1""" Distribution specific override class for CentOS family (RHEL, Fedora) """
2import logging
3from typing import cast
4from typing import List
6from certbot import errors
7from certbot import util
8from certbot.errors import MisconfigurationError
9from certbot_apache._internal import apache_util
10from certbot_apache._internal import configurator
11from certbot_apache._internal import parser
12from certbot_apache._internal.configurator import OsOptions
14logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
17class CentOSConfigurator(configurator.ApacheConfigurator):
18    """CentOS specific ApacheConfigurator override class"""
20    OS_DEFAULTS = OsOptions(
21        server_root="/etc/httpd",
22        vhost_root="/etc/httpd/conf.d",
23        vhost_files="*.conf",
24        logs_root="/var/log/httpd",
25        ctl="apachectl",
26        version_cmd=['apachectl', '-v'],
27        restart_cmd=['apachectl', 'graceful'],
28        restart_cmd_alt=['apachectl', 'restart'],
29        conftest_cmd=['apachectl', 'configtest'],
30        challenge_location="/etc/httpd/conf.d",
31    )
33    def config_test(self):
34        """
35        Override config_test to mitigate configtest error in vanilla installation
36        of mod_ssl in Fedora. The error is caused by non-existent self-signed
37        certificates referenced by the configuration, that would be autogenerated
38        during the first (re)start of httpd.
39        """
41        os_info = util.get_os_info()
42        fedora = os_info[0].lower() == "fedora"
44        try:
45            super().config_test()
46        except errors.MisconfigurationError:
47            if fedora:
48                self._try_restart_fedora()
49            else:
50                raise
52    def _try_restart_fedora(self):
53        """
54        Tries to restart httpd using systemctl to generate the self signed key pair.
55        """
57        try:
58            util.run_script(['systemctl', 'restart', 'httpd'])
59        except errors.SubprocessError as err:
60            raise errors.MisconfigurationError(str(err))
62        # Finish with actual config check to see if systemctl restart helped
63        super().config_test()
65    def _prepare_options(self):
66        """
67        Override the options dictionary initialization in order to support
68        alternative restart cmd used in CentOS.
69        """
70        super()._prepare_options()
71        if not self.options.restart_cmd_alt:  # pragma: no cover
72            raise ValueError("OS option restart_cmd_alt must be set for CentOS.")
73        self.options.restart_cmd_alt[0] = self.options.ctl
75    def get_parser(self):
76        """Initializes the ApacheParser"""
77        return CentOSParser(
78            self.options.server_root, self.options.vhost_root,
79            self.version, configurator=self)
81    def _deploy_cert(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
82        """
83        Override _deploy_cert in order to ensure that the Apache configuration
84        has "LoadModule ssl_module..." before parsing the VirtualHost configuration
85        that was created by Certbot
86        """
87        super()._deploy_cert(*args, **kwargs)
88        if self.version < (2, 4, 0):
89            self._deploy_loadmodule_ssl_if_needed()
91    def _deploy_loadmodule_ssl_if_needed(self):
92        """
93        Add "LoadModule ssl_module <pre-existing path>" to main httpd.conf if
94        it doesn't exist there already.
95        """
97        loadmods = self.parser.find_dir("LoadModule", "ssl_module", exclude=False)
99        correct_ifmods: List[str] = []
100        loadmod_args: List[str] = []
101        loadmod_paths: List[str] = []
102        for m in loadmods:
103            noarg_path = m.rpartition("/")[0]
104            path_args = self.parser.get_all_args(noarg_path)
105            if loadmod_args:
106                if loadmod_args != path_args:
107                    msg = ("Certbot encountered multiple LoadModule directives "
108                           "for LoadModule ssl_module with differing library paths. "
109                           "Please remove or comment out the one(s) that are not in "
110                           "use, and run Certbot again.")
