1 {!
2 	@file		AudioFile.h
3 	@framework	AudioToolbox.framework
4 	@copyright	(c) 1985-2015 by Apple, Inc., all rights reserved.
5 	@abstract	API's to read and write audio files in the filesystem or in memory.
6 }
7 {  Pascal Translation: Jonas Maebe <jonas@freepascal.org>, July 2019 }
8 {
9     Modified for use with Free Pascal
10     Version 308
11     Please report any bugs to <gpc@microbizz.nl>
12 }
14 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
15 {$mode macpas}
16 {$modeswitch cblocks}
17 {$packenum 1}
18 {$macro on}
19 {$inline on}
20 {$calling mwpascal}
22 unit AudioFile;
23 interface
25 {$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0308}
27 {$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
29 {$endc}
31 {$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
32 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
33 {$endc}
34 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
35 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
36 {$endc}
38 {$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC32}
39 	{$setc __ppc__ := 1}
40 {$elsec}
41 	{$setc __ppc__ := 0}
42 {$endc}
43 {$ifc not defined __ppc64__ and defined CPUPOWERPC64}
44 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 1}
45 {$elsec}
46 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 0}
47 {$endc}
48 {$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
49 	{$setc __i386__ := 1}
50 {$elsec}
51 	{$setc __i386__ := 0}
52 {$endc}
53 {$ifc not defined __x86_64__ and defined CPUX86_64}
54 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 1}
55 {$elsec}
56 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 0}
57 {$endc}
58 {$ifc not defined __arm__ and defined CPUARM}
59 	{$setc __arm__ := 1}
60 {$elsec}
61 	{$setc __arm__ := 0}
62 {$endc}
63 {$ifc not defined __arm64__ and defined CPUAARCH64}
64   {$setc __arm64__ := 1}
65 {$elsec}
66   {$setc __arm64__ := 0}
67 {$endc}
69 {$ifc defined cpu64}
70   {$setc __LP64__ := 1}
71 {$elsec}
72   {$setc __LP64__ := 0}
73 {$endc}
76 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
77 	{$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
78 {$endc}
80 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
81 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
82 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
83 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
84 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
85 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
86 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
87 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
91 {$elifc defined __ppc64__ and __ppc64__}
92 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
93 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := TRUE}
94 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
95 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
96 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
97 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
98 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
102 {$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
103 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
104 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
105 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
106 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
107 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
108 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
109 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
110  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
111 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
113 {$elsec}
114 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
115 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
117 {$endc}
119 {$elifc defined __x86_64__ and __x86_64__}
120 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
121 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
122 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
123 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := TRUE}
124 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
125 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
126 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
127  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
128 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
130 {$elsec}
131 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
132 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
134 {$endc}
136 {$elifc defined __arm__ and __arm__}
137 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
138 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
139 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
140 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
141 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := TRUE}
142 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
143 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
144 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
147 {$elifc defined __arm64__ and __arm64__}
148 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
149 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
150 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
151 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
152 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
153 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := TRUE}
154 {$ifc defined ios}
155 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
156 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
158 {$elsec}
159 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
160 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
162 {$endc}
164 {$elsec}
165 	{$error __ppc__ nor __ppc64__ nor __i386__ nor __x86_64__ nor __arm__ nor __arm64__ is defined.}
166 {$endc}
168 {$ifc defined __LP64__ and __LP64__ }
169   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := TRUE}
170 {$elsec}
171   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := FALSE}
172 {$endc}
174 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
177 {$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
180 {$elsec}
181 	{$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
182 {$endc}
187 {$setc OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES := TRUE}
189 {$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
192 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 := FALSE}
193 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OSX := TRUE}
194 {$setc TARGET_CARBON := TRUE}
195 {$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
196 {$setc TARGET_CPU_MIPS := FALSE}
198 {$setc TARGET_OS_UNIX := FALSE}
199 {$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
200 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
201 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM := FALSE}
204 {$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
205 {$setc TYPE_EXTENDED := FALSE}
206 {$setc TYPE_LONGLONG := TRUE}
207 uses MacTypes,CFBase,CoreAudioTypes,CoreFoundation;
208 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
213 //=============================================================================
214 //	Includes
215 //=============================================================================
221 {!
222 	@typedef	AudioFileTypeID
223 	@abstract	Identifier for an audio file type.
224 }
225 type
226 	AudioFileTypeID = UInt32;
228 {!
229     @enum Audio File Types
230     @abstract   Constants for the built-in audio file types.
231     @discussion These constants are used to indicate the type of file to be written, or as a hint to
232 					what type of file to expect from data provided.
233     @constant   kAudioFileAIFFType
234 					Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF)
235     @constant   kAudioFileAIFCType
236 					Audio Interchange File Format Compressed (AIFF-C)
237     @constant   kAudioFileWAVEType
238 					Microsoft WAVE
239     @constant   kAudioFileRF64Type
240                     File Format specified in EBU Tech 3306
241     @constant   kAudioFileSoundDesigner2Type
242 					Sound Designer II
243     @constant   kAudioFileNextType
244 					NeXT / Sun
245     @constant   kAudioFileMP3Type
246 					MPEG Audio Layer 3 (.mp3)
247     @constant   kAudioFileMP2Type
248 					MPEG Audio Layer 2 (.mp2)
249     @constant   kAudioFileMP1Type
250 					MPEG Audio Layer 1 (.mp1)
251     @constant   kAudioFileAC3Type
252 					AC-3
253     @constant   kAudioFileAAC_ADTSType
254 					Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) Audio Data Transport Stream (ADTS)
255     @constant   kAudioFileMPEG4Type
256     @constant   kAudioFileM4AType
257     @constant   kAudioFileM4BType
258     @constant   kAudioFileCAFType
259                     CoreAudio File Format
260     @constant   kAudioFile3GPType
261     @constant   kAudioFile3GP2Type
262     @constant   kAudioFileAMRType
263     @constant   kAudioFileFLACType
264                     Free Lossless Audio Codec
265 }
266 const
267 	kAudioFileAIFFType = FourCharCode('AIFF');
268 	kAudioFileAIFCType = FourCharCode('AIFC');
269 	kAudioFileWAVEType = FourCharCode('WAVE');
270 	kAudioFileRF64Type = FourCharCode('RF64');
271 	kAudioFileSoundDesigner2Type = FourCharCode('Sd2f');
272 	kAudioFileNextType = FourCharCode('NeXT');
273 	kAudioFileMP3Type = FourCharCode('MPG3'); 	// mpeg layer 3
274 	kAudioFileMP2Type = FourCharCode('MPG2'); 	// mpeg layer 2
275 	kAudioFileMP1Type = FourCharCode('MPG1'); 	// mpeg layer 1
276 	kAudioFileAC3Type = FourCharCode('ac-3');
277 	kAudioFileAAC_ADTSType = FourCharCode('adts');
278 	kAudioFileMPEG4Type = FourCharCode('mp4f');
279 	kAudioFileM4AType = FourCharCode('m4af');
280 	kAudioFileM4BType = FourCharCode('m4bf');
281 	kAudioFileCAFType = FourCharCode('caff');
282 	kAudioFile3GPType = FourCharCode('3gpp');
283 	kAudioFile3GP2Type = FourCharCode('3gp2');
284 	kAudioFileAMRType = FourCharCode('amrf');
285 	kAudioFileFLACType = FourCharCode('flac');
287 {!
288     @enum AudioFile error codes
289     @abstract   These are the error codes returned from the AudioFile API.
290     @constant   kAudioFileUnspecifiedError
291 		An unspecified error has occurred.
292     @constant   kAudioFileUnsupportedFileTypeError
293 		The file type is not supported.
294     @constant   kAudioFileUnsupportedDataFormatError
295 		The data format is not supported by this file type.
296     @constant   kAudioFileUnsupportedPropertyError
297 		The property is not supported.
298     @constant   kAudioFileBadPropertySizeError
299 		The size of the property data was not correct.
300     @constant   kAudioFilePermissionsError
301 		The operation violated the file permissions. For example, trying to write to a file opened with kAudioFileReadPermission.
302     @constant   kAudioFileNotOptimizedError
303 		There are chunks following the audio data chunk that prevent extending the audio data chunk.
304 		The file must be optimized in order to write more audio data.
305     @constant   kAudioFileInvalidChunkError
306 		The chunk does not exist in the file or is not supported by the file.
307     @constant   kAudioFileDoesNotAllow64BitDataSizeError
308 		The a file offset was too large for the file type. AIFF and WAVE have a 32 bit file size limit.
309     @constant   kAudioFileInvalidPacketOffsetError
310 		A packet offset was past the end of the file, or not at the end of the file when writing a VBR format,
311 		or a corrupt packet size was read when building the packet table.
