1 /* code to handle constellation boundaries and figures */
3 /*
4 Constellation boundaries:
6  Primary reference:
10         Recently, Mr. Barry N. Rappaport of New  Mexico State University
11   transcribed  the constellation  boundaries as  fixed  by the IAU  into
12   machine-readable form.  These have  been  transcribed  by Dr. Nancy G.
13   Roman to make it possible  to determine by  computer the constellation
14   in which a position is located.
16  NSSDC catalog description:
17  6042   AN     Catalog of Constellation Boundary Data (Delporte, E. 1930,
18                Cambridge Univ. Press)
19                Comment(s): includes constellation identification software
20                (ADC 1987; see Roman, N.G. 1987, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific
21                99, 695); 23 description, 118 software, 358 data records.
22                3 files: 23x80, 118x80, 358x29
24  Further adapted for xephem by:
26     Craig Counterman: conversion from original F77 to C
27     Elwood Downey:    incorporation into xephem
28     Ernie Wright:     additional speed and time improvments
30 Constellation figures:
32     Chris Marriott:   original figures
33     Elwood Downey:    incorporated into xephem
34 */
36 #include <stdio.h>
37 #include <stdlib.h>
38 #include <string.h>
39 #include <ctype.h>
40 #include <math.h>
42 #include "astro.h"
44 /*
45 ======================================================================
46 Ernie Wright  2 Mar 94
48 Find the constellation for a given position.
50 First C version by Craig Counterman and Elwood Downey.  Based on a
51 FORTRAN program by Nancy G. Roman (Roman, N.G. 1987, Publ. Astron.
52 Soc. Pacific 99, 695).  IAU constellation boundaries transcribed into
53 machine-readable form by Barry N. Rappaport, New Mexico State Univ.
54 ======================================================================
55 */
57 #define NBOUNDS 357
59 /* constellation ids */
60 #define And  0
61 #define Ant  1
62 #define Aps  2
63 #define Aql  3
64 #define Aqr  4
65 #define Ara  5
66 #define Ari  6
67 #define Aur  7
68 #define Boo  8
69 #define CMa  9
70 #define CMi 10
71 #define CVn 11
72 #define Cae 12
73 #define Cam 13
74 #define Cap 14
75 #define Car 15
76 #define Cas 16
77 #define Cen 17
78 #define Cep 18
79 #define Cet 19
80 #define Cha 20
81 #define Cir 21
82 #define Cnc 22
83 #define Col 23
84 #define Com 24
85 #define CrA 25
86 #define CrB 26
87 #define Crt 27
88 #define Cru 28
89 #define Crv 29
90 #define Cyg 30
91 #define Del 31
92 #define Dor 32
93 #define Dra 33
94 #define Equ 34
95 #define Eri 35
96 #define For 36
97 #define Gem 37
98 #define Gru 38
99 #define Her 39
100 #define Hor 40
101 #define Hya 41
102 #define Hyi 42
103 #define Ind 43
104 #define LMi 44
105 #define Lac 45
106 #define Leo 46
107 #define Lep 47
108 #define Lib 48
109 #define Lup 49
110 #define Lyn 50
111 #define Lyr 51
112 #define Men 52
113 #define Mic 53
114 #define Mon 54
115 #define Mus 55
116 #define Nor 56
117 #define Oct 57
118 #define Oph 58
119 #define Ori 59
120 #define Pav 60
121 #define Peg 61
122 #define Per 62
123 #define Phe 63
124 #define Pic 64
125 #define PsA 65
126 #define Psc 66
127 #define Pup 67
128 #define Pyx 68
129 #define Ret 69
130 #define Scl 70
131 #define Sco 71
132 #define Sct 72
133 #define Se1 73
134 #define Sex 74
135 #define Sge 75
136 #define Sgr 76
137 #define Tau 77
138 #define Tel 78
139 #define TrA 79
140 #define Tri 80
141 #define Tuc 81
142 #define UMa 82
143 #define UMi 83
144 #define Vel 84
145 #define Vir 85
146 #define Vol 86
147 #define Vul 87
148 #define Se2 88
150 static char *cns_namemap[ NCNS ] = {
151    /*  0 */   "And: Andromeda",
152    /*  1 */   "Ant: Antlia",
153    /*  2 */   "Aps: Apus",
154    /*  3 */   "Aql: Aquila",
155    /*  4 */   "Aqr: Aquarius",
156    /*  5 */   "Ara: Ara",
157    /*  6 */   "Ari: Aries",
158    /*  7 */   "Aur: Auriga",
159    /*  8 */   "Boo: Bootes",
160    /*  9 */   "CMa: Canis Major",
161    /* 10 */   "CMi: Canis Minor",
162    /* 11 */   "CVn: Canes Venatici",
163    /* 12 */   "Cae: Caelum",
164    /* 13 */   "Cam: Camelopardalis",
165    /* 14 */   "Cap: Capricornus",
166    /* 15 */   "Car: Carina",
167    /* 16 */   "Cas: Cassiopeia",
168    /* 17 */   "Cen: Centaurus",
169    /* 18 */   "Cep: Cepheus",
170    /* 19 */   "Cet: Cetus",
171    /* 20 */   "Cha: Chamaeleon",
172    /* 21 */   "Cir: Circinus",
173    /* 22 */   "Cnc: Cancer",
174    /* 23 */   "Col: Columba",
175    /* 24 */   "Com: Coma Berenices",
176    /* 25 */   "CrA: Corona Australis",
177    /* 26 */   "CrB: Corona Borealis",
178    /* 27 */   "Crt: Crater",
179    /* 28 */   "Cru: Crux",
180    /* 29 */   "Crv: Corvus",
181    /* 30 */   "Cyg: Cygnus",
182    /* 31 */   "Del: Delphinus",
183    /* 32 */   "Dor: Dorado",
184    /* 33 */   "Dra: Draco",
185    /* 34 */   "Equ: Equuleus",
186    /* 35 */   "Eri: Eridanus",
187    /* 36 */   "For: Fornax",
188    /* 37 */   "Gem: Gemini",
189    /* 38 */   "Gru: Grus",
190    /* 39 */   "Her: Hercules",
191    /* 40 */   "Hor: Horologium",
192    /* 41 */   "Hya: Hydra",
193    /* 42 */   "Hyi: Hydrus",
194    /* 43 */   "Ind: Indus",
195    /* 44 */   "LMi: Leo Minor",
196    /* 45 */   "Lac: Lacerta",
197    /* 46 */   "Leo: Leo",
198    /* 47 */   "Lep: Lepus",
199    /* 48 */   "Lib: Libra",
200    /* 49 */   "Lup: Lupus",
201    /* 50 */   "Lyn: Lynx",
202    /* 51 */   "Lyr: Lyra",
203    /* 52 */   "Men: Mensa",
204    /* 53 */   "Mic: Microscopium",
205    /* 54 */   "Mon: Monoceros",
206    /* 55 */   "Mus: Musca",
207    /* 56 */   "Nor: Norma",
208    /* 57 */   "Oct: Octans",
209    /* 58 */   "Oph: Ophiuchus",
210    /* 59 */   "Ori: Orion",
211    /* 60 */   "Pav: Pavo",
212    /* 61 */   "Peg: Pegasus",
213    /* 62 */   "Per: Perseus",
214    /* 63 */   "Phe: Phoenix",
