2{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
3{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
4module CmmContFlowOpt
5    ( cmmCfgOpts
6    , cmmCfgOptsProc
7    , removeUnreachableBlocksProc
8    , replaceLabels
9    )
12import GhcPrelude hiding (succ, unzip, zip)
14import Hoopl.Block
15import Hoopl.Collections
16import Hoopl.Graph
17import Hoopl.Label
18import BlockId
19import Cmm
20import CmmUtils
21import CmmSwitch (mapSwitchTargets, switchTargetsToList)
22import Maybes
23import Panic
24import Util
26import Control.Monad
29-- Note [What is shortcutting]
30-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
32-- Consider this Cmm code:
34-- L1: ...
35--     goto L2;
36-- L2: goto L3;
37-- L3: ...
39-- Here L2 is an empty block and contains only an unconditional branch
40-- to L3. In this situation any block that jumps to L2 can jump
41-- directly to L3:
43-- L1: ...
44--     goto L3;
45-- L2: goto L3;
46-- L3: ...
48-- In this situation we say that we shortcut L2 to L3. One of
49-- consequences of shortcutting is that some blocks of code may become
50-- unreachable (in the example above this is true for L2).
53-- Note [Control-flow optimisations]
54-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
56-- This optimisation does three things:
58--   - If a block finishes in an unconditional branch to another block
59--     and that is the only jump to that block we concatenate the
60--     destination block at the end of the current one.
62--   - If a block finishes in a call whose continuation block is a
63--     goto, then we can shortcut the destination, making the
64--     continuation block the destination of the goto - but see Note
65--     [Shortcut call returns].
67--   - For any block that is not a call we try to shortcut the
68--     destination(s). Additionally, if a block ends with a
69--     conditional branch we try to invert the condition.
71-- Blocks are processed using postorder DFS traversal. A side effect
72-- of determining traversal order with a graph search is elimination
73-- of any blocks that are unreachable.
75-- Transformations are improved by working from the end of the graph
76-- towards the beginning, because we may be able to perform many
77-- shortcuts in one go.
80-- Note [Shortcut call returns]
81-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
83-- We are going to maintain the "current" graph (LabelMap CmmBlock) as
84-- we go, and also a mapping from BlockId to BlockId, representing
85-- continuation labels that we have renamed.  This latter mapping is
86-- important because we might shortcut a CmmCall continuation.  For
87-- example:
89--    Sp[0] = L
90--    call g returns to L
91--    L: goto M
92--    M: ...
94-- So when we shortcut the L block, we need to replace not only
95-- the continuation of the call, but also references to L in the
96-- code (e.g. the assignment Sp[0] = L):
98--    Sp[0] = M
99--    call g returns to M
100--    M: ...
102-- So we keep track of which labels we have renamed and apply the mapping
103-- at the end with replaceLabels.
106-- Note [Shortcut call returns and proc-points]
107-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
109-- Consider this code that you might get from a recursive
110-- let-no-escape:
112--       goto L1
113--      L1:
114--       if (Hp > HpLim) then L2 else L3
115--      L2:
116--       call stg_gc_noregs returns to L4
117--      L4:
118--       goto L1
119--      L3:
120--       ...
121--       goto L1
123-- Then the control-flow optimiser shortcuts L4.  But that turns L1
124-- into the call-return proc point, and every iteration of the loop
125-- has to shuffle variables to and from the stack.  So we must *not*
126-- shortcut L4.
128-- Moreover not shortcutting call returns is probably fine.  If L4 can
129-- concat with its branch target then it will still do so.  And we
130-- save some compile time because we don't have to traverse all the
131-- code in replaceLabels.
133-- However, we probably do want to do this if we are splitting proc
134-- points, because L1 will be a proc-point anyway, so merging it with
135-- L4 reduces the number of proc points.  Unfortunately recursive
136-- let-no-escapes won't generate very good code with proc-point
137-- splitting on - we should probably compile them to explicitly use
138-- the native calling convention instead.
140cmmCfgOpts :: Bool -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
141cmmCfgOpts split g = fst (blockConcat split g)
143cmmCfgOptsProc :: Bool -> CmmDecl -> CmmDecl
144cmmCfgOptsProc split (CmmProc info lbl live g) = CmmProc info' lbl live g'
145    where (g', env) = blockConcat split g
146          info' = info{ info_tbls = new_info_tbls }
147          new_info_tbls = mapFromList (map upd_info (mapToList (info_tbls info)))
149          -- If we changed any labels, then we have to update the info tables
150          -- too, except for the top-level info table because that might be
151          -- referred to by other procs.
