1 {==================================================================================================
2      File:       CoreAudio/AudioHardwareDeprecated.h
4      Copyright:  (c) 1985-2011 by Apple, Inc., all rights reserved.
6      Bugs?:      For bug reports, consult the following page on
7                  the World Wide Web:
9                      http://bugs.freepascal.org
11 ==================================================================================================}
12 {  Initial Pascal Translation:  Jonas Maebe, <jonas@freepascal.org>, October 2012 }
13 {
14     Modified for use with Free Pascal
15     Version 308
16     Please report any bugs to <gpc@microbizz.nl>
17 }
19 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
20 {$mode macpas}
21 {$modeswitch cblocks}
22 {$packenum 1}
23 {$macro on}
24 {$inline on}
25 {$calling mwpascal}
27 unit AudioHardwareDeprecated;
28 interface
30 {$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0308}
32 {$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
34 {$endc}
36 {$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
37 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
38 {$endc}
39 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
40 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
41 {$endc}
43 {$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC32}
44 	{$setc __ppc__ := 1}
45 {$elsec}
46 	{$setc __ppc__ := 0}
47 {$endc}
48 {$ifc not defined __ppc64__ and defined CPUPOWERPC64}
49 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 1}
50 {$elsec}
51 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 0}
52 {$endc}
53 {$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
54 	{$setc __i386__ := 1}
55 {$elsec}
56 	{$setc __i386__ := 0}
57 {$endc}
58 {$ifc not defined __x86_64__ and defined CPUX86_64}
59 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 1}
60 {$elsec}
61 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 0}
62 {$endc}
63 {$ifc not defined __arm__ and defined CPUARM}
64 	{$setc __arm__ := 1}
65 {$elsec}
66 	{$setc __arm__ := 0}
67 {$endc}
68 {$ifc not defined __arm64__ and defined CPUAARCH64}
69   {$setc __arm64__ := 1}
70 {$elsec}
71   {$setc __arm64__ := 0}
72 {$endc}
74 {$ifc defined cpu64}
75   {$setc __LP64__ := 1}
76 {$elsec}
77   {$setc __LP64__ := 0}
78 {$endc}
81 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
82 	{$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
83 {$endc}
85 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
86 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
87 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
88 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
89 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
90 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
91 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
92 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
96 {$elifc defined __ppc64__ and __ppc64__}
97 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
98 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := TRUE}
99 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
100 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
101 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
102 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
103 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
104 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
107 {$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
108 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
109 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
110 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
111 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
112 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
113 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
114 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
115  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
116 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
118 {$elsec}
119 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
120 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
122 {$endc}
124 {$elifc defined __x86_64__ and __x86_64__}
125 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
126 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
127 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
128 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := TRUE}
129 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
130 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
131 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
132  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
133 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
135 {$elsec}
136 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
137 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
139 {$endc}
141 {$elifc defined __arm__ and __arm__}
142 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
143 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
144 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
145 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
146 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := TRUE}
147 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
148 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
149 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
152 {$elifc defined __arm64__ and __arm64__}
153 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
154 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
155 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
156 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
157 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
158 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := TRUE}
159 {$ifc defined ios}
160 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
161 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
163 {$elsec}
164 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
165 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
167 {$endc}
169 {$elsec}
170 	{$error __ppc__ nor __ppc64__ nor __i386__ nor __x86_64__ nor __arm__ nor __arm64__ is defined.}
171 {$endc}
173 {$ifc defined __LP64__ and __LP64__ }
174   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := TRUE}
175 {$elsec}
176   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := FALSE}
177 {$endc}
179 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
182 {$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
185 {$elsec}
186 	{$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
187 {$endc}
192 {$setc OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES := TRUE}
194 {$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
197 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 := FALSE}
198 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OSX := TRUE}
199 {$setc TARGET_CARBON := TRUE}
200 {$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
201 {$setc TARGET_CPU_MIPS := FALSE}
203 {$setc TARGET_OS_UNIX := FALSE}
204 {$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
205 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
206 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM := FALSE}
209 {$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
210 {$setc TYPE_EXTENDED := FALSE}
211 {$setc TYPE_LONGLONG := TRUE}
212 uses MacTypes, CFRunLoop, CoreAudioTypes, AudioHardwareBase, AudioHardware;
213 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
218 //==================================================================================================
219 //  Includes
222 //==================================================================================================
225 //==================================================================================================
226 //#pragma mark -
227 //#pragma mark Property Support Constants
229 {!
230     @enum           Property Address Constants
231     @abstract       The valid values for the scope in a property address.
232     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyScopeInput
233                         The AudioObjectPropertyScope for properties that apply to the input side of
234                         an object.
235     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput
236                         The AudioObjectPropertyScope for properties that apply to the output side of
237                         an object.
238     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough
239                         The AudioObjectPropertyScope for properties that apply to the play through
240                         side of an object.
241 }
242 const
243 	kAudioDevicePropertyScopeInput = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeInput;
244 	kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput = kAudioObjectPropertyScopeOutput;
245 	kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough = kAudioObjectPropertyScopePlayThrough;
247 {!
248     @enum           Property Wildcard Constants
249     @abstract       Constants that are used as wildcards in an AudioObjectPropertyAddress.
250     @discussion     Wildcards match any and all values for there associated type. They are
251                     especially useful for registering listener procs to receive notifications and
252                     for querying an AudioObject's list of AudioControls.
253     @constant       kAudioPropertyWildcardPropertyID
254                         A synonym for kAudioObjectPropertySelectorWildcard.
255     @constant       kAudioPropertyWildcardSection
256                         The wildcard value for the isInput argument of AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(),
257                         AudioDeviceGetProperty(), and AudioDeviceSetProperty().
258     @constant       kAudioPropertyWildcardChannel
259                         A synonym for kAudioObjectPropertyElementWildcard.
260 }
261 const
262 	kAudioPropertyWildcardPropertyID = kAudioObjectPropertySelectorWildcard;
263 	kAudioPropertyWildcardSection = $FF;
264 	kAudioPropertyWildcardChannel = kAudioObjectPropertyElementWildcard;
266 //==================================================================================================
267 //#pragma mark -
268 //#pragma mark AudioControl Constants
270 {!
