1 #ifndef ERIS_PLAYER_H
2 #define ERIS_PLAYER_H
4 #include <Eris/Types.h>
6 #include "TransferInfo.h"
8 #include <Atlas/Objects/ObjectsFwd.h>
10 #include <sigc++/signal.h>
12 #include <vector>
13 #include <map>
14 #include <memory>
16 namespace Eris
17 {
19 class Connection;
20 class Avatar;
21 class AccountRouter;
22 class Timeout;
23 class SpawnPoint;
25 /** Type used to return available characters */
26 typedef std::map<std::string, Atlas::Objects::Entity::RootEntity> CharacterMap;
28 typedef std::map<std::string, Avatar*> ActiveCharacterMap;
30 /**
31  * @brief A store of spawn points.
32  */
33 typedef std::map<std::string, SpawnPoint> SpawnPointMap;
35 /// Encapsulates all the state of an Atlas Account, and methods that operation on that state
37 /** An Account object represents the encapsulation of a server account, and it's binding to a character in the
38 game world. Future versions of Eris will support multiple Account objects per Connection, allowing various
39 configurations of interface, proxies and so forth.
40 <br>
41 Account is also the mechanism by which Lobby and Avatars objects are made available to the client,
42 in response to login / create operations */
44 class Account : virtual public sigc::trackable
45 {
46 public:
47     /// Create a new Account associated with a Connection object
48     /**
49     Create a new Account object : currently only one is assumed, but multiple
50     Accounts might be supported in the future
51     @param con A valid (but not necessarily connected) Connection instance
52     */
53     Account(Connection *con);
55     virtual ~Account();
57     /// Login to the server using user-supplied account information
58     /** This is the basic way of logging into an existing account. Server-side
59     failures during the login process, such as the account being unknown
60     or an incorrect password being supplied, will result in the 'LoginFailure' signal being
61     emitted with some vaugely helpful error message, and an error code. The LoginSuccess
62     signal will be emitted upon sucessful completion of the login process.
64     @param uname The username of the account
65     @param pwd The correct password for the account
66     */
67     Result login(const std::string &uname, const std::string &pwd);
69     /// Attempt to create a new account on the server and log into it.
70     /* Create a new account on the server, if possible.
71     Server-side failures, such as an account already existing with the specified
72     username, will cause the 'LoginFailure' signal to be emitted with an error message
73     and a code. As for 'login', LoginSuccess wil be emitted if everything goes as plan.
75     @param uname The desired username of the account (eg 'ajr')
76     @param fullName The real name of the user (e.g 'Al Riddoch')
77     @param pwd The plaintext password for the new account
78     */
80     Result createAccount(const std::string &uname,
81         const std::string &fullName,
82         const std::string &pwd);
84     /* Create a new account on the server, if possible.
85     Server-side failures, such as an account already existing with the specified
86     username, will cause the 'LoginFailure' signal to be emitted with an error message
87     and a code. As for 'login', LoginSuccess wil be emitted if everything goes as plan.
89     This variant allows you to specify your own Account op, which is useful when you
90     want to create an account different from the standard one.
92     @param accountOp The account operation, which will be wrapped in a "Create" op.
93     */
94     Result createAccount(Atlas::Objects::Entity::Account accountOp);
97     /// Request logout from the server.
98     /** Initiate a clean disconnection from the server. The LogoutComplete
99     signal will be emitted when the process completes. Calling this on an Account
100     which is not logged in will produce an error. */
101     Result logout();
103     /// Check if the account is logged in.
104     /** Many operations will produce errors if the account is not logged in. */
105     bool isLoggedIn() const;
107     /// Returns a container of character types that the client is allowed to create.
108     const std::vector< std::string > & getCharacterTypes(void) const;
110     /// Get the characters owned by this account.
111     /**
112     Note you should call
113     refreshCharacterInfo, and wait for the GotAllCharacters signal, prior to the
114     initial call : otherwise, it will return an empty or incomplete list.