215    /* 64 */   "Pic: Pictor",
216    /* 65 */   "PsA: Piscis Austrinus",
217    /* 66 */   "Psc: Pisces",
218    /* 67 */   "Pup: Puppis",
219    /* 68 */   "Pyx: Pyxis",
220    /* 69 */   "Ret: Reticulum",
221    /* 70 */   "Scl: Sculptor",
222    /* 71 */   "Sco: Scorpius",
223    /* 72 */   "Sct: Scutum",
224    /* 73 */   "Se1: Serpens Caput",
225    /* 74 */   "Sex: Sextans",
226    /* 75 */   "Sge: Sagitta",
227    /* 76 */   "Sgr: Sagittarius",
228    /* 77 */   "Tau: Taurus",
229    /* 78 */   "Tel: Telescopium",
230    /* 79 */   "TrA: Triangulum Australe",
231    /* 80 */   "Tri: Triangulum",
232    /* 81 */   "Tuc: Tucana",
233    /* 82 */   "UMa: Ursa Major",
234    /* 83 */   "UMi: Ursa Minor",
235    /* 84 */   "Vel: Vela",
236    /* 85 */   "Vir: Virgo",
237    /* 86 */   "Vol: Volans",
238    /* 87 */   "Vul: Vulpecula",
239    /* 88 */   "Se2: Serpens Cauda",
240 };
242 static struct {
243    unsigned short lower_ra;      /* hours * 1800 */
244    unsigned short upper_ra;      /* hours * 1800 */
245    short          lower_dec;     /* degrees * 60 */
246    short          index;
247 } cbound[ NBOUNDS ] = {
248    {     0, 43200,  5280, UMi },
249    { 14400, 26100,  5190, UMi },
250    { 37800, 41400,  5170, UMi },
251    { 32400, 37800,  5160, UMi },
252    {     0, 14400,  5100, Cep },
253    { 16500, 19200,  4920, Cam },
254    {     0,  9000,  4800, Cep },
255    { 19200, 26100,  4800, Cam },
256    { 31500, 32400,  4800, UMi },
257    { 36300, 37800,  4800, Dra },
258    {     0,  6315,  4620, Cep },
259    { 20700, 24450,  4620, Cam },
260    { 29760, 31500,  4500, UMi },
261    { 36300, 37200,  4500, Cep },
262    { 14340, 16500,  4410, Cam },
263    { 16500, 20400,  4410, Dra },
264    { 23400, 29760,  4200, UMi },
265    {  5580,  6150,  4080, Cas },
266    { 36750, 37200,  4020, Dra },
267    { 20400, 21600,  3990, Dra },
268    {     0,   600,  3960, Cep },
269    { 25200, 28200,  3960, UMi },
270    { 42450, 43200,  3960, Cep },
271    { 21600, 24300,  3840, Dra },
272    { 24300, 25950,  3780, Dra },
273    { 41700, 42450,  3780, Cep },
274    { 10980, 12600,  3720, Cam },
275    { 36000, 36750,  3690, Dra },
276    { 36966, 37080,  3655, Cep },
277    { 12600, 14340,  3600, Cam },
278    { 14340, 15150,  3600, UMa },
279    { 35580, 36000,  3570, Dra },
280    { 36000, 36966,  3570, Cep },
281    { 41160, 41700,  3545, Cep },
282    {     0,  4380,  3510, Cas },
283    { 34950, 35580,  3480, Dra },
284    {  3060,  3435,  3450, Cas },
285    {  4380,  5580,  3420, Cas },
286    {  5580,  5700,  3420, Cam },
287    { 40170, 41160,  3375, Cep },
288    {  9000, 10980,  3360, Cam },
289    { 25260, 25950,  3330, UMa },
290    { 25950, 34950,  3330, Dra },
291    {  5700,  6000,  3300, Cam },
292    { 39840, 40170,  3300, Cep },
293    { 37080, 39540,  3290, Cep },
294    {     0,  3060,  3240, Cas },
295    { 10980, 11700,  3240, Lyn },
296    { 21750, 24300,  3180, UMa },
297    { 27450, 28350,  3180, Dra },
298    { 39540, 39840,  3165, Cep },
299    {  6000,  9000,  3150, Cam },
300    { 41160, 42000,  3150, Cas },
301    { 28350, 30600,  3090, Dra },
302    {  3675,  4530,  3030, Per },
303    { 30600, 32820,  3030, Dra },
304    {     0,  2460,  3000, Cas },
305    {  2460,  3000,  3000, Per },
306    { 11700, 12240,  3000, Lyn },
307    { 42000, 43200,  3000, Cas },
308    { 24300, 25260,  2910, UMa },
309    {     0,  2010,  2880, Cas },
310    { 42450, 43200,  2880, Cas },
311    { 32715, 32820,  2850, Her },
312    { 32820, 34350,  2850, Dra },
313    { 34350, 34500,  2850, Cyg },
314    {  3000,  3675,  2820, Per },
315    { 15150, 16500,  2820, UMa },
316    {   300,  1560,  2760, Cas },
317    { 21600, 21750,  2700, UMa },
318    { 12240, 13260,  2670, Lyn },
319    { 39435, 39540,  2640, Cyg },
320    { 39375, 39435,  2625, Cyg },
321    { 34500, 34920,  2610, Cyg },
322    { 16500, 18300,  2520, UMa },
323    { 18300, 19410,  2400, UMa },
324    { 27780, 28350,  2400, Boo },
325    { 28350, 29400,  2400, Her },
326    { 16650, 17250,  2385, Lyn },
327    {     0,  4530,  2205, And },
328    {  4530,  4620,  2205, Per },
329    { 34845, 34920,  2190, Lyr },
330    {  8100,  8445,  2160, Per },
331    { 39120, 39375,  2160, Cyg },
332    { 39375, 39600,  2160, Lac },
333    { 11760, 13260,  2130, Aur },
334    { 13260, 13950,  2130, Lyn },
335    {     0,  3600,  2100, And },
336    { 39600, 41070,  2100, Lac },
337    { 41070, 41160,  2070, Lac },
338    { 41160, 42300,  2070, And },
339    {  4620,  4890,  2040, Per },
340    { 19410, 19800,  2040, UMa },
341    { 21600, 22200,  2040, CVn },
342    { 13950, 16650,  2010, Lyn },
343    { 16650, 17790,  2010, LMi },
344    {  1290,  2535,  1980, And },
345    { 27330, 27780,  1980, Boo },
346    { 42300, 42750,  1925, And },
347    { 22200, 23850,  1920, CVn },
348    { 42750, 43200,  1880, And },
349    { 25125, 25260,  1845, CVn },
350    {  4350,  4890,  1840, Tri },
351    {  4890,  8100,  1840, Per },
352    {  8100,  8550,  1800, Aur },
353    { 32715, 34845,  1800, Lyr },
354    { 19800, 21600,  1740, UMa },
355    { 35400, 37650,  1740, Cyg },
356    {  8550, 10590,  1710, Aur },
357    { 17790, 18900,  1710, LMi },
358    { 23850, 25125,  1710, CVn },
359    {     0,   120,  1680, And },
360    {  2535,  3000,  1680, Tri },
361    { 10590, 11760,  1680, Aur },
362    { 14190, 14400,  1680, Gem },
363    { 37650, 39120,  1680, Cyg },
364    { 34665, 35400,  1650, Cyg },
365    {  3450,  4350,  1635, Tri },
366    { 29100, 29400,  1620, CrB },
367    { 27150, 27330,  1560, Boo },
368    { 27330, 29100,  1560, CrB },
369    { 33060, 33960,  1560, Lyr },
370    { 19350, 19800,  1530, LMi },
371    { 33960, 34665,  1530, Lyr },
372    {  3000,  3450,  1500, Tri },
373    {  1290,  1530,  1425, Psc },
374    { 18900, 19350,  1410, LMi },