271     @enum           AudioBooleanControl Subclass IDs
272     @abstract       The four char codes that identify the various standard subclasses of
273                     AudioBooleanControl.
274     @constant       kAudioISubOwnerClassID
275                         An AudioBooleanControl where true means that the AudioDevice that
276                         ultimately owns the control also owns any iSub attached to the CPU.
277 }
278 const
279 	kAudioISubOwnerControlClassID = FourCharCode('atch');
281 //==================================================================================================
282 //#pragma mark AudioControl Properties
284 {!
285     @enum           AudioLevelControl Properties
286     @abstract       AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioLevelControls.
287     @discussion     AudioLevelControl is a subclass of AudioControl and has only the single scope,
288                     kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, and only a master element.
289     @constant       kAudioLevelControlPropertyDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction
290                         A UInt32 whose value indicates the transfer function the HAL uses to convert
291                         between decibel values and scalar values.
292 }
293 const
294 	kAudioLevelControlPropertyDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction = FourCharCode('lctf');
296 {!
297     @enum           Values for kAudioLevelControlPropertyDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction
298     @abstract       The following constants are the only supported values for a volume control's
299                     transfer function.
300     @discussion     The transfer function implemented in the volume control works by raising the
301                     scalar value to an exponent to map it into the decibel range. The constants
302                     in this enum express the exponent used in the name as a quotient. For example,
303                     kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction3Over4 represents the exponent 0.75.
304 }
305 const
306 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunctionLinear = 0;
307 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction1Over3 = 1;
308 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction1Over2 = 2;
309 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction3Over4 = 3;
310 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction3Over2 = 4;
311 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction2Over1 = 5;
312 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction3Over1 = 6;
313 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction4Over1 = 7;
314 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction5Over1 = 8;
315 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction6Over1 = 9;
316 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction7Over1 = 10;
317 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction8Over1 = 11;
318 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction9Over1 = 12;
319 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction10Over1 = 13;
320 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction11Over1 = 14;
321 	kAudioLevelControlTranferFunction12Over1 = 15;
323 //==================================================================================================
324 //#pragma mark -
325 //#pragma mark AudioSystemObject Types
327 {!
328     @typedef        AudioHardwarePropertyID
329     @abstract       An AudioHardwarePropertyID is a integer that identifies a specific piece of
330                     information about the AudioSystemObject.
331 }
332 type
333 	AudioHardwarePropertyID = AudioObjectPropertySelector;
335 {!
336     @typedef        AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc
337     @abstract       Clients register an AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc with the AudioSystemObject
338                     in order to receive notifications when the properties of the object change.
339     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
340     @param          inPropertyID
341                         The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property that changed.
342     @param          inClientData
343                         A pointer to client data established when the listener proc was registered
344                         with the AudioSystemObject.
345     @result         The return value is currently unused and should always be 0.
346 }
347 type
inPropertyIDnull348 	AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc = function( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
350 //==================================================================================================
351 //#pragma mark AudioSystemObject Constants
353 {!
354     @defined        kAudioHardwareRunLoopMode
355     @discussion     The name of the run loop mode to which only HAL run loop sources and sources
356                     added via AudioHardwareAddRunLoopSource() belong. This is the mode in which to
357                     task a run loop in order to ensure that just HAL related events are handled.
358 }
359 const
360 	kAudioHardwareRunLoopMode = 'com.apple.audio.CoreAudio';
362 //==================================================================================================
363 //#pragma mark AudioSystemObject Properties
365 {!
366     @enum           AudioSystemObject Properties
367     @abstract       AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to the AudioSystemObject.
368     @discussion     The AudioSystemObject has one scope, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, and only a
369                     master element.
370     @constant       kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop
371                         The CFRunLoopRef the HAL is currently attaching all of it's system
372                         notification handlers to. In 10.6 and later, the HAL will use the process's
373                         run loop (as defined by CFRunLoopGetMain()) for this task. Whereas in
374                         previous releases, the HAL created and managed it's own thread for the task.
375                         Clients can set this property to tell the HAL to use a thread of the
376                         client's choosing. If the value for this property is set to NULL, the HAL
377                         will return to it's pre-10.6 behavior of creating and managing it's own
378                         thread for notifications. The caller is responsible for releasing the
379                         returned CFObject.
380     @constant       kAudioHardwarePropertyDeviceForUID
381                         Using an AudioValueTranslation structure, this property translates the input
382                         CFStringRef containing a UID into the AudioDeviceID that refers to the
383                         AudioDevice with that UID. This property will return kAudioDeviceUnknown if
384                         the given UID does not match any currently available AudioDevice.
385 }
386 const
387 	kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop = FourCharCode('rnlp');
388 	kAudioHardwarePropertyDeviceForUID = FourCharCode('duid');
390 {!
391     @enum           AudioSystemObject Properties Implemented via AudioControl objects
392     @abstract       AudioObjectPropertySelector values for AudioSystemObject properties that are
393                     implemented by AudioControl objects.
394     @discussion     These properties are also accessible by locating the AudioControl object
395                     attached to the AudioSystemObject and using that object to access the properties
396                     of the control.
