2Generating lines of code.
4from functools import partial, wraps
5import sys
6from typing import Collection, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Union
8from dataclasses import dataclass, field
12from black.nodes import Visitor, syms, first_child_is_arith, ensure_visible
13from black.nodes import is_docstring, is_empty_tuple, is_one_tuple, is_one_tuple_between
14from black.nodes import is_walrus_assignment, is_yield, is_vararg, is_multiline_string
15from black.nodes import is_stub_suite, is_stub_body, is_atom_with_invisible_parens
16from black.nodes import wrap_in_parentheses
17from black.brackets import max_delimiter_priority_in_atom
18from black.brackets import DOT_PRIORITY, COMMA_PRIORITY
19from black.lines import Line, line_to_string, is_line_short_enough
20from black.lines import can_omit_invisible_parens, can_be_split, append_leaves
21from black.comments import generate_comments, list_comments, FMT_OFF
22from black.numerics import normalize_numeric_literal
23from black.strings import get_string_prefix, fix_docstring
24from black.strings import normalize_string_prefix, normalize_string_quotes
25from black.trans import Transformer, CannotTransform, StringMerger
26from black.trans import StringSplitter, StringParenWrapper, StringParenStripper
27from black.mode import Mode
28from black.mode import Feature
30from blib2to3.pytree import Node, Leaf
31from blib2to3.pgen2 import token
34# types
35LeafID = int
36LN = Union[Leaf, Node]
39class CannotSplit(CannotTransform):
40    """A readable split that fits the allotted line length is impossible."""
44class LineGenerator(Visitor[Line]):
45    """Generates reformatted Line objects.  Empty lines are not emitted.
47    Note: destroys the tree it's visiting by mutating prefixes of its leaves
48    in ways that will no longer stringify to valid Python code on the tree.
49    """
51    mode: Mode
52    remove_u_prefix: bool = False
53    current_line: Line = field(init=False)
55    def line(self, indent: int = 0) -> Iterator[Line]:
56        """Generate a line.
58        If the line is empty, only emit if it makes sense.
59        If the line is too long, split it first and then generate.
61        If any lines were generated, set up a new current_line.
62        """
63        if not self.current_line:
64            self.current_line.depth += indent
65            return  # Line is empty, don't emit. Creating a new one unnecessary.
67        complete_line = self.current_line
68        self.current_line = Line(mode=self.mode, depth=complete_line.depth + indent)
69        yield complete_line
71    def visit_default(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[Line]:
72        """Default `visit_*()` implementation. Recurses to children of `node`."""
73        if isinstance(node, Leaf):
74            any_open_brackets = self.current_line.bracket_tracker.any_open_brackets()
75            for comment in generate_comments(node):
76                if any_open_brackets:
77                    # any comment within brackets is subject to splitting
78                    self.current_line.append(comment)
79                elif comment.type == token.COMMENT:
80                    # regular trailing comment
81                    self.current_line.append(comment)
82                    yield from self.line()
84                else:
85                    # regular standalone comment
86                    yield from self.line()
88                    self.current_line.append(comment)
89                    yield from self.line()
91            normalize_prefix(node, inside_brackets=any_open_brackets)
92            if self.mode.string_normalization and node.type == token.STRING:
93                node.value = normalize_string_prefix(
94                    node.value, remove_u_prefix=self.remove_u_prefix
95                )
96                node.value = normalize_string_quotes(node.value)
97            if node.type == token.NUMBER:
98                normalize_numeric_literal(node)
99            if node.type not in WHITESPACE:
100                self.current_line.append(node)
101        yield from super().visit_default(node)
103    def visit_INDENT(self, node: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
104        """Increase indentation level, maybe yield a line."""
105        # In blib2to3 INDENT never holds comments.
106        yield from self.line(+1)
107        yield from self.visit_default(node)
109    def visit_DEDENT(self, node: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
110        """Decrease indentation level, maybe yield a line."""
111        # The current line might still wait for trailing comments.  At DEDENT time
112        # there won't be any (they would be prefixes on the preceding NEWLINE).
113        # Emit the line then.
114        yield from self.line()
116        # While DEDENT has no value, its prefix may contain standalone comments
117        # that belong to the current indentation level.  Get 'em.
118        yield from self.visit_default(node)
120        # Finally, emit the dedent.