375    { 38250, 38550,  1410, Vul },
376    { 10260, 10590,  1370, Tau },
377    {   120,   255,  1320, And },
378    { 28650, 28860,  1320, Se1 },
379    { 10590, 11190,  1290, Gem },
380    { 35700, 36450,  1275, Vul },
381    { 33960, 34650,  1265, Vul },
382    {   255,  1530,  1260, And },
383    { 36450, 37020,  1230, Vul },
384    { 14055, 14190,  1200, Gem },
385    { 37020, 38250,  1170, Vul },
386    { 34650, 35700,  1150, Vul },
387    {  5910,  6060,  1140, Ari },
388    { 33960, 34200,  1110, Sge },
389    { 10260, 10380,  1080, Ori },
390    { 11190, 11355,  1050, Gem },
391    { 34200, 35700,   970, Sge },
392    {  8940,  9600,   960, Tau },
393    { 28650, 28950,   960, Her },
394    { 35700, 36450,   945, Sge },
395    {  8310,  8940,   930, Tau },
396    {  9600, 10080,   930, Tau },
397    { 23100, 24300,   900, Com },
398    { 31050, 32850,   860, Her },
399    { 21360, 23100,   840, Com },
400    { 13500, 14055,   810, Gem },
401    { 30150, 31050,   770, Her },
402    {     0,   255,   750, Peg },
403    { 10080, 10380,   750, Tau },
404    { 12600, 13500,   750, Gem },
405    { 38010, 38400,   750, Peg },
406    { 11355, 12480,   720, Gem },
407    { 32850, 33960,   720, Her },
408    { 37575, 37890,   710, Del },
409    { 37890, 38010,   710, Peg },
410    { 20730, 21360,   660, Leo },
411    { 11235, 11355,   600, Ori },
412    { 12480, 12600,   600, Gem },
413    { 14055, 14265,   600, Cnc },
414    { 42900, 43200,   600, Peg },
415    {  3000,  5910,   595, Ari },
416    { 36255, 36540,   510, Del },
417    { 24300, 27150,   480, Boo },
418    { 40950, 42900,   450, Peg },
419    { 14265, 16650,   420, Cnc },
420    { 16650, 19350,   420, Leo },
421    { 32850, 33592,   375, Oph },
422    { 33592, 33960,   375, Aql },
423    { 37500, 37575,   360, Del },
424    { 12600, 12630,   330, CMi },
425    { 32850, 33165,   270, Se2 },
426    { 28950, 30150,   240, Her },
427    { 32850, 33165,   180, Oph },
428    { 38640, 39000,   165, Peg },
429    {     0,  3600,   120, Psc },
430    { 33450, 33960,   120, Se2 },
431    { 36540, 37500,   120, Del },
432    { 37500, 38400,   120, Equ },
433    { 38400, 38640,   120, Peg },
434    { 39600, 40950,   120, Peg },
435    { 39000, 39600,   105, Peg },
436    { 12630, 12960,    90, CMi },
437    {  6450,  8310,     0, Tau },
438    {  8310,  8400,     0, Ori },
439    { 12960, 14550,     0, CMi },
440    { 26400, 27150,     0, Vir },
441    { 32100, 32850,     0, Oph },
442    {  4770,  5910,  -105, Cet },
443    {  5910,  6450,  -105, Tau },
444    { 27150, 29280,  -195, Se1 },
445    {  8400,  9150,  -240, Ori },
446    { 10500, 11235,  -240, Ori },
447    { 32100, 32340,  -240, Se2 },
448    { 32850, 33450,  -240, Se2 },
449    { 33450, 33960,  -240, Aql },
450    { 40950, 42900,  -240, Psc },
451    { 19350, 20730,  -360, Leo },
452    { 20730, 21300,  -360, Vir },
453    {     0,   600,  -420, Psc },
454    { 42900, 43200,  -420, Psc },
455    { 25650, 26400,  -480, Vir },
456    { 28650, 29280,  -480, Oph },
457    { 36000, 36960,  -540, Aql },
458    { 38400, 39360,  -540, Aqr },
459    { 30900, 32340,  -600, Oph },
460    { 10500, 14550,  -660, Mon },
461    {  8850,  9150,  -660, Eri },
462    {  9150, 10500,  -660, Ori },
463    { 14550, 15060,  -660, Hya },
464    { 17250, 19350,  -660, Sex },
465    { 21300, 23100,  -660, Vir },
466    { 31650, 31800,  -700, Oph },
467    { 33960, 36000,  -722, Aql },
468    {  8700,  8850,  -870, Eri },
469    { 36960, 38400,  -900, Aqr },
470    { 30900, 32850,  -960, Se2 },
471    { 32850, 33960,  -960, Sct },
472    { 15060, 15450, -1020, Hya },
473    { 29280, 29475, -1095, Oph },
474    { 15450, 16350, -1140, Hya },
475    { 19350, 19500, -1140, Crt },
476    { 29280, 29475, -1155, Sco },
477    { 28200, 28650, -1200, Lib },
478    { 22650, 23100, -1320, Crv },
479    { 23100, 25650, -1320, Vir },
480    { 16350, 17550, -1440, Hya },
481    {  3000,  4770, -1463, Cet },
482    {  4770,  6750, -1463, Eri },
483    { 19500, 21300, -1470, Crt },
484    { 21300, 22650, -1470, Crv },
485    { 25650, 26850, -1470, Lib },
486    { 29280, 30150, -1475, Oph },
487    {     0,  3000, -1530, Cet },
488    { 38400, 39360, -1530, Cap },
489    { 39360, 42900, -1530, Aqr },
490    { 42900, 43200, -1530, Cet },
491    { 17550, 18450, -1590, Hya },
492    {  8460,  8700, -1635, Eri },
493    {  8700, 11010, -1635, Lep },
494    { 36000, 38400, -1680, Cap },
495    { 18450, 19050, -1750, Hya },
496    { 22650, 26850, -1770, Hya },
497    { 26850, 28200, -1770, Lib },
498    { 28200, 28800, -1770, Sco },
499    {  8250,  8460, -1800, Eri },
500    { 30150, 31680, -1800, Oph },
501    { 31680, 32100, -1800, Sgr },
502    { 19050, 19500, -1870, Hya },
503    { 11010, 13260, -1980, CMa },
504    { 22050, 22650, -1980, Hya },
505    { 19500, 22050, -2100, Hya },
506    {  6300,  6750, -2160, For },
507    { 15060, 16860, -2205, Pyx },
508    {  7680,  8250, -2220, Eri },
509    { 32100, 34500, -2220, Sgr },
510    { 38400, 41400, -2220, PsA },
511    { 41400, 42000, -2220, Scl },
512    {  5400,  6300, -2375, For },
513    { 16860, 19800, -2385, Ant },
514    {     0,  3000, -2400, Scl },
515    {  3000,  5400, -2400, For },
516    {  6960,  7680, -2400, Eri },
517    { 42000, 43200, -2400, Scl },
518    { 25500, 26850, -2520, Cen },
519    { 28200, 28800, -2520, Lup },
520    { 28800, 29557, -2520, Sco },
521    {  8700,  9000, -2580, Cae },
522    {  9000, 11850, -2580, Col },
523    { 14400, 15060, -2580, Pup },
524    {  6150,  6960, -2640, Eri },
525    { 29557, 32100, -2730, Sco },
526    { 32100, 34500, -2730, CrA },
527    { 34500, 36600, -2730, Sgr },
528    { 36600, 38400, -2730, Mic },
529    {  5400,  6150, -2760, Eri },
530    {  8100,  8700, -2790, Cae },
531    { 27600, 28200, -2880, Lup },
532    {     0,  4200, -2890, Phe },
