1 // Copyright 2019 RTE
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 // Initial version of this code was provided by RTE
16 #if defined(USE_XPRESS)
18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <limits>
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <string>
23 #include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
24 #include "ortools/base/integral_types.h"
25 #include "ortools/base/logging.h"
26 #include "ortools/base/timer.h"
27 #include "ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.h"
29 extern "C" {
30 #include "xprs.h"
31 }
33 #define XPRS_INTEGER 'I'
34 #define XPRS_CONTINUOUS 'C'
35 #define STRINGIFY2(X) #X
printError(const XPRSprob & mLp,int line)38 void printError(const XPRSprob& mLp, int line) {
39   char errmsg[512];
40   XPRSgetlasterror(mLp, errmsg);
41   VLOG(0) << absl::StrFormat("Function line %d did not execute correctly: %s\n",
42                              line, errmsg);
43   exit(0);
44 }
XPRSgetnumcols(const XPRSprob & mLp)46 int XPRSgetnumcols(const XPRSprob& mLp) {
47   int nCols = 0;
48   XPRSgetintattrib(mLp, XPRS_COLS, &nCols);
49   return nCols;
50 }
XPRSgetnumrows(const XPRSprob & mLp)52 int XPRSgetnumrows(const XPRSprob& mLp) {
53   int nRows = 0;
54   XPRSgetintattrib(mLp, XPRS_ROWS, &nRows);
55   return nRows;
56 }
XPRSgetitcnt(const XPRSprob & mLp)58 int XPRSgetitcnt(const XPRSprob& mLp) {
59   int nIters = 0;
60   XPRSgetintattrib(mLp, XPRS_SIMPLEXITER, &nIters);
61   return nIters;
62 }
XPRSgetnodecnt(const XPRSprob & mLp)64 int XPRSgetnodecnt(const XPRSprob& mLp) {
65   int nNodes = 0;
66   XPRSgetintattrib(mLp, XPRS_NODES, &nNodes);
67   return nNodes;
68 }
XPRSsetobjoffset(const XPRSprob & mLp,double value)70 int XPRSsetobjoffset(const XPRSprob& mLp, double value) {
71   XPRSsetdblcontrol(mLp, XPRS_OBJRHS, value);
72   return 0;
73 }
76   XPRS_AT_LOWER = 0,
77   XPRS_BASIC = 1,
78   XPRS_AT_UPPER = 2,
80 };
82 // In case we need to return a double but don't have a value for that
83 // we just return a NaN.
84 #if !defined(CPX_NAN)
85 #define XPRS_NAN std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()
86 #endif
88 // The argument to this macro is the invocation of a XPRS function that
89 // returns a status. If the function returns non-zero the macro aborts
90 // the program with an appropriate error message.
91 #define CHECK_STATUS(s)    \
92   do {                     \
93     int const status_ = s; \
94     CHECK_EQ(0, status_);  \
95   } while (0)
97 namespace operations_research {
99 using std::unique_ptr;
101 // For a model that is extracted to an instance of this class there is a
102 // 1:1 corresponence between MPVariable instances and XPRESS columns: the
103 // index of an extracted variable is the column index in the XPRESS model.
104 // Similar for instances of MPConstraint: the index of the constraint in
105 // the model is the row index in the XPRESS model.
106 class XpressInterface : public MPSolverInterface {
107  public:
108   // NOTE: 'mip' specifies the type of the problem (either continuous or
109   //       mixed integer. This type is fixed for the lifetime of the
110   //       instance. There are no dynamic changes to the model type.
111   explicit XpressInterface(MPSolver* const solver, bool mip);
112   ~XpressInterface();
114   // Sets the optimization direction (min/max).
115   virtual void SetOptimizationDirection(bool maximize);
117   // ----- Solve -----
118   // Solve the problem using the parameter values specified.
119   virtual MPSolver::ResultStatus Solve(MPSolverParameters const& param);
121   // ----- Model modifications and extraction -----
122   // Resets extracted model
123   virtual void Reset();
125   virtual void SetVariableBounds(int var_index, double lb, double ub);
126   virtual void SetVariableInteger(int var_index, bool integer);
127   virtual void SetConstraintBounds(int row_index, double lb, double ub);
129   virtual void AddRowConstraint(MPConstraint* const ct);
130   virtual void AddVariable(MPVariable* const var);
131   virtual void SetCoefficient(MPConstraint* const constraint,
132                               MPVariable const* const variable,
133                               double new_value, double old_value);
135   // Clear a constraint from all its terms.
136   virtual void ClearConstraint(MPConstraint* const constraint);
137   // Change a coefficient in the linear objective
138   virtual void SetObjectiveCoefficient(MPVariable const* const variable,
139                                        double coefficient);
140   // Change the constant term in the linear objective.
141   virtual void SetObjectiveOffset(double value);
142   // Clear the objective from all its terms.
143   virtual void ClearObjective();
145   // ------ Query statistics on the solution and the solve ------
146   // Number of simplex iterations
147   virtual int64_t iterations() const;
148   // Number of branch-and-bound nodes. Only available for discrete problems.
149   virtual int64_t nodes() const;
151   // Returns the basis status of a row.
152   virtual MPSolver::BasisStatus row_status(int constraint_index) const;
153   // Returns the basis status of a column.
154   virtual MPSolver::BasisStatus column_status(int variable_index) const;
156   // ----- Misc -----
158   // Query problem type.
159   // Remember that problem type is a static property that is set
160   // in the constructor and never changed.
IsContinuous() const161   virtual bool IsContinuous() const { return IsLP(); }
IsLP() const162   virtual bool IsLP() const { return !mMip; }
IsMIP() const163   virtual bool IsMIP() const { return mMip; }
165   virtual void ExtractNewVariables();
166   virtual void ExtractNewConstraints();
167   virtual void ExtractObjective();
169   virtual std::string SolverVersion() const;
underlying_solver()171   virtual void* underlying_solver() { return reinterpret_cast<void*>(mLp); }
ComputeExactConditionNumber() const173   virtual double ComputeExactConditionNumber() const {
174     if (!IsContinuous()) {
175       LOG(DFATAL) << "ComputeExactConditionNumber not implemented for"
176                   << " XPRESS_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING";
177       return 0.0;
178     }
180     // TODO(user,user): Not yet working.
181     LOG(DFATAL) << "ComputeExactConditionNumber not implemented for"
182                 << " XPRESS_LINEAR_PROGRAMMING";
183     return 0.0;
184   }
186  protected:
187   // Set all parameters in the underlying solver.
188   virtual void SetParameters(MPSolverParameters const& param);
189   // Set each parameter in the underlying solver.
190   virtual void SetRelativeMipGap(double value);
191   virtual void SetPrimalTolerance(double value);
192   virtual void SetDualTolerance(double value);
193   virtual void SetPresolveMode(int value);
194   virtual void SetScalingMode(int value);
195   virtual void SetLpAlgorithm(int value);
197   virtual bool ReadParameterFile(std::string const& filename);
198   virtual std::string ValidFileExtensionForParameterFile() const;
200  private:
201   // Mark modeling object "out of sync". This implicitly invalidates
202   // solution information as well. It is the counterpart of
203   // MPSolverInterface::InvalidateSolutionSynchronization
InvalidateModelSynchronization()204   void InvalidateModelSynchronization() {
205     mCstat = 0;
206     mRstat = 0;
207     sync_status_ = MUST_RELOAD;
208   }
210   // Transform XPRESS basis status to MPSolver basis status.