121        yield from self.line(-1)
123    def visit_stmt(
124        self, node: Node, keywords: Set[str], parens: Set[str]
125    ) -> Iterator[Line]:
126        """Visit a statement.
128        This implementation is shared for `if`, `while`, `for`, `try`, `except`,
129        `def`, `with`, `class`, `assert` and assignments.
131        The relevant Python language `keywords` for a given statement will be
132        NAME leaves within it. This methods puts those on a separate line.
134        `parens` holds a set of string leaf values immediately after which
135        invisible parens should be put.
136        """
137        normalize_invisible_parens(node, parens_after=parens)
138        for child in node.children:
139            if child.type == token.NAME and child.value in keywords:  # type: ignore
140                yield from self.line()
142            yield from self.visit(child)
144    def visit_suite(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
145        """Visit a suite."""
146        if self.mode.is_pyi and is_stub_suite(node):
147            yield from self.visit(node.children[2])
148        else:
149            yield from self.visit_default(node)
151    def visit_simple_stmt(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
152        """Visit a statement without nested statements."""
153        if first_child_is_arith(node):
154            wrap_in_parentheses(node, node.children[0], visible=False)
155        is_suite_like = node.parent and node.parent.type in STATEMENT
156        if is_suite_like:
157            if self.mode.is_pyi and is_stub_body(node):
158                yield from self.visit_default(node)
159            else:
160                yield from self.line(+1)
161                yield from self.visit_default(node)
162                yield from self.line(-1)
164        else:
165            if (
166                not self.mode.is_pyi
167                or not node.parent
168                or not is_stub_suite(node.parent)
169            ):
170                yield from self.line()
171            yield from self.visit_default(node)
173    def visit_async_stmt(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
174        """Visit `async def`, `async for`, `async with`."""
175        yield from self.line()
177        children = iter(node.children)
178        for child in children:
179            yield from self.visit(child)
181            if child.type == token.ASYNC:
182                break
184        internal_stmt = next(children)
185        for child in internal_stmt.children:
186            yield from self.visit(child)
188    def visit_decorators(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
189        """Visit decorators."""
190        for child in node.children:
191            yield from self.line()
192            yield from self.visit(child)
194    def visit_SEMI(self, leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
195        """Remove a semicolon and put the other statement on a separate line."""
196        yield from self.line()
198    def visit_ENDMARKER(self, leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
199        """End of file. Process outstanding comments and end with a newline."""
200        yield from self.visit_default(leaf)
201        yield from self.line()
203    def visit_STANDALONE_COMMENT(self, leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
204        if not self.current_line.bracket_tracker.any_open_brackets():
205            yield from self.line()
206        yield from self.visit_default(leaf)
208    def visit_factor(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
209        """Force parentheses between a unary op and a binary power:
211        -2 ** 8 -> -(2 ** 8)
212        """
213        _operator, operand = node.children
214        if (
215            operand.type == syms.power
216            and len(operand.children) == 3
217            and operand.children[1].type == token.DOUBLESTAR
218        ):
219            lpar = Leaf(token.LPAR, "(")
220            rpar = Leaf(token.RPAR, ")")
221            index = operand.remove() or 0
222            node.insert_child(index, Node(syms.atom, [lpar, operand, rpar]))
223        yield from self.visit_default(node)
225    def visit_STRING(self, leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
226        if is_docstring(leaf) and "\\\n" not in leaf.value:
227            # We're ignoring docstrings with backslash newline escapes because changing
228            # indentation of those changes the AST representation of the code.
229            docstring = normalize_string_prefix(leaf.value, self.remove_u_prefix)
230            prefix = get_string_prefix(docstring)
231            docstring = docstring[len(prefix) :]  # Remove the prefix
232            quote_char = docstring[0]
233            # A natural way to remove the outer quotes is to do:
234            #   docstring = docstring.strip(quote_char)
235            # but that breaks on """""x""" (which is '""x').
236            # So we actually need to remove the first character and the next two
237            # characters but only if they are the same as the first.
238            quote_len = 1 if docstring[1] != quote_char else 3
239            docstring = docstring[quote_len:-quote_len]
240            docstring_started_empty = not docstring
242            if is_multiline_string(leaf):
243                indent = " " * 4 * self.current_line.depth
244                docstring = fix_docstring(docstring, indent)
245            else:
246                docstring = docstring.strip()
248            if docstring:
249                # Add some padding if the docstring starts / ends with a quote mark.
