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10 //                           License Agreement
11 //                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
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13 // Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
14 // Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
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46 #include "opencv2/imgproc/types_c.h"
48 #ifdef __cplusplus
49 extern "C" {
50 #endif
52 /** @addtogroup imgproc_c
53 @{
54 */
56 /*********************** Background statistics accumulation *****************************/
58 /** @brief Adds image to accumulator
59 @see cv::accumulate
60 */
61 CVAPI(void)  cvAcc( const CvArr* image, CvArr* sum,
62                    const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
64 /** @brief Adds squared image to accumulator
65 @see cv::accumulateSquare
66 */
67 CVAPI(void)  cvSquareAcc( const CvArr* image, CvArr* sqsum,
68                          const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
70 /** @brief Adds a product of two images to accumulator
71 @see cv::accumulateProduct
72 */
73 CVAPI(void)  cvMultiplyAcc( const CvArr* image1, const CvArr* image2, CvArr* acc,
74                            const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
76 /** @brief Adds image to accumulator with weights: acc = acc*(1-alpha) + image*alpha
77 @see cv::accumulateWeighted
78 */
79 CVAPI(void)  cvRunningAvg( const CvArr* image, CvArr* acc, double alpha,
80                           const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
82 /****************************************************************************************\
83 *                                    Image Processing                                    *
84 \****************************************************************************************/
86 /** Copies source 2D array inside of the larger destination array and
87    makes a border of the specified type (IPL_BORDER_*) around the copied area. */
88 CVAPI(void) cvCopyMakeBorder( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, CvPoint offset,
89                               int bordertype, CvScalar value CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)));
91 /** @brief Smooths the image in one of several ways.
93 @param src The source image
94 @param dst The destination image
95 @param smoothtype Type of the smoothing, see SmoothMethod_c
96 @param size1 The first parameter of the smoothing operation, the aperture width. Must be a
97 positive odd number (1, 3, 5, ...)
98 @param size2 The second parameter of the smoothing operation, the aperture height. Ignored by
99 CV_MEDIAN and CV_BILATERAL methods. In the case of simple scaled/non-scaled and Gaussian blur if
100 size2 is zero, it is set to size1. Otherwise it must be a positive odd number.
101 @param sigma1 In the case of a Gaussian parameter this parameter may specify Gaussian \f$\sigma\f$
102 (standard deviation). If it is zero, it is calculated from the kernel size:
103 \f[\sigma  = 0.3 (n/2 - 1) + 0.8  \quad   \text{where}   \quad  n= \begin{array}{l l} \mbox{\texttt{size1} for horizontal kernel} \\ \mbox{\texttt{size2} for vertical kernel} \end{array}\f]
104 Using standard sigma for small kernels ( \f$3\times 3\f$ to \f$7\times 7\f$ ) gives better speed. If
105 sigma1 is not zero, while size1 and size2 are zeros, the kernel size is calculated from the
106 sigma (to provide accurate enough operation).
107 @param sigma2 additional parameter for bilateral filtering
109 @see cv::GaussianBlur, cv::blur, cv::medianBlur, cv::bilateralFilter.
110  */
111 CVAPI(void) cvSmooth( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
112                       int smoothtype CV_DEFAULT(CV_GAUSSIAN),
113                       int size1 CV_DEFAULT(3),
114                       int size2 CV_DEFAULT(0),
115                       double sigma1 CV_DEFAULT(0),
116                       double sigma2 CV_DEFAULT(0));
118 /** @brief Convolves an image with the kernel.
120 @param src input image.
121 @param dst output image of the same size and the same number of channels as src.
122 @param kernel convolution kernel (or rather a correlation kernel), a single-channel floating point
123 matrix; if you want to apply different kernels to different channels, split the image into
124 separate color planes using split and process them individually.
125 @param anchor anchor of the kernel that indicates the relative position of a filtered point within
126 the kernel; the anchor should lie within the kernel; default value (-1,-1) means that the anchor
127 is at the kernel center.
129 @see cv::filter2D
130  */
131 CVAPI(void) cvFilter2D( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, const CvMat* kernel,
132                         CvPoint anchor CV_DEFAULT(cvPoint(-1,-1)));
134 /** @brief Finds integral image: SUM(X,Y) = sum(x<X,y<Y)I(x,y)
135 @see cv::integral
136 */
137 CVAPI(void) cvIntegral( const CvArr* image, CvArr* sum,
138                        CvArr* sqsum CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
139                        CvArr* tilted_sum CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
141 /** @brief Smoothes the input image with gaussian kernel and then down-samples it.
143    dst_width = floor(src_width/2)[+1],
144    dst_height = floor(src_height/2)[+1]
145    @see cv::pyrDown
146 */
147 CVAPI(void)  cvPyrDown( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
148                         int filter CV_DEFAULT(CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5) );
150 /** @brief Up-samples image and smoothes the result with gaussian kernel.
152    dst_width = src_width*2,
153    dst_height = src_height*2
154    @see cv::pyrUp
155 */
156 CVAPI(void)  cvPyrUp( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
157                       int filter CV_DEFAULT(CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5) );
159 /** @brief Builds pyramid for an image
160 @see buildPyramid
161 */
162 CVAPI(CvMat**) cvCreatePyramid( const CvArr* img, int extra_layers, double rate,
163                                 const CvSize* layer_sizes CV_DEFAULT(0),
164                                 CvArr* bufarr CV_DEFAULT(0),
165                                 int calc CV_DEFAULT(1),
166                                 int filter CV_DEFAULT(CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5) );
168 /** @brief Releases pyramid */
169 CVAPI(void)  cvReleasePyramid( CvMat*** pyramid, int extra_layers );
172 /** @brief Filters image using meanshift algorithm
173 @see cv::pyrMeanShiftFiltering
174 */
175 CVAPI(void) cvPyrMeanShiftFiltering( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
176     double sp, double sr, int max_level CV_DEFAULT(1),
177     CvTermCriteria termcrit CV_DEFAULT(cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,5,1)));
179 /** @brief Segments image using seed "markers"
180 @see cv::watershed
181 */
182 CVAPI(void) cvWatershed( const CvArr* image, CvArr* markers );
184 /** @brief Calculates an image derivative using generalized Sobel
186    (aperture_size = 1,3,5,7) or Scharr (aperture_size = -1) operator.