211   static MPSolver::BasisStatus xformBasisStatus(int xpress_basis_status);
213  private:
214   XPRSprob mLp;
215   bool const mMip;
216   // Incremental extraction.
217   // Without incremental extraction we have to re-extract the model every
218   // time we perform a solve. Due to the way the Reset() function is
219   // implemented, this will lose MIP start or basis information from a
220   // previous solve. On the other hand, if there is a significant changes
221   // to the model then just re-extracting everything is usually faster than
222   // keeping the low-level modeling object in sync with the high-level
223   // variables/constraints.
224   // Note that incremental extraction is particularly expensive in function
225   // ExtractNewVariables() since there we must scan _all_ old constraints
226   // and update them with respect to the new variables.
227   bool const supportIncrementalExtraction;
229   // Use slow and immediate updates or try to do bulk updates.
230   // For many updates to the model we have the option to either perform
231   // the update immediately with a potentially slow operation or to
232   // just mark the low-level modeling object out of sync and re-extract
233   // the model later.
234   enum SlowUpdates {
235     SlowSetCoefficient = 0x0001,
236     SlowClearConstraint = 0x0002,
237     SlowSetObjectiveCoefficient = 0x0004,
238     SlowClearObjective = 0x0008,
239     SlowSetConstraintBounds = 0x0010,
240     SlowSetVariableInteger = 0x0020,
241     SlowSetVariableBounds = 0x0040,
242     SlowUpdatesAll = 0xffff
243   } const slowUpdates;
244   // XPRESS has no method to query the basis status of a single variable.
245   // Hence we query the status only once and cache the array. This is
246   // much faster in case the basis status of more than one row/column
247   // is required.
248   unique_ptr<int[]> mutable mCstat;
249   unique_ptr<int[]> mutable mRstat;
251   // Setup the right-hand side of a constraint from its lower and upper bound.
252   static void MakeRhs(double lb, double ub, double& rhs, char& sense,
253                       double& range);
254 };
256 /** init XPRESS environment */
init_xpress_env(int xpress_oem_license_key=0)257 int init_xpress_env(int xpress_oem_license_key = 0) {
258   int code;
260   const char* xpress_from_env = getenv("XPRESS");
261   std::string xpresspath;
263   if (xpress_from_env == nullptr) {
264 #if defined(XPRESS_PATH)
265     std::string path(STRINGIFY(XPRESS_PATH));
266     LOG(WARNING)
267         << "Environment variable XPRESS undefined. Trying compile path "
268         << "'" << path << "'";
269 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
270     // need to remove the enclosing '\"' from the string itself.
271     path.erase(std::remove(path.begin(), path.end(), '\"'), path.end());
272     xpresspath = path + "\\bin";
273 #else   // _MSC_VER
274     xpresspath = path + "/bin";
275 #endif  // _MSC_VER
276 #else
277     LOG(WARNING)
278         << "XpressInterface Error : Environment variable XPRESS undefined.\n";
279     return -1;
280 #endif
281   } else {
282     xpresspath = xpress_from_env;
283   }
285   /** if not an OEM key */
286   if (xpress_oem_license_key == 0) {
287     LOG(WARNING) << "XpressInterface : Initialising xpress-MP with parameter "
288                  << xpresspath << std::endl;
290     code = XPRSinit(xpresspath.c_str());
292     if (!code) {
293       /** XPRSbanner informs about Xpress version, options and error messages */
294       char banner[1000];
295       XPRSgetbanner(banner);
297       LOG(WARNING) << "XpressInterface : Xpress banner :\n"
298                    << banner << std::endl;
299       return 0;
300     } else {
301       char errmsg[256];
302       XPRSgetlicerrmsg(errmsg, 256);
304       VLOG(0) << "XpressInterface : License error : " << errmsg << std::endl;
305       VLOG(0) << "XpressInterface : XPRSinit returned code : " << code << "\n";
307       char banner[1000];
308       XPRSgetbanner(banner);
310       LOG(ERROR) << "XpressInterface : Xpress banner :\n" << banner << "\n";
311       return -1;
312     }
313   } else {
314     /** if OEM key */
315     LOG(WARNING) << "XpressInterface : Initialising xpress-MP with OEM key "
316                  << xpress_oem_license_key << "\n";
318     int nvalue = 0;
319     int ierr;
320     char slicmsg[256] = "";
321     char errmsg[256];
323     XPRSlicense(&nvalue, slicmsg);
324     VLOG(0) << "XpressInterface : First message from XPRSLicense : " << slicmsg
325             << "\n";
327     nvalue = xpress_oem_license_key - ((nvalue * nvalue) / 19);
328     ierr = XPRSlicense(&nvalue, slicmsg);
330     VLOG(0) << "XpressInterface : Second message from XPRSLicense : " << slicmsg
331             << "\n";
332     if (ierr == 16) {
333       VLOG(0) << "XpressInterface : Optimizer development software detected\n";
334     } else if (ierr != 0) {
335       /** get the license error message */
336       XPRSgetlicerrmsg(errmsg, 256);
338       LOG(ERROR) << "XpressInterface : " << errmsg << "\n";
339       return -1;
340     }
342     code = XPRSinit(NULL);
344     if (!code) {
345       return 0;
346     } else {
347       LOG(ERROR) << "XPRSinit returned code : " << code << "\n";
348       return -1;
349     }
350   }
351 }
353 // Creates a LP/MIP instance.
XpressInterface(MPSolver * const solver,bool mip)354 XpressInterface::XpressInterface(MPSolver* const solver, bool mip)
355     : MPSolverInterface(solver),
356       mLp(0),
357       mMip(mip),
358       supportIncrementalExtraction(false),
359       slowUpdates(static_cast<SlowUpdates>(SlowSetObjectiveCoefficient |
360                                            SlowClearObjective)),
361       mCstat(),
362       mRstat() {
363   int status = init_xpress_env();
364   CHECK_STATUS(status);
365   status = XPRScreateprob(&mLp);
366   CHECK_STATUS(status);
367   DCHECK(mLp != nullptr);  // should not be NULL if status=0
368   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSloadlp(mLp, "newProb", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
371       XPRSchgobjsense(mLp, maximize_ ? XPRS_OBJ_MAXIMIZE : XPRS_OBJ_MINIMIZE));
372 }
~XpressInterface()374 XpressInterface::~XpressInterface() {
375   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSdestroyprob(mLp));
376   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSfree());
377 }
SolverVersion() const379 std::string XpressInterface::SolverVersion() const {
380   // We prefer XPRSversionnumber() over XPRSversion() since the
381   // former will never pose any encoding issues.
382   int version = 0;
383   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSgetintcontrol(mLp, XPRS_VERSION, &version));
385   int const major = version / 1000000;
386   version -= major * 1000000;
387   int const release = version / 10000;
388   version -= release * 10000;
389   int const mod = version / 100;
390   version -= mod * 100;
391   int const fix = version;
393   return absl::StrFormat("XPRESS library version %d.%02d.%02d.%02d", major,
394                          release, mod, fix);
395 }
397 // ------ Model modifications and extraction -----
Reset()399 void XpressInterface::Reset() {
400   // Instead of explicitly clearing all modeling objects we
401   // just delete the problem object and allocate a new one.