533    {  4800,  5400, -2940, Eri },
534    {  7350,  7680, -2940, Hor },
535    {  7680,  8100, -2940, Cae },
536    { 38400, 39600, -3000, Gru },
537    { 10800, 14400, -3045, Pup },
538    { 14400, 14700, -3045, Vel },
539    {  4350,  4800, -3060, Eri },
540    {  6900,  7350, -3060, Hor },
541    {     0,  3300, -3090, Phe },
542    { 10800, 11100, -3150, Car },
543    { 14700, 15210, -3180, Vel },
544    {  6300,  6900, -3190, Hor },
545    {  6900,  7200, -3190, Dor },
546    {     0,  2850, -3210, Phe },
547    {  3900,  4350, -3240, Eri },
548    {  8100,  9000, -3240, Pic },
549    { 27090, 27600, -3240, Lup },
550    { 15210, 15900, -3270, Vel },
551    { 11100, 11700, -3300, Car },
552    { 21300, 23100, -3300, Cen },
553    { 25500, 27090, -3300, Lup },
554    { 27090, 27600, -3300, Nor },
555    {  7200,  7800, -3390, Dor },
556    { 15900, 19800, -3390, Vel },
557    { 19800, 20250, -3390, Cen },
558    { 31500, 32400, -3420, Ara },
559    { 32400, 36600, -3420, Tel },
560    { 39600, 42000, -3420, Gru },
561    {  5760,  6300, -3450, Hor },
562    {  9000,  9900, -3450, Pic },
563    { 11700, 12300, -3480, Car },
564    {     0,  2400, -3510, Phe },
565    {  2400,  3900, -3510, Eri },
566    { 42000, 43200, -3510, Phe },
567    {  7800,  8250, -3540, Dor },
568    { 27600, 29557, -3600, Nor },
569    { 36600, 38400, -3600, Ind },
570    {  9900, 10800, -3660, Pic },
571    { 27300, 27600, -3660, Cir },
572    { 29557, 29850, -3660, Ara },
573    { 26850, 27300, -3815, Cir },
574    { 29850, 30150, -3815, Ara },
575    { 10800, 12300, -3840, Pic },
576    { 12300, 16260, -3840, Car },
577    { 20250, 21300, -3840, Cen },
578    { 21300, 23100, -3840, Cru },
579    { 23100, 26160, -3840, Cen },
580    { 24300, 24600, -3900, Cir },
581    { 30150, 30300, -3900, Ara },
582    {  3900,  5760, -4050, Hor },
583    {  5760,  8250, -4050, Ret },
584    { 26550, 26850, -4050, Cir },
585    { 30300, 31500, -4050, Ara },
586    { 31500, 32400, -4050, Pav },
587    { 39600, 42000, -4050, Tuc },
588    {  8250, 11850, -4200, Dor },
589    { 24600, 26550, -4200, Cir },
590    { 26550, 30600, -4200, TrA },
591    {     0,  2400, -4500, Tuc },
592    {  6300,  8250, -4500, Hyi },
593    { 11850, 16260, -4500, Vol },
594    { 16260, 20250, -4500, Car },
595    { 20250, 24600, -4500, Mus },
596    { 32400, 38400, -4500, Pav },
597    { 38400, 42000, -4500, Ind },
598    { 42000, 43200, -4500, Tuc },
599    {  1350,  2400, -4560, Tuc },
600    {     0,  6300, -4950, Hyi },
601    { 13800, 24600, -4950, Cha },
602    { 24600, 32400, -4950, Aps },
603    {  6300, 13800, -5100, Men },
604    {     0, 43200, -5400, Oct }
605 };
607 static short start[] = {
608    355, 352, 343, 340, 332, 320,
609    303, 288, 277, 266, 257, 251,
610    239, 229, 221, 211, 203, 189,
611    177, 163, 149, 136, 124, 104,
612     87,  75,  69,  54,  43,  29,
613     23,  16,  12,   6,   4,   0,   0
614 };
617 /*
618 ======================================================================
619 constellation_pick()
621 Do a constellation pick from RA and Dec.
624    r        right ascension, radians
625    d        declination, radians
626    e        epoch to which r and d precessed, as an mjd
629    Returns an index for the constellation region that the coordinates
630    belong to, or -1 if no constellation pick can be found.
632 The constellation is identified by linear search.  We look for a
633 member of cbound[] whose lower_dec is less than the declination of the
634 pick point and whose lower_ra and upper_ra bracket the pick point's
635 right ascension.  The data for that cbound[] member describes a sub-
636 region belonging to the picked constellation.
638 In geometric terms, the search amounts to starting at the north pole
639 and traveling south on a line of constant right ascension through the
640 pick point.  At every declination where a cbound[] member lives, we
641 wake up, and if (1) the pick point is now behind us, and (2) the
642 cbound[] segment is crossing our path, we know we've hit the edge of
643 a constellation subregion that the pick point belongs to.
645 The cbound[] right ascension and declination values are scaled into
646 integers; this conserves storage and makes comparisons faster.  The
647 start[] array, which gives starting points in cbound[] for different
648 declinations in 5-degree increments, further speeds the search by
649 skipping early parts of the list for which we know the search can't
650 succeed--geometrically, we start no more than 5 degrees north of the
651 pick point, rather than at the north pole.
653 The data in cbound[] are for epoch 1875.
654 ======================================================================
655 */
657 int
cns_pick(double r,double d,double e)658 cns_pick(double r, double d, double e)
659 {
660    double Mjd;
661    unsigned short ra;
662    short de, i;
664    cal_mjd( 1, 1.0, 1875, &Mjd );
665    precess( e, Mjd, &r, &d );
666    ra = ( unsigned short )( radhr( r ) * 1800 );
667    de = ( short )( raddeg( d ) * 60 );
668    if (d < 0.0) --de;
670    i = ( de + 5400 ) / 300;
671    if ( i < 0 || i > 36 ) return -1;
672    i = start[ i ];
674    for ( ; i < NBOUNDS; i++ )
675       if ( cbound[ i ].lower_dec <= de &&
676            cbound[ i ].upper_ra   > ra &&
677            cbound[ i ].lower_ra  <= ra ) break;
679    return ( i == NBOUNDS ) ? -1 : ( int ) cbound[ i ].index;
680 }
682 /* given a constellation id (as from cns_pick()), return pointer to static
683  * storage containg its name in the form "AAA: Name".
684  * return "???: ???" if id is invalid.
685  */
686 char *
cns_name(int id)687 cns_name (int id)
688 {
689 	if (id < 0 || id >= NCNS)
690 	    return ("???: ???");
691 	return (cns_namemap[id]);
692 }
694 /* return cns_namemap index matching first three chars in abbrev[], else -1.