187    Scharr can be used only for the first dx or dy derivative
188 @see cv::Sobel
189 */
190 CVAPI(void) cvSobel( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
191                     int xorder, int yorder,
192                     int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3));
194 /** @brief Calculates the image Laplacian: (d2/dx + d2/dy)I
195 @see cv::Laplacian
196 */
197 CVAPI(void) cvLaplace( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
198                       int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3) );
200 /** @brief Converts input array pixels from one color space to another
201 @see cv::cvtColor
202 */
203 CVAPI(void)  cvCvtColor( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, int code );
206 /** @brief Resizes image (input array is resized to fit the destination array)
207 @see cv::resize
208 */
209 CVAPI(void)  cvResize( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
210                        int interpolation CV_DEFAULT( CV_INTER_LINEAR ));
212 /** @brief Warps image with affine transform
213 @note ::cvGetQuadrangleSubPix is similar to ::cvWarpAffine, but the outliers are extrapolated using
214 replication border mode.
215 @see cv::warpAffine
216 */
217 CVAPI(void)  cvWarpAffine( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, const CvMat* map_matrix,
218                            int flags CV_DEFAULT(CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS),
219                            CvScalar fillval CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)) );
221 /** @brief Computes affine transform matrix for mapping src[i] to dst[i] (i=0,1,2)
222 @see cv::getAffineTransform
223 */
224 CVAPI(CvMat*) cvGetAffineTransform( const CvPoint2D32f * src,
225                                     const CvPoint2D32f * dst,
226                                     CvMat * map_matrix );
228 /** @brief Computes rotation_matrix matrix
229 @see cv::getRotationMatrix2D
230 */
231 CVAPI(CvMat*)  cv2DRotationMatrix( CvPoint2D32f center, double angle,
232                                    double scale, CvMat* map_matrix );
234 /** @brief Warps image with perspective (projective) transform
235 @see cv::warpPerspective
236 */
237 CVAPI(void)  cvWarpPerspective( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, const CvMat* map_matrix,
238                                 int flags CV_DEFAULT(CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS),
239                                 CvScalar fillval CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)) );
241 /** @brief Computes perspective transform matrix for mapping src[i] to dst[i] (i=0,1,2,3)
242 @see cv::getPerspectiveTransform
243 */
244 CVAPI(CvMat*) cvGetPerspectiveTransform( const CvPoint2D32f* src,
245                                          const CvPoint2D32f* dst,
246                                          CvMat* map_matrix );
248 /** @brief Performs generic geometric transformation using the specified coordinate maps
249 @see cv::remap
250 */
251 CVAPI(void)  cvRemap( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
252                       const CvArr* mapx, const CvArr* mapy,
253                       int flags CV_DEFAULT(CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS),
254                       CvScalar fillval CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)) );
256 /** @brief Converts mapx & mapy from floating-point to integer formats for cvRemap
257 @see cv::convertMaps
258 */
259 CVAPI(void)  cvConvertMaps( const CvArr* mapx, const CvArr* mapy,
260                             CvArr* mapxy, CvArr* mapalpha );
262 /** @brief Performs forward or inverse log-polar image transform
263 @see cv::warpPolar
264 */
265 CVAPI(void)  cvLogPolar( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
266                          CvPoint2D32f center, double M,
267                          int flags CV_DEFAULT(CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS));
269 /** Performs forward or inverse linear-polar image transform
270 @see cv::warpPolar
271 */
272 CVAPI(void)  cvLinearPolar( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
273                          CvPoint2D32f center, double maxRadius,
274                          int flags CV_DEFAULT(CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS));
276 /** @brief Returns a structuring element of the specified size and shape for morphological operations.
278 @note the created structuring element IplConvKernel\* element must be released in the end using
279 `cvReleaseStructuringElement(&element)`.
281 @param cols Width of the structuring element
282 @param rows Height of the structuring element
283 @param anchor_x x-coordinate of the anchor
284 @param anchor_y y-coordinate of the anchor
285 @param shape element shape that could be one of the cv::MorphShapes_c
286 @param values integer array of cols*rows elements that specifies the custom shape of the
287 structuring element, when shape=CV_SHAPE_CUSTOM.
289 @see cv::getStructuringElement
290  */
291  CVAPI(IplConvKernel*)  cvCreateStructuringElementEx(
292             int cols, int  rows, int  anchor_x, int  anchor_y,
293             int shape, int* values CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
295 /** @brief releases structuring element
296 @see cvCreateStructuringElementEx
297 */
298 CVAPI(void)  cvReleaseStructuringElement( IplConvKernel** element );
300 /** @brief erodes input image (applies minimum filter) one or more times.
301    If element pointer is NULL, 3x3 rectangular element is used
302 @see cv::erode
303 */
304 CVAPI(void)  cvErode( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
305                       IplConvKernel* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
306                       int iterations CV_DEFAULT(1) );
308 /** @brief dilates input image (applies maximum filter) one or more times.
310    If element pointer is NULL, 3x3 rectangular element is used
311 @see cv::dilate
312 */
313 CVAPI(void)  cvDilate( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
314                        IplConvKernel* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
315                        int iterations CV_DEFAULT(1) );
317 /** @brief Performs complex morphological transformation
318 @see cv::morphologyEx
319 */
320 CVAPI(void)  cvMorphologyEx( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
321                              CvArr* temp, IplConvKernel* element,
322                              int operation, int iterations CV_DEFAULT(1) );
324 /** @brief Calculates all spatial and central moments up to the 3rd order
325 @see cv::moments
326 */
327 CVAPI(void) cvMoments( const CvArr* arr, CvMoments* moments, int binary CV_DEFAULT(0));
329 /** @brief Retrieve spatial moments */
330 CVAPI(double)  cvGetSpatialMoment( CvMoments* moments, int x_order, int y_order );
331 /** @brief Retrieve central moments */
332 CVAPI(double)  cvGetCentralMoment( CvMoments* moments, int x_order, int y_order );
333 /** @brief Retrieve normalized central moments */
334 CVAPI(double)  cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( CvMoments* moments,
335                                              int x_order, int y_order );
337 /** @brief Calculates 7 Hu's invariants from precalculated spatial and central moments
338 @see cv::HuMoments
339 */
340 CVAPI(void) cvGetHuMoments( CvMoments*  moments, CvHuMoments*  hu_moments );
342 /*********************************** data sampling **************************************/
344 /** @brief Fetches pixels that belong to the specified line segment and stores them to the buffer.