152          upd_info (k,info)
153             | Just k' <- mapLookup k env
154             = (k', if k' == g_entry g'
155                       then info
156                       else info{ cit_lbl = infoTblLbl k' })
157             | otherwise
158             = (k,info)
159cmmCfgOptsProc _ top = top
162blockConcat :: Bool -> CmmGraph -> (CmmGraph, LabelMap BlockId)
163blockConcat splitting_procs g@CmmGraph { g_entry = entry_id }
164  = (replaceLabels shortcut_map $ ofBlockMap new_entry new_blocks, shortcut_map')
165  where
166     -- We might be able to shortcut the entry BlockId itself.
167     -- Remember to update the shortcut_map, since we also have to
168     -- update the info_tbls mapping now.
169     (new_entry, shortcut_map')
170       | Just entry_blk <- mapLookup entry_id new_blocks
171       , Just dest      <- canShortcut entry_blk
172       = (dest, mapInsert entry_id dest shortcut_map)
173       | otherwise
174       = (entry_id, shortcut_map)
176     -- blocks are sorted in reverse postorder, but we want to go from the exit
177     -- towards beginning, so we use foldr below.
178     blocks = revPostorder g
179     blockmap = foldl' (flip addBlock) emptyBody blocks
181     -- Accumulator contains three components:
182     --  * map of blocks in a graph
183     --  * map of shortcut labels. See Note [Shortcut call returns]
184     --  * map containing number of predecessors for each block. We discard
185     --    it after we process all blocks.
186     (new_blocks, shortcut_map, _) =
187           foldr maybe_concat (blockmap, mapEmpty, initialBackEdges) blocks
189     -- Map of predecessors for initial graph. We increase number of
190     -- predecessors for entry block by one to denote that it is
191     -- target of a jump, even if no block in the current graph jumps
192     -- to it.
193     initialBackEdges = incPreds entry_id (predMap blocks)
195     maybe_concat :: CmmBlock
196                  -> (LabelMap CmmBlock, LabelMap BlockId, LabelMap Int)
197                  -> (LabelMap CmmBlock, LabelMap BlockId, LabelMap Int)
198     maybe_concat block (!blocks, !shortcut_map, !backEdges)
199        -- If:
200        --   (1) current block ends with unconditional branch to b' and
201        --   (2) it has exactly one predecessor (namely, current block)
202        --
203        -- Then:
204        --   (1) append b' block at the end of current block
205        --   (2) remove b' from the map of blocks
206        --   (3) remove information about b' from predecessors map
207        --
208        -- Since we know that the block has only one predecessor we call
209        -- mapDelete directly instead of calling decPreds.
210        --
211        -- Note that we always maintain an up-to-date list of predecessors, so
212        -- we can ignore the contents of shortcut_map
213        | CmmBranch b' <- last
214        , hasOnePredecessor b'
215        , Just blk' <- mapLookup b' blocks
216        = let bid' = entryLabel blk'
217          in ( mapDelete bid' $ mapInsert bid (splice head blk') blocks
218             , shortcut_map
219             , mapDelete b' backEdges )
221        -- If:
222        --   (1) we are splitting proc points (see Note
223        --       [Shortcut call returns and proc-points]) and
224        --   (2) current block is a CmmCall or CmmForeignCall with
225        --       continuation b' and
226        --   (3) we can shortcut that continuation to dest
227        -- Then:
228        --   (1) we change continuation to point to b'
229        --   (2) create mapping from b' to dest
230        --   (3) increase number of predecessors of dest by 1
231        --   (4) decrease number of predecessors of b' by 1
232        --
233        -- Later we will use replaceLabels to substitute all occurrences of b'
234        -- with dest.
235        | splitting_procs
236        , Just b'   <- callContinuation_maybe last
237        , Just blk' <- mapLookup b' blocks
238        , Just dest <- canShortcut blk'
239        = ( mapInsert bid (blockJoinTail head (update_cont dest)) blocks
240          , mapInsert b' dest shortcut_map
241          , decPreds b' $ incPreds dest backEdges )
243        -- If:
244        --   (1) a block does not end with a call
245        -- Then:
246        --   (1) if it ends with a conditional attempt to invert the
247        --       conditional
248        --   (2) attempt to shortcut all destination blocks
249        --   (3) if new successors of a block are different from the old ones
250        --       update the of predecessors accordingly
251        --
252        -- A special case of this is a situation when a block ends with an
253        -- unconditional jump to a block that can be shortcut.
