1 //*******************************************************************
2 //
3 // License: MIT
4 //
5 // See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
6 //
7 // Author: Garrett Potts
8 //
9 // Description: Container class for a tile of image data.
10 //
11 //*******************************************************************
12 // $Id$
13 #ifndef ossimImageData_HEADER
14 #define ossimImageData_HEADER 1
16 #include <ossim/base/ossimCommon.h>
17 #include <ossim/base/ossimRectilinearDataObject.h>
18 #include <ossim/base/ossimIrect.h>
19 #include <ossim/base/ossimIpt.h>
20 #include <ossim/base/ossimRefPtr.h>
21 #include <ossim/base/ossimMultiResLevelHistogram.h>
23 #include <vector>
24 #include <iosfwd> /* for std::ostream */
27 class ossimMultiBandHistogram;
29 class OSSIMDLLEXPORT ossimImageData : public ossimRectilinearDataObject
30 {
31 public:
33    /** Definitions for the unloadBand routines. */
34    enum OverwriteBandRule
35    {
36       /*
37        * The COLOR_DISCREPANCY rule directs that the selected band of a pixel
38        * of the destination buffer is to be overwritten if *any* one of the
39        * other bands of the same destination pixel have color values that
40        * deviate from its color.
41        * Deprecated in favor of COLOR_DISCREPANCY_OF_ANY_FROM_DEST.
42        */
45       /*
46        * The COLOR_DISCREPANCY_OF_ANY_FROM_DEST rule directs that the selected
47        * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten if
48        * *any* one of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color
49        * values that deviate from its color.
50        * Same as the deprecated COLOR_DISCREPANCY.
51        */
54       /*
55        * The COLOR_DISCREPANCY_OF_ALL_FROM_DEST rule directs that the selected
56        * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten only if
57        * *all* of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color
58        * values that deviate from its color.
59        */
62       /*
63        * The COLOR_EQUALITY_OF_ANY_TO_SRC rule directs that the selected
64        * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten if
65        * *any* one of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color
66        * values that are equal to the color of the selected band of the source
67        * pixel.
68        */
71       /*
72        * The COLOR_EQUALITY_OF_ALL_TO_SRC rule directs that the selected
73        * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten only if
74        * *all* of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color
75        * values that are equal to the color of the selected band of the source
76        * pixel.
77        */
80       /*
81        * The selected band of the destination buffer is to be overwritten
82        * by the selected band of the source image data (no questions asked).
83        */
84       NULL_RULE = 5
85    };
87    /** @brief copy constructor */
88    ossimImageData(const ossimImageData &rhs);
90    ossimImageData();
92    /**
93     * @brief Constructor
94     * @param source The owner.  This can be null.
95     * @param scalar The Scalar type like OSSIM_UINT8, OSSIM_UINT16...
96     * @param bands  The number of bands.
97     *
98     * @note This does not initialize the undelying data buffer.
99     *       Call the initialize method to allocate storage.
100     */
101    ossimImageData(ossimSource* source,
102                   ossimScalarType scalar,
103                   ossim_uint32 bands = 1);
105    /**
106     * @brief Constructor
107     * @param source The owner.  This can be null.
108     * @param scalar The Scalar type like OSSIM_UINT8, OSSIM_UINT16...
109     * @param bands  The number of bands.
110     * @param width  The width or number of samples in the buffer.
111     * @param height The height or numer of lines in the buffer.
112     *
113     * @note This does not initialize the undelying data buffer.
114     *       Call the initialize method to allocate storage.
115     */
116    ossimImageData(ossimSource* source,
117                   ossimScalarType scalar,
118                   ossim_uint32 bands,
119                   ossim_uint32 width,
120                   ossim_uint32 height);
122    /** @brief virtual destructor */
123    virtual ~ossimImageData();
125    /**
126     * @brief assignment operator=
127     * @param rhs The data to assign from.
128     * @param A reference to this object.
129     */
130    virtual const ossimImageData& operator=(const ossimImageData &rhs);
133    /**
134     * @return The width of the data object.
135     */
136    virtual ossim_uint64 getWidth() const;
138    /**
139     * @return The height of the data object.
140     */
141    virtual ossim_uint64 getHeight() const;
143    /**
144     * @return The image rectangle relative to origin, height and width.
145     */
146    virtual ossimIrect getImageRectangle() const;
147    virtual void getWidthHeight(ossim_uint32& w, ossim_uint32& h);
148    virtual void setWidth(ossim_uint32 width);
149    virtual void setHeight(ossim_uint32 height);
150    virtual void setWidthHeight(ossim_uint32 w, ossim_uint32 h);
151    virtual void setImageRectangleAndBands(const ossimIrect& rect,
152                                           ossim_uint32 numberOfBands);
153    virtual void setImageRectangle(const ossimIrect& rect);
154    virtual void setOrigin(const ossimIpt& origin);
156    virtual void assign(const ossimDataObject* data);
157    virtual void assign(const ossimImageData* data);
158    virtual void assignBand(const ossimImageData* data,
159                            ossim_uint32 source_band,
160                            ossim_uint32 output_band);
162    virtual ossimObject* dup() const;
164   /**
165    * Uses prime numbers as coefficients for this summation.
166    * Take the the fours bytes of each origin and multiply
167    * by the prime numbers and sum together.  This has
168    * been proven by others to give nicely distributed
169    * id number.
170    */
171    virtual ossim_uint32 getHashId()const;
173    virtual void setNullPix(ossim_float64 null_pix);
174    virtual void setNullPix(ossim_float64 null_pix, ossim_uint32 band);
175    virtual void setNullPix(const ossim_float64* nullPixArray,
176                            ossim_uint32 numberOfValues);
177    virtual void setMinPix(ossim_float64 min_pix);
178    virtual void setMinPix(ossim_float64 min_pix, ossim_uint32 band);
179    virtual void setMinPix(const ossim_float64* minPixArray,
180                           ossim_uint32 numberOfValues);
181    virtual void setMaxPix(ossim_float64 max_pix);
182    virtual void setMaxPix(ossim_float64 max_pix, ossim_uint32 band);
183    virtual void setMaxPix(const ossim_float64* maxPixArray,
184                           ossim_uint32 numberOfValues);
getOrigin()186    virtual const ossimIpt& getOrigin()const{return m_origin;}
188    /**
189     * If the minBands and maxBands are empty or not equal to the imageData's
190     * current number of bands it will erase the contents, resize, and then
191     * replace the values in the passed in array with this objects min max
192     * values.  If the arrays are the same size as this objects number of
193     * bands it will just update the values and use the current values in the
194     * arrays as initial min max values.
