1 /*************************************************************************************
2 This file is a part of CrashRpt library.
3 Copyright (c) 2003-2013 The CrashRpt project authors. All Rights Reserved.
5 Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
6 that can be found in the License.txt file in the root of the source
7 tree. All contributing project authors may
8 be found in the Authors.txt file in the root of the source tree.
9 ***************************************************************************************/
11 /*! \file   CrashRpt.h
12 *  \brief  Defines the interface for the CrashRpt.DLL.
13 *  \date   2003
14 *  \author Michael Carruth
15 *  \author Oleg Krivtsov (zeXspectrum)
16 */
18 #ifndef _CRASHRPT_H_
19 #define _CRASHRPT_H_
21 #include <windows.h>
22 #include <dbghelp.h>
24 // Define SAL macros to be empty if some old Visual Studio used
25 #ifndef __reserved
26 #define __reserved
27 #endif
28 #ifndef __in
29 #define __in
30 #endif
31 #ifndef __in_opt
32 #define __in_opt
33 #endif
34 #ifndef __out_ecount_z
35 #define __out_ecount_z(x)
36 #endif
38 #ifdef __cplusplus
39 #define CRASHRPT_EXTERNC extern "C"
40 #else
42 #endif
46 //! Current CrashRpt version
47 #define CRASHRPT_VER 1403
49 /*! \defgroup CrashRptAPI CrashRpt Functions */
50 /*! \defgroup DeprecatedAPI Obsolete Functions */
51 /*! \defgroup CrashRptStructs CrashRpt Structures */
52 /*! \defgroup CrashRptWrappers CrashRpt Wrapper Classes */
54 /*! \ingroup DeprecatedAPI
55 *  \brief Client crash callback function prototype
56 *  \param[in] lpvState Must be set to NULL.
57 *
58 *  \remarks
59 *
60 *  This function is deprecated, it is recommended to use \ref PFNCRASHCALLBACK()
61 *  instead.
62 *
63 *  The crash callback function is called when crash occurs. This way client application is
64 *  notified about the crash.
65 *
66 *  It is generally unsafe to do complex actions (e.g. memory allocation, heap operations) inside of this callback.
67 *  The application state may be unstable.
68 *
69 *  One reason the application may use this callback for is to close handles to open log files that the
70 *  application plans to include into the error report. Files should be accessible for reading, otherwise
71 *  CrashRpt won't be able to include them into error report.
72 *
73 *  It is also possible (but not recommended) to add files, properties, desktop screenshots,
74 *  registry keys inside of the crash callback function.
75 *
76 *  The crash callback function should typically return \c TRUE to allow generate error report.
77 *  Returning \c FALSE will prevent crash report generation.
78 *
79 *  The following example shows how to use the crash callback function.
80 *
81 *  \code
82 *  // define the crash callback
83 *  BOOL CALLBACK CrashCallback(LPVOID lpvState)
84 *  {
85 *     // Do something...
86 *
87 *     return TRUE;
88 *  }
89 *  \endcode
90 *
91 *  \sa crAddFile2(), PFNCRASHCALLBACK()
92 */
93 typedef BOOL (CALLBACK *LPGETLOGFILE) (__reserved LPVOID lpvState);
95 // Exception types used in CR_EXCEPTION_INFO::exctype structure member.
96 #define CR_SEH_EXCEPTION                0    //!< SEH exception.
97 #define CR_CPP_TERMINATE_CALL           1    //!< C++ terminate() call.
98 #define CR_CPP_UNEXPECTED_CALL          2    //!< C++ unexpected() call.
99 #define CR_CPP_PURE_CALL                3    //!< C++ pure virtual function call (VS .NET and later).
100 #define CR_CPP_NEW_OPERATOR_ERROR       4    //!< C++ new operator fault (VS .NET and later).
101 #define CR_CPP_SECURITY_ERROR           5    //!< Buffer overrun error (VS .NET only).
102 #define CR_CPP_INVALID_PARAMETER        6    //!< Invalid parameter exception (VS 2005 and later).
103 #define CR_CPP_SIGABRT                  7    //!< C++ SIGABRT signal (abort).
104 #define CR_CPP_SIGFPE                   8    //!< C++ SIGFPE signal (flotating point exception).
105 #define CR_CPP_SIGILL                   9    //!< C++ SIGILL signal (illegal instruction).
106 #define CR_CPP_SIGINT                   10   //!< C++ SIGINT signal (CTRL+C).
107 #define CR_CPP_SIGSEGV                  11   //!< C++ SIGSEGV signal (invalid storage access).
108 #define CR_CPP_SIGTERM                  12   //!< C++ SIGTERM signal (termination request).
111 /*! \ingroup CrashRptStructs
112 *   \brief This structure contains information about the crash.
113 *
114 *  The information provided by this structure includes the exception type, exception code,
115 *  exception pointers and so on. These are needed to generate crash minidump file and
116 *  provide the developer with other information about the error. This structure is used by
117 *  the crGenerateErrorReport() function. Pointer to this structure is also passed to the
118 *  crash callback function (see the \ref PFNCRASHCALLBACK() function prototype).
119 *
120 *  Structure members details are provided below:
121 *
122 *  \b cb [in]
123 *
124 *  This must contain the size of this structure in bytes.
125 *
126 *  \b pexcptrs [in, optional]
127 *
128 *    Should contain the exception pointers. If this parameter is NULL,
129 *    the current CPU state is used to generate exception pointers.
130 *
131 *  \b exctype [in]
132 *
133 *    The type of exception. This parameter may be one of the following:
134 *     - \ref CR_SEH_EXCEPTION             SEH (Structured Exception Handling) exception
135 *     - \ref CR_CPP_TERMINATE_CALL        C++ terminate() function call
136 *     - \ref CR_CPP_UNEXPECTED_CALL       C++ unexpected() function call
137 *     - \ref CR_CPP_PURE_CALL             Pure virtual method call (Visual Studio .NET 2003 and later)
138 *     - \ref CR_CPP_NEW_OPERATOR_ERROR    C++ 'new' operator error (Visual Studio .NET 2003 and later)
139 *     - \ref CR_CPP_SECURITY_ERROR        Buffer overrun (Visual Studio .NET 2003 only)
140 *     - \ref CR_CPP_INVALID_PARAMETER     Invalid parameter error (Visual Studio 2005 and later)
141 *     - \ref CR_CPP_SIGABRT               C++ SIGABRT signal
142 *     - \ref CR_CPP_SIGFPE                C++ floating point exception
143 *     - \ref CR_CPP_SIGILL                C++ illegal instruction
144 *     - \ref CR_CPP_SIGINT                C++ SIGINT signal
145 *     - \ref CR_CPP_SIGSEGV               C++ invalid storage access
146 *     - \ref CR_CPP_SIGTERM               C++ termination request
147 *
148 *   \b code [in, optional]
149 *
150 *      Used if \a exctype is \ref CR_SEH_EXCEPTION and represents the SEH exception code.
151 *      If \a pexptrs is NULL, this value is used when generating exception information for initializing
152 *      \c pexptrs->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode member, otherwise it is ignored.
153 *
154 *   \b fpe_subcode [in, optional]
155 *
156 *      Used if \a exctype is equal to \ref CR_CPP_SIGFPE. It defines the floating point
157 *      exception subcode (see \c signal() function ducumentation in MSDN).
158 *
159 *   \b expression, \b function, \b file and \b line [in, optional]
160 *
161 *     These parameters are used when \a exctype is \ref CR_CPP_INVALID_PARAMETER.
162 *     These members are typically non-zero when using debug version of CRT.
163 *
164 *  \b bManual [in]
165 *
166 *     Since v.1.2.4, \a bManual parameter should be equal to TRUE if the report is generated manually.
167 *     The value of \a bManual parameter affects the automatic application restart behavior. If the application
168 *     restart is requested by the \ref CR_INST_APP_RESTART flag of CR_INSTALL_INFO::dwFlags structure member,
169 *     and if \a bManual is FALSE, the application will be
170 *     restarted after error report generation. If \a bManual is TRUE, the application won't be restarted.
171 *
172 *  \b hSenderProcess [out]
173 *
174 *     As of v.1.2.8, \a hSenderProcess parameter will contain the handle to the <b>CrashSender.exe</b> process when
175 *     \ref crGenerateErrorReport function returns. The caller may use this handle to wait until <b>CrashSender.exe</b>
176 *     process exits and check the exit code. When the handle is not needed anymore, release it with the \b CloseHandle() function.
177 */
179 typedef struct tagCR_EXCEPTION_INFO
180 {
181     WORD cb;                   //!< Size of this structure in bytes; should be initialized before using.
182     PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pexcptrs; //!< Exception pointers.
183     int exctype;               //!< Exception type.
184     DWORD code;                //!< Code of SEH exception.
185     unsigned int fpe_subcode;  //!< Floating point exception subcode.
186     const wchar_t* expression; //!< Assertion expression.
187     const wchar_t* function;   //!< Function in which assertion happened.
188     const wchar_t* file;       //!< File in which assertion happened.
189     unsigned int line;         //!< Line number.
190     BOOL bManual;              //!< Flag telling if the error report is generated manually or not.
191     HANDLE hSenderProcess;     //!< Handle to the CrashSender.exe process.
192 }
197 // Stages of crash report generation (used by the crash callback function).
198 #define CR_CB_STAGE_PREPARE      10  //!< Stage after exception pointers've been retrieved.
199 #define CR_CB_STAGE_FINISH       20  //!< Stage after the launch of CrashSender.exe process.
201 /*! \ingroup CrashRptStructs
202 *  \struct CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFOW()
203 *  \brief This structure contains information passed to crash callback function PFNCRASHCALLBACK().
204 *
205 *  \remarks
206 *
207 *  The information contained in this structure may be used by the crash callback function
208 *  to determine what type of crash has occurred and perform some action. For example,
209 *  the client application may prefer to continue its execution on some type of crash, and
210 *  terminate itself on another type of crash.
211 *
212 *  Below, the stucture fields are described:
213 *
214 *  \b cb [in]
215 *
216 *    This contains the size of this structure in bytes.
217 *
218 *  \b nStage [in]
219 *
220 *    This field specifies the crash report generation stage. The callback function
221 *    can be called once per each stage (depending on callback function's return value).
222 *    Currently, there are two stages:
223 *      - \ref CR_CB_STAGE_PREPARE   Stage after exception pointers've been retrieved.
224 *      - \ref CR_CB_STAGE_FINISH    Stage after the launch of CrashSender.exe process.
225 *
226 *  \b pszErrorReportFolder [in]
227 *
228 *    This field contains the absolute path to the directory containing uncompressed
229 *    crash report files.