312     @constant   kAudioFileInvalidFileError
313 		The file is malformed, or otherwise not a valid instance of an audio file of its type.
314     @constant   kAudioFileOperationNotSupportedError
315 		The operation cannot be performed. For example, setting kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataByteCount to increase
316 		the size of the audio data in a file is not a supported operation. Write the data instead.
317     @constant   kAudioFileNotOpenError
318 		The file is closed.
319 	@constant   kAudioFileEndOfFileError
320 		End of file.
321 	@constant   kAudioFilePositionError
322 		Invalid file position.
323 	@constant   kAudioFileFileNotFoundError
324 		File not found.
325  }
326 const
327 	kAudioFileUnspecifiedError = FourCharCode('wht?'); 		// 0x7768743F, 2003334207
328 	kAudioFileUnsupportedFileTypeError = FourCharCode('typ?'); 		// 0x7479703F, 1954115647
329 	kAudioFileUnsupportedDataFormatError = FourCharCode('fmt?'); 		// 0x666D743F, 1718449215
330 	kAudioFileUnsupportedPropertyError = FourCharCode('pty?'); 		// 0x7074793F, 1886681407
331 	kAudioFileBadPropertySizeError = FourCharCode('!siz'); 		// 0x2173697A,  561211770
332 	kAudioFilePermissionsError = FourCharCode('prm?'); 		// 0x70726D3F, 1886547263
333 	kAudioFileNotOptimizedError = FourCharCode('optm'); 		// 0x6F70746D, 1869640813
334         // file format specific error codes
335 	kAudioFileInvalidChunkError = FourCharCode('chk?'); 		// 0x63686B3F, 1667787583
336 	kAudioFileDoesNotAllow64BitDataSizeError = FourCharCode('off?'); 		// 0x6F66663F, 1868981823
337 	kAudioFileInvalidPacketOffsetError = FourCharCode('pck?'); 		// 0x70636B3F, 1885563711
338 	kAudioFileInvalidFileError = FourCharCode('dta?'); 		// 0x6474613F, 1685348671
339 	kAudioFileOperationNotSupportedError = $6F703F3F;  	// 'op??', integer used because of trigraph
340 		// general file error codes
341 	kAudioFileNotOpenError = -38;
342 	kAudioFileEndOfFileError = -39;
343 	kAudioFilePositionError = -40;
344 	kAudioFileFileNotFoundError = -43;
346 {!
347     @enum AudioFileFlags
348     @abstract   These are flags that can be used with the CreateURL API call
349     @constant   kAudioFileFlags_EraseFile
350 		If set, then the CreateURL call will erase the contents of an existing file
351 		If not set, then the CreateURL call will fail if the file already exists
352     @constant   kAudioFileFlags_DontPageAlignAudioData
353 		Normally, newly created and optimized files will have padding added in order to page align
354 		the data to 4KB boundaries. This makes reading the data more efficient.
355 		When disk space is a concern, this flag can be set so that the padding will not be added.
356 }
357 type
358 	AudioFileFlags = UInt32;
359 const
360 	kAudioFileFlags_EraseFile = 1;
361 	kAudioFileFlags_DontPageAlignAudioData = 2;
363 type
364 	AudioFilePermissions = SInt8;
365 const
366 	kAudioFileReadPermission = $01;
367 	kAudioFileWritePermission = $02;
368 	kAudioFileReadWritePermission = $03;
370 //=============================================================================
371 //	Types specific to the Audio File API
372 //=============================================================================
374 {!
375     @typedef	AudioFileID
376     @abstract   An opaque reference to an AudioFile object.
377 }
378 type
379 	OpaqueAudioFileID = record end;
380 	AudioFileID = ^OpaqueAudioFileID;
381 {!
382     @typedef	AudioFilePropertyID
383     @abstract   A constant for an AudioFile property.
384 }
385 type
386 	AudioFilePropertyID = UInt32;
388 {!
389     @enum		AudioFileLoopDirection
390     @abstract   These constants describe the playback direction of a looped segment of a file.
391     @constant   kAudioFileLoopDirection_NoLooping
392 					The segment is not looped.
393     @constant   kAudioFileLoopDirection_Forward
394 					play segment forward.
395     @constant   kAudioFileLoopDirection_Backward
396 					play segment backward.
397     @constant   kAudioFileLoopDirection_ForwardAndBackward
398 					play segment forward and backward.
399 }
400 const
401 	kAudioFileLoopDirection_NoLooping = 0;
402 	kAudioFileLoopDirection_Forward = 1;
403 	kAudioFileLoopDirection_ForwardAndBackward = 2;
404 	kAudioFileLoopDirection_Backward = 3;
406 //=============================================================================
407 //	Markers, Regions
408 //=============================================================================
411 {!
412     @struct		AudioFile_SMPTE_Time
413     @abstract   A struct for describing a SMPTE time.
414     @field      mHours						The hours.
415     @field      mMinutes					The minutes.
416     @field      mSeconds					The seconds.
417     @field      mFrames						The frames.
418     @field      mSubFrameSampleOffset		The sample offset within a frame.
419 }
420 type
421 	AudioFile_SMPTE_Time = record
422 		mHours: SInt8;
423 		mMinutes: UInt8;
424 		mSeconds: UInt8;
425 		mFrames: UInt8;
426 		mSubFrameSampleOffset: UInt32;
427 	end;
430 {!
431     @enum		AudioFileMarkerType
432     @abstract   constants for types of markers within a file. Used in the mType field of AudioFileMarker.
433     @constant   kAudioFileMarkerType_Generic		A generic marker. See CAFFile.h for marker types specific to CAF files.
434 }
435 const
436 	kAudioFileMarkerType_Generic = 0;
439 {!
440     @struct		AudioFileMarker
441     @abstract   A marker annotates a position in an audio file with additional information.
442     @discussion (description)
443     @field      mFramePosition	The frame in the file counting from the start of the audio data.
444     @field      mName			The name of this marker.
445     @field      mMarkerID		A unique ID for this marker.
446     @field      mSMPTETime		The SMPTE time for this marker.
447     @field      mType			The marker type.
448     @field      mReserved		A reserved field. Set to zero.
449     @field      mChannel		The channel number that the marker refers to. Set to zero if marker applies to all channels.
450 }
451 type
452 	AudioFileMarker = record
453 		mFramePosition: Float64;
455 		mName: CFStringRef	{__nullable};
456 		mMarkerID: SInt32;
458 		mSMPTETime: AudioFile_SMPTE_Time;
459 		mType: UInt32;
460 		mReserved: UInt16;
461 		mChannel: UInt16;
462 	end;
463 	AudioFileMarkerPtr = ^AudioFileMarker;
465 {!
466     @struct		AudioFileMarkerList
467     @abstract   A list of AudioFileMarker.
468     @field      mSMPTE_TimeType
469 					This defines the SMPTE timing scheme used in the marker list. See CAFFile.h for the values used here.
470     @field      mNumberMarkers
471 					The number of markers in the mMarkers list.
472     @field      mMarkers
473 					A list of AudioFileMarker.
474 }
475 type
476 	AudioFileMarkerList = record
477 		mSMPTE_TimeType: UInt32;
478 		mNumberMarkers: UInt32;
479 		mMarkers: array [0..1-1] of AudioFileMarker; // this is a variable length array of mNumberMarkers elements
480 	end;
481 	AudioFileMarkerListPtr = ^AudioFileMarkerList;
483 {!
484     @function	NumBytesToNumAudioFileMarkers
485     @abstract   Converts a size in bytes to the number of AudioFileMarkers that can be contained in that number of bytes.
486     @discussion This can be used for the kAudioFilePropertyMarkerList property when calculating the number of
487 				markers that will be returned.
488     @param      inNumBytes
489 					a number of bytes.
490     @result     the number of AudioFileMarkers that can be contained in that number of bytes.
491 }
NumBytesToNumAudioFileMarkersnull493 function NumBytesToNumAudioFileMarkers(inNumBytes: size_t): size_t;
495 inline;
498 {!
499     @function	NumAudioFileMarkersToNumBytes
500     @abstract   Converts a number of AudioFileMarkers to a size in bytes.
501     @discussion This can be used for the kAudioFilePropertyMarkerList property when calculating the size required to
502 				contain a number of AudioFileMarkers.
503     @param      inNumMarkers
504 					a number of AudioFileMarkers.
505     @result     the size in bytes required to contain that number of AudioFileMarkers.
506 }
NumAudioFileMarkersToNumBytesnull508 function NumAudioFileMarkersToNumBytes(inNumMarkers: size_t): size_t;
510 inline;
513 {!
514     @enum		AudioFileRegionFlags
515     @abstract   These are flags for an AudioFileRegion that specify a playback direction.
