1 /**CFile****************************************************************
3   FileName    [bacBlast.c]
5   SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
7   PackageName [Hierarchical word-level netlist.]
9   Synopsis    [Bit-blasting of the netlist.]
11   Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
13   Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
15   Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - November 29, 2014.]
17   Revision    [$Id: bacBlast.c,v 1.00 2014/11/29 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
19 ***********************************************************************/
21 #include "bac.h"
22 #include "base/abc/abc.h"
23 #include "map/mio/mio.h"
24 #include "bool/dec/dec.h"
25 #include "base/main/mainInt.h"
29 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 ///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///
31 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
34 ///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///
35 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 /**Function*************************************************************
39   Synopsis    []
41   Description []
43   SideEffects []
45   SeeAlso     []
47 ***********************************************************************/
Bac_ManPrepareGates(Bac_Man_t * p)48 void Bac_ManPrepareGates( Bac_Man_t * p )
49 {
50     Dec_Graph_t ** ppGraphs; int i;
51     if ( p->pMioLib == NULL )
52         return;
53     ppGraphs = ABC_CALLOC( Dec_Graph_t *, Abc_NamObjNumMax(p->pMods) );
54     for ( i = 1; i < Abc_NamObjNumMax(p->pMods); i++ )
55     {
56         char * pGateName = Abc_NamStr( p->pMods, i );
57         Mio_Gate_t * pGate = Mio_LibraryReadGateByName( (Mio_Library_t *)p->pMioLib, pGateName, NULL );
58         if ( pGate != NULL )
59             ppGraphs[i] = Dec_Factor( Mio_GateReadSop(pGate) );
60     }
61     assert( p->ppGraphs == NULL );
62     p->ppGraphs = (void **)ppGraphs;
63 }
Bac_ManUndoGates(Bac_Man_t * p)64 void Bac_ManUndoGates( Bac_Man_t * p )
65 {
66     int i;
67     if ( p->pMioLib == NULL )
68         return;
69     for ( i = 1; i < Abc_NamObjNumMax(p->pMods); i++ )
70         if ( p->ppGraphs[i] )
71             Dec_GraphFree( (Dec_Graph_t *)p->ppGraphs[i] );
72     ABC_FREE( p->ppGraphs );
73 }
76 /**Function*************************************************************
78   Synopsis    []
80   Description []
82   SideEffects []
84   SeeAlso     []
86 ***********************************************************************/
Bac_ManAddBarbuf(Gia_Man_t * pNew,int iRes,Bac_Man_t * p,int iLNtk,int iLObj,int iRNtk,int iRObj,Vec_Int_t * vMap)87 int Bac_ManAddBarbuf( Gia_Man_t * pNew, int iRes, Bac_Man_t * p, int iLNtk, int iLObj, int iRNtk, int iRObj, Vec_Int_t * vMap )
88 {
89     int iBufLit, iIdLit;
90     if ( iRes == 0 || iRes == 1 )
91         return iRes;
92     assert( iRes > 0 );
93     if ( vMap && Abc_Lit2Var(iRes) < Vec_IntSize(vMap) && (iIdLit = Vec_IntEntry(vMap, Abc_Lit2Var(iRes))) >= 0 &&
94         Vec_IntEntry(&p->vBuf2LeafNtk, Abc_Lit2Var(iIdLit)) == iLNtk && Vec_IntEntry(&p->vBuf2RootNtk, Abc_Lit2Var(iIdLit)) == iRNtk )
95         return Abc_LitNotCond( Vec_IntEntry(pNew->vBarBufs, Abc_Lit2Var(iIdLit)), Abc_LitIsCompl(iRes) ^ Abc_LitIsCompl(iIdLit) );