230 *
231 *  \b pExceptionInfo [in]
232 *
233 *    This field contains a pointer to \ref CR_EXCEPTION_INFO structure.
234 *
235 *  \b pUserParam [in, optional]
236 *
237 *    This is a pointer to user-specified data passed to the crSetCrashCallback() function
238 *    as \b pUserParam argument.
239 *
240 *  \b bContinueExecution [in, out]
241 *
242 *    This field is set to FALSE by default. The crash callback function may set it
243 *    to true if it wants to continue its execution after crash report generation
244 *    (otherwise the program will be terminated).
245 *
247 *  wide-character and multi-byte character versions of \ref CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFO
248 *  structure. In your program, use the \ref CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFO typedef which
249 *  is a character-set-independent version of the structure name.
250 *
252 */
253 typedef struct tagCR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFOW
254 {
255     WORD cb;                            //!< Size of this structure in bytes.
256 	int nStage;                         //!< Stage.
257 	LPCWSTR pszErrorReportFolder;       //!< Directory where crash report files are located.
258     CR_EXCEPTION_INFO* pExceptionInfo;  //!< Pointer to information about the crash.
259 	LPVOID pUserParam;                  //!< Pointer to user-defined data.
260 	BOOL bContinueExecution;            //!< Whether to terminate the process (the default) or to continue program execution.
261 }
264 /*! \ingroup CrashRptStructs
267 */
268 typedef struct tagCR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFOA
269 {
270     WORD cb;                            //!< Size of this structure in bytes.
271 	int nStage;                         //!< Stage.
272 	LPCSTR pszErrorReportFolder;        //!< Directory where crash report files are located.
273     CR_EXCEPTION_INFO* pExceptionInfo;  //!< Pointer to information about the crash.
274 	LPVOID pUserParam;                  //!< Pointer to user-defined data.
275 	BOOL bContinueExecution;            //!< Whether to terminate the process (the default) or to continue program execution.
276 }
279 /*! \brief Character set-independent mapping of CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFOW and CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFOA structures.
280 *  \ingroup CrashRptStructs
281 */
282 #ifdef UNICODE
284 #else
286 #endif // UNICODE
288 // Constants that may be returned by the crash callback function.
289 #define CR_CB_CANCEL             0 //!< Cancel crash report generation on the current stage.
290 #define CR_CB_DODEFAULT          1 //!< Proceed to the next stages of crash report generation without calling crash callback function.
291 #define CR_CB_NOTIFY_NEXT_STAGE  2 //!< Proceed and call the crash callback for the next stage.
293 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
294 *  \brief Client crash callback function prototype.
295 *  \param[in] pInfo Points to information about the crash.
296 *
297 *  \remarks
298 *
299 *  The crash callback function is called when a crash occurs. This way client application is
300 *  notified about the crash.
301 *
302 *  Crash information is passed by CrashRpt to the callback function through the \b pInfo parameter as
303 *  a pointer to \ref CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFO structure. See below for a code example.
304 *
305 *  It is generally unsafe to do complex actions (e.g. memory allocation, heap operations) inside of this callback.
306 *  The application state may be unstable.
307 *
308 *  One reason the application may use this callback for is to close handles to open log files that the
309 *  application plans to include into the error report. Files should be accessible for reading, otherwise
310 *  CrashRpt won't be able to include them into error report.
311 *
312 *  It is also possible (but not recommended) to add files (see crAddFile2()),
313 *  properties (see crAddProperty()), desktop screenshots (see crAddScreenshot2())
314 *  and registry keys (see crAddRegKey()) inside of the crash callback function.
315 *
316 *  By default, CrashRpt terminates the client application after crash report generation and
317 *  launching the <i>CrashSender.exe</i> process. However, it is possible to continue program
318 *  execution after crash report generation by seting \ref CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFO::bContinueExecution
319 *  structure field to \a TRUE.
320 *
321 *  The crash report generation consists of several stages. First, exception pointers are retrieved
322 *  and the callback function is called for the first time. The callback function may check the
323 *  retrieved exception information and decide wheter to proceed with crash report generation or to
324 *  continue client program execution. On the next stage, the \a CrashSender.exe
325 *  process is launched and the crash callback function is (optionally) called for the second time.
326 *  Further crash report data collection and delivery work is performed in \a CrashSender.exe process.
327 *  The crash callback may use the provided handle to \a CrashSender.exe process to wait until it exits.
328 *
329 *  The crash callback function should typically return \ref CR_CB_DODEFAULT constant to proceed
330 *  with error report generation without being called back on the next stage(s). Returning the
331 *  \ref CR_CB_NOTIFY_NEXT_STAGE constant causes CrashRpt to call the crash callback function on the next
332 *  stage, too. Returning \ref CR_CB_CANCEL constant will prevent further stage(s) of crash report generation.
333 *
335 *  wide-character and multi-byte character versions of \ref PFNCRASHCALLBACK()
336 *  function.
337 *
338 *  The following code example shows the simplest way of using the crash callback function:
339 *
340 *  \code
341 *  // Define the crash callback
342 *  int CALLBACK CrashCallback(CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFO* pInfo)
343 *  {
344 *
345 *     // Do something...
346 *
347 *     // Proceed with crash report generation.
348 *     // This return code also makes CrashRpt to not call this callback function for
349 *     // the next crash report generation stage.
350 *     return CR_CB_DODEFAULT;
351 *  }
352 *  \endcode
353 *
354 *  The following code example shows how to use the crash callback function to be notified
355 *  on every stage of crash report generation:
356 *
357 *  \code
358 *  // Define the crash callback
359 *  int CALLBACK CrashCallback(CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFO* pInfo)
360 *  {
361 *
362 *     // We want to continue program execution after crash report generation
363 *     pInfo->bContinueExecution = TRUE;
364 *
365 *     switch(pInfo->nStage)
366 *     {
367 *         case CR_CB_STAGE_PREPARE:
368 *               // do something
369 *               break;
370 *         case CR_CB_STAGE_FINISH:
371 *               // do something
372 *               break;
373 *     }
374 *
375 *     // Proceed to the next stage.
376 *     return CR_CB_NOTIFY_NEXT_STAGE;
377 *  }
378 *  \endcode
379 *
380 *  \sa CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFO, crSetCrashCallback(), crAddFile2(), crAddProperty(), crAddScreenshot2(), crAddRegKey()
381 */
384 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
385 *  \copydoc PFNCRASHCALLBACKW()
386 */
389 /*! \brief Character set-independent mapping of \ref PFNCRASHCALLBACKW() and \ref PFNCRASHCALLBACKA() function prototrypes.
390 *  \ingroup CrashRptStructs
391 */
392 #ifdef UNICODE
394 #else
396 #endif // UNICODE
398 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
399 *  \brief Sets the crash callback function.
400 *
401 *  \return This function returns zero if succeeded. Use crGetLastErrorMsg() to retrieve the error message on fail.
402 *
403 *  \param[in] pfnCallbackFunc  Pointer to the crash callback function.
404 *  \param[in] lpParam          User defined parameter. Optional.
405 *
406 *  \remarks
407 *
408 *  Use this to set the crash callback function that will be called on crash. This function
409 *  is available since v.1.4.0.
410 *
411 *  For the crash callback function prototype, see documentation for PFNCRASHCALLBACK().
412 *
413 *  Optional \b lpParam parameter can be a pointer to user-defined data. It will be passed to the
414 *  crash callback function as \ref CR_CRASH_CALLBACK_INFO::pUserParam structure member.
415 *
416 *  \sa
418 */
421 crSetCrashCallbackW(
422              PFNCRASHCALLBACKW pfnCallbackFunc,
423 			 LPVOID lpParam
424              );
427 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
428 *  \copydoc crSetCrashCallbackW()
429 */
431 crSetCrashCallbackA(
432              PFNCRASHCALLBACKA pfnCallbackFunc,
433 			 LPVOID lpParam
434              );
437 /*! \brief Character set-independent mapping of crSetCrashCallbackW() and crSetCrashCallbackA() functions.
438 *  \ingroup CrashRptAPI
439 */
440 #ifdef UNICODE
441 #define crSetCrashCallback crSetCrashCallbackW
442 #else
443 #define crSetCrashCallback crSetCrashCallbackA
444 #endif //UNICODE
446 // Array indices for CR_INSTALL_INFO::uPriorities.
447 #define CR_HTTP 0  //!< Send error report via HTTP (or HTTPS) connection.
448 #define CR_SMTP 1  //!< Send error report via SMTP connection.
449 #define CR_SMAPI 2 //!< Send error report via simple MAPI (using default mail client).
451 //! Special priority constant that allows to skip certain delivery method.
454 // Flags for CR_INSTALL_INFO::dwFlags
455 #define CR_INST_STRUCTURED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER      0x1 //!< Install SEH handler (deprecated name, use \ref CR_INST_SEH_EXCEPTION_HANDLER instead).
456 #define CR_INST_SEH_EXCEPTION_HANDLER             0x1 //!< Install SEH handler.
457 #define CR_INST_TERMINATE_HANDLER                 0x2 //!< Install terminate handler.
458 #define CR_INST_UNEXPECTED_HANDLER                0x4 //!< Install unexpected handler.
459 #define CR_INST_PURE_CALL_HANDLER                 0x8 //!< Install pure call handler (VS .NET and later).
460 #define CR_INST_NEW_OPERATOR_ERROR_HANDLER       0x10 //!< Install new operator error handler (VS .NET and later).
461 #define CR_INST_SECURITY_ERROR_HANDLER           0x20 //!< Install security error handler (VS .NET and later).
462 #define CR_INST_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER        0x40 //!< Install invalid parameter handler (VS 2005 and later).
463 #define CR_INST_SIGABRT_HANDLER                  0x80 //!< Install SIGABRT signal handler.
464 #define CR_INST_SIGFPE_HANDLER                  0x100 //!< Install SIGFPE signal handler.
465 #define CR_INST_SIGILL_HANDLER                  0x200 //!< Install SIGILL signal handler.
466 #define CR_INST_SIGINT_HANDLER                  0x400 //!< Install SIGINT signal handler.
467 #define CR_INST_SIGSEGV_HANDLER                 0x800 //!< Install SIGSEGV signal handler.
468 #define CR_INST_SIGTERM_HANDLER                0x1000 //!< Install SIGTERM signal handler.
470 #define CR_INST_ALL_POSSIBLE_HANDLERS          0x1FFF //!< Install all possible exception handlers.
471 #define CR_INST_CRT_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS         0x1FFE //!< Install exception handlers for the linked CRT module.
473 #define CR_INST_NO_GUI                         0x2000 //!< Do not show GUI, send report silently (use for non-GUI apps only).
