1 /*
2  *
3  *  Copyright (C) 2015-2020, J. Riesmeier, Oldenburg, Germany
4  *  All rights reserved.  See COPYRIGHT file for details.
5  *
6  *  Header file with UMLS Code Definitions (Coding Scheme "UMLS")
7  *
8  *  Generated automatically from DICOM PS 3.16-2020e
9  *  File created on 2020-11-25 10:55:25 by J. Riesmeier
10  *
11  */
14 #ifndef CODES_UMLS_H
15 #define CODES_UMLS_H
17 #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"   /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */
19 #include "dcmtk/dcmsr/dsrcodvl.h"
22 /*-----------------------*
23  *  general information  *
24  *-----------------------*/
26 #define CODE_UMLS_CodingSchemeDesignator              "UMLS"
27 #define CODE_UMLS_CodingSchemeName                    "UMLS"
28 #define CODE_UMLS_CodingSchemeDescription             "UMLS codes as CUIs making up the values in a coding system"
29 #define CODE_UMLS_CodingSchemeResponsibleOrganization "NLM"
30 #define CODE_UMLS_CodingSchemeUID                     "2.16.840.1.113883.6.86"
33 /*--------------------*
34  *  code definitions  *
35  *--------------------*/
37 // total number of codes: 50
38 // - retired: 0
39 // - no name: 0
40 // - not unique: 0
42 // The basic scheme for creating the names is as follows:
43 //   'CODE_' + <coding-scheme-designator> + ['_RETIRED'] + '_' + <code-name>
44 // where <coding-scheme-designator> is "UMLS" and <code-name> is either
45 // - a cleaned camel-case version of the code meaning (if unique within this coding scheme) or
46 // - a cleaned camel-case version of the code meaning with an underscore and the code value appended or
47 // - simply the code value with an underscore character appended (if code meaning contains an equation).
48 // The "cleaned camel-case version of the code meaning" is an attempt to map the free text
49 // description of the code meaning to a compiler-friendly but still human-readable representation.
51 #define CODE_UMLS_AnesthesiaRecoveryPeriod                                 DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0002908", "UMLS", "Anesthesia recovery period")
52 #define CODE_UMLS_TransgenicAnimal                                         DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0003069", "UMLS", "Transgenic animal")
53 #define CODE_UMLS_FeedingMethod                                            DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0015746", "UMLS", "Feeding method")
54 #define CODE_UMLS_Heating                                                  DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0018851", "UMLS", "Heating")
55 #define CODE_UMLS_H2Antagonist                                             DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0019593", "UMLS", "H2 antagonist")
56 #define CODE_UMLS_EthidiumBromide                                          DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0019873", "UMLS", "Ethidium Bromide")
57 #define CODE_UMLS_Mastectomy                                               DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0024881", "UMLS", "Mastectomy")
58 #define CODE_UMLS_Metomidate                                               DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0025856", "UMLS", "Metomidate")
59 #define CODE_UMLS_NarcoticAnalgesic                                        DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0027409", "UMLS", "Narcotic analgesic")
60 #define CODE_UMLS_QualitativeEvaluations                                   DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0034375", "UMLS", "Qualitative Evaluations")
61 #define CODE_UMLS_Thermography                                             DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0039810", "UMLS", "Thermography")
62 #define CODE_UMLS_Alphaxalone                                              DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0051482", "UMLS", "Alphaxalone")
63 #define CODE_UMLS_Fluanisone                                               DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0060473", "UMLS", "Fluanisone")
64 #define CODE_UMLS_HeatLamp                                                 DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0181514", "UMLS", "Heat lamp")
65 #define CODE_UMLS_UnknownPrimaryNeoplasiaSite                              DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0221297", "UMLS", "unknown primary neoplasia site")
66 #define CODE_UMLS_RestrictedDiet                                           DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0425422", "UMLS", "Restricted diet")
67 #define CODE_UMLS_Duration                                                 DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0449238", "UMLS", "Duration")
68 #define CODE_UMLS_InfantOfMotherWithGestationalDiabetes                    DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0456029", "UMLS", "Infant of mother with gestational diabetes")
