1 /** @file
2   Register names for PCH Smbus Device.
4   Conventions:
6   - Prefixes:
7     Definitions beginning with "R_" are registers
8     Definitions beginning with "B_" are bits within registers
9     Definitions beginning with "V_" are meaningful values within the bits
10     Definitions beginning with "S_" are register sizes
11     Definitions beginning with "N_" are the bit position
12   - In general, PCH registers are denoted by "_PCH_" in register names
13   - Registers / bits that are different between PCH generations are denoted by
14     "_PCH_[generation_name]_" in register/bit names.
15   - Registers / bits that are specific to PCH-H denoted by "_H_" in register/bit names.
16     Registers / bits that are specific to PCH-LP denoted by "_LP_" in register/bit names.
17     e.g., "_PCH_H_", "_PCH_LP_"
18     Registers / bits names without _H_ or _LP_ apply for both H and LP.
19   - Registers / bits that are different between SKUs are denoted by "_[SKU_name]"
20     at the end of the register/bit names
21   - Registers / bits of new devices introduced in a PCH generation will be just named
22     as "_PCH_" without [generation_name] inserted.
24 Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
25 SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
27 **/
28 #ifndef _PCH_REGS_SMBUS_H_
29 #define _PCH_REGS_SMBUS_H_
31 //
32 // SMBus Controller Registers (D31:F4)
33 //
34 #define PCI_DEVICE_NUMBER_PCH_SMBUS           31
35 #define PCI_FUNCTION_NUMBER_PCH_SMBUS         4
36 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_BASE                      0x20
37 #define V_PCH_SMBUS_BASE_SIZE                 (1 << 5)
38 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_BASE_BAR                  0x0000FFE0
39 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_HOSTC                     0x40
40 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_HOSTC_SPDWD               BIT4
41 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_HOSTC_SSRESET             BIT3
42 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_HOSTC_I2C_EN              BIT2
43 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_HOSTC_SMI_EN              BIT1
44 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_HOSTC_HST_EN              BIT0
45 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_TCOBASE                   0x50
46 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_TCOBASE_BAR               0x0000FFE0
47 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_TCOCTL                    0x54
50 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_64                        0x64
51 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_80                        0x80
53 //
54 // SMBus I/O Registers
55 //
56 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_HSTS                  0x00  ///< Host Status Register R/W
57 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_HBSY                  0x01
58 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_INTR                  0x02
59 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_DERR                  0x04
60 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_BERR                  0x08
61 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_FAIL                  0x10
62 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_SMBALERT_STS          0x20
63 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_IUS                   0x40
64 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_BYTE_DONE_STS         0x80
66 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_HSTS_ALL              0xFF
67 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_HCTL                  0x02  ///< Host Control Register R/W
68 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_INTREN                0x01
69 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_KILL                  0x02
70 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_SMB_CMD               0x1C
71 #define V_PCH_SMBUS_SMB_CMD_QUICK         0x00
72 #define V_PCH_SMBUS_SMB_CMD_BYTE          0x04
73 #define V_PCH_SMBUS_SMB_CMD_BYTE_DATA     0x08
74 #define V_PCH_SMBUS_SMB_CMD_WORD_DATA     0x0C
76 #define V_PCH_SMBUS_SMB_CMD_BLOCK         0x14
77 #define V_PCH_SMBUS_SMB_CMD_IIC_READ      0x18
79 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_LAST_BYTE             0x20
80 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_START                 0x40
81 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_PEC_EN                0x80
82 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_HCMD                  0x03  ///< Host Command Register R/W
83 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_TSA                   0x04  ///< Transmit Slave Address Register R/W
84 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_RW_SEL                0x01
85 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_READ                  0x01  // RW
86 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_WRITE                 0x00  // RW
87 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_ADDRESS               0xFE
88 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_HD0                   0x05  ///< Data 0 Register R/W
89 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_HD1                   0x06  ///< Data 1 Register R/W
90 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_HBD                   0x07  ///< Host Block Data Register R/W
91 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_PEC                   0x08  ///< Packet Error Check Data Register R/W
92 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_RSA                   0x09  ///< Receive Slave Address Register R/W
93 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_SLAVE_ADDR            0x7F
94 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_SD                    0x0A  ///< Receive Slave Data Register R/W
95 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_AUXS                  0x0C  ///< Auxiliary Status Register R/WC
96 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_CRCE                  0x01
97 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_STCO                  0x02  ///< SMBus TCO Mode
98 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_AUXC                  0x0D  ///< Auxiliary Control Register R/W
99 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_AAC                   0x01
100 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_E32B                  0x02
101 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_SMLC                  0x0E  ///< SMLINK Pin Control Register R/W
102 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_SMLINK0_CUR_STS       0x01
103 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_SMLINK1_CUR_STS       0x02
104 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_SMLINK_CLK_CTL        0x04
105 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_SMBC                  0x0F  ///< SMBus Pin Control Register R/W
106 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_SMBCLK_CUR_STS        0x01
107 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_SMBDATA_CUR_STS       0x02
108 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_SMBCLK_CTL            0x04
109 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_SSTS                  0x10  ///< Slave Status Register R/WC
110 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_HOST_NOTIFY_STS       0x01
111 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_SCMD                  0x11  ///< Slave Command Register R/W
112 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_HOST_NOTIFY_INTREN    0x01
113 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_HOST_NOTIFY_WKEN      0x02
114 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_SMBALERT_DIS          0x04
115 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_NDA                   0x14  ///< Notify Device Address Register RO
116 #define B_PCH_SMBUS_DEVICE_ADDRESS        0xFE
117 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_NDLB                  0x16  ///< Notify Data Low Byte Register RO
118 #define R_PCH_SMBUS_NDHB                  0x17  ///< Notify Data High Byte Register RO
120 //
121 // SMBus Private Config Registers
122 // (PID:SMB)
123 //
124 #define R_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_TCOCFG                0x00                        ///< TCO Configuration register
125 #define B_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_TCOCFG_IE             BIT7                        ///< TCO IRQ Enable
126 #define B_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_TCOCFG_IS             (BIT2 | BIT1 | BIT0)        ///< TCO IRQ Select
127 #define V_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_TCOCFG_IRQ_9          0x00
128 #define V_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_TCOCFG_IRQ_10         0x01
129 #define V_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_TCOCFG_IRQ_11         0x02
130 #define V_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_TCOCFG_IRQ_20         0x04                        ///< only if APIC enabled
131 #define V_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_TCOCFG_IRQ_21         0x05                        ///< only if APIC enabled
132 #define V_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_TCOCFG_IRQ_22         0x06                        ///< only if APIC enabled
133 #define V_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_TCOCFG_IRQ_23         0x07                        ///< only if APIC enabled
134 #define R_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_SMBTM                 0x04                        ///< SMBus Test Mode
135 #define B_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_SMBTM_SMBCT           BIT1                        ///< SMBus Counter
136 #define B_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_SMBTM_SMBDG           BIT0                        ///< SMBus Deglitch
137 #define R_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_SCTM                  0x08                        ///< Short Counter Test Mode
138 #define B_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_SCTM_SSU              BIT31                       ///< Simulation Speed-Up
139 #define R_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_GC                    0x0C                        ///< General Control
140 #define B_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_GC_FD                 BIT0                        ///< Function Disable
141 #define B_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_GC_NR                 BIT1                        ///< No Reboot
142 #define B_PCH_PCR_SMBUS_GC_SMBSCGE            BIT2                        ///< SMB Static Clock Gating Enable
143 #endif