346    Returns the number of retrieved points.
347 @see cv::LineSegmentDetector
348 */
349 CVAPI(int)  cvSampleLine( const CvArr* image, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2, void* buffer,
350                           int connectivity CV_DEFAULT(8));
352 /** @brief Retrieves the rectangular image region with specified center from the input array.
354  dst(x,y) <- src(x + center.x - dst_width/2, y + center.y - dst_height/2).
355  Values of pixels with fractional coordinates are retrieved using bilinear interpolation
356 @see cv::getRectSubPix
357 */
358 CVAPI(void)  cvGetRectSubPix( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, CvPoint2D32f center );
361 /** @brief Retrieves quadrangle from the input array.
363     matrixarr = ( a11  a12 | b1 )   dst(x,y) <- src(A[x y]' + b)
364                 ( a21  a22 | b2 )   (bilinear interpolation is used to retrieve pixels
365                                      with fractional coordinates)
366 @see cvWarpAffine
367 */
368 CVAPI(void)  cvGetQuadrangleSubPix( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
369                                     const CvMat* map_matrix );
371 /** @brief Measures similarity between template and overlapped windows in the source image
372    and fills the resultant image with the measurements
373 @see cv::matchTemplate
374 */
375 CVAPI(void)  cvMatchTemplate( const CvArr* image, const CvArr* templ,
376                               CvArr* result, int method );
378 /** @brief Computes earth mover distance between
379    two weighted point sets (called signatures)
380 @see cv::EMD
381 */
382 CVAPI(float)  cvCalcEMD2( const CvArr* signature1,
383                           const CvArr* signature2,
384                           int distance_type,
385                           CvDistanceFunction distance_func CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
386                           const CvArr* cost_matrix CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
387                           CvArr* flow CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
388                           float* lower_bound CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
389                           void* userdata CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
391 /****************************************************************************************\
392 *                              Contours retrieving                                       *
393 \****************************************************************************************/
395 /** @brief Retrieves outer and optionally inner boundaries of white (non-zero) connected
396    components in the black (zero) background
397 @see cv::findContours, cvStartFindContours, cvFindNextContour, cvSubstituteContour, cvEndFindContours
398 */
399 CVAPI(int)  cvFindContours( CvArr* image, CvMemStorage* storage, CvSeq** first_contour,
400                             int header_size CV_DEFAULT(sizeof(CvContour)),
401                             int mode CV_DEFAULT(CV_RETR_LIST),
402                             int method CV_DEFAULT(CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE),
403                             CvPoint offset CV_DEFAULT(cvPoint(0,0)));
405 /** @brief Initializes contour retrieving process.
407    Calls cvStartFindContours.
408    Calls cvFindNextContour until null pointer is returned
409    or some other condition becomes true.
410    Calls cvEndFindContours at the end.
411 @see cvFindContours
412 */
413 CVAPI(CvContourScanner)  cvStartFindContours( CvArr* image, CvMemStorage* storage,
414                             int header_size CV_DEFAULT(sizeof(CvContour)),
415                             int mode CV_DEFAULT(CV_RETR_LIST),
416                             int method CV_DEFAULT(CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE),
417                             CvPoint offset CV_DEFAULT(cvPoint(0,0)));
419 /** @brief Retrieves next contour
420 @see cvFindContours
421 */
422 CVAPI(CvSeq*)  cvFindNextContour( CvContourScanner scanner );
425 /** @brief Substitutes the last retrieved contour with the new one
427    (if the substitutor is null, the last retrieved contour is removed from the tree)
428 @see cvFindContours
429 */
430 CVAPI(void)   cvSubstituteContour( CvContourScanner scanner, CvSeq* new_contour );
433 /** @brief Releases contour scanner and returns pointer to the first outer contour
434 @see cvFindContours
435 */
436 CVAPI(CvSeq*)  cvEndFindContours( CvContourScanner* scanner );
438 /** @brief Approximates Freeman chain(s) with a polygonal curve.
440 This is a standalone contour approximation routine, not represented in the new interface. When
441 cvFindContours retrieves contours as Freeman chains, it calls the function to get approximated
442 contours, represented as polygons.
444 @param src_seq Pointer to the approximated Freeman chain that can refer to other chains.
445 @param storage Storage location for the resulting polylines.
446 @param method Approximation method (see the description of the function :ocvFindContours ).
447 @param parameter Method parameter (not used now).
448 @param minimal_perimeter Approximates only those contours whose perimeters are not less than
449 minimal_perimeter . Other chains are removed from the resulting structure.
450 @param recursive Recursion flag. If it is non-zero, the function approximates all chains that can
451 be obtained from chain by using the h_next or v_next links. Otherwise, the single input chain is
452 approximated.
453 @see cvStartReadChainPoints, cvReadChainPoint
454  */
455 CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvApproxChains( CvSeq* src_seq, CvMemStorage* storage,
456                             int method CV_DEFAULT(CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE),
457                             double parameter CV_DEFAULT(0),
458                             int  minimal_perimeter CV_DEFAULT(0),
459                             int  recursive CV_DEFAULT(0));
461 /** @brief Initializes Freeman chain reader.
