1 {!
2 	@file		AudioQueue.h
3 	@framework	AudioToolbox.framework
4 	@copyright	(c) 2006-2015 by Apple, Inc., all rights reserved.
5     @abstract   API's to record and play audio buffers.
7     @discussion
9 	Audio queues are software objects you use for recording or playing audio in Mac OS X. Audio
10 	queues perform the following tasks:
12 		- Connect to audio hardware
13 		- Manage audio data buffers
14 		- Employ codecs, as necessary, for compressed audio formats
15 		- Mediate playback or recording
17 	Audio queues can record and play audio in linear PCM, in compressed formats (such as Apple
18 	Lossless, AAC, and MP3), and in other formats for which users have installed codecs. The API set
19 	includes high-level support for the use of hardware recording and playback devices, and lets you
20 	use sophisticated codecs without knowledge of how they work.
22 	Additional advanced features support scheduled playback and synchronization of multiple audio
23 	queues and synchronization of audio with video.
24 }
25 {  Pascal Translation: Jonas Maebe <jonas@freepascal.org>, July 2019 }
26 {
27     Modified for use with Free Pascal
28     Version 308
29     Please report any bugs to <gpc@microbizz.nl>
30 }
32 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
33 {$mode macpas}
34 {$modeswitch cblocks}
35 {$packenum 1}
36 {$macro on}
37 {$inline on}
38 {$calling mwpascal}
40 unit AudioQueue;
41 interface
43 {$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0308}
45 {$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
47 {$endc}
49 {$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
50 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
51 {$endc}
52 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
53 	{$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
54 {$endc}
56 {$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC32}
57 	{$setc __ppc__ := 1}
58 {$elsec}
59 	{$setc __ppc__ := 0}
60 {$endc}
61 {$ifc not defined __ppc64__ and defined CPUPOWERPC64}
62 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 1}
63 {$elsec}
64 	{$setc __ppc64__ := 0}
65 {$endc}
66 {$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
67 	{$setc __i386__ := 1}
68 {$elsec}
69 	{$setc __i386__ := 0}
70 {$endc}
71 {$ifc not defined __x86_64__ and defined CPUX86_64}
72 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 1}
73 {$elsec}
74 	{$setc __x86_64__ := 0}
75 {$endc}
76 {$ifc not defined __arm__ and defined CPUARM}
77 	{$setc __arm__ := 1}
78 {$elsec}
79 	{$setc __arm__ := 0}
80 {$endc}
81 {$ifc not defined __arm64__ and defined CPUAARCH64}
82   {$setc __arm64__ := 1}
83 {$elsec}
84   {$setc __arm64__ := 0}
85 {$endc}
87 {$ifc defined cpu64}
88   {$setc __LP64__ := 1}
89 {$elsec}
90   {$setc __LP64__ := 0}
91 {$endc}
94 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
95 	{$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
96 {$endc}
98 {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
99 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
100 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
101 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
102 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
103 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
104 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
105 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
106 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
109 {$elifc defined __ppc64__ and __ppc64__}
110 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
111 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := TRUE}
112 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
113 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
114 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
115 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
116 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
117 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
120 {$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
121 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
122 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
123 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
124 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
125 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
126 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
127 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
128  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
129 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
131 {$elsec}
132 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
133 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
135 {$endc}
137 {$elifc defined __x86_64__ and __x86_64__}
138 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
139 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
140 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
141 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := TRUE}
142 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
143 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
144 {$ifc defined iphonesim}
145  	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
146 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
148 {$elsec}
149 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
150 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
152 {$endc}
154 {$elifc defined __arm__ and __arm__}
155 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
156 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
157 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
158 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
159 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := TRUE}
160 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE}
161 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
162 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
165 {$elifc defined __arm64__ and __arm64__}
166 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE}
167 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE}
168 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
169 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE}
170 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE}
171 	{$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := TRUE}
172 {$ifc defined ios}
173 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE}
174 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE}
176 {$elsec}
177 	{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
178 	{$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE}
180 {$endc}
182 {$elsec}
183 	{$error __ppc__ nor __ppc64__ nor __i386__ nor __x86_64__ nor __arm__ nor __arm64__ is defined.}
184 {$endc}
186 {$ifc defined __LP64__ and __LP64__ }
187   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := TRUE}
188 {$elsec}
189   {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := FALSE}
190 {$endc}
192 {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
195 {$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
198 {$elsec}
199 	{$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
200 {$endc}
205 {$setc OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES := TRUE}
207 {$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
210 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 := FALSE}
211 {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OSX := TRUE}
212 {$setc TARGET_CARBON := TRUE}
213 {$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
214 {$setc TARGET_CPU_MIPS := FALSE}
216 {$setc TARGET_OS_UNIX := FALSE}
217 {$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
218 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
219 {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM := FALSE}
222 {$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
223 {$setc TYPE_EXTENDED := FALSE}
224 {$setc TYPE_LONGLONG := TRUE}
225 uses MacTypes,CFBase,CFRunLoop,CoreAudioTypes,CoreFoundation;
226 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
234 //#pragma mark -
235 //#pragma mark Constants
238 //#pragma mark -
239 //#pragma mark Types
240 //==================================================================================================
241 //  TYPES
242 //==================================================================================================
244 {!
245     @typedef    AudioQueuePropertyID
246     @abstract   A value that uniquely identifies an audio queue property.
247 }
248 type
249 	AudioQueuePropertyID = UInt32;
250 	AudioQueuePropertyIDPtr = ^AudioQueuePropertyID;
252 {!
253     @typedef    AudioQueueParameterID
254     @abstract   A value that uniquely identifies an audio queue parameter.
255 }
256 type
257 	AudioQueueParameterID = UInt32;
258 	AudioQueueParameterIDPtr = ^AudioQueueParameterID;
260 {!
261     @typedef    AudioQueueParameterID
262     @abstract   A value for an audio queue parameter.
263 }
264 type
265 	AudioQueueParameterValue = Float32;
266 	AudioQueueParameterValuePtr = ^AudioQueueParameterValue;
268 {!
269     @typedef    AudioQueueRef
270     @abstract   Defines an opaque data type that represents an audio queue.
271 }
272 type
273 	AudioQueueRef = ^OpaqueAudioQueue; { an opaque type }
274 	OpaqueAudioQueue = record end;
276 {!
277     @typedef    AudioQueueTimelineRef
278     @abstract   Defines an opaque data type that represents an audio queue timeline.
279     @discussion
280         You can use this object to observe any overloads in the audio device associated with the
281         audio queue. A timeline object receives notifications of discontinuities in the audio
282         hardware's sample timeline--for instance, a period of silence when sound was expected.
283         Causes of discontinuities include changes in the device state or processing overloads.
284         See Technical Q & A: QA 1467 for a discussion of Core Audio overload warnings. These
285         warnings indicate you are taking too long to process audio data and the system has cut
286         you off. You query a timeline object by passing it as a parameter to
287         AudioQueueGetCurrentTime, which means a discontinuity has occurred.
288 }
289 type
290 	OpaqueAudioQueueTimeline = record end;
291 	AudioQueueTimelineRef = ^OpaqueAudioQueueTimeline; { an opaque type }
292 	AudioQueueTimelineRefPtr = ^AudioQueueTimelineRef;
295 //==================================================================================================
297 //==================================================================================================
298 {!
299     @enum Result Codes
300     @abstract   The OSStatus result codes returned by Audio Queue functions.
302     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidBuffer        The specified buffer does not belong to the
303                                                     audio queue.
304     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_BufferEmpty          The buffer is empty (that is, the
305                                                     mAudioDataByteSize field = 0).
306     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_DisposalPending      The function cannot act on the audio queue
307                                                     because it is being asynchronously disposed of.
308     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidProperty      The specified property ID is invalid.
309     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidPropertySize  The size of the specified property is invalid.
310     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidParameter     The specified parameter ID is invalid.
311     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_CannotStart          The audio queue has encountered a problem and
312                                                     cannot start.
313     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidDevice        The device assigned to the queue could not
314                                                     be located, or is not properly configured.
315     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_BufferInQueue        The buffer cannot be disposed of when it is
316                                                     enqueued.
317     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidRunState      The queue is running but the function can
318                                                     only operate on the queue when it is stopped,
319                                                     or vice versa.
320     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidQueueType     The queue is an input queue but the function can
321                                                     only operate on an output queue, or vice versa.
322     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_Permissions          You do not have the required permissions to call
323                                                     the function
324     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidPropertyValue The specified property value is invalid.
325     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_PrimeTimedOut        During Prime, the queue's AudioConverter failed to
326                                                     convert the requested number of sample frames.
327     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_CodecNotFound        The required audio codec was not found.
328     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidCodecAccess   Access to the required codec is not permitted
329                                                     (possibly due to incompatible AudioSession
330                                                     settings on iPhoneOS).
331     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_QueueInvalidated     On iPhoneOS, the audio server has exited, causing
332                                                     this audio queue to have become invalid.
333     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_TooManyTaps          There can only be one processing tap per
334                                                     audio queue.
335     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidTapContext    GetTapSourceAudio can only be called from the
336                                                     tap's callback.
337     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidTapType       GetTapQueueTime can only be called on an output queue's
338                                                     tap.
339     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_RecordUnderrun       During recording, data was lost because there
340                                                     was no enqueued buffer into which to store it.