195     *
196     * If the status of this object(getDataObjectStatus()) is OSSIM_NULL or
197     * OSSIM_EMPTY no action is performed.
198     */
199    virtual void computeMinMaxPix(std::vector<ossim_float64>& minBands,
200                                  std::vector<ossim_float64>& maxBands) const;
202    /**
203     * @brief Scans tile for min, max, nulls.
204     *
205     * If the nullBands, minBands and maxBands are empty or not equal to the
206     * imageData's current number of bands it will erase the contents, resize,
207     * and then replace the values in the passed in array with this objects
208     * min max values.  If the arrays are the same size as this objects number
209     * of bands it will just update the values and use the current values in the
210     * arrays as initial min max values.
211     *
212     * If the status of this object(getDataObjectStatus()) is OSSIM_NULL no
213     * action is performed.
214     */
215    virtual void computeMinMaxNulPix(
216       std::vector<ossim_float64>& minBands,
217       std::vector<ossim_float64>& maxBands,
218       std::vector<ossim_float64>& nulBands) const;
220    virtual const ossim_float64* getNullPix()const;
221    virtual const ossim_float64* getMinPix()const;
222    virtual const ossim_float64* getMaxPix()const;
223    virtual ossim_float64        getNullPix(ossim_uint32 band) const;
224    virtual ossim_float64        getMinPix(ossim_uint32 band)  const;
225    virtual ossim_float64        getMaxPix(ossim_uint32 band)  const;
227    /**
228     * returns normalized minimum pixel value of band zero.
229     */
230    virtual ossim_float64   getMinNormalizedPix() const;
231    virtual ossimString     getScalarTypeAsString()const;
232    virtual ossim_uint32    getNumberOfBands() const;
233    virtual void            setNumberOfBands(ossim_uint32 bands,
234                                             bool reallocate=false);
236    /**
237     * Will return the pixel at location position.  Note it will first get
238     * the passed in position relative to the origin or upper left
239     * corner of this tile and then return the result.
240     */
241    virtual ossim_float64 getPix(const ossimIpt& position,
242                                 ossim_uint32 band=0) const;
244    /**
245     * Will return the pixel at offset and band number.
246     */
247    virtual ossim_float64 getPix(ossim_uint32 offset,
248                                 ossim_uint32 band = 0) const;
250    /**
251     * will fill the entire band with
252     * the value.
253     */
254    void fill(ossim_uint32 band, ossim_float64 value);
256    /**
257     * will fill all bands with the passed in
258     * value.
259     */
260    void fill(ossim_float64 value);
262    /**
263     * @brief Creates a step wedge for testing only.
264     *
265     * Writes line at a time of a single value, starting at scalar null,
266     * and going to scalar max in increments of scalar range/tile_lines.
267     */
268    void createTestTile();
270    bool isNull(ossim_uint32 offset)const;
271    bool isNull(ossim_uint32 offset, ossim_uint32 band)const;
272    void setNull(ossim_uint32 offset);
273    void setNull(ossim_uint32 offset, ossim_uint32 band);
275    bool isNull(const ossimIpt& pt)const;
276    void setNull(const ossimIpt& pt);
277    bool isNull(const ossimIpt& pt, ossim_uint32 band)const;
278    void setNull(const ossimIpt& pt, ossim_uint32 band);
280    virtual bool   isValidBand(ossim_uint32 band) const;
281    virtual ossimDataObjectStatus validate() const;
283    /**
284     * Will take this tile and normalize it to a newly
285     * allocated floating point tile.
286     */
287    virtual ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> newNormalizedFloat()const;
289    /**
290     * will go to the band and offset and compute the
291     * normalized float and return it back to the
292     * caller through the result argument.
293     */
294    virtual void getNormalizedFloat(ossim_uint32 offset,
295                                    ossim_uint32 bandNumber,
296                                    ossim_float32& result)const;
298    /**
299     * This will assign to this object a normalized
300     * value by unnormalizing to its native type.
301     */
302    virtual void setNormalizedFloat(ossim_uint32 offset,
303                                    ossim_uint32 bandNumber,
304                                    ossim_float32 input);
306    /**
307     * Will use the memory that you pass in to normalize
308     * this data object.
309     */
310    virtual void convertToNormalizedFloat(ossimImageData* result)const;
312    /**
313     * Will take this tile and normalize it to a newly
314     * allocated double point tile.
315     */
316    virtual ossimImageData* newNormalizedDouble()const;
318    /**
319     * Will use the memory that you pass in to normalize
320     * this data object.
321     */
322    virtual void convertToNormalizedDouble(ossimImageData* result)const;
copyTileToFloatBuffer(T,ossim_float32 * buf)324    template <class T> void copyTileToFloatBuffer(
325       T /* dummyTemplate*/, ossim_float32* buf)const
326    {
327      const ossim_uint64 SIZE  = getSizePerBand();
328      const ossim_uint64 BANDS = getNumberOfBands();
330      for (ossim_uint64 band = 0; band < BANDS; ++band)
331      {
332        const T* s = (T*)getBuf(band);  // source
333        ossim_float32* d = (ossim_float32*)(buf + (band*SIZE));  // destination
335        for (ossim_uint64 offset = 0; offset < SIZE; ++offset)
336        {
337          ossim_float32 p = s[offset];
338          d[offset] = p;
339        }
340      }
341    }
343    /**
344     * Will take the normalized input and convert it
345     * to this tile's data type.  Example:  if this
346     * tile is of type UCHAR and its input is of type
347     * NORALIZED_FLOAT it will unnormalize the data by
348     * doing:
349     *
350     * minPix + normalizedInput*(maxPix-minPix)
351     *
352     * on a per band basis.
