1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8; -*-
3# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------##
5#  Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
6#  Copyright (C) 2003 Mt. Hood Playing Card Co.
7#  Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Skomoroh
9#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12#  (at your option) any later version.
14#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17#  GNU General Public License for more details.
19#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20#  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------##
25import os
26import re
27import subprocess
28import time
29from io import BytesIO
31from pysollib.mfxutil import destruct
32from pysollib.pysolrandom import construct_random
33from pysollib.settings import DEBUG, FCS_COMMAND
34from pysollib.util import KING
36import six
40# ************************************************************************
41# * HintInterface is an abstract class that defines the public
42# * interface - it only consists of the constructor
43# * and the getHints() method.
44# *
45# * The whole hint system is exclusively used by Game.getHints().
46# ************************************************************************
49class HintInterface:
50    # level == 0: show hint (key `H')
51    # level == 1: show hint and display score value (key `Ctrl-H')
52    # level == 2: demo
53    def __init__(self, game, level):
54        pass
56    # Compute all hints for the current position.
57    # Subclass responsibility.
58    #
59    # Returns a list of "atomic hints" - an atomic hint is a 7-tuple
60    # (score, pos, ncards, from_stack, to_stack, text_color, forced_move).
61    #
62    #    if ncards == 0: deal cards
63    #    elif from_stack == to_stack: flip card
64    #    else: move cards from from_stack to to_stack
65    #
66    #    score, pos and text_color are only for debugging.
67    #    A forced_move is the next move that must be taken after this move
68    #    in order to avoid endless loops during demo play.
69    #
70    # Deal and flip may only happen if self.level >= 2 (i.e. demo).
71    #
72    # See Game.showHint() for more information.
73    def getHints(self, taken_hint=None):
74        return []
77# ************************************************************************
78# * AbstractHint provides a useful framework for derived hint classes.
79# *
80# * Subclasses should override computeHints()
81# ************************************************************************
83class AbstractHint(HintInterface):
84    def __init__(self, game, level):
85        self.game = game
86        self.level = level
87        self.score_flatten_value = 0
88        if self.level == 0:
89            self.score_flatten_value = 10000
90        # temporaries within getHints()
91        self.bonus_color = None
92        #
93        self.__clones = []
94        self.reset()
96    def __del__(self):
97        self.reset()
99    def reset(self):
100        self.hints = []
101        self.max_score = 0
102        self.__destructClones()
103        self.solver_state = 'not_started'
105    #
106    # stack cloning
107    #
109    # Create a shallow copy of a stack.
110    class AClonedStack:
111        def __init__(self, stack, stackcards):
112            # copy class identity
113            self.__class__ = stack.__class__
114            # copy model data (reference copy)
115            stack.copyModel(self)
116            # set new cards (shallow copy of the card list)
117            self.cards = stackcards[:]
119    def ClonedStack(self, stack, stackcards):
120        s = self.AClonedStack(stack, stackcards)
121        self.__clones.append(s)
122        return s
124    def __destructClones(self):
125        for s in self.__clones:
126            s.__class__ = self.AClonedStack     # restore orignal class
127            destruct(s)
128        self.__clones = []
130    # When computing hints for level 0, the scores are flattened
131    # (rounded down) to a multiple of score_flatten_value.
132    #
133    # The idea is that hints will appear equal within a certain score range
134    # so that the player will not get confused by the demo-intelligence.
135    #
136    # Pressing `Ctrl-H' (level 1) will preserve the score.
138    def addHint(self, score, ncards, from_stack,
139                to_stack, text_color=None, forced_move=None):
140        if score < 0:
141            return
142        self.max_score = max(self.max_score, score)
143        # add an atomic hint
144        if self.score_flatten_value > 0:
145            score = (score // self.score_flatten_value) * \
146                    self.score_flatten_value
147        if text_color is None:
148            text_color = self.BLACK
149        assert forced_move is None or len(forced_move) == 7
150        # pos is used for preserving the original sort order on equal scores
151        pos = -len(self.hints)
152        ah = (int(score), pos, ncards, from_stack, to_stack,
153              text_color, forced_move)
154        self.hints.append(ah)
156    # clean up and return hints sorted by score
157    def _returnHints(self):
158        hints = self.hints
159        self.reset()
160        hints.sort()
161        hints.reverse()
162        return hints
164    #
165    # getHints() default implementation:
166    #   - handle forced moves
167    #   - try to flip face-down cards
168    #   - call computeHints() to do something useful
169    #   - try to deal cards
170    #   - clean up and return hints sorted by score
171    #
173    # Default scores for flip and deal moves.
174    SCORE_FLIP = 100000         # 0..100000
175    SCORE_DEAL = 0              # 0..100000
177    def getHints(self, taken_hint=None):
178        # 0) setup
179        self.reset()
180        game = self.game
181        # 1) forced moves of the prev. taken hint have absolute priority
182        if taken_hint and taken_hint[6]:
183            return [taken_hint[6]]
184        # 2) try if we can flip a card
185        if self.level >= 2:
186            for r in game.allstacks:
187                if r.canFlipCard():
188                    self.addHint(self.SCORE_FLIP, 1, r, r)
189                    if self.SCORE_FLIP >= 90000:
190                        return self._returnHints()
191        # 3) ask subclass to do something useful
192        self.computeHints()
193        # 4) try if we can deal cards
194        if self.level >= 2:
195            if game.canDealCards():
196                self.addHint(self.SCORE_DEAL, 0, game.s.talon, None)
197        return self._returnHints()
199    # subclass
200    def computeHints(self):
201        pass
203    #
204    # utility shallMovePile()
205    #
207    # we move the pile if it is accepted by the target stack
208    def _defaultShallMovePile(self, from_stack, to_stack, pile, rpile):
209        if from_stack is to_stack or not \
210                to_stack.acceptsCards(from_stack, pile):
211            return 0
212        return 1
214    # same, but check for loops
215    def _cautiousShallMovePile(self, from_stack, to_stack, pile, rpile):
216        if from_stack is to_stack or not \
217                to_stack.acceptsCards(from_stack, pile):
218            return 0
219        #
220        if len(rpile) == 0:
221            return 1
222        # now check for loops
223        rr = self.ClonedStack(from_stack, stackcards=rpile)
224        if rr.acceptsCards(to_stack, pile):
225            # the pile we are going to move could be moved back -
226            # this is dangerous as we can create endless loops...