96     assert( Bac_ManNtkIsOk(p, iLNtk) && Bac_ManNtkIsOk(p, iRNtk) );
97     Vec_IntPush( &p->vBuf2LeafNtk, iLNtk );
98     Vec_IntPush( &p->vBuf2LeafObj, iLObj );
99     Vec_IntPush( &p->vBuf2RootNtk, iRNtk );
100     Vec_IntPush( &p->vBuf2RootObj, iRObj );
101     iBufLit = Gia_ManAppendBuf( pNew, iRes );
102     if ( vMap )
103     {
104         Vec_IntSetEntryFull( vMap, Abc_Lit2Var(iRes), Abc_Var2Lit(Vec_IntSize(pNew->vBarBufs), Abc_LitIsCompl(iRes)) );
105         Vec_IntPush( pNew->vBarBufs, iBufLit );
106     }
107     return iBufLit;
108 }
Bac_ManExtract_rec(Gia_Man_t * pNew,Bac_Ntk_t * p,int i,int fBuffers,Vec_Int_t * vMap)109 int Bac_ManExtract_rec( Gia_Man_t * pNew, Bac_Ntk_t * p, int i, int fBuffers, Vec_Int_t * vMap )
110 {
111     int iRes = Bac_ObjCopy( p, i );
112     if ( iRes >= 0 )
113         return iRes;
114     if ( Bac_ObjIsCo(p, i) )
115         iRes = Bac_ManExtract_rec( pNew, p, Bac_ObjFanin(p, i), fBuffers, vMap );
116     else if ( Bac_ObjIsPi(p, i) )
117     {
118         Bac_Ntk_t * pHost = Bac_NtkHostNtk( p );
119         int iObj = Bac_BoxBi( pHost, Bac_NtkHostObj(p), Bac_ObjIndex(p, i) );
120         iRes = Bac_ManExtract_rec( pNew, pHost, iObj, fBuffers, vMap );
121         if ( fBuffers )
122             iRes = Bac_ManAddBarbuf( pNew, iRes, p->pDesign, Bac_NtkId(p), i, Bac_NtkId(pHost), iObj, vMap );
123     }
124     else if ( Bac_ObjIsBo(p, i) )
125     {
126         int iBox = Bac_BoxBoBox(p, i);
127         if ( Bac_ObjIsBoxUser(p, iBox) ) // user box
128         {
129             Bac_Ntk_t * pBox = Bac_BoxBoNtk( p, i );
130             int iObj = Bac_NtkPo( pBox, Bac_ObjIndex(p, i) );
131             iRes = Bac_ManExtract_rec( pNew, pBox, iObj, fBuffers, vMap );
132             if ( fBuffers )
133                 iRes = Bac_ManAddBarbuf( pNew, iRes, p->pDesign, Bac_NtkId(p), i, Bac_NtkId(pBox), iObj, vMap );
134         }
135         else // primitive
136         {
137             int iFanin, nLits, pLits[16];
138             assert( Bac_ObjIsBoxPrim(p, iBox) );
139             Bac_BoxForEachFanin( p, iBox, iFanin, nLits )
140                 pLits[nLits] = Bac_ManExtract_rec( pNew, p, iFanin, fBuffers, vMap );
141             assert( nLits <= 16 );
142             if ( p->pDesign->ppGraphs ) // mapped gate
143             {
144                 extern int Gia_ManFactorGraph( Gia_Man_t * p, Dec_Graph_t * pFForm, Vec_Int_t * vLeaves );
145                 Dec_Graph_t * pGraph = (Dec_Graph_t *)p->pDesign->ppGraphs[Bac_BoxNtkId(p, iBox)];
146                 Vec_Int_t Leaves = { nLits, nLits, pLits };
147                 assert( pGraph != NULL );
148                 return Gia_ManFactorGraph( pNew, pGraph, &Leaves );
149             }
150             else
151             {
152                 Bac_ObjType_t Type = Bac_ObjType(p, iBox);
153                 if ( nLits == 0 )
154                 {
155                     if ( Type == BAC_BOX_CF )
156                         iRes = 0;
157                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_CT )
158                         iRes = 1;
159                     else assert( 0 );
160                 }
161                 else if ( nLits == 1 )