353     */
354    virtual void unnormalizeInput(ossimImageData* normalizedInput);
356    /**
357     * This will compute the average value for the band.
358     */
359    virtual ossim_float64 computeAverageBandValue(
360       ossim_uint32 bandNumber = 0) const;
362    /**
363     * This will call the compute average band value and then
364     * use that in the calculation of:
366     * It will then do a SUM[(Mean - Actual)^2]/width*height.
367     *
368     * This is the average variance from the passed in
369     * mean.
370     */
371    virtual ossim_float64 computeMeanSquaredError(
372       ossim_float64 meanValue,
373       ossim_uint32 bandNumber = 0) const;
375    /**
376     * @brief Populates the histogram with data from this tile.
377     * @param histo Populated by this.
378     * @param clip_rect Should be the rectangle of valid data so as to not
379     * count pixels outside of image area on edge tiles. This will be clipped
380     * to the tile rectangle so callers can simply pass the full image rectangle
381     * in.
382     */
383    virtual void populateHistogram(ossimRefPtr<ossimMultiBandHistogram> histo,
384                                   const ossimIrect& clip_rect);
386    virtual void setHistogram(ossimRefPtr<ossimMultiResLevelHistogram> histo);
387    ossimRefPtr<ossimMultiResLevelHistogram> getHistogram();
389    /**
390     * @return true if alpha channel is initialized, false if not.
391     */
392    virtual bool hasAlpha() const;
394    /**
395     * @return const ossim_uint8* to the alpha channel or null if the alpha
396     * channel was not computed.
397     */
398    virtual const ossim_uint8* getAlphaBuf() const;
400    /**
401     * @return ossim_uint8* to the alpha channel or null if the alpha channel
402     * was not computed.
403     */
404    virtual ossim_uint8* getAlphaBuf();
406    /**
407     * @return const void* to theDataBuffer
408     */
409    virtual const void* getBuf() const;
411    /**
412     * @return const ossim_uint8* to theDataBuffer if scalar is of type
413     * OSSIM_UCHAR; else, NULL.
414     */
415    virtual const ossim_uint8*    getUcharBuf()  const;
417    /**
418     * @return const ossim_uint16* to theDataBuffer if scalar is of type
419     * OSSIM_USHORT16 or USHORT11; else, NULL.
420     */
421    virtual const ossim_uint16*   getUshortBuf() const;
423    /**
424     * @return const ossim_sint16* to theDataBuffer if scalar is of type
425     * OSSIM_SSHORT16; else, NULL.
426     */
427    virtual const ossim_sint16*   getSshortBuf() const;
429    /**
430     * @return const ossim_float32* to theDataBuffer if scalar is of type
432     */
433    virtual const ossim_float32*  getFloatBuf()  const;
435    /**
436     * @return const ossim_float64* to theDataBuffer if scalar is of type
438     */
439    virtual const ossim_float64*  getDoubleBuf() const;
441    /**
442     * @return void* to theDataBuffer
443     */
444    virtual void* getBuf();
446    /**
447     * @return ossim_uint8* to theDataBuffer if scalar is of type
448     * OSSIM_UCHAR; else, NULL.
449     */
450    virtual ossim_uint8*    getUcharBuf();
452    /**
453     * @return ossim_uint16* to theDataBuffer if scalar is of type
454     * OSSIM_USHORT16 or OSSIM_USHORT11; else, NULL.
455     */
456    virtual ossim_uint16*   getUshortBuf();
458    /**
459     * @return ossim_sint16* to theDataBuffer if scalar is of type
460     * OSSIM_SSHORT16; else, NULL.
461     */
462    virtual ossim_sint16*   getSshortBuf();
464    /**
465     * @return ossim_float32* to theDataBuffer if scalar is of type
467     */
468    virtual ossim_float32*  getFloatBuf();
470    /**
471     * @return float64* to theDataBuffer if scalar is of type OSSIM_DOUBLE or
473     */
474    virtual ossim_float64*  getDoubleBuf();
476    /**
477     * @param band (zero based)
478     * @return void* to theDataBuffer positioned at band.
479     */
480    virtual const void*           getBuf(ossim_uint32 band) const;
482    /**
483     * @param band (zero based)
484     * @return ossim_uint8* to theDataBuffer positioned at band if scalar is
485     * of type OSSIM_UCHAR; else, NULL.
486     */
487    virtual const ossim_uint8*    getUcharBuf(ossim_uint32 band) const;
489    /**
490     * @param band (zero based)
491     * @return ossim_uint16* to theDataBuffer positioned at band if scalar is
492     * of type OSSIM_USHORT16 or OSSIM_USHORT11; else, NULL.
493     */
494    virtual const ossim_uint16*   getUshortBuf(ossim_uint32 band) const;
496    /**
497     * @param band (zero based)
498     * @return ossim_sint16* to theDataBuffer positioned at band if scalar is
499     * of type OSSIM_SSHORT16; else, NULL.
500     */
501    virtual const ossim_sint16*   getSshortBuf(ossim_uint32 band) const;
503    /**
504     * @param band (zero based)
505     * @return ossim_float32* to theDataBuffer positioned at band if scalar is
506     * of type OSSIM_FLOAT or OSSIM_NORMALIZED_FLOAT; else, NULL.
507     */
508    virtual const ossim_float32*  getFloatBuf(ossim_uint32 band) const;
510    /**
511     * @param band (zero based)
512     * @return ossim_float64* to theDataBuffer positioned at band if scalar is
514     */
515    virtual const ossim_float64*  getDoubleBuf(ossim_uint32 band) const;
517    /**
518     * @param band (zero based)
519     * @return void* to theDataBuffer positioned at band.