695  */
696 int
cns_id(char * abbrev)697 cns_id (char *abbrev)
698 {
699 	int i;
701 	for (i = 0; i < NCNS; i++)
702 	    if (strncmp (abbrev, cns_namemap[i], 3) == 0)
703 		return (i);
704 	return (-1);
705 }
707 /* edges of constant ra */
708 static struct {
709    unsigned short ra;	/* hours * 1800 */
710    short dec0, dec1;	/* degrees * 60 */
711 } ra_edges[] = {
712     {     0, -4950, -4500 },
713     {     0,   600,   750 },
714     {     0,  1680,  1879 },
715     {   120,  1320,  1680 },
716     {   255,   750,  1260 },
717     {   255,  1260,  1320 },
718     {   300,  2760,  2880 },
719     {   599,  -420,     0 },
720     {   599,     0,   120 },
721     {   599,  3960,  4620 },
722     {  1290,  1425,  1980 },
723     {  1350, -4500, -4560 },
724     {  1530,  1260,  1425 },
725     {  1560,  2760,  2880 },
726     {  2010,  2880,  3000 },
727     {  2399, -4560, -3510 },
728     {  2399, -3510, -3210 },
729     {  2460,  3000,  3240 },
730     {  2534,  1680,  1980 },
731     {  2534,  1980,  2100 },
732     {  2849, -3210, -3090 },
733     {  3000, -2400, -1530 },
734     {  3000, -1530, -1462 },
735     {  3000,   595,  1500 },
736     {  3000,  1500,  1680 },
737     {  3000,  2820,  3000 },
738     {  3060,  3240,  3450 },
739     {  3299, -3090, -2890 },
740     {  3434,  3450,  3510 },
741     {  3450,  1500,  1635 },
742     {  3600,   120,   595 },
743     {  3600,  2100,  2205 },
744     {  3675,  2820,  3030 },
745     {  3900, -4050, -3510 },
746     {  3900, -3510, -3240 },
747     {  4199, -2890, -2400 },
748     {  4350, -3240, -3060 },
749     {  4350,  1635,  1840 },
750     {  4379,  3420,  3510 },
751     {  4530,  2205,  3030 },
752     {  4620,  2040,  2205 },
753     {  4770, -1462,  -105 },
754     {  4800, -3060, -2940 },
755     {  4890,  1840,  2040 },
756     {  5400, -2940, -2760 },
757     {  5400, -2400, -2374 },
758     {  5580,  3420,  4080 },
759     {  5700,  3300,  3420 },
760     {  5760, -3450, -4050 },
761     {  5909,  -105,     0 },
762     {  5909,     0,   595 },
763     {  5909,   595,  1140 },
764     {  5999,  3150,  3300 },
765     {  6060,  1140,  1840 },
766     {  6150, -2760, -2640 },
767     {  6150,  4080,  4620 },
768     {  6300, -5100, -4950 },
769     {  6300, -4950, -4500 },
770     {  6300, -3190, -3450 },
771     {  6300, -2374, -2160 },
772     {  6314,  4620,  4800 },
773     {  6449,  -105,     0 },
774     {  6750, -2160, -1462 },
775     {  6899, -3060, -3190 },
776     {  6960, -2640, -2400 },
777     {  7200, -3390, -3190 },
778     {  7349, -2940, -3060 },
779     {  7680, -2400, -2940 },
780     {  7680, -2220, -2400 },
781     {  7799, -3540, -3390 },
782     {  8100, -3240, -2940 },
783     {  8100, -2940, -2790 },
784     {  8100,  1800,  1840 },
785     {  8100,  1840,  2160 },
786     {  8249, -4500, -4200 },
787     {  8249, -4050, -4200 },
788     {  8249, -4050, -3540 },
789     {  8249, -1800, -2220 },
790     {  8310,     0,   930 },
791     {  8400,  -240,     0 },
792     {  8445,  2160,  3150 },
793     {  8460, -1635, -1800 },
794     {  8550,  1710,  1800 },
795     {  8699, -2790, -2580 },
796     {  8699,  -870, -1635 },
797     {  8850,  -660,  -870 },
798     {  8940,   930,   960 },
799     {  9000, -3450, -3240 },
800     {  9000, -2580, -1635 },
801     {  9000,  3150,  3360 },
802     {  9000,  4800,  5100 },
803     {  9149,  -660,  -240 },
804     {  9599,   930,   960 },
805     {  9900, -3660, -3450 },
806     { 10080,   750,   930 },
807     { 10260,  1080,  1369 },
808     { 10380,   750,  1080 },
809     { 10499,  -660,  -240 },
810     { 10589,  1290,  1369 },
811     { 10589,  1369,  1680 },
812     { 10589,  1680,  1710 },
813     { 10800, -3840, -3660 },
814     { 10800, -3150, -3045 },
815     { 10800, -3045, -2580 },
816     { 10980,  3240,  3360 },
817     { 10980,  3360,  3720 },
818     { 11010, -1980, -1635 },
819     { 11010, -1635,  -660 },
820     { 11100, -3300, -3150 },
821     { 11190,  1050,  1290 },
822     { 11235,  -240,     0 },
823     { 11235,     0,   600 },
824     { 11354,   600,   720 },
825     { 11354,   720,  1050 },
826     { 11700, -3480, -3300 },
827     { 11700,  3000,  3240 },
828     { 11759,  1680,  2130 },
829     { 11849, -4200, -4500 },
830     { 11849, -4200, -3840 },
831     { 11849, -1980, -2580 },
832     { 12240,  2670,  3000 },
833     { 12299, -3840, -3480 },
834     { 12479,   600,   720 },
835     { 12600,   330,   600 },
836     { 12600,   600,   750 },
837     { 12600,  3600,  3720 },
838     { 12630,    90,   330 },
839     { 12960,     0,    90 },
840     { 13260,  -660, -1980 },
841     { 13260,  2130,  2670 },
842     { 13500,   750,   810 },
843     { 13800, -5100, -4950 },
844     { 13800, -4500, -4950 },
845     { 13950,  2010,  2130 },
846     { 14054,   600,   810 },
847     { 14054,   810,  1200 },
848     { 14189,  1200,  1680 },
849     { 14265,   420,   600 },
850     { 14340,  3600,  4410 },
851     { 14400, -3045, -2580 },
852     { 14400,  1680,  2010 },
853     { 14400,  5100,  5190 },
854     { 14400,  5280,  5190 },
855     { 14549,  -660,     0 },
856     { 14549,     0,   420 },
857     { 14700, -3180, -3045 },
858     { 15060, -2580, -2205 },
859     { 15060, -2205, -1020 },
860     { 15060, -1020,  -660 },
861     { 15150,  2820,  3600 },
862     { 15209, -3270, -3180 },
863     { 15449, -1140, -1020 },
864     { 15899, -3390, -3270 },
865     { 16259, -4500, -3840 },
866     { 16349, -1440, -1140 },
867     { 16500,  2520,  2820 },
868     { 16500,  4410,  4920 },
869     { 16650,   420,  2010 },
870     { 16650,  2010,  2385 },
871     { 16860, -2385, -2205 },
872     { 16860, -1440, -2205 },
873     { 17249,  -660,     0 },
874     { 17249,     0,   420 },
875     { 17249,  2385,  2520 },
876     { 17550, -1590, -1440 },
877     { 17789,  1710,  2010 },
878     { 18300,  2400,  2520 },
879     { 18450, -1750, -1590 },
880     { 18900,  1410,  1710 },
881     { 19049, -1870, -1750 },
882     { 19200,  4800,  4920 },
883     { 19350,  -660, -1140 },
884     { 19350,  -360,  -660 },
885     { 19350,  -360,     0 },
886     { 19350,     0,   420 },
887     { 19350,  1410,  1530 },