341     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_BufferEnqueuedTwice  A buffer was enqueued twice on an input queue
342                                                     (before being returned as a result of being filled
343                                                     or from Reset).
344     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_CannotStartYet       Starting the audio queue failed because an internal
345                                                     reconfiguration (typically initiated by a hardware
346                                                     stream format or sample rate change) was in progress.
347                                                     Sleeping briefly and retrying is recommended.
348     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_EnqueueDuringReset   During Reset, Stop, or Dispose, it is not
349                                                     permitted to enqueue buffers.
350     @constant   kAudioQueueErr_InvalidOfflineMode   The operation requires the queue to be in
351                                                     offline mode but it isn't, or vice versa.
352                                                     (Offline mode is entered and exited via
353                                                     AudioQueueSetOfflineRenderFormat).
354 }
355 const
356 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidBuffer = -66687;
357 	kAudioQueueErr_BufferEmpty = -66686;
358 	kAudioQueueErr_DisposalPending = -66685;
359 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidProperty = -66684;
360 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidPropertySize = -66683;
361 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidParameter = -66682;
362 	kAudioQueueErr_CannotStart = -66681;
363 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidDevice = -66680;
364 	kAudioQueueErr_BufferInQueue = -66679;
365 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidRunState = -66678;
366 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidQueueType = -66677;
367 	kAudioQueueErr_Permissions = -66676;
368 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidPropertyValue = -66675;
369 	kAudioQueueErr_PrimeTimedOut = -66674;
370 	kAudioQueueErr_CodecNotFound = -66673;
371 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidCodecAccess = -66672;
372 	kAudioQueueErr_QueueInvalidated = -66671;
373 	kAudioQueueErr_TooManyTaps = -66670;
374 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidTapContext = -66669;
375 	kAudioQueueErr_RecordUnderrun = -66668;
376 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidTapType = -66667;
377 	kAudioQueueErr_BufferEnqueuedTwice = -66666;
378 	kAudioQueueErr_CannotStartYet = -66665;
379 	kAudioQueueErr_EnqueueDuringReset = -66632;
380 	kAudioQueueErr_InvalidOfflineMode = -66626;
383 {!
384     @enum Audio Queue Property IDs
385     @abstract   Constants that identify properties for audio queues.
386     @discussion
387     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning
388         A read-only property whose value is a UInt32 that indicates whether or not the queue is
389         running. A notification is sent when the audio device starts or stops, which is not
390         necessarily when the start or stop function is called.
391     @constant   kAudioQueueDeviceProperty_SampleRate
392         A read-only property whose value is a Float64 that indicates the sampling rate of the
393         associated audio device.
394     @constant   kAudioQueueDeviceProperty_NumberChannels
395         A read-only property whose value is a UInt32 that indicates the number of channels in
396         the associated audio device.
397     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentDevice
398         A read/write property whose value is a CFStringRef that contains the unique identifier
399         (UID) of the associated audio device.
400 		If the audio queue is tracking the default system device and the device changes, it will
401 		generate a property changed notification for this property. You can then query the HAL
402 		for info on the new default system device.
403     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_MagicCookie
404         A read/write property whose value is an audio format magic cookie. If the audio format
405         requires a magic cookie, you must set this property before enqueuing any buffers.
406     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_MaximumOutputPacketSize
407         A read-only UInt32 that indicates the size in bytes of the largest single packet of
408         data in the output format. This is mostly useful for recording/encoding variable bit rate
409         compressed data.
410     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_StreamDescription
411         A read-only AudioStreamBasicDescription that indicates the queue's recording format.
412         This is useful when recording, where you may specify a sample rate of 0 during
413         construction,
414     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_ChannelLayout
415         A read/write property whose value is an audio channel layout structure that describes
416         the audio queue's channel layout. The number of channels must match the format of the
417         queue. If more than two channels (for instance, a five-channel surround sound) exist in
418         the queue, there may be a need to specify a channel layout. This layout indicates the
419         specific order in which the channels do appear, such as left, then center, then right.
420     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_EnableLevelMetering
421         A read-write property whose value is a UInt32 that indicates whether metering of
422         audio levels is enabled for the audio queue. (0=off, 1=on).
423     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentLevelMeter
424         A read-only property whose value is an array of AudioQueueLevelMeter structures, one
425         array element per audio channel. The values in the AudioQueueLevelMeters are in the
426         range 0-1.
427     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentLevelMeterDB
428         A read-only property whose value is an array of AudioQueueLevelMeter structures, one
429         array element per audio channel. The values in the AudioQueueLevelMeters are in
430         decibels.
431     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_DecodeBufferSizeFrames
432         A read/write property whose value is a UInt32 that is the size of the buffer into which
433         an output audio queue decodes buffers. A large buffer provides more reliability and
434         better long-term performance at the expense of memory and decreased responsiveness
435         in some situations.
436     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_ConverterError
437         A read-only property whose value is a UInt32 indicating the most recent error (if any)
438         encountered by the queue's internal encoding/decoding process.
439     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_EnableTimePitch
440         A read/write property whose value is a UInt32 describing whether there is a time/pitch unit
441         inserted into the queue's audio signal chain. This property may only be set while
442         the queue is stopped.
443     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_TimePitchAlgorithm
444         A read/write property whose value is a UInt32 describing the time/pitch algorithm in use.
445         This property is only valid while a time/pitch has been inserted, and may only be changed
446         when the queue is not running.
447     @constant   kAudioQueueProperty_TimePitchBypass
448         A read/write property whose value is a UInt32 describing whether the time/pitch unit
449         has been bypassed (1=bypassed, 0=not bypassed).
450 }
451 const
452 	kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning = FourCharCode('aqrn');        // value is UInt32
454 	kAudioQueueDeviceProperty_SampleRate = FourCharCode('aqsr');        // value is Float64
455 	kAudioQueueDeviceProperty_NumberChannels = FourCharCode('aqdc');        // value is UInt32
456 	kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentDevice = FourCharCode('aqcd');        // value is CFStringRef
458 	kAudioQueueProperty_MagicCookie = FourCharCode('aqmc');        // value is void*
459 	kAudioQueueProperty_MaximumOutputPacketSize = FourCharCode('xops');        // value is UInt32
460 	kAudioQueueProperty_StreamDescription = FourCharCode('aqft');        // value is AudioStreamBasicDescription
462 	kAudioQueueProperty_ChannelLayout = FourCharCode('aqcl');        // value is AudioChannelLayout
463 	kAudioQueueProperty_EnableLevelMetering = FourCharCode('aqme');        // value is UInt32
464 	kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentLevelMeter = FourCharCode('aqmv');        // value is array of AudioQueueLevelMeterState, 1 per channel
465 	kAudioQueueProperty_CurrentLevelMeterDB = FourCharCode('aqmd');        // value is array of AudioQueueLevelMeterState, 1 per channel
467 	kAudioQueueProperty_DecodeBufferSizeFrames = FourCharCode('dcbf');        // value is UInt32
468 	kAudioQueueProperty_ConverterError = FourCharCode('qcve');        // value is UInt32
470 	kAudioQueueProperty_EnableTimePitch = FourCharCode('q_tp');        // value is UInt32, 0/1
471 	kAudioQueueProperty_TimePitchAlgorithm = FourCharCode('qtpa');        // value is UInt32. See values below.
472 	kAudioQueueProperty_TimePitchBypass = FourCharCode('qtpb');        // value is UInt32, 1=bypassed
474 {!
475     @enum       Time/Pitch algorithms
476     @abstract   Constants that identify values of kAudioQueueProperty_TimePitchAlgorithm
478     @constant kAudioQueueTimePitchAlgorithm_Spectral
479         Highest quality, most computationally expensive. Suitable for music.
480         Default algorithm on OS X.
481     @constant kAudioQueueTimePitchAlgorithm_TimeDomain
482         Modest quality, less expensive. Suitable for voice.
483     @constant kAudioQueueTimePitchAlgorithm_Varispeed
484         High quality, but pitch varies with rate.
485 }
486 const
487 	kAudioQueueTimePitchAlgorithm_Spectral = FourCharCode('spec');
488 	kAudioQueueTimePitchAlgorithm_TimeDomain = FourCharCode('tido');
489 	kAudioQueueTimePitchAlgorithm_Varispeed = FourCharCode('vspd');
492 {!
493     @enum       AudioQueueParameterID
494     @abstract   Constants that identify the parameters for audio queues.
495     @discussion
496         You can set a parameter in one of two ways:
498         <ul>
499         <li>    Assign a parameter value to an audio queue to take effect immediately using
500                 AudioQueueSetParameter.</li>
501         <li>    Schedule a parameter to take effect when a buffer is enqueued. You supply the
502                 parameter when you queue a buffer, and the new value of the parameter is applied
503                 when that buffer is rendered.
504         </ul>
506         AudioQueueGetParameter always returns the current value of the parameter
508     @constant   kAudioQueueParam_Volume
509         A value from 0.0 to 1.0 indicating the linearly scaled gain for the queue. A value of
510         1.0 (the default) indicates unity gain. A value of 0.0 indicates zero gain, or silence.
511     @constant   kAudioQueueParam_PlayRate
512         A value from 0.5 to 2.0 indicating the rate at which the queue is to play. A value of
513         1.0 (the default) indicates that the queue should play at its normal rate. Only
514         applicable when the time/pitch processor has been enabled and on Mac OS X 10.6 and higher.