227            return 0
228        return 1
230    # same, but only check for loops only when in demo mode
231    def _cautiousDemoShallMovePile(self, from_stack, to_stack, pile, rpile):
232        if from_stack is to_stack or not \
233                to_stack.acceptsCards(from_stack, pile):
234            return 0
235        if self.level >= 2:
236            #
237            if len(rpile) == 0:
238                return 1
239            # now check for loops
240            rr = self.ClonedStack(from_stack, stackcards=rpile)
241            if rr.acceptsCards(to_stack, pile):
242                # the pile we are going to move could be moved back -
243                # this is dangerous as we can create endless loops...
244                return 0
245        return 1
247    shallMovePile = _defaultShallMovePile
249    #
250    # other utility methods
251    #
253    def _canDropAllCards(self, from_stack, stacks, stackcards):
254        assert from_stack not in stacks
255        return 0
256        # FIXME: this does not account for cards which are dropped herein
257        #         cards = pile[:]
258        #         cards.reverse()
259        #         for card in cards:
260        #             for s in stacks:
261        #                 if s is not from_stack:
262        #                     if s.acceptsCards(from_stack, [card]):
263        #                         break
264        #             else:
265        #                 return 0
266        #         return 1
268    #
269    # misc. constants
270    #
272    # score value so that the scores look nicer
273    K = KING + 1
274    # text_color that will display the score (for debug with level 1)
275    BLACK = "black"
276    RED = "red"
277    BLUE = "blue"
280# ************************************************************************
281# *
282# ************************************************************************
284class DefaultHint(AbstractHint):
286    # The DefaultHint is optimized for Klondike type games
287    # and also deals quite ok with other simple variants.
288    #
289    # But it completely lacks any specific strategy about game
290    # types like Forty Thieves, FreeCell, Golf, Spider, ...
291    #
292    # BTW, we do not cheat !
294    #
295    # bonus scoring used in _getXxxScore() below - subclass overrideable
296    #
298    def _preferHighRankMoves(self):
299        return 0
301    # Basic bonus for moving a card.
302    # Bonus must be in range 0..999
304    BONUS_DROP_CARD = 300        # 0..400
305    BONUS_SAME_SUIT_MOVE = 200        # 0..400
306    BONUS_NORMAL_MOVE = 100        # 0..400
308    def _getMoveCardBonus(self, r, t, pile, rpile):
309        assert pile
310        bonus = 0
311        if rpile:
312            rr = self.ClonedStack(r, stackcards=rpile)
313            if (rr.canDropCards(self.game.s.foundations))[0]:
314                # the card below the pile can be dropped
315                bonus = self.BONUS_DROP_CARD
316        if t.cards and t.cards[-1].suit == pile[0].suit:
317            # simple heuristics - prefer moving high-rank cards
318            bonus += self.BONUS_SAME_SUIT_MOVE + (1 + pile[0].rank)
319        elif self._preferHighRankMoves():
320            # simple heuristics - prefer moving high-rank cards
321            bonus += self.BONUS_NORMAL_MOVE + (1 + pile[0].rank)
322        elif rpile:
323            # simple heuristics - prefer low-rank cards in rpile
324            bonus += self.BONUS_NORMAL_MOVE + (self.K - rpile[-1].rank)
325        else:
326            # simple heuristics - prefer moving high-rank cards
327            bonus += self.BONUS_NORMAL_MOVE + (1 + pile[0].rank)
328        return bonus
330    # Special bonus for facing up a card after the current move.
331    # Bonus must be in range 0..9000
333    BONUS_FLIP_CARD = 1500        # 0..9000
335    def _getFlipSpecialBonus(self, r, t, pile, rpile):
336        assert pile and rpile
337        # The card below the pile can be flipped
338        # (do not cheat and look at it !)
339        # default: prefer a short rpile
340        bonus = max(self.BONUS_FLIP_CARD - len(rpile), 0)
341        return bonus
343    # Special bonus for moving a pile from stack r to stack t.
344    # Bonus must be in range 0..9000
346    BONUS_CREATE_EMPTY_ROW = 9000        # 0..9000
347    BONUS_CAN_DROP_ALL_CARDS = 4000        # 0..4000
348    BONUS_CAN_CREATE_EMPTY_ROW = 2000        # 0..4000
350    def _getMoveSpecialBonus(self, r, t, pile, rpile):
351        # check if we will create an empty row
352        if not rpile:
353            return self.BONUS_CREATE_EMPTY_ROW
354        # check if the card below the pile can be flipped
355        if not rpile[-1].face_up:
356            return self._getFlipSpecialBonus(r, t, pile, rpile)
357        # check if all the cards below our pile could be dropped
358        if self._canDropAllCards(r, self.game.s.foundations, stackcards=rpile):
359            # we can drop the whole remaining pile
360            # (and will create an empty row in the next move)
361            # print "BONUS_CAN_DROP_ALL_CARDS", r, pile, rpile
362            self.bonus_color = self.RED
363            return self.BONUS_CAN_DROP_ALL_CARDS + \
364                self.BONUS_CAN_CREATE_EMPTY_ROW
365        # check if the cards below our pile are a whole row
366        if r.canMoveCards(rpile):
367            # could we move the remaining pile ?