888     { 19409,  2040,  2400 },
889     { 19499, -2100, -1870 },
890     { 19499, -1140, -1470 },
891     { 19800, -3390, -2385 },
892     { 19800, -2385, -2100 },
893     { 19800,  1530,  1740 },
894     { 19800,  1740,  2040 },
895     { 20250, -4500, -3840 },
896     { 20250, -3840, -3390 },
897     { 20399,  3990,  4410 },
898     { 20700,  4620,  4800 },
899     { 20730,  -360,     0 },
900     { 20730,     0,   660 },
901     { 21299, -3840, -3300 },
902     { 21299, -1470,  -660 },
903     { 21299,  -660,  -360 },
904     { 21360,   660,   840 },
905     { 21360,   840,  1740 },
906     { 21600,  1740,  2040 },
907     { 21600,  2040,  2700 },
908     { 21600,  3840,  3990 },
909     { 21749,  2700,  3180 },
910     { 22050, -1980, -2100 },
911     { 22199,  1920,  2040 },
912     { 22649, -1770, -1980 },
913     { 22649, -1470, -1320 },
914     { 23099, -3840, -3300 },
915     { 23099, -1320,  -660 },
916     { 23099,   840,   900 },
917     { 23400,  4620,  4200 },
918     { 23850,  1710,  1920 },
919     { 24300, -3900, -3840 },
920     { 24300,   480,   900 },
921     { 24300,   900,  1710 },
922     { 24300,  2910,  3180 },
923     { 24300,  3780,  3840 },
924     { 24449,  4800,  4620 },
925     { 24600, -4950, -4500 },
926     { 24600, -4500, -4200 },
927     { 24600, -4200, -3900 },
928     { 25124,  1710,  1845 },
929     { 25200,  4200,  3960 },
930     { 25259,  1845,  2910 },
931     { 25259,  2910,  3330 },
932     { 25500, -3300, -2520 },
933     { 25650, -1320, -1470 },
934     { 25650,  -480, -1320 },
935     { 25950,  3330,  3780 },
936     { 26100,  5190,  4800 },
937     { 26159, -3840, -3300 },
938     { 26400,     0,  -480 },
939     { 26550, -4200, -4050 },
940     { 26850, -4050, -3814 },
941     { 26850, -2520, -1770 },
942     { 26850, -1470, -1770 },
943     { 27090, -3300, -3240 },
944     { 27149,  -195,     0 },
945     { 27149,     0,   480 },
946     { 27149,   480,  1560 },
947     { 27300, -3814, -3660 },
948     { 27329,  1560,  1980 },
949     { 27450,  3180,  3330 },
950     { 27599, -3660, -3600 },
951     { 27599, -3600, -3300 },
952     { 27599, -3240, -2880 },
953     { 27779,  1980,  2400 },
954     { 28200, -2880, -2520 },
955     { 28200, -1770, -1200 },
956     { 28200,  3960,  4200 },
957     { 28350,  2400,  3090 },
958     { 28350,  3090,  3180 },
959     { 28650, -1200,  -480 },
960     { 28650,  -480,  -195 },
961     { 28650,   960,  1320 },
962     { 28800, -2520, -1770 },
963     { 28859,  1320,  1560 },
964     { 28949,   240,   960 },
965     { 29100,  1560,  1620 },
966     { 29280, -1474, -1155 },
967     { 29280, -1095,  -480 },
968     { 29280,  -195,     0 },
969     { 29280,     0,   240 },
970     { 29399,  1620,  2400 },
971     { 29475, -1155, -1095 },
972     { 29557, -3660, -3600 },
973     { 29557, -3600, -2730 },
974     { 29557, -2730, -2520 },
975     { 29759,  4200,  4500 },
976     { 29849, -3814, -3660 },
977     { 30150, -3900, -3814 },
978     { 30150, -1800, -1474 },
979     { 30150,   240,   769 },
980     { 30299, -4050, -3900 },
981     { 30600, -4050, -4200 },
982     { 30600,  3030,  3090 },
983     { 30900,  -960,  -600 },
984     { 31050,   769,   859 },
985     { 31500, -3420, -4050 },
986     { 31500,  4500,  4800 },
987     { 31649,  -700,  -600 },
988     { 31680,  -960, -1800 },
989     { 31800,  -700,  -600 },
990     { 32099, -2730, -2220 },
991     { 32099, -1800, -2220 },
992     { 32099,  -240,     0 },
993     { 32340,  -600,  -240 },
994     { 32400, -4950, -4500 },
995     { 32400, -4500, -4050 },
996     { 32400, -2730, -3420 },
997     { 32400,  4800,  5160 },
998     { 32715,  1800,  2850 },
999     { 32819,  2850,  3030 },
1000     { 32850,  -240,  -960 },
1001     { 32850,     0,   180 },
1002     { 32850,   270,   375 },
1003     { 32850,   720,   859 },
1004     { 33060,  1560,  1800 },
1005     { 33165,   180,   270 },
1006     { 33449,  -240,     0 },
1007     { 33449,     0,   120 },
1008     { 33591,   375,   720 },
1009     { 33960,  -960,  -721 },
1010     { 33960,  -721,  -240 },
1011     { 33960,   120,   375 },
1012     { 33960,   720,  1110 },
1013     { 33960,  1110,  1264 },
1014     { 33960,  1264,  1530 },
1015     { 33960,  1530,  1560 },
1016     { 34200,   970,  1110 },
1017     { 34349,  2850,  3330 },
1018     { 34500, -2220, -2730 },
1019     { 34500,  2610,  2850 },
1020     { 34650,  1150,  1264 },
1021     { 34664,  1530,  1650 },
1022     { 34664,  1650,  1800 },
1023     { 34844,  1800,  2190 },
1024     { 34920,  2190,  2610 },
1025     { 34950,  3330,  3480 },
1026     { 35400,  1650,  1740 },
1027     { 35580,  3480,  3570 },
1028     { 35699,   945,   970 },
1029     { 35699,  1150,  1275 },
1030     { 36000, -1680,  -721 },
1031     { 36000,  -540,  -721 },
1032     { 36000,  3570,  3690 },
1033     { 36255,   510,   945 },
1034     { 36300,  4500,  4800 },
1035     { 36450,   945,  1230 },
1036     { 36450,  1230,  1275 },
1037     { 36540,   120,   510 },
1038     { 36599, -3600, -3420 },
1039     { 36599, -3420, -2730 },
1040     { 36599, -2730, -1680 },
1041     { 36750,  3690,  4020 },
1042     { 36959,  -900,  -540 },
1043     { 36959,  -540,     0 },
1044     { 36959,     0,   120 },
1045     { 36966,  3570,  3655 },
1046     { 37020,  1170,  1230 },
1047     { 37080,  3289,  3655 },
1048     { 37200,  4020,  4500 },
1049     { 37499,   120,   360 },
1050     { 37575,   360,   709 },
1051     { 37650,  1680,  1740 },
1052     { 37800,  4800,  5160 },
1053     { 37800,  5160,  5169 },
1054     { 37890,   709,  1170 },
1055     { 38010,   709,   750 },
1056     { 38250,  1170,  1410 },
1057     { 38399, -4500, -3600 },
1058     { 38399, -3000, -2730 },
1059     { 38399, -2220, -2730 },
1060     { 38399, -1680, -2220 },
1061     { 38399, -1680, -1530 },
1062     { 38399,  -540,  -900 },
1063     { 38399,   120,   750 },
1064     { 38550,  1410,  1680 },
1065     { 38640,   120,   165 },
1066     { 39000,   105,   165 },
1067     { 39119,  1680,  2160 },
1068     { 39360, -1530,  -540 },
1069     { 39375,  2160,  2625 },
1070     { 39434,  2625,  2640 },
1071     { 39540,  2640,  3165 },
1072     { 39540,  3165,  3289 },
1073     { 39600, -4050, -3420 },