515     @constant   kAudioQueueParam_Pitch
516         A value from -2400 to 2400 indicating the number of cents to pitch-shift the queue's
517         playback. (1200 cents is one octave.) Only applicable when the time/pitch processor has
518         been enabled with the spectral algorithm, and on Mac OS X 10.6 and higher.
519     @constant   kAudioQueueParam_VolumeRampTime
520         A value indicating the number of seconds over which subsequent volume changes will be
521         ramped. For example, to fade out from full unity gain to silence over the course of 1
522         second, set kAudioQueueParam_VolumeRampTime to 1 then kAudioQueueParam_Volume to 0.
523     @constant   kAudioQueueParam_Pan
524         A value from -1 to 1 indicating the pan position of a mono source (-1 = hard left, 0 =
525         center, 1 = hard right). For a stereo source this parameter affects left/right balance.
526         For multi-channel sources, this parameter has no effect.
527 }
528 const
529 	kAudioQueueParam_Volume = 1;
530 	kAudioQueueParam_PlayRate = 2;
531 	kAudioQueueParam_Pitch = 3;
532 	kAudioQueueParam_VolumeRampTime = 4;
533 	kAudioQueueParam_Pan = 13;
535 {!
536     @enum       AudioQueueProcessingTap flags
537     @abstract   Flags used in conjunction with processing taps
539     @discussion
540         In the flags passed to AudioQueueProcessingTapNew, either the PreEffects
541         or PostEffects flag must be set, but not both.
543     @constant   kAudioQueueProcessingTap_PreEffects
544         Signifies that the processing tap is inserted before any effects.
545         Passed to AudioQueueProcessingTapNew and to the callback.
546     @constant   kAudioQueueProcessingTap_PostEffects
547         Signifies that the processing tap is inserted after any effects.
548         Passed to AudioQueueProcessingTapNew and to the callback.
549     @constant   kAudioQueueProcessingTap_Siphon
550         Signifies that the processing tap is a siphon; it does not call
551         GetSourceAudio. The callback instead receives the source audio
552         and may not modify it. Passed to AudioQueueProcessingTapNew and to the callback.
553     @constant   kAudioQueueProcessingTap_StartOfStream
554         Signifies that the source audio is the beginning of a continuous stream,
555         i.e. following the beginning or resumption of playback or recording.
556         Returned from GetSourceAudio.
557     @constant   kAudioQueueProcessingTap_EndOfStream
558         Signifies that the source audio is past the end of stream. This happens when
559         the audio queue is being stopped asynchronously and has finished playing
560         all of its data. Returned from GetSourceAudio and should be propagated
561         on return from the callback.
562 }
563 type
564 	AudioQueueProcessingTapFlags = UInt32;
565 	AudioQueueProcessingTapFlagsPtr = ^AudioQueueProcessingTapFlags;
566 const
567 //  these are flags that are passed to both the constructor and the callback
568 	kAudioQueueProcessingTap_PreEffects = 1 shl 0;      // 0x01
569 	kAudioQueueProcessingTap_PostEffects = 1 shl 1;      // 0x02
570 	kAudioQueueProcessingTap_Siphon = 1 shl 2;      // 0x04
572     //  these are flags that are passed to the callback and from GetSourceAudio
573 	kAudioQueueProcessingTap_StartOfStream = 1 shl 8;      // 0x100
574 	kAudioQueueProcessingTap_EndOfStream = 1 shl 9;      // 0x200
576 //#pragma mark -
577 //#pragma mark Structs
578 //==================================================================================================
579 //  STRUCTS
580 //==================================================================================================
582 {!
583     @struct     AudioQueueBuffer
584     @abstract   Defines a buffer of audio data to be managed by an audio queue.
585     @discussion
586         Each audio queue has an associated set of audio queue buffers. You can request that a
587         queue allocate buffers using the AudioQueueAllocateBuffer function and dispose of them
588         using the AudioQueueFreeBuffer function.
590         You may also use AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptions to allocate buffers
591         with space for AudioPacketDescriptions, as used in VBR formats. The
592         mPacketDescriptionCapacity, mmPacketDescriptions, and mPacketDescriptionCount
593         fields may only be used with buffers allocated with this function.
595     @field      mAudioDataBytesCapacity
596         The size of the buffer, in bytes. This size is set when the buffer is allocated and
597         cannot be changed.
598     @field      mAudioData
599        A pointer to the audio data in the buffer. Although you can write data to this buffer,
600        you cannot make it point to another address.
601     @field      mAudioDataByteSize
602         The number of bytes of valid audio data in the buffer. You set this value when providing
603         data for playback; the audio queue sets this value when recording data from a recording
604         queue.
605     @field      mUserData
606         A value you may specify to identify the buffer when it is passed back in recording or
607         playback callback functions.
608     @field      mPacketDescriptionCapacity
609         The maximum number of packet descriptions that can be stored in mPacketDescriptions.
610     @field      mPacketDescriptions
611         An array of AudioStreamPacketDescriptions associated with the buffer.
612     @field      mPacketDescriptionCount
613         The number of valid packet descriptions in the buffer. You set this value when providing
614         buffers for playback; the audio queue sets this value when returning buffers from
615         a recording queue.
616 }
618 type
619 	AudioQueueBuffer = record
620 		mAudioDataBytesCapacity: {const} UInt32;
621 		mAudioData: UnivPtr {const};
622 		mAudioDataByteSize: UInt32;
623 		mUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable};
625 		mPacketDescriptionCapacity: {const} UInt32;
626 		mPacketDescriptions: AudioStreamPacketDescriptionPtr {const __nullable};
627 		mPacketDescriptionCount: UInt32;
628 	end;
629 	AudioQueueBufferPtr = ^AudioQueueBuffer;
631 {!
632     @typedef    AudioQueueBufferRef
633     @abstract   An pointer to an AudioQueueBuffer.
634 }
635 type
636 	AudioQueueBufferRef = AudioQueueBufferPtr;
637 	AudioQueueBufferRefPtr = ^AudioQueueBufferRef;
639 {!
640     @struct     AudioQueueParameterEvent
641     @abstract   Specifies a value for an audio queue parameter.
642     @discussion
643         Two ways are available to supply an audio queue with parameters:
645         <ul>
646         <li>    Provide one or more parameters by calling the
647                 AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters function. In this case, the parameters are
648                 applied to the specified buffer when it is played.</li>
649         <li>    Assign a parameter value immediately to an audio queue by calling the
650                 AudioQueueSetParameter function.</li>
651         </ul>
653         Note that the AudioQueueGetParameter function always returns the actual value of the
654         parameter.
656         In Mac OS X v10.5, audio queues have one parameter available: kAudioQueueParam_Volume,
657         which controls the queue's playback volume.
659     @field      mID
660         The parameter.
661     @field      mValue
662         The value of the specified parameter.
663 }
664 type
665 	AudioQueueParameterEvent = record
666 		mID: AudioQueueParameterID;
667 		mValue: AudioQueueParameterValue;
668 	end;
669 	AudioQueueParameterEventPtr = ^AudioQueueParameterEvent;
672 {!
673     @struct     AudioQueueLevelMeterState
674     @abstract   Specifies the current level metering information for one channel of an audio queue.
675     @discussion
676     @field      mAveragePower
677         The audio channel's average RMS power.
678     @field      mPeakPower
679         The audio channel's peak RMS power
680 }
681 type
682 	AudioQueueLevelMeterState = record
683 		mAveragePower: Float32;
684 		mPeakPower: Float32;
685 	end;
686 	AudioQueueLevelMeterStatePtr = ^AudioQueueLevelMeterState;
688 {!
689     @typedef    AudioQueueProcessingTapRef
690     @abstract   An object for intercepting and processing audio within an audio queue.
691 }
692 type
693 	AudioQueueProcessingTapRef = ^OpaqueAudioQueueProcessingTap; { an opaque type }
694 	OpaqueAudioQueueProcessingTap = record end;
697 //#pragma mark -
698 //#pragma mark Callbacks
699 //==================================================================================================
701 //==================================================================================================
704 {!
705     @typedef    AudioQueueOutputCallback
706     @abstract   Defines a pointer to a callback function that is called when a playback audio
707                 queue has finished taking data from a buffer.
709     @discussion
710         A playback buffer callback is invoked when the audio queue has finished with the data to
711         be played and the buffer is available to your application for reuse. Your application
712         might want to immediately refill and re-enqueue the completed buffer at this time.
713     @param      inUserData
714         The value specified by the inUserData parameter of the AudioQueueNewOutput function.
715     @param      inAQ
716         The audio queue that invoked the callback.
717     @param      inBuffer
718         The audio queue buffer made available by the audio queue.
719 }
720 type
721 	AudioQueueOutputCallback = procedure( inUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inBuffer: AudioQueueBufferRef );
723 {!
724     @typedef    AudioQueueInputCallback
725     @abstract   Defines a pointer to a callback function that is called when a recording audio
726                 queue has finished filling a buffer.
727     @discussion
728         You specify a recording buffer callback when calling AudioQueueNewInput. Your callback
729         is invoked each time the recording audio queue has filled a buffer with input data.
730         Typically, your callback should write the audio queue buffer's data to a file or other
731         buffer, and then re-queue the audio queue buffer to receive more data.