402   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSdestroyprob(mLp));
404   int status;
405   status = XPRScreateprob(&mLp);
406   CHECK_STATUS(status);
407   DCHECK(mLp != nullptr);  // should not be NULL if status=0
408   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSloadlp(mLp, "newProb", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
411       XPRSchgobjsense(mLp, maximize_ ? XPRS_OBJ_MAXIMIZE : XPRS_OBJ_MINIMIZE));
413   ResetExtractionInformation();
414   mCstat = 0;
415   mRstat = 0;
416 }
SetOptimizationDirection(bool maximize)418 void XpressInterface::SetOptimizationDirection(bool maximize) {
419   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
420   XPRSchgobjsense(mLp, maximize ? XPRS_OBJ_MAXIMIZE : XPRS_OBJ_MINIMIZE);
421 }
SetVariableBounds(int var_index,double lb,double ub)423 void XpressInterface::SetVariableBounds(int var_index, double lb, double ub) {
424   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
426   // Changing the bounds of a variable is fast. However, doing this for
427   // many variables may still be slow. So we don't perform the update by
428   // default. However, if we support incremental extraction
429   // (supportIncrementalExtraction is true) then we MUST perform the
430   // update here or we will lose it.
432   if (!supportIncrementalExtraction && !(slowUpdates & SlowSetVariableBounds)) {
433     InvalidateModelSynchronization();
434   } else {
435     if (variable_is_extracted(var_index)) {
436       // Variable has already been extracted, so we must modify the
437       // modeling object.
438       DCHECK_LT(var_index, last_variable_index_);
439       char const lu[2] = {'L', 'U'};
440       double const bd[2] = {lb, ub};
441       int const idx[2] = {var_index, var_index};
442       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgbounds(mLp, 2, idx, lu, bd));
443     } else {
444       // Variable is not yet extracted. It is sufficient to just mark
445       // the modeling object "out of sync"
446       InvalidateModelSynchronization();
447     }
448   }
449 }
451 // Modifies integrality of an extracted variable.
SetVariableInteger(int var_index,bool integer)452 void XpressInterface::SetVariableInteger(int var_index, bool integer) {
453   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
455   // NOTE: The type of the model (continuous or mixed integer) is
456   //       defined once and for all in the constructor. There are no
457   //       dynamic changes to the model type.
459   // Changing the type of a variable should be fast. Still, doing all
460   // updates in one big chunk right before solve() is usually faster.
461   // However, if we support incremental extraction
462   // (supportIncrementalExtraction is true) then we MUST change the
463   // type of extracted variables here.
465   if (!supportIncrementalExtraction && !slowUpdates &&
466       !SlowSetVariableInteger) {
467     InvalidateModelSynchronization();
468   } else {
469     if (mMip) {
470       if (variable_is_extracted(var_index)) {
471         // Variable is extracted. Change the type immediately.
472         // TODO: Should we check the current type and don't do anything
473         //       in case the type does not change?
474         DCHECK_LE(var_index, XPRSgetnumcols(mLp));
475         char const type = integer ? XPRS_INTEGER : XPRS_CONTINUOUS;
476         CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgcoltype(mLp, 1, &var_index, &type));
477       } else {
478         InvalidateModelSynchronization();
479       }
480     } else {
481       LOG(DFATAL)
482           << "Attempt to change variable to integer in non-MIP problem!";
483     }
484   }
485 }
487 // Setup the right-hand side of a constraint.
MakeRhs(double lb,double ub,double & rhs,char & sense,double & range)488 void XpressInterface::MakeRhs(double lb, double ub, double& rhs, char& sense,
489                               double& range) {
490   if (lb == ub) {
491     // Both bounds are equal -> this is an equality constraint
492     rhs = lb;
493     range = 0.0;
494     sense = 'E';
495   } else if (lb > XPRS_MINUSINFINITY && ub < XPRS_PLUSINFINITY) {
496     // Both bounds are finite -> this is a ranged constraint
497     // The value of a ranged constraint is allowed to be in
498     //   [ rhs[i], rhs[i]+rngval[i] ]
499     // see also the reference documentation for XPRSnewrows()
500     if (ub < lb) {
501       // The bounds for the constraint are contradictory. XPRESS models
502       // a range constraint l <= ax <= u as
503       //    ax = l + v
504       // where v is an auxiliary variable the range of which is controlled
505       // by l and u: if l < u then v in [0, u-l]
506       //             else          v in [u-l, 0]
507       // (the range is specified as the rngval[] argument to XPRSnewrows).
508       // Thus XPRESS cannot represent range constraints with contradictory
509       // bounds and we must error out here.
510       CHECK_STATUS(-1);
511     }
512     rhs = ub;
513     range = ub - lb;
514     sense = 'R';
515   } else if (ub < XPRS_PLUSINFINITY || (std::abs(ub) == XPRS_PLUSINFINITY &&
516                                         std::abs(lb) > XPRS_PLUSINFINITY)) {
517     // Finite upper, infinite lower bound -> this is a <= constraint
518     rhs = ub;
519     range = 0.0;
520     sense = 'L';
521   } else if (lb > XPRS_MINUSINFINITY || (std::abs(lb) == XPRS_PLUSINFINITY &&
522                                          std::abs(ub) > XPRS_PLUSINFINITY)) {
523     // Finite lower, infinite upper bound -> this is a >= constraint
524     rhs = lb;
525     range = 0.0;
526     sense = 'G';
527   } else {
528     // Lower and upper bound are both infinite.
529     // This is used for example in .mps files to specify alternate
530     // objective functions.
531     // Note that the case lb==ub was already handled above, so we just
532     // pick the bound with larger magnitude and create a constraint for it.
533     // Note that we replace the infinite bound by XPRS_PLUSINFINITY since
534     // bounds with larger magnitude may cause other XPRESS functions to
535     // fail (for example the export to LP files).
536     DCHECK_GT(std::abs(lb), XPRS_PLUSINFINITY);
537     DCHECK_GT(std::abs(ub), XPRS_PLUSINFINITY);
538     if (std::abs(lb) > std::abs(ub)) {
539       rhs = (lb < 0) ? -XPRS_PLUSINFINITY : XPRS_PLUSINFINITY;
540       sense = 'G';
541     } else {
542       rhs = (ub < 0) ? -XPRS_PLUSINFINITY : XPRS_PLUSINFINITY;
543       sense = 'L';
544     }
545     range = 0.0;
546   }
547 }
SetConstraintBounds(int index,double lb,double ub)549 void XpressInterface::SetConstraintBounds(int index, double lb, double ub) {
550   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
552   // Changing rhs, sense, or range of a constraint is not too slow.
553   // Still, doing all the updates in one large operation is faster.
554   // Note however that if we do not want to re-extract the full model
555   // for each solve (supportIncrementalExtraction is true) then we MUST
556   // update the constraint here, otherwise we lose this update information.
558   if (!supportIncrementalExtraction &&
559       !(slowUpdates & SlowSetConstraintBounds)) {
560     InvalidateModelSynchronization();
561   } else {
562     if (constraint_is_extracted(index)) {
563       // Constraint is already extracted, so we must update its bounds
564       // and its type.