368            for x in self.game.s.rows:
369                # note: we allow x == r here, because the pile
370                #       (currently at the top of r) will be
371                #       available in the next move
372                if x is t or not x.cards:
373                    continue
374                if x.acceptsCards(r, rpile):
375                    # we can create an empty row in the next move
376                    # print "BONUS_CAN_CREATE_EMPTY_ROW", r, x, pile, rpile
377                    self.bonus_color = self.BLUE
378                    return self.BONUS_CAN_CREATE_EMPTY_ROW
379        return 0
381    #
382    # scoring used in getHints() - subclass overrideable
383    #
385    # Score for moving a pile from stack r to stack t.
386    # Increased score should be in range 0..9999
387    def _getMovePileScore(self, score, color, r, t, pile, rpile):
388        assert pile
389        self.bonus_color = color
390        b1 = self._getMoveSpecialBonus(r, t, pile, rpile)
391        assert 0 <= b1 <= 9000
392        b2 = self._getMoveCardBonus(r, t, pile, rpile)
393        assert 0 <= b2 <= 999
394        return score + b1 + b2, self.bonus_color
396    # Score for moving a pile (usually a single card) from the WasteStack.
397    def _getMoveWasteScore(self, score, color, r, t, pile, rpile):
398        assert pile
399        self.bonus_color = color
400        score = 30000
401        if t.cards:
402            score = 31000
403        b2 = self._getMoveCardBonus(r, t, pile, rpile)
404        assert 0 <= b2 <= 999
405        return score + b2, self.bonus_color
407    # Score for dropping ncards from stack r to stack t.
408    def _getDropCardScore(self, score, color, r, t, ncards):
409        assert t is not r
410        if ncards > 1:
411            # drop immediately (Spider)
412            return 93000, color
413        pile = r.cards
414        c = pile[-1]
415        # compute distance to t.cap.base_rank - compare Stack.getRankDir()
416        if t.cap.base_rank < 0:
417            d = len(t.cards)
418        else:
419            d = (c.rank - t.cap.base_rank) % t.cap.mod
420            if d > t.cap.mod // 2:
421                d -= t.cap.mod
422        if abs(d) <= 1:
423            # drop Ace and 2 immediately
424            score = 92000
425        elif r in self.game.sg.talonstacks:
426            score = 25000              # less than _getMoveWasteScore()
427        elif len(pile) == 1:
428            # score = 50000
429            score = 91000
430        elif self._canDropAllCards(
431                r, self.game.s.foundations, stackcards=pile[:-1]):
432            score = 90000
433            color = self.RED
434        else:
435            # don't drop this card too eagerly - we may need it
436            # for pile moving
437            score = 50000
438        score += (self.K - c.rank)
439        return score, color
441    #
442    # compute hints - main hint intelligence
443    #
445    def computeHints(self):
446        game = self.game
448        # 1) check Tableau piles
449        self.step010(game.sg.dropstacks, game.s.rows)
451        # 2) try if we can move part of a pile within the RowStacks
452        #    so that we can drop a card afterwards
453        if not self.hints and self.level >= 1:
454            self.step020(game.s.rows, game.s.foundations)
456        # 3) try if we should move a card from a Foundation to a RowStack
457        if not self.hints and self.level >= 1:
458            self.step030(game.s.foundations, game.s.rows, game.sg.dropstacks)
460        # 4) try if we can move a card from a RowStack to a ReserveStack
461        if not self.hints or self.level == 0:
462            self.step040(game.s.rows, game.sg.reservestacks)
464        # 5) try if we should move a card from a ReserveStack to a RowStack
465        if not self.hints or self.level == 0:
466            self.step050(game.sg.reservestacks, game.s.rows)
468        # Don't be too clever and give up ;-)
470    #
471    # implementation of the hint steps
472    #
474    # 1) check Tableau piles
476    def step010(self, dropstacks, rows):
477        # for each stack
478        for r in dropstacks:
479            # 1a) try if we can drop cards
480            t, ncards = r.canDropCards(self.game.s.foundations)
481            if t:
482                score, color = 0, None
483                score, color = self._getDropCardScore(
484                    score, color, r, t, ncards)
485                self.addHint(score, ncards, r, t, color)
486                if score >= 90000 and self.level >= 1:
487                    break
488            # 1b) try if we can move cards to one of the RowStacks
489            for pile in self.step010b_getPiles(r):
490                if pile:
491                    self.step010_movePile(r, pile, rows)
493    def step010b_getPiles(self, stack):
494        # return all moveable piles for this stack, longest one first
495        return (stack.getPile(), )
497    def step010_movePile(self, r, pile, rows):
498        lp = len(pile)
499        lr = len(r.cards)
500        assert 1 <= lp <= lr
501        rpile = r.cards[: (lr-lp)]   # remaining pile
503        empty_row_seen = 0
504        r_is_waste = r in self.game.sg.talonstacks
506        for t in rows:
507            score, color = 0, None
508            if not self.shallMovePile(r, t, pile, rpile):
509                continue
510            if r_is_waste:
511                # moving a card from the WasteStack
512                score, color = self._getMoveWasteScore(
513                    score, color, r, t, pile, rpile)
514            else:
515                if not t.cards:
516                    # the target stack is empty
517                    if lp == lr:
518                        # do not move a whole stack from row to row
519                        continue
520                    if empty_row_seen:
521                        # only make one hint for moving to an empty stack
522                        # (in case we have multiple empty stacks)
523                        continue
524                    score = 60000
525                    empty_row_seen = 1
526                else:
527                    # the target stack is not empty
528                    score = 80000
529                score, color = self._getMovePileScore(
530                    score, color, r, t, pile, rpile)
531            self.addHint(score, lp, r, t, color)
533    # 2) try if we can move part of a pile within the RowStacks
534    #    so that we can drop a card afterwards
535    #    score: 40000 .. 59999
537    step020_getPiles = step010b_getPiles
539    def step020(self, rows, foundations):
540        for r in rows:
541            for pile in self.step020_getPiles(r):
542                if not pile or len(pile) < 2:
543                    continue
544                # is there a card in our pile that could be dropped ?