250                if docstring[0] == quote_char:
251                    docstring = " " + docstring
252                if docstring[-1] == quote_char:
253                    docstring += " "
254                if docstring[-1] == "\\":
255                    backslash_count = len(docstring) - len(docstring.rstrip("\\"))
256                    if backslash_count % 2:
257                        # Odd number of tailing backslashes, add some padding to
258                        # avoid escaping the closing string quote.
259                        docstring += " "
260            elif not docstring_started_empty:
261                docstring = " "
263            # We could enforce triple quotes at this point.
264            quote = quote_char * quote_len
265            leaf.value = prefix + quote + docstring + quote
267        yield from self.visit_default(leaf)
269    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
270        """You are in a twisty little maze of passages."""
271        self.current_line = Line(mode=self.mode)
273        v = self.visit_stmt
274        Ø: Set[str] = set()
275        self.visit_assert_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"assert"}, parens={"assert", ","})
276        self.visit_if_stmt = partial(
277            v, keywords={"if", "else", "elif"}, parens={"if", "elif"}
278        )
279        self.visit_while_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"while", "else"}, parens={"while"})
280        self.visit_for_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"for", "else"}, parens={"for", "in"})
281        self.visit_try_stmt = partial(
282            v, keywords={"try", "except", "else", "finally"}, parens283        )
284        self.visit_except_clause = partial(v, keywords={"except"}, parens=Ø)
285        self.visit_with_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"with"}, parens=Ø)
286        self.visit_funcdef = partial(v, keywords={"def"}, parens=Ø)
287        self.visit_classdef = partial(v, keywords={"class"}, parens=Ø)
288        self.visit_expr_stmt = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens=ASSIGNMENTS)
289        self.visit_return_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"return"}, parens={"return"})
290        self.visit_import_from = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens={"import"})
291        self.visit_del_stmt = partial(v, keywords=Ø, parens={"del"})
292        self.visit_async_funcdef = self.visit_async_stmt
293        self.visit_decorated = self.visit_decorators
296def transform_line(
297    line: Line, mode: Mode, features: Collection[Feature] = ()
298) -> Iterator[Line]:
299    """Transform a `line`, potentially splitting it into many lines.
301    They should fit in the allotted `line_length` but might not be able to.
303    `features` are syntactical features that may be used in the output.
304    """
305    if line.is_comment:
306        yield line
307        return
309    line_str = line_to_string(line)
311    ll = mode.line_length
312    sn = mode.string_normalization
313    string_merge = StringMerger(ll, sn)
314    string_paren_strip = StringParenStripper(ll, sn)
315    string_split = StringSplitter(ll, sn)
316    string_paren_wrap = StringParenWrapper(ll, sn)
318    transformers: List[Transformer]
319    if (
320        not line.contains_uncollapsable_type_comments()
321        and not line.should_split_rhs
322        and not line.magic_trailing_comma
323        and (
324            is_line_short_enough(line, line_length=mode.line_length, line_str=line_str)
325            or line.contains_unsplittable_type_ignore()
326        )
327        and not (line.inside_brackets and line.contains_standalone_comments())
328    ):
329        # Only apply basic string preprocessing, since lines shouldn't be split here.
330        if mode.experimental_string_processing:
331            transformers = [string_merge, string_paren_strip]
332        else:
333            transformers = []
334    elif line.is_def:
335        transformers = [left_hand_split]
336    else:
338        def rhs(line: Line, features: Collection[Feature]) -> Iterator[Line]:
339            """Wraps calls to `right_hand_split`.
341            The calls increasingly `omit` right-hand trailers (bracket pairs with
342            content), meaning the trailers get glued together to split on another
343            bracket pair instead.
344            """
345            for omit in generate_trailers_to_omit(line, mode.line_length):
346                lines = list(
347                    right_hand_split(line, mode.line_length, features, omit=omit)
348                )
349                # Note: this check is only able to figure out if the first line of the
350                # *current* transformation fits in the line length.  This is true only
351                # for simple cases.  All others require running more transforms via
352                # `transform_line()`.  This check doesn't know if those would succeed.
353                if is_line_short_enough(lines[0], line_length=mode.line_length):
354                    yield from lines
355                    return
357            # All splits failed, best effort split with no omits.
358            # This mostly happens to multiline strings that are by definition
359            # reported as not fitting a single line, as well as lines that contain
360            # trailing commas (those have to be exploded).