565       DCHECK(mLp != NULL);
566       char sense;
567       double range, rhs;
568       MakeRhs(lb, ub, rhs, sense, range);
569       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgrhs(mLp, 1, &index, &lb));
570       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgrowtype(mLp, 1, &index, &sense));
571       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgrhsrange(mLp, 1, &index, &range));
572     } else {
573       // Constraint is not yet extracted. It is sufficient to mark the
574       // modeling object as "out of sync"
575       InvalidateModelSynchronization();
576     }
577   }
578 }
AddRowConstraint(MPConstraint * const ct)580 void XpressInterface::AddRowConstraint(MPConstraint* const ct) {
581   // This is currently only invoked when a new constraint is created,
582   // see MPSolver::MakeRowConstraint().
583   // At this point we only have the lower and upper bounds of the
584   // constraint. We could immediately call XPRSaddrows() here but it is
585   // usually much faster to handle the fully populated constraint in
586   // ExtractNewConstraints() right before the solve.
587   InvalidateModelSynchronization();
588 }
AddVariable(MPVariable * const ct)590 void XpressInterface::AddVariable(MPVariable* const ct) {
591   // This is currently only invoked when a new variable is created,
592   // see MPSolver::MakeVar().
593   // At this point the variable does not appear in any constraints or
594   // the objective function. We could invoke XPRSaddcols() to immediately
595   // create the variable here but it is usually much faster to handle the
596   // fully setup variable in ExtractNewVariables() right before the solve.
597   InvalidateModelSynchronization();
598 }
SetCoefficient(MPConstraint * const constraint,MPVariable const * const variable,double new_value,double)600 void XpressInterface::SetCoefficient(MPConstraint* const constraint,
601                                      MPVariable const* const variable,
602                                      double new_value, double) {
603   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
605   // Changing a single coefficient in the matrix is potentially pretty
606   // slow since that coefficient has to be found in the sparse matrix
607   // representation. So by default we don't perform this update immediately
608   // but instead mark the low-level modeling object "out of sync".
609   // If we want to support incremental extraction then we MUST perform
610   // the modification immediately or we will lose it.
612   if (!supportIncrementalExtraction && !(slowUpdates & SlowSetCoefficient)) {
613     InvalidateModelSynchronization();
614   } else {
615     int const row = constraint->index();
616     int const col = variable->index();
617     if (constraint_is_extracted(row) && variable_is_extracted(col)) {
618       // If row and column are both extracted then we can directly
619       // update the modeling object
620       DCHECK_LE(row, last_constraint_index_);
621       DCHECK_LE(col, last_variable_index_);
622       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgcoef(mLp, row, col, new_value));
623     } else {
624       // If either row or column is not yet extracted then we can
625       // defer the update to ExtractModel()
626       InvalidateModelSynchronization();
627     }
628   }
629 }
ClearConstraint(MPConstraint * const constraint)631 void XpressInterface::ClearConstraint(MPConstraint* const constraint) {
632   int const row = constraint->index();
633   if (!constraint_is_extracted(row))
634     // There is nothing to do if the constraint was not even extracted.
635     return;
637   // Clearing a constraint means setting all coefficients in the corresponding
638   // row to 0 (we cannot just delete the row since that would renumber all
639   // the constraints/rows after it).
640   // Modifying coefficients in the matrix is potentially pretty expensive
641   // since they must be found in the sparse matrix representation. That is
642   // why by default we do not modify the coefficients here but only mark
643   // the low-level modeling object "out of sync".
645   if (!(slowUpdates & SlowClearConstraint)) {
646     InvalidateModelSynchronization();
647   } else {
648     InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
650     int const len = constraint->coefficients_.size();
651     unique_ptr<int[]> rowind(new int[len]);
652     unique_ptr<int[]> colind(new int[len]);
653     unique_ptr<double[]> val(new double[len]);
654     int j = 0;
655     const auto& coeffs = constraint->coefficients_;
656     for (auto it(coeffs.begin()); it != coeffs.end(); ++it) {
657       int const col = it->first->index();
658       if (variable_is_extracted(col)) {
659         rowind[j] = row;
660         colind[j] = col;
661         val[j] = 0.0;
662         ++j;
663       }
664     }
665     if (j)
666       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgmcoef(mLp, j, rowind.get(), colind.get(), val.get()));
667   }
668 }
SetObjectiveCoefficient(MPVariable const * const variable,double coefficient)670 void XpressInterface::SetObjectiveCoefficient(MPVariable const* const variable,
671                                               double coefficient) {
672   int const col = variable->index();
673   if (!variable_is_extracted(col))
674     // Nothing to do if variable was not even extracted
675     return;
677   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
679   // The objective function is stored as a dense vector, so updating a
680   // single coefficient is O(1). So by default we update the low-level
681   // modeling object here.
682   // If we support incremental extraction then we have no choice but to
683   // perform the update immediately.
685   if (supportIncrementalExtraction ||
686       (slowUpdates & SlowSetObjectiveCoefficient)) {
687     CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgobj(mLp, 1, &col, &coefficient));
688   } else {
689     InvalidateModelSynchronization();
690   }
691 }
SetObjectiveOffset(double value)693 void XpressInterface::SetObjectiveOffset(double value) {
694   // Changing the objective offset is O(1), so we always do it immediately.
695   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
696   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetobjoffset(mLp, value));
697 }
ClearObjective()699 void XpressInterface::ClearObjective() {
700   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
702   // Since the objective function is stored as a dense vector updating
703   // it is O(n), so we usually perform the update immediately.
704   // If we want to support incremental extraction then we have no choice
705   // but to perform the update immediately.
707   if (supportIncrementalExtraction || (slowUpdates & SlowClearObjective)) {
708     int const cols = XPRSgetnumcols(mLp);
709     unique_ptr<int[]> ind(new int[cols]);
710     unique_ptr<double[]> zero(new double[cols]);
711     int j = 0;
712     const auto& coeffs = solver_->objective_->coefficients_;
713     for (auto it(coeffs.begin()); it != coeffs.end(); ++it) {
714       int const idx = it->first->index();
715       // We only need to reset variables that have been extracted.
716       if (variable_is_extracted(idx)) {
717         DCHECK_LT(idx, cols);
718         ind[j] = idx;
719         zero[j] = 0.0;
720         ++j;
721       }
722     }
723     if (j > 0) CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgobj(mLp, j, ind.get(), zero.get()));
724     CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetobjoffset(mLp, 0.0));
725   } else {
726     InvalidateModelSynchronization();
727   }
728 }
730 // ------ Query statistics on the solution and the solve ------
iterations() const732 int64_t XpressInterface::iterations() const {
733   if (!CheckSolutionIsSynchronized()) return kUnknownNumberOfIterations;
734   return static_cast<int64_t>(XPRSgetitcnt(mLp));
735 }
nodes() const737 int64_t XpressInterface::nodes() const {
738   if (mMip) {
739     if (!CheckSolutionIsSynchronized()) return kUnknownNumberOfNodes;
740     return static_cast<int64_t>(XPRSgetnodecnt(mLp));
741   } else {
742     LOG(DFATAL) << "Number of nodes only available for discrete problems";
743     return kUnknownNumberOfNodes;
744   }
745 }
747 // Transform a XPRESS basis status to an MPSolver basis status.