520     */
521    virtual void*           getBuf(ossim_uint32 band);
523    /**
524     * @param band (zero based)
525     * @return ossim_uint8* to theDataBuffer positioned at band if scalar is
526     * of type OSSIM_UCHAR; else, NULL.
527     */
528    virtual ossim_uint8*    getUcharBuf(ossim_uint32 band);
530    /**
531     * @param band (zero based)
532     * @return ossim_uint16* to theDataBuffer positioned at band if scalar is
533     * of type OSSIM_USHORT16 or OSSIM_USHORT11; else, NULL.
534     */
535    virtual ossim_uint16*   getUshortBuf(ossim_uint32 band);
537    /**
538     * @param band (zero based)
539     * @return ossim_sint16* to theDataBuffer positioned at band if scalar is
540     * of type OSSIM_SSHORT16; else, NULL.
541     */
542    virtual ossim_sint16*   getSshortBuf(ossim_uint32 band);
544    /**
545     * @param band (zero based)
546     * @return ossim_float32* to theDataBuffer positioned at band if scalar is
547     * of type OSSIM_FLOAT or OSSIM_NORMALIZED_FLOAT; else, NULL.
548     */
549    virtual ossim_float32*  getFloatBuf(ossim_uint32 band);
551    /**
552     * @param band (zero based)
553     * @return ossim_float64* to theDataBuffer positioned at band if scalar is
555     */
556    virtual ossim_float64*  getDoubleBuf(ossim_uint32 band);
558    /**
559     *  Returns the total number of pixels in a tile for all bands.
560     *  Note:  This is not in bytes but in pixels.
561     */
562    virtual ossim_uint64 getSize() const;
564    /**
565     *  Returns the number of pixels in a single band in a tile.
566     *  Note:  This is not in bytes but in pixels.
567     */
568    virtual ossim_uint64 getSizePerBand() const;
570    /**
571     *  Returns the number of bytes in single band of the tile.
572     */
573    virtual ossim_uint64 getSizePerBandInBytes() const;
575    virtual ossim_uint64 getDataSizeInBytes() const;
577    /**
578     * Returns the total number of bytes for all bands.
579     */
580    virtual ossim_uint64 getSizeInBytes() const;
582    /**
583     *  Initializes data to null pixel values.
584     */
585    virtual void makeBlank();
587    /**
588     *  Initialize the data buffer.
589     */
590    virtual void initialize();
592    /**
593     * @brief Writes tile to stream.
594     *
595     * This will write the buffer to file with an associated header file.
596     * Assuming a contiguous buffer in BSQ format.  Currently does not
597     * support converting to BIP or BIL or byte swapping but probably
598     * should add at some point.
599     *
600     * @param f File to write.
601     *
602     * @return true on success, false on error.
603     */
604    virtual bool write(const ossimFilename& f) const;
606    /**
607     * Copies entire tile to buf passed in.  Data put in buf is normalized.
608     * The "buf" passed to method is assumed to be at least as big as:
609     * "getSize() * sizeof(double)"
610     */
611    virtual void copyTileToNormalizedBuffer(ossim_float64* buf) const;
612    virtual void copyTileToNormalizedBuffer(ossim_float32* buf)const;
614    /**
615     * Will copy this tiles specified band number to the normalized buffer.
616     * if the band is out of range then nothing is done and returns.
617     *
618     * @param band Zero based band to copy.
619     *
620     * @param buf Buffer to copy to.
621     */
622    virtual void copyTileBandToNormalizedBuffer(ossim_uint32 band,
623                                                ossim_float64* buf) const;
625    /**
626     * Will copy this tiles specified band number to the normalized buffer.
627     * if the band is out of range then nothing is done and returns.
628     *
629     * @param band Zero based band to copy.
630     *
631     * @param buf Buffer to copy to.
632     */
633    virtual void copyTileBandToNormalizedBuffer(ossim_uint32 band,
634                                                ossim_float32* buf)const;
636    /**
637     * Copies buf passed in to tile.  Data is unnormalized to the tile's
638     * scalar type.
639     * The "buf" passed to method is assumed to be at least as big as the tiles:
640     * "getSize() * sizeof(double)"
641     */
642    virtual void copyNormalizedBufferToTile(ossim_float64* buf);
643    virtual void copyNormalizedBufferToTile(ossim_float32* buf);
645    /**
646     * Will copy the normalized buffer to this tiles
647     * specified band.  If band is out of range then nothing
648     *
649     * is done and returns.
650     */
651    virtual void copyNormalizedBufferToTile(ossim_uint32 band,
652                                            ossim_float64* buf);
653    virtual void copyNormalizedBufferToTile(ossim_uint32 band,
654                                            ossim_float32* buf);
656    virtual bool isWithin(ossim_int32 x, ossim_int32 y);
658    /** Sets the pixel at x,y to color value for all bands */
659    virtual void setValue(ossim_int32 x, ossim_int32 y, ossim_float64 color);
661    /** Sets the pixel at x,y to color on specified band */
662    virtual void setValue(ossim_int32 x, ossim_int32 y, ossim_float64 color, ossim_uint32 band);
664    virtual void loadBand(const void* src,
665                          const ossimIrect& src_rect,
666                          ossim_uint32 band);
668    virtual void loadBand(const void* src,
669                          const ossimIrect& src_rect,
670                          const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
671                          ossim_uint32 band);
673    virtual void loadTile(const void* src,
674                          const ossimIrect& src_rect,
675                          ossimInterleaveType il_type);
676    virtual void loadTileWithAlpha(const void* src,
677                          const ossimIrect& src_rect,
678                          ossimInterleaveType il_type);
680    virtual void loadTile(const void* src,
681                          const ossimIrect& src_rect,
682                          const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
683                          ossimInterleaveType il_type);
685    virtual void nullTileAlpha(const ossim_uint8* src,
686                               const ossimIrect& src_rect,
687                               bool mutliplyAlphaFlag=false);
688    virtual void nullTileAlpha(const ossim_uint8* src,
689                               const ossimIrect& src_rect,
690                               const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
691                               bool multiplyAlphaFlag=false);
692    /**
693     * Will load a tile of different types.  If they
694     * are the same then it will call loadTile(void*...)