474 #define CR_INST_HTTP_BINARY_ENCODING           0x4000 //!< Deprecated, do not use.
475 #define CR_INST_DONT_SEND_REPORT               0x8000 //!< Don't send error report immediately, just save it locally.
476 #define CR_INST_APP_RESTART                   0x10000 //!< Restart the application on crash.
477 #define CR_INST_NO_MINIDUMP                   0x20000 //!< Do not include minidump file to crash report.
478 #define CR_INST_SEND_QUEUED_REPORTS           0x40000 //!< CrashRpt should send error reports that are waiting to be delivered.
479 #define CR_INST_STORE_ZIP_ARCHIVES            0x80000 //!< CrashRpt should store both uncompressed error report files and ZIP archives.
480 #define CR_INST_SEND_MANDATORY				 0x100000 //!< This flag removes the "Close" and "Other actions" buttons from Error Report dialog, thus making the sending procedure mandatory for user.
481 #define CR_INST_SHOW_ADDITIONAL_INFO_FIELDS	 0x200000 //!< Makes "Your E-mail" and "Describe what you were doing when the problem occurred" fields of Error Report dialog always visible.
482 #define CR_INST_ALLOW_ATTACH_MORE_FILES		 0x400000 //!< Adds an ability for user to attach more files to crash report by clicking "Attach More File(s)" item from context menu of Error Report Details dialog.
483 #define CR_INST_AUTO_THREAD_HANDLERS         0x800000 //!< If this flag is set, installs exception handlers for newly created threads automatically.
485 /*! \ingroup CrashRptStructs
486 *  \struct CR_INSTALL_INFOW()
487 *  \brief This structure defines the general information used by crInstallW() function.
488 *
489 *  \remarks
490 *
491 *    \ref CR_INSTALL_INFOW and \ref CR_INSTALL_INFOA structures are wide-character and multi-byte character
492 *    versions of \ref CR_INSTALL_INFO. \ref CR_INSTALL_INFO typedef defines character set independent mapping.
493 *
494 *    Below, structure members are described in details. Required parameters must always be specified, while optional
495 *    ones may be set with 0 (zero) or NULL. Most of parameters are optional.
496 *
497 *    \b cb [in, required]
498 *
499 *    This must contain the size of this structure in bytes.
500 *
501 *    \b pszAppName [in, optional]
502 *
503 *       This is the friendly name of the client application. The application name is
504 *       displayed in the Error Report dialog. If this parameter is NULL, the name of EXE file
505 *       that was used to start caller process becomes the application name.
506 *
507 *    \b pszAppVersion [in, optional]
508 *
509 *       Should be the application version. Example: "1.0.1".
510 *
511 *       If this equals to NULL, product version is extracted from the executable file which started
512 *       the caller process, and this product version is used as application version. If the executable file
513 *       doesn's have a version info resource, the \ref crInstall() function will fail.
514 *
515 *    \b pszEmailTo [in, optional]
516 *
517 *       This is the email address of the recipient of error reports (or several E-mail adresses separated with semicolon),
518 *		for example "name@example.com" or "person1@example.com;person2@someserver.com". If several E-mail addresses are
519 *       specified, error report will be delivered to each of them. If this parameter equals to NULL,
520 *       the crash report won't be sent using E-mail client.
521 *
522 *       Keep this NULL if you plan to use large error reports (more than several MB in size), because
523 *       large emails may be rejected by the mail server.
524 *
525 *    \b pszEmailSubject [in, optional]
526 *
527 *       This is the subject of the email message. If this parameter is NULL,
528 *       the default subject of form '[app_name] [app_version] Error Report' is generated.
529 *
530 *    \a pszUrl is the URL of a server-side script that would receive crash report data via HTTP or HTTPS
531 *       connection. If this parmeter is NULL, HTTP(S) connection won't be used to send crash reports. For
532 *       example of a server-side script that can receive crash reports, see \ref sending_error_reports.
533 *
534 *       HTTP(S) transport is the recommended way of sending large error reports (more than several MB in size).
535 *       To define a custom port for HTTP(S) connection, use the following URL format: "http://example.com[:port]/crashrpt.php" or
536 *       "https://example.com[:port]/crashrpt.php", where optional \a port is the placeholder for the port number.
537 *
538 *    \b pszCrashSenderPath [in, optional]
539 *
540 *       This is the absolute path to the directory where CrashSender.exe is located.
541 *       The crash sender process is responsible for letting end user know about the crash and
542 *       sending the error report. If this is NULL, it is assumed that CrashSender.exe is located in
543 *       the same directory as CrashRpt.dll.
544 *
545 *
546 *    \b uPriorities [in, optional]
547 *
548 *       This is an array that defines the preferred methods of sending error reports.
549 *       The available methods are: HTTP (or HTTPS) connection, SMTP connection or simple MAPI (default mail client).
550 *
551 *       A priority is a non-negative integer number or special constant \ref CR_NEGATIVE_PRIORITY.
552 *       The greater positive number defines the greater priority.
553 *       Specify the \ref CR_NEGATIVE_PRIORITY to skip the given delivery method.
554 *
555 *       The element having index \ref CR_HTTP defines priority for using HTML connection.
556 *       The element having index \ref CR_SMTP defines priority for using SMTP connection.
557 *       The element having index \ref CR_SMAPI defines priority for using the default mail client.
558 *
559 *       The methods having greater priority will be tried first. If priorities are equal to each other, HTTP (or HTTPS)
560 *       connection will be tried the first, SMTP connection will be tried the second and simple MAPI will be tried
561 *       the last.
562 *
563 *    \b dwFlags [in, optional]
564 *
565 *    Since v1.1.2, \a dwFlags can be used to define behavior parameters. This can be a combination of the following values:
566 *
567 *    <table>
568 *    <tr><td colspan="2"> <i>Use the combination of the following constants to specify what exception handlers to install:</i>
569 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_ALL_POSSIBLE_HANDLERS      <td> Install all available exception handlers.
570 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_SEH_EXCEPTION_HANDLER      <td> Install SEH exception handler.
571 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_PURE_CALL_HANDLER          <td> Install pure call handler (VS .NET and later).
572 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_NEW_OPERATOR_ERROR_HANDLER <td> Install new operator error handler (VS .NET and later).
573 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_SECURITY_ERROR_HANDLER     <td> Install security errror handler (VS .NET and later).
574 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_INVALID_PARAMETER_HANDLER  <td> Install invalid parameter handler (VS 2005 and later).
575 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_SIGABRT_HANDLER            <td> Install SIGABRT signal handler.
576 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_SIGINT_HANDLER             <td> Install SIGINT signal handler.
577 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_SIGTERM_HANDLER            <td> Install SIGTERM signal handler.
578 *    <tr><td colspan="2"> <i>Use the combination of the following constants to define behavior parameters:</i>
579 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_NO_GUI
580 *        <td> <b>Available since v.1.2.2</b> Do not show GUI.
581 *
582 *             It is not recommended to use this flag for regular GUI-based applications.
583 *             Use this only for services that have no GUI.
584 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_DONT_SEND_REPORT
585 *        <td> <b>Available since v.1.2.2</b> This parameter means 'do not send error report immediately on crash, just save it locally'.
586 *             Use this if you have direct access to the machine where crash happens and do not need
587 *             to send report over the Internet. You can use this in couple with \ref CR_INST_STORE_ZIP_ARCHIVES flag to store zipped error reports
588 *             along with uncompressed error report files.
589 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_APP_RESTART
590 *        <td> <b>Available since v.1.2.4</b> This parameter allows to automatically restart the application on crash. The command line
591 *             for the application is taken from \a pszRestartCmdLine parameter. To avoid cyclic restarts of an application which crashes on startup,
592 *             the application is restarted only if at least 60 seconds elapsed since its start.
593 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_NO_MINIDUMP
594 *        <td> <b>Available since v.1.2.4</b> Specify this parameter if you want minidump file not to be included into crash report. The default
595 *             behavior is to include the minidump file.
596 *
597 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_SEND_QUEUED_REPORTS
598 *        <td> <b>Available since v.1.2.5</b> Specify this parameter to send all queued reports. Those
599 *             report files are by default stored in <i>%LOCAL_APPDATA%\\CrashRpt\\UnsentCrashReports\\%AppName%_%AppVersion%</i> folder.
600 *             If this is specified, CrashRpt checks if it's time to remind user about recent errors in the application and offers to send
601 *             all queued error reports.
602 *
603 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_STORE_ZIP_ARCHIVES
604 *        <td> <b>Available since v.1.2.7</b> This parameter can be used in couple with \ref CR_INST_DONT_SEND_REPORT flag to store not only uncompressed
605 *             error report files, but also ZIP archives. By default (if this flag omitted) CrashRpt stores all error report files
606 *             in uncompressed state.
607 *
608 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_SEND_MANDATORY
609 *        <td> <b>Available since v.1.3.1</b> This parameter makes sending procedure mandatory by removing the "Close" button
610 *			  and "Other actions..." button from the Error Report dialog. Typically, it is not recommended to use this flag,
611 *             unless you intentionally want users to always send error reports for your application.
613 *        <td> <b>Available since v.1.3.1</b> This parameter makes "Your E-mail" and "Describe what you were doing when the
614 *             problem occurred" fields of Error Report dialog always visible. By default (when this parameter not specified),
615 *             these fields are hidden and user needs to click the "Provide additional info (recommended)" link to show them.
616 *
617 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_ALLOW_ATTACH_MORE_FILES
618 *        <td> <b>Available since v.1.3.1</b> Adds an ability for user to attach more files to crash report by choosing
619 *             "Attach More File(s)" item from context menu of Error Report Details dialog. By default this feature is disabled.
620 *
621 *    <tr><td> \ref CR_INST_AUTO_THREAD_HANDLERS
622 *        <td> <b>Available since v.1.4.2</b> Specifying this flag results in automatic installation of all available exception handlers to
623 *             all threads that will be created in the future. This flag only works if CrashRpt is compiled as a DLL, it does
624 *             not work if you compile CrashRpt as static library.
625 *   </table>
626 *
627 *   \b pszPrivacyPolicyURL [in, optional]
628 *
629 *     This parameter defines the URL for the Privacy Policy hyperlink of the
630 *     Error Report dialog. If this parameter is NULL, the link is not displayed. For information on
631 *     the Privacy Policy, see \ref error_report. This parameter is available since v1.1.2.
632 *
633 *   \b pszDebugHelpDLL [in, optional]
634 *
635 *     This parameter defines the location of the dbghelp.dll to load.
636 *     If this parameter is NULL, the dbghelp.dll is searched using the default search sequence.
637 *     This parameter is available since v1.2.1.
