:
307                    #print(key, s)
308                    value = np.fromstring(s, sep=" ", dtype=dtype)
309                    #print(key, value)
310                    if fact != 1.0: value *= fact # Do not change integer arrays e.g typat!
311                    d[key] = value
312                except ValueError as exc:
313                    print(key, s)
314                    raise exc
316            if "rprim" not in d and "angdeg" not in d: d["rprim"] = np.eye(3)
317            if "natom" in d and d["natom"] == 1 and all(k not in d for k in ("xred", "xcart", "xangst")):
318                d["xred"] = np.zeros(3)
319            #print(d)
320            abistr = Structure.from_abivars(d)
322            # Extract Abinit spacegroup.
323            spgd = spgd_global.copy()
324            spgd.update({k: vars_dataset[i][k] for k in spgvars if k in vars_dataset[i]})
326            spgid = int(spgd.get("spgroup", 0))
327            if "symrel" not in spgd:
328                symrel = np.reshape(np.eye(3, 3, dtype=int), (1, 3, 3))
329                spgd["symrel"] = " ".join((str(i) for i in symrel.flatten()))
330            else:
331                symrel = np.reshape(np.array([int(n) for n in spgd["symrel"].split()], dtype=int), (-1, 3, 3))
332            nsym = len(symrel)
333            assert nsym == spgd.get("nsym", nsym) #; print(symrel.shape)
335            if "tnons" in spgd:
336                tnons = np.reshape(np.array([float(t) for t in spgd["tnons"].split()], dtype=float), (nsym, 3))
337            else:
338                tnons = np.zeros((nsym, 3))
340            if "symafm" in spgd:
341                symafm = np.array([int(n) for n in spgd["symafm"].split()], dtype=int)
342                symafm.shape = (nsym,)
343            else:
344                symafm = np.ones(nsym, dtype=int)
346            try:
347                has_timerev = has_timrev_from_kptopt(vars_dataset[i].get("kptopt", global_kptopt))
348                abi_spacegroup = AbinitSpaceGroup(spgid, symrel, tnons, symafm, has_timerev, inord="C")
349                abistr.set_abi_spacegroup(abi_spacegroup)
350            except Exception as exc:
351                print("Cannot build AbinitSpaceGroup from the variables reported in file!\n", str(exc))
353            structures.append(abistr)
355        return structures
357    @lazy_property
358    def initial_structures(self):
359        """List of initial |Structure|."""
360        return self._get_structures("header")
362    @property
363    def has_same_initial_structures(self):
364        """True if all initial structures are equal."""
365        return all(self.initial_structures[0] == s for s in self.initial_structures)
367    @lazy_property
368    def final_structures(self):
369        """List of final |Structure|."""
370        if self.run_completed:
371            return self._get_structures("footer")
372        else:
373            cprint("Cannot extract final structures from file.\n %s" % self.filepath, "red")
374            return []
376    @lazy_property
377    def initial_structure(self):
378        """
379        The |Structure| defined in the output file.
381        If the input file contains multiple datasets **AND** the datasets
382        have different structures, this property returns None.
383        In this case, one has to access the structure of the individual datasets.
384        For example:
386            self.initial_structures[0]
388        gives the structure of the first dataset.
389        """
390        if not self.has_same_initial_structures:
391            print("Datasets have different structures. Returning None. Use initial_structures[0]")
392            return None
393        return self.initial_structures[0]
395    @property
396    def has_same_final_structures(self):
397        """True if all initial structures are equal."""
398        return all(self.final_structures[0] == s for s in self.final_structures)
400    @lazy_property
401    def final_structure(self):
402        """
403        The |Structure| defined in the output file.
405        If the input file contains multiple datasets **AND** the datasets
406        have different structures, this property returns None.
407        In this case, one has to access the structure of the individual datasets.
408        For example:
410            self.final_structures[0]
412        gives the structure of the first dataset.