695     * method.  Note if they are of different types we
696     * will have to go through a much slower assign
697     * process by normalizing the right side and then
698     * unnormalizing to the destination type. For this
699     * method to work they both must have the same
700     * number of bands.
701     */
702    virtual void loadTile(const ossimImageData* src);
704    virtual void loadTileFrom1Band(const ossimImageData* data);
706    virtual void loadTileFrom1Band(const void* src,
707                                   const ossimIrect& src_rect);
709    /**
710     * @brief Loads a tile from a tile.
711     * This assumes last band of src is an alpha channel.
712     *
713     * Written for compressed data where alpha channel may have been compressed
714     * lossy, e.g. 0s flipped to 1s.
715     *
716     * Alpha is applied in the following manner:
717     * if alpha pixel is less than half of bit depth the input pixel is assumed
718     * null; else, valid. If alpha is valid and input is null, output pixel is
719     * set to min pixel value.
720     */
721    void loadTileFromBsqAlpha(const void* src,
722                              const ossimIrect& src_rect,
723                              const ossimIrect& clip_rect);
725    /**
726     * Specialized to load a tile from a short (16 bit scalar type) buffer.
727     * Performs byte swapping if swap_bytes is set to true.
728     */
729    virtual void loadShortBand(const void* src,
730                               const ossimIrect& src_rect,
731                               ossim_uint32 band,
732                               bool swap_bytes=false);
734    /**
735     * This routine is designed for overwriting a selected band of the
736     * destination buffer 'dest' by an independent selected band of the
737     * source buffer according to a user-selected rule, defined by
738     * OverwriteBandRule.
739     *
740     * Currently the rules available in OverwriteBandRule are:
741     *
742     * The COLOR_DISCREPANCY_OF_ANY_FROM_DEST rule directs that the selected
743     * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten if *any*
744     * one of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color values
745     * that deviate from its color. Same as the deprecated COLOR_DISCREPANCY.
746     *
747     * The COLOR_DISCREPANCY_OF_ALL_FROM_DEST rule directs that the selected
748     * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten only if
749     * *all* of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color values
750     * that deviate from its color.
751     *
752     * The COLOR_EQUALITY_OF_ANY_TO_SRC rule directs that the selected
753     * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten if
754     * *any* one of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color
755     * values that are equal to the color of the selected band of the source
756     * pixel.
757     *
758     * The COLOR_EQUALITY_OF_ALL_TO_SRC rule directs that the selected
759     * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten only if
760     * *all* of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color
761     * values that are equal to the color of the selected band of the source
762     * pixel.
763     *
764     * The NULL_RULE rule directs that the selected band of the
765     * destination buffer is to be overwritten by the selected band of the
766     * source image data (no questions asked).
767     *
768     * @note: The 'dest' buffer should have at least the same number of bands
769     * as the 'src' object.
770     *
771     * Currently this routine is only implemented for il_type set to OSSIM_BSQ.
772     *
773     * @param dest      The destination buffer, which should have at least the
774     * same number of bands as the 'src' object.
775     * @param src_band  The 0-based band of the source image data.
776     * @param dest_band The 0-based band of the dest buffer.
777     * @param dest_rect The rectangle of the destination buffer.
778     * @param il_type   The interleave type. Only OSSIM_BSQ available.
779     * @param ow_type   The rule for overwriting the destination buffer.
780     */
781    virtual void unloadBand( void* dest,
782                             ossim_uint32 src_band,
783                             ossim_uint32 dest_band,
784                             const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
785                             ossimInterleaveType il_type=OSSIM_BSQ,
786                             OverwriteBandRule ow_type=NULL_RULE ) const;
788    /**
789     * This routine is designed for overwriting a selected band of the
790     * destination buffer 'dest' by an independent selected band of the
791     * source buffer according to a user-selected rule, defined by
792     * OverwriteBandRule.
793     *
794     * Currently the rules available in OverwriteBandRule are:
795     *
796     * The COLOR_DISCREPANCY_OF_ANY_FROM_DEST rule directs that the selected
797     * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten if *any*
798     * one of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color values
799     * that deviate from its color. Same as the deprecated COLOR_DISCREPANCY.
800     *
801     * The COLOR_DISCREPANCY_OF_ALL_FROM_DEST rule directs that the selected
802     * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten only if
803     * *all* of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color values
804     * that deviate from its color.
805     *
806     * The COLOR_EQUALITY_OF_ANY_TO_SRC rule directs that the selected
807     * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten if
808     * *any* one of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color
809     * values that are equal to the color of the selected band of the source
810     * pixel.
811     *
812     * The COLOR_EQUALITY_OF_ALL_TO_SRC rule directs that the selected
813     * band of a pixel of the destination buffer is to be overwritten only if
814     * *all* of the other bands of the same destination pixel have color
815     * values that are equal to the color of the selected band of the source
816     * pixel.
817     *
818     * The NULL_RULE rule directs that the selected band of the
819     * destination buffer is to be overwritten by the selected band of the
820     * source image data (no questions asked).
821     *
822     * @note: The 'dest' buffer should have at least the same number of bands
823     * as the 'src' object.
824     *
825     * Currently this routine is only implemented for il_type set to OSSIM_BSQ.
826     *
827     * @param dest      The destination buffer, which should have at least the
828     * same number of bands as the 'src' object.
829     * @param src_band  The 0-based band of the source image data.
830     * @param dest_band The 0-based band of the dest buffer.
831     * @param dest_rect The rectangle of the destination buffer.
832     * @param clip_rect Only data within will be copied.
833     * @param il_type   The interleave type. Only OSSIM_BSQ available.
834     * @param ow_type   The rule for overwriting the destination buffer.