162                 {
163                     if ( Type == BAC_BOX_BUF )
164                         iRes = pLits[0];
165                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_INV )
166                         iRes = Abc_LitNot( pLits[0] );
167                     else assert( 0 );
168                 }
169                 else if ( nLits == 2 )
170                 {
171                     if ( Type == BAC_BOX_AND )
172                         iRes = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, pLits[0], pLits[1] );
173                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_NAND )
174                         iRes = Abc_LitNot( Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, pLits[0], pLits[1] ) );
175                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_OR )
176                         iRes = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, pLits[0], pLits[1] );
177                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_NOR )
178                         iRes = Abc_LitNot( Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, pLits[0], pLits[1] ) );
179                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_XOR )
180                         iRes = Gia_ManHashXor( pNew, pLits[0], pLits[1] );
181                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_XNOR )
182                         iRes = Abc_LitNot( Gia_ManHashXor( pNew, pLits[0], pLits[1] ) );
183                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_SHARP )
184                         iRes = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, pLits[0], Abc_LitNot(pLits[1]) );
185                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_SHARPL )
186                         iRes = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, Abc_LitNot(pLits[0]), pLits[1] );
187                     else assert( 0 );
188                 }
189                 else if ( nLits == 3 )
190                 {
191                     if ( Type == BAC_BOX_MUX )
192                         iRes = Gia_ManHashMux( pNew, pLits[0], pLits[1], pLits[2] );
193                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_MAJ )
194                         iRes = Gia_ManHashMaj( pNew, pLits[0], pLits[1], pLits[2] );
195                     else if ( Type == BAC_BOX_ADD )
196                     {
197                         int iRes0 = Gia_ManHashAnd( pNew, pLits[1], pLits[2] );
198                         int iRes1 = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, pLits[1], pLits[2] );
199                         assert( Bac_BoxBoNum(p, iBox) == 2 );
200                         if ( Bac_BoxBo(p, iBox, 0) == i ) // sum
201                             iRes = Gia_ManHashXor( pNew, pLits[0], Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, Abc_LitNot(iRes0), iRes1) );
202                         else if ( Bac_BoxBo(p, iBox, 1) == i ) // cout
203                             iRes = Gia_ManHashOr( pNew, iRes0, Gia_ManHashAnd(pNew, pLits[0], iRes1) );
204                         else assert( 0 );
205                     }
206                     else assert( 0 );
207                 }