733     @param      inUserData
734         The value you've specified in the inUserData parameter of the AudioQueueNewInput
735         function.
736     @param      inAQ
737         The audio queue that invoked the callback.
738     @param      inBuffer
739         An audio queue buffer, newly filled by the audio queue, containing the new audio data
740         your callback needs to write.
741     @param      inStartTime
742         A pointer to an audio time stamp structure corresponding to the first sample contained
743         in the buffer. This contains the sample time of the first sample in the buffer.
744     @param      inNumberPacketDescriptions
745         The number of audio packets contained in the data provided to the callback
746     @param      inPacketDescs
747         For compressed formats which require packet descriptions, the packet descriptions
748         produced by the encoder for the incoming buffer.
749 }
750 type
751 	AudioQueueInputCallback = procedure( inUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inBuffer: AudioQueueBufferRef; const (*var*) inStartTime: AudioTimeStamp; inNumberPacketDescriptions: UInt32; {const} inPacketDescs: AudioStreamPacketDescriptionPtr {* __nullable} );
754 {!
755     @typedef    AudioQueuePropertyListenerProc
756     @abstract   Defines a pointer to a callback function that is called when a specified
757                 property changes value.
758     @discussion
759         You assign a property listener callback when calling AudioQueueAddPropertyListener.
761     @param      inUserData
762         A pointer to the data specified by the inUserData parameter of the
763         AudioQueueAddPropertyListener function.
764     @param      inAQ
765         The audio queue that invoked the callback.
766     @param      inID
767         The ID of the property that invoked the callback.
768 }
769 type
770 	AudioQueuePropertyListenerProc = procedure( inUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inID: AudioQueuePropertyID );
772 {!
773 @typedef    AudioQueueProcessingTapCallback
774 @abstract   A function called when an audio queue has data to be processed by its tap
776 @discussion
777     A processing callback is invoked when the audio queue has data that can be processed by a given
778     tap.
780     The audio queue will call the processing callback when it has sufficient data to provide for
781     processing.
783     In the case of a siphoning tap, the callback function can inspect the audio data in ioData, but
784     should not otherwise modify it. The callback should not call
785     AudioQueueProcessingTapGetSourceAudio.
787     A non-siphoning callback should call AudioQueueProcessingTapGetSourceAudio to request from the
788     queue as much source data as it needs in order to produce the requested number of output
789     samples. When the callback requests source data it may receive less data than it requests.
791     In the case of a tap on an audio output queue, the tap must emit the exact number of sample
792     frames that the queue requests. In normal circumstances, the tap's requests for source data will
793     be satisfied (as the client running the audio queue is also providing the queue with the audio
794     source material). If there is insufficient source data available (this is indicated by the
795     outNumberFrames from the GetSource call), then the processing tap should deal as best as it can;
796     it can either return less data than was requested or insert silence, noise, etc. itself. If it
797     returns less data than requested, the hosting audio queue will fill in the remainder with
798     silence.
800     In the case of a tap on an audio input queue, the tap may provide back less audio data than is
801     being requested. Typically this will occur because the tap will ask for source data that is not
802     available at this time (the audio input hasn't arrived yet), so the tap should cache the source
803     data that it needs and return as many processed samples as it can. If the processing tap falls
804     behind and is not providing data quickly enough silence will be generated in the data provided
805     to the client (and there is no signal about this either).
807     A processing tap executes in a semi-real-time context, so the general limitations for real-time
808     processing apply. Avoid using API's which may block. In particular, it is not safe to call the
809     audio queue on which the tap was installed, with the exceptions of
810     AudioQueueProcessingTapGetSourceAudio and AudioQueueProcessingTapGetQueueTime.
812     In normal operation the source data will be continuous from the last time the callback was
813     called and the processed samples should be continuous from the previous samples returned. If
814     there is any discontinuity between the last samples provided for processing the audio queue will
815     set the bit for kAudioQueueProcessing_StartOfStream in the inFlags. After a discontinuity the
816     first sample that the processing tap outputs should correspond to the first sample that was
817     provided in the source samples (so a reset and then consequent process serves to re-anchor a
818     relationship between the processing tap's source and processed samples). In this case the
819     processing tap will typically discard any previous state (for instance, if a processing tap was
820     adding a reverb to a signal, then the discontinuity flag would act the same as AudioUnitReset;
821     any previous source information in the processing tap should be discarded).
823     The caller is responsible for absorbing any processing delays. For example, if the processing is
824     to be done by an audio unit that reports a processing latency, then the caller should remove
825     those latency samples from the audio unit's rendering and not return them to the audio queue.
827     The processing tap is able to operate on the provided source data in place (that is, it can do
828     "in place processing") and return pointers to that buffer rather than its own. This works in a
829     similar way as AudioUnit render operations.
831     When an output audio queue is being stopped asynchronously, the processing tap will see the
832     kAudioQueueProcessingTap_EndOfStream bit set on return from GetSourceAudio, and is responsible
833     for propagating this bit from the callback when its processing has reached this point.
835     A processing tap will NEVER see the same source data again, so, it should keep its own copy if
836     it needs to keep it for further reference past the duration of this call. It also cannot assume
837     that the pointers to the source data that it retrieves will remain valid AFTER the processing
838     tap has executed.
840     The processing tap should ensure that the data pointers it provides in outProcessedData remain
841     valid until the tap is executed again.
843     A processing tap is destroyed implicitly when its audio queue is disposed. It may also be
844     removed explicitly, via AudioQueueProcessingTapDispose.
846     @param      inClientData
847                     the client data pointer passed to AudioQueueProcessingTapNew
848     @param      inAQ
849                     The audio queue that invoked the callback.
850     @param      inAQTap
851                     The tap for this callback.
852     @param      inNumberFrames
853                     The requested number of sample frames to be rendered.
854     @param      ioFlags
855                     On entry, the flags passed at construction time are provided. On exit,
856                     the start/end of stream flags should be set when appropriate.
857     @param      ioAudioTimeStamp
858                     On an input audio queue, the timestamp must be returned from this function.
859                     On an output audio queue, the callback is provided a continuous timestamp.
860     @param      outNumberFrames
861                     The number of frames of audio data provided in the processed data. Can be 0.
862     @param      ioData
863                     For non-siphoning taps, on entry, the buffer pointers are null and the lengths
864                     are zero. On exit, they should contain the tap's output.
866                     Siphoning taps receive valid buffers which they must not alter.
867 }
868 type
869 	AudioQueueProcessingTapCallback = procedure( inClientData: UnivPtr; inAQTap: AudioQueueProcessingTapRef; inNumberFrames: UInt32; var ioTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; var ioFlags: AudioQueueProcessingTapFlags; var outNumberFrames: UInt32; var ioData: AudioBufferList );
871 //==================================================================================================
873 //==================================================================================================
875 //#pragma /mark -
876 //#pragma /mark Creating/destroying queues
877 //=============================================================================
878 //  Creating/destroying queues
879 //=============================================================================
881 {!
882     @function   AudioQueueNewOutput
883     @abstract   Creates a new audio queue for playing audio data.
884     @discussion
885         To create an playback audio queue, you allocate buffers, then queue buffers (using
886         AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer). The callback receives buffers and typically queues them again.
887         To schedule a buffer for playback, providing parameter and start time information, call
888         AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters.
890     @param      inFormat
891         A pointer to a structure describing the format of the audio data to be played. For
892         linear PCM, only interleaved formats are supported. Compressed formats are supported.
893     @param      inCallbackProc
894         A pointer to a callback function to be called when the audio queue has finished playing
895         a buffer.
896     @param      inUserData
897         A value or pointer to data that you specify to be passed to the callback function.
898     @param      inCallbackRunLoop
899         The event loop on which inCallbackProc is to be called. If you specify NULL, the
900         callback is called on one of the audio queue's internal threads.
901     @param      inCallbackRunLoopMode
902         The run loop mode in which to call the callback. Typically, you pass
903         kCFRunLoopCommonModes. (NULL also specifies kCFRunLoopCommonModes). Other
904         possibilities are implementation specific. You can choose to create your own thread with
905         your own run loops. For more information on run loops, see Run Loops or CFRunLoop
906         Reference.
907     @param      inFlags
908         Reserved for future use. Pass 0.
909     @param      outAQ
910         On return, this variable contains a pointer to the newly created playback audio queue
911         object.
912     @result     An OSStatus result code.
913 }
AudioQueueNewOutputnull914 function AudioQueueNewOutput( const (*var*) inFormat: AudioStreamBasicDescription; inCallbackProc: AudioQueueOutputCallback; inUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; inCallbackRunLoop: CFRunLoopRef {__nullable}; inCallbackRunLoopMode: CFStringRef {__nullable}; inFlags: UInt32; var outAQ: AudioQueueRef {__nullable * __nonnull} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueNewOutput';
915 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
918 {!
919     @function   AudioQueueNewInput
920     @abstract   Creates a new audio queue for recording audio data.
921     @discussion
923         Outline of how to use the queue for input:
925         - create input queue
926         - allocate buffers
927         - enqueue buffers (AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer, not with parameters, no packet descriptions)
928         - the callback receives buffers and re-enqueues them
930     @param      inFormat
931         A pointer to a structure describing the format of the audio data to be recorded. For
932         linear PCM, only interleaved formats are supported. Compressed formats are supported.