545                drop_info = []
546                i = 0
547                for c in pile:
548                    rr = self.ClonedStack(r, stackcards=[c])
549                    stack, ncards = rr.canDropCards(foundations)
550                    if stack and stack is not r:
551                        assert ncards == 1
552                        drop_info.append((c, stack, ncards, i))
553                    i += 1
554                # now try to make a move so that the drop-card will get free
555                for di in drop_info:
556                    c = di[0]
557                    sub_pile = pile[di[3]+1:]
558                    # print "trying drop move", c, pile, sub_pile
559                    # assert r.canMoveCards(sub_pile)
560                    if not r.canMoveCards(sub_pile):
561                        continue
562                    for t in rows:
563                        if t is r or not t.acceptsCards(r, sub_pile):
564                            continue
565                        # print "drop move", r, t, sub_pile
566                        score = 40000
567                        score += 1000 + (self.K - r.getCard().rank)
568                        # force the drop (to avoid loops)
569                        force = (999999, 0, di[2], r, di[1], self.BLUE, None)
570                        self.addHint(
571                                score, len(sub_pile), r, t,
572                                self.RED, forced_move=force)
574    # 3) try if we should move a card from a Foundation to a RowStack
575    #    score: 20000 .. 29999
577    def step030(self, foundations, rows, dropstacks):
578        for s in foundations:
579            card = s.getCard()
580            if not card or not s.canMoveCards([card]):
581                continue
582            # search a RowStack that would accept the card
583            for t in rows:
584                if t is s or not t.acceptsCards(s, [card]):
585                    continue
586                tt = self.ClonedStack(t, stackcards=t.cards+[card])
587                # search a Stack that would benefit from this card
588                for r in dropstacks:
589                    if r is t:
590                        continue
591                    pile = r.getPile()
592                    if not pile:
593                        continue
594                    if not tt.acceptsCards(r, pile):
595                        continue
596                    # compute remaining pile in r
597                    rpile = r.cards[:(len(r.cards)-len(pile))]
598                    rr = self.ClonedStack(r, stackcards=rpile)
599                    if rr.acceptsCards(t, pile):
600                        # the pile we are going to move from r to t
601                        # could be moved back from t ro r - this is
602                        # dangerous as we can create loops...
603                        continue
604                    score = 20000 + card.rank
605                    # print score, s, t, r, pile, rpile
606                    # force the move from r to t (to avoid loops)
607                    force = (999999, 0, len(pile), r, t, self.BLUE, None)
608                    self.addHint(score, 1, s, t, self.BLUE, forced_move=force)
610    # 4) try if we can move a card from a RowStack to a ReserveStack
611    #    score: 10000 .. 19999
613    def step040(self, rows, reservestacks):
614        if not reservestacks:
615            return
616        for r in rows:
617            card = r.getCard()
618            if not card or not r.canMoveCards([card]):
619                continue
620            pile = [card]
621            # compute remaining pile in r
622            rpile = r.cards[:(len(r.cards)-len(pile))]
623            rr = self.ClonedStack(r, stackcards=rpile)
624            for t in reservestacks:
625                if t is r or not t.acceptsCards(r, pile):
626                    continue
627                if rr.acceptsCards(t, pile):
628                    # the pile we are going to move from r to t
629                    # could be moved back from t ro r - this is
630                    # dangerous as we can create loops...
631                    continue
632                score = 10000
633                score, color = self._getMovePileScore(
634                    score, None, r, t, pile, rpile)
635                self.addHint(score, len(pile), r, t, color)
636                break
638    # 5) try if we should move a card from a ReserveStack to a RowStack
640    def step050(self, reservestacks, rows):
641        if not reservestacks:
642            return
643        # FIXME
646# ************************************************************************
647# *
648# ************************************************************************
650class CautiousDefaultHint(DefaultHint):
651    shallMovePile = DefaultHint._cautiousShallMovePile
652    # shallMovePile = DefaultHint._cautiousDemoShallMovePile
654    def _preferHighRankMoves(self):
655        return 1
658# ************************************************************************
659# * now some default hints for the various game types
660# ************************************************************************
662# DefaultHint is optimized for Klondike type games anyway
663class KlondikeType_Hint(DefaultHint):
664    pass
667# this works for Yukon, but not too well for Russian Solitaire
668class YukonType_Hint(CautiousDefaultHint):
669    def step010b_getPiles(self, stack):
670        # return all moveable piles for this stack, longest one first
671        p = stack.getPile()
672        piles = []
673        while p:
674            piles.append(p)
675            p = p[1:]       # note: we need a fresh shallow copy
676        return piles
679class Yukon_Hint(YukonType_Hint):
680    BONUS_FLIP_CARD = 9000
683    # FIXME: this is only a rough approximation and doesn't seem to help
684    #        for Russian Solitaire
685    def _getMovePileScore(self, score, color, r, t, pile, rpile):
686        s, color = YukonType_Hint._getMovePileScore(
687            self, score, color, r, t, pile, rpile)
688        bonus = s - score
689        assert 0 <= bonus <= 9999
690        # We must take care when moving piles that we won't block cards,
691        # i.e. if there is a card in pile which would be needed
692        # for a card in stack t.