208                 else assert( 0 );
209             }
210         }
211     }
212     else assert( 0 );
213     Bac_ObjSetCopy( p, i, iRes );
214     return iRes;
215 }
Bac_ManExtract(Bac_Man_t * p,int fBuffers,int fVerbose)216 Gia_Man_t * Bac_ManExtract( Bac_Man_t * p, int fBuffers, int fVerbose )
217 {
218     Bac_Ntk_t * pNtk, * pRoot = Bac_ManRoot(p);
219     Gia_Man_t * pNew, * pTemp;
220     Vec_Int_t * vMap = NULL;
221     int i, iObj;
223     Vec_IntClear( &p->vBuf2LeafNtk );
224     Vec_IntClear( &p->vBuf2LeafObj );
225     Vec_IntClear( &p->vBuf2RootNtk );
226     Vec_IntClear( &p->vBuf2RootObj );
228     Bac_ManForEachNtk( p, pNtk, i )
229     {
230         Bac_NtkDeriveIndex( pNtk );
231         Bac_NtkStartCopies( pNtk );
232     }
234     // start the manager
235     pNew = Gia_ManStart( Bac_ManNodeNum(p) );
236     pNew->pName = Abc_UtilStrsav(p->pName);
237     pNew->pSpec = Abc_UtilStrsav(p->pSpec);
239     // primary inputs
240     Bac_NtkForEachPi( pRoot, iObj, i )
241         Bac_ObjSetCopy( pRoot, iObj, Gia_ManAppendCi(pNew) );
243     // internal nodes
244     Gia_ManHashAlloc( pNew );
245     pNew->vBarBufs = Vec_IntAlloc( 10000 );
246     vMap = Vec_IntStartFull( 10000 );
247     Bac_ManPrepareGates( p );
248     Bac_NtkForEachPo( pRoot, iObj, i )
249         Bac_ManExtract_rec( pNew, pRoot, iObj, fBuffers, vMap );
250     Bac_ManUndoGates( p );
251     Vec_IntFreeP( &vMap );
252     Gia_ManHashStop( pNew );
254     // primary outputs
255     Bac_NtkForEachPo( pRoot, iObj, i )
256         Gia_ManAppendCo( pNew, Bac_ObjCopy(pRoot, iObj) );
257     assert( Vec_IntSize(&p->vBuf2LeafNtk) == pNew->nBufs );
259     // cleanup
260     pNew = Gia_ManCleanup( pTemp = pNew );
261     Gia_ManStop( pTemp );
262     //Gia_ManPrintStats( pNew, NULL );
263     return pNew;
264 }
266 /**Function*************************************************************
268   Synopsis    [Mark each GIA node with the network it belongs to.]
270   Description []
272   SideEffects []
274   SeeAlso     []
276 ***********************************************************************/
Bac_ManMarkNodesGia(Bac_Man_t * p,Gia_Man_t * pGia)277 void Bac_ManMarkNodesGia( Bac_Man_t * p, Gia_Man_t * pGia )
278 {
279     Gia_Obj_t * pObj; int i, Count = 0;
280     assert( Vec_IntSize(&p->vBuf2LeafNtk) == Gia_ManBufNum(pGia) );
281     Gia_ManConst0(pGia)->Value = 1;
282     Gia_ManForEachPi( pGia, pObj, i )
283         pObj->Value = 1;
284     Gia_ManForEachAnd( pGia, pObj, i )
285     {
286         if ( Gia_ObjIsBuf(pObj) )
287             pObj->Value = Vec_IntEntry( &p->vBuf2LeafNtk, Count++ );
288         else
289         {
290             pObj->Value = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value;
291             assert( pObj->Value == Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value );
292         }
293     }
294     assert( Count == Gia_ManBufNum(pGia) );
295     Gia_ManForEachPo( pGia, pObj, i )
296     {
297         assert( Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value == 1 );
298         pObj->Value = 1;
299     }
300 }
Bac_ManRemapBarbufs(Bac_Man_t * pNew,Bac_Man_t * p)301 void Bac_ManRemapBarbufs( Bac_Man_t * pNew, Bac_Man_t * p )
302 {
303     Bac_Ntk_t * pNtk;  int Entry, i;