933     @param      inCallbackProc
934         A pointer to a callback function to be called when the audio queue has finished filling
935         a buffer.
936     @param      inUserData
937         A value or pointer to data that you specify to be passed to the callback function.
938     @param      inCallbackRunLoop
939         The event loop on which inCallbackProc is to be called. If you specify NULL, the
940         callback is called on one of the audio queue's internal threads.
941     @param      inCallbackRunLoopMode
942         The run loop mode in which to call the callback. Typically, you pass
943         kCFRunLoopCommonModes. (NULL also specifies kCFRunLoopCommonModes). Other
944         possibilities are implementation specific. You can choose to create your own thread with
945         your own run loops. For more information on run loops, see Run Loops or CFRunLoop
946         Reference.
947     @param      inFlags
948         Reserved for future use. Pass 0.
949     @param      outAQ
950         On return, this variable contains a pointer to the newly created recording audio queue
951         object.
952     @result     An OSStatus result code.
953 }
AudioQueueNewInputnull954 function AudioQueueNewInput( const (*var*) inFormat: AudioStreamBasicDescription; inCallbackProc: AudioQueueInputCallback; inUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; inCallbackRunLoop: CFRunLoopRef {__nullable}; inCallbackRunLoopMode: CFStringRef {__nullable}; inFlags: UInt32; var outAQ: AudioQueueRef {__nullable * __nonnull} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueNewInput';
955 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
958 {!
959     @function   AudioQueueDispose
960     @abstract   Disposes an existing audio queue.
961     @discussion
962         Disposing of the audio queue also disposes of all its resources, including its buffers.
963     @param      inAQ
964         The audio queue you want to dispose of
965     @param      inImmediate
966         If you pass true, the audio queue is disposed of immediately (that is, synchronously).
967         If you pass false, disposal does not take place until all enqueued buffers are
968         processed. Whether you call AudioQueueDispose synchronously or asynchronously, you can
969         no longer interact with the queue, and the queue no longer invokes any callbacks to your
970         application after the function returns.
972 		Note that if AudioQueueDispose is called from a buffer completion callback or property
973 		listener, you may receive further callbacks afterwards.
974     @result     An OSStatus result code.
975 }
AudioQueueDisposenull976 function AudioQueueDispose( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inImmediate: Boolean ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueDispose';
977 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
979 //#pragma /mark -
980 //#pragma /mark Buffer Management
981 //=============================================================================
982 //  Buffer Management
983 //=============================================================================
985 {!
986     @function   AudioQueueAllocateBuffer
987     @abstract   Asks an audio queue to allocate a buffer.
988     @discussion
989         Once allocated, the pointer to the buffer and the buffer's size are fixed and cannot be
990         changed. The mAudioDataByteSize field in the audio queue buffer structure,
991         AudioQueueBuffer, is initially set to 0.
993     @param      inAQ
994         The audio queue you want to allocate a buffer.
995     @param      inBufferByteSize
996         The desired size of the new buffer, in bytes. An appropriate buffer size depends on the
997         processing you will perform on the data as well as on the audio data format.
998     @param      outBuffer
999         On return, points to the newly created audio buffer. The mAudioDataByteSize field in the
1000         audio queue buffer structure, AudioQueueBuffer, is initially set to 0.
1001     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1002 }
AudioQueueAllocateBuffernull1003 function AudioQueueAllocateBuffer( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inBufferByteSize: UInt32; var outBuffer: AudioQueueBufferRef {__nullable * __nonnull} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueAllocateBuffer';
1004 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1006 {!
1007     @function   AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptions
1008     @abstract   Asks an audio queue to allocate a buffer with space for packet descriptions.
1009     @discussion
1010         Once allocated, the pointer to the buffer and the buffer's size are fixed and cannot be
1011         changed. The mAudioDataByteSize field in the audio queue buffer structure,
1012         AudioQueueBuffer, is initially set to 0.
1014     @param      inAQ
1015         The audio queue you want to allocate a buffer.
1016     @param      inBufferByteSize
1017         The desired size of the new buffer, in bytes. An appropriate buffer size depends on the
1018         processing you will perform on the data as well as on the audio data format.
1019     @param      inNumberPacketDescriptions
1020         The desired capacity of the packet description array in the new buffer.
1021     @param      outBuffer
1022         On return, points to the newly created audio buffer. The mAudioDataByteSize field in the
1023         audio queue buffer structure, AudioQueueBuffer, is initially set to 0.
1024     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1025 }
AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptionsnull1026 function AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptions( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inBufferByteSize: UInt32; inNumberPacketDescriptions: UInt32; var outBuffer: AudioQueueBufferRef {__nullable * __nonnull} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptions';
1027 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.6), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1029 {!
1030     @function   AudioQueueFreeBuffer
1031     @abstract   Disposes of an audio queue buffer.
1032     @discussion
1033         This function disposes of the buffer allocated by AudioQueueAllocateBuffer. Disposing of
1034         an audio queue also automatically disposes of any associated buffers and timeline
1035         objects. Call this function only if you want to dispose of a particular buffer while
1036         continuing to use an audio queue. You can dispose of buffers only when the associated
1037         queue is stopped (that is, not processing audio data).
1038     @param      inAQ
1039         The queue from which the buffer was allocated.
1040     @param      inBuffer
1041         The buffer to be disposed.
1042     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1043 }
AudioQueueFreeBuffernull1044 function AudioQueueFreeBuffer( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inBuffer: AudioQueueBufferRef ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueFreeBuffer';
1045 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1048 {!
1049     @function   AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer
1050     @abstract   Assigns a buffer to an audio queue for recording or playback.
1051     @discussion
1052         If the buffer was allocated with AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptions,
1053         the client should provide packet descriptions in the buffer's mPacketDescriptions
1054         and mPacketDescriptionCount fields rather than in inPacketDescs and
1055         inNumPacketDescs, which should be NULL and 0, respectively, in this case.
1057         For an input queue, pass 0 and NULL for inNumPacketDescs and inPacketDescs,
1058         respectively. Your callback will receive packet descriptions owned by the audio queue.
1060     @param      inAQ
1061         The audio queue you are assigning the buffer to.
1062     @param      inBuffer
1063         The buffer to queue (that is, to be recorded into or played from).
1064     @param      inNumPacketDescs
1065         The number of packet descriptions pointed to by the inPacketDescs pointer. Applicable
1066         only for output queues and required only for variable-bit-rate (VBR) audio formats. Pass
1067         0 for input queues (no packet descriptions are required).
1068     @param      inPacketDescs
1069         An array of packet descriptions. Applicable only for output queues and required only for
1070         variable-bit-rate (VBR) audio formats. Pass NULL for input queues (no packet
1071         descriptions are required).
1072     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1073 }
AudioQueueEnqueueBuffernull1074 function AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inBuffer: AudioQueueBufferRef; inNumPacketDescs: UInt32; {const} inPacketDescs: AudioStreamPacketDescriptionPtr {* __nullable} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer';
1075 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1077 {!
1078     @function   AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters
1079     @abstract   Assigns a buffer to an audio queue for playback, providing parameters
1080                 and start time information.
1081     @discussion
1082         You can exert some control of the buffer queue by using this function. You can assign
1083         audio queue settings that are in effect carried by an audio queue buffer as you enqueue
1084         it. Hence, these changes only take effect when an audio queue buffer begins playing.
1086         This function queues a buffer for playback only, not for recording. Audio queues for
1087         recording have no parameters, do not support variable-bit-rate (VBR) formats (which
1088         might require trimming), and have a different way to handle timing. When queued for
1089         playback, the buffer must contain the audio data to be played back. See
1090         AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer for details on queuing a buffer for recording.
1092         If the buffer was allocated with AudioQueueAllocateBufferWithPacketDescriptions,
1093         the client should provide packet descriptions in the buffer's mPacketDescriptions
1094         and mPacketDescriptionCount fields rather than in inPacketDescs and
1095         inNumPacketDescs, which should be NULL and 0, respectively, in this case.
1096     @param      inAQ
1097         The audio queue associated with the buffer.
1098     @param      inBuffer
1099         The buffer to be played from.
1100     @param      inNumPacketDescs
1101         The number of packet descriptions pointed to by the inPacketDescs parameter. Required
1102         only for variable-bit-rate (VBR) audio formats. Pass 0 if no packet descriptions are
1103         required.
1104     @param      inPacketDescs
1105         A pointer to an array of audio stream packet descriptions. Required only for VBR audio
1106         formats. Pass NULL if no packet descriptions are required.
1107     @param      inTrimFramesAtStart
1108         The number of priming frames to skip at the start of the buffer.
1109     @param      inTrimFramesAtEnd
1110         The number of frames to skip at the end of the buffer.
1111     @param      inNumParamValues
1112         The number of parameter values pointed to by the inParamValues parameter.
1113     @param      inParamValues
1114         An array of parameter values. (In Mac OS X v10.5, there is only one parameter,
1115         kAudioQueueParam_Volume.) These values are set before buffer playback and cannot be
1116         changed while the buffer is playing. How accurately changes in parameters can be
1117         scheduled depends on the size of the buffer. If there are no parameters to set
1118         (inNumParamValues = 0), pass NULL.
