1 /**
2 * This file is a part of the Cairo-Dock project
3 * Login : <ctaf42@gmail.com>
4 * Started on  Sun Jan 27 18:35:38 2008 Cedric GESTES
5 * $Id$
6 *
7 * Author(s)
8 *  - Cedric GESTES <ctaf42@gmail.com>
9 *  - Fabrice REY
10 *
11 * Copyright : (C) 2008 Cedric GESTES
12 * E-mail    : see the 'copyright' file.
13 *
14 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
15 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
16 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
17 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
18 *
19 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 * GNU General Public License for more details.
23 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25 */
30 #include "cairo-dock-struct.h"
31 #include "cairo-dock-surface-factory.h"
32 #include "cairo-dock-image-buffer.h"
33 #include "cairo-dock-container.h"
37 /**
38 *@file cairo-dock-desklet-factory.h This class defines the Desklets, that are Widgets placed directly on your desktop.
39 * A Desklet is a container that holds 1 applet's icon plus an optionnal list of other icons and an optionnal GTK widget, has a decoration, suports several accessibility types (like Compiz Widget Layer), and has a renderer.
40 * Desklets can be resized or moved directly with the mouse, and can be rotated in the 3 directions of space.
41 * To actually create or destroy a Desklet, use the Desklet Manager's functoins in \ref cairo-dock-desklet-manager.h.
42 */
44 /// Type of accessibility of a Desklet.
45 typedef enum {
46 	/// Normal, like normal window
48 	/// always above
50 	/// always below
52 	/// on the Compiz widget layer
54 	/// prevent other windows form overlapping it
56 	} CairoDeskletVisibility;
58 /// Decoration of a Desklet.
59 struct _CairoDeskletDecoration {
60 	const gchar *cDisplayedName;
61 	gchar *cBackGroundImagePath;
62 	gchar *cForeGroundImagePath;
63 	CairoDockLoadImageModifier iLoadingModifier;
64 	gdouble fBackGroundAlpha;
65 	gdouble fForeGroundAlpha;
66 	gint iLeftMargin;
67 	gint iTopMargin;
68 	gint iRightMargin;
69 	gint iBottomMargin;
70 	};
72 typedef struct _CairoDeskletAttr CairoDeskletAttr;
74 /// Configuration attributes of a Desklet.
75 struct _CairoDeskletAttr {
76 	// parent attributes
77 	GldiContainerAttr cattr;
78 	gboolean bDeskletUseSize;
79 	gint iDeskletWidth;
80 	gint iDeskletHeight;
81 	gint iDeskletPositionX;
82 	gint iDeskletPositionY;
83 	gboolean bPositionLocked;
84 	gint iRotation;
85 	gint iDepthRotationY;
86 	gint iDepthRotationX;
87 	gchar *cDecorationTheme;
88 	CairoDeskletDecoration *pUserDecoration;
89 	CairoDeskletVisibility iVisibility;
90 	gboolean bOnAllDesktops;
91 	gint iNumDesktop;
92 	gboolean bNoInput;
93 	Icon *pIcon;
94 } ;
96 typedef gpointer CairoDeskletRendererDataParameter;
97 typedef CairoDeskletRendererDataParameter* CairoDeskletRendererDataPtr;
98 typedef gpointer CairoDeskletRendererConfigParameter;
99 typedef CairoDeskletRendererConfigParameter* CairoDeskletRendererConfigPtr;
100 typedef struct {
101 	gchar *cName;
102 	CairoDeskletRendererConfigPtr pConfig;
103 } CairoDeskletRendererPreDefinedConfig;
104 typedef void (* CairoDeskletRenderFunc) (cairo_t *pCairoContext, CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
105 typedef void (*CairoDeskletGLRenderFunc) (CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
106 typedef gpointer (* CairoDeskletConfigureRendererFunc) (CairoDesklet *pDesklet, CairoDeskletRendererConfigPtr pConfig);
107 typedef void (* CairoDeskletLoadRendererDataFunc) (CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
108 typedef void (* CairoDeskletUpdateRendererDataFunc) (CairoDesklet *pDesklet, CairoDeskletRendererDataPtr pNewData);
109 typedef void (* CairoDeskletFreeRendererDataFunc) (CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
110 typedef void (* CairoDeskletCalculateIconsFunc) (CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
111 /// Definition of a Desklet's renderer.
112 struct _CairoDeskletRenderer {
113 	/// rendering function with libcairo.
114 	CairoDeskletRenderFunc 				render;
115 	/// rendering function with OpenGL.
116 	CairoDeskletGLRenderFunc 			render_opengl;
117 	/// get the configuration of the renderer from a set of config attributes.
118 	CairoDeskletConfigureRendererFunc 	configure;
119 	/// load the internal data of the renderer.