516     @discussion One or multiple of these flags can be set. For example, if both kAudioFileRegionFlag_LoopEnable and
517 				kAudioFileRegionFlag_PlayForward are set, then the region will play as a forward loop. If only
518 				kAudioFileRegionFlag_PlayForward is set, then the region will be played forward once.
519     @constant   kAudioFileRegionFlag_LoopEnable
520 					If this flag is set, the region will be looped. One or both of the following must also be set.
521     @constant   kAudioFileRegionFlag_PlayForward
522 					If this flag is set, the region will be played forward.
523     @constant   kAudioFileRegionFlag_PlayBackward
524 					If this flag is set, the region will be played backward.
525 }
526 type
527 	AudioFileRegionFlags = UInt32;
528 const
529 	kAudioFileRegionFlag_LoopEnable = 1;
530 	kAudioFileRegionFlag_PlayForward = 2;
531 	kAudioFileRegionFlag_PlayBackward = 4;
533 {!
534     @struct		AudioFileRegion
535     @abstract   An AudioFileRegion specifies a segment of audio data.
536     @discussion Generally a region consists of at least two markers marking the beginning and end of the segment.
537 				There may also be other markers defining other meta information such as sync point.
538     @field      mRegionID
539 					each region must have a unique ID.
540     @field      mName
541 					The name of the region.
542     @field      mFlags
543 					AudioFileRegionFlags.
544     @field      mNumberMarkers
545 					The number of markers in the mMarkers array.
546     @field      mMarkers
547 					A variable length array of AudioFileMarkers.
548 }
549 type
550 	AudioFileRegion = record
551 		mRegionID: UInt32;
552 		mName: CFStringRef;
553 		mFlags: AudioFileRegionFlags;
554 		mNumberMarkers: UInt32;
555 		mMarkers: array [0..1-1] of AudioFileMarker; // this is a variable length array of mNumberMarkers elements
556 	end;
557 	AudioFileRegionPtr = ^AudioFileRegion;
560 {!
561     @struct		AudioFileRegionList
562     @abstract   A list of the AudioFileRegions in a file.
563     @discussion This is the struct used by the kAudioFilePropertyRegionList property.
564     @field      mSMPTE_TimeType
565 					This defines the SMPTE timing scheme used in the file. See CAFFile.h for the values used here.
566     @field      mNumberRegions
567 					The number of regions in the mRegions list.
568     @field      mRegions
569 					A list of AudioFileRegions. Note that AudioFileMarkers are variable length, so this list cannot
570 					be accessed as an array. Use the NextAudioFileRegion macro for traversing the list instead.
571 }
572 type
573 	AudioFileRegionList = record
574 		mSMPTE_TimeType: UInt32;
575 		mNumberRegions: UInt32;
576 		mRegions: array [0..1-1] of AudioFileRegion; // this is a variable length array of mNumberRegions elements
577 	end;
578 	AudioFileRegionListPtr = ^AudioFileRegionList;
580 {!
581     @function	NextAudioFileRegion
582     @abstract   convenience macro for traversing the region list.
583     @discussion because AudioFileRegions are variable length, you cannot access them as an array. Use NextAudioFileRegion
584 				to walk the list.
585     @param      inAFRegionPtr
586 					a pointer to the current region.
587     @result     a pointer to the region after the current region. This does not protect you from walking off the end of the list,
588 				so obey mNumberRegions.
589 }
NextAudioFileRegionnull591 function NextAudioFileRegion(const {var} inAFRegionPtr: AudioFileRegion): AudioFileRegionPtr;
593 inline;
596 {!
597     @struct		AudioFramePacketTranslation
598     @abstract   used for properties kAudioFilePropertyPacketToFrame and kAudioFilePropertyFrameToPacket
599     @discussion See description of kAudioFilePropertyPacketToFrame and kAudioFilePropertyFrameToPacket
600     @field      mFrame		a frame number.
601     @field      mPacket		a packet number.
602     @field      mFrameOffsetInPacket		a frame offset in a packet.
603 }
604 type
605 	AudioFramePacketTranslation = record
606 		mFrame: SInt64;
607 		mPacket: SInt64;
608 		mFrameOffsetInPacket: UInt32;
609 	end;
610 	AudioFramePacketTranslationPtr = ^AudioFramePacketTranslation;
613 {!
614     @enum		AudioBytePacketTranslation Flags
616     @abstract   flags for the AudioBytePacketTranslation mFlags field
617     @discussion		There is currently only one flag.
619     @constant   kBytePacketTranslationFlag_IsEstimate
620 					If the set then the result value is an estimate.
621 }
622 type
623 	AudioBytePacketTranslationFlags = UInt32;
624 const
625 	kBytePacketTranslationFlag_IsEstimate = 1;
627 {!
628     @struct		AudioBytePacketTranslation
629     @abstract   used for properties kAudioFileByteToPacket and kAudioFilePacketToByte
630     @discussion See description of kAudioFileByteToPacket and kAudioFilePacketToByte
631     @field      mByte		a byte number.
632     @field      mPacket		a packet number.
633     @field      mByteOffsetInPacket		a byte offset in a packet.
634     @field      mFlags		if kBytePacketTranslationFlag_IsEstimate is set, then the value is an estimate.
635 }
636 type
637 	AudioBytePacketTranslation = record
638 		mByte: SInt64;
639 		mPacket: SInt64;
640 		mByteOffsetInPacket: UInt32;
641 		mFlags: AudioBytePacketTranslationFlags;
642 	end;
643 	AudioBytePacketTranslationPtr = ^AudioBytePacketTranslation;
646 {!
647     @struct		AudioFilePacketTableInfo
648     @abstract   This contains information about the number of valid frames in a file and where they begin and end.
649     @discussion	Some data formats may have packets whose contents are not completely valid, but represent priming or remainder
650 				frames that are not meant to be played. For example a file with 100 packets of AAC is nominally 1024 * 100 = 102400 frames
651 				of data. However the first 2112 frames of that may be priming frames and there may be some
652 				number of remainder frames added to pad out to a full packet of 1024 frames. The priming and remainder frames should be
653 				discarded. The total number of packets in the file times the frames per packet (or counting each packet's frames
654 				individually for a variable frames per packet format) minus mPrimingFrames, minus mRemainderFrames, should
655 				equal mNumberValidFrames.
656     @field      mNumberValidFrames the number of valid frames in the file.
657     @field      mPrimingFrames the number of invalid frames at the beginning of the file.
658     @field      mRemainderFrames the number of invalid frames at the end of the file.
659 }
660 type
661 	AudioFilePacketTableInfo = record
662 		mNumberValidFrames: SInt64;
663 		mPrimingFrames: SInt32;
664 		mRemainderFrames: SInt32;
665 	end;
666 	AudioFilePacketTableInfoPtr = ^AudioFilePacketTableInfo;
668 //=============================================================================
669 //	Info String Keys
670 //=============================================================================
672 // Get key values from the InfoDictionary by making CFStrings from the following constants
674 const
675 	kAFInfoDictionary_Album = 'album';
676 const
677 	kAFInfoDictionary_ApproximateDurationInSeconds = 'approximate duration in seconds';
678 const
679 	kAFInfoDictionary_Artist = 'artist';
680 const
681 	kAFInfoDictionary_ChannelLayout = 'channel layout';
682 const
683 	kAFInfoDictionary_Comments = 'comments';
684 const
685 	kAFInfoDictionary_Composer = 'composer';
686 const
687 	kAFInfoDictionary_Copyright = 'copyright';
688 const
689 	kAFInfoDictionary_EncodingApplication = 'encoding application';
690 const
691 	kAFInfoDictionary_Genre = 'genre';
692 const
693 	kAFInfoDictionary_ISRC = 'ISRC';  // International Standard Recording Code
694 const
695 	kAFInfoDictionary_KeySignature = 'key signature';
696 const
697 	kAFInfoDictionary_Lyricist = 'lyricist';
698 const
699 	kAFInfoDictionary_NominalBitRate = 'nominal bit rate';
700 const
701 	kAFInfoDictionary_RecordedDate = 'recorded date';
702 const
703 	kAFInfoDictionary_SourceBitDepth = 'source bit depth';
704 const
705 	kAFInfoDictionary_SourceEncoder = 'source encoder';
706 const
707 	kAFInfoDictionary_SubTitle = 'subtitle';
708 const
709 	kAFInfoDictionary_Tempo = 'tempo';
710 const
711 	kAFInfoDictionary_TimeSignature = 'time signature';
712 const
713 	kAFInfoDictionary_Title = 'title';
714 const
715 	kAFInfoDictionary_TrackNumber = 'track number';
716 const
717 	kAFInfoDictionary_Year = 'year';
719 //=============================================================================
720 //	Routines
721 //=============================================================================
723 {!