304     //assert( Vec_IntSize(&p->vBuf2RootNtk) );
305     assert( !Vec_IntSize(&pNew->vBuf2RootNtk) );
306     Vec_IntAppend( &pNew->vBuf2RootNtk, &p->vBuf2RootNtk );
307     Vec_IntAppend( &pNew->vBuf2RootObj, &p->vBuf2RootObj );
308     Vec_IntAppend( &pNew->vBuf2LeafNtk, &p->vBuf2LeafNtk );
309     Vec_IntAppend( &pNew->vBuf2LeafObj, &p->vBuf2LeafObj );
310     Vec_IntForEachEntry( &p->vBuf2LeafObj, Entry, i )
311     {
312         pNtk = Bac_ManNtk( p, Vec_IntEntry(&p->vBuf2LeafNtk, i) );
313         Vec_IntWriteEntry( &pNew->vBuf2LeafObj, i, Bac_ObjCopy(pNtk, Entry) );
314     }
315     Vec_IntForEachEntry( &p->vBuf2RootObj, Entry, i )
316     {
317         pNtk = Bac_ManNtk( p, Vec_IntEntry(&p->vBuf2RootNtk, i) );
318         Vec_IntWriteEntry( &pNew->vBuf2RootObj, i, Bac_ObjCopy(pNtk, Entry) );
319     }
320 }
Bac_NtkCreateAndConnectBuffer(Gia_Man_t * pGia,Gia_Obj_t * pObj,Bac_Ntk_t * p,int iTerm)321 void Bac_NtkCreateAndConnectBuffer( Gia_Man_t * pGia, Gia_Obj_t * pObj, Bac_Ntk_t * p, int iTerm )
322 {
323     int iObj;
324     if ( pGia && Gia_ObjFaninId0p(pGia, pObj) > 0 )
325     {
326         iObj = Bac_ObjAlloc( p, BAC_OBJ_BI, Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value );
327         Bac_ObjAlloc( p, Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) ? BAC_BOX_INV : BAC_BOX_BUF, -1 );
328     }
329     else
330     {
331         Bac_ObjAlloc( p, pGia && Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) ? BAC_BOX_CT : BAC_BOX_CF, -1 );
332     }
333     iObj = Bac_ObjAlloc( p, BAC_OBJ_BO, -1 );
334     Bac_ObjSetFanin( p, iTerm, iObj );
335 }
Bac_NtkInsertGia(Bac_Man_t * p,Gia_Man_t * pGia)336 void Bac_NtkInsertGia( Bac_Man_t * p, Gia_Man_t * pGia )
337 {
338     Bac_Ntk_t * pNtk, * pRoot = Bac_ManRoot( p );
339     int i, j, k, iBox, iTerm, Count = 0;
340     Gia_Obj_t * pObj;
342     Gia_ManConst0(pGia)->Value = ~0;
343     Gia_ManForEachPi( pGia, pObj, i )
344         pObj->Value = Bac_NtkPi( pRoot, i );
345     Gia_ManForEachAnd( pGia, pObj, i )
346     {
347         if ( Gia_ObjIsBuf(pObj) )
348         {
349             pNtk = Bac_ManNtk( p, Vec_IntEntry(&p->vBuf2RootNtk, Count) );
350             iTerm = Vec_IntEntry( &p->vBuf2RootObj, Count );
351             assert( Bac_ObjIsCo(pNtk, iTerm) );
352             if ( Bac_ObjFanin(pNtk, iTerm) == -1 ) // not a feedthrough
353                 Bac_NtkCreateAndConnectBuffer( pGia, pObj, pNtk, iTerm );
354             // prepare leaf
355             pObj->Value = Vec_IntEntry( &p->vBuf2LeafObj, Count++ );
356         }
357         else
358         {
359             int iLit0 = Gia_ObjFanin0(pObj)->Value;
360             int iLit1 = Gia_ObjFanin1(pObj)->Value;
361             Bac_ObjType_t Type;
362             pNtk = Bac_ManNtk( p, pObj->Value );
363             if ( Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) && Gia_ObjFaninC1(pObj) )
364                 Type = BAC_BOX_NOR;
365             else if ( Gia_ObjFaninC1(pObj) )
366                 Type = BAC_BOX_SHARP;
367             else if ( Gia_ObjFaninC0(pObj) )
368             {
369                 Type = BAC_BOX_SHARP;
370                 ABC_SWAP( int, iLit0, iLit1 );
371             }
372             else
373                 Type = BAC_BOX_AND;