693        tpile = t.getPile()
694        if tpile:
695            for cr in pile:
696                rr = self.ClonedStack(r, stackcards=[cr])
697                for ct in tpile:
698                    if rr.acceptsCards(t, [ct]):
699                        d = bonus // 1000
700                        bonus = (d * 1000) + bonus % 100
701                        break
702        return score + bonus, color
705class FreeCellType_Hint(CautiousDefaultHint):
706    pass
709class GolfType_Hint(DefaultHint):
710    pass
713class SpiderType_Hint(DefaultHint):
714    pass
717class PySolHintLayoutImportError(Exception):
719    def __init__(self, msg, cards, line_num):
720        """docstring for __init__"""
721        self.msg = msg
722        self.cards = cards
723        self.line_num = line_num
725    def format(self):
726        return self.msg + ":\n\n" + ', '.join(self.cards)
729class Base_Solver_Hint:
730    def __init__(self, game, dialog, **game_type):
731        self.game = game
732        self.dialog = dialog
733        self.game_type = game_type
734        self.options = {
735            'iters_step': 100,
736            'max_iters': 10000,
737            'progress': False,
738            'preset': None,
739            }
740        self.hints = []
741        self.hints_index = 0
743        # correct cards rank if foundations.base_rank != 0 (Penguin, Opus)
744        if 'base_rank' in game_type:    # (Simple Simon)
745            self.base_rank = game_type['base_rank']
746        else:
747            self.base_rank = game.s.foundations[0].cap.base_rank
749    def _setText(self, **kw):
750        return self.dialog.setText(**kw)
752    def config(self, **kw):
753        self.options.update(kw)
755    def _card2str_format(self, fmt, rank, suit):
756        # row and reserves
757        rank = (rank-self.base_rank) % 13
758        return fmt.format(R="A23456789TJQK"[rank], S="CSHD"[suit])
760    def card2str1_(self, rank, suit):
761        # row and reserves
762        return self._card2str_format('{R}{S}', rank, suit)
764    def card2str1(self, card):
765        return self.card2str1_(card.rank, card.suit)
767    def card2str2(self, card):
768        # foundations
769        return self._card2str_format('{S}-{R}', card.rank, card.suit)
771# hard solvable: Freecell #47038300998351211829 (65539 iters)
773    def getHints(self, taken_hint=None):
774        if taken_hint and taken_hint[6]:
775            return [taken_hint[6]]
776        h = self.hints[self.hints_index]
777        if h is None:
778            return None
779        ncards, src, dest = h
780        thint = None
781        if len(src.cards) > ncards and not src.cards[-ncards-1].face_up:
782            # flip card
783            thint = (999999, 0, 1, src, src, None, None)
784        skip = False
785        if dest is None:                 # foundation
786            if src is self.game.s.talon:
787                if not src.cards[-1].face_up:
788                    self.game.flipMove(src)
789                dest = self.game.s.foundations[0]
790            else:
791                cards = src.cards[-ncards:]
792                for f in self.game.s.foundations:
793                    if f.acceptsCards(src, cards):
794                        dest = f
795                        break
796        assert dest
797        self.hints_index += 1
798        if skip:
799            return []
800        hint = (999999, 0, ncards, src, dest, None, thint)
801        return [hint]
803    def colonPrefixMatch(self, prefix, s):
804        m = re.match(prefix + ': ([0-9]+)', s)
805        if m:
806            self._v = int(m.group(1))
807            return True
808        else:
809            self._v = None
810            return False
812    def run_solver(self, command, board):
813        if DEBUG:
814            print(command)
815        kw = {'shell': True,
816              'stdin': subprocess.PIPE,
817              'stdout': subprocess.PIPE,
818              'stderr': subprocess.PIPE}
819        if os.name != 'nt':
820            kw['close_fds'] = True
821        p = subprocess.Popen(command, **kw)
822        bytes_board = six.binary_type(board, 'utf-8')
823        pout, perr = p.communicate(bytes_board)
824        if p.returncode in (127, 1):
825            # Linux and Windows return codes for "command not found" error
826            raise RuntimeError('Solver exited with {}'.format(p.returncode))
827        return BytesIO(pout), BytesIO(perr)
830use_fc_solve_lib = False
833    import freecell_solver
834    fc_solve_lib_obj = freecell_solver.FreecellSolver()
835    use_fc_solve_lib = True
836except BaseException:
837    pass
839use_bh_solve_lib = False
842    import black_hole_solver
843    bh_solve_lib_obj = black_hole_solver.BlackHoleSolver()
844    use_bh_solve_lib = True
845except BaseException:
846    pass
849class FreeCellSolver_Hint(Base_Solver_Hint):
850    def _determineIfSolverState(self, line):
851        if re.search('^(?:Iterations count exceeded)', line):
852            self.solver_state = 'intractable'
853            return True
854        elif re.search('^(?:I could not solve this game)', line):
855            self.solver_state = 'unsolved'
856            return True
857        else:
858            return False
860    def _isSimpleSimon(self):
861        game_type = self.game_type
862        return ('preset' in game_type and
863                game_type['preset'] == 'simple_simon')
865    def _addBoardLine(self, line):
866        self.board += line + '\n'
867        return
869    def _addPrefixLine(self, prefix, b):
870        if b:
871            self._addBoardLine(prefix + b)
872        return
874    def importFile(solver, fh, s_game, self):
875        s_game.endGame()
876        s_game.random = construct_random('Custom')
877        s_game.newGame(
878            shuffle=True,
879            random=construct_random('Custom'),
880            dealer=lambda: solver.importFileHelper(fh, s_game))
881        s_game.random = construct_random('Custom')
883    def importFileHelper(solver, fh, s_game):
884        game = s_game.s
885        stack_idx = 0
887        RANKS_S = "A23456789TJQK"