115     */
116     const CharacterMap& getCharacters();
118     /**
119     Update the character list (based on changes to play). The intention here is
120     that clients will call this method for some kind of'choose character' interface
121     or menu, and wait for the GotAllCharacters signal before displaying the list.
122     Alternatively, you can display the UI immediately, and add character entries
123     based on the GotCharacterInfo signal, which will be emitted once for each character.
124     */
125     Result refreshCharacterInfo();
127     /// Transfer all characters to this account and then do all steps in takeCharacter()
128     /**
129     @param id The id of the game entity to transfer and activate
130     @param key The possess_key to authenticate the game entity as ours
131     */
132     Result takeTransferredCharacter(const std::string &id, const std::string &key);
134     /// Enter the game using an existing character
135     /**
136     @param id The id of the game entity to activate; this must be owned by the account.
137     @result The Avatar that represents the character. Note ownership of this passes to
138         the caller.
139     */
140     Result takeCharacter(const std::string &id);
142     /// enter the game using a new character
143     Result createCharacter(const Atlas::Objects::Entity::RootEntity &character);
145     /// pop up the game's character creation dialog, if present
146     //void createCharacter();
148     ///  returns true if the game has defined a character creation dialog
149     bool canCreateCharacter();
151     /**
152      * @brief Gets a list of active characters, i.e. entities on the server which the account can control.
153      * @returns A list of active characters on the server which the account can control.
154      */
155     const ActiveCharacterMap& getActiveCharacters() const;
157     /**
158      * @brief Gets the available spawn points from where the client can create new characters.
159      * @returns A store of available spawn points.
160      */
161     const SpawnPointMap& getSpawnPoints() const;
163     /**
164     Request de-activation of a character. The 'AvatarDeactivated' signal will
165     be emitted when the deactivation completes.
166     */
167     Result deactivateCharacter(Avatar* av);
169     /// returns the account ID if logged in
170     const std::string& getId() const;
172     /** Return the username of this account. */
173     const std::string& getUsername() const;
175     /**
176      * @brief Gets the parent types of the account.
177      * In normal operation this should be a list containing one element,
178      * which in most cases is either "player" or "admin".
179      * @returns A vector of the parent types of the account.
180      */
181     const std::list<std::string>& getParents() const;
183     /// Access the underlying Connection for this account
184     Connection* getConnection() const;
186     /**
187      * @brief Called when a logout of the avatar has been requested by the
188      *  server.
189      *
190      * @note The avatar instance will be deleted by this method.
191      *
192      * @param avatar The avatar which is being logged out. This instance will
193      *  be destroyed once this method is done.
194      */
195     void avatarLogoutRequested(Avatar* avatar);
198 // signals
199     /// emitted when a character has been retrieved from the server
200     sigc::signal<void, const Atlas::Objects::Entity::RootEntity&> GotCharacterInfo;
202     /// emitted when the entire character list had been updated
203     sigc::signal<void> GotAllCharacters;
205     ///  Emitted when a server-side error occurs during account creation / login.
206     /**
207     The argument is an error message from the server - hopefully this will
208     become something more useful such as an enum code, in the future.
209     */
210     sigc::signal<void, const std::string &> LoginFailure;
212     /** Emitted when login or character creation is successful. */
213     sigc::signal<void> LoginSuccess;
215     /// Emitted when a logout completes
216     /** Depending on whether the logout completed with a positive server
217     acknowledgment or just timed out, the argument will be either true
218     (success, clean logout) or false (failure, timeout or other problem)
219     */
220     sigc::signal<void, bool> LogoutComplete;
222     /**
223     Emitted when creating a character or taking an existing one
224     succeeds.