413        """
414        if not self.has_same_final_structures:
415            print("Datasets have different structures. Returning None. Use final_structures[0]")
416            return None
417        return self.final_structures[0]
419    def diff_datasets(self, dt_list1, dt_list2, with_params=True, differ="html", dryrun=False):
420        """
421        Compare datasets
422        """
423        if not isinstance(dt_list1, (list, tuple)): dt_list1 = [dt_list1]
424        if not isinstance(dt_list2, (list, tuple)): dt_list2 = [dt_list2]
426        dt_lists = [dt_list1, dt_list2]
427        import tempfile
428        tmp_names = []
429        for i in range(2):
430            _, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True)
431            tmp_names.append(tmpname)
432            with open(tmpname, "wt") as fh:
433                if with_params: fh.write(self.header)
434                for idt in dt_lists[i]:
435                    fh.write(self.datasets[idt])
436                if with_params: fh.write(self.footer)
438        if differ == "html":
439            from abipy.tools.devtools import HtmlDiff
440            diff = HtmlDiff(tmp_names)
441            if dryrun:
442                return diff
443            else:
444                return diff.open_browser()
445        else:
446            cmd = "%s %s %s" % (differ, tmp_names[0], tmp_names[1])
447            if dryrun:
448                return cmd
449            else:
450                return os.system(cmd)
452    def __str__(self):
453        return self.to_string()
455    def to_string(self, verbose=0):
456        """String representation."""
457        lines = ["ndtset: %d, completed: %s" % (self.ndtset, self.run_completed)]
458        app = lines.append
460        # Different cases depending whether final structures are available
461        # and whether structures are equivalent.
462        if self.run_completed:
463            if self.has_same_final_structures:
464                if self.initial_structure != self.final_structure:
465                    # Structural relaxation.
466                    df = dataframes_from_structures([self.initial_structure, self.final_structure],
467                                                    index=["initial", "final"])
468                    app("Lattice parameters:")
469                    app(str(df.lattice))
470                    app("Atomic coordinates:")
471                    app(str(df.coords))
472                else:
473                    # initial == final. Print final structure.
474                    app(self.final_structure.to_string(verbose=verbose))
475        else:
476            # Final structures are not available.
477            if self.has_same_initial_structures:
478                app(self.initial_structure.to_string(verbose=verbose))
479            else:
480                df = dataframes_from_structures(self.initial_structures,
481                                                index=[i+1 for i in range(self.ndtset)])
482                app("Lattice parameters:")
483                app(str(df.lattice))
484                app("Atomic coordinates:")
485                app(str(df.coords))
487        # Print dataframe with dimensions.
488        df = self.get_dims_spginfo_dataframe(verbose=verbose)
489        from abipy.tools.printing import print_dataframe
490        strio = StringIO()
491        print_dataframe(df, file=strio)
492        strio.seek(0)
493        app("")
494        app(marquee("Dimensions of calculation", mark="="))
495        app("".join(strio))
497        return "\n".join(lines)
499    def get_dims_spginfo_dataframe(self, verbose=0):
500        """
501        Parse the section with the dimensions of the calculation. Return Dataframe.
502        """
503        dims_dataset, spginfo_dataset = self.get_dims_spginfo_dataset(verbose=verbose)
504        rows = []
505        for dtind, dims in dims_dataset.items():
506            d = OrderedDict()
507            d["dataset"] = dtind
508            d.update(dims)
509            d.update(spginfo_dataset[dtind])
510            rows.append(d)
512        df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=list(rows[0].keys()) if rows else None)
513        df = df.set_index('dataset')
514        return df
516    def get_dims_spginfo_dataset(self, verbose=0):
517        """
518        Parse the section with the dimensions of the calculation. Return dictionaries
520        Args:
521            verbose: Verbosity level.
523        Return: (dims_dataset, spginfo_dataset)
524            where dims_dataset[i] is an OrderedDict with the dimensions of dataset `i`
525            spginfo_dataset[i] is a dictionary with space group information.