888        RANKS0_S = '0' + RANKS_S
889        RANKS_RE = '(?:' + '[' + RANKS_S + ']' + '|10)'
890        SUITS_S = "CSHD"
891        SUITS_RE = '[' + SUITS_S + ']'
892        CARD_RE = r'(?:' + RANKS_RE + SUITS_RE + ')'
893        line_num = 0
895        def cards():
896            return game.talon.cards
898        def put(target, suit, rank):
899            ret = [i for i, c in enumerate(cards())
900                   if c.suit == suit and c.rank == rank]
901            if len(ret) < 1:
902                raise PySolHintLayoutImportError(
903                    "Duplicate cards in input",
904                    [solver.card2str1_(rank, suit)],
905                    line_num
906                )
908            ret = ret[0]
909            game.talon.cards = \
910                cards()[0:ret] + cards()[(ret+1):] + [cards()[ret]]
911            s_game.flipMove(game.talon)
912            s_game.moveMove(1, game.talon, target, frames=0)
914        def put_str(target, str_):
915            put(target, SUITS_S.index(str_[-1]),
916                (RANKS_S.index(str_[0]) if len(str_) == 2 else 9))
918        def my_find_re(RE, m, msg):
919            s = m.group(1)
920            if not re.match(r'^\s*(?:' + RE + r')?(?:\s+' + RE + r')*\s*$', s):
921                raise PySolHintLayoutImportError(
922                    msg,
923                    [],
924                    line_num
925                )
926            return re.findall(r'\b' + RE + r'\b', s)
928        # Based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8898294 - thanks!
929        def mydecode(s):
930            for encoding in "utf-8-sig", "utf-8":
931                try:
932                    return s.decode(encoding)
933                except UnicodeDecodeError:
934                    continue
935            return s.decode("latin-1")  # will always work
937        mytext = mydecode(fh.read())
938        for line_p in mytext.splitlines():
939            line_num += 1
940            line = line_p.rstrip('\r\n')
941            m = re.match(r'^(?:Foundations:|Founds?:)\s*(.*)', line)
942            if m:
943                for gm in my_find_re(
944                        r'(' + SUITS_RE + r')-([' + RANKS0_S + r'])', m,
945                        "Invalid Foundations line"):
946                    for foundat in game.foundations:
947                        suit = foundat.cap.suit
948                        if SUITS_S[suit] == gm[0]:
949                            rank = gm[1]
950                            if len(rank) == 1:
951                                lim = RANKS0_S.index(rank)
952                            else:
953                                lim = 10
954                            for r in range(lim):
955                                put(foundat, suit, r)
956                            break
957                continue
958            m = re.match(r'^(?:FC:|Freecells:)\s*(.*)', line)
959            if m:
960                g = my_find_re(r'(' + CARD_RE + r'|\-)', m,
961                               "Invalid Freecells line")
962                while len(g) < len(game.reserves):
963                    g.append('-')
964                for i, gm in enumerate(g):
965                    str_ = gm
966                    if str_ != '-':
967                        put_str(game.reserves[i], str_)
968                continue
969            m = re.match(r'^:?\s*(.*)', line)
970            for str_ in my_find_re(r'(' + CARD_RE + r')', m,
971                                   "Invalid column text"):
972                put_str(game.rows[stack_idx], str_)
974            stack_idx += 1
975        if len(cards()) > 0:
976            raise PySolHintLayoutImportError(
977                "Missing cards in input",
978                [solver.card2str1(c) for c in cards()],
979                -1
980            )
982    def calcBoardString(self):
983        game = self.game
984        self.board = ''
985        is_simple_simon = self._isSimpleSimon()
986        b = ''
987        for s in game.s.foundations:
988            if s.cards:
989                b += ' ' + self.card2str2(
990                    s.cards[0 if is_simple_simon else -1])
991        self._addPrefixLine('Founds:', b)
993        b = ''
994        for s in game.s.reserves:
995            b += ' ' + (self.card2str1(s.cards[-1]) if s.cards else '-')
996        self._addPrefixLine('FC:', b)
998        for s in game.s.rows:
999            b = ''
1000            for c in s.cards:
1001                cs = self.card2str1(c)
1002                if not c.face_up:
1003                    cs = '<%s>' % cs
1004                b += cs + ' '
1005            self._addBoardLine(b.strip())
1007        return self.board
1009    def computeHints(self):
1010        game = self.game
1011        game_type = self.game_type
1012        global FCS_VERSION
1013        if FCS_VERSION is None:
1014            if use_fc_solve_lib:
1015                FCS_VERSION = (5, 0, 0)
1016            else:
1017                pout, _ = self.run_solver(FCS_COMMAND + ' --version', '')
1018                s = six.text_type(pout.read(), encoding='utf-8')
1019                m = re.search(r'version ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)', s)
1020                if m:
1021                    FCS_VERSION = (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)),
1022                                   int(m.group(3)))
1023                else:
1024                    FCS_VERSION = (0, 0, 0)
1026        progress = self.options['progress']
1028        board = self.calcBoardString()
1029        if DEBUG:
1030            print('--------------------\n', board, '--------------------')
1031        args = []
1032        if use_fc_solve_lib:
1033            args += ['--reset', '-opt', ]
1034        else:
1035            args += ['-m', '-p', '-opt', '-sel']
1036            if FCS_VERSION >= (4, 20, 0):
1037                args += ['-hoi']
1038        if (not use_fc_solve_lib) and progress:
1039            args += ['--iter-output']
1040            fcs_iter_output_step = None
1041            if FCS_VERSION >= (4, 20, 0):