397     @constant       kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalar
398                         A Float32 that represents the value of the boot chime volume control. The
399                         range is between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). This property is implemented by an
400                         AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
401     @constant       kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibels
402                         A Float32 that represents the value of the boot chime volume control in dB.
403                         This property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass
404                         of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
405     @constant       kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeRangeDecibels
406                         An AudioValueRange that contains the minimum and maximum dB values the
407                         boot chime control can have. This property is implemented by an AudioControl
408                         object that is a subclass of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
409     @constant       kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalarToDecibels
410                         A Float32 that on input contains a scalar volume value for the boot chime
411                         and on exit contains the equivalent dB value. This property is implemented
412                         by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
413     @constant       kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibelsToScalar
414                         A Float32 that on input contains a dB volume value for the boot chime and on
415                         exit contains the equivalent scalar value. This property is implemented by
416                         an AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
417     @constant       kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction
418                         A UInt32 whose value indicates the transfer function the HAL uses to convert
419                         between decibel values and scalar values. This property is implemented by an
420                         AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
421 }
422 const
423 	kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalar = FourCharCode('bbvs');
424 	kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibels = FourCharCode('bbvd');
425 	kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeRangeDecibels = FourCharCode('bbd#');
426 	kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalarToDecibels = FourCharCode('bv2d');
427 	kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibelsToScalar = FourCharCode('bd2v');
428 	kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction = FourCharCode('bvtf');
430 //==================================================================================================
431 //#pragma mark AudioSystemObject Functions
433 {!
434     @functiongroup  AudioSystemObject
435 }
437 {!
438     @function       AudioHardwareAddRunLoopSource
439     @abstract       Add the given CFRunLoopSource to the the HAL's notification CFRunLoop.
440     @discussion     The CFRunLoop the HAL uses for notifications is specified by
441                     kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop. If kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop changes,
442                     CFRunLoopSources added with this function will automatically be transferred to
443                     the new CFRunLoop.
444                     Usage of the HAL's notification run loop is deprecated. Please use libdispatch
445                     instead.
446     @param          inRunLoopSource
447                         The CFRunLoopSource to add.
448     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
449 }
AudioHardwareAddRunLoopSourcenull450 function AudioHardwareAddRunLoopSource( inRunLoopSource: CFRunLoopSourceRef ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareAddRunLoopSource';
451 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_3, __MAC_10_7, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_4_1) *)
453 {!
454     @function       AudioHardwareRemoveRunLoopSource
455     @abstract       Remove the given CFRunLoopSource from the the HAL's notification CFRunLoop.
456     @discussion     The CFRunLoop the HAL uses for notifications is specified by
457                     kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop.
458                     Usage of the HAL's notification run loop is deprecated. Please use libdispatch
459                     instead.
460     @param          inRunLoopSource
461                         The CFRunLoopSource to remove.
462     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
463 }
AudioHardwareRemoveRunLoopSourcenull464 function AudioHardwareRemoveRunLoopSource( inRunLoopSource: CFRunLoopSourceRef ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareRemoveRunLoopSource';
465 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_3, __MAC_10_7, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_4_1) *)
467 {!
468     @function       AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo
469     @abstract       Retrieve information about the given property.
470     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by the functions
471                     AudioObjectHasProperty(), AudioObjectIsPropertySettable(), and
472                     AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize().
473     @param          inPropertyID
474                         The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property to query.
475     @param          outSize
476                         A pointer to a UInt32 that receives the size of the property data in bytes
477                         on exit. This can be NULL if the size information is not being requested.
478     @param          outWritable
479                         A pointer to a Boolean that receives indication of whether or not the given
480                         property can be set. This can be NULL if the writability is not being
481                         requested.
482     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
483 }
AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfonull484 function AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; outSize: UInt32Ptr; outWritable: BooleanPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo';
485 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
487 {!
488     @function       AudioHardwareGetProperty
489     @abstract       Queries an the AudioSystemObject to get the data of the given property and
490                     places it in the provided buffer.
491     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by the function
492                     AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
493     @param          inPropertyID
494                         The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property to query.
495     @param          ioDataSize
496                         A UInt32 which on entry indicates the size of the buffer pointed to by
497                         outData and on exit indicates how much of the buffer was used.
498     @param          outData
499                         The buffer into which the AudioSystemObject will put the data for the given
500                         property.
501     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
502 }
AudioHardwareGetPropertynull503 function AudioHardwareGetProperty( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; var ioPropertyDataSize: UInt32; outPropertyData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareGetProperty';
504 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
506 {!
507     @function       AudioHardwareSetProperty
508     @abstract       Tells the AudioSystemObject to change the value of the given property using the
509                     provided data.
510     @discussion     Note that the value of the property should not be considered changed until the
511                     HAL has called the listeners as many properties values are changed
512                     asynchronously. Also note that the same functionality is provided by the
513                     function AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
514     @param          inPropertyID
515                         The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property to change.
516     @param          inDataSize
517                         A UInt32 indicating the size of the buffer pointed to by inData.
518     @param          inData
519                         The buffer containing the data to be used to change the property's value.
520     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
521 }
AudioHardwareSetPropertynull522 function AudioHardwareSetProperty( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; inPropertyDataSize: UInt32; inPropertyData: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareSetProperty';
523 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
525 {!
526     @function       AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener
527     @abstract       Registers the given AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc to receive notifications
528                     when the given property changes.
529     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
530                     in conjunction with AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
531     @param          inPropertyID
532                         The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property to listen to.
533     @param          inProc
534                         AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc to call.
535     @param          inClientData
536                         A pointer to client data that is passed to the listener when it is called.
537     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
538 }
AudioHardwareAddPropertyListenernull539 function AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; inProc: AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener';
540 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
542 {!
543     @function       AudioHardwareRemovePropertyListener
544     @abstract       Unregisters the given AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc from receive
545                     notifications when the given property changes.
546     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by
547                     AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener in conjunction with
548                     AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
549     @param          inPropertyID
550                         The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property to stop listening to.
551     @param          inProc
552                         AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc to unregister.
553     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
554 }
AudioHardwareRemovePropertyListenernull555 function AudioHardwareRemovePropertyListener( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; inProc: AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareRemovePropertyListener';
556 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
558 //==================================================================================================
559 //#pragma mark -
560 //#pragma mark AudioDevice Types
562 {!
563     @typedef        AudioDeviceID
564     @abstract       AudioDevice is the base class for all objects that represent an audio device.
565     @discussion     AudioDevice is a subclass of AudioObject. AudioDevices normally contain
566                     AudioStreams and AudioControls, but may contain other things depending on the
567                     kind of AudioDevice (e.g. aggregate devices contain other AudioDevices).
568 }
569 type
570 	AudioDeviceID = AudioObjectID;
572 {!
