1 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5 use audio_video_metadata;
6 use document_loader::{LoadBlocker, LoadType};
7 use dom::attr::Attr;
8 use dom::bindings::cell::DomRefCell;
9 use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::AttrBinding::AttrMethods;
10 use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLMediaElementBinding::CanPlayTypeResult;
11 use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLMediaElementBinding::HTMLMediaElementConstants;
12 use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::HTMLMediaElementBinding::HTMLMediaElementMethods;
13 use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::MediaErrorBinding::MediaErrorConstants::*;
14 use dom::bindings::codegen::Bindings::MediaErrorBinding::MediaErrorMethods;
15 use dom::bindings::codegen::InheritTypes::{ElementTypeId, HTMLElementTypeId};
16 use dom::bindings::codegen::InheritTypes::{HTMLMediaElementTypeId, NodeTypeId};
17 use dom::bindings::error::{Error, ErrorResult};
18 use dom::bindings::inheritance::Castable;
19 use dom::bindings::refcounted::Trusted;
20 use dom::bindings::reflector::DomObject;
21 use dom::bindings::root::{DomRoot, MutNullableDom};
22 use dom::bindings::str::DOMString;
23 use dom::blob::Blob;
24 use dom::document::Document;
25 use dom::element::{Element, AttributeMutation};
26 use dom::eventtarget::EventTarget;
27 use dom::htmlelement::HTMLElement;
28 use dom::htmlsourceelement::HTMLSourceElement;
29 use dom::mediaerror::MediaError;
30 use dom::node::{window_from_node, document_from_node, Node, UnbindContext};
31 use dom::promise::Promise;
32 use dom::virtualmethods::VirtualMethods;
33 use dom_struct::dom_struct;
34 use html5ever::{LocalName, Prefix};
35 use ipc_channel::ipc;
36 use ipc_channel::router::ROUTER;
37 use microtask::{Microtask, MicrotaskRunnable};
38 use mime::{Mime, SubLevel, TopLevel};
39 use net_traits::{FetchResponseListener, FetchMetadata, Metadata, NetworkError};
40 use net_traits::request::{CredentialsMode, Destination, RequestInit};
41 use network_listener::{NetworkListener, PreInvoke};
42 use script_thread::ScriptThread;
43 use servo_url::ServoUrl;
44 use std::cell::Cell;
45 use std::collections::VecDeque;
46 use std::mem;
47 use std::rc::Rc;
48 use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
49 use task_source::TaskSource;
50 use time::{self, Timespec, Duration};
52 #[dom_struct]
53 // FIXME(nox): A lot of tasks queued for this element should probably be in the
54 // media element event task source.
55 pub struct HTMLMediaElement {
56     htmlelement: HTMLElement,
57     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-networkstate>
58     network_state: Cell<NetworkState>,
59     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-readystate>
60     ready_state: Cell<ReadyState>,
61     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-srcobject>
62     src_object: MutNullableDom<Blob>,
63     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-currentsrc>
64     current_src: DomRefCell<String>,
65     /// Incremented whenever tasks associated with this element are cancelled.
66     generation_id: Cell<u32>,
67     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#fire-loadeddata>
68     ///
69     /// Reset to false every time the load algorithm is invoked.
70     fired_loadeddata_event: Cell<bool>,
71     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-error>
72     error: MutNullableDom<MediaError>,
73     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-paused>
74     paused: Cell<bool>,
75     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#attr-media-autoplay>
76     autoplaying: Cell<bool>,
77     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#delaying-the-load-event-flag>
78     delaying_the_load_event_flag: DomRefCell<Option<LoadBlocker>>,
79     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#list-of-pending-play-promises>
80     #[ignore_malloc_size_of = "promises are hard"]
81     pending_play_promises: DomRefCell<Vec<Rc<Promise>>>,
82     /// Play promises which are soon to be fulfilled by a queued task.
83     #[ignore_malloc_size_of = "promises are hard"]
84     in_flight_play_promises_queue: DomRefCell<VecDeque<(Box<[Rc<Promise>]>, ErrorResult)>>,
85 }
87 /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-networkstate>
88 #[derive(Clone, Copy, JSTraceable, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq)]
89 #[repr(u8)]
90 pub enum NetworkState {
91     Empty = HTMLMediaElementConstants::NETWORK_EMPTY as u8,
92     Idle = HTMLMediaElementConstants::NETWORK_IDLE as u8,
93     Loading = HTMLMediaElementConstants::NETWORK_LOADING as u8,
94     NoSource = HTMLMediaElementConstants::NETWORK_NO_SOURCE as u8,
95 }
97 /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-readystate>
98 #[derive(Clone, Copy, JSTraceable, MallocSizeOf, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
99 #[repr(u8)]
100 enum ReadyState {
101     HaveNothing = HTMLMediaElementConstants::HAVE_NOTHING as u8,
102     HaveMetadata = HTMLMediaElementConstants::HAVE_METADATA as u8,
103     HaveCurrentData = HTMLMediaElementConstants::HAVE_CURRENT_DATA as u8,
104     HaveFutureData = HTMLMediaElementConstants::HAVE_FUTURE_DATA as u8,
105     HaveEnoughData = HTMLMediaElementConstants::HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA as u8,
106 }
108 impl HTMLMediaElement {
new_inherited( tag_name: LocalName, prefix: Option<Prefix>, document: &Document, ) -> Self109     pub fn new_inherited(
110         tag_name: LocalName,
111         prefix: Option<Prefix>,
112         document: &Document,
113     ) -> Self {
114         Self {
115             htmlelement: HTMLElement::new_inherited(tag_name, prefix, document),
116             network_state: Cell::new(NetworkState::Empty),
117             ready_state: Cell::new(ReadyState::HaveNothing),
118             src_object: Default::default(),
119             current_src: DomRefCell::new("".to_owned()),
120             generation_id: Cell::new(0),
121             fired_loadeddata_event: Cell::new(false),
122             error: Default::default(),
123             paused: Cell::new(true),
124             // FIXME(nox): Why is this initialised to true?