1074     { 39600, -3420, -3000 },
1075     { 39600,   105,   120 },
1076     { 39600,  2100,  2160 },
1077     { 39839,  3165,  3300 },
1078     { 40170,  3300,  3375 },
1079     { 40950,  -240,     0 },
1080     { 40950,     0,   120 },
1081     { 40950,   120,   450 },
1082     { 41070,  2070,  2100 },
1083     { 41160,  2070,  3150 },
1084     { 41160,  3150,  3375 },
1085     { 41160,  3375,  3544 },
1086     { 41400, -2220, -1530 },
1087     { 41400,  5169,  5280 },
1088     { 41700,  3544,  3780 },
1089     { 41999, -4500, -4050 },
1090     { 41999, -3510, -3420 },
1091     { 41999, -3420, -2400 },
1092     { 41999, -2400, -2220 },
1093     { 41999,  3000,  3150 },
1094     { 42300,  1924,  2070 },
1095     { 42449,  2880,  3000 },
1096     { 42449,  3780,  3960 },
1097     { 42750,  1879,  1924 },
1098     { 42899, -1530,  -420 },
1099     { 42899,  -420,  -240 },
1100     { 42899,   450,   600 },
1101 };
1103 #define	NRA	((int)(sizeof(ra_edges)/sizeof(ra_edges[0])))
1105 /* edges of constant dec */
1106 static struct {
1107    short dec;			/* degrees * 60 */
1108    unsigned short ra0, ra1;	/* hours * 1800 */
1109 } dec_edges[] = {
1110     { -5100,  6300, 13800 },
1111     { -4950,     0,  6300 },
1112     { -4950, 13800, 24600 },
1113     { -4950, 24600, 32400 },
1114     { -4560,  1350,  2399 },
1115     { -4500,     0,  1350 },
1116     { -4500,  6300,  8249 },
1117     { -4500, 11849, 13800 },
1118     { -4500, 13800, 16259 },
1119     { -4500, 16259, 20250 },
1120     { -4500, 20250, 24600 },
1121     { -4500, 32400, 38399 },
1122     { -4500, 38399, 41999 },
1123     { -4500, 41999,     0 },
1124     { -4200,  8249, 11849 },
1125     { -4200, 24600, 26550 },
1126     { -4200, 30600, 26550 },
1127     { -4050,  3900,  5760 },
1128     { -4050,  5760,  8249 },
1129     { -4050, 26550, 26850 },
1130     { -4050, 30299, 30600 },
1131     { -4050, 31500, 30600 },
1132     { -4050, 31500, 32400 },
1133     { -4050, 39600, 41999 },
1134     { -3900, 24300, 24600 },
1135     { -3900, 30150, 30299 },
1136     { -3840, 10800, 11849 },
1137     { -3840, 11849, 12299 },
1138     { -3840, 12299, 16259 },
1139     { -3840, 20250, 21299 },
1140     { -3840, 21299, 23099 },
1141     { -3840, 23099, 24300 },
1142     { -3840, 24300, 26159 },
1143     { -3814, 26850, 27300 },
1144     { -3814, 29849, 30150 },
1145     { -3660,  9900, 10800 },
1146     { -3660, 27300, 27599 },
1147     { -3660, 29557, 29849 },
1148     { -3600, 27599, 29557 },
1149     { -3600, 36599, 38399 },
1150     { -3540,  7799,  8249 },
1151     { -3510,  2399,  3900 },
1152     { -3510,  2399, 41999 },
1153     { -3510,  3900,  2399 },
1154     { -3510, 41999,  2399 },
1155     { -3480, 11700, 12299 },
1156     { -3450,  6300,  5760 },
1157     { -3450,  9000,  9900 },
1158     { -3420, 32400, 31500 },
1159     { -3420, 32400, 36599 },
1160     { -3420, 39600, 41999 },
1161     { -3390,  7200,  7799 },
1162     { -3390, 15899, 19800 },
1163     { -3390, 19800, 20250 },
1164     { -3300, 11100, 11700 },
1165     { -3300, 21299, 23099 },
1166     { -3300, 25500, 26159 },
1167     { -3300, 26159, 27090 },
1168     { -3300, 27090, 27599 },
1169     { -3270, 15209, 15899 },
1170     { -3240,  3900,  4350 },
1171     { -3240,  8100,  9000 },
1172     { -3240, 27090, 27599 },
1173     { -3210,  2399,  2849 },
1174     { -3190,  6899,  6300 },
1175     { -3190,  6899,  7200 },
1176     { -3180, 14700, 15209 },
1177     { -3150, 10800, 11100 },
1178     { -3090,  2849,  3299 },
1179     { -3060,  4350,  4800 },
1180     { -3060,  7349,  6899 },
1181     { -3045, 10800, 14400 },
1182     { -3045, 14400, 14700 },
1183     { -3000, 38399, 39600 },
1184     { -2940,  4800,  5400 },
1185     { -2940,  7680,  7349 },
1186     { -2940,  7680,  8100 },
1187     { -2890,  3299,  4199 },
1188     { -2880, 27599, 28200 },
1189     { -2790,  8100,  8699 },
1190     { -2760,  5400,  6150 },
1191     { -2730, 29557, 32099 },
1192     { -2730, 32099, 32400 },
1193     { -2730, 34500, 32400 },
1194     { -2730, 34500, 36599 },
1195     { -2730, 38399, 36599 },
1196     { -2640,  6150,  6960 },
1197     { -2580,  8699,  9000 },
1198     { -2580, 10800,  9000 },
1199     { -2580, 11849, 10800 },
1200     { -2580, 14400, 15060 },
1201     { -2520, 25500, 26850 },
1202     { -2520, 28200, 28800 },
1203     { -2520, 29557, 28800 },
1204     { -2400,  3000, 41999 },
1205     { -2400,  4199,  3000 },
1206     { -2400,  4199,  5400 },
1207     { -2400,  6960,  7680 },
1208     { -2385, 16860, 19800 },
1209     { -2374,  5400,  6300 },
1210     { -2220,  8249,  7680 },
1211     { -2220, 32099, 34500 },
1212     { -2220, 38399, 41400 },
1213     { -2220, 41999, 41400 },
1214     { -2205, 16860, 15060 },
1215     { -2160,  6300,  6750 },
1216     { -2100, 19800, 19499 },
1217     { -2100, 22050, 19800 },
1218     { -1980, 11010, 11849 },
1219     { -1980, 13260, 11849 },
1220     { -1980, 22649, 22050 },
1221     { -1870, 19499, 19049 },
1222     { -1800,  8460,  8249 },
1223     { -1800, 30150, 31680 },
1224     { -1800, 31680, 32099 },
1225     { -1770, 26850, 22649 },
1226     { -1770, 26850, 28200 },
1227     { -1770, 28800, 28200 },
1228     { -1750, 19049, 18450 },
1229     { -1680, 36000, 36599 },
1230     { -1680, 36599, 38399 },
1231     { -1635,  8699,  8460 },
1232     { -1635,  8699,  9000 },
1233     { -1635,  9000, 11010 },
1234     { -1590, 18450, 17550 },
1235     { -1530,  3000, 42899 },
1236     { -1530, 38399, 39360 },
1237     { -1530, 41400, 39360 },
1238     { -1530, 41400, 42899 },
1239     { -1530, 42899,  3000 },
1240     { -1530, 42899, 41400 },
1241     { -1474, 29280, 30150 },
1242     { -1470, 19499, 21299 },
1243     { -1470, 21299, 22649 },
1244     { -1470, 25650, 26850 },
1245     { -1462,  3000,  4770 },
1246     { -1462,  4770,  6750 },
1247     { -1440, 16349, 16860 },
1248     { -1440, 17550, 16860 },
1249     { -1320, 22649, 23099 },
1250     { -1320, 23099, 25650 },
1251     { -1200, 28200, 28650 },
1252     { -1155, 29280, 29475 },
1253     { -1140, 15449, 16349 },
1254     { -1140, 19350, 19499 },
1255     { -1095, 29280, 29475 },
1256     { -1020, 15060, 15449 },
1257     {  -960, 30900, 31680 },