463    The reader is used to iteratively get coordinates of all the chain points.
464    If the Freeman codes should be read as is, a simple sequence reader should be used
465 @see cvApproxChains
466 */
467 CVAPI(void) cvStartReadChainPoints( CvChain* chain, CvChainPtReader* reader );
469 /** @brief Retrieves the next chain point
470 @see cvApproxChains
471 */
472 CVAPI(CvPoint) cvReadChainPoint( CvChainPtReader* reader );
475 /****************************************************************************************\
476 *                            Contour Processing and Shape Analysis                       *
477 \****************************************************************************************/
479 /** @brief Approximates a single polygonal curve (contour) or
480    a tree of polygonal curves (contours)
481 @see cv::approxPolyDP
482 */
483 CVAPI(CvSeq*)  cvApproxPoly( const void* src_seq,
484                              int header_size, CvMemStorage* storage,
485                              int method, double eps,
486                              int recursive CV_DEFAULT(0));
488 /** @brief Calculates perimeter of a contour or length of a part of contour
489 @see cv::arcLength
490 */
491 CVAPI(double)  cvArcLength( const void* curve,
492                             CvSlice slice CV_DEFAULT(CV_WHOLE_SEQ),
493                             int is_closed CV_DEFAULT(-1));
495 /** same as cvArcLength for closed contour
496 */
cvContourPerimeter(const void * contour)497 CV_INLINE double cvContourPerimeter( const void* contour )
498 {
499     return cvArcLength( contour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ, 1 );
500 }
503 /** @brief Calculates contour bounding rectangle (update=1) or
504    just retrieves pre-calculated rectangle (update=0)
505 @see cv::boundingRect
506 */
507 CVAPI(CvRect)  cvBoundingRect( CvArr* points, int update CV_DEFAULT(0) );
509 /** @brief Calculates area of a contour or contour segment
510 @see cv::contourArea
511 */
512 CVAPI(double)  cvContourArea( const CvArr* contour,
513                               CvSlice slice CV_DEFAULT(CV_WHOLE_SEQ),
514                               int oriented CV_DEFAULT(0));
516 /** @brief Finds minimum area rotated rectangle bounding a set of points
517 @see cv::minAreaRect
518 */
519 CVAPI(CvBox2D)  cvMinAreaRect2( const CvArr* points,
520                                 CvMemStorage* storage CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
522 /** @brief Finds minimum enclosing circle for a set of points
523 @see cv::minEnclosingCircle
524 */
525 CVAPI(int)  cvMinEnclosingCircle( const CvArr* points,
526                                   CvPoint2D32f* center, float* radius );
528 /** @brief Compares two contours by matching their moments
529 @see cv::matchShapes
530 */
531 CVAPI(double)  cvMatchShapes( const void* object1, const void* object2,
532                               int method, double parameter CV_DEFAULT(0));
534 /** @brief Calculates exact convex hull of 2d point set
535 @see cv::convexHull
536 */
537 CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvConvexHull2( const CvArr* input,
538                              void* hull_storage CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
539                              int orientation CV_DEFAULT(CV_CLOCKWISE),
540                              int return_points CV_DEFAULT(0));
542 /** @brief Checks whether the contour is convex or not (returns 1 if convex, 0 if not)
543 @see cv::isContourConvex
544 */
545 CVAPI(int)  cvCheckContourConvexity( const CvArr* contour );
548 /** @brief Finds convexity defects for the contour
549 @see cv::convexityDefects
550 */
551 CVAPI(CvSeq*)  cvConvexityDefects( const CvArr* contour, const CvArr* convexhull,
552                                    CvMemStorage* storage CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
554 /** @brief Fits ellipse into a set of 2d points
555 @see cv::fitEllipse
556 */
557 CVAPI(CvBox2D) cvFitEllipse2( const CvArr* points );
559 /** @brief Finds minimum rectangle containing two given rectangles */
560 CVAPI(CvRect)  cvMaxRect( const CvRect* rect1, const CvRect* rect2 );
562 /** @brief Finds coordinates of the box vertices */
563 CVAPI(void) cvBoxPoints( CvBox2D box, CvPoint2D32f pt[4] );
565 /** @brief Initializes sequence header for a matrix (column or row vector) of points
567    a wrapper for cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray (it does not initialize bounding rectangle!!!) */
568 CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvPointSeqFromMat( int seq_kind, const CvArr* mat,
569                                  CvContour* contour_header,
570                                  CvSeqBlock* block );
572 /** @brief Checks whether the point is inside polygon, outside, on an edge (at a vertex).
574    Returns positive, negative or zero value, correspondingly.
575    Optionally, measures a signed distance between
576    the point and the nearest polygon edge (measure_dist=1)
577 @see cv::pointPolygonTest
578 */
579 CVAPI(double) cvPointPolygonTest( const CvArr* contour,
580                                   CvPoint2D32f pt, int measure_dist );
582 /****************************************************************************************\
583 *                                  Histogram functions                                   *
584 \****************************************************************************************/
586 /** @brief Creates a histogram.
588 The function creates a histogram of the specified size and returns a pointer to the created
589 histogram. If the array ranges is 0, the histogram bin ranges must be specified later via the
590 function cvSetHistBinRanges. Though cvCalcHist and cvCalcBackProject may process 8-bit images
591 without setting bin ranges, they assume they are equally spaced in 0 to 255 bins.
593 @param dims Number of histogram dimensions.
594 @param sizes Array of the histogram dimension sizes.
595 @param type Histogram representation format. CV_HIST_ARRAY means that the histogram data is
596 represented as a multi-dimensional dense array CvMatND. CV_HIST_SPARSE means that histogram data
597 is represented as a multi-dimensional sparse array CvSparseMat.
598 @param ranges Array of ranges for the histogram bins. Its meaning depends on the uniform parameter
599 value. The ranges are used when the histogram is calculated or backprojected to determine which
600 histogram bin corresponds to which value/tuple of values from the input image(s).