361            yield from right_hand_split(
362                line, line_length=mode.line_length, features=features
363            )
365        if mode.experimental_string_processing:
366            if line.inside_brackets:
367                transformers = [
368                    string_merge,
369                    string_paren_strip,
370                    string_split,
371                    delimiter_split,
372                    standalone_comment_split,
373                    string_paren_wrap,
374                    rhs,
375                ]
376            else:
377                transformers = [
378                    string_merge,
379                    string_paren_strip,
380                    string_split,
381                    string_paren_wrap,
382                    rhs,
383                ]
384        else:
385            if line.inside_brackets:
386                transformers = [delimiter_split, standalone_comment_split, rhs]
387            else:
388                transformers = [rhs]
390    for transform in transformers:
391        # We are accumulating lines in `result` because we might want to abort
392        # mission and return the original line in the end, or attempt a different
393        # split altogether.
394        try:
395            result = run_transformer(line, transform, mode, features, line_str=line_str)
396        except CannotTransform:
397            continue
398        else:
399            yield from result
400            break
402    else:
403        yield line
406def left_hand_split(line: Line, _features: Collection[Feature] = ()) -> Iterator[Line]:
407    """Split line into many lines, starting with the first matching bracket pair.
409    Note: this usually looks weird, only use this for function definitions.
410    Prefer RHS otherwise.  This is why this function is not symmetrical with
411    :func:`right_hand_split` which also handles optional parentheses.
412    """
413    tail_leaves: List[Leaf] = []
414    body_leaves: List[Leaf] = []
415    head_leaves: List[Leaf] = []
416    current_leaves = head_leaves
417    matching_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
418    for leaf in line.leaves:
419        if (
420            current_leaves is body_leaves
421            and leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS
422            and leaf.opening_bracket is matching_bracket
423        ):
424            current_leaves = tail_leaves if body_leaves else head_leaves
425        current_leaves.append(leaf)
426        if current_leaves is head_leaves:
427            if leaf.type in OPENING_BRACKETS:
428                matching_bracket = leaf
429                current_leaves = body_leaves
430    if not matching_bracket:
431        raise CannotSplit("No brackets found")
433    head = bracket_split_build_line(head_leaves, line, matching_bracket)
434    body = bracket_split_build_line(body_leaves, line, matching_bracket, is_body=True)
435    tail = bracket_split_build_line(tail_leaves, line, matching_bracket)
436    bracket_split_succeeded_or_raise(head, body, tail)
437    for result in (head, body, tail):
438        if result:
439            yield result
442def right_hand_split(
443    line: Line,
444    line_length: int,
445    features: Collection[Feature] = (),
446    omit: Collection[LeafID] = (),
447) -> Iterator[Line]:
448    """Split line into many lines, starting with the last matching bracket pair.
450    If the split was by optional parentheses, attempt splitting without them, too.
451    `omit` is a collection of closing bracket IDs that shouldn't be considered for
452    this split.
454    Note: running this function modifies `bracket_depth` on the leaves of `line`.
455    """
456    tail_leaves: List[Leaf] = []
457    body_leaves: List[Leaf] = []
458    head_leaves: List[Leaf] = []
459    current_leaves = tail_leaves
460    opening_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
461    closing_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
462    for leaf in reversed(line.leaves):
463        if current_leaves is body_leaves:
464            if leaf is opening_bracket:
465                current_leaves = head_leaves if body_leaves else tail_leaves
466        current_leaves.append(leaf)
467        if current_leaves is tail_leaves:
468            if leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS and id(leaf) not in omit:
469                opening_bracket = leaf.opening_bracket
470                closing_bracket = leaf
471                current_leaves = body_leaves
472    if not (opening_bracket and closing_bracket and head_leaves):
473        # If there is no opening or closing_bracket that means the split failed and
474        # all content is in the tail.  Otherwise, if `head_leaves` are empty, it means
475        # the matching `opening_bracket` wasn't available on `line` anymore.