374             // create box
375             iTerm = Bac_ObjAlloc( pNtk, BAC_OBJ_BI, iLit1 );
376             iTerm = Bac_ObjAlloc( pNtk, BAC_OBJ_BI, iLit0 );
377             Bac_ObjAlloc( pNtk, Type, -1 );
378             pObj->Value = Bac_ObjAlloc( pNtk, BAC_OBJ_BO, -1 );
379         }
380     }
381     assert( Count == Gia_ManBufNum(pGia) );
383     // create constant 0 drivers for COs without barbufs
384     Bac_ManForEachNtk( p, pNtk, i )
385     {
386         Bac_NtkForEachBox( pNtk, iBox )
387             Bac_BoxForEachBi( pNtk, iBox, iTerm, j )
388                 if ( Bac_ObjFanin(pNtk, iTerm) == -1 )
389                     Bac_NtkCreateAndConnectBuffer( NULL, NULL, pNtk, iTerm );
390         Bac_NtkForEachPo( pNtk, iTerm, k )
391             if ( pNtk != pRoot && Bac_ObjFanin(pNtk, iTerm) == -1 )
392                 Bac_NtkCreateAndConnectBuffer( NULL, NULL, pNtk, iTerm );
393     }
394     // create node and connect POs
395     Gia_ManForEachPo( pGia, pObj, i )
396         if ( Bac_ObjFanin(pRoot, Bac_NtkPo(pRoot, i)) == -1 ) // not a feedthrough
397             Bac_NtkCreateAndConnectBuffer( pGia, pObj, pRoot, Bac_NtkPo(pRoot, i) );
398 }
Bac_ManInsertGia(Bac_Man_t * p,Gia_Man_t * pGia)399 Bac_Man_t * Bac_ManInsertGia( Bac_Man_t * p, Gia_Man_t * pGia )
400 {
401     Bac_Man_t * pNew = Bac_ManDupUserBoxes( p );
402     Bac_ManMarkNodesGia( p, pGia );
403     Bac_ManRemapBarbufs( pNew, p );
404     Bac_NtkInsertGia( pNew, pGia );
405     Bac_ManMoveNames( pNew, p );
406     return pNew;
407 }
409 /**Function*************************************************************
411   Synopsis    []
413   Description []
415   SideEffects []
417   SeeAlso     []
419 ***********************************************************************/
Bac_ManBlastTest(Bac_Man_t * p)420 Bac_Man_t * Bac_ManBlastTest( Bac_Man_t * p )
421 {
422     Gia_Man_t * pGia = Bac_ManExtract( p, 1, 0 );
423     Bac_Man_t * pNew = Bac_ManInsertGia( p, pGia );
424     Gia_ManStop( pGia );
425     return pNew;
426 }
428 /**Function*************************************************************
430   Synopsis    [Mark each GIA node with the network it belongs to.]
432   Description []
434   SideEffects []
436   SeeAlso     []
438 ***********************************************************************/
Abc_NodeIsSeriousGate(Abc_Obj_t * p)439 static inline int Abc_NodeIsSeriousGate( Abc_Obj_t * p )
440 {
441     return Abc_ObjIsNode(p) && Abc_ObjFaninNum(p) > 0 && !Abc_ObjIsBarBuf(p);
442 }
Bac_ManMarkNodesAbc(Bac_Man_t * p,Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk)443 void Bac_ManMarkNodesAbc( Bac_Man_t * p, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
444 {
445     Abc_Obj_t * pObj, * pFanin; int i, k, Count = 0;
446     assert( Vec_IntSize(&p->vBuf2LeafNtk) == pNtk->nBarBufs2 );
447     Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk, pObj, i )
448         pObj->iTemp = 1;
449     Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pObj, i )
450     {
451         if ( Abc_ObjIsBarBuf(pObj) )
452             pObj->iTemp = Vec_IntEntry( &p->vBuf2LeafNtk, Count++ );
453         else if ( Abc_NodeIsSeriousGate(pObj) )
454         {