573     @typedef        AudioDevicePropertyID
574     @abstract       An AudioDevicePropertyID is an integer that identifies a specific piece of
575                     information about the object.
576 }
577 type
578 	AudioDevicePropertyID = AudioObjectPropertySelector;
580 {!
581     @typedef        AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc
582     @abstract       Clients register an AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc with the AudioDevice object
583                     in order to receive notifications when the properties of the object change.
584     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
585     @param          inDevice
586                         The AudioDevice whose property has changed.
587     @param          inChannel
588                         The channel of the property that changed where 0 is the master channel.
589     @param          isInput
590                         Which section of the AudioDevice changed.
591     @param          inPropertyID
592                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property that changed.
593     @param          inClientData
594                         A pointer to client data established when the listener proc was registered
595                         with the object.
596     @result         The return value is currently unused and should always be 0.
597 }
598 type
inDevicenull599 	AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc = function( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
601 //==================================================================================================
602 //#pragma mark AudioDevice Constants
604 {!
605     @enum           AudioDevice Class Constants
606     @abstract       Various constants related to AudioDevices.
607     @constant       kAudioDeviceUnknown
608                         The AudioObjectID for a nonexistent AudioObject.
609 }
610 const
611 	kAudioDeviceUnknown = kAudioObjectUnknown;
613 //==================================================================================================
614 //#pragma mark AudioDevice Properties
616 {!
617     @enum           AudioDevice Properties Implemented via AudioControl objects
618     @abstract       AudioObjectPropertySelector values for AudioDevice properties that are
619                     implemented by AudioControl objects.
620     @discussion     These properties are also accessible by locating the AudioControl object
621                     attached to the AudioDevice and using that object to access the properties of
622                     the control.
623     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction
624                         A UInt32 whose value indicates the transfer function the HAL uses to convert
625                         between decibel values and scalar values. This property is implemented by an
626                         AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioVolumeControl.
627     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction
628                         A UInt32 whose value indicates the transfer function the HAL uses to convert
629                         between decibel values and scalar values. This property is implemented by an
630                         AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioVolumeControl. Further, the
631                         control that implements this property is only available through
632                         kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
633     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyDriverShouldOwniSub
634                         A UInt32 where a value of 0 means that the AudioDevice should not claim
635                         ownership of any attached iSub and a value of 1 means that it should. Note
636                         that this property is only available for built-in devices and for USB Audio
637                         devices that use the standard class compliant driver. This property is
638                         implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
639                         AudioISubOwnerControl.
640     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction
641                         A UInt32 whose value indicates the transfer function the HAL uses to convert
642                         between decibel values and scalar values. This property is implemented by an
643                         AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioLFEVolumeControl.
644 }
645 const
646 	kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction = FourCharCode('vctf');
647 	kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction = FourCharCode('mvtf');
648 	kAudioDevicePropertyDriverShouldOwniSub = FourCharCode('isub');
649 	kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeDecibelsToScalarTransferFunction = FourCharCode('svtf');
651 {!
652     @enum           AudioDevice Properties That Ought To Some Day Be Deprecated
653     @abstract       AudioObjectPropertySelector values whose functionality is better provided by
654                     other selectors.
655     @discussion     These selectors are still provided for backward compatibility. The description
656                     of the property will indicate in parentheses the better selectors to use and
657                     why.
658     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName
659                         A C-string that contains the human readable name of the AudioDevice.
660                         (kAudioObjectPropertyName: CFStrings are better for localization.)
661     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceNameCFString
662                         A CFStringRef that contains the human readable name of the AudioDevice. The
663                         caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
664                         (kAudioObjectPropertyName: This is just another name for the inherited
665                         selector.)
666     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturer
667                         A C-string that contains the human readable name of the manufacturer of the
668                         AudioDevice.
669                         (kAudioObjectPropertyManufacturer: CFStrings are better for localization.)
670     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturerCFString
671                         A CFString that contains the human readable name of the manufacturer of the
672                         AudioDevice. The caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
673                         (kAudioObjectPropertyManufacturer: This is just another name for the
674                         inherited selector.)
675     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyRegisterBufferList
676                         This property allows clients to register a fully populated AudioBufferList
677                         that matches the topology described by
678                         kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration for doing input using
679                         AudioDeviceRead(). The AudioBufferList will be registered with the call the
680                         AudioDeviceSetProperty() and will be unregistered with the call to
681                         AudioDeviceGetProperty(). If this property isn't implemented by the
682                         AudioDevice, it implies that the AudioDevice also doesn't support
683                         AudioDeviceRead().
684                         (Aggregate devices make AudioDeviceRead() obsolete for the most part.)
685     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize
686                         A UInt32 containing the size in bytes of the IO buffer for the AudioStream
687                         containing the element.
688                         (kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize: with multiple AudioStreams and the
689                         requirement that all streams' buffers represent the same amount of time, it
690                         doesn't make sense to set the buffer size in bytes since it will be
691                         different for each stream.)
692     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSizeRange
693                         An AudioValueRange specifying the minimum and maximum bytes size for the
694                         IO buffer for the AudioStream containing the given element.
695                         (kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSizeRange: see
696                         kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize.)
697     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyChannelName
698                         A C-string that contains a human readable name for the given element in the
699                         given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
700                         (kAudioObjectPropertyElementName: CFStrings are better for
701                         localization.)
702     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNameCFString
703                         A CFString that contains a human readable name for the given element in the
704                         given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
705                         (kAudioObjectPropertyElementName: This is just another name for the
706                         inherited selector.)
707     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyChannelCategoryName
708                         A C-string that contains a human readable name for the category of the given
709                         element in the given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the
710                         returned CFObject.
711                         (kAudioObjectPropertyElementCategoryName: CFStrings are better for
712                         localization.)
713     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyChannelCategoryNameCFString
714                         A CFString that contains a human readable name for the category of the given
715                         element in the given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the
716                         returned CFObject.
717                         (kAudioObjectPropertyElementCategoryName: This is just another name for the
718                         inherited selector.)