476        raise CannotSplit("No brackets found")
478    tail_leaves.reverse()
479    body_leaves.reverse()
480    head_leaves.reverse()
481    head = bracket_split_build_line(head_leaves, line, opening_bracket)
482    body = bracket_split_build_line(body_leaves, line, opening_bracket, is_body=True)
483    tail = bracket_split_build_line(tail_leaves, line, opening_bracket)
484    bracket_split_succeeded_or_raise(head, body, tail)
485    if (
486        Feature.FORCE_OPTIONAL_PARENTHESES not in features
487        # the opening bracket is an optional paren
488        and opening_bracket.type == token.LPAR
489        and not opening_bracket.value
490        # the closing bracket is an optional paren
491        and closing_bracket.type == token.RPAR
492        and not closing_bracket.value
493        # it's not an import (optional parens are the only thing we can split on
494        # in this case; attempting a split without them is a waste of time)
495        and not line.is_import
496        # there are no standalone comments in the body
497        and not body.contains_standalone_comments(0)
498        # and we can actually remove the parens
499        and can_omit_invisible_parens(body, line_length, omit_on_explode=omit)
500    ):
501        omit = {id(closing_bracket), *omit}
502        try:
503            yield from right_hand_split(line, line_length, features=features, omit=omit)
504            return
506        except CannotSplit:
507            if not (
508                can_be_split(body)
509                or is_line_short_enough(body, line_length=line_length)
510            ):
511                raise CannotSplit(
512                    "Splitting failed, body is still too long and can't be split."
513                )
515            elif head.contains_multiline_strings() or tail.contains_multiline_strings():
516                raise CannotSplit(
517                    "The current optional pair of parentheses is bound to fail to"
518                    " satisfy the splitting algorithm because the head or the tail"
519                    " contains multiline strings which by definition never fit one"
520                    " line."
521                )
523    ensure_visible(opening_bracket)
524    ensure_visible(closing_bracket)
525    for result in (head, body, tail):
526        if result:
527            yield result
530def bracket_split_succeeded_or_raise(head: Line, body: Line, tail: Line) -> None:
531    """Raise :exc:`CannotSplit` if the last left- or right-hand split failed.
533    Do nothing otherwise.
535    A left- or right-hand split is based on a pair of brackets. Content before
536    (and including) the opening bracket is left on one line, content inside the
537    brackets is put on a separate line, and finally content starting with and
538    following the closing bracket is put on a separate line.
540    Those are called `head`, `body`, and `tail`, respectively. If the split
541    produced the same line (all content in `head`) or ended up with an empty `body`
542    and the `tail` is just the closing bracket, then it's considered failed.
543    """
544    tail_len = len(str(tail).strip())
545    if not body:
546        if tail_len == 0:
547            raise CannotSplit("Splitting brackets produced the same line")
549        elif tail_len < 3:
550            raise CannotSplit(
551                f"Splitting brackets on an empty body to save {tail_len} characters is"
552                " not worth it"
553            )
556def bracket_split_build_line(
557    leaves: List[Leaf], original: Line, opening_bracket: Leaf, *, is_body: bool = False
558) -> Line:
559    """Return a new line with given `leaves` and respective comments from `original`.
561    If `is_body` is True, the result line is one-indented inside brackets and as such
562    has its first leaf's prefix normalized and a trailing comma added when expected.
563    """
564    result = Line(mode=original.mode, depth=original.depth)
565    if is_body:
566        result.inside_brackets = True
567        result.depth += 1
568        if leaves:
569            # Since body is a new indent level, remove spurious leading whitespace.
570            normalize_prefix(leaves[0], inside_brackets=True)
571            # Ensure a trailing comma for imports and standalone function arguments, but
572            # be careful not to add one after any comments or within type annotations.
573            no_commas = (
574                original.is_def
575                and opening_bracket.value == "("
576                and not any(leaf.type == token.COMMA for leaf in leaves)
577            )
579            if original.is_import or no_commas:
580                for i in range(len(leaves) - 1, -1, -1):
581                    if leaves[i].type == STANDALONE_COMMENT:
582                        continue
584                    if leaves[i].type != token.COMMA:
585                        new_comma = Leaf(token.COMMA, ",")
586                        leaves.insert(i + 1, new_comma)
587                    break
589    # Populate the line
590    for leaf in leaves:
591        result.append(leaf, preformatted=True)
592        for comment_after in original.comments_after(leaf):
593            result.append(comment_after, preformatted=True)
594    if is_body and should_split_line(result, opening_bracket):
595        result.should_split_rhs = True
596    return result
599def dont_increase_indentation(split_func: Transformer) -> Transformer:
600    """Normalize prefix of the first leaf in every line returned by `split_func`.