xformBasisStatus(int xpress_basis_status)748 MPSolver::BasisStatus XpressInterface::xformBasisStatus(
749     int xpress_basis_status) {
750   switch (xpress_basis_status) {
751     case XPRS_AT_LOWER:
752       return MPSolver::AT_LOWER_BOUND;
753     case XPRS_BASIC:
754       return MPSolver::BASIC;
755     case XPRS_AT_UPPER:
756       return MPSolver::AT_UPPER_BOUND;
757     case XPRS_FREE_SUPER:
758       return MPSolver::FREE;
759     default:
760       LOG(DFATAL) << "Unknown XPRESS basis status";
761       return MPSolver::FREE;
762   }
763 }
765 // Returns the basis status of a row.
row_status(int constraint_index) const766 MPSolver::BasisStatus XpressInterface::row_status(int constraint_index) const {
767   if (mMip) {
768     LOG(FATAL) << "Basis status only available for continuous problems";
769     return MPSolver::FREE;
770   }
772   if (CheckSolutionIsSynchronized()) {
773     if (!mRstat) {
774       int const rows = XPRSgetnumrows(mLp);
775       unique_ptr<int[]> data(new int[rows]);
776       mRstat.swap(data);
777       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSgetbasis(mLp, 0, mRstat.get()));
778     }
779   } else {
780     mRstat = 0;
781   }
783   if (mRstat) {
784     return xformBasisStatus(mRstat[constraint_index]);
785   } else {
786     LOG(FATAL) << "Row basis status not available";
787     return MPSolver::FREE;
788   }
789 }
791 // Returns the basis status of a column.
column_status(int variable_index) const792 MPSolver::BasisStatus XpressInterface::column_status(int variable_index) const {
793   if (mMip) {
794     LOG(FATAL) << "Basis status only available for continuous problems";
795     return MPSolver::FREE;
796   }
798   if (CheckSolutionIsSynchronized()) {
799     if (!mCstat) {
800       int const cols = XPRSgetnumcols(mLp);
801       unique_ptr<int[]> data(new int[cols]);
802       mCstat.swap(data);
803       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSgetbasis(mLp, mCstat.get(), 0));
804     }
805   } else {
806     mCstat = 0;
807   }
809   if (mCstat) {
810     return xformBasisStatus(mCstat[variable_index]);
811   } else {
812     LOG(FATAL) << "Column basis status not available";
813     return MPSolver::FREE;
814   }
815 }
817 // Extract all variables that have not yet been extracted.
ExtractNewVariables()818 void XpressInterface::ExtractNewVariables() {
819   // NOTE: The code assumes that a linear expression can never contain
820   //       non-zero duplicates.
822   InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
824   if (!supportIncrementalExtraction) {
825     // Without incremental extraction ExtractModel() is always called
826     // to extract the full model.
827     CHECK(last_variable_index_ == 0 ||
828           last_variable_index_ == solver_->variables_.size());
829     CHECK(last_constraint_index_ == 0 ||
830           last_constraint_index_ == solver_->constraints_.size());
831   }
833   int const last_extracted = last_variable_index_;
834   int const var_count = solver_->variables_.size();
835   int newcols = var_count - last_extracted;
836   if (newcols > 0) {
837     // There are non-extracted variables. Extract them now.
839     unique_ptr<double[]> obj(new double[newcols]);
840     unique_ptr<double[]> lb(new double[newcols]);
841     unique_ptr<double[]> ub(new double[newcols]);
842     unique_ptr<char[]> ctype(new char[newcols]);
843     unique_ptr<const char*[]> colname(new const char*[newcols]);
845     bool have_names = false;
846     for (int j = 0, varidx = last_extracted; j < newcols; ++j, ++varidx) {
847       MPVariable const* const var = solver_->variables_[varidx];
848       lb[j] = var->lb();
849       ub[j] = var->ub();
850       ctype[j] = var->integer() ? XPRS_INTEGER : XPRS_CONTINUOUS;
851       colname[j] = var->name().empty() ? 0 : var->name().c_str();
852       have_names = have_names || var->name().empty();
853       obj[j] = solver_->objective_->GetCoefficient(var);
854     }
856     // Arrays for modifying the problem are setup. Update the index
857     // of variables that will get extracted now. Updating indices
858     // _before_ the actual extraction makes things much simpler in
859     // case we support incremental extraction.
860     // In case of error we just reset the indices.
861     std::vector<MPVariable*> const& variables = solver_->variables();
862     for (int j = last_extracted; j < var_count; ++j) {
863       CHECK(!variable_is_extracted(variables[j]->index()));
864       set_variable_as_extracted(variables[j]->index(), true);
865     }
867     try {
868       bool use_newcols = true;
870       if (supportIncrementalExtraction) {
871         // If we support incremental extraction then we must
872         // update existing constraints with the new variables.
873         // To do that we use XPRSaddcols() to actually create the
874         // variables. This is supposed to be faster than combining
875         // XPRSnewcols() and XPRSchgcoeflist().
877         // For each column count the size of the intersection with
878         // existing constraints.
879         unique_ptr<int[]> collen(new int[newcols]);
880         for (int j = 0; j < newcols; ++j) collen[j] = 0;
881         int nonzeros = 0;
882         // TODO: Use a bitarray to flag the constraints that actually
883         //       intersect new variables?
884         for (int i = 0; i < last_constraint_index_; ++i) {
885           MPConstraint const* const ct = solver_->constraints_[i];
886           CHECK(constraint_is_extracted(ct->index()));
887           const auto& coeffs = ct->coefficients_;
888           for (auto it(coeffs.begin()); it != coeffs.end(); ++it) {
889             int const idx = it->first->index();
890             if (variable_is_extracted(idx) && idx > last_variable_index_) {
891               collen[idx - last_variable_index_]++;
892               ++nonzeros;
893             }
894           }
895         }
897         if (nonzeros > 0) {
898           // At least one of the new variables did intersect with an
899           // old constraint. We have to create the new columns via
900           // XPRSaddcols().
901           use_newcols = false;
902           unique_ptr<int[]> begin(new int[newcols + 2]);
903           unique_ptr<int[]> cmatind(new int[nonzeros]);
904           unique_ptr<double[]> cmatval(new double[nonzeros]);
906           // Here is how cmatbeg[] is setup:
907           // - it is initialized as
908           //     [ 0, 0, collen[0], collen[0]+collen[1], ... ]
909           //   so that cmatbeg[j+1] tells us where in cmatind[] and
910           //   cmatval[] we need to put the next nonzero for column
911           //   j
912           // - after nonzeros have been setup the array looks like
913           //     [ 0, collen[0], collen[0]+collen[1], ... ]
914           //   so that it is the correct input argument for XPRSaddcols
915           int* cmatbeg = begin.get();
916           cmatbeg[0] = 0;
917           cmatbeg[1] = 0;
918           ++cmatbeg;
919           for (int j = 0; j < newcols; ++j)
920             cmatbeg[j + 1] = cmatbeg[j] + collen[j];
922           for (int i = 0; i < last_constraint_index_; ++i) {
923             MPConstraint const* const ct = solver_->constraints_[i];
924             int const row = ct->index();
925             const auto& coeffs = ct->coefficients_;
926             for (auto it(coeffs.begin()); it != coeffs.end(); ++it) {
927               int const idx = it->first->index();
928               if (variable_is_extracted(idx) && idx > last_variable_index_) {
929                 int const nz = cmatbeg[idx]++;
930                 cmatind[nz] = row;
931                 cmatval[nz] = it->second;
932               }
933             }
934           }
935           --cmatbeg;
936           CHECK_STATUS(XPRSaddcols(mLp, newcols, nonzeros, obj.get(), cmatbeg,
937                                    cmatind.get(), cmatval.get(), lb.get(),
938                                    ub.get()));
939         }
940       }
942       if (use_newcols) {
943         // Either incremental extraction is not supported or none of
944         // the new variables did intersect an existing constraint.