120 	CairoDeskletLoadRendererDataFunc 	load_data;
121 	/// free all internal data of the renderer.
122 	CairoDeskletFreeRendererDataFunc 	free_data;
123 	/// define the icons' size and load them.
124 	CairoDeskletCalculateIconsFunc 			calculate_icons;
125 	/// function called on each iteration of the rendering loop.
126 	CairoDeskletUpdateRendererDataFunc 	update;
127 	/// optionnal rendering function with OpenGL that only draws the bounding boxes of the icons (for picking).
128 	CairoDeskletGLRenderFunc 			render_bounding_box;
129 	/// An optionnal list of preset configs.
130 	GList *pPreDefinedConfigList;
131 };
134 /// Definition of a Desklet, which derives from a Container.
135 struct _CairoDesklet {
136 	//\________________ Core
137 	// container
138 	GldiContainer container;
139 	// Main icon (usually an applet)
140 	Icon *pIcon;
141 	// List of sub-icons (possibly NULL)
142 	GList *icons;
143 	// Renderer used to draw the desklet
144 	CairoDeskletRenderer *pRenderer;
145 	// data used by the renderer
146 	gpointer pRendererData;
147 	// The following function outclasses the corresponding function of the renderer. This is useful if you don't want to pick icons but some elements that you draw yourself on the desklet.
148 	CairoDeskletGLRenderFunc render_bounding_box;
149 	// ID of the object that was picked in case the previous function is not null.
150 	GLuint iPickedObject;
152 	//\________________ decorations
153 	gchar *cDecorationTheme;
154 	CairoDeskletDecoration *pUserDecoration;
155 	gint iLeftSurfaceOffset;
156 	gint iTopSurfaceOffset;
157 	gint iRightSurfaceOffset;
158 	gint iBottomSurfaceOffset;
159 	CairoDockImageBuffer backGroundImageBuffer;
160 	CairoDockImageBuffer foreGroundImageBuffer;
161 	gboolean bUseDefaultColors;  // use default colors instead of the bg/fg images
163 	//\________________ properties.
164 	gdouble fRotation;  // rotation.
165 	gdouble fDepthRotationY;
166 	gdouble fDepthRotationX;
167 	gboolean bFixedAttitude;
168 	gboolean bAllowNoClickable;
169 	gboolean bNoInput;
170 	GtkWidget *pInteractiveWidget;
171 	gboolean bPositionLocked;  // TRUE ssi on ne peut pas deplacer le widget a l'aide du simple clic gauche.
173 	//\________________ internal
174 	gint iSidWritePosition;  // un timer pour retarder l'ecriture dans le fichier lors des deplacements.
175 	gint iSidWriteSize;  // un timer pour retarder l'ecriture dans le fichier lors des redimensionnements.
176 	gint iDesiredWidth, iDesiredHeight;  // taille a atteindre (fixee par l'utilisateur dans le.conf)
177 	gint iKnownWidth, iKnownHeight;  // taille connue par l'applet associee.
178 	gboolean bSpaceReserved;  // l'espace est actuellement reserve.
179 	gboolean bAllowMinimize;  // TRUE to allow the desklet to be minimized once. The flag is reseted to FALSE after the desklet has minimized.
180 	gint iMouseX2d;  // X position of the pointer taking into account the 2D transformations on the desklet (for an opengl renderer, you'll have to use the picking).
181 	gint iMouseY2d;  // Y position of the pointer taking into account the 2D transformations on the desklet (for an opengl renderer, you'll have to use the picking).
182 	GTimer *pUnmapTimer;
183 	gdouble fButtonsAlpha;  // pour le fondu des boutons lors de l'entree dans le desklet.
184 	gboolean bButtonsApparition;  // si les boutons sont en train d'apparaitre ou de disparaitre.
185 	gboolean bGrowingUp;  // pour le zoom initial.
187 	//\________________ current state
188 	gboolean rotatingY;
189 	gboolean rotatingX;
190 	gboolean rotating;
191 	gboolean retaching;  // rattachement au dock.
192 	gboolean making_transparent;  // no input.
193 	gboolean moving;  // pour le deplacement manuel de la fenetre.
194 	gboolean bClicked;
195 	guint time;  // date du clic.
197 	CairoDeskletVisibility iVisibility;
198 	gpointer reserved[4];
199 };
201 /** Say if an object is a Desklet.
202 *@param obj the object.
203 *@return TRUE if the object is a Desklet.
204 */
205 #define GLDI_OBJECT_IS_DESKLET(obj) gldi_object_is_manager_child (GLDI_OBJECT(obj), &myDeskletObjectMgr)
208 /** Cast a Container into a Desklet.
209 *@param pContainer the container.