125             autoplaying: Cell::new(true),
126             delaying_the_load_event_flag: Default::default(),
127             pending_play_promises: Default::default(),
128             in_flight_play_promises_queue: Default::default(),
129         }
130     }
media_type_id(&self) -> HTMLMediaElementTypeId132     fn media_type_id(&self) -> HTMLMediaElementTypeId {
133         match self.upcast::<Node>().type_id() {
134             NodeTypeId::Element(ElementTypeId::HTMLElement(
135                 HTMLElementTypeId::HTMLMediaElement(media_type_id),
136             )) => {
137                 media_type_id
138             },
139             _ => unreachable!(),
140         }
141     }
143     /// Marks that element as delaying the load event or not.
144     ///
145     /// Nothing happens if the element was already delaying the load event and
146     /// we pass true to that method again.
147     ///
148     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#delaying-the-load-event-flag>
delay_load_event(&self, delay: bool)149     fn delay_load_event(&self, delay: bool) {
150         let mut blocker = self.delaying_the_load_event_flag.borrow_mut();
151         if delay && blocker.is_none() {
152             *blocker = Some(LoadBlocker::new(&document_from_node(self), LoadType::Media));
153         } else if !delay && blocker.is_some() {
154             LoadBlocker::terminate(&mut *blocker);
155         }
156     }
158     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-play>
159     // FIXME(nox): Move this back to HTMLMediaElementMethods::Play once
160     // Rc<Promise> doesn't require #[allow(unrooted_must_root)] anymore.
play(&self, promise: &Rc<Promise>)161     fn play(&self, promise: &Rc<Promise>) {
162         // Step 1.
163         // FIXME(nox): Reject promise if not allowed to play.
165         // Step 2.
166         if self.error.get().map_or(false, |e| e.Code() == MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
167             promise.reject_error(Error::NotSupported);
168             return;
169         }
171         // Step 3.
172         self.push_pending_play_promise(promise);
174         // Step 4.
175         if self.network_state.get() == NetworkState::Empty {
176             self.invoke_resource_selection_algorithm();
177         }
179         // Step 5.
180         // FIXME(nox): Seek to earliest possible position if playback has ended
181         // and direction of playback is forwards.
183         let state = self.ready_state.get();
185         let window = window_from_node(self);
186         let task_source = window.dom_manipulation_task_source();
187         if self.Paused() {
188             // Step 6.1.
189             self.paused.set(false);
191             // Step 6.2.
192             // FIXME(nox): Set show poster flag to false and run time marches on
193             // steps if show poster flag is true.
195             // Step 6.3.
196             task_source.queue_simple_event(self.upcast(), atom!("play"), &window);
198             // Step 6.4.
199             match state {
200                 ReadyState::HaveNothing |
201                 ReadyState::HaveMetadata |
202                 ReadyState::HaveCurrentData => {
203                     task_source.queue_simple_event(
204                         self.upcast(),
205                         atom!("waiting"),
206                         &window,
207                     );
208                 },
209                 ReadyState::HaveFutureData |
210                 ReadyState::HaveEnoughData => {
211                     self.notify_about_playing();
212                 }
213             }
214         } else if state == ReadyState::HaveFutureData || state == ReadyState::HaveEnoughData {
215             // Step 7.
216             self.take_pending_play_promises(Ok(()));
217             let this = Trusted::new(self);
218             let generation_id = self.generation_id.get();
219             task_source.queue(
220                 task!(resolve_pending_play_promises: move || {
221                     let this = this.root();
222                     if generation_id != this.generation_id.get() {
223                         return;
224                     }
226                     this.fulfill_in_flight_play_promises(|| ());
227                 }),
228                 window.upcast(),
229             ).unwrap();
230         }
232         // Step 8.
233         self.autoplaying.set(false);
235         // Step 9.
236         // Not applicable here, the promise is returned from Play.
237     }
239     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#internal-pause-steps>
internal_pause_steps(&self)240     fn internal_pause_steps(&self) {
241         // Step 1.
242         self.autoplaying.set(false);
244         // Step 2.
245         if !self.Paused() {
246             // Step 2.1.
247             self.paused.set(true);
249             // Step 2.2.