719     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNumberName
720                         A C-string that contains a human readable name for the number of the given
721                         element in the given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the
722                         returned CFObject.
723                         (kAudioObjectPropertyElementNumberName: CFStrings are better for
724                         localization.)
725     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNumberNameCFString
726                         A CFString that contains a human readable name for the number of the given
727                         element in the given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the
728                         returned CFObject.
729                         (kAudioObjectPropertyElementNumberName: This is just another name for the
730                         inherited selector.)
731     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing
732                         A UInt32 where a value of 1 means the AudioDevice supports mixing and a
733                         value of 0 means that it doesn't and that all IO is performed in each
734                         AudioStream's current physical format. This property is changed indirectly
735                         by changing to a format that doesn't support mixing, such as AC-3. (The HAL
736                         now vends it's format information with a flag indicating the mixability in
737                         order to better support devices with streams that are both mixable and non-
738                         mixable.)
739     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat
740                         An AudioStreamBasicDescription that describes the current data format for
741                         the AudioStream that contains the channel referred to by the element number.
742                         (kAudioStreamPropertyVirtualFormat: Managing format information is
743                         inherently an operation on AudioStreams, rather than AudioDevices. It is
744                         confusing for the client to work with formats at the AudioDevice level and
745                         has been shown to lead to programming mistakes by clients when working with
746                         devices that have multiple streams.)
747     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormats
748                         An array of AudioStreamBasicDescriptions that describe the available data
749                         formats for the AudioStream that contains the channel referred to by the
750                         element number.
751                         (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailableVirtualFormats: Managing format information is
752                         inherently an operation on AudioStreams, rather than AudioDevices. It is
753                         confusing for the client to work with formats at the AudioDevice level and
754                         has been shown to lead to programming mistakes by clients when working with
755                         devices that have multiple streams.)
756     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatSupported
757                         An AudioStreamBasicDescription is passed in to query whether or not the
758                         format is supported. A kAudioDeviceUnsupportedFormatError will be returned
759                         if the format is not supported and kAudioHardwareNoError will be returned if
760                         it is supported. AudioStreamBasicDescription fields set to 0 will be ignored
761                         in the query, but otherwise values must match exactly.
762                         (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailableVirtualFormats: The proper and most robust way
763                         to find a format that the AudioStream can support is to get the list of
764                         available formats and look through that rather than using this property.)
765     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatMatch
766                         An AudioStreamBasicDescription is passed in and the AudioStream will modify
767                         it to describe the best match, in the AudioDevice's opinion, for the given
768                         format.
769                         (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailableVirtualFormats: The proper and most robust way
770                         to find a format that the AudioStream can support is to get the list of
771                         available formats and look through that rather than using this property.)
772     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForID
773                         This property translates the given data source item ID into a human readable
774                         name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data is the UInt32
775                         holding the item ID to be translated and the output data is a buffer to hold
776                         the name as a null terminated C-string.
777                         (kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForIDCFString: CFStrings are better for
778                         localization.)
779     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForID
780                         This property translates the given clock source item ID into a human
781                         readable name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data is
782                         the UInt32 holding the item ID to be translated and the output data is a
783                         buffer to hold the name as a null terminated C-string.
784                         (kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForIDCFString: CFStrings are better for
785                         localization.)
786     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestinationNameForID
787                         This property translates the given play through destination item ID into a
788                         human readable name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data
789                         is the UInt32 holding the item ID to be translated and the output data is a
790                         buffer to hold the name as a null terminated C-string.
791                         (kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestinationNameForIDCFString: CFStrings are
792                         better for localization.)
793     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevelNameForID
794                         This property translates the given nominal line level item ID into a human
795                         readable name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data is
796                         the UInt32 holding the item ID to be translated and the output data is a
797                         buffer to hold the name as a null terminated C-string.
798                         (kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevelNameForIDCFString: CFStrings are
799                         better for localization.)
800     @constant       kAudioDevicePropertyHighPassFilterSettingNameForID
801                         This property translates the given high pass filter setting item ID into a
802                         human readable name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data
803                         is the UInt32 holding the item ID to be translated and the output data is a
804                         buffer to hold the name as a null terminated C-string.
805                         (kAudioDevicePropertyHighPassFilterSettingNameForIDCFString: CFStrings are
806                         better for localization.)
807 }
808 const
809 	kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName = FourCharCode('name');
810 	kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceNameCFString = kAudioObjectPropertyName;
811 	kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturer = FourCharCode('makr');
812 	kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturerCFString = kAudioObjectPropertyManufacturer;
813 	kAudioDevicePropertyRegisterBufferList = FourCharCode('rbuf');
814 	kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize = FourCharCode('bsiz');
815 	kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSizeRange = FourCharCode('bsz#');
816 	kAudioDevicePropertyChannelName = FourCharCode('chnm');
817 	kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNameCFString = kAudioObjectPropertyElementName;
818 	kAudioDevicePropertyChannelCategoryName = FourCharCode('ccnm');
819 	kAudioDevicePropertyChannelCategoryNameCFString = kAudioObjectPropertyElementCategoryName;
820 	kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNumberName = FourCharCode('cnnm');
821 	kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNumberNameCFString = kAudioObjectPropertyElementNumberName;
822 	kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing = FourCharCode('mix?');
823 	kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat = FourCharCode('sfmt');
824 	kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormats = FourCharCode('sfm#');
825 	kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatSupported = FourCharCode('sfm?');
826 	kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatMatch = FourCharCode('sfmm');
827 	kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForID = FourCharCode('sscn');
828 	kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForID = FourCharCode('cscn');
829 	kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestinationNameForID = FourCharCode('mddn');
830 	kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevelNameForID = FourCharCode('cnlv');
831 	kAudioDevicePropertyHighPassFilterSettingNameForID = FourCharCode('chip');
833 //==================================================================================================
834 //#pragma mark AudioDevice Functions
836 {!
837     @functiongroup  AudioDevice
838 }
840 {!