225     */
226     sigc::signal<void, Avatar*> AvatarSuccess;
228     /**
229     Emitted when creating or taking a character fails for some reason.
230     String argument is the error message from the server.
231     */
232     sigc::signal<void, const std::string &> AvatarFailure;
234     /**
235     Emitted when an active avatar is deactivated. Clients <em>must not</em>
236     refer to the Avatar or View objects after this signal is emitted (it is
237     safe to access them in a slot connected to this signal)
238     */
239     sigc::signal<void, Avatar*> AvatarDeactivated;
241 protected:
242     friend class AccountRouter;
243     friend class Avatar; // so avatar can call deactivateCharacter
245     void sightCharacter(const Atlas::Objects::Operation::RootOperation& op);
247     void loginComplete(const Atlas::Objects::Entity::Account &p);
248     void loginError(const Atlas::Objects::Operation::Error& err);
250     Result internalLogin(const std::string &unm, const std::string &pwd);
251     void internalLogout(bool clean);
253     /// Callback for network re-establishment
254     void netConnected();
256     /// help! the plug is being pulled!
257     bool netDisconnecting();
258     void netFailure(const std::string& msg);
260     void loginResponse(const Atlas::Objects::Operation::RootOperation& op);
261     void logoutResponse(const Atlas::Objects::Operation::RootOperation& op);
262     void avatarResponse(const Atlas::Objects::Operation::RootOperation& op);
263     void avatarLogoutResponse(const Atlas::Objects::Operation::RootOperation& op);
265     void handleLogoutTimeout();
266 //  void recvRemoteLogout(const Atlas::Objects::Operation::Logout &lo);
268     void handleLoginTimeout();
270     typedef enum
271     {
272         DISCONNECTED = 0,   ///< Default state, no server account active
273         LOGGING_IN,         ///< Login sent, waiting for initial INFO response
274         LOGGED_IN,          ///< Fully logged into a server-side account
275         LOGGING_OUT,         ///< Sent a logout op, waiting for the INFO response
277         TAKING_CHAR,        ///< sent a LOOK op for a character, awaiting INFO response
278         CREATING_CHAR       ///< send a character CREATE op, awaiting INFO response
279     } Status;
281     void internalDeactivateCharacter(Avatar* av);
282     virtual void updateFromObject(const Atlas::Objects::Entity::Account &p);
284     Connection* m_con;  ///< underlying connection instance
285     Status m_status;    ///< what the Player is currently doing
286     AccountRouter* m_router;
288     std::string m_accountId;    ///< the account ID
289     std::string m_username; ///< The player's username ( != account object's ID)
290     std::string m_pass;
292     std::list< std::string > m_parents;
293     std::vector< std::string > m_characterTypes;
294     CharacterMap _characters;   ///< characters belonging to this player
295     StringSet m_characterIds;
296     bool m_doingCharacterRefresh; ///< set if we're refreshing character data
298     ActiveCharacterMap m_activeCharacters;
299     std::unique_ptr<Timeout> m_timeout;
301     /**
302      * @brief A map of available spawn points.
303      * These are points from which a new avatar can be created.
304      */
305     SpawnPointMap m_spawnPoints;
306 };
canCreateCharacter()308 inline bool Account::canCreateCharacter()
309 {
310     return false;
311 }
getActiveCharacters()313 inline const ActiveCharacterMap& Account::getActiveCharacters() const
314 {
315     return m_activeCharacters;
316 }
getId()318 inline const std::string& Account::getId() const
319 {
320     return m_accountId;
321 }
getUsername()323 inline const std::string& Account::getUsername() const
324 {
325     return m_username;
326 }
getParents()328 inline const std::list<std::string>& Account::getParents() const
329 {
330     return m_parents;
331 }
getConnection()334 inline Connection* Account::getConnection() const
335 {
336     return m_con;
337 }
getSpawnPoints()339 inline const SpawnPointMap& Account::getSpawnPoints() const
340 {
341     return m_spawnPoints;
342 }
345 } // of namespace Eris
347 #endif