250             self.take_pending_play_promises(Err(Error::Abort));
252             // Step 2.3.
253             let window = window_from_node(self);
254             let this = Trusted::new(self);
255             let generation_id = self.generation_id.get();
256             // FIXME(nox): Why are errors silenced here?
257             // FIXME(nox): Media element event task source should be used here.
258             let _ = window.dom_manipulation_task_source().queue(
259                 task!(internal_pause_steps: move || {
260                     let this = this.root();
261                     if generation_id != this.generation_id.get() {
262                         return;
263                     }
265                     this.fulfill_in_flight_play_promises(|| {
266                         // Step 2.3.1.
267                         this.upcast::<EventTarget>().fire_event(atom!("timeupdate"));
269                         // Step 2.3.2.
270                         this.upcast::<EventTarget>().fire_event(atom!("pause"));
272                         // Step 2.3.3.
273                         // Done after running this closure in
274                         // `fulfill_in_flight_play_promises`.
275                     });
276                 }),
277                 window.upcast(),
278             );
280             // Step 2.4.
281             // FIXME(nox): Set the official playback position to the current
282             // playback position.
283         }
284     }
286     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#notify-about-playing
notify_about_playing(&self)287     fn notify_about_playing(&self) {
288         // Step 1.
289         self.take_pending_play_promises(Ok(()));
291         // Step 2.
292         let window = window_from_node(self);
293         let this = Trusted::new(self);
294         let generation_id = self.generation_id.get();
295         // FIXME(nox): Why are errors silenced here?
296         // FIXME(nox): Media element event task source should be used here.
297         let _ = window.dom_manipulation_task_source().queue(
298             task!(notify_about_playing: move || {
299                 let this = this.root();
300                 if generation_id != this.generation_id.get() {
301                     return;
302                 }
304                 this.fulfill_in_flight_play_promises(|| {
305                     // Step 2.1.
306                     this.upcast::<EventTarget>().fire_event(atom!("playing"));
308                     // Step 2.2.
309                     // Done after running this closure in
310                     // `fulfill_in_flight_play_promises`.
311                 });
313             }),
314             window.upcast(),
315         );
316     }
318     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#ready-states
change_ready_state(&self, ready_state: ReadyState)319     fn change_ready_state(&self, ready_state: ReadyState) {
320         let old_ready_state = self.ready_state.get();
321         self.ready_state.set(ready_state);
323         if self.network_state.get() == NetworkState::Empty {
324             return;
325         }
327         let window = window_from_node(self);
328         let task_source = window.dom_manipulation_task_source();
330         // Step 1.
331         match (old_ready_state, ready_state) {
332             (ReadyState::HaveNothing, ReadyState::HaveMetadata) => {
333                 task_source.queue_simple_event(
334                     self.upcast(),
335                     atom!("loadedmetadata"),
336                     &window,
337                 );
339                 // No other steps are applicable in this case.
340                 return;
341             },
342             (ReadyState::HaveMetadata, new) if new >= ReadyState::HaveCurrentData => {
343                 if !self.fired_loadeddata_event.get() {
344                     self.fired_loadeddata_event.set(true);
345                     let this = Trusted::new(self);
346                     // FIXME(nox): Why are errors silenced here?
347                     let _ = task_source.queue(
348                         task!(media_reached_current_data: move || {
349                             let this = this.root();
350                             this.upcast::<EventTarget>().fire_event(atom!("loadeddata"));
351                             this.delay_load_event(false);
352                         }),
353                         window.upcast(),
354                     );
355                 }
357                 // Steps for the transition from HaveMetadata to HaveCurrentData
358                 // or HaveFutureData also apply here, as per the next match
359                 // expression.
360             },
361             (ReadyState::HaveFutureData, new) if new <= ReadyState::HaveCurrentData => {
362                 // FIXME(nox): Queue a task to fire timeupdate and waiting
363                 // events if the conditions call from the spec are met.
365                 // No other steps are applicable in this case.
366                 return;
367             },
369             _ => (),
370         }
372         if old_ready_state <= ReadyState::HaveCurrentData && ready_state >= ReadyState::HaveFutureData {
373             task_source.queue_simple_event(
374                 self.upcast(),
375                 atom!("canplay"),
376                 &window,
377             );
379             if !self.Paused() {
380                 self.notify_about_playing();
381             }
382         }
384         if ready_state == ReadyState::HaveEnoughData {
385             // TODO: Check sandboxed automatic features browsing context flag.
386             // FIXME(nox): I have no idea what this TODO is about.
388             // FIXME(nox): Review this block.
389             if self.autoplaying.get() &&
390                 self.Paused() &&
391                 self.Autoplay() {
392                 // Step 1
393                 self.paused.set(false);
394                 // TODO step 2: show poster
395                 // Step 3
396                 task_source.queue_simple_event(
397                     self.upcast(),
398                     atom!("play"),
399                     &window,
400                 );
401                 // Step 4
402                 self.notify_about_playing();
403                 // Step 5
404                 self.autoplaying.set(false);
405             }
407             // FIXME(nox): According to the spec, this should come *before* the
408             // "play" event.