526        """
527        # If single dataset, we have to parse
528        #
529        #  Symmetries : space group Fd -3 m (#227); Bravais cF (face-center cubic)
530        # ================================================================================
531        #  Values of the parameters that define the memory need of the present run
532        #      intxc =       0    ionmov =       0      iscf =       7    lmnmax =       6
533        #      lnmax =       6     mgfft =      18  mpssoang =       3    mqgrid =    3001
534        #      natom =       2  nloc_mem =       1    nspden =       1   nspinor =       1
535        #     nsppol =       1      nsym =      48    n1xccc =    2501    ntypat =       1
536        #     occopt =       1   xclevel =       2
537        # -    mband =           8        mffmem =           1         mkmem =          29
538        #        mpw =         202          nfft =        5832          nkpt =          29
539        # ================================================================================
540        # P This job should need less than                       3.389 Mbytes of memory.
541        #   Rough estimation (10% accuracy) of disk space for files :
542        # _ WF disk file :      0.717 Mbytes ; DEN or POT disk file :      0.046 Mbytes.
543        # ================================================================================
545        # If multi datasets we have to parse:
547        #  DATASET    2 : space group F-4 3 m (#216); Bravais cF (face-center cubic)
548        # ================================================================================
549        #  Values of the parameters that define the memory need for DATASET  2.
550        #      intxc =       0    ionmov =       0      iscf =       7    lmnmax =       2
551        #      lnmax =       2     mgfft =      12  mpssoang =       3    mqgrid =    3001
552        #      natom =       2  nloc_mem =       1    nspden =       1   nspinor =       1
553        #     nsppol =       1      nsym =      24    n1xccc =    2501    ntypat =       2
554        #     occopt =       1   xclevel =       1
555        # -    mband =          10        mffmem =           1         mkmem =           2
556        #        mpw =          69          nfft =        1728          nkpt =           2
557        # ================================================================================
558        # P This job should need less than                       1.331 Mbytes of memory.
559        #   Rough estimation (10% accuracy) of disk space for files :
560        # _ WF disk file :      0.023 Mbytes ; DEN or POT disk file :      0.015 Mbytes.
561        # ================================================================================
563        magic = "Values of the parameters that define the memory need"
564        memory_pre = "P This job should need less than"
565        magic_exit = "------------- Echo of variables that govern the present computation"
566        filesizes_pre = "_ WF disk file :"
567        #verbose = 1
569        def parse_spgline(line):
570            """Parse the line with space group info, return dict."""
571            # Could use regular expressions ...
572            i = line.find("space group")
574            if i == -1:
575                # the unit cell is not primitive
576                return {}
578            spg_str, brav_str = line[i:].replace("space group", "").split(";")
579            toks = spg_str.split()
580            return {
581                "spg_symbol": "".join(toks[:-1]),
582                "spg_number": int(toks[-1].replace("(", "").replace(")", "").replace("#", "")),
583                "bravais": brav_str.strip(),
584            }
586        from abipy.tools.numtools import grouper
587        dims_dataset, spginfo_dataset = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()
588        inblock = 0
589        with open(self.filepath, "rt") as fh:
590            for line in fh:
591                line = line.strip()
592                if verbose > 1: print("inblock:", inblock, " at line:", line)
594                if line.startswith(magic_exit): break
596                if (not line or line.startswith("===") or line.startswith("---")
597                    #or line.startswith("P")
598                    or line.startswith("Rough estimation") or line.startswith("PAW method is used")):
599                    continue
601                if line.startswith("DATASET") or line.startswith("Symmetries :"):
602                    # Get dataset index, parse space group and lattice info, init new dims dict.