602    This is a decorator over relevant split functions.
603    """
605    @wraps(split_func)
606    def split_wrapper(line: Line, features: Collection[Feature] = ()) -> Iterator[Line]:
607        for line in split_func(line, features):
608            normalize_prefix(line.leaves[0], inside_brackets=True)
609            yield line
611    return split_wrapper
615def delimiter_split(line: Line, features: Collection[Feature] = ()) -> Iterator[Line]:
616    """Split according to delimiters of the highest priority.
618    If the appropriate Features are given, the split will add trailing commas
619    also in function signatures and calls that contain `*` and `**`.
620    """
621    try:
622        last_leaf = line.leaves[-1]
623    except IndexError:
624        raise CannotSplit("Line empty")
626    bt = line.bracket_tracker
627    try:
628        delimiter_priority = bt.max_delimiter_priority(exclude={id(last_leaf)})
629    except ValueError:
630        raise CannotSplit("No delimiters found")
632    if delimiter_priority == DOT_PRIORITY:
633        if bt.delimiter_count_with_priority(delimiter_priority) == 1:
634            raise CannotSplit("Splitting a single attribute from its owner looks wrong")
636    current_line = Line(
637        mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
638    )
639    lowest_depth = sys.maxsize
640    trailing_comma_safe = True
642    def append_to_line(leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
643        """Append `leaf` to current line or to new line if appending impossible."""
644        nonlocal current_line
645        try:
646            current_line.append_safe(leaf, preformatted=True)
647        except ValueError:
648            yield current_line
650            current_line = Line(
651                mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
652            )
653            current_line.append(leaf)
655    for leaf in line.leaves:
656        yield from append_to_line(leaf)
658        for comment_after in line.comments_after(leaf):
659            yield from append_to_line(comment_after)
661        lowest_depth = min(lowest_depth, leaf.bracket_depth)
662        if leaf.bracket_depth == lowest_depth:
663            if is_vararg(leaf, within={syms.typedargslist}):
664                trailing_comma_safe = (
665                    trailing_comma_safe and Feature.TRAILING_COMMA_IN_DEF in features
666                )
667            elif is_vararg(leaf, within={syms.arglist, syms.argument}):
668                trailing_comma_safe = (
669                    trailing_comma_safe and Feature.TRAILING_COMMA_IN_CALL in features
670                )
672        leaf_priority = bt.delimiters.get(id(leaf))
673        if leaf_priority == delimiter_priority:
674            yield current_line
676            current_line = Line(
677                mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
678            )
679    if current_line:
680        if (
681            trailing_comma_safe
682            and delimiter_priority == COMMA_PRIORITY
683            and current_line.leaves[-1].type != token.COMMA
684            and current_line.leaves[-1].type != STANDALONE_COMMENT
685        ):
686            new_comma = Leaf(token.COMMA, ",")
687            current_line.append(new_comma)
688        yield current_line
692def standalone_comment_split(
693    line: Line, features: Collection[Feature] = ()
694) -> Iterator[Line]:
695    """Split standalone comments from the rest of the line."""
696    if not line.contains_standalone_comments(0):
697        raise CannotSplit("Line does not have any standalone comments")
699    current_line = Line(
700        mode=line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
701    )
703    def append_to_line(leaf: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
704        """Append `leaf` to current line or to new line if appending impossible."""
705        nonlocal current_line
706        try:
707            current_line.append_safe(leaf, preformatted=True)
708        except ValueError:
709            yield current_line
711            current_line = Line(
712                line.mode, depth=line.depth, inside_brackets=line.inside_brackets
713            )
714            current_line.append(leaf)
716    for leaf in line.leaves:
717        yield from append_to_line(leaf)
719        for comment_after in line.comments_after(leaf):
720            yield from append_to_line(comment_after)
722    if current_line:
723        yield current_line
726def normalize_prefix(leaf: Leaf, *, inside_brackets: bool) -> None:
727    """Leave existing extra newlines if not `inside_brackets`. Remove everything
728    else.
730    Note: don't use backslashes for formatting or you'll lose your voting rights.
731    """
732    if not inside_brackets:
733        spl = leaf.prefix.split("#")
734        if "\\" not in spl[0]:
735            nl_count = spl[-1].count("\n")
736            if len(spl) > 1:
737                nl_count -= 1
738            leaf.prefix = "\n" * nl_count
739            return
741    leaf.prefix = ""
744def normalize_invisible_parens(node: Node, parens_after: Set[str]) -> None:
745    """Make existing optional parentheses invisible or create new ones.
