1 /********************************************************************\
2   * BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway                     *
3   *                                                                    *
4   * Copyright 2002-2010 Wilmer van der Gaast and others                *
5   \********************************************************************/
7 /* Stuff to handle, save and search buddies                             */
9 /*
10   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13   (at your option) any later version.
15   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18   GNU General Public License for more details.
20   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with
21   the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL;
22   if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St.,
23   Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
24 */
26 #ifndef __BEE_H__
27 #define __BEE_H__
29 struct bee_ui_funcs;
30 struct groupchat;
32 typedef struct bee {
33 	/* Settings. See set.h for how these work. The UI can add its
34 	   own settings here. */
35 	struct set *set;
37 	GSList *users;  /* struct bee_user */
38 	GSList *groups; /* struct bee_group */
39 	struct account *accounts; /* TODO(wilmer): Use GSList here too? */
41 	/* Symbolic, to refer to the local user (who has no real bee_user
42 	   object). Not to be used by anything except so far imcb_chat_add/
43 	   remove_buddy(). */
44 	struct bee_user *user;
46 	/* Fill in the callbacks for events you care about. */
47 	const struct bee_ui_funcs *ui;
49 	/* And this one will be passed to every callback for any state the
50 	   UI may want to keep. */
51 	void *ui_data;
52 } bee_t;
54 bee_t *bee_new();
55 void bee_free(bee_t *b);
57 /* TODO(wilmer): Kill at least the OPT_ flags that have an equivalent here. */
58 typedef enum {
59 	BEE_USER_ONLINE = 1,    /* Compatibility with old OPT_LOGGED_IN flag */
60 	BEE_USER_AWAY = 4,      /* Compatibility with old OPT_AWAY flag */
61 	BEE_USER_MOBILE = 8,    /* Compatibility with old OPT_MOBILE flag */
62 	BEE_USER_LOCAL = 256,   /* Locally-added contacts (not in real contact list) */
63 	BEE_USER_SPECIAL = 512, /* Denotes a user as being special */
64 	BEE_USER_NOOTR = 4096,  /* Per-user version of OPT_NOOTR */
65 } bee_user_flags_t;
67 typedef struct bee_user {
68 	struct im_connection *ic;
69 	char *handle;
70 	char *fullname;
71 	char *nick;
72 	struct bee_group *group;
74 	bee_user_flags_t flags;
75 	char *status;     /* NULL means available, anything else is an away state. */
76 	char *status_msg; /* Status and/or away message. */
78 	/* Set using imcb_buddy_times(). */
79 	time_t login_time, idle_time;
81 	bee_t *bee;
82 	void *ui_data;
83 	void *data; /* Can be used by the IM module. */
84 } bee_user_t;
86 typedef struct bee_chat_info {
87 	char *title;
88 	char *topic;
89 } bee_chat_info_t;
91 /* This one's mostly used so save space and make it easier (cheaper) to
92    compare groups of contacts, etc. */
93 typedef struct bee_group {
94 	char *key;  /* Lower case version of the name. */
95 	char *name;
96 } bee_group_t;
98 typedef struct bee_ui_funcs {
99 	void (*imc_connected)(struct im_connection *ic);
100 	void (*imc_disconnected)(struct im_connection *ic);
102 	gboolean (*user_new)(bee_t *bee, struct bee_user *bu);
103 	gboolean (*user_free)(bee_t *bee, struct bee_user *bu);
104 	/* Set the fullname first, then call this one to notify the UI. */
105 	gboolean (*user_fullname)(bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu);
106 	gboolean (*user_nick_hint)(bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, const char *hint);
107 	/* Notify the UI when an existing user is moved between groups. */
108 	gboolean (*user_group)(bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu);
109 	/* State info is already updated, old is provided in case the UI needs a diff. */
110 	gboolean (*user_status)(bee_t *bee, struct bee_user *bu, struct bee_user *old);
111 	/* On every incoming message. sent_at = 0 means unknown. */
112 	gboolean (*user_msg)(bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, const char *msg, guint32 flags, time_t sent_at);
113 	/* Flags currently defined (OPT_TYPING/THINKING) in nogaim.h. */
114 	gboolean (*user_typing)(bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, guint32 flags);
115 	/* CTCP-like stuff (buddy action) response */
116 	gboolean (*user_action_response)(bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, const char *action, char * const args[],
117 	                                 void *data);
119 	/* Called at creation time. Don't show to the user until s/he is
120 	   added using chat_add_user().  UI state can be stored via c->data. */
121 	gboolean (*chat_new)(bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c);
122 	gboolean (*chat_free)(bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c);
123 	/* System messages of any kind. */
124 	gboolean (*chat_log)(bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, const char *text);
125 	gboolean (*chat_msg)(bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, bee_user_t *bu, const char *msg, guint32 flags, time_t sent_at);