724     @function	AudioFileCreateWithURL
725     @abstract   creates a new audio file (or initialises an existing file)
726     @discussion	creates a new (or initialises an existing) audio file specified by the URL.
727 					Upon success, an AudioFileID is returned which can be used for subsequent calls
728 					to the AudioFile APIs.
729     @param inFileRef		an CFURLRef fully specifying the path of the file to create/initialise
730     @param inFileType		an AudioFileTypeID indicating the type of audio file to create.
731     @param inFormat			an AudioStreamBasicDescription describing the data format that will be
732 							added to the audio file.
733     @param inFlags			relevant flags for creating/opening the file.
734 								if kAudioFileFlags_EraseFile is set, it will erase an existing file
735 								 if not set, then the Create call will fail if the URL is an existing file
736     @param outAudioFile		if successful, an AudioFileID that can be used for subsequent AudioFile calls.
737     @result					returns noErr if successful.
738 }
AudioFileCreateWithURLnull739 function AudioFileCreateWithURL( inFileRef: CFURLRef; inFileType: AudioFileTypeID; const (*var*) inFormat: AudioStreamBasicDescription; inFlags: AudioFileFlags; var outAudioFile: AudioFileID {__nullable * __nonnull} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileCreateWithURL';
740 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
742 {!
743     @function				AudioFileOpenURL
744     @abstract				Open an existing audio file.
745     @discussion				Open an existing audio file for reading or reading and writing.
746     @param inFileRef		the CFURLRef of an existing audio file.
747     @param inPermissions	use the permission constants
748     @param inFileTypeHint	For files which have no filename extension and whose type cannot be easily or
749 							uniquely determined from the data (ADTS,AC3), this hint can be used to indicate the file type.
750 							Otherwise you can pass zero for this. The hint is only used on OS versions 10.3.1 or greater.
751 							For OS versions prior to that, opening files of the above description will fail.
752     @param outAudioFile		upon success, an AudioFileID that can be used for subsequent
753 							AudioFile calls.
754     @result					returns noErr if successful.
755 }
AudioFileOpenURLnull756 function AudioFileOpenURL( inFileRef: CFURLRef; inPermissions: AudioFilePermissions; inFileTypeHint: AudioFileTypeID; var outAudioFile: AudioFileID {__nullable * __nonnull} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileOpenURL';
757 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
759 {!
760     @typedef	AudioFile_ReadProc
761     @abstract   A callback for reading data. used with AudioFileOpenWithCallbacks or AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks.
762     @discussion a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to read data.
763     @param      inClientData	A pointer to the client data as set in the inClientData parameter to AudioFileXXXWithCallbacks.
764     @param      inPosition		An offset into the data from which to read.
765     @param      requestCount	The number of bytes to read.
766     @param      buffer			The buffer in which to put the data read.
767     @param      actualCount		The callback should set this to the number of bytes successfully read.
768     @result						The callback should return noErr on success, or an appropriate error code on failure.
769 }
770 type
inClientDatanull771 	AudioFile_ReadProc = function( inClientData: UnivPtr; inPosition: SInt64; requestCount: UInt32; buffer: UnivPtr; var actualCount: UInt32 ): OSStatus;
773 {!
774     @typedef	AudioFile_WriteProc
775     @abstract   A callback for writing data. used with AudioFileOpenWithCallbacks or AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks.
776     @discussion a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to write data.
777     @param      inClientData	A pointer to the client data as set in the inClientData parameter to AudioFileXXXWithCallbacks.
778     @param      inPosition		An offset into the data from which to read.
779     @param      requestCount	The number of bytes to write.
780     @param      buffer			The buffer containing the data to write.
781     @param      actualCount		The callback should set this to the number of bytes successfully written.
782     @result						The callback should return noErr on success, or an appropriate error code on failure.
783 }
784 type
inClientDatanull785 	AudioFile_WriteProc = function( inClientData: UnivPtr; inPosition: SInt64; requestCount: UInt32; buffer: {const} UnivPtr; var actualCount: UInt32 ): OSStatus;
787 {!
788     @typedef	AudioFile_GetSizeProc
789     @abstract   A callback for getting the size of the file data. used with AudioFileOpenWithCallbacks or AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks.
790     @discussion a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to determine the size of the file data. This size is for all of the
791 				data in the file, not just the audio data.
792     @param      inClientData	A pointer to the client data as set in the inClientData parameter to AudioFileXXXWithCallbacks.
793     @result						The callback should return the size of the data.
794 }
795 type
inClientDatanull796 	AudioFile_GetSizeProc = function( inClientData: UnivPtr ): SInt64;
798 {!
799     @typedef	AudioFile_SetSizeProc
800     @abstract   A callback for setting the size of the file data. used with AudioFileOpenWithCallbacks or AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks.
801     @discussion a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to set the size of the file data. This size is for all of the
802 				data in the file, not just the audio data. This will only be called if the file is written to.
803     @param      inClientData	A pointer to the client data as set in the inClientData parameter to AudioFileXXXWithCallbacks.
804     @result						The callback should return the size of the data.
805 }
806 type
inClientDatanull807 	AudioFile_SetSizeProc = function( inClientData: UnivPtr; inSize: SInt64 ): OSStatus;
809 {!
810     @function	AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks
811     @abstract   Wipe clean an existing file. You provide callbacks that the AudioFile API
812 				will use to get the data.
813     @param inClientData		a constant that will be passed to your callbacks.
814 	@param inReadFunc		a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to read data.
815 	@param inWriteFunc		a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to write data.
816 	@param inGetSizeFunc	a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to know the file size.
817 	@param inSetSizeFunc	a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to set the file size.
819     @param inFileType 		an AudioFileTypeID indicating the type of audio file to which to initialize the file.
820     @param inFormat 		an AudioStreamBasicDescription describing the data format that will be
821 							added to the audio file.
822     @param inFlags			flags for creating/opening the file. Currently zero.
823     @param outAudioFile		upon success, an AudioFileID that can be used for subsequent
824 							AudioFile calls.
825     @result					returns noErr if successful.
826 }
AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacksnull827 function AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks( inClientData: UnivPtr; inReadFunc: AudioFile_ReadProc; inWriteFunc: AudioFile_WriteProc; inGetSizeFunc: AudioFile_GetSizeProc; inSetSizeFunc: AudioFile_SetSizeProc; inFileType: AudioFileTypeID; const (*var*) inFormat: AudioStreamBasicDescription; inFlags: AudioFileFlags; var outAudioFile: AudioFileID {__nullable * __nonnull} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileInitializeWithCallbacks';
828 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
831 {!
832     @function	AudioFileOpenWithCallbacks
833     @abstract   Open an existing file. You provide callbacks that the AudioFile API
834 				will use to get the data.
835     @param inClientData					a constant that will be passed to your callbacks.
836 	@param inReadFunc					a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to read data.
837 	@param inWriteFunc					a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to write data.
838 	@param inGetSizeFunc				a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to know the total file size.
839 	@param inSetSizeFunc				a function that will be called when AudioFile needs to set the file size.
841     @param inFileTypeHint	For files which have no filename extension and whose type cannot be easily or
842 							uniquely determined from the data (ADTS,AC3), this hint can be used to indicate the file type.
843 							Otherwise you can pass zero for this. The hint is only used on OS versions 10.3.1 or greater.
844 							For OS versions prior to that, opening files of the above description will fail.
845     @param outAudioFile		upon success, an AudioFileID that can be used for subsequent
846 							AudioFile calls.
847     @result					returns noErr if successful.
848 }
AudioFileOpenWithCallbacksnull849 function AudioFileOpenWithCallbacks( inClientData: UnivPtr; inReadFunc: AudioFile_ReadProc; inWriteFunc: AudioFile_WriteProc {__nullable}; inGetSizeFunc: AudioFile_GetSizeProc; inSetSizeFunc: AudioFile_SetSizeProc {__nullable}; inFileTypeHint: AudioFileTypeID; var outAudioFile: AudioFileID {__nullable * __nonnull} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileOpenWithCallbacks';
850 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
853 {!
854     @function	AudioFileClose
855     @abstract   Close an existing audio file.
856     @param      inAudioFile		an AudioFileID.
857     @result						returns noErr if successful.
858 }
AudioFileClosenull859 function AudioFileClose( inAudioFile: AudioFileID ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileClose';
860 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
862 {!
863     @function	AudioFileOptimize
864     @abstract   Move the audio data to the end of the file and other internal optimizations of the file structure.
865 	@discussion			Optimize the file so additional audio data can be appended to
866                         the existing data. Generally, this will place the audio data at
867                         the end of the file so additional writes can be placed to the
868                         file end. This can be a potentially expensive and time-consuming operation
869                         and should not be used during time critical operations. There is
870                         a kAudioFilePropertyIsOptimized property for checking on the optimized state
871                         of the file.