111                    raise MisconfigurationError(msg)
112            else:
113                loadmod_args = path_args
115            centos_parser: CentOSParser = cast(CentOSParser, self.parser)
116            if centos_parser.not_modssl_ifmodule(noarg_path):
117                if centos_parser.loc["default"] in noarg_path:
118                    # LoadModule already in the main configuration file
119                    if ("ifmodule/" in noarg_path.lower() or
120                        "ifmodule[1]" in noarg_path.lower()):
121                        # It's the first or only IfModule in the file
122                        return
123                # Populate the list of known !mod_ssl.c IfModules
124                nodir_path = noarg_path.rpartition("/directive")[0]
125                correct_ifmods.append(nodir_path)
126            else:
127                loadmod_paths.append(noarg_path)
129        if not loadmod_args:
130            # Do not try to enable mod_ssl
131            return
133        # Force creation as the directive wasn't found from the beginning of
134        # httpd.conf
135        rootconf_ifmod = self.parser.create_ifmod(
136            parser.get_aug_path(self.parser.loc["default"]),
137            "!mod_ssl.c", beginning=True)
138        # parser.get_ifmod returns a path postfixed with "/", remove that
139        self.parser.add_dir(rootconf_ifmod[:-1], "LoadModule", loadmod_args)
140        correct_ifmods.append(rootconf_ifmod[:-1])
141        self.save_notes += "Added LoadModule ssl_module to main configuration.\n"
143        # Wrap LoadModule mod_ssl inside of <IfModule !mod_ssl.c> if it's not
144        # configured like this already.
145        for loadmod_path in loadmod_paths:
146            nodir_path = loadmod_path.split("/directive")[0]
147            # Remove the old LoadModule directive
148            self.parser.aug.remove(loadmod_path)
150            # Create a new IfModule !mod_ssl.c if not already found on path
151            ssl_ifmod = self.parser.get_ifmod(nodir_path, "!mod_ssl.c",
152                                            beginning=True)[:-1]
153            if ssl_ifmod not in correct_ifmods:
154                self.parser.add_dir(ssl_ifmod, "LoadModule", loadmod_args)
155                correct_ifmods.append(ssl_ifmod)
156                self.save_notes += ("Wrapped pre-existing LoadModule ssl_module "
157                                    "inside of <IfModule !mod_ssl> block.\n")
160class CentOSParser(parser.ApacheParser):
161    """CentOS specific ApacheParser override class"""
162    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
163        # CentOS specific configuration file for Apache
164        self.sysconfig_filep = "/etc/sysconfig/httpd"
165        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
167    def update_runtime_variables(self):
168        """ Override for update_runtime_variables for custom parsing """
169        # Opportunistic, works if SELinux not enforced
170        super().update_runtime_variables()
171        self.parse_sysconfig_var()
173    def parse_sysconfig_var(self):
174        """ Parses Apache CLI options from CentOS configuration file """
175        defines = apache_util.parse_define_file(self.sysconfig_filep, "OPTIONS")
176        for k, v in defines.items():
177            self.variables[k] = v
179    def not_modssl_ifmodule(self, path):
180        """Checks if the provided Augeas path has argument !mod_ssl"""
182        if "ifmodule" not in path.lower():
183            return False
185        # Trim the path to the last ifmodule
186        workpath = path.lower()
187        while workpath:
188            # Get path to the last IfModule (ignore the tail)
189            parts = workpath.rpartition("ifmodule")
191            if not parts[0]:
192                # IfModule not found
193                break
194            ifmod_path = parts[0] + parts[1]
195            # Check if ifmodule had an index
196            if parts[2].startswith("["):
197                # Append the index from tail
198                ifmod_path += parts[2].partition("/")[0]
199            # Get the original path trimmed to correct length
200            # This is required to preserve cases
201            ifmod_real_path = path[0:len(ifmod_path)]
202            if "!mod_ssl.c" in self.get_all_args(ifmod_real_path):
203                return True
204            # Set the workpath to the heading part
205            workpath = parts[0]
207        return False