747    `parens_after` is a set of string leaf values immediately after which parens
748    should be put.
750    Standardizes on visible parentheses for single-element tuples, and keeps
751    existing visible parentheses for other tuples and generator expressions.
752    """
753    for pc in list_comments(node.prefix, is_endmarker=False):
754        if pc.value in FMT_OFF:
755            # This `node` has a prefix with `# fmt: off`, don't mess with parens.
756            return
757    check_lpar = False
758    for index, child in enumerate(list(node.children)):
759        # Fixes a bug where invisible parens are not properly stripped from
760        # assignment statements that contain type annotations.
761        if isinstance(child, Node) and child.type == syms.annassign:
762            normalize_invisible_parens(child, parens_after=parens_after)
764        # Add parentheses around long tuple unpacking in assignments.
765        if (
766            index == 0
767            and isinstance(child, Node)
768            and child.type == syms.testlist_star_expr
769        ):
770            check_lpar = True
772        if check_lpar:
773            if child.type == syms.atom:
774                if maybe_make_parens_invisible_in_atom(child, parent=node):
775                    wrap_in_parentheses(node, child, visible=False)
776            elif is_one_tuple(child):
777                wrap_in_parentheses(node, child, visible=True)
778            elif node.type == syms.import_from:
779                # "import from" nodes store parentheses directly as part of
780                # the statement
781                if child.type == token.LPAR:
782                    # make parentheses invisible
783                    child.value = ""  # type: ignore
784                    node.children[-1].value = ""  # type: ignore
785                elif child.type != token.STAR:
786                    # insert invisible parentheses
787                    node.insert_child(index, Leaf(token.LPAR, ""))
788                    node.append_child(Leaf(token.RPAR, ""))
789                break
791            elif not (isinstance(child, Leaf) and is_multiline_string(child)):
792                wrap_in_parentheses(node, child, visible=False)
794        check_lpar = isinstance(child, Leaf) and child.value in parens_after
797def maybe_make_parens_invisible_in_atom(node: LN, parent: LN) -> bool:
798    """If it's safe, make the parens in the atom `node` invisible, recursively.
799    Additionally, remove repeated, adjacent invisible parens from the atom `node`
800    as they are redundant.
802    Returns whether the node should itself be wrapped in invisible parentheses.
804    """
806    if (
807        node.type != syms.atom
808        or is_empty_tuple(node)
809        or is_one_tuple(node)
810        or (is_yield(node) and parent.type != syms.expr_stmt)
811        or max_delimiter_priority_in_atom(node) >= COMMA_PRIORITY
812    ):
813        return False
815    if is_walrus_assignment(node):
816        if parent.type in [
817            syms.annassign,
818            syms.expr_stmt,
819            syms.assert_stmt,
820            syms.return_stmt,
821            # these ones aren't useful to end users, but they do please fuzzers
822            syms.for_stmt,
823            syms.del_stmt,
824        ]:
825            return False
827    first = node.children[0]
828    last = node.children[-1]
829    if first.type == token.LPAR and last.type == token.RPAR:
830        middle = node.children[1]
831        # make parentheses invisible
832        first.value = ""  # type: ignore
833        last.value = ""  # type: ignore
834        maybe_make_parens_invisible_in_atom(middle, parent=parent)
836        if is_atom_with_invisible_parens(middle):
837            # Strip the invisible parens from `middle` by replacing
838            # it with the child in-between the invisible parens
839            middle.replace(middle.children[1])
841        return False
843    return True
846def should_split_line(line: Line, opening_bracket: Leaf) -> bool:
847    """Should `line` be immediately split with `delimiter_split()` after RHS?"""
849    if not (opening_bracket.parent and opening_bracket.value in "[{("):
850        return False
852    # We're essentially checking if the body is delimited by commas and there's more
853    # than one of them (we're excluding the trailing comma and if the delimiter priority
854    # is still commas, that means there's more).