1042                fcs_iter_output_step = self.options['iters_step']
1043                args += ['--iter-output-step', str(fcs_iter_output_step)]
1044            if DEBUG:
1045                args += ['-s']
1046        if self.options['preset'] and self.options['preset'] != 'none':
1047            args += ['--load-config', self.options['preset']]
1048        args += ['--max-iters', str(self.options['max_iters']),
1049                 '--decks-num', str(game.gameinfo.decks),
1050                 '--stacks-num', str(len(game.s.rows)),
1051                 '--freecells-num', str(len(game.s.reserves)),
1052                 ]
1053        if 'preset' in game_type:
1054            args += ['--preset', game_type['preset']]
1055        if 'sbb' in game_type:
1056            args += ['--sequences-are-built-by', game_type['sbb']]
1057        if 'sm' in game_type:
1058            args += ['--sequence-move', game_type['sm']]
1059        if 'esf' in game_type:
1060            args += ['--empty-stacks-filled-by', game_type['esf']]
1062        if use_fc_solve_lib:
1063            fc_solve_lib_obj.input_cmd_line(args)
1064            status = fc_solve_lib_obj.solve_board(board)
1065        else:
1066            command = FCS_COMMAND+' '+' '.join(args)
1067            pout, perr = self.run_solver(command, board)
1068        self.solver_state = 'unknown'
1069        stack_types = {
1070            'the': game.s.foundations,
1071            'stack': game.s.rows,
1072            'freecell': game.s.reserves,
1073            }
1074        if DEBUG:
1075            start_time = time.time()
1076        if not(use_fc_solve_lib) and progress:
1077            iter_ = 0
1078            depth = 0
1079            states = 0
1081            for sbytes in pout:
1082                s = six.text_type(sbytes, encoding='utf-8')
1083                if DEBUG >= 5:
1084                    print(s)
1086                if self.colonPrefixMatch('Iteration', s):
1087                    iter_ = self._v
1088                elif self.colonPrefixMatch('Depth', s):
1089                    depth = self._v
1090                elif self.colonPrefixMatch('Stored-States', s):
1091                    states = self._v
1092                    if iter_ % 100 == 0 or fcs_iter_output_step:
1093                        self._setText(iter=iter_, depth=depth, states=states)
1094                elif re.search('^(?:-=-=)', s):
1095                    break
1096                elif self._determineIfSolverState(s):
1097                    break
1098            self._setText(iter=iter_, depth=depth, states=states)
1100        hints = []
1101        if use_fc_solve_lib:
1102            self._setText(
1103                iter=fc_solve_lib_obj.get_num_times(),
1104                depth=0,
1105                states=fc_solve_lib_obj.get_num_states_in_collection(),
1106            )
1107            if status == 0:
1108                m = fc_solve_lib_obj.get_next_move()
1109                while m:
1110                    type_ = ord(m.s[0])
1111                    src = ord(m.s[1])
1112                    dest = ord(m.s[2])
1113                    hints.append([
1114                        (ord(m.s[3]) if type_ == 0
1115                         else (13 if type_ == 11 else 1)),
1116                        (game.s.rows if (type_ in [0, 1, 4, 11, ])
1117                         else game.s.reserves)[src],
1118                        (game.s.rows[dest] if (type_ in [0, 2])
1119                         else (game.s.reserves[dest]
1120                               if (type_ in [1, 3]) else None))])
1122                    m = fc_solve_lib_obj.get_next_move()
1123            else:
1124                self.solver_state = 'unsolved'
1125        else:
1126            for sbytes in pout:
1127                s = six.text_type(sbytes, encoding='utf-8')
1128                if DEBUG:
1129                    print(s)
1130                if self._determineIfSolverState(s):
1131                    break
1132                m = re.match(
1133                    'Total number of states checked is ([0-9]+)\\.', s)
1134                if m:
1135                    self._setText(iter=int(m.group(1)))
1137                m = re.match('This scan generated ([0-9]+) states\\.', s)
1139                if m:
1140                    self._setText(states=int(m.group(1)))
1142                m = re.match('Move (.*)', s)
1143                if not m:
1144                    continue
1146                move_s = m.group(1)
1148                m = re.match(
1149                    'the sequence on top of Stack ([0-9]+) to the foundations',
1150                    move_s)
1152                if m:
1153                    ncards = 13
1154                    st = stack_types['stack']
1155                    sn = int(m.group(1))
1156                    src = st[sn]
1157                    dest = None
1158                else:
1159                    m = re.match(
1160                        '(?P<ncards>a card|(?P<count>[0-9]+) cards) '
1161                        'from (?P<source_type>stack|freecell) '
1162                        '(?P<source_idx>[0-9]+) to '
1163                        '(?P<dest>the foundations|'
1164                        '(?P<dest_type>freecell|stack) '
1165                        '(?P<dest_idx>[0-9]+))\\s*', move_s)
1167                    if not m:
1168                        continue
1170                    if m.group('ncards') == 'a card':
1171                        ncards = 1
1172                    else:
1173                        ncards = int(m.group('count'))
1175                    st = stack_types[m.group('source_type')]
1176                    sn = int(m.group('source_idx'))
1177                    src = st[sn]
1179                    dest_s = m.group('dest')
1180                    if dest_s == 'the foundations':
1181                        dest = None
1182                    else:
1183                        dt = stack_types[m.group('dest_type')]
1184                        dest = dt[int(m.group('dest_idx'))]
1186                hints.append([ncards, src, dest])
1188        if DEBUG:
1189            print('time:', time.time()-start_time)