601 @param uniform Uniformity flag. If not zero, the histogram has evenly spaced bins and for every
602 \f$0<=i<cDims\f$ ranges[i] is an array of two numbers: lower and upper boundaries for the i-th
603 histogram dimension. The whole range [lower,upper] is then split into dims[i] equal parts to
604 determine the i-th input tuple value ranges for every histogram bin. And if uniform=0 , then the
605 i-th element of the ranges array contains dims[i]+1 elements: \f$\texttt{lower}_0,
606 \texttt{upper}_0, \texttt{lower}_1, \texttt{upper}_1 = \texttt{lower}_2,
607 ...
608 \texttt{upper}_{dims[i]-1}\f$ where \f$\texttt{lower}_j\f$ and \f$\texttt{upper}_j\f$ are lower
609 and upper boundaries of the i-th input tuple value for the j-th bin, respectively. In either
610 case, the input values that are beyond the specified range for a histogram bin are not counted
611 by cvCalcHist and filled with 0 by cvCalcBackProject.
612  */
613 CVAPI(CvHistogram*)  cvCreateHist( int dims, int* sizes, int type,
614                                    float** ranges CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
615                                    int uniform CV_DEFAULT(1));
617 /** @brief Sets the bounds of the histogram bins.
619 This is a standalone function for setting bin ranges in the histogram. For a more detailed
620 description of the parameters ranges and uniform, see the :ocvCalcHist function that can initialize
621 the ranges as well. Ranges for the histogram bins must be set before the histogram is calculated or
622 the backproject of the histogram is calculated.
624 @param hist Histogram.
625 @param ranges Array of bin ranges arrays. See :ocvCreateHist for details.
626 @param uniform Uniformity flag. See :ocvCreateHist for details.
627  */
628 CVAPI(void)  cvSetHistBinRanges( CvHistogram* hist, float** ranges,
629                                 int uniform CV_DEFAULT(1));
631 /** @brief Makes a histogram out of an array.
633 The function initializes the histogram, whose header and bins are allocated by the user.
634 cvReleaseHist does not need to be called afterwards. Only dense histograms can be initialized this
635 way. The function returns hist.
637 @param dims Number of the histogram dimensions.
638 @param sizes Array of the histogram dimension sizes.
639 @param hist Histogram header initialized by the function.
640 @param data Array used to store histogram bins.
641 @param ranges Histogram bin ranges. See cvCreateHist for details.
642 @param uniform Uniformity flag. See cvCreateHist for details.
643  */
644 CVAPI(CvHistogram*)  cvMakeHistHeaderForArray(
645                             int  dims, int* sizes, CvHistogram* hist,
646                             float* data, float** ranges CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
647                             int uniform CV_DEFAULT(1));
649 /** @brief Releases the histogram.
651 The function releases the histogram (header and the data). The pointer to the histogram is cleared
652 by the function. If \*hist pointer is already NULL, the function does nothing.
654 @param hist Double pointer to the released histogram.
655  */
656 CVAPI(void)  cvReleaseHist( CvHistogram** hist );
658 /** @brief Clears the histogram.
660 The function sets all of the histogram bins to 0 in case of a dense histogram and removes all
661 histogram bins in case of a sparse array.
663 @param hist Histogram.
664  */
665 CVAPI(void)  cvClearHist( CvHistogram* hist );
667 /** @brief Finds the minimum and maximum histogram bins.
669 The function finds the minimum and maximum histogram bins and their positions. All of output
670 arguments are optional. Among several extremas with the same value the ones with the minimum index
671 (in the lexicographical order) are returned. In case of several maximums or minimums, the earliest
672 in the lexicographical order (extrema locations) is returned.
674 @param hist Histogram.
675 @param min_value Pointer to the minimum value of the histogram.
676 @param max_value Pointer to the maximum value of the histogram.
677 @param min_idx Pointer to the array of coordinates for the minimum.
678 @param max_idx Pointer to the array of coordinates for the maximum.
679  */
680 CVAPI(void)  cvGetMinMaxHistValue( const CvHistogram* hist,
681                                    float* min_value, float* max_value,
682                                    int* min_idx CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
683                                    int* max_idx CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
686 /** @brief Normalizes the histogram.
688 The function normalizes the histogram bins by scaling them so that the sum of the bins becomes equal
689 to factor.
691 @param hist Pointer to the histogram.
692 @param factor Normalization factor.
693  */
694 CVAPI(void)  cvNormalizeHist( CvHistogram* hist, double factor );
697 /** @brief Thresholds the histogram.
699 The function clears histogram bins that are below the specified threshold.
701 @param hist Pointer to the histogram.
702 @param threshold Threshold level.
703  */
704 CVAPI(void)  cvThreshHist( CvHistogram* hist, double threshold );
707 /** Compares two histogram */
708 CVAPI(double)  cvCompareHist( const CvHistogram* hist1,
709                               const CvHistogram* hist2,
710                               int method);
712 /** @brief Copies a histogram.
714 The function makes a copy of the histogram. If the second histogram pointer \*dst is NULL, a new
715 histogram of the same size as src is created. Otherwise, both histograms must have equal types and
716 sizes. Then the function copies the bin values of the source histogram to the destination histogram
717 and sets the same bin value ranges as in src.
719 @param src Source histogram.
720 @param dst Pointer to the destination histogram.
721  */
722 CVAPI(void)  cvCopyHist( const CvHistogram* src, CvHistogram** dst );
725 /** @brief Calculates bayesian probabilistic histograms
726    (each or src and dst is an array of _number_ histograms */
727 CVAPI(void)  cvCalcBayesianProb( CvHistogram** src, int number,
728                                 CvHistogram** dst);
730 /** @brief Calculates array histogram
731 @see cv::calcHist
732 */
733 CVAPI(void)  cvCalcArrHist( CvArr** arr, CvHistogram* hist,
734                             int accumulate CV_DEFAULT(0),
735                             const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
737 /** @overload */
738 CV_INLINE  void  cvCalcHist( IplImage** image, CvHistogram* hist,
739                              int accumulate CV_DEFAULT(0),
740                              const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) )
741 {
742     cvCalcArrHist( (CvArr**)image, hist, accumulate, mask );
743 }
745 /** @brief Calculates back project
746 @see cvCalcBackProject, cv::calcBackProject
747 */
748 CVAPI(void)  cvCalcArrBackProject( CvArr** image, CvArr* dst,
749                                    const CvHistogram* hist );
751 #define  cvCalcBackProject(image, dst, hist) cvCalcArrBackProject((CvArr**)image, dst, hist)
754 /** @brief Locates a template within an image by using a histogram comparison.