945         // We can just use XPRSnewcols() to create the new variables.
946         std::vector<int> collen(newcols, 0);
947         std::vector<int> cmatbeg(newcols, 0);
948         unique_ptr<int[]> cmatind(new int[1]);
949         unique_ptr<double[]> cmatval(new double[1]);
950         cmatind[0] = 0;
951         cmatval[0] = 1.0;
953         CHECK_STATUS(XPRSaddcols(mLp, newcols, 0, obj.get(), cmatbeg.data(),
954                                  cmatind.get(), cmatval.get(), lb.get(),
955                                  ub.get()));
956         int const cols = XPRSgetnumcols(mLp);
957         unique_ptr<int[]> ind(new int[newcols]);
958         for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) ind[j] = j;
959         CHECK_STATUS(
960             XPRSchgcoltype(mLp, cols - last_extracted, ind.get(), ctype.get()));
961       } else {
962         // Incremental extraction: we must update the ctype of the
963         // newly created variables (XPRSaddcols() does not allow
964         // specifying the ctype)
965         if (mMip && XPRSgetnumcols(mLp) > 0) {
966           // Query the actual number of columns in case we did not
967           // manage to extract all columns.
968           int const cols = XPRSgetnumcols(mLp);
969           unique_ptr<int[]> ind(new int[newcols]);
970           for (int j = last_extracted; j < cols; ++j)
971             ind[j - last_extracted] = j;
972           CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgcoltype(mLp, cols - last_extracted, ind.get(),
973                                       ctype.get()));
974         }
975       }
976     } catch (...) {
977       // Undo all changes in case of error.
978       int const cols = XPRSgetnumcols(mLp);
979       if (cols > last_extracted) {
980         std::vector<int> colsToDelete;
981         for (int i = last_extracted; i < cols; ++i) colsToDelete.push_back(i);
982         (void)XPRSdelcols(mLp, colsToDelete.size(), colsToDelete.data());
983       }
984       std::vector<MPVariable*> const& variables = solver_->variables();
985       int const size = variables.size();
986       for (int j = last_extracted; j < size; ++j)
987         set_variable_as_extracted(j, false);
988       throw;
989     }
990   }
991 }
993 // Extract constraints that have not yet been extracted.
ExtractNewConstraints()994 void XpressInterface::ExtractNewConstraints() {
995   // NOTE: The code assumes that a linear expression can never contain
996   //       non-zero duplicates.
997   if (!supportIncrementalExtraction) {
998     // Without incremental extraction ExtractModel() is always called
999     // to extract the full model.
1000     CHECK(last_variable_index_ == 0 ||
1001           last_variable_index_ == solver_->variables_.size());
1002     CHECK(last_constraint_index_ == 0 ||
1003           last_constraint_index_ == solver_->constraints_.size());
1004   }
1006   int const offset = last_constraint_index_;
1007   int const total = solver_->constraints_.size();
1009   if (total > offset) {
1010     // There are constraints that are not yet extracted.
1012     InvalidateSolutionSynchronization();
1014     int newCons = total - offset;
1015     int const cols = XPRSgetnumcols(mLp);
1016     DCHECK_EQ(last_variable_index_, cols);
1017     int const chunk = newCons;  // 10;  // max number of rows to add in one shot
1019     // Update indices of new constraints _before_ actually extracting
1020     // them. In case of error we will just reset the indices.
1021     for (int c = offset; c < total; ++c) set_constraint_as_extracted(c, true);
1023     try {
1024       unique_ptr<int[]> rmatind(new int[cols]);
1025       unique_ptr<double[]> rmatval(new double[cols]);
1026       unique_ptr<int[]> rmatbeg(new int[chunk]);
1027       unique_ptr<char[]> sense(new char[chunk]);
1028       unique_ptr<double[]> rhs(new double[chunk]);
1029       unique_ptr<char const*[]> name(new char const*[chunk]);
1030       unique_ptr<double[]> rngval(new double[chunk]);
1031       unique_ptr<int[]> rngind(new int[chunk]);
1032       bool haveRanges = false;
1034       // Loop over the new constraints, collecting rows for up to
1035       // CHUNK constraints into the arrays so that adding constraints
1036       // is faster.
1037       for (int c = 0; c < newCons; /* nothing */) {
1038         // Collect up to CHUNK constraints into the arrays.
1039         int nextRow = 0;
1040         int nextNz = 0;
1041         for (/* nothing */; c < newCons && nextRow < chunk; ++c, ++nextRow) {
1042           MPConstraint const* const ct = solver_->constraints_[offset + c];
1044           // Stop if there is not enough room in the arrays
1045           // to add the current constraint.
1046           if (nextNz + ct->coefficients_.size() > cols) {
1047             DCHECK_GT(nextRow, 0);
1048             break;
1049           }
1051           // Setup right-hand side of constraint.
1052           MakeRhs(ct->lb(), ct->ub(), rhs[nextRow], sense[nextRow],
1053                   rngval[nextRow]);
1054           haveRanges = haveRanges || (rngval[nextRow] != 0.0);
1055           rngind[nextRow] = offset + c;
1057           // Setup left-hand side of constraint.
1058           rmatbeg[nextRow] = nextNz;
1059           const auto& coeffs = ct->coefficients_;
1060           for (auto it(coeffs.begin()); it != coeffs.end(); ++it) {
1061             int const idx = it->first->index();
1062             if (variable_is_extracted(idx)) {
1063               DCHECK_LT(nextNz, cols);
1064               DCHECK_LT(idx, cols);
1065               rmatind[nextNz] = idx;
1066               rmatval[nextNz] = it->second;
1067               ++nextNz;
1068             }
1069           }
1071           // Finally the name of the constraint.
1072           name[nextRow] = ct->name().empty() ? 0 : ct->name().c_str();
1073         }
1074         if (nextRow > 0) {
1075           CHECK_STATUS(XPRSaddrows(mLp, nextRow, nextNz, sense.get(), rhs.get(),
1076                                    rngval.get(), rmatbeg.get(), rmatind.get(),
1077                                    rmatval.get()));
1078           if (haveRanges) {
1079             CHECK_STATUS(
1080                 XPRSchgrhsrange(mLp, nextRow, rngind.get(), rngval.get()));
1081           }
1082         }
1083       }
1084     } catch (...) {
1085       // Undo all changes in case of error.
1086       int const rows = XPRSgetnumrows(mLp);
1087       std::vector<int> rowsToDelete;
1088       for (int i = offset; i < rows; ++i) rowsToDelete.push_back(i);
1089       if (rows > offset)
1090         (void)XPRSdelrows(mLp, rowsToDelete.size(), rowsToDelete.data());
1091       std::vector<MPConstraint*> const& constraints = solver_->constraints();
1092       int const size = constraints.size();
1093       for (int i = offset; i < size; ++i) set_constraint_as_extracted(i, false);
1094       throw;
1095     }
1096   }
1097 }
1099 // Extract the objective function.
ExtractObjective()1100 void XpressInterface::ExtractObjective() {
1101   // NOTE: The code assumes that the objective expression does not contain
1102   //       any non-zero duplicates.