835     */
836    virtual void unloadBand( void* dest,
837                             ossim_uint32 src_band,
838                             ossim_uint32 dest_band,
839                             const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
840                             const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
841                             ossimInterleaveType il_type=OSSIM_BSQ,
842                             OverwriteBandRule ow_type=NULL_RULE ) const;
844    /**
845     * @param dest The destination buffer.  It is assumed this is a single band
846     * and the size of dest_rect.
847     * @param dest_rect The rectangle of the destination buffer.
848     * @param src_band The band to copy (unload) from the tile.
849     */
850    virtual void unloadBand(void* dest,
851                            const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
852                            ossim_uint32 src_band) const;
854    /**
855     * @param dest The destination buffer.  It is assumed this is a single band
856     * and the size of dest_rect.
857     * @param dest_rect The rectangle of the destination buffer.
858     * param clip_rect Only data within the clip_rect will be copied.
859     * @param src_band The band to copy (unload) from the tile.
860     */
861    virtual void unloadBand(void* dest,
862                            const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
863                            const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
864                            ossim_uint32 src_band) const;
866    virtual void unloadTile(void* dest,
867                            const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
868                            ossimInterleaveType il_type ) const;
870    virtual void unloadTile(void* dest,
871                            const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
872                            const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
873                            ossimInterleaveType il_type) const;
875    /**
876     * @param dest The destination buffer.
877     * @param dest_rect The rectangle of the destination buffer.
878     * param clip_rect Only data within the clip_rect will be copied.
879     * @param src_band The band to copy (unload) from the tile.
880     */
881    virtual void unloadTileToBipAlpha(void* dest,
882                                      const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
883                                      const ossimIrect& clip_rect) const;
885    virtual bool isPointWithin(const ossimIpt& point)const;
886    virtual bool isPointWithin(ossim_int32 x,
887                               ossim_int32 y)const;
889    virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const;
891    /**
892     * @brief Performs linear stretch on tile data from min/max to limits of
893     * scalar type.
894     */
895    virtual void stretchMinMax();
897    /**
898     * @brief Computes the alpha channel.
899     *
900     * For each pixel if any band value is not null then alpha will be 255;
901     * else, 0.
902     */
903    virtual void computeAlphaChannel();
905    /**
906     * @brief Method to copy a single line to the tile.
907     *
908     * This will copy a line to the tile.  It is assumed that all bands are in
909     * the buffer "src".  Only pixels within the tile rect will be copied.
910     * Note that all coordinates are relative to the tile coordinates.
911     * Clipping will be performed on pixels outside of the tile rectangle.
912     * No fill is added if a partial tile line is copied so callers
913     * should do a ossimImageData::makeBlank if the whole tile is not to be
914     * stuffed.  ossimImageData::validate should be called after all lines
915     * are copied if in doubt of a full tile.
916     *
917     * @param src The source buffer or line to copy containing all bands.
918     *
919     * @param lineNumber Line number to copy.
920     *
921     * @param lineStartSample The start sample of the source buffer relative
922     * to tile coordinates.
923     *
924     * @param lineStopSample The stop sample of the source buffer relative
925     * to tile coordinates.
926     *
927     * @param lineInterleave Interleave of src buffer.  If OSSIM_BIP assumed
928     * rgbrgbrgb; else, red row, green row, blue row.
929     *
930     * Usage example in method: ossimTiffTileSource::loadFromScanLine
931     */
932    virtual void copyLine(const void *src,
933                          ossim_int64 lineNumber,
934                          ossim_int64 lineStartSample,
935                          ossim_int64 lineStopSample,
936                          ossimInterleaveType lineInterleave);
938    /**
939     * @brief Sets the indexed flag.
940     *
941     * This indicates the data contains palette indexes.  Default is false.
942     *
943     * @param flag If true data is indexed.
944     */
945    void setIndexedFlag(bool flag);
947    /** @return The indexed flag. */
948    bool getIndexedFlag() const;
950    /**
951     * @brief Returns the percentage (0-100) of data buffer containing non-null
952     * (valid) entries. Undefined until validate() is called.
953     */
954    ossim_float64 percentFull() const;
956    /**
957     * @brief External means to set percent full.
958     * @param percent full.
959     */
960    void setPercentFull( const ossim_float64& percentFull );
962    virtual bool saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0)const;
963    virtual bool loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0);
964 protected:
965    /** @brief Templated copy line method. */
966    template <class T>
967    void copyLineTemplate(T dummyTemplate,
968                          const void *src,
969                          ossim_int64 lineNumber,
970                          ossim_int64 lineStartSample,
971                          ossim_int64 lineStopSample,
972                          ossimInterleaveType lineInterleave);
974    /**
975     * @brief Templated stretch method.
976     *
977     * Performs linear stretches on tile data from min/max to limits of
978     * scalar type.
979     */
980    template <class T> void stretchMinMax(T dummyTemplate);
982    /**
983     * @brief Templated compute alpha channel.
984     *
985     * For each pixel if any band value is not null then alpha will be 255;
986     * else, 0.
987     */
988    template <class T> void computeAlphaChannel(T dummyTemplate);
990    /**
991     * Templated validate method.
992     *
993     * @return The status of the ossimImageDataMethod.
994     *
995     * @note See ossimConstants.h for ossimDataObjectStatus enumerations.
996     */
997    template <class T> ossimDataObjectStatus validate(T dummyTemplate) const;
999    /**
1000     * Templated makeBlank method.
1001     */
1002    template <class T> void makeBlank(T dummyTemplate);
1004    /**
1005     * Templated computeMeanSquaredError method.
1006     */
1007    template <class T>
1008       ossim_float64 computeMeanSquaredError(T dummyTemplate,
1009                                             ossim_float64 meanValue,
1010                                             ossim_uint32 bandNumber) const;
1012    /**
1013     * Templated computeAverageBandValue method.