756 The function calculates the back projection by comparing histograms of the source image patches with
757 the given histogram. The function is similar to matchTemplate, but instead of comparing the raster
758 patch with all its possible positions within the search window, the function CalcBackProjectPatch
759 compares histograms. See the algorithm diagram below:
761 ![image](pics/backprojectpatch.png)
763 @param image Source images (though, you may pass CvMat\*\* as well).
764 @param dst Destination image.
765 @param range
766 @param hist Histogram.
767 @param method Comparison method passed to cvCompareHist (see the function description).
768 @param factor Normalization factor for histograms that affects the normalization scale of the
769 destination image. Pass 1 if not sure.
771 @see cvCalcBackProjectPatch
772  */
773 CVAPI(void)  cvCalcArrBackProjectPatch( CvArr** image, CvArr* dst, CvSize range,
774                                         CvHistogram* hist, int method,
775                                         double factor );
777 #define  cvCalcBackProjectPatch( image, dst, range, hist, method, factor ) \
778      cvCalcArrBackProjectPatch( (CvArr**)image, dst, range, hist, method, factor )
781 /** @brief Divides one histogram by another.
783 The function calculates the object probability density from two histograms as:
785 \f[\texttt{disthist} (I)= \forkthree{0}{if \(\texttt{hist1}(I)=0\)}{\texttt{scale}}{if \(\texttt{hist1}(I) \ne 0\) and \(\texttt{hist2}(I) > \texttt{hist1}(I)\)}{\frac{\texttt{hist2}(I) \cdot \texttt{scale}}{\texttt{hist1}(I)}}{if \(\texttt{hist1}(I) \ne 0\) and \(\texttt{hist2}(I) \le \texttt{hist1}(I)\)}\f]
787 @param hist1 First histogram (the divisor).
788 @param hist2 Second histogram.
789 @param dst_hist Destination histogram.
790 @param scale Scale factor for the destination histogram.
791  */
792 CVAPI(void)  cvCalcProbDensity( const CvHistogram* hist1, const CvHistogram* hist2,
793                                 CvHistogram* dst_hist, double scale CV_DEFAULT(255) );
795 /** @brief equalizes histogram of 8-bit single-channel image
796 @see cv::equalizeHist
797 */
798 CVAPI(void)  cvEqualizeHist( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst );
801 /** @brief Applies distance transform to binary image
802 @see cv::distanceTransform
803 */
804 CVAPI(void)  cvDistTransform( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
805                               int distance_type CV_DEFAULT(CV_DIST_L2),
806                               int mask_size CV_DEFAULT(3),
807                               const float* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
808                               CvArr* labels CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
809                               int labelType CV_DEFAULT(CV_DIST_LABEL_CCOMP));
812 /** @brief Applies fixed-level threshold to grayscale image.
814    This is a basic operation applied before retrieving contours
815 @see cv::threshold
816 */
817 CVAPI(double)  cvThreshold( const CvArr*  src, CvArr*  dst,
818                             double  threshold, double  max_value,
819                             int threshold_type );
821 /** @brief Applies adaptive threshold to grayscale image.
823    The two parameters for methods CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C and
825    neighborhood size (3, 5, 7 etc.),
826    and a constant subtracted from mean (...,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...)
827 @see cv::adaptiveThreshold
828 */
829 CVAPI(void)  cvAdaptiveThreshold( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, double max_value,
830                                   int adaptive_method CV_DEFAULT(CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C),
831                                   int threshold_type CV_DEFAULT(CV_THRESH_BINARY),
832                                   int block_size CV_DEFAULT(3),
833                                   double param1 CV_DEFAULT(5));
835 /** @brief Fills the connected component until the color difference gets large enough
836 @see cv::floodFill
837 */
838 CVAPI(void)  cvFloodFill( CvArr* image, CvPoint seed_point,
839                           CvScalar new_val, CvScalar lo_diff CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)),
840                           CvScalar up_diff CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)),
841                           CvConnectedComp* comp CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
842                           int flags CV_DEFAULT(4),
843                           CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
845 /****************************************************************************************\
846 *                                  Feature detection                                     *
847 \****************************************************************************************/
849 /** @brief Runs canny edge detector
850 @see cv::Canny
851 */
852 CVAPI(void)  cvCanny( const CvArr* image, CvArr* edges, double threshold1,
853                       double threshold2, int  aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3) );
855 /** @brief Calculates constraint image for corner detection
857    Dx^2 * Dyy + Dxx * Dy^2 - 2 * Dx * Dy * Dxy.
858    Applying threshold to the result gives coordinates of corners
859 @see cv::preCornerDetect
860 */
861 CVAPI(void) cvPreCornerDetect( const CvArr* image, CvArr* corners,
862                                int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3) );
864 /** @brief Calculates eigen values and vectors of 2x2
865    gradient covariation matrix at every image pixel
866 @see cv::cornerEigenValsAndVecs
867 */
868 CVAPI(void)  cvCornerEigenValsAndVecs( const CvArr* image, CvArr* eigenvv,
869                                        int block_size, int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3) );
871 /** @brief Calculates minimal eigenvalue for 2x2 gradient covariation matrix at
872    every image pixel
873 @see cv::cornerMinEigenVal
874 */
875 CVAPI(void)  cvCornerMinEigenVal( const CvArr* image, CvArr* eigenval,
876                                   int block_size, int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3) );
878 /** @brief Harris corner detector:
880    Calculates det(M) - k*(trace(M)^2), where M is 2x2 gradient covariation matrix for each pixel
881 @see cv::cornerHarris
882 */
883 CVAPI(void)  cvCornerHarris( const CvArr* image, CvArr* harris_response,
884                              int block_size, int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3),
885                              double k CV_DEFAULT(0.04) );
887 /** @brief Adjust corner position using some sort of gradient search
888 @see cv::cornerSubPix
889 */
890 CVAPI(void)  cvFindCornerSubPix( const CvArr* image, CvPoint2D32f* corners,
891                                  int count, CvSize win, CvSize zero_zone,
892                                  CvTermCriteria  criteria );
894 /** @brief Finds a sparse set of points within the selected region
895    that seem to be easy to track
896 @see cv::goodFeaturesToTrack
897 */
898 CVAPI(void)  cvGoodFeaturesToTrack( const CvArr* image, CvArr* eig_image,
899                                     CvArr* temp_image, CvPoint2D32f* corners,
900                                     int* corner_count, double  quality_level,
901                                     double  min_distance,
902                                     const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
903                                     int block_size CV_DEFAULT(3),
904                                     int use_harris CV_DEFAULT(0),
905                                     double k CV_DEFAULT(0.04) );
907 /** @brief Finds lines on binary image using one of several methods.