638 *
639 *   \b uMiniDumpType [in, optional]
640 *
641 *     This parameter defines the minidump type. For the list of available minidump
642 *     types, see the documentation for the MiniDumpWriteDump() function in MSDN.
643 *     Parameter is available since v.1.2.1.
644 *
645 *     It is recommended to set this
646 *     parameter with zero (equivalent of MiniDumpNormal constant). Other values may increase the minidump
647 *     size significantly.
648 *
649 *   \b pszErrorReportSaveDir [in, optional]
650 *
651 *     This parameter defines the directory where to save the error reports.
652 *     If this is NULL, the default directory is used (%%LOCAL_APP_DATA%\\CrashRpt\\UnsentCrashReports\\%%AppName%%_%%AppVersion%).
653 *     This parameter is available since v.1.2.2.
654 *
655 *   \b pszRestartCmdLine [in, optional]
656 *
657 *     This parameter defines the string that specifies the
658 *     command-line arguments for the application when it is restarted (when using \ref CR_INST_APP_RESTART flag).
659 *     Do not include the name of the executable in the command line; it is added automatically. This parameter
660 *     can be NULL. Available since v.1.2.4.
661 *
662 *   \b pszLangFilePath [in, optional]
663 *
664 *     This parameter defines the absolute path (including file name) for language file.
665 *     If this is NULL, the lang file is assumed to be located in the same dir as CrashSender.exe file and have
666 *     the name crashrpt_lang.ini.
667 *     This parameter is available since v.1.2.4.
668 *
669 *   \b pszEmailText [in, optional]
670 *
671 *     This parameter defines the custom E-mail text that is used when deliverying error report
672 *     as E-mail. If this is NULL, the default E-mail text is used. It is recommended to set this parameter with NULL.
673 *     This parameter is available since v.1.2.4.
674 *
675 *   \b pszSmtpProxy [in, optional]
676 *
677 *     This parameter defines the network address (IP or domain) and, optionally, port formatted as "address[:port]"
678 *     of SMTP server. Examples: "", "mail.example.com:25".
679 *     If this parameter is NULL, the SMTP server address is resolved using the MX record of recipient's mailbox.
680 *     You should typically set this parameter with NULL, except in the
681 *     case when your software is a server and custom SMTP configuration is required. This parameter is available since v.1.2.4.
682 *
683 *   \b pszCustomSenderIcon [in, optional]
684 *
685 *     This parameter can be used to define a custom icon for <i>Error Report</i> dialog. This parameter is
686 *     available since v.1.2.8.
687 *
688 *     The value of this parameter should be absolute path to the module containing the icon resource, followed
689 *     by resource identifier separated by comma. You can set this parameter with NULL to use the default icon.
690 *
691 *     The resource identifier is a zero-based index of the icon to retrieve. For example, if this value is 0,
692 *     the first icon in the specified file is used. If the identifier is a negative number not equal to -1,
693 *     the icon in the specified file whose resource identifier is equal to the absolute value of the resource
694 *     identifier is used.
695 *     Example: "D:\MyApp\Resources.dll, -128".
696 *
697 *   \b pszSmtpLogin [in, optional]
698 *
699 *     This parameter defines the login name for SMTP authentication. It is typically used together with
700 *     \ref pszSmtpProxy and \ref pszSmtpPassword parameter.
701 *     If this parameter is ommitted (NULL), no SMTP autentication is used. This parameter is available since v.1.3.1.
702 *
703 *   \b pszSmtpPassword [in, optional]
704 *
705 *     This parameter defines the password for SMTP authentication. It is used in pair with \ref pszSmtpLogin parameter.
706 *     This parameter is available since v.1.3.1.
707 *
708 *   \b nRestartTimeout [in, optional]
709 *
710 *     This parameter defines the timeout (in seconds) for the application restart (when using \ref CR_INST_APP_RESTART flag).
711 *     It is recommended to set this with zero (in such a case, the default restart timeout of 60 seconds is applied).
712 *     Available since v.1.4.3.
713 */
715 typedef struct tagCR_INSTALL_INFOW
716 {
717     WORD cb;                        //!< Size of this structure in bytes; must be initialized before using!
718     LPCWSTR pszAppName;             //!< Name of application.
719     LPCWSTR pszAppVersion;          //!< Application version.
720     LPCWSTR pszEmailTo;             //!< E-mail address of crash reports recipient.
721     LPCWSTR pszEmailSubject;        //!< Subject of crash report e-mail.
722     LPCWSTR pszUrl;                 //!< URL of server-side script (used in HTTP connection).
723     LPCWSTR pszCrashSenderPath;     //!< Directory name where CrashSender.exe is located.
724     LPGETLOGFILE pfnCrashCallback;  //!< Deprecated, do not use.
725     UINT uPriorities[5];            //!< Array of error sending transport priorities.
726     DWORD dwFlags;                  //!< Flags.
727     LPCWSTR pszPrivacyPolicyURL;    //!< URL of privacy policy agreement.
728     LPCWSTR pszDebugHelpDLL;        //!< File name or folder of Debug help DLL.
729     MINIDUMP_TYPE uMiniDumpType;    //!< Minidump type.
730     LPCWSTR pszErrorReportSaveDir;  //!< Directory where to save error reports.
731     LPCWSTR pszRestartCmdLine;      //!< Command line for application restart (without executable name).
732     LPCWSTR pszLangFilePath;        //!< Path to the language file (including file name).
733     LPCWSTR pszEmailText;           //!< Custom E-mail text (used when deliverying report as E-mail).
734     LPCWSTR pszSmtpProxy;           //!< Network address and port to be used as SMTP proxy.
735     LPCWSTR pszCustomSenderIcon;    //!< Custom icon used for Error Report dialog.
736 	LPCWSTR pszSmtpLogin;           //!< Login name used for SMTP authentication when sending error report as E-mail.
737 	LPCWSTR pszSmtpPassword;        //!< Password used for SMTP authentication when sending error report as E-mail.
738 	int nRestartTimeout;            //!< Timeout for application restart.
739 }
744 /*! \ingroup CrashRptStructs
745 *  \struct CR_INSTALL_INFOA
746 *  \copydoc CR_INSTALL_INFOW
747 */
749 typedef struct tagCR_INSTALL_INFOA
750 {
751     WORD cb;                       //!< Size of this structure in bytes; must be initialized before using!
752     LPCSTR pszAppName;             //!< Name of application.
753     LPCSTR pszAppVersion;          //!< Application version.
754     LPCSTR pszEmailTo;             //!< E-mail address of crash reports recipient.
755     LPCSTR pszEmailSubject;        //!< Subject of crash report e-mail.
756     LPCSTR pszUrl;                 //!< URL of server-side script (used in HTTP connection).
757     LPCSTR pszCrashSenderPath;     //!< Directory name where CrashSender.exe is located.
758     LPGETLOGFILE pfnCrashCallback; //!< Deprecated, do not use.
759     UINT uPriorities[5];           //!< Array of error sending transport priorities.
760     DWORD dwFlags;                 //!< Flags.
761     LPCSTR pszPrivacyPolicyURL;    //!< URL of privacy policy agreement.
762     LPCSTR pszDebugHelpDLL;        //!< File name or folder of Debug help DLL.
763     MINIDUMP_TYPE uMiniDumpType;   //!< Mini dump type.
764     LPCSTR pszErrorReportSaveDir;  //!< Directory where to save error reports.
765     LPCSTR pszRestartCmdLine;      //!< Command line for application restart (without executable name).
766     LPCSTR pszLangFilePath;        //!< Path to the language file (including file name).
767     LPCSTR pszEmailText;           //!< Custom E-mail text (used when deliverying report as E-mail).
768     LPCSTR pszSmtpProxy;           //!< Network address and port to be used as SMTP proxy.
769     LPCSTR pszCustomSenderIcon;    //!< Custom icon used for Error Report dialog.
770 	LPCSTR pszSmtpLogin;           //!< Login name used for SMTP authentication when sending error report as E-mail.
771 	LPCSTR pszSmtpPassword;        //!< Password used for SMTP authentication when sending error report as E-mail.
772 	int nRestartTimeout;           //!< Timeout for application restart.
773 }
778 /*! \brief Character set-independent mapping of CR_INSTALL_INFOW and CR_INSTALL_INFOA structures.
779 *  \ingroup CrashRptStructs
780 */
781 #ifdef UNICODE
784 #else
787 #endif // UNICODE
789 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
790 *  \brief  Installs exception handlers for the caller process.
791 *
792 *  \return
793 *    This function returns zero if succeeded.
794 *
795 *  \param[in] pInfo General congiration information.
796 *
797 *  \remarks
798 *
799 *    This function installs unhandled exception filter for the caller process.
800 *    It also installs various CRT exception/error handlers that function for all threads of the caller process.
801 *    For more information, see \ref exception_handling
802 *
803 *    Below is the list of installed handlers:
804 *     - Top-level SEH exception filter [ \c SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() ]
805 *     - C++ pure virtual call handler (Visual Studio .NET 2003 and later) [ \c _set_purecall_handler() ]
806 *     - C++ invalid parameter handler (Visual Studio .NET 2005 and later) [ \c _set_invalid_parameter_handler() ]
807 *     - C++ new operator error handler (Visual Studio .NET 2003 and later) [ \c _set_new_handler() ]
808 *     - C++ buffer overrun handler (Visual Studio .NET 2003 only) [ \c _set_security_error_handler() ]
809 *     - C++ abort handler [ \c signal(SIGABRT) ]
810 *     - C++ illegal instruction handler [ \c signal(SIGINT) ]
811 *     - C++ termination request [ \c signal(SIGTERM) ]
812 *
813 *    In a multithreaded program, additionally use crInstallToCurrentThread2() function for each execution
814 *    thread, except the main one.
815 *
816 *    The \a pInfo parameter contains all required information needed to install CrashRpt.
817 *
818 *    This function fails when \a pInfo->pszCrashSenderPath doesn't contain valid path to CrashSender.exe
819 *    or when \a pInfo->pszCrashSenderPath is equal to NULL, but \b CrashSender.exe is not located in the
820 *    directory where \b CrashRpt.dll located.
821 *
822 *    On crash, the crash minidump file is created, which contains CPU information and
823 *    stack trace information. Also XML file is created that contains additional
824 *    information that may be helpful for crash analysis. These files along with several additional
825 *    files added with crAddFile2() are packed to a single ZIP file.
826 *
827 *    When crash information is collected, another process, <b>CrashSender.exe</b>, is launched
828 *    and the process where crash had occured is terminated. The CrashSender process is
829 *    responsible for letting the user know about the crash and send the error report.