872     @param      inAudioFile		an AudioFileID.
873     @result						returns noErr if successful.
874 }
AudioFileOptimizenull875 function AudioFileOptimize( inAudioFile: AudioFileID ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileOptimize';
876 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
878 {!
879     @function	AudioFileReadBytes
880     @abstract   Read bytes of audio data from the audio file.
882     @discussion				Returns kAudioFileEndOfFileError when read encounters end of file.
883     @param inAudioFile		an AudioFileID.
884     @param inUseCache 		true if it is desired to cache the data upon read, else false
885     @param inStartingByte	the byte offset of the audio data desired to be returned
886     @param ioNumBytes 		on input, the number of bytes to read, on output, the number of
887 							bytes actually read.
888     @param outBuffer 		outBuffer should be a void * to user allocated memory large enough for the requested bytes.
889     @result					returns noErr if successful.
890 }
AudioFileReadBytesnull891 function AudioFileReadBytes( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inUseCache: Boolean; inStartingByte: SInt64; var ioNumBytes: UInt32; outBuffer: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileReadBytes';
892 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
894 {!
895     @function				AudioFileWriteBytes
896     @abstract				Write bytes of audio data to the audio file.
897     @param inAudioFile		an AudioFileID.
898     @param inUseCache 		true if it is desired to cache the data upon write, else false
899     @param inStartingByte	the byte offset where the audio data should be written
900     @param ioNumBytes 		on input, the number of bytes to write, on output, the number of
901 							bytes actually written.
902     @param inBuffer 		inBuffer should be a void * containing the bytes to be written
903     @result					returns noErr if successful.
904 }
AudioFileWriteBytesnull905 function AudioFileWriteBytes( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inUseCache: Boolean; inStartingByte: SInt64; var ioNumBytes: UInt32; inBuffer: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileWriteBytes';
906 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
908 {!
909     @function	AudioFileReadPacketData
910     @abstract   Read packets of audio data from the audio file.
911     @discussion AudioFileReadPacketData reads as many of the requested number of packets
912 				as will fit in the buffer size given by ioNumPackets.
913 				Unlike the deprecated AudioFileReadPackets, ioNumPackets must be initialized.
914 				If the byte size of the number packets requested is
915 				less than the buffer size, ioNumBytes will be reduced.
916 				If the buffer is too small for the number of packets
917 				requested, ioNumPackets and ioNumBytes will be reduced
918 				to the number of packets that can be accommodated and their byte size.
919 				Returns kAudioFileEndOfFileError when read encounters end of file.
920 				For all uncompressed formats, packets == frames.
922     @param inAudioFile				an AudioFileID.
923     @param inUseCache 				true if it is desired to cache the data upon read, else false
924     @param ioNumBytes				on input the size of outBuffer in bytes.
925 									on output, the number of bytes actually returned.
926     @param outPacketDescriptions 	An array of packet descriptions describing the packets being returned.
927 									The size of the array must be greater or equal to the number of packets requested.
928 									On return the packet description will be filled out with the packet offsets and sizes.
929 									Packet descriptions are ignored for CBR data.
930     @param inStartingPacket 		The packet index of the first packet desired to be returned
931     @param ioNumPackets 			on input, the number of packets to read, on output, the number of
932 									packets actually read.
933     @param outBuffer 				outBuffer should be a pointer to user allocated memory.
934     @result							returns noErr if successful.
935 }
AudioFileReadPacketDatanull936 function AudioFileReadPacketData( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inUseCache: Boolean; var ioNumBytes: UInt32; outPacketDescriptions: AudioStreamPacketDescriptionPtr {* __nullable}; inStartingPacket: SInt64; var ioNumPackets: UInt32; outBuffer: UnivPtr {__nullable} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileReadPacketData';
937 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6), ios(2.2), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
939 {!
940     @function	AudioFileReadPackets
941     @abstract   Read packets of audio data from the audio file.
942     @discussion AudioFileReadPackets is DEPRECATED. Use AudioFileReadPacketData instead.
943 				READ THE HEADER DOC FOR AudioFileReadPacketData. It is not a drop-in replacement.
944 				In particular, for AudioFileReadPacketData ioNumBytes must be initialized to the buffer size.
945 				AudioFileReadPackets assumes you have allocated your buffer to ioNumPackets times the maximum packet size.
946 				For many compressed formats this will only use a portion of the buffer since the ratio of the maximum
947 				packet size to the typical packet size can be large. Use AudioFileReadPacketData instead.
949     @param inAudioFile				an AudioFileID.
950     @param inUseCache 				true if it is desired to cache the data upon read, else false
951     @param outNumBytes				on output, the number of bytes actually returned
952     @param outPacketDescriptions 	on output, an array of packet descriptions describing
953 									the packets being returned. NULL may be passed for this
954 									parameter. Nothing will be returned for linear pcm data.
955     @param inStartingPacket 		the packet index of the first packet desired to be returned
956     @param ioNumPackets 			on input, the number of packets to read, on output, the number of
957 									packets actually read.
958     @param outBuffer 				outBuffer should be a pointer to user allocated memory of size:
959 									number of packets requested times file's maximum (or upper bound on)
960 									packet size.
961     @result							returns noErr if successful.
962 }
AudioFileReadPacketsnull963 function AudioFileReadPackets (	inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inUseCache: Boolean; var outNumBytes: UInt32; outPacketDescriptions: AudioStreamPacketDescriptionPtr {__nullable}; inStartingPacket: SInt64; var ioNumPackets: UInt32; outBuffer: UnivPtr{__nullable}): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileReadPackets';
964 (* API_DEPRECATED("no longer supported", macos(10.2, 10.10), ios(2.0, 8.0)) __WATCHOS_PROHIBITED __TVOS_PROHIBITED; *)
967 {!
968     @function	AudioFileWritePackets
969     @abstract   Write packets of audio data to the audio file.
970     @discussion For all uncompressed formats, packets == frames.
971     @param inAudioFile				an AudioFileID.
972     @param inUseCache 				true if it is desired to cache the data upon write, else false
973     @param inNumBytes				the number of bytes being provided for write
974     @param inPacketDescriptions 	an array of packet descriptions describing the packets being
975 									provided. Not all formats require packet descriptions to be
976 									provided. NULL may be passed if no descriptions are required.
977     @param inStartingPacket 		the packet index of where the first packet provided should be placed.
978     @param ioNumPackets 			on input, the number of packets to write, on output, the number of
979 									packets actually written.
980     @param inBuffer 				a void * to user allocated memory containing the packets to write.
981     @result							returns noErr if successful.
982 }
AudioFileWritePacketsnull983 function AudioFileWritePackets( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inUseCache: Boolean; inNumBytes: UInt32; {const} inPacketDescriptions: AudioStreamPacketDescriptionPtr {__nullable}; inStartingPacket: SInt64; var ioNumPackets: UInt32; inBuffer: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileWritePackets';
984 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
987 {!
988     @function	AudioFileCountUserData
989     @abstract   Get the number of user data items with a certain ID in the file
990     @discussion		"User Data" refers to chunks in AIFF, CAF and WAVE files, or resources
991 					in Sound Designer II files, and possibly other things in other files.
992 					For simplicity, referred to below as "chunks".
993     @param      inAudioFile			an AudioFileID.
994     @param      inUserDataID		the four char code of the chunk.
995     @param      outNumberItems		on output, if successful, number of chunks of this type in the file.
996     @result							returns noErr if successful.
997 }
AudioFileCountUserDatanull998 function AudioFileCountUserData( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inUserDataID: UInt32; var outNumberItems: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileCountUserData';
999 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1001 {!
1002     @function	AudioFileGetUserDataSize
1003     @abstract   Get the size of user data in a file
1004     @param      inAudioFile			an AudioFileID.
1005     @param      inUserDataID		the four char code of the chunk.
1006     @param      inIndex				an index specifying which chunk if there are more than one.
1007     @param      outUserDataSize		on output, if successful, the size of the user data chunk.
1008     @result							returns noErr if successful.
1009 }
AudioFileGetUserDataSizenull1010 function AudioFileGetUserDataSize( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inUserDataID: UInt32; inIndex: UInt32; var outUserDataSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileGetUserDataSize';
1011 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1013 {!
1014     @function	AudioFileGetUserData
1015     @abstract   Get the data of a chunk in a file.
1016     @param      inAudioFile			an AudioFileID.
1017     @param      inUserDataID		the four char code of the chunk.
1018     @param      inIndex				an index specifying which chunk if there are more than one.
1019 	@param		ioUserDataSize		the size of the buffer on input, size of bytes copied to buffer on output
1020     @param      outUserData			a pointer to a buffer in which to copy the chunk data.