841     @function       AudioDeviceAddIOProc
842     @abstract       Registers the given AudioDeviceIOProc with the AudioDevice.
843     @discussion     A client may have multiple IOProcs for a given device, but the device is free to
844                     only accept as many as it can handle. Note that it is not recommended for
845                     clients to have more than a single IOProc registered at a time as this can be
846                     wasteful of system resources. Rather, it is recommended that the client do any
847                     necessary mixing itself so that only one IOProc is necessary.
848                     This routine has been deprecated in favor of AudioDeviceCreateIOProcID().
849     @param          inDevice
850                         The AudioDevice to register the IOProc with.
851     @param          inProc
852                         The AudioDeviceIOProc to register.
853     @param          inClientData
854                         A pointer to client data that is passed back to the IOProc when it is
855                         called.
856     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
857 }
AudioDeviceAddIOProcnull858 function AudioDeviceAddIOProc( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inProc: AudioDeviceIOProc; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceAddIOProc';
859 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_5, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
861 {!
862     @function       AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc
863     @abstract       Unregisters the given AudioDeviceIOProc from the AudioDevice.
864                     This routine has been deprecated in favor of AudioDeviceDestroyIOProcID().
865     @param          inDevice
866                         The AudioDevice to unregister the IOProc from.
867     @param          inProc
868                         The AudioDeviceIOProc to unregister.
869     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
870 }
AudioDeviceRemoveIOProcnull871 function AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inProc: AudioDeviceIOProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc';
872 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_5, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
874 {!
875     @function       AudioDeviceRead
876     @abstract       Read some data from an AudioDevice starting at the given time.
877     @discussion     With the advent of aggregate devices, the need for AudioDeviceRead has gone
878                     away. Consequently, this function is now deprecated.
879     @param          inDevice
880                         The AudioDevice to read from.
881     @param          inStartTime
882                         An AudioTimeStamp indicating the time from which to read the data. In
883                         general, the valid range of time (in frames) is from the current time minus
884                         the maximum IO buffer size to the current time minus the safety offset.
885     @param          outData
886                         An AudioBufferList that must be the same size and shape as that returned by
887                         kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration. Further, the AudioBufferList must
888                         have been previously registered with the device via
889                         kAudioDevicePropertyRegisterBufferList. On exit, the mDataSize fields will
890                         be updated with the amount of data read.
891     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
892                     kAudioHardwareUnsupportedOperationError will be returned if the AudioDevice does
893                     not support direct reading.
894 }
AudioDeviceReadnull895 function AudioDeviceRead( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; const (*var*) inStartTime: AudioTimeStamp; var outData: AudioBufferList ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceRead';
896 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_1, __MAC_10_5, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
898 {!
899     @function       AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo
900     @abstract       Retrieve information about the given property of an AudioDevice.
901     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by the functions
902                     AudioObjectHasProperty(), AudioObjectIsPropertySettable(), and
903                     AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize().
904     @param          inDevice
905                         The AudioDevice to query.
906     @param          inChannel
907                         The channel of the property to query where 0 is the master channel.
908     @param          isInput
909                         Which section of the AudioDevice to query.
910     @param          inPropertyID
911                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to query.
912     @param          outSize
913                         A pointer to a UInt32 that receives the size of the property data in bytes
914                         on exit. This can be NULL if the size information is not being requested.
915     @param          outWritable
916                         A pointer to a Boolean that receives indication of whether or not the given
917                         property can be set. This can be NULL if the writability is not being
918                         requested.
919     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
920 }
AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfonull921 function AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; outSize: {can be NULL} UInt32Ptr; outWritable: {can be NULL} BooleanPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo';
922 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
924 {!
925     @function       AudioDeviceGetProperty
926     @abstract       Queries an the AudioDevice object to get the data of the given property and
927                     places it in the provided buffer.
928     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by the function
929                     AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
930     @param          inDevice
931                         The AudioDevice to query.
932     @param          inChannel
933                         The channel of the property to query where 0 is the master channel.
934     @param          isInput
935                         Which section of the AudioDevice to query.
936     @param          inPropertyID
937                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to query.
938     @param          ioPropertyDataSize
939                         A UInt32 which on entry indicates the size of the buffer pointed to by
940                         outData and on exit indicates how much of the buffer was used.
941     @param          outPropertyData
942                         The buffer into which the object will put the data for the given property.
943     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
944 }
AudioDeviceGetPropertynull945 function AudioDeviceGetProperty( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; var ioPropertyDataSize: UInt32; outPropertyData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceGetProperty';
946 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
948 {!
949     @function       AudioDeviceSetProperty
950     @abstract       Tells the AudioDevice object to change the value of the given property using the
951                     provided data.
952     @discussion     Note that the value of the property should not be considered changed until the
953                     HAL has called the listeners as many properties values are changed
954                     asynchronously. Also note that the same functionality is provided by the
955                     function AudioObjectSetPropertyData().
956     @param          inDevice
957                         The AudioDevice to change.
958     @param          inWhen
959                         A pointer to an AudioTimeStamp that says when to change the property's value
960                         relative to the device's time base. NULL means execute the change
961                         immediately.
962     @param          inChannel
963                         The channel of the property to change where 0 is the master channel.
964     @param          isInput
965                         Which section of the AudioDevice to change.
966     @param          inPropertyID
967                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to change.
968     @param          inPropertyDataSize
969                         A UInt32 indicating the size of the buffer pointed to by inData.
970     @param          inPropertyData
971                         The buffer containing the data to be used to change the property's value.
972     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
973 }
AudioDeviceSetPropertynull974 function AudioDeviceSetProperty( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; {const} inWhen: {can be NULL} AudioTimeStampPtr; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inPropertyDataSize: UInt32; inPropertyData: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceSetProperty';
975 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
977 {!
978     @function       AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener
979     @abstract       Registers the given AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc to receive notifications
980                     when the given property changes.
981     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
982                     in conjunction with AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
983     @param          inDevice
984                         The AudioDevice with whom to register the listener.
985     @param          inChannel
986                         The channel of the property to listen to.
987     @param          isInput
988                         Which section of the AudioDevice to listen to.
989     @param          inPropertyID
990                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to listen to.