830 *
831 *    The error report can be sent over E-mail using address and subject passed to the
832 *    function as \ref CR_INSTALL_INFO structure members. Another way of sending error report is an HTTP
833 *    request using \a pszUrl member of \ref CR_INSTALL_INFO.
834 *
835 *    This function may fail if an appropriate language file (\b crashrpt_lang.ini) is not found
836 *    in the directory where the \b CrashSender.exe file is located.
837 *
838 *    If this function fails, use crGetLastErrorMsg() to retrieve the error message.
839 *
840 *    crInstallW() and crInstallA() are wide-character and multi-byte character versions of crInstall()
841 *    function. The \ref crInstall macro defines character set independent mapping for these functions.
842 *
843 *    For code example, see \ref simple_example.
844 *
845 *  \sa crInstallW(), crInstallA(), crInstall(), CR_INSTALL_INFOW,
846 *      CR_INSTALL_INFOA, CR_INSTALL_INFO, crUninstall(),
847 *      CrAutoInstallHelper
848 */
851 crInstallW(
852            __in PCR_INSTALL_INFOW pInfo
853            );
855 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
856 *  \copydoc crInstallW()
857 */
860 crInstallA(
861            __in PCR_INSTALL_INFOA pInfo
862            );
864 /*! \brief Character set-independent mapping of crInstallW() and crInstallA() functions.
865 * \ingroup CrashRptAPI
866 */
867 #ifdef UNICODE
868 #define crInstall crInstallW
869 #else
870 #define crInstall crInstallA
871 #endif //UNICODE
873 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
874 *  \brief Uninitializes the CrashRpt library and unsinstalls exception handlers previously installed with crInstall().
875 *
876 *  \return
877 *    This function returns zero if succeeded.
878 *
879 *  \remarks
880 *
881 *    Call this function on application exit to uninitialize the library and uninstall exception
882 *    handlers previously installed with crInstall(). After function call, the exception handlers
883 *    are restored to states they had before calling crInstall().
884 *
885 *    This function fails if crInstall() wasn't previously called in context of the
886 *    caller process.
887 *
888 *    When this function fails, use the crGetLastErrorMsg() function to retrieve the error message.
889 *
890 *  \sa crInstallW(), crInstallA(), crInstall(),
891 *      CrAutoInstallHelper
892 */
895 crUninstall();
897 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
898 *  \brief Installs exception handlers to the caller thread.
899 *  \return This function returns zero if succeeded.
900 *  \param[in] dwFlags Flags.
901 *
902 *  \remarks
903 *
904 *  This function is available <b>since v.1.1.2</b>.
905 *
906 *  The function sets exception handlers for the caller thread. If you have
907 *  several execution threads, you ought to call the function for each thread,
908 *  except the main one.
909 *
910 *  \a dwFlags defines what exception handlers to install. Use zero value
911 *  to install all possible exception handlers. Or use a combination of the following constants:
912 *
913 *      - \ref CR_INST_TERMINATE_HANDLER              Install terminate handler
914 *      - \ref CR_INST_UNEXPECTED_HANDLER             Install unexpected handler
915 *      - \ref CR_INST_SIGFPE_HANDLER                 Install SIGFPE signal handler
916 *      - \ref CR_INST_SIGILL_HANDLER                 Install SIGILL signal handler
917 *      - \ref CR_INST_SIGSEGV_HANDLER                Install SIGSEGV signal handler
918 *
919 *  Example:
920 *
921 *   \code
922 *   DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam)
923 *   {
924 *     // Install exception handlers
925 *     crInstallToCurrentThread2(0);
926 *
927 *     // Your code...
928 *
929 *     // Uninstall exception handlers
930 *     crUninstallFromCurrentThread();
931 *
932 *     return 0;
933 *   }
934 *   \endcode
935 *
936 *  \sa
937 *    crInstall()
938 */
941 crInstallToCurrentThread2(DWORD dwFlags);
943 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
944 *  \brief Uninstalls C++ exception handlers from the current thread.
945 *  \return This function returns zero if succeeded.
946 *
947 *  \remarks
948 *
949 *    This function unsets exception handlers from the caller thread. If you have
950 *    several execution threads, you ought to call the function for each thread.
951 *    After calling this function, the exception handlers for current thread are
952 *    replaced with the handlers that were before call of crInstallToCurrentThread2().
953 *
954 *    This function fails if crInstallToCurrentThread2() wasn't called for current thread.
955 *
956 *    When this function fails, use crGetLastErrorMsg() to retrieve the error message.
957 *
958 *    No need to call this function for the main execution thread. The crUninstall()
959 *    will automatically uninstall C++ exception handlers for the main thread.
960 *
961 *   \sa crInstallToCurrentThread2(),
962 *       crUninstallFromCurrentThread(), CrThreadAutoInstallHelper
963 */
966 crUninstallFromCurrentThread();
968 // Flags for crAddFile2() function.
970 #define CR_AF_TAKE_ORIGINAL_FILE  0 //!< Take the original file (do not copy it to the error report folder).
971 #define CR_AF_MAKE_FILE_COPY      1 //!< Copy the file to the error report folder.
972 #define CR_AF_FILE_MUST_EXIST     0 //!< Function will fail if file doesn't exist at the moment of function call.
973 #define CR_AF_MISSING_FILE_OK     2 //!< Do not fail if file is missing (assume it will be created later).
974 #define CR_AF_ALLOW_DELETE        4 //!< If this flag is specified, the file will be deletable from context menu of Error Report Details dialog.
976 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
977 *  \brief Adds a file to crash report.
978 *
979 *  \return This function returns zero if succeeded.
980 *
981 *  \param[in] pszFile     Absolute path to the file (or file search pattern) to add to crash report, required.
982 *  \param[in] pszDestFile Destination file name, optional.
983 *  \param[in] pszDesc     File description (used in Error Report Details dialog), optional.
984 *  \param[in] dwFlags     Flags, optional.
985 *
986 *    This function can be called anytime after crInstall() to add one or more
987 *    files to the generated crash report.
988 *
989 *    When this function is called, the file is marked to be added to the error report,
990 *    then the function returns control to the caller.
991 *    When a crash occurs, all marked files are added to the report by the \b CrashSender.exe process.
992 *    If a file is locked by someone for exclusive access, the file won't be included.
993 *    Inside of \ref PFNCRASHCALLBACK() crash callback,
994 *    close open file handles and ensure files to be included are acessible for reading.
995 *
996 *    \a pszFile should be either a valid absolute path to the file or a file search
997 *    pattern (e.g. "*.log") to be added to crash report.
998 *
999 *    \a pszDestFile should be the name of destination file. This parameter can be used
1000 *    to specify different file name for the file in ZIP archive. If this parameter is NULL, the pszFile
1001 *    file name is used as destination file name. If \a pszFile is a search pattern, this argument
1002 *    is ignored.
1003 *
1004 *    \a pszDesc is a short description of the file. It can be NULL.
1005 *
1006 *    \a dwFlags parameter defines the behavior of the function. This can be a combination of the following flags:
1007 *       - \ref CR_AF_TAKE_ORIGINAL_FILE  On crash, the \b CrashSender.exe process will try to locate the file from its original location. This behavior is the default one.
1008 *       - \ref CR_AF_MAKE_FILE_COPY      On crash, the \b CrashSender.exe process will make a copy of the file and save it to the error report folder.
1009 *
1010 *       - \ref CR_AF_FILE_MUST_EXIST     The function will fail if file doesn't exist at the moment of function call (the default behavior).
1011 *       - \ref CR_AF_MISSING_FILE_OK     The function will not fail if file is missing (assume it will be created later).
1012 *
1013 *       - \ref CR_AF_ALLOW_DELETE        If this flag is specified, the user will be able to delete the file from error report using context menu of Error Report Details dialog.
1014 *
1015 *    If you do not use error report delivery (\ref CR_INST_DONT_SEND_REPORT flag) or if you use postponed error report delivery
1016 *    (if you specify \ref CR_INST_SEND_QUEUED_REPORTS flag)
1017 *    you must also specify the \ref CR_AF_MAKE_FILE_COPY as \a dwFlags parameter value. This will
1018 *    guarantee that a snapshot of your file at the moment of crash is taken and saved to the error report folder.
1019 *    The error report folder is a folder where files included into the crash report are stored
1020 *    until they are sent to recipient.
1021 *
1022 *    This function fails if \a pszFile doesn't exist at the moment of function call,
1023 *    unless you specify \ref CR_AF_MISSING_FILE_OK flag.
1024 *
1025 *    The crAddFile2W() and crAddFile2A() are wide-character and multibyte-character
1026 *    versions of crAddFile2() function. The crAddFile2() macro defines character set
1027 *    independent mapping.
1028 *
1029 *  Usage example:
1030 *
1031 *  \code
1032 *
1033 *  // Add the error.log file to crash report. At the moment of crash,
1034 *  // the file will be copied to crash report folder. The end user
1035 *  // will be able to delete the file using CrashRpt GUI.
1036 *  int nResult = crAddFile2(
1037 *             _T("C:\\Program Files (x86)\MyApp\\error.log"),
1038 *             _T("error.log"),
1039 *             _T("Log file"),
1041 *  if(nResult!=0)
1042 *  {
1043 *    // Get the status message
1044 *    TCHAR szErrorMsg[256];
1045 *    crGetLastErrorMsg(szErrorMsg, 256);
1046 *  }
1047 *
1048 *  // Add all *.txt files found in the folder. At the moment of crash,
1049 *  // the file(s) will be copied to crash report folder. The end user
1050 *  // won't be able to delete the file(s).
1051 *  crAddFile2(_T("C:\\Program Files (x86)\MyApp\\*.txt"),
1052 *      NULL, _T("TXT file"), CR_AF_MAKE_FILE_COPY);
1053 *
1054 *  \endcode
1055 *
1056 *  \sa crAddFile2W(), crAddFile2A(), crAddFile2()
1057 */
1060 crAddFile2W(
1061             LPCWSTR pszFile,
1062             LPCWSTR pszDestFile,
1063             LPCWSTR pszDesc,
1064             DWORD dwFlags
1065             );
1067 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1068 *  \copydoc crAddFile2W()
1069 */
1072 crAddFile2A(
1073             LPCSTR pszFile,
1074             LPCSTR pszDestFile,
1075             LPCSTR pszDesc,
1076             DWORD dwFlags
1077             );
1079 /*! \brief Character set-independent mapping of crAddFile2W() and crAddFile2A() functions.
1080 *  \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1081 */
1082 #ifdef UNICODE
1083 #define crAddFile2 crAddFile2W
1084 #else
1085 #define crAddFile2 crAddFile2A
1086 #endif //UNICODE
1089 // Flags for crAddScreenshot function.