603                    inblock = 1
604                    if line.startswith("Symmetries :"):
605                        # No multidataset
606                        dtindex = 1
607                    else:
608                        tokens = line.split()
609                        dtindex = int(tokens[1])
611                    dims_dataset[dtindex] = dims = OrderedDict()
612                    spginfo_dataset[dtindex] = parse_spgline(line)
613                    continue
615                if inblock == 1 and line.startswith(magic):
616                    inblock = 2
617                    continue
619                if inblock == 2:
620                    # Lines with data.
621                    if line.startswith("For the susceptibility"): continue
623                    if line.startswith(memory_pre):
624                        dims["mem_per_proc_mb"] = float(line.replace(memory_pre, "").split()[0])
625                    elif line.startswith(filesizes_pre):
626                        tokens = line.split()
627                        mbpos = [i - 1 for i, t in enumerate(tokens) if t.startswith("Mbytes")]
628                        assert len(mbpos) == 2
629                        dims["wfk_size_mb"] = float(tokens[mbpos[0]])
630                        dims["denpot_size_mb"] = float(tokens[mbpos[1]])
631                    elif line.startswith("Pmy_natom="):
632                        dims.update(my_natom=int(line.replace("Pmy_natom=", "").strip()))
633                        #print("my_natom", dims["my_natom"])
634                    else:
635                        if line and line[0] == "-": line = line[1:]
636                        tokens = grouper(2, line.replace("=", "").split())
637                        if verbose > 1: print("tokens:", tokens)
638                        dims.update([(t[0], int(t[1])) for t in tokens])
640            return dims_dataset, spginfo_dataset
642    def next_gs_scf_cycle(self):
643        """
644        Return the next :class:`GroundStateScfCycle` in the file. None if not found.
645        """
646        return GroundStateScfCycle.from_stream(self)
648    def get_all_gs_scf_cycles(self):
649        """Return list of :class:`GroundStateScfCycle` objects. Empty list if no entry is found."""
650        # NOTE: get_all should not used with next because of the call to self.seek(0)
651        # The API should be refactored
652        cycles = []
653        self.seek(0)
654        while True:
655            cycle = self.next_gs_scf_cycle()
656            if cycle is None: break
657            cycles.append(cycle)
658        self.seek(0)
659        return cycles
661    def next_d2de_scf_cycle(self):
662        """
663        Return :class:`D2DEScfCycle` with information on the DFPT iterations. None if not found.
664        """
665        return D2DEScfCycle.from_stream(self)
667    def get_all_d2de_scf_cycles(self):
668        """Return list of :class:`D2DEScfCycle` objects. Empty list if no entry is found."""
669        cycles = []
670        self.seek(0)
671        while True:
672            cycle = self.next_d2de_scf_cycle()
673            if cycle is None: break
674            cycles.append(cycle)
675        return cycles
677    def plot(self, tight_layout=True, with_timer=False, show=True):
678        """
679        Plot GS/DFPT SCF cycles and timer data found in the output file.
681        Args:
682            with_timer: True if timer section should be plotted
683        """
684        from abipy.tools.plotting import MplExpose
685        with MplExpose(slide_mode=False, slide_timeout=5.0) as e:
686            e(self.yield_figs(tight_layout=tight_layout, with_timer=with_timer))
688    # TODO: Use header and vars to understand if we have SCF/DFPT/Relaxation
689    def yield_figs(self, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover
690        """
691        This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user.
692        """
693        tight_layout = kwargs.pop("tight_layout", False)
694        with_timer = kwargs.pop("with_timer", True)
696        for icycle, cycle in enumerate(self.get_all_gs_scf_cycles()):
697            yield cycle.plot(title="SCF cycle #%d" % icycle, tight_layout=tight_layout, show=False)
699        for icycle, cycle in enumerate(self.get_all_d2de_scf_cycles()):
700            yield cycle.plot(title="DFPT cycle #%d" % icycle, tight_layout=tight_layout, show=False)
702        if with_timer:
703            self.seek(0)
704            try:
705                yield self.get_timer().plot_all(tight_layout=tight_layout, show=False)
706            except Exception:
707                print("Abinit output files does not contain timopt data")
709    def compare_gs_scf_cycles(self, others, show=True):
710        """
711        Produce and returns a list of matplotlib_ figure comparing the GS self-consistent
712        cycle in self with the ones in others.