1014     */
1015    template <class T>
1016       ossim_float64 computeAverageBandValue(T dummyTemplate,
1017                                             ossim_uint32 bandNumber) const;
1019    void loadTileFromBip(const void* src, const ossimIrect& src_rect);
1020    void loadTileFromBipAlpha(const void* src, const ossimIrect& src_rect);
1021    void loadTileFromBil(const void* src, const ossimIrect& src_rect);
1022    void loadTileFromBsq(const void* src, const ossimIrect& src_rect);
1024    void loadTileFromBip(const void* src,
1025                         const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1026                         const ossimIrect& clip_rect);
1027    void loadTileFromBil(const void* src,
1028                         const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1029                         const ossimIrect& clip_rect);
1030    void loadTileFromBsq(const void* src,
1031                         const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1032                         const ossimIrect& clip_rect);
1034    void unloadTileToBip(void* dest,
1035                         const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
1036                         const ossimIrect& clip_rect) const;
1037    void unloadTileToBil(void* dest,
1038                         const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
1039                         const ossimIrect& clip_rect) const;
1040    void unloadTileToBsq(void* dest,
1041                         const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
1042                         const ossimIrect& clip_rect) const;
1044    /**
1045     * Called from public unloadBand() routines that have an
1046     * OverwriteBandRule interface.
1047     *
1048     * @param dest      The destination buffer.
1049     * @param src_band  The 0-based band of the source image data.
1050     * @param dest_band The 0-based band of the destination buffer.
1051     * @param dest_rect The rectangle of the destination buffer.
1052     * @param clip_rect Only data within will be copied.
1053     * @param ow_type   The rule for overwriting the destination buffer.
1054     */
1055    virtual void unloadBandToBsq( void* dest,
1056                                  ossim_uint32 src_band,
1057                                  ossim_uint32 dest_band,
1058                                  const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
1059                                  const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
1060                                  OverwriteBandRule ow_type=NULL_RULE ) const;
1062    /**
1063     * Copies entire tile to buf passed in.  Data put in buf is normalized.
1064     * The "buf" passed to method is assumed to be at least as big as:
1065     * "getSize() * sizeof(double)"
1066     */
1067    template <class T>
1068    void copyTileToNormalizedBuffer(T dummyTemplate,
1069                                    ossim_float64* buf) const;
1070    template <class T>
1071    void copyTileToNormalizedBuffer(T dummyTemplate,
1072                                    ossim_float32* buf)const;
1074    /**
1075     * Will copy this tiles specified band number to the normalized buffer.
1076     * if the band is out of range then nothing is done and returns.
1077     */
1078    template <class T>
1079    void copyTileToNormalizedBuffer(T dummyTemplate,
1080                                    ossim_uint32 band, ossim_float64* buf) const;
1081    template <class T>
1082    void copyTileToNormalizedBuffer(T dummyTemplate,
1083                                    ossim_uint32 band, ossim_float32* buf)const;
1085    /**
1086     * Copies buf passed in to tile.  Data is unnormalized to the tile's
1087     * scalar type.
1088     * The "buf" passed to method is assumed to be at least as big as the tiles:
1089     * "getSize() * sizeof(double)"
1090     */
1091    template <class T>
1092    void copyNormalizedBufferToTile(T dummyTemplate,
1093                                    ossim_float64* buf);
1094    template <class T>
1095    void copyNormalizedBufferToTile(T dummyTemplate,
1096                                    ossim_float32* buf);
1097    template <class T>
1098    void copyNormalizedBufferToTile(T dummyTemplate,
1099                                    ossim_uint32 band,
1100                                    ossim_float64* buf);
1101    template <class T>
1102    void copyNormalizedBufferToTile(T dummyTemplate,
1103                                    ossim_uint32 band,
1104                                    ossim_float32* buf);
1107    template <class T>
1108    void computeMinMaxPix(T dummyValue,
1109                          std::vector<ossim_float64>& minBands,
1110                          std::vector<ossim_float64>& maxBands) const;
1112    template <class T>
1113    void computeMinMaxNulPix(T dummyValue,
1114                             std::vector<ossim_float64>& minBands,
1115                             std::vector<ossim_float64>& maxBands,
1116                             std::vector<ossim_float64>& nulBands) const;
1118    template <class T> void loadBandTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1119                                             const void* src,
1120                                             const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1121                                             ossim_uint32 band);
1123    template <class T> void loadBandTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1124                                             const void* src,
1125                                             const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1126                                             const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
1127                                             ossim_uint32 band);
1129    template <class T> void nullTileAlphaTemplate(T,
1130                                                  const ossim_uint8* src,
1131                                                  const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1132                                                  const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
1133                                                  bool multiplyAlphaFlag=false);
1135    template <class T> void loadTileFromBipTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1136                                                    const void* src,
1137                                                    const ossimIrect& src_rect);
1138    template <class T> void loadTileFromBipAlphaTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1139                                                    const void* src,
1140                                                    const ossimIrect& src_rect);
1142    template <class T> void loadTileFromBipTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1143                                                    const void* src,
1144                                                    const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1145                                                    const ossimIrect& clip_rect);
1146     template <class T>
1147     void loadTileFromBipAlphaTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1148                                                  const void* src,
1149                                                  const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1150                                                  const ossimIrect& clip_rect);
1152    template <class T> void loadTileFromBilTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1153                                                    const void* src,
1154                                                    const ossimIrect& src_rect);
1156    template <class T> void loadTileFromBilTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1157                                                    const void* src,
1158                                                    const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1159                                                    const ossimIrect& clip_rect);
1161    template <class T> void loadTileFromBsqTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1162                                                    const void* src,
1163                                                    const ossimIrect& src_rect);
1165    template <class T> void loadTileFromBsqTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1166                                                    const void* src,
1167                                                    const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1168                                                    const ossimIrect& clip_rect);
1170    template <class T> void loadTileFromBsqAlphaTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1171                                                         const void* src,
1172                                                         const ossimIrect& src_rect,
1173                                                         const ossimIrect& clip_rect);
1175    template <class T> void unloadTileToBipTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1176                                                    void* dest,
1177                                                    const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
1178                                                    const ossimIrect& clip_rect) const;
1180    template <class T> void unloadTileToBipAlphaTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1181                                                         void* dest,
1182                                                         const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
1183                                                         const ossimIrect& clip_rect) const;
1185    template <class T> void unloadTileToBilTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1186                                                    void* dest,
1187                                                    const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
1188                                                    const ossimIrect& clip_rect) const;
1190    template <class T> void unloadTileToBsqTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1191                                                    void* dest,
1192                                                    const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
1193                                                    const ossimIrect& clip_rect) const;
1195    template <class T> void unloadBandTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1196                                               void* dest,
1197                                               const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
1198                                               const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
1199                                               ossim_uint32 band) const;
1201    template <class T> void unloadBandToBsqTemplate(T, // dummy template variable
1202                                                    void* dest,
1203                                                    ossim_uint32 src_band,
1204                                                    ossim_uint32 dest_band,
1205                                                    const ossimIrect& dest_rect,
1206                                                    const ossimIrect& clip_rect,
1207                                                    OverwriteBandRule ow_type=NULL_RULE) const;
1209    /**
1210     * @brief Creates a test tile for scalar type for testing only.