1119     @param      inStartTime
1120         A pointer to a structure containing the desired start time for playing the buffer. If
1121         you specify the time using the mSampleTime field of the AudioTimeStamp structure, the
1122         sample time is relative to the time the queue started. If you pass NULL for the start
1123         time, the buffer starts immediately after the previously queued buffer, or as soon as
1124         possible if no buffers are queued ahead of it. Buffers are played in the order they are
1125         queued. If multiple buffers are queued, their times must be in ascending order or NULL;
1126         otherwise, an error occurs. The start time indicates when the actual audio data in the
1127         buffer is to be played (that is, the trim frames are not counted).
1129         Note: When specifying a start time for a buffer, if the buffer is not the first enqueued
1130         since AudioQueueStop or AudioQueueReset, it is normally necessary to call AudioQueueFlush
1131         before AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters.
1132     @param      outActualStartTime
1133         On return, points to an AudioTimeStamp structure indicating when the buffer will
1134         actually play.
1135     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1136 }
AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParametersnull1137 function AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inBuffer: AudioQueueBufferRef; inNumPacketDescs: UInt32; {const} inPacketDescs: AudioStreamPacketDescriptionPtr {* __nullable}; inTrimFramesAtStart: UInt32; inTrimFramesAtEnd: UInt32; inNumParamValues: UInt32; {const} inParamValues: AudioQueueParameterEventPtr {* __nullable}; {const} inStartTime: AudioTimeStampPtr {* __nullable}; outActualStartTime: AudioTimeStampPtr {* __nullable} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters';
1138 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1140 //#pragma /mark -
1141 //#pragma /mark Queue Control
1142 //=============================================================================
1143 //  Queue Control
1144 //=============================================================================
1146 {!
1147     @function   AudioQueueStart
1148     @abstract   Begins playing or recording audio.
1149     @discussion
1150         If the audio hardware is not already running, this function starts it.
1151     @param      inAQ
1152         The audio queue to start.
1153     @param      inStartTime
1154         A pointer to the time at which the audio queue should start. If you specify the time
1155         using the mSampleTime field of the AudioTimeStamp structure, the sample time is
1156         referenced to the sample frame timeline of the associated audio device. May be NULL.
1157     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1158 }
AudioQueueStartnull1159 function AudioQueueStart( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; {const} inStartTime: AudioTimeStampPtr {* __nullable} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueStart';
1160 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1162 {!
1163     @function   AudioQueuePrime
1164     @abstract   Begins decoding buffers in preparation for playback.
1165     @discussion
1166         This function begins decoding buffers in preparation for playback. It returns when at
1167         least the number of audio sample frames are decoded and ready to play or when all
1168         enqueued buffers have been completely decoded. To ensure that a buffer has been decoded
1169         and is completely ready for playback, before playback:
1170             1.  Call AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer.
1171             2.  Call AudioQueuePrime, which waits if you pass 0 to have a default number of
1172                 frames decoded.
1173             3.  Call AudioQueueStart.
1175         Calls to AudioQueuePrime following AudioQueueStart/AudioQueuePrime, and before
1176         AudioQueueReset/AudioQueueStop, will have no useful effect. In this situation,
1177         outNumberOfFramesPrepared will not have a useful return value.
1178     @param      inAQ
1179         The audio queue to be primed.
1180     @param      inNumberOfFramesToPrepare
1181         The number of frames to decode before returning. Pass 0 to decode all enqueued buffers.
1182     @param      outNumberOfFramesPrepared
1183         If not NULL, on return, a pointer to the number of frames actually decoded and prepared
1184         for playback.
1185     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1186 }
AudioQueuePrimenull1187 function AudioQueuePrime( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inNumberOfFramesToPrepare: UInt32; outNumberOfFramesPrepared: UInt32Ptr {* __nullable} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueuePrime';
1188 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1190 {!
1191     @function   AudioQueueStop
1192     @abstract   Stops playing or recording audio.
1193     @discussion
1194         This function resets the audio queue and stops the audio hardware associated with the
1195         queue if it is not in use by other audio services. Synchronous stops occur immediately,
1196         regardless of previously buffered audio data. Asynchronous stops occur after all queued
1197         buffers have been played or recorded.
1198     @param      inAQ
1199         The audio queue to stop.
1200     @param      inImmediate
1201         If you pass true, the stop request occurs immediately (that is, synchronously), and the
1202         function returns when the audio queue has stopped. Buffer callbacks are invoked during
1203         the stopping. If you pass false, the function returns immediately, but the queue does
1204         not stop until all its queued buffers are played or filled (that is, the stop occurs
1205         asynchronously). Buffer callbacks are invoked as necessary until the queue actually
1206         stops. Also, a playback audio queue callback calls this function when there is no more
1207         audio to play.
1209         Note that when stopping immediately, all pending buffer callbacks are normally invoked
1210         during the process of stopping. But if the calling thread is responding to a buffer
1211         callback, then it is possible for additional buffer callbacks to occur after
1212         AudioQueueStop returns.
1213     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1214 }
AudioQueueStopnull1215 function AudioQueueStop( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inImmediate: Boolean ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueStop';
1216 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1218 {!
1219     @function   AudioQueuePause
1220     @abstract   Pauses audio playback or recording.
1221     @discussion
1222         Pausing the queue does not affect buffers or reset the audio queue. To resume playback
1223         or recording using the audio queue, call AudioQueueStart.
1224     @param      inAQ
1225         The queue to be paused.
1226     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1227 }
AudioQueuePausenull1228 function AudioQueuePause( inAQ: AudioQueueRef ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueuePause';
1229 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1231 {!
1232     @function   AudioQueueFlush
1233     @abstract   Resets the audio queue's decoder state.
1234     @discussion
1235         After all queued buffers have been played, the function cleans up all decoder state
1236         information. You must call this function following a sequence of buffers of encoded
1237         audio; otherwise, some of the audio might not play in the next set of queued buffers.
1238         The only time it is not necessary to call AudioQueueFlush is following AudioQueueStop
1239         with inImmediate=false. (This action internally calls AudioQueueFlush.)
1241         Also, you might wish to call this function before calling AudioQueueStop depending on
1242         whether you want to stop immediately regardless of what has played or whether you want
1243         to ensure that all buffered data and all data that is in the middle of processing gets
1244         recorded or played before stopping.
1246     @param      inAQ
1247         The audio queue to be flushed.
1249     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1250 }
AudioQueueFlushnull1251 function AudioQueueFlush( inAQ: AudioQueueRef ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueFlush';
1252 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1254 {!
1255     @function   AudioQueueReset
1256     @abstract   Resets an audio queue.
1257     @discussion
1258         This function immediately resets an audio queue, flushes any queued buffer, removes all
1259         buffers from previously scheduled use, and resets any decoder and digital signal
1260         processing (DSP) state information. It also invokes callbacks for any flushed buffers.
1261         If you queue any buffers after calling this function, processing does not occur until
1262         the decoder and DSP state information is reset. Hence, a discontinuity (that is, a
1263         "glitch") might occur.
1265         Note that when resetting, all pending buffer callbacks are normally invoked
1266         during the process of resetting. But if the calling thread is responding to a buffer
1267         callback, then it is possible for additional buffer callbacks to occur after
1268         AudioQueueReset returns.
1269     @param      inAQ
1270         The audio queue to reset.
1272     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1273 }
AudioQueueResetnull1274 function AudioQueueReset( inAQ: AudioQueueRef ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueReset';
1275 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1277 //#pragma /mark -
1278 //#pragma /mark Parameter Management
1279 //=============================================================================
1280 //  Parameter Management
1281 //=============================================================================
1283 {!
1284     @function   AudioQueueGetParameter
1285     @abstract   Obtains an audio queue parameter value.
1286     @discussion
1287         You can access the current parameter values for an audio queue at any time with this
1288         function.
1289     @param      inAQ
1290         The audio queue whose parameter value you want to obtain.
1291     @param      inParamID
1292         The ID of the parameter you want to obtain. In Mac OS X v10.5, audio queues have one
1293         parameter available: kAudioQueueParam_Volume, which controls the queue's playback
1294         volume.
1295     @param      outValue
1296         On return, points to the current value of the specified parameter.
1297     @result
1298         An OSStatus result code.
1299 }
AudioQueueGetParameternull1300 function AudioQueueGetParameter( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inParamID: AudioQueueParameterID; var outValue: AudioQueueParameterValue ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueGetParameter';
1301 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1303 {!
1304     @function   AudioQueueSetParameter
1305     @abstract   Sets an audio queue parameter value.
1306     @discussion
1307     @param      inAQ
1308         The audio queue whose parameter value you want to set.
1309     @param      inParamID
1310         The ID of the parameter you want to set.
1311     @param      inValue
1312         The parameter value to set.
1313     @result
1314         An OSStatus result code.
1315 }
AudioQueueSetParameternull1316 function AudioQueueSetParameter( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inParamID: AudioQueueParameterID; inValue: AudioQueueParameterValue ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueSetParameter';
1317 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1320 //#pragma /mark -
1321 //#pragma /mark Property Management
1322 //=============================================================================
1323 //  Property Management
1324 //=============================================================================
1326 {!
1327     @function   AudioQueueGetProperty
1328     @abstract   Obtains an audio queue property value.