714        Args:
715            others: list of :class:`AbinitOutputFile` objects or strings with paths to output files.
716            show: True to diplay plots.
717        """
718        # Open file here if we receive a string. Files will be closed before returning
719        close_files = []
720        for i, other in enumerate(others):
721            if is_string(other):
722                others[i] = self.__class__.from_file(other)
723                close_files.append(i)
725        fig, figures = None, []
726        while True:
727            cycle = self.next_gs_scf_cycle()
728            if cycle is None: break
730            fig = cycle.plot(show=False)
731            for i, other in enumerate(others):
732                other_cycle = other.next_gs_scf_cycle()
733                if other_cycle is None: break
734                last = (i == len(others) - 1)
735                fig = other_cycle.plot(ax_list=fig.axes, show=show and last)
736                if last:
737                    fig.tight_layout()
738                    figures.append(fig)
740        self.seek(0)
741        for other in others: other.seek(0)
743        if close_files:
744            for i in close_files: others[i].close()
746        return figures
748    def compare_d2de_scf_cycles(self, others, show=True):
749        """
750        Produce and returns a matplotlib_ figure comparing the DFPT self-consistent
751        cycle in self with the ones in others.
753        Args:
754            others: list of :class:`AbinitOutputFile` objects or strings with paths to output files.
755            show: True to diplay plots.
756        """
757        # Open file here if we receive a string. Files will be closed before returning
758        close_files = []
759        for i, other in enumerate(others):
760            if is_string(other):
761                others[i] = self.__class__.from_file(other)
762                close_files.append(i)
764        fig, figures = None, []
765        while True:
766            cycle = self.next_d2de_scf_cycle()
767            if cycle is None: break
769            fig = cycle.plot(show=False)
770            for i, other in enumerate(others):
771                other_cycle = other.next_d2de_scf_cycle()
772                if other_cycle is None: break
773                last = (i == len(others) - 1)
774                fig = other_cycle.plot(ax_list=fig.axes, show=show and last)
775                if last:
776                    fig.tight_layout()
777                    figures.append(fig)
779        self.seek(0)
780        for other in others: other.seek(0)
782        if close_files:
783            for i in close_files: others[i].close()
785        return figures
787    def get_panel(self):
788        """
789        Build panel with widgets to interact with the Abinit output file either in a notebook or in panel app.
790        """
791        from abipy.panels.outputs import AbinitOutputFilePanel
792        return AbinitOutputFilePanel(self).get_panel()
794    def write_notebook(self, nbpath=None):
795        """
796        Write a jupyter_ notebook to nbpath. If ``nbpath`` is None, a temporay file in the current
797        working directory is created. Return path to the notebook.
798        """
799        nbformat, nbv, nb = self.get_nbformat_nbv_nb(title=None)
801        nb.cells.extend([
802            nbv.new_code_cell("abo = abilab.abiopen('%s')" % self.filepath),
803            nbv.new_code_cell("print(abo.events)"),
804            nbv.new_code_cell("abo.plot()"),
805        ])
807        return self._write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath)
810def validate_output_parser(abitests_dir=None, output_files=None):  # pragma: no cover
811    """
812    Validate/test Abinit output parser.
814    Args:
815        dirpath: Abinit tests directory.
816        output_files: List of Abinit output files.
818    Return: Exit code.
819    """
820    def is_abinit_output(path):
821        """
822        True if path is one of the output files used in the Abinit Test suite.
823        """
824        if not path.endswith(".abo"): return False
825        if not path.endswith(".out"): return False
827        with open(path, "rt") as fh:
828            for i, line in enumerate(fh):
829                if i == 1:
830                    return line.rstrip().lower().endswith("abinit")
831            return False
833    # Files are collected in paths.