409             task_source.queue_simple_event(
410                 self.upcast(),
411                 atom!("canplaythrough"),
412                 &window,
413             );
414         }
415     }
417     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#concept-media-load-algorithm
invoke_resource_selection_algorithm(&self)418     fn invoke_resource_selection_algorithm(&self) {
419         // Step 1.
420         self.network_state.set(NetworkState::NoSource);
422         // Step 2.
423         // FIXME(nox): Set show poster flag to true.
425         // Step 3.
426         self.delay_load_event(true);
428         // Step 4.
429         // If the resource selection mode in the synchronous section is
430         // "attribute", the URL of the resource to fetch is relative to the
431         // media element's node document when the src attribute was last
432         // changed, which is why we need to pass the base URL in the task
433         // right here.
434         let doc = document_from_node(self);
435         let task = MediaElementMicrotask::ResourceSelectionTask {
436             elem: DomRoot::from_ref(self),
437             generation_id: self.generation_id.get(),
438             base_url: doc.base_url()
439         };
441         // FIXME(nox): This will later call the resource_selection_algorith_sync
442         // method from below, if microtasks were trait objects, we would be able
443         // to put the code directly in this method, without the boilerplate
444         // indirections.
445         ScriptThread::await_stable_state(Microtask::MediaElement(task));
446     }
448     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#concept-media-load-algorithm
resource_selection_algorithm_sync(&self, base_url: ServoUrl)449     fn resource_selection_algorithm_sync(&self, base_url: ServoUrl) {
450         // Step 5.
451         // FIXME(nox): Maybe populate the list of pending text tracks.
453         // Step 6.
454         enum Mode {
455             Object,
456             Attribute(String),
457             Children(DomRoot<HTMLSourceElement>),
458         }
459         fn mode(media: &HTMLMediaElement) -> Option<Mode> {
460             if media.src_object.get().is_some() {
461                 return Some(Mode::Object);
462             }
463             if let Some(attr) = media.upcast::<Element>().get_attribute(&ns!(), &local_name!("src")) {
464                 return Some(Mode::Attribute(attr.Value().into()));
465             }
466             let source_child_element = media.upcast::<Node>()
467                 .children()
468                 .filter_map(DomRoot::downcast::<HTMLSourceElement>)
469                 .next();
470             if let Some(element) = source_child_element {
471                 return Some(Mode::Children(element));
472             }
473             None
474         }
475         let mode = if let Some(mode) = mode(self) {
476             mode
477         } else {
478             self.network_state.set(NetworkState::Empty);
479             // https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/3065
480             self.delay_load_event(false);
481             return;
482         };
484         // Step 7.
485         self.network_state.set(NetworkState::Loading);
487         // Step 8.
488         let window = window_from_node(self);
489         window.dom_manipulation_task_source().queue_simple_event(
490             self.upcast(),
491             atom!("loadstart"),
492             &window,
493         );
495         // Step 9.
496         match mode {
497             // Step 9.obj.
498             Mode::Object => {
499                 // Step 9.obj.1.
500                 *self.current_src.borrow_mut() = "".to_owned();
502                 // Step 9.obj.2.
503                 // FIXME(nox): The rest of the steps should be ran in parallel.
505                 // Step 9.obj.3.
506                 // Note that the resource fetch algorithm itself takes care
507                 // of the cleanup in case of failure itself.
508                 self.resource_fetch_algorithm(Resource::Object);
509             },
510             Mode::Attribute(src) => {
511                 // Step 9.attr.1.
512                 if src.is_empty() {
513                     self.queue_dedicated_media_source_failure_steps();
514                     return;
515                 }
517                 // Step 9.attr.2.
518                 let url_record = match base_url.join(&src) {
519                     Ok(url) => url,
520                     Err(_) => {
521                         self.queue_dedicated_media_source_failure_steps();
522                         return;
523                     }
524                 };
526                 // Step 9.attr.3.
527                 *self.current_src.borrow_mut() = url_record.as_str().into();
529                 // Step 9.attr.4.
530                 // Note that the resource fetch algorithm itself takes care
531                 // of the cleanup in case of failure itself.
532                 self.resource_fetch_algorithm(Resource::Url(url_record));
533             },
534             Mode::Children(_source) => {
535                 // Step 9.children.
536                 self.queue_dedicated_media_source_failure_steps()
537             },
538         }
539     }
541     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#concept-media-load-resource
resource_fetch_algorithm(&self, resource: Resource)542     fn resource_fetch_algorithm(&self, resource: Resource) {
543         // Steps 1-2.
544         // Unapplicable, the `resource` variable already conveys which mode
545         // is in use.
547         // Step 3.
548         // FIXME(nox): Remove all media-resource-specific text tracks.
550         // Step 4.
551         match resource {
552             Resource::Url(url) => {
553                 // Step 4.remote.1.
554                 if self.Preload() == "none" && !self.autoplaying.get() {
555                     // Step 4.remote.1.1.
556                     self.network_state.set(NetworkState::Idle);
558                     // Step 4.remote.1.2.