991     @param          inProc
992                         AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc to call.
993     @param          inClientData
994                         A pointer to client data that is passed to the listener when it is called.
995     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
996 }
AudioDeviceAddPropertyListenernull997 function AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inProc: AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener';
998 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
1000 {!
1001     @function       AudioDeviceRemovePropertyListener
1002     @abstract       Unregisters the given AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc from receiving
1003                     notifications when the given property changes.
1004     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by
1005                     AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener in conjunction with
1006                     AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
1007     @param          inDevice
1008                         The AudioDevice with whom to unregister the listener.
1009     @param          inChannel
1010                         The channel of the property to unregister from.
1011     @param          isInput
1012                         Which section of the AudioDevice to unregister from.
1013     @param          inPropertyID
1014                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to stop listening to.
1015     @param          inProc
1016                         AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc to unregister.
1017     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
1018 }
AudioDeviceRemovePropertyListenernull1019 function AudioDeviceRemovePropertyListener( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inProc: AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceRemovePropertyListener';
1020 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_0, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
1022 //==================================================================================================
1023 //#pragma mark -
1024 //#pragma mark AudioStream Types
1026 {!
1027     @typedef        AudioStreamID
1028     @abstract       AudioStream is the base class for all objects that represent a stream of data on
1029                     an audio device.
1030     @discussion     AudioStream is a subclass of AudioObject and can contain AudioControls.
1031 }
1032 type
1033 	AudioStreamID = AudioObjectID;
1035 {!
1036     @typedef        AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc
1037     @abstract       Clients register an AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc with the AudioStream object
1038                     in order to receive notifications when the properties of the object change.
1039     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
1040     @param          inStream
1041                         The AudioStream whose property has changed.
1042     @param          inChannel
1043                         The channel of the property that changed where 0 is the master channel.
1044     @param          inPropertyID
1045                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property that changed.
1046     @param          inClientData
1047                         A pointer to client data established when the listener proc was registered
1048                         with the object.
1049     @result         The return value is currently unused and should always be 0.
1050 }
1051 type
inStreamnull1052 	AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc = function( inStream: AudioStreamID; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
1054 //==================================================================================================
1055 //#pragma mark AudioStream Constants
1057 {!
1058     @enum           AudioStream Class Constants
1059     @abstract       Various constants related to AudioStreams.
1060     @constant       kAudioStreamUnknown
1061                         The AudioObjectID for a nonexistent AudioObject.
1062 }
1063 const
1064 	kAudioStreamUnknown = kAudioObjectUnknown;
1066 //==================================================================================================
1067 //#pragma mark AudioStream Properties
1069 {!
1070     @enum           AudioStream Properties That Ought To Some Day Be Deprecated
1071     @abstract       AudioObjectPropertySelector values whose functionality is better provided by
1072                     other selectors.
1073     @discussion     These selectors are still provided for backward compatibility. The description
1074                     of the property will indicate in parentheses the better selectors to use and
1075                     why.
1076     @constant       kAudioStreamPropertyOwningDevice
1077                         The AudioObjectID of the AudioDevice of which this AudioStream is a part.
1078                         (kAudioObjectPropertyOwner: This is just another name for the inherited
1079                         selector.)
1080     @constant       kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormats
1081                         An array of AudioStreamBasicDescriptions that describe the available data
1082                         formats for the AudioStream. The physical format refers to the data format
1083                         in which the hardware for the owning AudioDevice performs it's IO
1084                         transactions.
1085                         (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailablePhysicalFormats: The new name for this
1086                         property is much clearer for readers of the API to see what is meant and the
1087                         AudioStreamRangedDescription structure provides better information.)
1088     @constant       kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatSupported
1089                         An AudioStreamBasicDescription is passed in to query whether or not the
1090                         format is supported. A kAudioDeviceUnsupportedFormatError will be returned
1091                         if the format is not supported and kAudioHardwareNoError will be returned if
1092                         it is supported. AudioStreamBasicDescription fields set to 0 will be ignored
1093                         in the query, but otherwise values must match exactly. The physical format
1094                         refers to the data format in which the hardware for the owning AudioDevice
1095                         performs it's IO transactions.
1096                         (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailablePhysicalFormats: The proper and most robust
1097                         way to find a format that the AudioStream can support is to get the list of
1098                         available formats and look through that rather than using this property.)
1099     @constant       kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatMatch
1100                         An AudioStreamBasicDescription is passed in and the AudioStream will modify
1101                         it to describe the best match, in the AudioDevice's opinion, for the given
1102                         format. The physical format refers to the data format in which the hardware
1103                         for the owning AudioDevice performs it's IO transactions.
1104                         (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailablePhysicalFormats: The proper and most robust
1105                         way to find a format that the AudioStream can support is to get the list of
1106                         available formats and look through that rather than using this property.)
1107 }
1108 const
1109 	kAudioStreamPropertyOwningDevice = kAudioObjectPropertyOwner;
1110 	kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormats = FourCharCode('pft#');
1111 	kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatSupported = FourCharCode('pft?');
1112 	kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatMatch = FourCharCode('pftm');
1114 //==================================================================================================
1115 //#pragma mark AudioStream Functions
1117 {!
1118     @functiongroup  AudioStream
1119 }
1121 {!
1122     @function       AudioStreamGetPropertyInfo
1123     @abstract       Retrieve information about the given property of an AudioStream.
1124     @param          inStream
1125                         The AudioStream to query.
1126     @param          inChannel
1127                         The channel of the property to query where 0 is the master channel.
1128     @param          inPropertyID
1129                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to query.
1130     @param          outSize
1131                         A pointer to a UInt32 that receives the size of the property data in bytes
1132                         on exit. This can be NULL if the size information is not being requested.
1133     @param          outWritable
1134                         A pointer to a Boolean that receives indication of whether or not the given
1135                         property can be set. This can be NULL if the writability is not being
1136                         requested.