1021     @result							returns noErr if successful.
1022 }
AudioFileGetUserDatanull1023 function AudioFileGetUserData( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inUserDataID: UInt32; inIndex: UInt32; var ioUserDataSize: UInt32; outUserData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileGetUserData';
1024 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1026 {!
1027     @function	AudioFileSetUserData
1028     @abstract   Set the data of a chunk in a file.
1029     @param      inAudioFile			an AudioFileID.
1030     @param      inUserDataID		the four char code of the chunk.
1031     @param      inIndex				an index specifying which chunk if there are more than one.
1032 	@param		inUserDataSize		on input the size of the data to copy, on output, size of bytes copied from the buffer
1033     @param      inUserData			a pointer to a buffer from which to copy the chunk data
1034 									(only the contents of the chunk, not including the chunk header).
1035     @result							returns noErr if successful.
1036 }
AudioFileSetUserDatanull1037 function AudioFileSetUserData( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inUserDataID: UInt32; inIndex: UInt32; inUserDataSize: UInt32; inUserData: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileSetUserData';
1038 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1041 {!
1042     @function	AudioFileRemoveUserData
1043     @abstract   Remove a user chunk in a file.
1044     @param      inAudioFile			an AudioFileID.
1045     @param      inUserDataID		the four char code of the chunk.
1046     @param      inIndex				an index specifying which chunk if there are more than one.
1047     @result							returns noErr if successful.
1048 }
AudioFileRemoveUserDatanull1050 function AudioFileRemoveUserData( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inUserDataID: UInt32; inIndex: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileRemoveUserData';
1051 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1054 //=============================================================================
1055 //	Audio File Properties
1056 //=============================================================================
1058 {!
1059     @enum		Audio File Properties
1060     @abstract   constants for AudioFile get/set property calls
1061     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyFileFormat
1062 					An AudioFileTypeID that identifies the format of the file
1063     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat
1064 					An AudioStreamBasicDescription describing the format of the audio data
1065     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyFormatList
1066 					In order to support formats such as AAC SBR where an encoded data stream can be decoded to
1067 					multiple destination formats, this property returns an array of AudioFormatListItems (see AudioFormat.h) of those formats.
1068 					The default behavior is to return the an AudioFormatListItem that has the same AudioStreamBasicDescription
1069 					that kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat returns.
1070     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyIsOptimized
1071 					A UInt32 indicating whether an Audio File has been optimized.
1072 					Optimized means it is ready to start having sound data written to it.
1073 					A value of 0 indicates the file needs to be optimized.
1074 					A value of 1 indicates the file is currently optimized.
1075     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyMagicCookieData
1076 					A void * pointing to memory set up by the caller.
1077 					Some file types require that a magic cookie be provided before packets can be written
1078 					to the file, so this property should be set before calling
1079 					AudioFileWriteBytes()/AudioFileWritePackets() if a magic cookie exists.
1080     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataByteCount
1081 					a UInt64 that indicates the number of bytes of audio data contained in the file
1082     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataPacketCount
1083 					a UInt64 that indicates the number of packets of audio data contained in the file
1084     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyMaximumPacketSize
1085 					a UInt32 that indicates the maximum size of a packet for the data contained in the file
1086     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyDataOffset
1087 					a SInt64 that indicates the byte offset in the file of the audio data.
1088     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyChannelLayout
1089 					An AudioChannelLayout struct.
1090     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyDeferSizeUpdates
1091 					A UInt32. If 1, then updating the files sizes in the header is not done for every write,
1092 					but deferred until the file is read, optimized or closed. This is more efficient, but less safe
1093 					since, if the application crashes before the size is updated, the file may not be readable.
1094 					The default value is one, it doesn't update the header.
1095     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyDataFormatName
1096 					This is deprecated. Use kAudioFormatProperty_FormatName in AudioFormat.h instead.
1097     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyMarkerList
1098 					access the list of markers defined in the file. returns an AudioFileMarkerList.
1099 					The CFStringRefs in the returned structs must be released by the client.
1100 					(available in 10.2.4 and later)
1101     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyRegionList
1102 					access the list of regions defined in the file. returns an Array of AudioFileRegions.
1103 					The CFStringRefs in the returned structs must be released by the client.
1104 					(available in 10.2.4 and later)
1105     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyPacketToFrame
1106 					pass a AudioFramePacketTranslation with mPacket filled out and get mFrame back. mFrameOffsetInPacket is ignored.
1107     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyFrameToPacket
1108 					pass a AudioFramePacketTranslation with mFrame filled out and get mPacket and mFrameOffsetInPacket back.
1110 	@constant	kAudioFilePropertyPacketToByte
1111 					pass an AudioBytePacketTranslation struct with mPacket filled out and get mByte back.
1112 					mByteOffsetInPacket is ignored. If the mByte value is an estimate then
1113 					kBytePacketTranslationFlag_IsEstimate will be set in the mFlags field.
1114 	@constant	kAudioFilePropertyByteToPacket
1115 					pass an AudioBytePacketTranslation struct with mByte filled out and get mPacket and
1116 					mByteOffsetInPacket back. If the mPacket value is an estimate then
1117 					kBytePacketTranslationFlag_IsEstimate will be set in the mFlags field.
1119     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyChunkIDs
1120 					returns an array of OSType four char codes for each kind of chunk in the file.
1121     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyInfoDictionary
1122 					returns a CFDictionary filled with information about the data contained in the file.
1123 					See dictionary key constants already defined for info string types.
1124 					AudioFileComponents are free to add keys to the dictionaries that they return for this property...
1125 					caller is responsible for releasing the CFObject
1126     @constant   kAudioFilePropertyPacketTableInfo
1127 					Gets or sets an AudioFilePacketTableInfo struct for the file types that support it.
1128 					When setting, the sum of mNumberValidFrames, mPrimingFrames and mRemainderFrames must be the same as the total
1129 					number of frames in all packets. If not you will get a kAudio_ParamError. The best way to ensure this is to get the value of
1130 					the property and make sure the sum of the three values you set has the same sum as the three values you got.
1131 	@constant	kAudioFilePropertyPacketSizeUpperBound
1132 					a UInt32 for the theoretical maximum packet size in the file (without actually scanning
1133 					the whole file to find the largest packet, as may happen with kAudioFilePropertyMaximumPacketSize).
1134 	@constant	kAudioFilePropertyReserveDuration
1135 					The value is a Float64 of the duration in seconds of data that is expected to be written.
1136 					Setting this property before any data has been written reserves space in the file header for a packet table
1137 					and/or other information so that it can appear before the audio data. Otherwise the packet table may get written at the
1138 					end of the file, preventing the file from being streamable.
1139 	@constant	kAudioFilePropertyEstimatedDuration
1140 					The value is a Float64 representing an estimated duration in seconds. If duration can be calculated without scanning the entire file,
1141 					or all the audio data packets have been scanned, the value will accurately reflect the duration of the audio data.
1142 	@constant	kAudioFilePropertyBitRate
1143 					Returns the bit rate for the audio data as a UInt32. For some formats this will be approximate.
1144 	@constant	kAudioFilePropertyID3Tag
1145 					A void * pointing to memory set up by the caller to contain a fully formatted ID3 tag (get/set v2.2, v2.3, or v2.4, v1 get only).
1146 					The ID3 tag is not manipulated in anyway either for read or write.
1147 					When setting, this property must be called before calling AudioFileWritePackets.
1148 	@constant	kAudioFilePropertySourceBitDepth
1149 					For encoded data this property returns the bit depth of the source as an SInt32, if known.
1150 					The bit depth is expressed as a negative number if the source was floating point, e.g. -32 for float, -64 for double.
1151 	@constant	kAudioFilePropertyAlbumArtwork
1152 					returns a CFDataRef filled with the Album Art or NULL.