455             pObj->iTemp = Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj)->iTemp;
456             Abc_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pFanin, k )
457                 assert( pObj->iTemp == pFanin->iTemp );
458         }
459     }
460     Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtk, pObj, i )
461     {
462         if ( !Abc_NodeIsSeriousGate(Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj)) )
463             continue;
464         assert( Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj)->iTemp == 1 );
465         pObj->iTemp = Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj)->iTemp;
466     }
467     assert( Count == pNtk->nBarBufs2 );
468 }
Bac_NtkCreateOrConnectFanin(Abc_Obj_t * pFanin,Bac_Ntk_t * p,int iTerm)469 void Bac_NtkCreateOrConnectFanin( Abc_Obj_t * pFanin, Bac_Ntk_t * p, int iTerm )
470 {
471     int iObj;
472     if ( pFanin && Abc_NodeIsSeriousGate(pFanin) )//&& Bac_ObjName(p, pFanin->iTemp) == -1 ) // gate without name
473     {
474         iObj = pFanin->iTemp;
475     }
476     else if ( pFanin && (Abc_ObjIsPi(pFanin) || Abc_ObjIsBarBuf(pFanin) || Abc_NodeIsSeriousGate(pFanin)) ) // PI/BO or gate with name
477     {
478         iObj = Bac_ObjAlloc( p, BAC_OBJ_BI, pFanin->iTemp );
479         Bac_ObjAlloc( p, BAC_BOX_GATE, p->pDesign->ElemGates[2] ); // buffer
480         iObj = Bac_ObjAlloc( p, BAC_OBJ_BO, -1 );
481     }
482     else
483     {
484         assert( !pFanin || Abc_NodeIsConst0(pFanin) || Abc_NodeIsConst1(pFanin) );
485         Bac_ObjAlloc( p, BAC_BOX_GATE, p->pDesign->ElemGates[(pFanin && Abc_NodeIsConst1(pFanin))] ); // const 0/1
486         iObj = Bac_ObjAlloc( p, BAC_OBJ_BO, -1 );
487     }
488     Bac_ObjSetFanin( p, iTerm, iObj );
489 }
Bac_NtkPrepareLibrary(Bac_Man_t * p,Mio_Library_t * pLib)490 void Bac_NtkPrepareLibrary( Bac_Man_t * p, Mio_Library_t * pLib )
491 {
492     Mio_Gate_t * pGate;
493     Mio_Gate_t * pGate0 = Mio_LibraryReadConst0( pLib );
494     Mio_Gate_t * pGate1 = Mio_LibraryReadConst1( pLib );
495     Mio_Gate_t * pGate2 = Mio_LibraryReadBuf( pLib );
496     if ( !pGate0 || !pGate1 || !pGate2 )
497     {
498         printf( "The library does not have one of the elementary gates.\n" );
499         return;
500     }
501     p->ElemGates[0] = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( p->pMods, Mio_GateReadName(pGate0), NULL );
502     p->ElemGates[1] = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( p->pMods, Mio_GateReadName(pGate1), NULL );
503     p->ElemGates[2] = Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( p->pMods, Mio_GateReadName(pGate2), NULL );
504     Mio_LibraryForEachGate( pLib, pGate )
505         if ( pGate != pGate0 && pGate != pGate1 && pGate != pGate2 )
506             Abc_NamStrFindOrAdd( p->pMods, Mio_GateReadName(pGate), NULL );
507     assert( Abc_NamObjNumMax(p->pMods) > 1 );
508 }
Bac_NtkBuildLibrary(Bac_Man_t * p)509 int Bac_NtkBuildLibrary( Bac_Man_t * p )
510 {
511     int RetValue = 1;
512     Mio_Library_t * pLib = (Mio_Library_t *)Abc_FrameReadLibGen();
513     if ( pLib == NULL )
514         printf( "The standard cell library is not available.\n" ), RetValue = 0;
515     else
516         Bac_NtkPrepareLibrary( p, pLib );
517     p->pMioLib = pLib;