1137     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
1138 }
AudioStreamGetPropertyInfonull1139 function AudioStreamGetPropertyInfo( inStream: AudioStreamID; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; outSize: {can be NULL} UInt32Ptr; outWritable: {can be NULL} BooleanPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioStreamGetPropertyInfo';
1140 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_1, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
1142 {!
1143     @function       AudioStreamGetProperty
1144     @abstract       Queries an the AudioStream object to get the data of the given property and
1145                     places it in the provided buffer.
1146     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by the function
1147                     AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
1148     @param          inStream
1149                         The AudioStream to query.
1150     @param          inChannel
1151                         The channel of the property to query where 0 is the master channel.
1152     @param          inPropertyID
1153                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to query.
1154     @param          ioPropertyDataSize
1155                         A UInt32 which on entry indicates the size of the buffer pointed to by
1156                         outData and on exit indicates how much of the buffer was used.
1157     @param          outPropertyData
1158                         The buffer into which the object will put the data for the given property.
1159     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
1160 }
AudioStreamGetPropertynull1161 function AudioStreamGetProperty( inStream: AudioStreamID; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; var ioPropertyDataSize: UInt32; outPropertyData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioStreamGetProperty';
1162 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_1, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
1164 {!
1165     @function       AudioStreamSetProperty
1166     @abstract       Tells the AudioStream object to change the value of the given property using the
1167                     provided data.
1168     @discussion     Note that the value of the property should not be considered changed until the
1169                     HAL has called the listeners as many properties values are changed
1170                     asynchronously. Also note that the same functionality is provided by the
1171                     function AudioObjectSetPropertyData().
1172     @param          inStream
1173                         The AudioStream to change.
1174     @param          inWhen
1175                         A pointer to an AudioTimeStamp that says when to change the property's value
1176                         relative to the device's time base. NULL means execute the change
1177                         immediately.
1178     @param          inChannel
1179                         The channel of the property to change where 0 is the master channel.
1180     @param          inPropertyID
1181                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to change.
1182     @param          inPropertyDataSize
1183                         A UInt32 indicating the size of the buffer pointed to by inData.
1184     @param          inPropertyData
1185                         The buffer containing the data to be used to change the property's value.
1186     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
1187 }
AudioStreamSetPropertynull1188 function AudioStreamSetProperty( inStream: AudioStreamID; {const} inWhen: {can be NULL} AudioTimeStampPtr; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inPropertyDataSize: UInt32; inPropertyData: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioStreamSetProperty';
1189 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_1, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
1191 {!
1192     @function       AudioStreamAddPropertyListener
1193     @abstract       Registers the given AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc to receive notifications
1194                     when the given property changes.
1195     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
1196                     in conjunction with AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
1197     @param          inStream
1198                         The AudioStream with whom to register the listener.
1199     @param          inChannel
1200                         The channel of the property to listen to.
1201     @param          inPropertyID
1202                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to listen to.
1203     @param          inProc
1204                         AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc to call.
1205     @param          inClientData
1206                         A pointer to client data that is passed to the listener when it is called.
1207     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
1208 }
AudioStreamAddPropertyListenernull1209 function AudioStreamAddPropertyListener( inStream: AudioStreamID; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inProc: AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioStreamAddPropertyListener';
1210 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_1, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
1212 {!
1213     @function       AudioStreamRemovePropertyListener
1214     @abstract       Unregisters the given AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc from receiving
1215                     notifications when the given property changes.
1216     @discussion     Note that the same functionality is provided by
1217                     AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener in conjunction with
1218                     AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
1219     @param          inStream
1220                         The AudioStream with whom to unregister the listener.
1221     @param          inChannel
1222                         The channel of the property to unregister from.
1223     @param          inPropertyID
1224                         The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to stop listening to.
1225     @param          inProc
1226                         AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc to unregister.
1227     @result         An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
1228 }
AudioStreamRemovePropertyListenernull1229 function AudioStreamRemovePropertyListener( inStream: AudioStreamID; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inProc: AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioStreamRemovePropertyListener';
1230 (* __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_1, __MAC_10_6, __IPHONE_2_0, __IPHONE_2_0) *)
1233 //==================================================================================================
1234 //#pragma mark -
1235 //#pragma mark AudioControl Constants
1237 {!
1238     @enum           AudioControl Base Class IDs
1239     @abstract       The AudioClassIDs that identify the various AudioControl base classes.
1240     @constant       kAudioBootChimeVolumeControlClassID
1241                         An AudioLevelControl for the boot chime of the CPU.
1242 }
1243 const
1244 	kAudioBootChimeVolumeControlClassID = FourCharCode('pram');
1246 //==================================================================================================
1247 //#pragma mark AudioControl Properties
1249 {!
1250     @enum           AudioControl Properties
1251     @abstract       AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioControls.
1252     @discussion     AudioControl is a subclass of AudioObject and has only the single scope,
1253                     kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, and only a master element.
1254     @constant       kAudioControlPropertyVariant
1255                         A UInt32 that identifies the specific variant of an AudioControl. This
1256                         allows the owning AudioObject to support controls that are of the same basic
1257                         class (that is, the values of  kAudioObjectPropertyClass are the same) but
1258                         may control a part of the object for which the standard controls do not
1259                         control.
1260 }
1261 const
1262 	kAudioControlPropertyVariant = FourCharCode('cvar');
1264 {!
1265     @enum           AudioClockSourceControl Properties
1266     @abstract       AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply only to AudioClockSourceControls.
1267     @discussion     These properties supplement the regular AudioSelectorControl Properties.
1268     @constant       kAudioClockSourceControlPropertyItemKind
1269                         This property returns a UInt32 that identifies the kind of clock source
1270                         the item ID refers to. The qualifier contains the ID of the item. Note that
1271                         this property is a synonym for kAudioSelectorControlPropertyItemKind.
1272 }
1273 const
1274 	kAudioClockSourceControlPropertyItemKind = kAudioSelectorControlPropertyItemKind;
1276 //==================================================================================================
1278 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
1280 end.
1281 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}