1153 					The caller is responsible for releasing a non-NULL CFDataRef.
1154 					In order to parse the contents of the data, CGImageSourceCreateWithData may be used.
1155     @constant	kAudioFilePropertyAudioTrackCount
1156                     a UInt32 that indicates the number of audio tracks contained in the file. (get property only)
1157     @constant	kAudioFilePropertyUseAudioTrack
1158                     a UInt32 that indicates the number of audio tracks contained in the file. (set property only)
1159  }
1160 const
1161 	kAudioFilePropertyFileFormat = FourCharCode('ffmt');
1162 	kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat = FourCharCode('dfmt');
1163 	kAudioFilePropertyIsOptimized = FourCharCode('optm');
1164 	kAudioFilePropertyMagicCookieData = FourCharCode('mgic');
1165 	kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataByteCount = FourCharCode('bcnt');
1166 	kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataPacketCount = FourCharCode('pcnt');
1167 	kAudioFilePropertyMaximumPacketSize = FourCharCode('psze');
1168 	kAudioFilePropertyDataOffset = FourCharCode('doff');
1169 	kAudioFilePropertyChannelLayout = FourCharCode('cmap');
1170 	kAudioFilePropertyDeferSizeUpdates = FourCharCode('dszu');
1171 	kAudioFilePropertyDataFormatName = FourCharCode('fnme');
1172 	kAudioFilePropertyMarkerList = FourCharCode('mkls');
1173 	kAudioFilePropertyRegionList = FourCharCode('rgls');
1174 	kAudioFilePropertyPacketToFrame = FourCharCode('pkfr');
1175 	kAudioFilePropertyFrameToPacket = FourCharCode('frpk');
1176 	kAudioFilePropertyPacketToByte = FourCharCode('pkby');
1177 	kAudioFilePropertyByteToPacket = FourCharCode('bypk');
1178 	kAudioFilePropertyChunkIDs = FourCharCode('chid');
1179 	kAudioFilePropertyInfoDictionary = FourCharCode('info');
1180 	kAudioFilePropertyPacketTableInfo = FourCharCode('pnfo');
1181 	kAudioFilePropertyFormatList = FourCharCode('flst');
1182 	kAudioFilePropertyPacketSizeUpperBound = FourCharCode('pkub');
1183 	kAudioFilePropertyReserveDuration = FourCharCode('rsrv');
1184 	kAudioFilePropertyEstimatedDuration = FourCharCode('edur');
1185 	kAudioFilePropertyBitRate = FourCharCode('brat');
1186 	kAudioFilePropertyID3Tag = FourCharCode('id3t');
1187 	kAudioFilePropertySourceBitDepth = FourCharCode('sbtd');
1188 	kAudioFilePropertyAlbumArtwork = FourCharCode('aart');
1189 	kAudioFilePropertyAudioTrackCount = FourCharCode('atct');
1190 	kAudioFilePropertyUseAudioTrack = FourCharCode('uatk');
1193 {!
1194     @function	AudioFileGetPropertyInfo
1195     @abstract   Get information about the size of a property of an AudioFile  and whether it can be set.
1196     @param      inAudioFile			an AudioFileID.
1197     @param      inPropertyID		an AudioFileProperty constant.
1198     @param      outDataSize			the size in bytes of the current value of the property. In order to get the property value,
1199 									you will need a buffer of this size.
1200     @param      isWritable			will be set to 1 if writable, or 0 if read only.
1201     @result							returns noErr if successful.
1202 }
AudioFileGetPropertyInfonull1203 function AudioFileGetPropertyInfo( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inPropertyID: AudioFilePropertyID; outDataSize: UInt32Ptr {__nullable}; isWritable: UInt32Ptr {__nullable} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileGetPropertyInfo';
1204 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1206 {!
1207     @function	AudioFileGetProperty
1208     @abstract   Copies the value for a property of an AudioFile into a buffer.
1209     @param      inAudioFile			an AudioFileID.
1210     @param      inPropertyID		an AudioFileProperty constant.
1211     @param      ioDataSize			on input the size of the outPropertyData buffer. On output the number of bytes written to the buffer.
1212     @param      outPropertyData		the buffer in which to write the property data.
1213     @result							returns noErr if successful.
1214 }
AudioFileGetPropertynull1215 function AudioFileGetProperty( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inPropertyID: AudioFilePropertyID; var ioDataSize: UInt32; outPropertyData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileGetProperty';
1216 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1218 {!
1219     @function	AudioFileSetProperty
1220     @abstract   Sets the value for a property of an AudioFile .
1221     @param      inAudioFile			an AudioFileID.
1222     @param      inPropertyID		an AudioFileProperty constant.
1223     @param      inDataSize			the size of the property data.
1224     @param      inPropertyData		the buffer containing the property data.
1225     @result							returns noErr if successful.
1226 }
AudioFileSetPropertynull1227 function AudioFileSetProperty( inAudioFile: AudioFileID; inPropertyID: AudioFilePropertyID; inDataSize: UInt32; inPropertyData: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileSetProperty';
1228 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.2), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1231 //=============================================================================
1232 //	Audio File Global Info Properties
1233 //=============================================================================
1235 {!
1236     @enum		Audio File Global Info Properties
1237     @abstract   constants for AudioFileGetGlobalInfo properties
1238     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_ReadableTypes
1239 					No specifier needed. Must be set to NULL.
1240 					Returns an array of UInt32 containing the file types
1241 					(i.e. AIFF, WAVE, etc) that can be opened for reading.
1242     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_WritableTypes
1243 					No specifier needed. Must be set to NULL.
1244 					Returns an array of UInt32 containing the file types
1245 					(i.e. AIFF, WAVE, etc) that can be opened for writing.
1246     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_FileTypeName
1247 					Specifier is a pointer to a AudioFileTypeID containing a file type.
1248 					Returns a CFString containing the name for the file type.
1249     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AvailableFormatIDs
1250 					Specifier is a pointer to a AudioFileTypeID containing a file type.
1251 					Returns a array of format IDs for formats that can be read.
1252     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AvailableStreamDescriptionsForFormat
1253 					Specifier is a pointer to a AudioFileTypeAndFormatID struct defined below.
1254 					Returns an array of AudioStreamBasicDescriptions which have all of the
1255 					formats for a particular file type and format ID. The AudioStreamBasicDescriptions
1256 					have the following fields filled in: mFormatID, mFormatFlags, mBitsPerChannel
1257 					writing new files.
1260     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AllExtensions
1261 					No specifier needed. Must be set to NULL.
1262 					Returns a CFArray of CFStrings containing all file extensions
1263 					that are recognized. The array be used when creating an NSOpenPanel.
1265     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AllHFSTypeCodes
1266 					No specifier needed. Must be set to NULL.
1267 					Returns an array of HFSTypeCode's containing all HFSTypeCodes
1268 					that are recognized.
1270     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AllUTIs
1271 					No specifier needed. Must be set to NULL.
1272 					Returns a CFArray of CFString of all Universal Type Identifiers
1273 					that are recognized by AudioFile.
1274 					The caller is responsible for releasing the CFArray.
1276     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AllMIMETypes
1277 					No specifier needed. Must be set to NULL.
1278 					Returns a CFArray of CFString of all MIME types
1279 					that are recognized by AudioFile.
1280 					The caller is responsible for releasing the CFArray.
1283     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_ExtensionsForType
1284 					Specifier is a pointer to a AudioFileTypeID containing a file type.
1285 					Returns a CFArray of CFStrings containing the file extensions
1286 					that are recognized for this file type.
1288     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_HFSTypeCodesForType
1289 					Specifier is a pointer to an AudioFileTypeID.
1290 					Returns an array of HFSTypeCodes corresponding to that file type.
1291 					The first type in the array is the preferred one for use when
1293     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_UTIsForType
1294 					Specifier is a pointer to an AudioFileTypeID.
1295 					Returns a CFArray of CFString of all Universal Type Identifiers
1296 					that are recognized by the file type.
1297 					The caller is responsible for releasing the CFArray.
1299     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_MIMETypesForType
1300 					Specifier is a pointer to an AudioFileTypeID.
1301 					Returns a CFArray of CFString of all MIME types
1302 					that are recognized by the file type.
1303 					The caller is responsible for releasing the CFArray.
1305 	these are inverses of the above:
1307     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_TypesForExtension
1308 					Specifier is a CFStringRef containing a file extension.
1309 					Returns an array of all AudioFileTypeIDs that support the extension.
1311     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_TypesForHFSTypeCode
1312 					Specifier is an HFSTypeCode.
1313 					Returns an array of all AudioFileTypeIDs that support the HFSTypeCode.
1315     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_TypesForUTI
1316 					Specifier is a CFStringRef containing a Universal Type Identifier.
1317 					Returns an array of all AudioFileTypeIDs that support the UTI.
1319     @constant   kAudioFileGlobalInfo_TypesForMIMEType
1320 					Specifier is a CFStringRef containing a MIME Type.
1321 					Returns an array of all AudioFileTypeIDs that support the MIME type.
1323 }
1324 const
1325 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_ReadableTypes = FourCharCode('afrf');
1326 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_WritableTypes = FourCharCode('afwf');
1327 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_FileTypeName = FourCharCode('ftnm');
1328 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AvailableStreamDescriptionsForFormat = FourCharCode('sdid');
1329 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AvailableFormatIDs = FourCharCode('fmid');
1330 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AllExtensions = FourCharCode('alxt');
1331 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AllHFSTypeCodes = FourCharCode('ahfs');
1332 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AllUTIs = FourCharCode('auti');
1333 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AllMIMETypes = FourCharCode('amim');
1334 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_ExtensionsForType = FourCharCode('fext');
1335 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_HFSTypeCodesForType = FourCharCode('fhfs');
1336 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_UTIsForType = FourCharCode('futi');
1337 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_MIMETypesForType = FourCharCode('fmim');
1338 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_TypesForMIMEType = FourCharCode('tmim');
1339 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_TypesForUTI = FourCharCode('tuti');
1340 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_TypesForHFSTypeCode = FourCharCode('thfs');
1341 	kAudioFileGlobalInfo_TypesForExtension = FourCharCode('text');
1344 {!