1211     *
1212     * Protected template implementation of matching public createTestTile.
1213     */
1214    template <class T> void createTestTile(T);
1216    /**
1217     * @brief initializeDefaults() Resizes and sets min/max/null arrays to
1218     * number of bands and some default value for scalar type.
1219     */
1220    virtual void initializeDefaults();
1222    /**
1223     * @brief initializeMinDefault() Resizes theMinPixelValue array to number
1224     * of bands and initializes to the default min for scalar type.
1225     */
1226    virtual void initializeMinDefault();
1228    /**
1229     * @brief initializeMaxDefault() Resizes theMaxPixelValue array to number
1230     * of bands and initializes to the default max for scalar type.
1231     */
1232    virtual void initializeMaxDefault();
1234    /**
1235     * @brief initializeNullDefault() Resizes theNullPixelValue array to number
1236     * of bands and initializes to the default null for scalar type.
1237     */
1238    virtual void initializeNullDefault();
1240    virtual bool isEqualTo(const ossimDataObject& rhs,
1241                           bool deepTest=false)const;
hasSameDimensionsAs(ossimImageData * data)1243    bool hasSameDimensionsAs(ossimImageData* data)const
1244    {
1245       bool result = false;
1246       if(data)
1247       {
1248          result = ((m_spatialExtents.size() ==
1249                     data->m_spatialExtents.size())&&
1250                    (m_spatialExtents[0] == data->m_spatialExtents[0])&&
1251                    (m_spatialExtents[1] == data->m_spatialExtents[1])&&
1252                    (m_scalarType == data->m_scalarType));
1253       }
1254       return result;
1255    }
1257    /**  Null pixel value for each band. */
1258    std::vector<ossim_float64> m_nullPixelValue;
1260    /** Min pixel value for each band. */
1261    std::vector<ossim_float64> m_minPixelValue;
1263    /** Max pixel value for each band. */
1264    std::vector<ossim_float64> m_maxPixelValue;
1266    /** Alpha channel */
1267    std::vector<ossim_uint8> m_alpha;
1269    ossimIpt m_origin;
1271    /** Indicates data contains palette indexes. */
1272    bool m_indexedFlag;
1274    ossimRefPtr<ossimMultiResLevelHistogram> m_histogram;
1276    /** percentage (0-100) of image tile that has valid (non-null) pixel values. This is computed
1277     * in validate() method.
1278     */
1279    mutable ossim_float64 m_percentFull;
1281 private:
1285 };
hasAlpha()1287 inline bool ossimImageData::hasAlpha() const
1288 {
1289    return (m_alpha.size()?true:false);
1290 }
getImageRectangle()1292 inline ossimIrect ossimImageData::getImageRectangle() const
1293 {
1294    ossimIpt lr(m_origin.x + getWidth()  - 1,
1295                m_origin.y + getHeight() - 1);
1297    return ossimIrect(m_origin, lr);
1298 }
getNullPix()1300 inline const ossim_float64* ossimImageData::getNullPix()const
1301 {
1302    return ( m_nullPixelValue.size() > 0 ? &m_nullPixelValue.front() : 0 );
1303 }
getMinPix()1305 inline const ossim_float64* ossimImageData::getMinPix()const
1306 {
1307    return ( m_minPixelValue.size() > 0 ? &m_minPixelValue.front() : 0 );
1308 }
getMaxPix()1310 inline const ossim_float64* ossimImageData::getMaxPix()const
1311 {
1312    return ( m_maxPixelValue.size() > 0 ? &m_maxPixelValue.front() : 0 );
1313 }
getNullPix(ossim_uint32 band)1315 inline ossim_float64 ossimImageData::getNullPix(ossim_uint32 band) const
1316 {
1317    return ( band < m_nullPixelValue.size() ? m_nullPixelValue[band] :
1318             ossim::defaultNull( getScalarType() ) );
1319 }
getMinPix(ossim_uint32 band)1321 inline ossim_float64 ossimImageData::getMinPix(ossim_uint32 band) const
1322 {
1323    return ( band < m_minPixelValue.size() ? m_minPixelValue[band] :
1324             ossim::defaultMin( getScalarType() ) );
1325 }
getMaxPix(ossim_uint32 band)1327 inline ossim_float64 ossimImageData::getMaxPix(ossim_uint32 band) const
1328 {
1329    return ( band < m_maxPixelValue.size() ? m_maxPixelValue[band] :
1330             ossim::defaultMax( getScalarType() ) );
1331 }
getHashId()1333 inline ossim_uint32 ossimImageData::getHashId()const
1334 {
1335    const unsigned char *bufx = (unsigned char*)(&m_origin.x);
1336    const unsigned char *bufy = (unsigned char*)(&m_origin.y);
1337    return (ossim_uint32)(bufx[0]*101 + bufx[1]*103 +
1338                          bufx[2]*107 + bufx[3]*109 +
1339                          bufy[0]*139 + bufy[1]*149 +
1340                          bufy[2]*151 + bufy[3]*157);
1341 }
1343 #endif