126 	gboolean (*chat_add_user)(bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, bee_user_t *bu);
127 	gboolean (*chat_remove_user)(bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, bee_user_t *bu, const char *reason);
128 	gboolean (*chat_topic)(bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, const char *new_topic, bee_user_t *bu);
129 	gboolean (*chat_name_hint)(bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, const char *name);
130 	gboolean (*chat_invite)(bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, const char *name, const char *msg);
132 	struct file_transfer* (*ft_in_start)(bee_t * bee, bee_user_t * bu, const char *file_name, size_t file_size);
133 	gboolean (*ft_out_start)(struct im_connection *ic, struct file_transfer *ft);
134 	void (*ft_close)(struct im_connection *ic, struct file_transfer *ft);
135 	void (*ft_finished)(struct im_connection *ic, struct file_transfer *ft);
137 	void (*log)(bee_t *bee, const char *tag, const char *msg);
138 	gboolean (*user_nick_change)(bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, const char *hint);
139 } bee_ui_funcs_t;
142 /* bee.c */
143 bee_t *bee_new();
144 void bee_free(bee_t *b);
146 /* bee_user.c */
147 bee_user_t *bee_user_new(bee_t *bee, struct im_connection *ic, const char *handle, bee_user_flags_t flags);
148 int bee_user_free(bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu);
149 bee_user_t *bee_user_by_handle(bee_t *bee, struct im_connection *ic, const char *handle);
150 int bee_user_msg(bee_t *bee, bee_user_t *bu, const char *msg, int flags);
151 bee_group_t *bee_group_by_name(bee_t *bee, const char *name, gboolean creat);
152 void bee_group_free(bee_t *bee);
154 /* Callbacks from IM modules to core: */
155 /* Buddy activity */
156 /* To manipulate the status of a handle.
157  * - flags can be |='d with OPT_* constants. You will need at least:
158  *   OPT_LOGGED_IN and OPT_AWAY.
159  * - 'state' and 'message' can be NULL */
160 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_buddy_status(struct im_connection *ic, const char *handle, int flags, const char *state,
161                                        const char *message);
162 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_buddy_status_msg(struct im_connection *ic, const char *handle, const char *message);
163 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_buddy_times(struct im_connection *ic, const char *handle, time_t login, time_t idle);
164 /* Call when a handle says something. 'flags' and 'sent_at may be just 0. */
165 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_buddy_msg(struct im_connection *ic, const char *handle, const char *msg, guint32 flags,
166                                     time_t sent_at);
167 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_notify_email(struct im_connection *ic, char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF(2, 3);
169 /* bee_chat.c */
170 /* These two functions are to create a group chat.
171  * - imcb_chat_new(): the 'handle' parameter identifies the chat, like the
172  *   channel name on IRC.
173  * - After you have a groupchat pointer, you should add the handles, finally
174  *   the user her/himself. At that point the group chat will be visible to the
175  *   user, too. */
176 G_MODULE_EXPORT struct groupchat *imcb_chat_new(struct im_connection *ic, const char *handle);
177 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_chat_name_hint(struct groupchat *c, const char *name);
178 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_chat_free(struct groupchat *c);
179 /* To tell BitlBee 'who' said 'msg' in 'c'. 'flags' and 'sent_at' can be 0. */
180 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_chat_msg(struct groupchat *c, const char *who, char *msg, guint32 flags, time_t sent_at);
181 /* System messages specific to a groupchat, so they can be displayed in the right context. */
182 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_chat_log(struct groupchat *c, char *format, ...);
183 /* To tell BitlBee 'who' changed the topic of 'c' to 'topic'. */
184 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_chat_topic(struct groupchat *c, char *who, char *topic, time_t set_at);
185 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_chat_add_buddy(struct groupchat *c, const char *handle);
186 /* To remove a handle from a group chat. Reason can be NULL. */
187 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_chat_remove_buddy(struct groupchat *c, const char *handle, const char *reason);
188 G_MODULE_EXPORT int bee_chat_msg(bee_t *bee, struct groupchat *c, const char *msg, int flags);
189 G_MODULE_EXPORT struct groupchat *bee_chat_by_title(bee_t *bee, struct im_connection *ic, const char *title);
190 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_chat_invite(struct im_connection *ic, const char *name, const char *who, const char *msg);
192 G_GNUC_DEPRECATED G_MODULE_EXPORT void bee_chat_list_finish(struct im_connection *ic);
193 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_chat_list_finish(struct im_connection *ic);
194 G_MODULE_EXPORT void imcb_chat_list_free(struct im_connection *ic);
196 #endif /* __BEE_H__ */