1104   int const cols = XPRSgetnumcols(mLp);
1105   DCHECK_EQ(last_variable_index_, cols);
1107   unique_ptr<int[]> ind(new int[cols]);
1108   unique_ptr<double[]> val(new double[cols]);
1109   for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
1110     ind[j] = j;
1111     val[j] = 0.0;
1112   }
1114   const auto& coeffs = solver_->objective_->coefficients_;
1115   for (auto it = coeffs.begin(); it != coeffs.end(); ++it) {
1116     int const idx = it->first->index();
1117     if (variable_is_extracted(idx)) {
1118       DCHECK_LT(idx, cols);
1119       val[idx] = it->second;
1120     }
1121   }
1123   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSchgobj(mLp, cols, ind.get(), val.get()));
1124   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetobjoffset(mLp, solver_->Objective().offset()));
1125 }
1127 // ------ Parameters  -----
SetParameters(const MPSolverParameters & param)1129 void XpressInterface::SetParameters(const MPSolverParameters& param) {
1130   SetCommonParameters(param);
1131   if (mMip) SetMIPParameters(param);
1132 }
SetRelativeMipGap(double value)1134 void XpressInterface::SetRelativeMipGap(double value) {
1135   if (mMip) {
1136     CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetdblcontrol(mLp, XPRS_MIPRELSTOP, value));
1137   } else {
1138     LOG(WARNING) << "The relative MIP gap is only available "
1139                  << "for discrete problems.";
1140   }
1141 }
SetPrimalTolerance(double value)1143 void XpressInterface::SetPrimalTolerance(double value) {
1144   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetdblcontrol(mLp, XPRS_FEASTOL, value));
1145 }
SetDualTolerance(double value)1147 void XpressInterface::SetDualTolerance(double value) {
1148   CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetdblcontrol(mLp, XPRS_OPTIMALITYTOL, value));
1149 }
SetPresolveMode(int value)1151 void XpressInterface::SetPresolveMode(int value) {
1152   MPSolverParameters::PresolveValues const presolve =
1153       static_cast<MPSolverParameters::PresolveValues>(value);
1155   switch (presolve) {
1156     case MPSolverParameters::PRESOLVE_OFF:
1157       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetintcontrol(mLp, XPRS_PRESOLVE, 0));
1158       return;
1159     case MPSolverParameters::PRESOLVE_ON:
1160       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetintcontrol(mLp, XPRS_PRESOLVE, 1));
1161       return;
1162   }
1163   SetIntegerParamToUnsupportedValue(MPSolverParameters::PRESOLVE, value);
1164 }
1166 // Sets the scaling mode.
SetScalingMode(int value)1167 void XpressInterface::SetScalingMode(int value) {
1168   MPSolverParameters::ScalingValues const scaling =
1169       static_cast<MPSolverParameters::ScalingValues>(value);
1171   switch (scaling) {
1172     case MPSolverParameters::SCALING_OFF:
1173       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetintcontrol(mLp, XPRS_SCALING, 0));
1174       break;
1175     case MPSolverParameters::SCALING_ON:
1176       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetdefaultcontrol(mLp, XPRS_SCALING));
1177       // In Xpress, scaling is not  a binary on/off control, but a bit vector
1178       // control setting it to 1 would only enable bit 1. Instead we reset it to
1179       // its default (163 for the current version 8.6) Alternatively, we could
1180       // call CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetintcontrol(mLp, XPRS_SCALING, 163));
1181       break;
1182   }
1183 }
1185 // Sets the LP algorithm : primal, dual or barrier. Note that XPRESS offers
1186 // other LP algorithm (e.g. network) and automatic selection
SetLpAlgorithm(int value)1187 void XpressInterface::SetLpAlgorithm(int value) {
1188   MPSolverParameters::LpAlgorithmValues const algorithm =
1189       static_cast<MPSolverParameters::LpAlgorithmValues>(value);
1191   int alg = 1;
1193   switch (algorithm) {
1194     case MPSolverParameters::DUAL:
1195       alg = 2;
1196       break;
1197     case MPSolverParameters::PRIMAL:
1198       alg = 3;
1199       break;
1200     case MPSolverParameters::BARRIER:
1201       alg = 4;
1202       break;
1203   }
1205   if (alg == XPRS_DEFAULTALG) {
1206     SetIntegerParamToUnsupportedValue(MPSolverParameters::LP_ALGORITHM, value);
1207   } else {
1208     CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetintcontrol(mLp, XPRS_DEFAULTALG, alg));
1209   }
1210 }
ReadParameterFile(std::string const & filename)1212 bool XpressInterface::ReadParameterFile(std::string const& filename) {
1213   // Return true on success and false on error.
1214   LOG(DFATAL) << "ReadParameterFile not implemented for XPRESS interface";
1215   return false;
1216 }
ValidFileExtensionForParameterFile() const1218 std::string XpressInterface::ValidFileExtensionForParameterFile() const {
1219   return ".prm";
1220 }
Solve(MPSolverParameters const & param)1222 MPSolver::ResultStatus XpressInterface::Solve(MPSolverParameters const& param) {
1223   int status;
1225   // Delete chached information
1226   mCstat = 0;
1227   mRstat = 0;
1229   WallTimer timer;
1230   timer.Start();
1232   // Set incrementality
1233   MPSolverParameters::IncrementalityValues const inc =
1234       static_cast<MPSolverParameters::IncrementalityValues>(
1235           param.GetIntegerParam(MPSolverParameters::INCREMENTALITY));
1236   switch (inc) {
1237     case MPSolverParameters::INCREMENTALITY_OFF: {
1238       Reset();  // This should not be required but re-extracting everything
1239                 // may be faster, so we do it.
1240       break;
1241     }
1242     case MPSolverParameters::INCREMENTALITY_ON: {
1243       XPRSsetintcontrol(mLp, XPRS_CRASH, 0);
1244       break;
1245     }
1246   }
1248   // Extract the model to be solved.
1249   // If we don't support incremental extraction and the low-level modeling
1250   // is out of sync then we have to re-extract everything. Note that this
1251   // will lose MIP starts or advanced basis information from a previous
1252   // solve.
1253   if (!supportIncrementalExtraction && sync_status_ == MUST_RELOAD) Reset();
1254   ExtractModel();
1255   VLOG(1) << absl::StrFormat("Model build in %.3f seconds.", timer.Get());
1257   // Set log level.
1258   XPRSsetintcontrol(mLp, XPRS_OUTPUTLOG, quiet() ? 0 : 1);
1259   // Set parameters.
1260   // NOTE: We must invoke SetSolverSpecificParametersAsString() _first_.
1261   //       Its current implementation invokes ReadParameterFile() which in
1262   //       turn invokes XPRSreadcopyparam(). The latter will _overwrite_
1263   //       all current parameter settings in the environment.
1264   solver_->SetSolverSpecificParametersAsString(
1265       solver_->solver_specific_parameter_string_);
1266   SetParameters(param);
1267   if (solver_->time_limit()) {
1268     VLOG(1) << "Setting time limit = " << solver_->time_limit() << " ms.";
1269     // In Xpress, a time limit should usually have a negative sign. With a
1270     // positive sign, the solver will only stop when a solution has been found.
1271     CHECK_STATUS(XPRSsetdblcontrol(mLp, XPRS_MAXTIME,
1272                                    -1.0 * solver_->time_limit_in_secs()));
1273   }
1275   // Solve.