834    paths = []
836    if abitests_dir is not None:
837        print("Analyzing directory %s for input files" % abitests_dir)
839        for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(abitests_dir):
840            for fname in filenames:
841                path = os.path.join(dirpath, fname)
842                if is_abinit_output(path): paths.append(path)
844    if output_files is not None:
845        print("Analyzing files:", str(output_files))
846        for arg in output_files:
847            if is_abinit_output(arg): paths.append(arg)
849    nfiles = len(paths)
850    if nfiles == 0:
851        cprint("Empty list of input files.", "red")
852        return 0
854    print("Found %d Abinit output files" % len(paths))
855    errpaths = []
856    for path in paths:
857        print(path + ": ", end="")
858        try:
859            out = AbinitOutputFile.from_file(path)
860            s = out.to_string(verbose=2)
861            assert out.run_completed
862            cprint("OK", "green")
863        except Exception as exc:
864            if not isinstance(exc, NotImplementedError):
865                cprint("FAILED", "red")
866                errpaths.append(path)
867                import traceback
868                print(traceback.format_exc())
869                #print("[%s]: Exception:\n%s" % (path, str(exc)))
870                #with open(path, "rt") as fh:
871                #    print(10*"=" + "Input File" + 10*"=")
872                #    print(fh.read())
873                #    print()
874            else:
875                cprint("NOTIMPLEMENTED", "magenta")
877    if errpaths:
878        cprint("failed: %d/%d [%.1f%%]" % (len(errpaths), nfiles, 100 * len(errpaths)/nfiles), "red")
879        for i, epath in enumerate(errpaths):
880            cprint("[%d] %s" % (i, epath), "red")
881    else:
882        cprint("All input files successfully parsed!", "green")
884    return len(errpaths)
887class AboRobot(Robot):
888    """
889    This robot analyzes the results contained in multiple Abinit output files.
890    Can compare dimensions, SCF cycles, analyze timers.
892    .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram
893    .. inheritance-diagram:: AboRobot
894    """
895    EXT = "abo"
897    def get_dims_dataframe(self, with_time=True, index=None):
898        """
899        Build and return |pandas-DataFrame| with the dimensions of the calculation.
901        Args:
902            with_time: True if walltime and cputime should be added
903            index: Index of the dataframe. Use relative paths of files if None.
904        """
905        rows, my_index = [], []
906        for i, abo in enumerate(self.abifiles):
907            try:
908                dims_dataset, spg_dataset = abo.get_dims_spginfo_dataset()
909            except Exception as exc:
910                cprint("Exception while trying to get dimensions from %s\n%s" % (abo.relpath, str(exc)), "yellow")
911                continue
913            for dtindex, dims in dims_dataset.items():
914                dims = dims.copy()
915                dims.update({"dtset": dtindex})
916                # Add walltime and cputime in seconds
917                if with_time:
918                    dims.update(OrderedDict([(k, getattr(abo, k)) for k in
919                        ("overall_cputime", "proc0_cputime", "overall_walltime", "proc0_walltime")]))
920                rows.append(dims)
921                my_index.append(abo.relpath if index is None else index[i])
923        return pd.DataFrame(rows, index=my_index, columns=list(rows[0].keys()))
925    def get_dataframe(self, with_geo=True, with_dims=True, abspath=False, funcs=None):
926        """
927        Return a |pandas-DataFrame| with the most important results and the filenames as index.
929        Args:
930            with_geo: True if structure info should be added to the dataframe
931            with_dims: True if dimensions should be added
932            abspath: True if paths in index should be absolute. Default: Relative to getcwd().
933            funcs: Function or list of functions to execute to add more data to the DataFrame.
934                Each function receives a |GsrFile| object and returns a tuple (key, value)
935                where key is a string with the name of column and value is the value to be inserted.