210 *@return the desklet.
211 */
212 #define CAIRO_DESKLET(pContainer) ((CairoDesklet *)pContainer)
214 #define cairo_dock_desklet_is_free(pDesklet) (! (pDesklet->bPositionLocked || pDesklet->bFixedAttitude))
216 /** Create a new desklet.
217 *@param attr the attributes of the desklet
218 *@return the desklet.
219 */
220 CairoDesklet *gldi_desklet_new (CairoDeskletAttr *attr);
222 void gldi_desklet_init_internals (CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
224 /* Apply its settings on a desklet:
225 * it places it, resizes it, sets up its accessibility, locks its position, and sets up its decorations.
226 *@param pDesklet the desklet.
227 *@param pAttribute the attributes to configure the desklet.
228 */
229 void gldi_desklet_configure (CairoDesklet *pDesklet, CairoDeskletAttr *pAttribute);
231 #define gldi_desklet_set_static(pDesklet) (pDesklet)->bFixedAttitude = TRUE
233 #define gldi_desklet_allow_no_clickable(pDesklet) (pDesklet)->bAllowNoClickable = TRUE
235 void gldi_desklet_load_desklet_decorations (CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
237 void gldi_desklet_decoration_free (CairoDeskletDecoration *pDecoration);
240 /** Add a GtkWidget to a desklet. Only 1 widget is allowed per desklet, if you need more, you can just use a GtkContainer, and place as many widget as you want inside.
241 *@param pInteractiveWidget the widget to add.
242 *@param pDesklet the desklet.
243 *@param iRightMargin right margin, in pixels, useful to keep a clickable zone on the desklet, or 0 if you don't want a margin.
244 */
245 void gldi_desklet_add_interactive_widget_with_margin (CairoDesklet *pDesklet, GtkWidget *pInteractiveWidget, int iRightMargin);
246 /** Add a GtkWidget to a desklet. Only 1 widget is allowed per desklet, if you need more, you can just use a GtkContainer, and place as many widget as you want inside.
247 *@param pInteractiveWidget the widget to add.
248 *@param pDesklet the desklet.
249 */
250 #define gldi_desklet_add_interactive_widget(pDesklet, pInteractiveWidget) gldi_desklet_add_interactive_widget_with_margin (pDesklet, pInteractiveWidget, 0)
251 /** Set the right margin of a desklet. This is useful to keep a clickable zone on the desklet when you put a GTK widget inside.
252 *@param pDesklet the desklet.
253 *@param iRightMargin right margin, in pixels.
254 */
255 void gldi_desklet_set_margin (CairoDesklet *pDesklet, int iRightMargin);
256 /** Detach the interactive widget from a desklet. The widget can then be placed anywhere after that. You have to unref it after you placed it into a container, or to destroy it.
257 *@param pDesklet the desklet with an interactive widget.
258 *@return the widget.
259 */
260 GtkWidget *gldi_desklet_steal_interactive_widget (CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
263 /** Hide a desklet.
264 *@param pDesklet the desklet.
265 */
266 void gldi_desklet_hide (CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
267 /** Show a desklet, and give it the focus.
268 *@param pDesklet the desklet.
269 */
270 void gldi_desklet_show (CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
272 /** Set a desklet's accessibility. For Widget Layer, the WM must support it and the correct rule must be set up in the WM (for instance for Compiz : class=Cairo-dock & type=utility). The function automatically sets up the rule for Compiz (if Dbus is activated).
273 *@param pDesklet the desklet.
274 *@param iVisibility the new accessibility.
275 *@param bSaveState whether to save the new state in the conf file.
276 */
277 void gldi_desklet_set_accessibility (CairoDesklet *pDesklet, CairoDeskletVisibility iVisibility, gboolean bSaveState);
279 /** Set a desklet sticky (i.e. visible on all desktops), or not. In case the desklet is set unsticky, its current desktop/viewport is saved.
280 *@param pDesklet the desklet.
281 *@param bSticky whether the desklet should be sticky or not.
282 */
283 void gldi_desklet_set_sticky (CairoDesklet *pDesklet, gboolean bSticky);
285 gboolean gldi_desklet_is_sticky (CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
287 /** Lock the position of a desklet. This makes the desklet impossible to rotate, drag with the mouse, or retach to the dock. The new state is saved in conf.
288 *@param pDesklet the desklet.
289 *@param bPositionLocked whether the position should be locked or not.
290 */
291 void gldi_desklet_lock_position (CairoDesklet *pDesklet, gboolean bPositionLocked);
294 void gldi_desklet_insert_icon (Icon *icon, CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
296 gboolean gldi_desklet_detach_icon (Icon *icon, CairoDesklet *pDesklet);
300 #endif