1090 #define CR_AS_VIRTUAL_SCREEN  0  //!< Take a screenshot of the virtual screen.
1091 #define CR_AS_MAIN_WINDOW     1  //!< Take a screenshot of application's main window.
1092 #define CR_AS_PROCESS_WINDOWS 2  //!< Take a screenshot of all visible process windows.
1093 #define CR_AS_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE 4  //!< Make a grayscale image instead of a full-color one.
1094 #define CR_AS_USE_JPEG_FORMAT 8  //!< Store screenshots as JPG files.
1095 #define CR_AS_ALLOW_DELETE   16  //!< If this flag is specified, the file will be deletable from context menu of Error Report Details dialog.
1097 /*! \ingroup DeprecatedAPI
1098 *  \brief Adds a screenshot to the crash report.
1099 *
1100 *  \return This function returns zero if succeeded. Use crGetLastErrorMsg() to retrieve the error message on fail.
1101 *
1102 *  \param[in] dwFlags Flags, optional.
1103 *
1104 *  \remarks
1105 *
1106 *  As of v.1.3.1, this function is deprecated and may be removed in one of the next releases. Use
1107 *  \ref crAddScreenshot2() function instead.
1108 *
1109 *  This function can be used to take a screenshot at the moment of crash and add it to the error report.
1110 *  Screenshot information may help the developer to better understand the state of the application
1111 *  at the moment of crash and reproduce the error.
1112 *
1113 *  When this function is called, screenshot flags are saved,
1114 *  then the function returns control to the caller.
1115 *  When crash occurs, screenshot is made by the \b CrashSender.exe process and added to the report.
1116 *
1117 *  \b dwFlags
1118 *
1119 *    - \ref CR_AS_ALLOW_DELETE        If this flag is specified, the user will be able to delete the file from error report using context menu of Error Report Details dialog.
1120 *
1121 *    Use one of the following constants to specify what part of virtual screen to capture:
1122 *    - \ref CR_AS_VIRTUAL_SCREEN  Use this to take a screenshot of the whole desktop (virtual screen).
1123 *    - \ref CR_AS_MAIN_WINDOW     Use this to take a screenshot of the application's main window.
1124 *    - \ref CR_AS_PROCESS_WINDOWS Use this to take a screenshot of all visible windows that belong to the process.
1125 *
1126 *  The main application window is a window that has a caption (\b WS_CAPTION), system menu (\b WS_SYSMENU) and
1127 *  the \b WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended style. If CrashRpt doesn't find such window, it considers the first found process window as
1128 *  the main window.
1129 *
1130 *  Screenshots are added in form of PNG files by default. You can specify the \ref CR_AS_USE_JPEG_FORMAT flag to save
1131 *  screenshots as JPEG files instead.
1132 *
1133 *  In addition, you can specify the \ref CR_AS_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE flag to make a grayscale screenshot
1134 *  (by default color image is made). Grayscale image gives smaller file size.
1135 *
1136 *  If you use JPEG image format, you may better use the \ref crAddScreenshot2() function, that allows to
1137 *  define JPEG image quality.
1138 *
1139 *  When capturing entire desktop consisting of several monitors,
1140 *  one screenshot file is added per each monitor.
1141 *
1142 *  You should be careful when using this feature, because screenshots may contain user-identifying
1143 *  or private information. Always specify purposes you will use collected
1144 *  information for in your Privacy Policy.
1145 *
1146 *  \sa
1147 *   crAddFile2()
1148 */
1151 crAddScreenshot(
1152                 DWORD dwFlags
1153                 );
1155 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1156 *  \brief Adds a screenshot to the crash report.
1157 *
1158 *  \return This function returns zero if succeeded. Use crGetLastErrorMsg() to retrieve the error message on fail.
1159 *
1160 *  \param[in] dwFlags Flags, optional.
1161 *  \param[in] nJpegQuality Defines the JPEG image quality, optional.
1162 *
1163 *  \remarks
1164 *
1165 *  This function can be used to take a screenshot at the moment of crash and add it to the error report.
1166 *  Screenshot information may help the developer to better understand state of the application
1167 *  at the moment of crash and reproduce the error.
1168 *
1169 *  When this function is called, screenshot flags are saved, then the function returns control to the caller.
1170 *  When crash occurs, screenshot is made by the \b CrashSender.exe process and added to the report.
1171 *
1172 *  \b dwFlags
1173 *
1174 *    Use one of the following constants to specify what part of virtual screen to capture:
1175 *    - \ref CR_AS_VIRTUAL_SCREEN  Use this to take a screenshot of the whole desktop (virtual screen).
1176 *    - \ref CR_AS_MAIN_WINDOW     Use this to take a screenshot of the main application main window.
1177 *    - \ref CR_AS_PROCESS_WINDOWS Use this to take a screenshot of all visible windows that belong to the process.
1178 *
1179 *  The main application window is a window that has a caption (\b WS_CAPTION), system menu (\b WS_SYSMENU) and
1180 *  the \b WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended style. If CrashRpt doesn't find such window, it considers the first found process window as
1181 *  the main window.
1182 *
1183 *  Screenshots are added in form of PNG files by default. You can specify the \ref CR_AS_USE_JPEG_FORMAT flag to save
1184 *  screenshots as JPEG files instead.
1185 *
1186 *  If you use JPEG format, you can use the \a nJpegQuality parameter to define the JPEG image quality.
1187 *  This should be the number between 0 and 100, inclusively. The bigger the number, the better the quality and the bigger the JPEG file size.
1188 *  If you use PNG file format, this parameter is ignored.
1189 *
1190 *  In addition, you can specify the \ref CR_AS_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE flag to make a grayscale screenshot
1191 *  (by default color image is made). Grayscale image gives smaller file size.
1192 *
1193 *  When capturing entire desktop consisting of several monitors,
1194 *  one screenshot file is added per each monitor.
1195 *
1196 *  You should be careful when using this feature, because screenshots may contain user-identifying
1197 *  or private information. Always specify purposes you will use collected
1198 *  information for in your Privacy Policy.
1199 *
1200 *  \sa
1201 *   crAddFile2()
1202 */
1205 crAddScreenshot2(
1206                  DWORD dwFlags,
1207                  int nJpegQuality
1208                  );
1210 // Flags for crAddVideo function.
1211 #define CR_AV_VIRTUAL_SCREEN  0  //!< Capture the whole virtual screen.
1212 #define CR_AV_MAIN_WINDOW     1  //!< Capture the area of application's main window.
1213 #define CR_AV_PROCESS_WINDOWS 2  //!< Capture all visible process windows.
1214 #define CR_AV_QUALITY_LOW     0  //!< Low quality video encoding, smaller file size.
1215 #define CR_AV_QUALITY_GOOD    4  //!< Good encoding quality, larger file size.
1216 #define CR_AV_QUALITY_BEST    8  //!< The best encoding quality, the largest file size.
1217 #define CR_AV_NO_GUI         16  //!< Do not display the notification dialog.
1218 #define CR_AV_ALLOW_DELETE   32  //!< If this flag is specified, the file will be deletable from context menu of Error Report Details dialog.
1220 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1221 *  \brief Allows to record what happened before crash to a video file and include the file to crash report.
1222 *
1223 *  \return This function returns zero if succeeded. Use \ref crGetLastErrorMsg() to retrieve the error message on failure.
1224 *
1225 *  \param[in] dwFlags Flags, optional.
1226 *  \param[in] nDuration Video duration (in milliseconds). Optional.
1227 *  \param[in] nFrameInterval Interval between subsequent frames (in milliseconds). Optional.
1228 *  \param[in] pDesiredFrameSize Defines the desired video frame size, optional.
1229 *  \param[in] hWndParent Window that becomes the parent for GUI displayed by this function. Optional.
1230 *
1231 *  \remarks
1232 *
1233 *  This function is available as of v.1.4.0.
1234 *
1235 *  \b dwFlags can be a combination of the following constants:
1236 *
1237 *   - use one of the following constants to specify what part of virtual screen to capture:
1238 *    - \ref CR_AV_VIRTUAL_SCREEN  Use this to capture the whole desktop (virtual screen). This is the default.
1239 *    - \ref CR_AV_MAIN_WINDOW     Use this to capture the application's main window.
1240 *    - \ref CR_AV_PROCESS_WINDOWS Use this to capture all visible windows that belong to the process.
1241 *
1242 *   - use one of the following constants to define the desired video encoding quality:
1243 *    - \ref CR_AV_QUALITY_LOW     Low-quality video encoding. This is the default.
1244 *    - \ref CR_AV_QUALITY_GOOD    Good encoding quality, larger file.
1245 *    - \ref CR_AV_QUALITY_BEST    The best encoding quality, the largest file.
1246 *
1247 *   - use the \ref CR_AV_ALLOW_DELETE to allow the user to delete the recorded video file from error report using context menu of Error Report Details dialog.
1248 *
1249 *  The main application window is a window that has a caption (\b WS_CAPTION), system menu (\b WS_SYSMENU) and
1250 *  the \b WS_EX_APPWINDOW extended style. If CrashRpt doesn't find such a window, it considers the first found process window as
1251 *  the main window.
1252 *
1253 *  When the function is called, it displays a dialog notifying the user about video recording.
1254 *  The displayed dialog's parent window can be specified with the \b hWndParent argument.
1255 *  If the \b hWndParent is \a NULL, the currently active process window becomes the parent.
1256 *  If you do not want to display the dialog, specify the \ref CR_AV_NO_GUI flag for \b dwFlags argument.
1257 *
1258 *  The recorded video will be maximum \b nDuration milliseconds long with \b nFrameInterval
1259 *  milliseconds interval between subsequent video frames. If \b nDuration and\or \b nFrameInterval
1260 *  are set to zero (0), the default implementation-defined duration and frame interval are used.
1261 *
1262 *  The \b pDesiredFrameSize parameter allows to define the desired video frame size.
1263 *  Frame width and height must be a multiple of 16 (OGG Theora video codec's requirement).
1264 *  If they are not, they are modified automatically to be a multiple of 16.
1265 *
1266 *  To preserve correct aspect ratio of the captured area, set \b pDesiredFrameSize->cx or \b pDesiredFrameSize->cy
1267 *  to zero. For example, setting \b pDesiredFrameSize->cx=640 and \b pDesiredFrameSize->cy=0
1268 *  results in video frames whose width is 640 pixels and height is calculated to preserve the
1269 *  correct aspect ratio of the captured area. If both \b cx and \b cy are specified, the aspect ratio
1270 *  of the captured area is not preserved.
1271 *
1272 *  Setting the \b pDesiredFrameSize
1273 *  parameter to \a NULL makes the function to determine the best video frame size automatically.