254        | Nothing <- callContinuation_maybe last
255        = let oldSuccs = successors last
256              newSuccs = successors rewrite_last
257          in ( mapInsert bid (blockJoinTail head rewrite_last) blocks
258             , shortcut_map
259             , if oldSuccs == newSuccs
260               then backEdges
261               else foldr incPreds (foldr decPreds backEdges oldSuccs) newSuccs )
263        -- Otherwise don't do anything
264        | otherwise
265        = ( blocks, shortcut_map, backEdges )
266        where
267          (head, last) = blockSplitTail block
268          bid = entryLabel block
270          -- Changes continuation of a call to a specified label
271          update_cont dest =
272              case last of
273                CmmCall{}        -> last { cml_cont = Just dest }
274                CmmForeignCall{} -> last { succ = dest }
275                _                -> panic "Can't shortcut continuation."
277          -- Attempts to shortcut successors of last node
278          shortcut_last = mapSuccessors shortcut last
279            where
280              shortcut l =
281                 case mapLookup l blocks of
282                   Just b | Just dest <- canShortcut b -> dest
283                   _otherwise -> l
285          rewrite_last
286            -- Sometimes we can get rid of the conditional completely.
287            | CmmCondBranch _cond t f _l <- shortcut_last
288            , t == f
289            = CmmBranch t
291            -- See Note [Invert Cmm conditionals]
292            | CmmCondBranch cond t f l <- shortcut_last
293            , hasOnePredecessor t -- inverting will make t a fallthrough
294            , likelyTrue l || (numPreds f > 1)
295            , Just cond' <- maybeInvertCmmExpr cond
296            = CmmCondBranch cond' f t (invertLikeliness l)
298            -- If all jump destinations of a switch go to the
299            -- same target eliminate the switch.
300            | CmmSwitch _expr targets <- shortcut_last
301            , (t:ts) <- switchTargetsToList targets
302            , all (== t) ts
303            = CmmBranch t
305            | otherwise
306            = shortcut_last
308          likelyTrue (Just True)   = True
309          likelyTrue _             = False
311          invertLikeliness :: Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool
312          invertLikeliness         = fmap not
314          -- Number of predecessors for a block
315          numPreds bid = mapLookup bid backEdges `orElse` 0
317          hasOnePredecessor b = numPreds b == 1
320  Note [Invert Cmm conditionals]
321  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
322  The native code generator always produces jumps to the true branch.
323  Falling through to the false branch is however faster. So we try to
324  arrange for that to happen.
325  This means we invert the condition if:
326  * The likely path will become a fallthrough.
327  * We can't guarantee a fallthrough for the false branch but for the
328    true branch.
330  In some cases it's faster to avoid inverting when the false branch is likely.
331  However determining when that is the case is neither easy nor cheap so for
332  now we always invert as this produces smaller binaries and code that is
333  equally fast on average. (On an i7-6700K)
335  TODO:
336  There is also the edge case when both branches have multiple predecessors.
337  In this case we could assume that we will end up with a jump for BOTH
338  branches. In this case it might be best to put the likely path in the true
339  branch especially if there are large numbers of predecessors as this saves
340  us the jump thats not taken. However I haven't tested this and as of early
341  2018 we almost never generate cmm where this would apply.
344-- Functions for incrementing and decrementing number of predecessors. If
345-- decrementing would set the predecessor count to 0, we remove entry from the
346-- map.
347-- Invariant: if a block has no predecessors it should be dropped from the
348-- graph because it is unreachable. maybe_concat is constructed to maintain
349-- that invariant, but calling replaceLabels may introduce unreachable blocks.
350-- We rely on subsequent passes in the Cmm pipeline to remove unreachable
351-- blocks.