559                     let window = window_from_node(self);
560                     window.dom_manipulation_task_source().queue_simple_event(
561                         self.upcast(),
562                         atom!("suspend"),
563                         &window,
564                     );
566                     // Step 4.remote.1.3.
567                     let this = Trusted::new(self);
568                     window.dom_manipulation_task_source().queue(
569                         task!(set_media_delay_load_event_flag_to_false: move || {
570                             this.root().delay_load_event(false);
571                         }),
572                         window.upcast(),
573                     ).unwrap();
575                     // Steps 4.remote.1.4.
576                     // FIXME(nox): Somehow we should wait for the task from previous
577                     // step to be ran before continuing.
579                     // Steps 4.remote.1.5-4.remote.1.7.
580                     // FIXME(nox): Wait for an implementation-defined event and
581                     // then continue with the normal set of steps instead of just
582                     // returning.
583                     return;
584                 }
586                 // Step 4.remote.2.
587                 // FIXME(nox): Handle CORS setting from crossorigin attribute.
588                 let document = document_from_node(self);
589                 let destination = match self.media_type_id() {
590                     HTMLMediaElementTypeId::HTMLAudioElement => Destination::Audio,
591                     HTMLMediaElementTypeId::HTMLVideoElement => Destination::Video,
592                 };
593                 let request = RequestInit {
594                     url,
595                     destination,
596                     credentials_mode: CredentialsMode::Include,
597                     use_url_credentials: true,
598                     origin: document.origin().immutable().clone(),
599                     pipeline_id: Some(self.global().pipeline_id()),
600                     referrer_url: Some(document.url()),
601                     referrer_policy: document.get_referrer_policy(),
602                     .. RequestInit::default()
603                 };
605                 let context = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HTMLMediaElementContext::new(self)));
606                 let (action_sender, action_receiver) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
607                 let window = window_from_node(self);
608                 let listener = NetworkListener {
609                     context: context,
610                     task_source: window.networking_task_source(),
611                     canceller: Some(window.task_canceller())
612                 };
613                 ROUTER.add_route(action_receiver.to_opaque(), Box::new(move |message| {
614                     listener.notify_fetch(message.to().unwrap());
615                 }));
616                 document.loader().fetch_async_background(request, action_sender);
617             },
618             Resource::Object => {
619                 // FIXME(nox): Actually do something with the object.
620                 self.queue_dedicated_media_source_failure_steps();
621             },
622         }
623     }
625     /// Queues a task to run the [dedicated media source failure steps][steps].
626     ///
627     /// [steps]: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dedicated-media-source-failure-steps
queue_dedicated_media_source_failure_steps(&self)628     fn queue_dedicated_media_source_failure_steps(&self) {
629         let window = window_from_node(self);
630         let this = Trusted::new(self);
631         let generation_id = self.generation_id.get();
632         self.take_pending_play_promises(Err(Error::NotSupported));
633         // FIXME(nox): Why are errors silenced here?
634         // FIXME(nox): Media element event task source should be used here.
635         let _ = window.dom_manipulation_task_source().queue(
636             task!(dedicated_media_source_failure_steps: move || {
637                 let this = this.root();
638                 if generation_id != this.generation_id.get() {
639                     return;
640                 }
642                 this.fulfill_in_flight_play_promises(|| {
643                     // Step 1.
644                     this.error.set(Some(&*MediaError::new(
645                         &window_from_node(&*this),
646                         MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED,
647                     )));
649                     // Step 2.
650                     // FIXME(nox): Forget the media-resource-specific tracks.
652                     // Step 3.
653                     this.network_state.set(NetworkState::NoSource);
655                     // Step 4.
656                     // FIXME(nox): Set show poster flag to true.
658                     // Step 5.
659                     this.upcast::<EventTarget>().fire_event(atom!("error"));
661                     // Step 6.
662                     // Done after running this closure in
663                     // `fulfill_in_flight_play_promises`.
664                 });
666                 // Step 7.
667                 this.delay_load_event(false);
668             }),
669             window.upcast(),
670         );
671     }
673     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#media-element-load-algorithm
media_element_load_algorithm(&self)674     fn media_element_load_algorithm(&self) {
675         // Reset the flag that signals whether loadeddata was ever fired for
676         // this invokation of the load algorithm.
677         self.fired_loadeddata_event.set(false);
679         // Step 1-2.
680         self.generation_id.set(self.generation_id.get() + 1);
682         // Steps 3-4.
683         while !self.in_flight_play_promises_queue.borrow().is_empty() {
684             self.fulfill_in_flight_play_promises(|| ());
685         }
687         let window = window_from_node(self);
688         let task_source = window.dom_manipulation_task_source();
690         // Step 5.
691         let network_state = self.network_state.get();
692         if network_state == NetworkState::Loading || network_state == NetworkState::Idle {
693             task_source.queue_simple_event(self.upcast(), atom!("abort"), &window);
694         }
696         // Step 6.
697         if network_state != NetworkState::Empty {
698             // Step 6.1.
699             task_source.queue_simple_event(self.upcast(), atom!("emptied"), &window);
701             // Step 6.2.
702             // FIXME(nox): Abort in-progress fetching process.