909    line_storage is either memory storage or 1 x _max number of lines_ CvMat, its
910    number of columns is changed by the function.
911    method is one of CV_HOUGH_*;
912    rho, theta and threshold are used for each of those methods;
913    param1 ~ line length, param2 ~ line gap - for probabilistic,
914    param1 ~ srn, param2 ~ stn - for multi-scale
915 @see cv::HoughLines
916 */
917 CVAPI(CvSeq*)  cvHoughLines2( CvArr* image, void* line_storage, int method,
918                               double rho, double theta, int threshold,
919                               double param1 CV_DEFAULT(0), double param2 CV_DEFAULT(0),
920                               double min_theta CV_DEFAULT(0), double max_theta CV_DEFAULT(CV_PI));
922 /** @brief Finds circles in the image
923 @see cv::HoughCircles
924 */
925 CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvHoughCircles( CvArr* image, void* circle_storage,
926                               int method, double dp, double min_dist,
927                               double param1 CV_DEFAULT(100),
928                               double param2 CV_DEFAULT(100),
929                               int min_radius CV_DEFAULT(0),
930                               int max_radius CV_DEFAULT(0));
932 /** @brief Fits a line into set of 2d or 3d points in a robust way (M-estimator technique)
933 @see cv::fitLine
934 */
935 CVAPI(void)  cvFitLine( const CvArr* points, int dist_type, double param,
936                         double reps, double aeps, float* line );
938 /****************************************************************************************\
939 *                                     Drawing                                            *
940 \****************************************************************************************/
942 /****************************************************************************************\
943 *       Drawing functions work with images/matrices of arbitrary type.                   *
944 *       For color images the channel order is BGR[A]                                     *
945 *       Antialiasing is supported only for 8-bit image now.                              *
946 *       All the functions include parameter color that means rgb value (that may be      *
947 *       constructed with CV_RGB macro) for color images and brightness                   *
948 *       for grayscale images.                                                            *
949 *       If a drawn figure is partially or completely outside of the image, it is clipped.*
950 \****************************************************************************************/
952 #define CV_FILLED -1
954 #define CV_AA 16
956 /** @brief Draws 4-connected, 8-connected or antialiased line segment connecting two points
957 @see cv::line
958 */
959 CVAPI(void)  cvLine( CvArr* img, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2,
960                      CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
961                      int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0) );
963 /** @brief Draws a rectangle given two opposite corners of the rectangle (pt1 & pt2)
965    if thickness<0 (e.g. thickness == CV_FILLED), the filled box is drawn
966 @see cv::rectangle
967 */
968 CVAPI(void)  cvRectangle( CvArr* img, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2,
969                           CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
970                           int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8),
971                           int shift CV_DEFAULT(0));
973 /** @brief Draws a rectangle specified by a CvRect structure
974 @see cv::rectangle
975 */
976 CVAPI(void)  cvRectangleR( CvArr* img, CvRect r,
977                            CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
978                            int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8),
979                            int shift CV_DEFAULT(0));
982 /** @brief Draws a circle with specified center and radius.
984    Thickness works in the same way as with cvRectangle
985 @see cv::circle
986 */
987 CVAPI(void)  cvCircle( CvArr* img, CvPoint center, int radius,
988                        CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
989                        int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0));
991 /** @brief Draws ellipse outline, filled ellipse, elliptic arc or filled elliptic sector
993    depending on _thickness_, _start_angle_ and _end_angle_ parameters. The resultant figure
994    is rotated by _angle_. All the angles are in degrees
995 @see cv::ellipse
996 */
997 CVAPI(void)  cvEllipse( CvArr* img, CvPoint center, CvSize axes,
998                         double angle, double start_angle, double end_angle,
999                         CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
1000                         int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0));
1002 CV_INLINE  void  cvEllipseBox( CvArr* img, CvBox2D box, CvScalar color,
1003                                int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
1004                                int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0) )
1005 {
1006     CvSize axes = cvSize(
1007         cvRound(box.size.width*0.5),
1008         cvRound(box.size.height*0.5)
1009     );
1011     cvEllipse( img, cvPointFrom32f( box.center ), axes, box.angle,
1012                0, 360, color, thickness, line_type, shift );
1013 }
1015 /** @brief Fills convex or monotonous polygon.
1016 @see cv::fillConvexPoly
1017 */
1018 CVAPI(void)  cvFillConvexPoly( CvArr* img, const CvPoint* pts, int npts, CvScalar color,
1019                                int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0));
1021 /** @brief Fills an area bounded by one or more arbitrary polygons
1022 @see cv::fillPoly
1023 */
1024 CVAPI(void)  cvFillPoly( CvArr* img, CvPoint** pts, const int* npts,
1025                          int contours, CvScalar color,
1026                          int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0) );
1028 /** @brief Draws one or more polygonal curves
1029 @see cv::polylines
1030 */
1031 CVAPI(void)  cvPolyLine( CvArr* img, CvPoint** pts, const int* npts, int contours,
1032                          int is_closed, CvScalar color, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
1033                          int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8), int shift CV_DEFAULT(0) );
1035 #define cvDrawRect cvRectangle
1036 #define cvDrawLine cvLine
1037 #define cvDrawCircle cvCircle
1038 #define cvDrawEllipse cvEllipse
1039 #define cvDrawPolyLine cvPolyLine
1041 /** @brief Clips the line segment connecting *pt1 and *pt2
1042    by the rectangular window
1044    (0<=x<img_size.width, 0<=y<img_size.height).