1274 *
1275 *  This function can be used to record the state of end user's desktop just before the moment
1276 *  of crash and add the video file to the error report. The recorded information may help the
1277 *  software vendor to better understand the state of the client application at the moment of
1278 *  crash and reproduce the error.
1279 *
1280 *  When this function is called, CrashRpt launches another process named \b CrashSender.exe.
1281 *  The \b CrashSender.exe process then continuously captures the desktop screenshots in background
1282 *  mode and stores them to disk as image files. To avoid high CPU load, image files are stored
1283 *  in uncompressed state as raw bitmap (BMP) files. When the count of screenshot files exceeds
1284 *  the predefined maximum number, the old screenshot files are reused cyclically.
1285 *
1286 *  If the client application does not crash and its main code or main window loop exits successfully,
1287 *  the captured desktop screenshot files are removed by the \ref crUninstall() function call and
1288 *  \b CrashSender.exe process is terminated.
1289 *
1290 *  If the client application crashes at some moment of time, the recorded screenshot files are compressed by
1291 *  <a href="http://www.theora.org/">OGG Theora video codec</a> and written into an .OGG file. The
1292 *  uncompressed temporary screenshots are then removed, and the resulting
1293 *  OGG file is included into crash report archive.
1294 *
1295 *  The <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogg">OGG video format</a> is a widely used
1296 *  video container provided by the open-source OGG Project.
1297 *  OGG files can be opened in a browser like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or in
1298 *  another video player understanding this format, like ffmpeg.
1299 *
1300 *  Use this function only when necessary, because it may cause end user's computer performance
1301 *  loss. It also requires some amount of free disk space.
1302 *
1303 *  The recorded video may contain user-identifying or private information. Always
1304 *  specify the purposes you will use collected information for in your Privacy Policy.
1305 *
1306 *  Usage example:
1307 *
1308 *  \code
1309 *
1310 *  // First install CrashRpt with crInstall() function
1311 *
1312 *  ...
1313 *
1314 *  SIZE FrameSize = {0, 600}; // Frames 600 px in height
1315 *                      // Frame width is calculated automatically
1316 *
1317 *  // Start capturing desktop. Desktop capture video will
1318 *  // be added to crash report on crash
1319 *  int nResult = crAddVideo(
1320 *         CR_AV_VIRTUAL_SCREEN|CR_AV_QUALITY_GOOD, // Capture entire desktop
1321 *                                               // Good encoding quality
1322 *         10000,   // 10 seconds long video
1323 *         300,     // 300 msec between frames (3.33 FPS)
1324 *         &FrameSize,
1325 *         NULL
1326 *    );
1327 *
1328 *  \endcode
1329 *
1330 *  \sa
1331 *   crAddFile2(), crAddScreenshot2(), crAddRegKey(), crUninstall().
1332 */
1335 crAddVideo(
1336             DWORD dwFlags,
1337 			int nDuration,
1338 			int nFrameInterval,
1339             PSIZE pDesiredFrameSize,
1340 			HWND hWndParent
1341             );
1343 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1344 *  \brief Adds a string property to the crash report.
1345 *
1346 *  \return This function returns zero if succeeded. Use crGetLastErrorMsg() to retrieve the error message on fail.
1347 *
1348 *  \param[in] pszPropName   Name of the property, required.
1349 *  \param[in] pszPropValue  Value of the property, required.
1350 *
1351 *  \remarks
1352 *
1353 *  Use this function to add a string property to the crash description XML file.
1354 *  User-added properties are listed under \<CustomProps\> tag of the XML file.
1355 *  In the XML file properties are ordered by names in alphabetic order.
1356 *
1357 *  The following example shows how to add information about the amount of free disk space
1358 *  to the crash description XML file:
1359 *
1360 *  \code
1361 *  // It is assumed that you already calculated the amount of free disk space,
1362 *  // converted it to text and stored it as szFreeSpace string.
1363 *  LPCTSTR szFreeSpace = _T("0 Kb");
1364 *  crAddProperty(_T("FreeDiskSpace"), szFreeSpace);
1365 *
1366 *  \endcode
1367 *
1368 *  \sa
1369 *   crAddFile2(), crAddScreenshot()
1370 */
1373 crAddPropertyW(
1374                LPCWSTR pszPropName,
1375                LPCWSTR pszPropValue
1376                );
1378 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1379 *  \copydoc crAddPropertyW()
1380 */
1383 crAddPropertyA(
1384                LPCSTR pszPropName,
1385                LPCSTR pszPropValue
1386                );
1388 /*! \brief Character set-independent mapping of crAddPropertyW() and crAddPropertyA() functions.
1389 *  \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1390 */
1391 #ifdef UNICODE
1392 #define crAddProperty crAddPropertyW
1393 #else
1394 #define crAddProperty crAddPropertyA
1395 #endif //UNICODE
1397 // Flags that can be passed to crAddRegKey() function
1398 #define CR_AR_ALLOW_DELETE   0x1  //!< If this flag is specified, the file will be deletable from context menu of Error Report Details dialog.
1400 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1401 *  \brief Adds a registry key dump to the crash report.
1402 *
1403 *  \return This function returns zero if succeeded. Use crGetLastErrorMsg() to retrieve the error message on fail.
1404 *
1405 *  \param[in] pszRegKey        Registry key to dump, required.
1406 *  \param[in] pszDstFileName   Name of the destination file, required.
1407 *  \param[in] dwFlags          Flags, reserved.
1408 *
1409 *  \remarks
1410 *
1411 *  Use this function to add a dump of a Windows registry key into the crash report. This function
1412 *  is available since v.1.2.6.
1413 *
1414 *  The \a pszRegKey parameter must be the name of the registry key. The key name should begin with "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"
1415 *  or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". Other root keys are not supported.
1416 *
1417 *  The content of the key specified by the \a pszRegKey parameter will be stored in a human-readable XML
1418 *  format and included into the error report as \a pszDstFileName destination file. You can dump multiple registry keys
1419 *  to the same destination file.
1420 *
1421 *  The \a dwFlags parameter can be either set to zero (no flags) or with the following constant:
1422 *
1423 *  - \ref CR_AR_ALLOW_DELETE allows the user to delete the file from error report using context menu of Error Report Details dialog.
1424 *
1425 *  The following example shows how to dump two registry keys to a single \a regkey.xml file:
1426 *
1427 *  \code
1428 *
1429 *  crAddRegKey(_T("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\MyApp"), _T("regkey.xml"), 0);
1430 *  crAddRegKey(_T("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\MyApp"), _T("regkey.xml"), 0);
1431 *
1432 *  \endcode
1433 *
1434 *  \sa
1435 *   crAddFile2(), crAddScreenshot(), crAddProperty()
1436 */
1439 crAddRegKeyW(
1440              LPCWSTR pszRegKey,
1441              LPCWSTR pszDstFileName,
1442              DWORD dwFlags
1443              );
1445 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1446 *  \copydoc crAddRegKeyW()
1447 */
1450 crAddRegKeyA(
1451              LPCSTR pszRegKey,
1452              LPCSTR pszDstFileName,
1453              DWORD dwFlags
1454              );
1456 /*! \brief Character set-independent mapping of crAddRegKeyW() and crAddRegKeyA() functions.
1457 *  \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1458 */
1459 #ifdef UNICODE
1460 #define crAddRegKey crAddRegKeyW
1461 #else
1462 #define crAddRegKey crAddRegKeyA
1463 #endif //UNICODE
1465 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1466 *  \brief Manually generates an error report.
1467 *
1468 *  \return This function returns zero if succeeded. When failed, it returns a non-zero value.
1469 *     Use crGetLastErrorMsg() function to retrieve the error message.
1470 *
1471 *  \param[in] pExceptionInfo Exception information.
1472 *
1473 *  \remarks
1474 *
1475 *    Call this function to manually generate a crash report. When crash information is collected,
1476 *    control is returned to the caller. The crGenerateErrorReport() doesn't terminate the caller process.
1477 *
1478 *    The crash report may contain the crash minidump file, crash description file in XML format and
1479 *    additional custom files added with a function like crAddFile2().
1480 *
1481 *    The exception information should be passed using \ref CR_EXCEPTION_INFO structure.
1482 *
1483 *    The following example shows how to use crGenerateErrorReport() function.
1484 *
1485 *    \code
1486 *    CR_EXCEPTION_INFO ei;
1487 *    memset(&ei, 0, sizeof(CR_EXCEPTION_INFO));
1488 *    ei.cb = sizeof(CR_EXCEPTION_INFO);
1489 *    ei.exctype = CR_SEH_EXCEPTION;
1490 *    ei.code = 1234;
1491 *    ei.pexcptrs = NULL;
1492 *
1493 *    int result = crGenerateErrorReport(&ei);
1494 *
1495 *    if(result!=0)
1496 *    {
1497 *      // If goes here, crGenerateErrorReport() has failed
1498 *      // Get the last error message
1499 *      TCHAR szErrorMsg[256];
1500 *      crGetLastErrorMsg(szErrorMsg, 256);
1501 *    }
1502 *
1503 *    // Manually terminate program
1504 *    ExitProcess(0);
1505 *
1506 *    \endcode
1507 */
1510 crGenerateErrorReport(
1511                       __in_opt CR_EXCEPTION_INFO* pExceptionInfo
1512                       );
1514 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1515 *  \brief Can be used as a SEH exception filter.
1516 *
1517 *  \return This function returns \c EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER if succeeds; otherwise \c EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH.
1518 *
1519 *  \param[in] code Exception code.
1520 *  \param[in] ep   Exception pointers.
1521 *
1522 *  \remarks
1523 *
1524 *     This function can be called instead of a SEH exception filter
1525 *     inside of __try{}__except(Expression){} construction. The function generates an error report
1526 *     and returns control to the exception handler block.
1527 *
1528 *     The exception code is usually retrieved with \b GetExceptionCode() intrinsic function
1529 *     and the exception pointers are retrieved with \b GetExceptionInformation() intrinsic
1530 *     function.
1531 *
1532 *     If an error occurs, this function returns \c EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH.
1533 *     Use crGetLastErrorMsg() to retrieve the error message on fail.
1534 *
1535 *     The following example shows how to use crExceptionFilter().
1536 *
1537 *     \code
1538 *     int* p = NULL;   // pointer to NULL
1539 *     __try
1540 *     {
1541 *        *p = 13; // causes an access violation exception;
1542 *     }
1543 *     __except(crExceptionFilter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()))
1544 *     {
1545 *       // Terminate program
1546 *       ExitProcess(1);
1547 *     }
1548 *
1549 *     \endcode
1550 */
1553 crExceptionFilter(
1554                   unsigned int code,
1555                   __in_opt struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* ep);
1558 // Flags used by crEmulateCrash() function
1559 #define CR_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION  32  //!< Non continuable sofware exception.