1345     @struct		AudioFileTypeAndFormatID
1346     @abstract   This is used as a specifier for kAudioFileGlobalInfo_AvailableStreamDescriptions
1347     @discussion This struct is used to specify a desired audio file type and data format ID  so
1348 				that a list of stream descriptions of available formats can be obtained.
1349     @field      mFileType
1350 					a four char code for the file type such as kAudioFileAIFFType, kAudioFileCAFType, etc.
1351     @field      mFormatID
1352 					a four char code for the format ID such as kAudioFormatLinearPCM, kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC, etc.
1353 }
1354 type
1355 	AudioFileTypeAndFormatID = record
1356 		mFileType: AudioFileTypeID;
1357 		mFormatID: UInt32;
1358 	end;
1361 {!
1362     @function	AudioFileGetGlobalInfoSize
1363     @abstract   Get the size of a global property.
1364     @param      inPropertyID		an AudioFileGlobalInfo property constant.
1365     @param      inSpecifierSize		The size of the specifier data.
1366     @param      inSpecifier			A specifier is a buffer of data used as an input argument to some of the global info properties.
1367     @param      outDataSize			the size in bytes of the current value of the property. In order to get the property value,
1368 									you will need a buffer of this size.
1369     @result							returns noErr if successful.
1370 }
AudioFileGetGlobalInfoSizenull1371 function AudioFileGetGlobalInfoSize( inPropertyID: AudioFilePropertyID; inSpecifierSize: UInt32; inSpecifier: UnivPtr {__nullable}; var outDataSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileGetGlobalInfoSize';
1372 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1374 {!
1375     @function	AudioFileGetGlobalInfo
1376     @abstract   Copies the value for a global property into a buffer.
1377     @param      inPropertyID		an AudioFileGlobalInfo property constant.
1378     @param      inSpecifierSize		The size of the specifier data.
1379     @param      inSpecifier			A specifier is a buffer of data used as an input argument to some of the global info properties.
1380     @param      ioDataSize			on input the size of the outPropertyData buffer. On output the number of bytes written to the buffer.
1381     @param      outPropertyData		the buffer in which to write the property data.
1382     @result							returns noErr if successful.
1383 }
AudioFileGetGlobalInfonull1384 function AudioFileGetGlobalInfo( inPropertyID: AudioFilePropertyID; inSpecifierSize: UInt32; inSpecifier: UnivPtr {__nullable}; var ioDataSize: UInt32; outPropertyData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioFileGetGlobalInfo';
1385 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.3), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1387 //#pragma mark - Deprecated
1389 (*
1390 struct FSRef;
1391 {!
1392     @function	AudioFileCreate
1393     @abstract   creates a new audio file
1394     @discussion	creates a new audio file located in the parent directory
1395                       provided. Upon success, an AudioFileID is returned which can
1396                       be used for subsequent calls to the AudioFile APIs.
1397     @param inParentRef		an FSRef to the directory where  the new file should be created.
1398     @param inFileName		a CFStringRef containing the name of the file to be created.
1399     @param inFileType		an AudioFileTypeID indicating the type of audio file to create.
1400     @param inFormat			an AudioStreamBasicDescription describing the data format that will be
1401 							added to the audio file.
1402     @param inFlags			relevant flags for creating/opening the file.
1403     @param outNewFileRef	if successful, the FSRef of the newly created file.
1404     @param outAudioFile		if successful, an AudioFileID that can be used for subsequent AudioFile calls.
1405     @result					returns noErr if successful.
1406 	@deprecated				in Mac OS X 10.6, see AudioFileCreateWithURL
1407 }
1408 extern OSStatus
1409 AudioFileCreate (	const struct FSRef					*inParentRef,
1410                     CFStringRef							inFileName,
1411                     AudioFileTypeID						inFileType,
1412                     const AudioStreamBasicDescription	*inFormat,
1413                     AudioFileFlags						inFlags,
1414                     struct FSRef						*outNewFileRef,
1415                     AudioFileID	__nullable * __nonnull	outAudioFile)		API_DEPRECATED("no longer supported", macos(10.2, 10.6)) API_UNAVAILABLE(ios, watchos, tvos);
1417 {!
1418     @function				AudioFileInitialize
1419     @abstract				Write over an existing audio file.
1420     @discussion				Use AudioFileInitialize to wipe clean an existing audio file
1421 							and prepare it to be populated with new data.
1422     @param inFileRef		the FSRef of an existing audio file.
1423     @param inFileType		an AudioFileTypeID indicating the type of audio file to initialize the file to.
1424     @param inFormat			an AudioStreamBasicDescription describing the data format that will be
1425 							added to the audio file.
1426     @param inFlags			flags for creating/opening the file. Currently zero.
1427     @param outAudioFile		upon success, an AudioFileID that can be used for subsequent
1428 							AudioFile calls.
1429     @result					returns noErr if successful.
1430 	@deprecated				in Mac OS X 10.6, see AudioFileCreateWithURL
1431 }
1432 extern OSStatus
1433 AudioFileInitialize (	const struct FSRef					*inFileRef,
1434                         AudioFileTypeID						inFileType,
1435                         const AudioStreamBasicDescription	*inFormat,
1436                         AudioFileFlags						inFlags,
1437                         AudioFileID	__nullable * __nonnull	outAudioFile)	API_DEPRECATED("no longer supported", macos(10.2, 10.6)) API_UNAVAILABLE(ios, watchos, tvos);
1439 {!
1440     @function				AudioFileOpen
1441     @abstract				Open an existing audio file.
1442     @discussion				Open an existing audio file for reading or reading and writing.
1443     @param inFileRef		the FSRef of an existing audio file.
1444     @param inPermissions	use the permission constants
1445     @param inFileTypeHint	For files which have no filename extension and whose type cannot be easily or
1446 							uniquely determined from the data (ADTS,AC3), this hint can be used to indicate the file type.
1447 							Otherwise you can pass zero for this. The hint is only used on OS versions 10.3.1 or greater.
1448 							For OS versions prior to that, opening files of the above description will fail.
1449     @param outAudioFile		upon success, an AudioFileID that can be used for subsequent
1450 							AudioFile calls.
1451     @result					returns noErr if successful.
1452 	@deprecated				in Mac OS X 10.6, see AudioFileOpenURL
1453 }
1454 extern OSStatus
1455 AudioFileOpen (	const struct FSRef		*inFileRef,
1456                 AudioFilePermissions	inPermissions,
1457                 AudioFileTypeID			inFileTypeHint,
1458                 AudioFileID	__nullable * __nonnull	outAudioFile)			API_DEPRECATED("no longer supported", macos(10.2, 10.6)) API_UNAVAILABLE(ios, watchos, tvos);
1461 *)
1464 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
1465 implementation
NumBytesToNumAudioFileMarkersnull1467 function NumBytesToNumAudioFileMarkers(inNumBytes: size_t): size_t;
1468 begin
1469   if inNumBytes < size_t(@AudioFileMarkerListPtr(nil)^.mMarkers[0]) then
1470     NumBytesToNumAudioFileMarkers := 0
1471   else
1472     NumBytesToNumAudioFileMarkers := inNumBytes - size_t(@AudioFileMarkerListPtr(nil)^.mMarkers[0])
1473 end;
NumAudioFileMarkersToNumBytesnull1476 function NumAudioFileMarkersToNumBytes(inNumMarkers: size_t): size_t;
1477 begin
1478 	NumAudioFileMarkersToNumBytes := size_t(@AudioFileMarkerListPtr(nil)^.mMarkers[0]) + (inNumMarkers) * sizeof(AudioFileMarker);
1479 end;
NextAudioFileRegionnull1482 function NextAudioFileRegion(const {var} inAFRegionPtr: AudioFileRegion): AudioFileRegionPtr;
1483 begin
1484   NextAudioFileRegion := AudioFileRegionPtr(
1485     Pointer(@inAFRegionPtr) +
1486     MacPtrUInt(@AudioFileRegionPtr(nil)^.mMarkers) +
1487     (inAFRegionPtr.mNumberMarkers*sizeof(AudioFileMarker))
1488     );
1489   end;
1491 end.
1493 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}