704             // Step 6.3.
705             // FIXME(nox): Detach MediaSource media provider object.
707             // Step 6.4.
708             // FIXME(nox): Forget the media-resource-specific tracks.
710             // Step 6.5.
711             if self.ready_state.get() != ReadyState::HaveNothing {
712                 self.change_ready_state(ReadyState::HaveNothing);
713             }
715             // Step 6.6.
716             if !self.Paused() {
717                 // Step 6.6.1.
718                 self.paused.set(true);
720                 // Step 6.6.2.
721                 self.take_pending_play_promises(Err(Error::Abort));
722                 self.fulfill_in_flight_play_promises(|| ());
723             }
725             // Step 6.7.
726             // FIXME(nox): If seeking is true, set it to false.
728             // Step 6.8.
729             // FIXME(nox): Set current and official playback position to 0 and
730             // maybe queue a task to fire a timeupdate event.
732             // Step 6.9.
733             // FIXME(nox): Set timeline offset to NaN.
735             // Step 6.10.
736             // FIXME(nox): Set duration to NaN.
737         }
739         // Step 7.
740         // FIXME(nox): Set playbackRate to defaultPlaybackRate.
742         // Step 8.
743         self.error.set(None);
744         self.autoplaying.set(true);
746         // Step 9.
747         self.invoke_resource_selection_algorithm();
749         // Step 10.
750         // FIXME(nox): Stop playback of any previously running media resource.
751     }
753     /// Appends a promise to the list of pending play promises.
754     #[allow(unrooted_must_root)]
push_pending_play_promise(&self, promise: &Rc<Promise>)755     fn push_pending_play_promise(&self, promise: &Rc<Promise>) {
756         self.pending_play_promises.borrow_mut().push(promise.clone());
757     }
759     /// Takes the pending play promises.
760     ///
761     /// The result with which these promises will be fulfilled is passed here
762     /// and this method returns nothing because we actually just move the
763     /// current list of pending play promises to the
764     /// `in_flight_play_promises_queue` field.
765     ///
766     /// Each call to this method must be followed by a call to
767     /// `fulfill_in_flight_play_promises`, to actually fulfill the promises
768     /// which were taken and moved to the in-flight queue.
769     #[allow(unrooted_must_root)]
take_pending_play_promises(&self, result: ErrorResult)770     fn take_pending_play_promises(&self, result: ErrorResult) {
771         let pending_play_promises = mem::replace(
772             &mut *self.pending_play_promises.borrow_mut(),
773             vec![],
774         );
775         self.in_flight_play_promises_queue.borrow_mut().push_back((
776             pending_play_promises.into(),
777             result,
778         ));
779     }
781     /// Fulfills the next in-flight play promises queue after running a closure.
782     ///
783     /// See the comment on `take_pending_play_promises` for why this method
784     /// does not take a list of promises to fulfill. Callers cannot just pop
785     /// the front list off of `in_flight_play_promises_queue` and later fulfill
786     /// the promises because that would mean putting
787     /// `#[allow(unrooted_must_root)]` on even more functions, potentially
788     /// hiding actual safety bugs.
789     #[allow(unrooted_must_root)]
fulfill_in_flight_play_promises<F>(&self, f: F) where F: FnOnce(),790     fn fulfill_in_flight_play_promises<F>(&self, f: F)
791     where
792         F: FnOnce(),
793     {
794         let (promises, result) = self.in_flight_play_promises_queue
795             .borrow_mut()
796             .pop_front()
797             .expect("there should be at least one list of in flight play promises");
798         f();
799         for promise in &*promises {
800             match result {
801                 Ok(ref value) => promise.resolve_native(value),
802                 Err(ref error) => promise.reject_error(error.clone()),
803             }
804         }
805     }
807     /// Handles insertion of `source` children.
808     ///
809     /// <https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#the-source-element:nodes-are-inserted>
handle_source_child_insertion(&self)810     pub fn handle_source_child_insertion(&self) {
811         if self.upcast::<Element>().has_attribute(&local_name!("src")) {
812             return;
813         }
814         if self.network_state.get() != NetworkState::Empty {
815             return;
816         }
817         self.media_element_load_algorithm();
818     }
819 }
821 impl HTMLMediaElementMethods for HTMLMediaElement {
822     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-networkstate
NetworkState(&self) -> u16823     fn NetworkState(&self) -> u16 {
824         self.network_state.get() as u16
825     }
827     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-readystate
ReadyState(&self) -> u16828     fn ReadyState(&self) -> u16 {
829         self.ready_state.get() as u16
830     }
832     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-autoplay
833     make_bool_getter!(Autoplay, "autoplay");
834     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-autoplay
835     make_bool_setter!(SetAutoplay, "autoplay");
837     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-src
838     make_url_getter!(Src, "src");
840     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-src
841     make_setter!(SetSrc, "src");
843     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-srcobject
GetSrcObject(&self) -> Option<DomRoot<Blob>>844     fn GetSrcObject(&self) -> Option<DomRoot<Blob>> {
845         self.src_object.get()
846     }
848     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-srcobject
SetSrcObject(&self, value: Option<&Blob>)849     fn SetSrcObject(&self, value: Option<&Blob>) {
850         self.src_object.set(value);
851         self.media_element_load_algorithm();
852     }
854     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#attr-media-preload
855     // Missing value default is user-agent defined.