936        """
937        rows, row_names = [], []
938        for label, abo in self.items():
939            row_names.append(label)
940            d = OrderedDict()
942            if with_dims:
943                dims_dataset, spg_dataset = abo.get_dims_spginfo_dataset()
944                if len(dims_dataset) > 1:
945                    cprint("Multiple datasets are not supported. ARGH!", "yellow")
946                d.update(dims_dataset[1])
948            # Add info on structure.
949            if with_geo and abo.run_completed:
950                d.update(abo.final_structure.get_dict4pandas(with_spglib=True))
952            # Execute functions
953            if funcs is not None: d.update(self._exec_funcs(funcs, abo))
954            rows.append(d)
956        row_names = row_names if not abspath else self._to_relpaths(row_names)
957        return pd.DataFrame(rows, index=row_names, columns=list(rows[0].keys()))
959    def get_time_dataframe(self):
960        """
961        Return a |pandas-DataFrame| with the wall-time, cpu time in seconds and the filenames as index.
962        """
963        rows, row_names = [], []
965        for label, abo in self.items():
966            row_names.append(label)
967            d = OrderedDict([(k, getattr(abo, k)) for k in
968                ("overall_cputime", "proc0_cputime", "overall_walltime", "proc0_walltime")])
969            rows.append(d)
971        return pd.DataFrame(rows, index=row_names, columns=list(rows[0].keys()))
973    # TODO
974    #def gridplot_timer(self)
976    def yield_figs(self, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover
977        """
978        This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user.
979        """
980        yield None
982    def write_notebook(self, nbpath=None):
983        """
984        Write a jupyter_ notebook to nbpath. If nbpath is None, a temporay file in the current
985        working directory is created. Return path to the notebook.
986        """
987        nbformat, nbv, nb = self.get_nbformat_nbv_nb(title=None)
989        args = [(l, f.filepath) for l, f in self.items()]
990        nb.cells.extend([
991            #nbv.new_markdown_cell("# This is a markdown cell"),
992            nbv.new_code_cell("robot = abilab.AboRobot(*%s)\nrobot.trim_paths()\nrobot" % str(args)),
993            nbv.new_code_cell("# robot.get_dims_dataframe()"),
994            nbv.new_code_cell("robot.get_dataframe()"),
995        ])
997        # Mixins
998        nb.cells.extend(self.get_baserobot_code_cells())
1000        return self._write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath)
1003class OutNcFile(AbinitNcFile):
1004    """
1005    Class representing the _OUT.nc file containing the dataset results
1006    produced at the end of the run. The netcdf variables can be accessed
1007    via instance attribute e.g. ``outfile.ecut``. Provides integration with ipython_.
1008    """
1009    # TODO: This object is deprecated
1010    def __init__(self, filepath):
1011        super().__init__(filepath)
1012        self.reader = NetcdfReader(filepath)
1013        self._varscache = {k: None for k in self.reader.rootgrp.variables}
1015    def __dir__(self):
1016        """Ipython integration."""
1017        return sorted(list(self._varscache.keys()))
1019    def __getattribute__(self, name):
1020        try:
1021            return super().__getattribute__(name)
1022        except AttributeError:
1023            # Look in self._varscache
1024            varscache = super().__getattribute__("_varscache")
1025            if name not in varscache:
1026                raise AttributeError("Cannot find attribute %s" % name)
1027            reader = super().__getattribute__("reader")
1028            if varscache[name] is None:
1029                varscache[name] = reader.read_value(name)
1030            return varscache[name]
1032    @lazy_property
1033    def params(self):
1034        """:class:`OrderedDict` with parameters that might be subject to convergence studies."""
1035        return {}
1037    def close(self):
1038        """Close the file."""
1039        self.reader.close()
1041    def get_allvars(self):
1042        """
1043        Read all netcdf_ variables present in the file.
1044        Return dictionary varname --> value
1045        """
1046        for k, v in self._varscache.items():
1047            if v is not None: continue
1048            self._varscache[k] = self.reader.read_value(k)
1049        return self._varscache