1329     @discussion
1330     @param      inAQ
1331         The audio queue whose property value you want to obtain.
1332     @param      inID
1333         The ID of the property you want to obtain. See "Audio Queue Property IDs."
1334     @param      outData
1335         On return, points to the desired property value.
1336     @param      ioDataSize
1337         A pointer to the size of the property data. On input, points to the maximum bytes of
1338         space the caller expects to receive. On return, points to the actual data size.
1339     @result
1340         An OSStatus result code.
1341 }
AudioQueueGetPropertynull1342 function AudioQueueGetProperty( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inID: AudioQueuePropertyID; outData: UnivPtr; var ioDataSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueGetProperty';
1343 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1345 {!
1346     @function   AudioQueueSetProperty
1347     @abstract   Sets an audio queue property value.
1348     @discussion
1349     @param      inAQ
1350         The audio queue whose property value you want to set.
1351     @param      inID
1352         The ID of the property you want to set. See "Audio Queue Property IDs" for the various
1353         audio queue properties.
1354     @param      inData
1355         A pointer to the property value to set.
1356     @param      inDataSize
1357         The size of the property data.
1358     @result
1359         An OSStatus result code.
1360 }
AudioQueueSetPropertynull1361 function AudioQueueSetProperty( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inID: AudioQueuePropertyID; inData: {const} UnivPtr; inDataSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueSetProperty';
1362 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1365 {!
1366     @function   AudioQueueGetPropertySize
1367     @abstract   Obtains the size of an audio queue property.
1368     @discussion
1369     @param      inAQ
1370         The audio queue containing the property value whose size you want to obtain.
1371     @param      inID
1372         The ID of the property value whose size you want to obtain. See "Audio Queue Property
1373         IDs" for possible values.
1374     @param      outDataSize
1375         On return, points to the size of the specified property value.
1376     @result
1377         An OSStatus result code.
1378 }
AudioQueueGetPropertySizenull1379 function AudioQueueGetPropertySize( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inID: AudioQueuePropertyID; var outDataSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueGetPropertySize';
1380 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1382 {!
1383     @function   AudioQueueAddPropertyListener
1384     @abstract   Adds a listener callback for a property.
1385     @discussion
1386         This callback is used to act upon a change in an audio queue property such as
1387         kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning. For instance, if your application has a user interface
1388         with a Play/Stop button, and kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning changes, you need to update
1389         your button.
1390     @param      inAQ
1391         The audio queue that owns the property you want to assign the listener callback to.
1392     @param      inID
1393         The ID of the property to which you want to assign a listener callback. See "Audio Queue Property IDs".
1394     @param      inProc
1395         The listener callback to be called when the property value changes.
1396     @param      inUserData
1397         A value to be passed to the listener callback when it is called.
1398     @result
1399         An OSStatus result code.
1400 }
AudioQueueAddPropertyListenernull1401 function AudioQueueAddPropertyListener( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inID: AudioQueuePropertyID; inProc: AudioQueuePropertyListenerProc; inUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueAddPropertyListener';
1402 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1404 {!
1405     @function   AudioQueueRemovePropertyListener
1406     @abstract   Removes a listener callback for a property.
1407     @discussion
1408     @param      inAQ
1409         The audio queue that owns the property from which you want to remove a listener.
1410     @param      inID
1411         The ID of the property from which you want to remove a listener.
1412     @param      inProc
1413         The listener being removed.
1414     @param      inUserData
1415         The same inUserData value that was previously passed to AudioQueueAddPropertyListener.
1416     @result
1417         An OSStatus result code.
1418 }
AudioQueueRemovePropertyListenernull1419 function AudioQueueRemovePropertyListener( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inID: AudioQueuePropertyID; inProc: AudioQueuePropertyListenerProc; inUserData: UnivPtr {__nullable} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueRemovePropertyListener';
1420 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1424 //#pragma /mark -
1425 //#pragma /mark Handling Timing
1426 //=============================================================================
1427 //  Handling Timing
1428 //=============================================================================
1430 {!
1431     @function   AudioQueueCreateTimeline
1432     @abstract   Creates a timeline object.
1433     @discussion
1434         You need to instantiate a timeline object if you want to know about any timeline
1435         discontinuities. See AudioQueueGetCurrentTime for more details.
1436     @param      inAQ
1437         The audio queue to associate with the new timeline object.
1438     @param      outTimeline
1439         On return, points to the newly created timeline object.
1440     @result
1441         An OSStatus result code.
1442 }
AudioQueueCreateTimelinenull1443 function AudioQueueCreateTimeline( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; var outTimeline: AudioQueueTimelineRef {__nullable * __nonnull} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueCreateTimeline';
1444 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1446 {!
1447     @function   AudioQueueDisposeTimeline
1448     @abstract   Disposes of a timeline object.
1449     @discussion
1450         Disposing of an audio queue automatically disposes of any associated timeline objects.
1451         Call this function only if you want to dispose of a timeline object and not the audio
1452         queue associated with it.
1453     @param      inAQ
1454         The audio queue associated with the timeline object you want to dispose of.
1455     @param      inTimeline
1456         The timeline object to dispose of.
1457     @result
1458         An OSStatus result code.
1459 }
AudioQueueDisposeTimelinenull1460 function AudioQueueDisposeTimeline( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inTimeline: AudioQueueTimelineRef ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueDisposeTimeline';
1461 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1463 {!
1464     @function   AudioQueueGetCurrentTime
1465     @abstract   Obtains the current audio queue time.
1466     @discussion
1467         You must specify a timeline object if you want to be notified about any timeline
1468         discontinuities in the outTimelineDiscontinuity parameter. If you don't care about
1469         discontinuities, pass NULL in the inTimeLine and outTimelineDiscontinuity parameters.
1470     @param      inAQ
1471         The audio queue whose current time you want to obtain.
1472     @param      inTimeline
1473         The audio queue timeline object to which any timeline discontinuities are reported. May
1474         be NULL.
1475     @param      outTimeStamp
1476         On return, points to an audio timestamp structure containing the current audio queue
1477         time. The mSampleTime field is in terms of the audio queue's sample rate, and relative
1478         to the time at which the queue has started or will start.
1479     @param      outTimelineDiscontinuity
1480         Can be NULL. On return, only set to true or false if the inTimeLine parameter is not
1481         NULL. Set to true if a discontinuity has occurred in the sample timeline of the audio
1482         queue. For instance, the device's sample rate changed and a gap occurred in playback or
1483         recording, or the audio queue was unable to prepare and playback in time because it was
1484         late.
1485     @result
1486         An OSStatus result code.
1487 }
AudioQueueGetCurrentTimenull1488 function AudioQueueGetCurrentTime( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inTimeline: AudioQueueTimelineRefPtr {__nullable}; outTimeStamp: AudioTimeStampPtr {* __nullable}; outTimelineDiscontinuity: BooleanPtr {* __nullable} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueGetCurrentTime';
1489 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1491 {!
1492     @function   AudioQueueDeviceGetCurrentTime
1493     @abstract   Obtains the current time of the audio device associated with an audio queue.
1494     @discussion
1495         If the audio device associated with the audio queue is not running, the only valid field
1496         in the audio timestamp structure is mHostTime. This result differentiates the action of
1497         this function from that of the AudioDeviceGetCurrentTime function, (declared in
1498         AudioHardware.h) which returns an error if the audio device is not running.
1499     @param      inAQ
1500         The audio queue whose audio device is to be queried.
1501     @param      outTimeStamp
1502         A pointer to a structure that, on return, contains the current time of the audio device
1503         associated with the audio queue.
1504     @result
1505         An OSStatus result code.
1506 }
AudioQueueDeviceGetCurrentTimenull1507 function AudioQueueDeviceGetCurrentTime( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; var outTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueDeviceGetCurrentTime';
1508 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1510 {!
1511     @function   AudioQueueDeviceTranslateTime
1512     @abstract   Converts the time in the time base of the associated audio device from one
1513                 representation to another.
1514     @discussion
1515         This function converts from one time representation to another (for example, from sample
1516         time to host time or vice versa):
1518         <ul>
1519         <li>    Sample time is the absolute sample frame time.
1520         Sample numbers are the count of the samples on the audio device.</li>
1521         <li>    Host time is the
1522         time base of the host machine such as the time of the bus clock on the CPU.</li>
1523         </ul>
1525         The mSampleTime field in the AudioTimestamp structure (described in Core Audio Data
1526         Types Reference) is always in device time, not in audio queue time. Audio queue time is
1527         relative to the audio queue's start time. The associated audio device has to be running
1528         for the AudioQueueDeviceTranslateTime function to provide a result.
1529     @param      inAQ
1530         The queue whose audio device is to perform the requested time translation.
1531     @param      inTime
1532         A pointer to a structure containing the time to be translated.
1533     @param      outTime
1534         A pointer to the the translated time.
1535     @result
1536         An OSStatus result code.
1537 }
AudioQueueDeviceTranslateTimenull1538 function AudioQueueDeviceTranslateTime( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; const (*var*) inTime: AudioTimeStamp; var outTime: AudioTimeStamp ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueDeviceTranslateTime';
1539 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1541 {!
1542     @function   AudioQueueDeviceGetNearestStartTime
1543     @abstract   Obtains an audio device's start time that is closest to a requested start time.