856     make_enumerated_getter!(Preload, "preload", "", "none" | "metadata" | "auto");
857     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#attr-media-preload
858     make_setter!(SetPreload, "preload");
860     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-currentsrc
CurrentSrc(&self) -> DOMString861     fn CurrentSrc(&self) -> DOMString {
862         DOMString::from(self.current_src.borrow().clone())
863     }
865     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-load
Load(&self)866     fn Load(&self) {
867         self.media_element_load_algorithm();
868     }
870     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-navigator-canplaytype
CanPlayType(&self, type_: DOMString) -> CanPlayTypeResult871     fn CanPlayType(&self, type_: DOMString) -> CanPlayTypeResult {
872         match type_.parse::<Mime>() {
873             Ok(Mime(TopLevel::Application, SubLevel::OctetStream, _)) |
874             Err(_) => {
875                 CanPlayTypeResult::_empty
876             },
877             _ => CanPlayTypeResult::Maybe
878         }
879     }
881     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-error
GetError(&self) -> Option<DomRoot<MediaError>>882     fn GetError(&self) -> Option<DomRoot<MediaError>> {
883         self.error.get()
884     }
886     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-play
887     #[allow(unrooted_must_root)]
Play(&self) -> Rc<Promise>888     fn Play(&self) -> Rc<Promise> {
889         let promise = Promise::new(&self.global());
890         self.play(&promise);
891         promise
892     }
894     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-pause
Pause(&self)895     fn Pause(&self) {
896         // Step 1
897         if self.network_state.get() == NetworkState::Empty {
898             self.invoke_resource_selection_algorithm();
899         }
901         // Step 2
902         self.internal_pause_steps();
903     }
905     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#dom-media-paused
Paused(&self) -> bool906     fn Paused(&self) -> bool {
907         self.paused.get()
908     }
909 }
911 impl VirtualMethods for HTMLMediaElement {
super_type(&self) -> Option<&VirtualMethods>912     fn super_type(&self) -> Option<&VirtualMethods> {
913         Some(self.upcast::<HTMLElement>() as &VirtualMethods)
914     }
attribute_mutated(&self, attr: &Attr, mutation: AttributeMutation)916     fn attribute_mutated(&self, attr: &Attr, mutation: AttributeMutation) {
917         self.super_type().unwrap().attribute_mutated(attr, mutation);
919         match attr.local_name() {
920             &local_name!("src") => {
921                 if mutation.new_value(attr).is_some() {
922                     self.media_element_load_algorithm();
923                 }
924             }
925             _ => (),
926         };
927     }
929     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#playing-the-media-resource:remove-an-element-from-a-document
unbind_from_tree(&self, context: &UnbindContext)930     fn unbind_from_tree(&self, context: &UnbindContext) {
931         self.super_type().unwrap().unbind_from_tree(context);
933         if context.tree_in_doc {
934             let task = MediaElementMicrotask::PauseIfNotInDocumentTask {
935                 elem: DomRoot::from_ref(self)
936             };
937             ScriptThread::await_stable_state(Microtask::MediaElement(task));
938         }
939     }
940 }
942 #[derive(JSTraceable, MallocSizeOf)]
943 pub enum MediaElementMicrotask {
944     ResourceSelectionTask {
945         elem: DomRoot<HTMLMediaElement>,
946         generation_id: u32,
947         base_url: ServoUrl,
948     },
949     PauseIfNotInDocumentTask {
950         elem: DomRoot<HTMLMediaElement>,
951     }
952 }
954 impl MicrotaskRunnable for MediaElementMicrotask {
handler(&self)955     fn handler(&self) {
956         match self {
957             &MediaElementMicrotask::ResourceSelectionTask { ref elem, generation_id, ref base_url } => {
958                 if generation_id == elem.generation_id.get() {
959                     elem.resource_selection_algorithm_sync(base_url.clone());
960                 }
961             },
962             &MediaElementMicrotask::PauseIfNotInDocumentTask { ref elem } => {
963                 if !elem.upcast::<Node>().is_in_doc() {
964                     elem.internal_pause_steps();
965                 }
966             },
967         }
968     }
969 }
971 enum Resource {
972     Object,
973     Url(ServoUrl),
974 }
976 struct HTMLMediaElementContext {
977     /// The element that initiated the request.
978     elem: Trusted<HTMLMediaElement>,
979     /// The response body received to date.
980     data: Vec<u8>,
981     /// The response metadata received to date.
982     metadata: Option<Metadata>,
983     /// The generation of the media element when this fetch started.
984     generation_id: u32,
985     /// Time of last progress notification.
986     next_progress_event: Timespec,
987     /// Whether the media metadata has been completely received.
988     have_metadata: bool,
989     /// True if this response is invalid and should be ignored.