518     return RetValue;
519 }
Bac_NtkInsertNtk(Bac_Man_t * p,Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk)520 void Bac_NtkInsertNtk( Bac_Man_t * p, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
521 {
522     Bac_Ntk_t * pCbaNtk, * pRoot = Bac_ManRoot( p );
523     int i, j, k, iBox, iTerm, Count = 0;
524     Abc_Obj_t * pObj;
525     assert( Abc_NtkHasMapping(pNtk) );
526     Bac_NtkPrepareLibrary( p, (Mio_Library_t *)pNtk->pManFunc );
527     p->pMioLib = pNtk->pManFunc;
529     Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk, pObj, i )
530         pObj->iTemp = Bac_NtkPi( pRoot, i );
531     Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pObj, i )
532     {
533         if ( Abc_ObjIsBarBuf(pObj) )
534         {
535             pCbaNtk = Bac_ManNtk( p, Vec_IntEntry(&p->vBuf2RootNtk, Count) );
536             iTerm = Vec_IntEntry( &p->vBuf2RootObj, Count );
537             assert( Bac_ObjIsCo(pCbaNtk, iTerm) );
538             if ( Bac_ObjFanin(pCbaNtk, iTerm) == -1 ) // not a feedthrough
539                 Bac_NtkCreateOrConnectFanin( Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj), pCbaNtk, iTerm );
540             // prepare leaf
541             pObj->iTemp = Vec_IntEntry( &p->vBuf2LeafObj, Count++ );
542         }
543         else if ( Abc_NodeIsSeriousGate(pObj) )
544         {
545             pCbaNtk = Bac_ManNtk( p, pObj->iTemp );
546             for ( k = Abc_ObjFaninNum(pObj)-1; k >= 0; k-- )
547                 iTerm = Bac_ObjAlloc( pCbaNtk, BAC_OBJ_BI, Abc_ObjFanin(pObj, k)->iTemp );
548             Bac_ObjAlloc( pCbaNtk, BAC_BOX_GATE, Abc_NamStrFind(p->pMods, Mio_GateReadName((Mio_Gate_t *)pObj->pData)) );
549             pObj->iTemp = Bac_ObjAlloc( pCbaNtk, BAC_OBJ_BO, -1 );
550         }
551     }
552     assert( Count == pNtk->nBarBufs2 );
554     // create constant 0 drivers for COs without barbufs
555     Bac_ManForEachNtk( p, pCbaNtk, i )
556     {
557         Bac_NtkForEachBox( pCbaNtk, iBox )
558             Bac_BoxForEachBi( pCbaNtk, iBox, iTerm, j )
559                 if ( Bac_ObjFanin(pCbaNtk, iTerm) == -1 )
560                     Bac_NtkCreateOrConnectFanin( NULL, pCbaNtk, iTerm );
561         Bac_NtkForEachPo( pCbaNtk, iTerm, k )
562             if ( pCbaNtk != pRoot && Bac_ObjFanin(pCbaNtk, iTerm) == -1 )
563                 Bac_NtkCreateOrConnectFanin( NULL, pCbaNtk, iTerm );
564     }
565     // create node and connect POs
566     Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtk, pObj, i )
567         if ( Bac_ObjFanin(pRoot, Bac_NtkPo(pRoot, i)) == -1 ) // not a feedthrough
568             Bac_NtkCreateOrConnectFanin( Abc_ObjFanin0(pObj), pRoot, Bac_NtkPo(pRoot, i) );
569 }
Bac_ManInsertAbc(Bac_Man_t * p,void * pAbc)570 void * Bac_ManInsertAbc( Bac_Man_t * p, void * pAbc )
571 {
572     Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk = (Abc_Ntk_t *)pAbc;
573     Bac_Man_t * pNew = Bac_ManDupUserBoxes( p );
574     Bac_ManMarkNodesAbc( p, pNtk );
575     Bac_ManRemapBarbufs( pNew, p );
576     Bac_NtkInsertNtk( pNew, pNtk );
577     Bac_ManMoveNames( pNew, p );
578     return pNew;
579 }
581 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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