1276   // Do not CHECK_STATUS here since some errors (for example CPXERR_NO_MEMORY)
1277   // still allow us to query useful information.
1278   timer.Restart();
1280   int xpressstat = 0;
1281   if (mMip) {
1282     if (this->maximize_)
1283       status = XPRSmaxim(mLp, "g");
1284     else
1285       status = XPRSminim(mLp, "g");
1286     XPRSgetintattrib(mLp, XPRS_MIPSTATUS, &xpressstat);
1287   } else {
1288     if (this->maximize_)
1289       status = XPRSmaxim(mLp, "");
1290     else
1291       status = XPRSminim(mLp, "");
1292     XPRSgetintattrib(mLp, XPRS_LPSTATUS, &xpressstat);
1293   }
1295   // Disable screen output right after solve
1296   XPRSsetintcontrol(mLp, XPRS_OUTPUTLOG, 0);
1298   if (status) {
1299     VLOG(1) << absl::StrFormat("Failed to optimize MIP. Error %d", status);
1300     // NOTE: We do not return immediately since there may be information
1301     //       to grab (for example an incumbent)
1302   } else {
1303     VLOG(1) << absl::StrFormat("Solved in %.3f seconds.", timer.Get());
1304   }
1306   VLOG(1) << absl::StrFormat("XPRESS solution status %d.", xpressstat);
1308   // Figure out what solution we have.
1309   bool const feasible = (mMip && (xpressstat == XPRS_MIP_OPTIMAL ||
1310                                   xpressstat == XPRS_MIP_SOLUTION)) ||
1311                         (!mMip && xpressstat == XPRS_LP_OPTIMAL);
1313   // Get problem dimensions for solution queries below.
1314   int const rows = XPRSgetnumrows(mLp);
1315   int const cols = XPRSgetnumcols(mLp);
1316   DCHECK_EQ(rows, solver_->constraints_.size());
1317   DCHECK_EQ(cols, solver_->variables_.size());
1319   // Capture objective function value.
1320   objective_value_ = XPRS_NAN;
1321   best_objective_bound_ = XPRS_NAN;
1322   if (feasible) {
1323     if (mMip) {
1324       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSgetdblattrib(mLp, XPRS_MIPOBJVAL, &objective_value_));
1325       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSgetdblattrib(mLp, XPRS_BESTBOUND, &best_objective_bound_));
1326     } else {
1327       CHECK_STATUS(XPRSgetdblattrib(mLp, XPRS_LPOBJVAL, &objective_value_));
1328     }
1329   }
1330   VLOG(1) << "objective=" << objective_value_
1331           << ", bound=" << best_objective_bound_;
1333   // Capture primal and dual solutions
1334   if (mMip) {
1335     // If there is a primal feasible solution then capture it.
1336     if (feasible) {
1337       if (cols > 0) {
1338         unique_ptr<double[]> x(new double[cols]);
1339         CHECK_STATUS(XPRSgetmipsol(mLp, x.get(), 0));
1340         for (int i = 0; i < solver_->variables_.size(); ++i) {
1341           MPVariable* const var = solver_->variables_[i];
1342           var->set_solution_value(x[i]);
1343           VLOG(3) << var->name() << ": value =" << x[i];
1344         }
1345       }
1346     } else {
1347       for (int i = 0; i < solver_->variables_.size(); ++i)
1348         solver_->variables_[i]->set_solution_value(XPRS_NAN);
1349     }
1351     // MIP does not have duals
1352     for (int i = 0; i < solver_->variables_.size(); ++i)
1353       solver_->variables_[i]->set_reduced_cost(XPRS_NAN);
1354     for (int i = 0; i < solver_->constraints_.size(); ++i)
1355       solver_->constraints_[i]->set_dual_value(XPRS_NAN);
1356   } else {
1357     // Continuous problem.
1358     if (cols > 0) {
1359       unique_ptr<double[]> x(new double[cols]);
1360       unique_ptr<double[]> dj(new double[cols]);
1361       if (feasible) CHECK_STATUS(XPRSgetlpsol(mLp, x.get(), 0, 0, dj.get()));
1362       for (int i = 0; i < solver_->variables_.size(); ++i) {
1363         MPVariable* const var = solver_->variables_[i];
1364         var->set_solution_value(x[i]);
1365         bool value = false, dual = false;
1367         if (feasible) {
1368           var->set_solution_value(x[i]);
1369           value = true;
1370         } else {
1371           var->set_solution_value(XPRS_NAN);
1372         }
1373         if (feasible) {
1374           var->set_reduced_cost(dj[i]);
1375           dual = true;
1376         } else {
1377           var->set_reduced_cost(XPRS_NAN);
1378         }
1379         VLOG(3) << var->name() << ":"
1380                 << (value ? absl::StrFormat("  value = %f", x[i]) : "")
1381                 << (dual ? absl::StrFormat("  reduced cost = %f", dj[i]) : "");
1382       }
1383     }
1385     if (rows > 0) {
1386       unique_ptr<double[]> pi(new double[rows]);
1387       if (feasible) {
1388         CHECK_STATUS(XPRSgetlpsol(mLp, 0, 0, pi.get(), 0));
1389       }
1390       for (int i = 0; i < solver_->constraints_.size(); ++i) {
1391         MPConstraint* const ct = solver_->constraints_[i];
1392         bool dual = false;
1393         if (feasible) {
1394           ct->set_dual_value(pi[i]);
1395           dual = true;
1396         } else {
1397           ct->set_dual_value(XPRS_NAN);
1398         }
1399         VLOG(4) << "row " << ct->index() << ":"
1400                 << (dual ? absl::StrFormat("  dual = %f", pi[i]) : "");
1401       }
1402     }
1403   }
1405   // Map XPRESS status to more generic solution status in MPSolver
1406   if (mMip) {
1407     switch (xpressstat) {
1408       case XPRS_MIP_OPTIMAL:
1409         result_status_ = MPSolver::OPTIMAL;
1410         break;
1411       case XPRS_MIP_INFEAS:
1412         result_status_ = MPSolver::INFEASIBLE;
1413         break;
1414       case XPRS_MIP_UNBOUNDED:
1415         result_status_ = MPSolver::UNBOUNDED;
1416         break;
1417       default:
1418         result_status_ = feasible ? MPSolver::FEASIBLE : MPSolver::ABNORMAL;
1419         break;
1420     }
1421   } else {
1422     switch (xpressstat) {
1423       case XPRS_LP_OPTIMAL:
1424         result_status_ = MPSolver::OPTIMAL;
1425         break;
1426       case XPRS_LP_INFEAS:
1427         result_status_ = MPSolver::INFEASIBLE;
1428         break;
1429       case XPRS_LP_UNBOUNDED:
1430         result_status_ = MPSolver::UNBOUNDED;
1431         break;
1432       default:
1433         result_status_ = feasible ? MPSolver::FEASIBLE : MPSolver::ABNORMAL;
1434         break;
1435     }
1436   }
1438   sync_status_ = SOLUTION_SYNCHRONIZED;
1439   return result_status_;
1440 }
BuildXpressInterface(bool mip,MPSolver * const solver)1442 MPSolverInterface* BuildXpressInterface(bool mip, MPSolver* const solver) {
1443   return new XpressInterface(solver, mip);
1444 }
1446 }  // namespace operations_research
1447 #endif  // #if defined(USE_XPRESS)