1560 #define CR_THROW                     33  //!< Throw C++ typed exception.
1561 #define CR_STACK_OVERFLOW			 34  //!< Stack overflow.
1563 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1564 *  \brief Emulates a predefined crash situation.
1565 *
1566 *  \return This function doesn't return if succeded. If failed, returns non-zero value. Call crGetLastErrorMsg()
1567 *   to get the last error message.
1568 *
1569 *  \param[in] ExceptionType Type of crash.
1570 *
1571 *  \remarks
1572 *
1573 *    This function uses some a priori incorrect or vulnerable code or raises a C++ signal or raises an uncontinuable
1574 *    software exception to cause crash.
1575 *
1576 *    This function can be used to test if CrashRpt handles a crash situation correctly.
1577 *
1578 *    CrashRpt will intercept an error or exception if crInstall() and/or crInstallToCurrentThread2()
1579 *    were previously called. crInstall() installs exception handlers that function on per-process basis.
1580 *    crInstallToCurrentThread2() installs exception handlers that function on per-thread basis.
1581 *
1582 *  \a ExceptionType can be one of the following constants:
1583 *    - \ref CR_SEH_EXCEPTION  This will generate a null pointer exception.
1584 *    - \ref CR_CPP_TERMINATE_CALL This results in call of terminate() C++ function.
1585 *    - \ref CR_CPP_UNEXPECTED_CALL This results in call of unexpected() C++ function.
1586 *    - \ref CR_CPP_PURE_CALL This emulates a call of pure virtual method call of a C++ class instance (Visual Studio .NET 2003 and later).
1587 *    - \ref CR_CPP_NEW_OPERATOR_ERROR This emulates C++ new operator failure (Visual Studio .NET 2003 and later).
1588 *    - \ref CR_CPP_SECURITY_ERROR This emulates copy of large amount of data to a small buffer (Visual Studio .NET 2003 only).
1589 *    - \ref CR_CPP_INVALID_PARAMETER This emulates an invalid parameter C++ exception (Visual Studio 2005 and later).
1590 *    - \ref CR_CPP_SIGABRT This raises SIGABRT signal (abnormal program termination).
1591 *    - \ref CR_CPP_SIGFPE This causes floating point exception.
1592 *    - \ref CR_CPP_SIGILL This raises SIGILL signal (illegal instruction signal).
1593 *    - \ref CR_CPP_SIGINT This raises SIGINT signal.
1594 *    - \ref CR_CPP_SIGSEGV This raises SIGSEGV signal.
1595 *    - \ref CR_CPP_SIGTERM This raises SIGTERM signal (program termination request).
1596 *    - \ref CR_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION This raises a noncontinuable software exception (expected result
1597 *         is the same as in \ref CR_SEH_EXCEPTION).
1598 *    - \ref CR_THROW This throws a C++ typed exception (expected result is the same as in \ref CR_CPP_TERMINATE_CALL).
1599 *    - \ref CR_STACK_OVERFLOW This causes stack overflow.
1600 *
1601 *  The \ref CR_SEH_EXCEPTION uses null pointer write operation to cause the access violation.
1602 *
1603 *  The \ref CR_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION has the same effect as \ref CR_SEH_EXCEPTION, but it uses
1604 *  \b RaiseException() WinAPI function to raise noncontinuable software exception.
1605 *
1606 *  The following example shows how to use crEmulateCrash() function.
1607 *
1608 *  \code
1609 *  // emulate null pointer exception (access violation)
1610 *  crEmulateCrash(CR_SEH_EXCEPTION);
1611 *  \endcode
1612 *
1613 */
1616 crEmulateCrash(
1617                unsigned ExceptionType) throw (...);
1621 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1622 *  \brief Gets the last CrashRpt error message.
1623 *
1624 *  \return This function returns length of error message in characters. If output buffer is invalid, returns a negative number.
1625 *
1626 *  \param[out] pszBuffer Pointer to the buffer.
1627 *  \param[in]  uBuffSize Size of buffer in characters.
1628 *
1629 *  \remarks
1630 *
1631 *    This function gets the last CrashRpt error message. You can use this function
1632 *    to retrieve the text status of the last called CrashRpt function.
1633 *
1634 *    If buffer is too small for the error message, the message is truncated.
1635 *
1636 *  crGetLastErrorMsgW() and crGetLastErrorMsgA() are wide-character and multi-byte character versions
1637 *  of crGetLastErrorMsg(). The crGetLastErrorMsg() macro defines character set independent mapping.
1638 *
1639 *  The following example shows how to use crGetLastErrorMsg() function.
1640 *
1641 *  \code
1642 *
1643 *  // .. call some CrashRpt function
1644 *
1645 *  // Get the status message
1646 *  TCHAR szErrorMsg[256];
1647 *  crGetLastErrorMsg(szErrorMsg, 256);
1648 *  \endcode
1649 *
1650 *  \sa crGetLastErrorMsgA(), crGetLastErrorMsgW(), crGetLastErrorMsg()
1651 */
1654 crGetLastErrorMsgW(
1655                    __out_ecount_z(uBuffSize) LPWSTR pszBuffer,
1656                    UINT uBuffSize);
1658 /*! \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1659 *  \copydoc crGetLastErrorMsgW()
1660 *
1661 */
1664 crGetLastErrorMsgA(
1665                    __out_ecount_z(uBuffSize) LPSTR pszBuffer,
1666                    UINT uBuffSize);
1668 /*! \brief Defines character set-independent mapping for crGetLastErrorMsgW() and crGetLastErrorMsgA().
1669 *  \ingroup CrashRptAPI
1670 */
1672 #ifdef UNICODE
1673 #define crGetLastErrorMsg crGetLastErrorMsgW
1674 #else
1675 #define crGetLastErrorMsg crGetLastErrorMsgA
1676 #endif //UNICODE
1679 //// Helper wrapper classes
1683 /*! \class CrAutoInstallHelper
1684 *  \ingroup CrashRptWrappers
1685 *  \brief Installs exception handlers in constructor and uninstalls in destructor.
1686 *  \remarks
1687 *    Use this class to easily install/uninstall exception handlers in you \b main()
1688 *    or \b WinMain() function.
1689 *
1690 *    This wrapper class calls crInstall() in its constructor and calls crUninstall() in
1691 *    its destructor.
1692 *
1693 *    Use CrAutoInstallHelper::m_nInstallStatus member to check the return status of crInstall().
1694 *
1695 *    Example:
1696 *
1697 *    \code
1698 *    #include <CrashRpt.h>
1699 *
1700 *    void main()
1701 *    {
1702 *      CR_INSTALL_INFO info;
1703 *      memset(&info, 0, sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO));
1704 *      info.cb = sizeof(CR_INSTALL_INFO);
1705 *      info.pszAppName = _T("My App Name");
1706 *      info.pszAppVersion = _T("1.2.3");
1707 *      info.pszEmailSubject = "Error Report from My App v.1.2.3";
1708 *      // The address to send reports by E-mail
1709 *      info.pszEmailTo = _T("myname@hotmail.com");
1710 *      // The URL to send reports via HTTP connection
1711 *      info.pszUrl = _T("http://myappname.com/utils/crashrpt.php");
1712 *      info.pfnCrashCallback = CrashCallback;
1713 *      info.uPriorities[CR_HTTP] = 3; // Try HTTP first
1714 *      info.uPriorities[CR_SMTP] = 2; // Try SMTP second
1715 *      info.uPriorities[CR_SMAPI] = 1; // Try system email program last
1716 *
1717 *      // Install crash reporting
1718 *      CrAutoInstallHelper cr_install_helper(&info);
1719 *      // Check that installed OK
1720 *      assert(cr_install_helper.m_nInstallStatus==0);
1721 *
1722 *      // Your code follows here ...
1723 *
1724 *    }
1725 *    \endcode
1726 */
1728 class CrAutoInstallHelper
1729 {
1730 public:
1732     //! Installs exception handlers to the caller process
CrAutoInstallHelper(__in PCR_INSTALL_INFOA pInfo)1733     CrAutoInstallHelper(__in PCR_INSTALL_INFOA pInfo)
1734     {
1735         m_nInstallStatus = crInstallA(pInfo);
1736     }
1738     //! Installs exception handlers to the caller process
CrAutoInstallHelper(__in PCR_INSTALL_INFOW pInfo)1739     CrAutoInstallHelper(__in PCR_INSTALL_INFOW pInfo)
1740     {
1741         m_nInstallStatus = crInstallW(pInfo);
1742     }
1744     //! Uninstalls exception handlers from the caller process
~CrAutoInstallHelper()1745     ~CrAutoInstallHelper()
1746     {
1747 		if(m_nInstallStatus==0)
1748 			crUninstall();
1749     }
1751     //! Install status
1752     int m_nInstallStatus;
1753 };
1755 /*! \class CrThreadAutoInstallHelper
1756 *  \ingroup CrashRptWrappers
1757 *  \brief Installs (uninstalls) exception handlers for the caller thread in class' constructor (destructor).
1758 *
1759 *  \remarks
1760 *
1761 *   This wrapper class calls crInstallToCurrentThread2() in its constructor and
1762 *   calls crUninstallFromCurrentThread() in its destructor.
1763 *
1764 *   Use CrThreadAutoInstallHelper::m_nInstallStatus member to check
1765 *   the return status of crInstallToCurrentThread2().
1766 *
1767 *   Example:
1768 *
1769 *   \code
1770 *   DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam)
1771 *   {
1772 *     CrThreadAutoInstallHelper cr_thread_install_helper();
1773 *     assert(cr_thread_install_helper.m_nInstallStatus==0);
1774 *
1775 *     // Your code follows here ...
1776 *   }
1777 *   \endcode
1778 */
1780 class CrThreadAutoInstallHelper
1781 {
1782 public:
1784     //! Installs exception handlers to the caller thread
1785     CrThreadAutoInstallHelper(DWORD dwFlags=0)
1786     {
1787         m_nInstallStatus = crInstallToCurrentThread2(dwFlags);
1788     }
1790     //! Uninstalls exception handlers from the caller thread
~CrThreadAutoInstallHelper()1791     ~CrThreadAutoInstallHelper()
1792 	{
1793 		if (m_nInstallStatus == 0)
1794 			 crUninstallFromCurrentThread();
1795 	}
1797     //! Install status
1798     int m_nInstallStatus;
1799 };
1801 #endif //!_CRASHRPT_NO_WRAPPERS
1803 #endif //_CRASHRPT_H_