69 #define CODE_UMLS_CoefficientOfVariance                                    DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0681921", "UMLS", "Coefficient of Variance")
70 #define CODE_UMLS_ManufacturerName                                         DSRBasicCodedEntry("C0947322", "UMLS", "Manufacturer Name")
71 #define CODE_UMLS_Intern                                                   DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1144859", "UMLS", "Intern")
72 #define CODE_UMLS_ConsultingPhysician                                      DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1441532", "UMLS", "Consulting Physician")
73 #define CODE_UMLS_Baseline                                                 DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1442488", "UMLS", "Baseline")
74 #define CODE_UMLS_Fluoroetanidazole_F18                                    DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1541539", "UMLS", "Fluoroetanidazole F^18^")
75 #define CODE_UMLS_CommercialProduct                                        DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1547887", "UMLS", "Commercial product")
76 #define CODE_UMLS_Antihypoglycemic                                         DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1579431", "UMLS", "Antihypoglycemic")
77 #define CODE_UMLS_PK11195_11C                                              DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1609883", "UMLS", "PK11195 ^11^C")
78 #define CODE_UMLS_Unscheduled                                              DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1699701", "UMLS", "Unscheduled")
79 #define CODE_UMLS_Nadir                                                    DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1708760", "UMLS", "Nadir")
80 #define CODE_UMLS_MedicalPhysicist                                         DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1708969", "UMLS", "Medical Physicist")
81 #define CODE_UMLS_Referring                                                DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1709880", "UMLS", "Referring")
82 #define CODE_UMLS_Variance                                                 DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1711260", "UMLS", "Variance")
83 #define CODE_UMLS_Tyrosine3Octreotate_Ga68                                 DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1742831", "UMLS", "tyrosine-3-octreotate Ga^68^")
84 #define CODE_UMLS_Fluoroestradiol_FES_F18                                  DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1831937", "UMLS", "Fluoroestradiol (FES) F^18^")
85 #define CODE_UMLS_Sonographer                                              DSRBasicCodedEntry("C1954848", "UMLS", "Sonographer")
86 #define CODE_UMLS_Neuroradiology                                           DSRBasicCodedEntry("C2183225", "UMLS", "Neuroradiology")
87 #define CODE_UMLS_InverseRatioVentilation                                  DSRBasicCodedEntry("C2223982", "UMLS", "Inverse ratio ventilation")
88 #define CODE_UMLS_RootMeanSquare                                           DSRBasicCodedEntry("C2347976", "UMLS", "Root Mean Square")
89 #define CODE_UMLS_TimePoint                                                DSRBasicCodedEntry("C2348792", "UMLS", "Time Point")
90 #define CODE_UMLS_Edotreotide_Ga68                                         DSRBasicCodedEntry("C2713594", "UMLS", "Edotreotide Ga^68^")
91 #define CODE_UMLS_FluoropropylDihydrotetrabenazine_DTBZ_F18                DSRBasicCodedEntry("C2934038", "UMLS", "Fluoropropyl-dihydrotetrabenazine (DTBZ) F^18^")
92 #define CODE_UMLS_ISO1_F18                                                 DSRBasicCodedEntry("C2981788", "UMLS", "ISO-1 F^18^")
93 #define CODE_UMLS_RadiationPhysicist                                       DSRBasicCodedEntry("C2985483", "UMLS", "Radiation Physicist")
94 #define CODE_UMLS_Pretreatment                                             DSRBasicCodedEntry("C3539075", "UMLS", "Pretreatment")
95 #define CODE_UMLS_DistalPhalanx                                            DSRBasicCodedEntry("C3669027", "UMLS", "Distal phalanx")
96 #define CODE_UMLS_RoomAir                                                  DSRBasicCodedEntry("C3846005", "UMLS", "Room air")
97 #define CODE_UMLS_THK5351_F18                                              DSRBasicCodedEntry("C4279748", "UMLS", "THK5351 F^18^")
98 #define CODE_UMLS_MK6240_F18                                               DSRBasicCodedEntry("C4506764", "UMLS", "MK-6240 F^18^")
99 #define CODE_UMLS_UCBJ_C11                                                 DSRBasicCodedEntry("C4506788", "UMLS", "UCB-J C^11^")
100 #define CODE_UMLS_THK5317_F18                                              DSRBasicCodedEntry("C4550127", "UMLS", "THK5317 F^18^")
102 #endif