990     ignore_response: bool,
991 }
993 // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#media-data-processing-steps-list
994 impl FetchResponseListener for HTMLMediaElementContext {
process_request_body(&mut self)995     fn process_request_body(&mut self) {}
process_request_eof(&mut self)997     fn process_request_eof(&mut self) {}
process_response(&mut self, metadata: Result<FetchMetadata, NetworkError>)999     fn process_response(&mut self, metadata: Result<FetchMetadata, NetworkError>) {
1000         self.metadata = metadata.ok().map(|m| {
1001             match m {
1002                 FetchMetadata::Unfiltered(m) => m,
1003                 FetchMetadata::Filtered { unsafe_, .. } => unsafe_
1004             }
1005         });
1007         let status_is_ok = self.metadata.as_ref()
1008             .and_then(|m| m.status.as_ref())
1009             .map_or(true, |s| s.0 >= 200 && s.0 < 300);
1011         // => "If the media data cannot be fetched at all..."
1012         if !status_is_ok {
1013             // Ensure that the element doesn't receive any further notifications
1014             // of the aborted fetch.
1015             self.ignore_response = true;
1016             self.elem.root().queue_dedicated_media_source_failure_steps();
1017         }
1018     }
process_response_chunk(&mut self, mut payload: Vec<u8>)1020     fn process_response_chunk(&mut self, mut payload: Vec<u8>) {
1021         if self.ignore_response {
1022             // An error was received previously, skip processing the payload.
1023             return;
1024         }
1026         self.data.append(&mut payload);
1028         let elem = self.elem.root();
1030         // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#media-data-processing-steps-list
1031         // => "Once enough of the media data has been fetched to determine the duration..."
1032         if !self.have_metadata {
1033             self.check_metadata(&elem);
1034         } else {
1035             elem.change_ready_state(ReadyState::HaveCurrentData);
1036         }
1038         // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#concept-media-load-resource step 4,
1039         // => "If mode is remote" step 2
1040         if time::get_time() > self.next_progress_event {
1041             let window = window_from_node(&*elem);
1042             window.dom_manipulation_task_source().queue_simple_event(
1043                 elem.upcast(),
1044                 atom!("progress"),
1045                 &window,
1046             );
1047             self.next_progress_event = time::get_time() + Duration::milliseconds(350);
1048         }
1049     }
1051     // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#media-data-processing-steps-list
process_response_eof(&mut self, status: Result<(), NetworkError>)1052     fn process_response_eof(&mut self, status: Result<(), NetworkError>) {
1053         if self.ignore_response {
1054             // An error was received previously, skip processing the payload.
1055             return;
1056         }
1057         let elem = self.elem.root();
1059         // => "If the media data can be fetched but is found by inspection to be in an unsupported
1060         //     format, or can otherwise not be rendered at all"
1061         if !self.have_metadata {
1062             elem.queue_dedicated_media_source_failure_steps();
1063         }
1064         // => "Once the entire media resource has been fetched..."
1065         else if status.is_ok() {
1066             elem.change_ready_state(ReadyState::HaveEnoughData);
1068             elem.upcast::<EventTarget>().fire_event(atom!("progress"));
1070             elem.network_state.set(NetworkState::Idle);
1072             elem.upcast::<EventTarget>().fire_event(atom!("suspend"));
1073         }
1074         // => "If the connection is interrupted after some media data has been received..."
1075         else if elem.ready_state.get() != ReadyState::HaveNothing {
1076             // Step 2
1077             elem.error.set(Some(&*MediaError::new(&*window_from_node(&*elem),
1078                                                   MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK)));
1080             // Step 3
1081             elem.network_state.set(NetworkState::Idle);
1083             // Step 4.
1084             elem.delay_load_event(false);
1086             // Step 5
1087             elem.upcast::<EventTarget>().fire_event(atom!("error"));
1088         } else {
1089             // => "If the media data cannot be fetched at all..."
1090             elem.queue_dedicated_media_source_failure_steps();
1091         }
1092     }
1093 }
1095 impl PreInvoke for HTMLMediaElementContext {
should_invoke(&self) -> bool1096     fn should_invoke(&self) -> bool {
1097         //TODO: finish_load needs to run at some point if the generation changes.
1098         self.elem.root().generation_id.get() == self.generation_id
1099     }
1100 }
1102 impl HTMLMediaElementContext {
new(elem: &HTMLMediaElement) -> HTMLMediaElementContext1103     fn new(elem: &HTMLMediaElement) -> HTMLMediaElementContext {
1104         HTMLMediaElementContext {
1105             elem: Trusted::new(elem),
1106             data: vec![],
1107             metadata: None,
1108             generation_id: elem.generation_id.get(),
1109             next_progress_event: time::get_time() + Duration::milliseconds(350),
1110             have_metadata: false,
1111             ignore_response: false,
1112         }
1113     }
check_metadata(&mut self, elem: &HTMLMediaElement)1115     fn check_metadata(&mut self, elem: &HTMLMediaElement) {
1116         if audio_video_metadata::get_format_from_slice(&self.data).is_ok() {
1117             // Step 6.
1118             elem.change_ready_state(ReadyState::HaveMetadata);
1119             self.have_metadata = true;
1120         }
1121     }
1122 }