855    exclude = set()
856    trailing_comma = False
857    try:
858        last_leaf = line.leaves[-1]
859        if last_leaf.type == token.COMMA:
860            trailing_comma = True
861            exclude.add(id(last_leaf))
862        max_priority = line.bracket_tracker.max_delimiter_priority(exclude=exclude)
863    except (IndexError, ValueError):
864        return False
866    return max_priority == COMMA_PRIORITY and (
867        (line.mode.magic_trailing_comma and trailing_comma)
868        # always explode imports
869        or opening_bracket.parent.type in {syms.atom, syms.import_from}
870    )
873def generate_trailers_to_omit(line: Line, line_length: int) -> Iterator[Set[LeafID]]:
874    """Generate sets of closing bracket IDs that should be omitted in a RHS.
876    Brackets can be omitted if the entire trailer up to and including
877    a preceding closing bracket fits in one line.
879    Yielded sets are cumulative (contain results of previous yields, too).  First
880    set is empty, unless the line should explode, in which case bracket pairs until
881    the one that needs to explode are omitted.
882    """
884    omit: Set[LeafID] = set()
885    if not line.magic_trailing_comma:
886        yield omit
888    length = 4 * line.depth
889    opening_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
890    closing_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
891    inner_brackets: Set[LeafID] = set()
892    for index, leaf, leaf_length in line.enumerate_with_length(reversed=True):
893        length += leaf_length
894        if length > line_length:
895            break
897        has_inline_comment = leaf_length > len(leaf.value) + len(leaf.prefix)
898        if leaf.type == STANDALONE_COMMENT or has_inline_comment:
899            break
901        if opening_bracket:
902            if leaf is opening_bracket:
903                opening_bracket = None
904            elif leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS:
905                prev = line.leaves[index - 1] if index > 0 else None
906                if (
907                    prev
908                    and prev.type == token.COMMA
909                    and not is_one_tuple_between(
910                        leaf.opening_bracket, leaf, line.leaves
911                    )
912                ):
913                    # Never omit bracket pairs with trailing commas.
914                    # We need to explode on those.
915                    break
917                inner_brackets.add(id(leaf))
918        elif leaf.type in CLOSING_BRACKETS:
919            prev = line.leaves[index - 1] if index > 0 else None
920            if prev and prev.type in OPENING_BRACKETS:
921                # Empty brackets would fail a split so treat them as "inner"
922                # brackets (e.g. only add them to the `omit` set if another
923                # pair of brackets was good enough.
924                inner_brackets.add(id(leaf))
925                continue
927            if closing_bracket:
928                omit.add(id(closing_bracket))
929                omit.update(inner_brackets)
930                inner_brackets.clear()
931                yield omit
933            if (
934                prev
935                and prev.type == token.COMMA
936                and not is_one_tuple_between(leaf.opening_bracket, leaf, line.leaves)
937            ):
938                # Never omit bracket pairs with trailing commas.
939                # We need to explode on those.
940                break
942            if leaf.value:
943                opening_bracket = leaf.opening_bracket
944                closing_bracket = leaf
947def run_transformer(
948    line: Line,
949    transform: Transformer,
950    mode: Mode,
951    features: Collection[Feature],
952    *,
953    line_str: str = "",
954) -> List[Line]:
955    if not line_str:
956        line_str = line_to_string(line)
957    result: List[Line] = []
958    for transformed_line in transform(line, features):
959        if str(transformed_line).strip("\n") == line_str:
960            raise CannotTransform("Line transformer returned an unchanged result")
962        result.extend(transform_line(transformed_line, mode=mode, features=features))
964    if (
965        transform.__name__ != "rhs"
966        or not line.bracket_tracker.invisible
967        or any(bracket.value for bracket in line.bracket_tracker.invisible)
968        or line.contains_multiline_strings()
969        or result[0].contains_uncollapsable_type_comments()
970        or result[0].contains_unsplittable_type_ignore()
971        or is_line_short_enough(result[0], line_length=mode.line_length)
972        # If any leaves have no parents (which _can_ occur since
973        # `transform(line)` potentially destroys the line's underlying node
974        # structure), then we can't proceed. Doing so would cause the below
975        # call to `append_leaves()` to fail.
976        or any(leaf.parent is None for leaf in line.leaves)
977    ):
978        return result
980    line_copy = line.clone()
981    append_leaves(line_copy, line, line.leaves)
982    features_fop = set(features) | {Feature.FORCE_OPTIONAL_PARENTHESES}
983    second_opinion = run_transformer(
984        line_copy, transform, mode, features_fop, line_str=line_str
985    )
986    if all(
987        is_line_short_enough(ln, line_length=mode.line_length) for ln in second_opinion
988    ):
989        result = second_opinion
990    return result