1191        self.hints = hints
1192        if len(hints) > 0:
1193            if self.solver_state != 'intractable':
1194                self.solver_state = 'solved'
1195        self.hints.append(None)
1197        if not use_fc_solve_lib:
1198            pout.close()
1199            perr.close()
1202class BlackHoleSolver_Hint(Base_Solver_Hint):
1203    BLACK_HOLE_SOLVER_COMMAND = 'black-hole-solve'
1205    def calcBoardString(self):
1206        board = ''
1207        cards = self.game.s.talon.cards
1208        if (len(cards) > 0):
1209            board += ' '.join(['Talon:'] +
1210                              [self.card2str1(x) for x in reversed(cards)])
1211            board += '\n'
1212        cards = self.game.s.foundations[0].cards
1213        s = '-'
1214        if (len(cards) > 0):
1215            s = self.card2str1(cards[-1])
1216        board += 'Foundations: ' + s + '\n'
1218        for s in self.game.s.rows:
1219            b = ''
1220            for c in s.cards:
1221                cs = self.card2str1(c)
1222                if not c.face_up:
1223                    cs = '<%s>' % cs
1224                b += cs + ' '
1225            board += b.strip() + '\n'
1227        return board
1229    def computeHints(self):
1230        game = self.game
1231        game_type = self.game_type
1233        board = self.calcBoardString()
1234        if DEBUG:
1235            print('--------------------\n', board, '--------------------')
1236        if use_bh_solve_lib:
1237            # global bh_solve_lib_obj
1238            # bh_solve_lib_obj = bh_solve_lib_obj.new_bhs_user_handle()
1239            bh_solve_lib_obj.recycle()
1240            bh_solve_lib_obj.read_board(
1241                board=board,
1242                game_type=game_type['preset'],
1243                place_queens_on_kings=(
1244                    game_type['queens_on_kings']
1245                    if ('queens_on_kings' in game_type) else True),
1246                wrap_ranks=(
1247                    game_type['wrap_ranks']
1248                    if ('wrap_ranks' in game_type) else True),
1249            )
1250            bh_solve_lib_obj.limit_iterations(self.options['max_iters'])
1251        else:
1252            args = []
1253            args += ['--game', game_type['preset'], '--rank-reach-prune']
1254            args += ['--max-iters', str(self.options['max_iters'])]
1255            if 'queens_on_kings' in game_type:
1256                args += ['--queens-on-kings']
1257            if 'wrap_ranks' in game_type:
1258                args += ['--wrap-ranks']
1260            command = self.BLACK_HOLE_SOLVER_COMMAND + ' ' + ' '.join(args)
1262        if DEBUG:
1263            start_time = time.time()
1265        result = ''
1267        if use_bh_solve_lib:
1268            ret_code = bh_solve_lib_obj.resume_solution()
1269        else:
1270            pout, perr = self.run_solver(command, board)
1272            for sbytes in pout:
1273                s = six.text_type(sbytes, encoding='utf-8')
1274                if DEBUG >= 5:
1275                    print(s)
1277                m = re.search('^(Intractable|Unsolved|Solved)!', s.rstrip())
1278                if m:
1279                    result = m.group(1)
1280                    break
1282        self._setText(iter=0, depth=0, states=0)
1283        hints = []
1284        if use_bh_solve_lib:
1285            self.solver_state = (
1286                'solved' if ret_code == 0 else
1287                ('intractable'
1288                 if bh_solve_lib_obj.ret_code_is_suspend(ret_code)
1289                 else 'unsolved'))
1290            self._setText(iter=bh_solve_lib_obj.get_num_times())
1291            self._setText(
1292                states=bh_solve_lib_obj.get_num_states_in_collection())
1293            if self.solver_state == 'solved':
1294                m = bh_solve_lib_obj.get_next_move()
1295                while m:
1296                    found_stack_idx = m.get_column_idx()
1297                    if len(game.s.rows) > found_stack_idx >= 0:
1298                        src = game.s.rows[found_stack_idx]
1300                        hints.append([1, src, None])
1301                    else:
1302                        hints.append([1, game.s.talon, None])
1303                    m = bh_solve_lib_obj.get_next_move()
1304        else:
1305            self.solver_state = result.lower()
1306            for sbytes in pout:
1307                s = six.text_type(sbytes, encoding='utf-8')
1308                if DEBUG:
1309                    print(s)
1311                if s.strip() == 'Deal talon':
1312                    hints.append([1, game.s.talon, None])
1313                    continue
1315                m = re.match(
1316                    'Total number of states checked is ([0-9]+)\\.', s)
1317                if m:
1318                    self._setText(iter=int(m.group(1)))
1319                    continue
1321                m = re.match('This scan generated ([0-9]+) states\\.', s)
1323                if m:
1324                    self._setText(states=int(m.group(1)))
1325                    continue
1327                m = re.match(
1328                    'Move a card from stack ([0-9]+) to the foundations', s)
1329                if not m:
1330                    continue
1332                found_stack_idx = int(m.group(1))
1333                src = game.s.rows[found_stack_idx]
1335                hints.append([1, src, None])
1336            pout.close()
1337            perr.close()
1339        if DEBUG:
1340            print('time:', time.time()-start_time)
1342        hints.append(None)
1343        self.hints = hints
1346class FreeCellSolverWrapper:
1348    def __init__(self, **game_type):
1349        self.game_type = game_type
1351    def __call__(self, game, dialog):
1352        hint = FreeCellSolver_Hint(game, dialog, **self.game_type)
1353        return hint
1356class BlackHoleSolverWrapper:
1358    def __init__(self, **game_type):
1359        self.game_type = game_type
1361    def __call__(self, game, dialog):
1362        hint = BlackHoleSolver_Hint(game, dialog, **self.game_type)
1363        return hint