1045 @see cv::clipLine
1046 */
1047 CVAPI(int) cvClipLine( CvSize img_size, CvPoint* pt1, CvPoint* pt2 );
1049 /** @brief Initializes line iterator.
1051 Initially, line_iterator->ptr will point to pt1 (or pt2, see left_to_right description) location in
1052 the image. Returns the number of pixels on the line between the ending points.
1053 @see cv::LineIterator
1054 */
1055 CVAPI(int)  cvInitLineIterator( const CvArr* image, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2,
1056                                 CvLineIterator* line_iterator,
1057                                 int connectivity CV_DEFAULT(8),
1058                                 int left_to_right CV_DEFAULT(0));
1060 #define CV_NEXT_LINE_POINT( line_iterator )                     \
1061 {                                                               \
1062     int _line_iterator_mask = (line_iterator).err < 0 ? -1 : 0; \
1063     (line_iterator).err += (line_iterator).minus_delta +        \
1064         ((line_iterator).plus_delta & _line_iterator_mask);     \
1065     (line_iterator).ptr += (line_iterator).minus_step +         \
1066         ((line_iterator).plus_step & _line_iterator_mask);      \
1067 }
1070 #define CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX         0
1071 #define CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN           1
1072 #define CV_FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX          2
1073 #define CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX         3
1074 #define CV_FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX         4
1079 #define CV_FONT_ITALIC                 16
1084 /** Font structure */
1085 typedef struct CvFont
1086 {
1087   const char* nameFont;   //Qt:nameFont
1088   CvScalar color;       //Qt:ColorFont -> cvScalar(blue_component, green_component, red_component[, alpha_component])
1089     int         font_face;    //Qt: bool italic         /** =CV_FONT_* */
1090     const int*  ascii;      //!< font data and metrics
1091     const int*  greek;
1092     const int*  cyrillic;
1093     float       hscale, vscale;
1094     float       shear;      //!< slope coefficient: 0 - normal, >0 - italic
1095     int         thickness;    //!< Qt: weight               /** letters thickness */
1096     float       dx;       //!< horizontal interval between letters
1097     int         line_type;    //!< Qt: PointSize
1098 }
1099 CvFont;
1101 /** @brief Initializes font structure (OpenCV 1.x API).
1103 The function initializes the font structure that can be passed to text rendering functions.
1105 @param font Pointer to the font structure initialized by the function
1106 @param font_face Font name identifier. See cv::HersheyFonts and corresponding old CV_* identifiers.
1107 @param hscale Horizontal scale. If equal to 1.0f , the characters have the original width
1108 depending on the font type. If equal to 0.5f , the characters are of half the original width.
1109 @param vscale Vertical scale. If equal to 1.0f , the characters have the original height depending
1110 on the font type. If equal to 0.5f , the characters are of half the original height.
1111 @param shear Approximate tangent of the character slope relative to the vertical line. A zero
1112 value means a non-italic font, 1.0f means about a 45 degree slope, etc.
1113 @param thickness Thickness of the text strokes
1114 @param line_type Type of the strokes, see line description
1116 @sa cvPutText
1117  */
1118 CVAPI(void)  cvInitFont( CvFont* font, int font_face,
1119                          double hscale, double vscale,
1120                          double shear CV_DEFAULT(0),
1121                          int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
1122                          int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8));
1124 CV_INLINE CvFont cvFont( double scale, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1) )
1125 {
1126     CvFont font;
1127     cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, scale, scale, 0, thickness, CV_AA );
1128     return font;
1129 }
1131 /** @brief Renders text stroke with specified font and color at specified location.
1132    CvFont should be initialized with cvInitFont
1133 @see cvInitFont, cvGetTextSize, cvFont, cv::putText
1134 */
1135 CVAPI(void)  cvPutText( CvArr* img, const char* text, CvPoint org,
1136                         const CvFont* font, CvScalar color );
1138 /** @brief Calculates bounding box of text stroke (useful for alignment)
1139 @see cv::getTextSize
1140 */
1141 CVAPI(void)  cvGetTextSize( const char* text_string, const CvFont* font,
1142                             CvSize* text_size, int* baseline );
1144 /** @brief Unpacks color value
1146 if arrtype is CV_8UC?, _color_ is treated as packed color value, otherwise the first channels
1147 (depending on arrtype) of destination scalar are set to the same value = _color_
1148 */
1149 CVAPI(CvScalar)  cvColorToScalar( double packed_color, int arrtype );
1151 /** @brief Returns the polygon points which make up the given ellipse.
1153 The ellipse is define by the box of size 'axes' rotated 'angle' around the 'center'. A partial
1154 sweep of the ellipse arc can be done by specifying arc_start and arc_end to be something other than
1155 0 and 360, respectively. The input array 'pts' must be large enough to hold the result. The total
1156 number of points stored into 'pts' is returned by this function.
1157 @see cv::ellipse2Poly
1158 */
1159 CVAPI(int) cvEllipse2Poly( CvPoint center, CvSize axes,
1160                  int angle, int arc_start, int arc_end, CvPoint * pts, int delta );
1162 /** @brief Draws contour outlines or filled interiors on the image
1163 @see cv::drawContours
1164 */
1165 CVAPI(void)  cvDrawContours( CvArr *img, CvSeq* contour,
1166                              CvScalar external_color, CvScalar hole_color,
1167                              int max_level, int thickness CV_DEFAULT(1),
1168                              int line_type CV_DEFAULT(8),
1169                              CvPoint offset CV_DEFAULT(cvPoint(0,0)));
1171 /** @} */
1173 #ifdef __cplusplus
1174 }
1175 #endif
1177 #endif