352incPreds, decPreds :: BlockId -> LabelMap Int -> LabelMap Int
353incPreds bid edges = mapInsertWith (+) bid 1 edges
354decPreds bid edges = case mapLookup bid edges of
355                       Just preds | preds > 1 -> mapInsert bid (preds - 1) edges
356                       Just _                 -> mapDelete bid edges
357                       _                      -> edges
360-- Checks if a block consists only of "goto dest". If it does than we return
361-- "Just dest" label. See Note [What is shortcutting]
362canShortcut :: CmmBlock -> Maybe BlockId
363canShortcut block
364    | (_, middle, CmmBranch dest) <- blockSplit block
365    , all dont_care $ blockToList middle
366    = Just dest
367    | otherwise
368    = Nothing
369    where dont_care CmmComment{} = True
370          dont_care CmmTick{}    = True
371          dont_care _other       = False
373-- Concatenates two blocks. First one is assumed to be open on exit, the second
374-- is assumed to be closed on entry (i.e. it has a label attached to it, which
375-- the splice function removes by calling snd on result of blockSplitHead).
376splice :: Block CmmNode C O -> CmmBlock -> CmmBlock
377splice head rest = entry `blockJoinHead` code0 `blockAppend` code1
378  where (CmmEntry lbl sc0, code0) = blockSplitHead head
379        (CmmEntry _   sc1, code1) = blockSplitHead rest
380        entry = CmmEntry lbl (combineTickScopes sc0 sc1)
382-- If node is a call with continuation call return Just label of that
383-- continuation. Otherwise return Nothing.
384callContinuation_maybe :: CmmNode O C -> Maybe BlockId
385callContinuation_maybe (CmmCall { cml_cont = Just b }) = Just b
386callContinuation_maybe (CmmForeignCall { succ = b })   = Just b
387callContinuation_maybe _ = Nothing
390-- Map over the CmmGraph, replacing each label with its mapping in the
391-- supplied LabelMap.
392replaceLabels :: LabelMap BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
393replaceLabels env g
394  | mapNull env = g
395  | otherwise   = replace_eid $ mapGraphNodes1 txnode g
396   where
397     replace_eid g = g {g_entry = lookup (g_entry g)}
398     lookup id = mapLookup id env `orElse` id
400     txnode :: CmmNode e x -> CmmNode e x
401     txnode (CmmBranch bid) = CmmBranch (lookup bid)
402     txnode (CmmCondBranch p t f l) =
403       mkCmmCondBranch (exp p) (lookup t) (lookup f) l
404     txnode (CmmSwitch e ids) =
405       CmmSwitch (exp e) (mapSwitchTargets lookup ids)
406     txnode (CmmCall t k rg a res r) =
407       CmmCall (exp t) (liftM lookup k) rg a res r
408     txnode fc@CmmForeignCall{} =
409       fc{ args = map exp (args fc), succ = lookup (succ fc) }
410     txnode other = mapExpDeep exp other
412     exp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
413     exp (CmmLit (CmmBlock bid))                = CmmLit (CmmBlock (lookup bid))
414     exp (CmmStackSlot (Young id) i) = CmmStackSlot (Young (lookup id)) i
415     exp e                                      = e
417mkCmmCondBranch :: CmmExpr -> Label -> Label -> Maybe Bool -> CmmNode O C
418mkCmmCondBranch p t f l =
419  if t == f then CmmBranch t else CmmCondBranch p t f l
421-- Build a map from a block to its set of predecessors.
422predMap :: [CmmBlock] -> LabelMap Int
423predMap blocks = foldr add_preds mapEmpty blocks
424  where
425    add_preds block env = foldr add env (successors block)
426      where add lbl env = mapInsertWith (+) lbl 1 env
428-- Removing unreachable blocks
429removeUnreachableBlocksProc :: CmmDecl -> CmmDecl
430removeUnreachableBlocksProc proc@(CmmProc info lbl live g)
431   | used_blocks `lengthLessThan` mapSize (toBlockMap g)
432   = CmmProc info' lbl live g'
433   | otherwise
434   = proc
435   where
436     g'    = ofBlockList (g_entry g) used_blocks
437     info' = info { info_tbls = keep_used (info_tbls info) }
438             -- Remove any info_tbls for unreachable
440     keep_used :: LabelMap CmmInfoTable -> LabelMap CmmInfoTable
441     keep_used bs = mapFoldlWithKey keep mapEmpty bs
443     keep :: LabelMap CmmInfoTable -> Label -> CmmInfoTable -> LabelMap CmmInfoTable
444     keep env l i | l `setMember` used_lbls = mapInsert l i env
445                  | otherwise               = env
447     used_blocks :: [CmmBlock]
448     used_blocks = revPostorder g
450     used_lbls :: LabelSet
451     used_lbls = setFromList $ map entryLabel used_blocks