1544     @discussion
1545     @param      inAQ
1546         The audio queue whose device's nearest start time you want to obtain.
1547     @param      ioRequestedStartTime
1548         On entry, points to the requested start time. On return, points to the actual start time.
1549     @param      inFlags
1550         Reserved for future use. Pass 0.
1551     @result
1552         An OSStatus result code.
1553 }
AudioQueueDeviceGetNearestStartTimenull1554 function AudioQueueDeviceGetNearestStartTime( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; var ioRequestedStartTime: AudioTimeStamp; inFlags: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueDeviceGetNearestStartTime';
1555 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1557 //#pragma /mark -
1558 //#pragma /mark Offline Rendering
1559 //=============================================================================
1560 //  Offline Rendering
1561 //=============================================================================
1563 {!
1564     @function   AudioQueueSetOfflineRenderFormat
1565     @abstract   Specify an audio format to which the queue will perform subsequent offline rendering,
1566                 or disable offline rendering.
1567     @discussion
1568                 An output queue's audio playback can be redirected for capture to an audio file,
1569                 to support an export function, for example. AudioQueueSetOfflineRenderFormat switches
1570                 a queue between normal and offline rendering modes.
1571     @param      inAQ
1572         The output queue whose offline rendering mode is to be changed.
1573     @param      inFormat
1574         The desired format for offline rendering. Pass NULL to disable offline rendering and return the
1575         queue to normal output to an audio device. This format must be linear PCM and (if not mono)
1576         interleaved.
1577     @param      inLayout
1578         The desired channel layout for offline rendering; also NULL when disabling offline rendering.
1579     @result
1580         An OSStatus result code.
1581 }
AudioQueueSetOfflineRenderFormatnull1582 function AudioQueueSetOfflineRenderFormat( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; {const} inFormat: AudioStreamBasicDescriptionPtr {* __nullable}; {const} inLayout: AudioChannelLayout {* __nullable} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueSetOfflineRenderFormat';
1583 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1585 {!
1586     @function   AudioQueueOfflineRender
1587     @abstract   Obtain a buffer of audio output from a queue in offline rendering mode.
1588     @discussion
1589     @param      inAQ
1590         The output queue from which to obtain output.
1591     @param      inTimestamp
1592         The point in time corresponding to the beginning of the output buffer. Only mSampleTime
1593         is used. mFlags must include kAudioTimeStampSampleTimeValid.
1594     @param      ioBuffer
1595         The buffer into which the queue will render.
1596     @param      inNumberFrames
1597         The number of frames of audio to render. Note that fewer frames than requested may be returned.
1598         This can happen if insufficient data was enqueued.
1599     @result
1600         An OSStatus result code.
1601 }
AudioQueueOfflineRendernull1602 function AudioQueueOfflineRender( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; const (*var*) inTimestamp: AudioTimeStamp; ioBuffer: AudioQueueBufferRef; inNumberFrames: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueOfflineRender';
1603 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.5), ios(2.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1605 //#pragma /mark -
1606 //#pragma /mark Processing Taps
1607 //=============================================================================
1608 //  Processing Taps
1609 //=============================================================================
1612 {!
1613     @function   AudioQueueProcessingTapNew
1614     @abstract   Create a new processing tap
1615     @discussion
1616                 This function creates a processing tap on a given audio queue. A
1617                 processing tap can only be established (or removed) on an audio queue that is
1618                 stopped (paused is not sufficient). The processing tap will then be used to
1619                 process either decoded data in the case of an output queue, or input data
1620                 (before it is encoded) in the case of an input queue.
1622                 The processing is performed on audio either before or after any effects or other
1623                 processing (varispeed, etc) is applied by the audio queue, depending on inFlags.
1625     @param      inAQ
1626                     The audio queue from which to create the processing tap
1627     @param      inCallback
1628                     A callback which the queue will call to process the audio
1629     @param      inClientData
1630                     Client data provided to the callback
1631     @param      inFlags
1632                     Flags that are used to control aspects of the processing tap.
1633                     Valid flags are:
1634                         - kAudioQueueProcessingTap_PreEffects: processing is done before any
1635                             further effects are applied by the audio queue to the audio
1636                         - kAudioQueueProcessingTap_PostEffects: processing is done after all
1637                             processing is done, including that of other taps.
1638                         - kAudioQueueProcessingTap_Siphon
1639     @param      outMaxFrames
1640                     The maximum number of sample frames that can be requested of a processing
1641                     tap at any one time. Typically this will be approximately 50 msec of audio
1642                     (2048 samples @ 44.1kHz)
1643     @param      outProcessingFormat
1644                     The format in which the client will receive the audio data to be processed.
1645                     This will always be the same sample rate as the client format and usually
1646                     the same number of channels as the client format of the audio queue. (NOTE:
1647                     the number of channels may be different in some cases if the client format
1648                     has some channel count restrictions, for instance the client provides 5.1
1649                     AAC, but the decoder can only produce stereo). The channel order, if the
1650                     same as the client format, will be the same as the client channel order. If
1651                     the channel count is changed, it will be to either 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo, in
1652                     which case the first channel is left, the second right).
1654                     If the data is not in a convenient format for the client to process in, then
1655                     the client should convert the data to and from that format. This is the most
1656                     efficient mechanism to use (as the audio queue can chose a format that is
1657                     most efficient from its playback (or recording) requirement.
1658     @param      outAQTap
1659                     The processing tap object.
1661     @result     An OSStatus result code.
1662 }
AudioQueueProcessingTapNewnull1663 function AudioQueueProcessingTapNew( inAQ: AudioQueueRef; inCallback: AudioQueueProcessingTapCallback; inClientData: UnivPtr {__nullable}; inFlags: AudioQueueProcessingTapFlags; var outMaxFrames: UInt32; var outProcessingFormat: AudioStreamBasicDescription; var outAQTap: AudioQueueProcessingTapRef {__nullable * __nonnull} ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueProcessingTapNew';
1664 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(6.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1666 {!
1667     @function   AudioQueueProcessingTapDispose
1668     @abstract   Dispose a processing tap object
1669     @discussion
1670                 As with AudioQueueProcessingTapNew, this call can only be made on an
1671                 audio queue that is stopped (paused is not sufficient)
1673     @param      inAQTap
1674                     The processing tap to dispose.
1676    @result     An OSStatus result code.
1677 }
AudioQueueProcessingTapDisposenull1678 function AudioQueueProcessingTapDispose( inAQTap: AudioQueueProcessingTapRef ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueProcessingTapDispose';
1679 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(6.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1681 {!
1682     @function   AudioQueueProcessingTapGetSourceAudio
1683     @abstract   Used by a processing tap to retrieve source audio.
1684     @discussion
1685         This function may only be called from the processing tap's callback.
1687     @param      inAQTap
1688                     the processing tap
1689     @param      inNumberFrames
1690                     the number of frames the processing tap requires for its processing
1691     @param      ioTimeStamp
1692                     On an input audio queue, the timestamp is returned from this function.
1693                     On an output audio queue, the caller must provide a continuous timestamp.
1694     @param      outFlags
1695                     flags to describe state about the input requested, e.g.
1696                     discontinuity/complete
1697     @param      outNumberFrames
1698                     the number of source frames that have been provided by the parent audio
1699                     queue. This can be less than the number of requested frames specified in
1700                     inNumberFrames
1701     @param      ioData
1702                     the audio buffer list which will contain the source data. The audio queue owns
1703                     the buffer pointers if NULL pointers were provided (recommended). In this case
1704                     the source buffers are only valid for the duration of the processing tap
1705                     callback. If the buffer pointers are non-NULL, then they must be big enough to
1706                     hold inNumberFrames, and the audio queue will copy its source data into those
1707                     buffers.
1709    @result     An OSStatus result code.
1710 }
AudioQueueProcessingTapGetSourceAudionull1711 function AudioQueueProcessingTapGetSourceAudio( inAQTap: AudioQueueProcessingTapRef; inNumberFrames: UInt32; var ioTimeStamp: AudioTimeStamp; var outFlags: AudioQueueProcessingTapFlags; var outNumberFrames: UInt32; var ioData: AudioBufferList ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueProcessingTapGetSourceAudio';
1712 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.7), ios(6.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1714 {!
1715     @function   AudioQueueProcessingTapGetQueueTime
1716     @abstract   Used by a processing tap to retrieve the queue's current time.
1717     @discussion
1718         This function may only be called from the processing tap's callback, and only
1719         for audio output queues. It must be called after calling
1720         AudioQueueProcessingTapGetSourceAudio.
1722     @param      inAQTap
1723                     the processing tap
1724     @param      outQueueSampleTime
1725                     the current sample time of the audio queue. This will appear to be stationary
1726                     if the queue is paused.
1727     @param      outQueueFrameCount
1728                     the number of sample frames of queue time corresponding to the current chunk of
1729                     audio being processed by the tap. This will differ from the frame count passed
1730                     to the tap if the queue's playback rate is currently other than 1.0, due to the
1731                     use of time compression/expansion. The frame count can also be 0 if the queue is
1732                     paused.
1734    @result     An OSStatus result code.
1735 }
AudioQueueProcessingTapGetQueueTimenull1736 function AudioQueueProcessingTapGetQueueTime( inAQTap: AudioQueueProcessingTapRef; var outQueueSampleTime: Float64; var outQueueFrameCount: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioQueueProcessingTapGetQueueTime';
1737 (* API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.8), ios(6.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0)) *)
1742 {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE}
1744 end.
1745 {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}