1258     {  -960, 32850, 31680 },
1259     {  -960, 32850, 33960 },
1260     {  -900, 38399, 36959 },
1261     {  -870,  8850,  8699 },
1262     {  -721, 36000, 33960 },
1263     {  -700, 31649, 31800 },
1264     {  -660,  9149,  8850 },
1265     {  -660, 10499,  9149 },
1266     {  -660, 11010, 10499 },
1267     {  -660, 11010, 13260 },
1268     {  -660, 14549, 13260 },
1269     {  -660, 15060, 14549 },
1270     {  -660, 17249, 19350 },
1271     {  -660, 23099, 21299 },
1272     {  -600, 30900, 31649 },
1273     {  -600, 31800, 32340 },
1274     {  -540, 36959, 36000 },
1275     {  -540, 39360, 38399 },
1276     {  -480, 26400, 25650 },
1277     {  -480, 28650, 29280 },
1278     {  -420,   599, 42899 },
1279     {  -360, 20730, 19350 },
1280     {  -360, 21299, 20730 },
1281     {  -240,  8400,  9149 },
1282     {  -240, 10499, 11235 },
1283     {  -240, 32099, 32340 },
1284     {  -240, 33449, 32850 },
1285     {  -240, 33960, 33449 },
1286     {  -240, 40950, 42899 },
1287     {  -195, 28650, 27149 },
1288     {  -195, 28650, 29280 },
1289     {  -105,  4770,  5909 },
1290     {  -105,  5909,  6449 },
1291     {     0,  6449,  8310 },
1292     {     0,  8310,  8400 },
1293     {     0, 12960, 14549 },
1294     {     0, 27149, 26400 },
1295     {     0, 32099, 32850 },
1296     {    90, 12630, 12960 },
1297     {   105, 39000, 39600 },
1298     {   120,   599,  3600 },
1299     {   120, 33449, 33960 },
1300     {   120, 36540, 36959 },
1301     {   120, 36959, 37499 },
1302     {   120, 37499, 38399 },
1303     {   120, 38399, 38640 },
1304     {   120, 39600, 40950 },
1305     {   165, 38640, 39000 },
1306     {   180, 32850, 33165 },
1307     {   240, 28949, 29280 },
1308     {   240, 29280, 30150 },
1309     {   270, 33165, 32850 },
1310     {   330, 12600, 12630 },
1311     {   360, 37499, 37575 },
1312     {   375, 32850, 33591 },
1313     {   375, 33591, 33960 },
1314     {   420, 14265, 14549 },
1315     {   420, 14549, 16650 },
1316     {   420, 16650, 17249 },
1317     {   420, 17249, 19350 },
1318     {   450, 40950, 42899 },
1319     {   480, 24300, 27149 },
1320     {   510, 36255, 36540 },
1321     {   595,  3000,  3600 },
1322     {   595,  3600,  5909 },
1323     {   600,     0, 42899 },
1324     {   600, 11235, 11354 },
1325     {   600, 12479, 12600 },
1326     {   600, 14054, 14265 },
1327     {   600, 42899,     0 },
1328     {   660, 20730, 21360 },
1329     {   709, 37575, 37890 },
1330     {   709, 37890, 38010 },
1331     {   720, 11354, 12479 },
1332     {   720, 32850, 33591 },
1333     {   720, 33591, 33960 },
1334     {   750,     0,   255 },
1335     {   750, 10080, 10380 },
1336     {   750, 12600, 13500 },
1337     {   750, 38010, 38399 },
1338     {   769, 30150, 31050 },
1339     {   810, 13500, 14054 },
1340     {   840, 21360, 23099 },
1341     {   859, 31050, 32850 },
1342     {   900, 23099, 24300 },
1343     {   930,  8310,  8940 },
1344     {   930,  9599, 10080 },
1345     {   945, 35699, 36255 },
1346     {   945, 36255, 36450 },
1347     {   960,  8940,  9599 },
1348     {   960, 28650, 28949 },
1349     {   970, 34200, 35699 },
1350     {  1050, 11190, 11354 },
1351     {  1080, 10260, 10380 },
1352     {  1110, 33960, 34200 },
1353     {  1140,  5909,  6060 },
1354     {  1150, 34650, 35699 },
1355     {  1170, 37020, 37890 },
1356     {  1170, 37890, 38250 },
1357     {  1200, 14054, 14189 },
1358     {  1230, 36450, 37020 },
1359     {  1260,   255,  1530 },
1360     {  1264, 33960, 34650 },
1361     {  1275, 35699, 36450 },
1362     {  1290, 10589, 11190 },
1363     {  1320,   120,   255 },
1364     {  1320, 28650, 28859 },
1365     {  1369, 10260, 10589 },
1366     {  1410, 18900, 19350 },
1367     {  1410, 38250, 38550 },
1368     {  1425,  1290,  1530 },
1369     {  1500,  3000,  3450 },
1370     {  1530, 19350, 19800 },
1371     {  1530, 33960, 34664 },
1372     {  1560, 27149, 27329 },
1373     {  1560, 27329, 28859 },
1374     {  1560, 28859, 29100 },
1375     {  1560, 33060, 33960 },
1376     {  1620, 29100, 29399 },
1377     {  1635,  3450,  4350 },
1378     {  1650, 34664, 35400 },
1379     {  1680,     0,   120 },
1380     {  1680,  2534,  3000 },
1381     {  1680, 10589, 11759 },
1382     {  1680, 14189, 14400 },
1383     {  1680, 37650, 38550 },
1384     {  1680, 38550, 39119 },
1385     {  1710,  8550, 10589 },
1386     {  1710, 17789, 18900 },
1387     {  1710, 23850, 24300 },
1388     {  1710, 24300, 25124 },
1389     {  1740, 19800, 21360 },
1390     {  1740, 21360, 21600 },
1391     {  1740, 35400, 37650 },
1392     {  1800,  8100,  8550 },
1393     {  1800, 32715, 33060 },
1394     {  1800, 34664, 34844 },
1395     {  1840,  4350,  4890 },
1396     {  1840,  4890,  6060 },
1397     {  1840,  6060,  8100 },
1398     {  1845, 25124, 25259 },
1399     {  1879,     0, 42750 },
1400     {  1920, 22199, 23850 },
1401     {  1924, 42300, 42750 },
1402     {  1980,  1290,  2534 },
1403     {  1980, 27329, 27779 },
1404     {  2010, 13950, 14400 },
1405     {  2010, 14400, 16650 },
1406     {  2010, 16650, 17789 },
1407     {  2040,  4620,  4890 },
1408     {  2040, 19409, 19800 },
1409     {  2040, 21600, 22199 },
1410     {  2070, 41070, 41160 },
1411     {  2070, 41160, 42300 },
1412     {  2100,  2534,  3600 },
1413     {  2100, 39600, 41070 },
1414     {  2130, 11759, 13260 },
1415     {  2130, 13260, 13950 },
1416     {  2160,  8100,  8445 },
1417     {  2160, 39119, 39375 },
1418     {  2160, 39375, 39600 },
1419     {  2190, 34844, 34920 },
1420     {  2205,  3600,  4530 },
1421     {  2205,  4530,  4620 },
1422     {  2385, 16650, 17249 },
1423     {  2400, 18300, 19409 },
1424     {  2400, 27779, 28350 },
1425     {  2400, 28350, 29399 },
1426     {  2520, 16500, 17249 },
1427     {  2520, 17249, 18300 },
1428     {  2610, 34500, 34920 },
1429     {  2625, 39375, 39434 },
1430     {  2640, 39434, 39540 },
1431     {  2670, 12240, 13260 },
1432     {  2700, 21600, 21749 },
1433     {  2760,   300,  1560 },
1434     {  2820,  3000,  3675 },
1435     {  2820, 15150, 16500 },
1436     {  2850, 32715, 32819 },
1437     {  2850, 32819, 34349 },
1438     {  2850, 34349, 34500 },
1439     {  2880,   300, 42449 },
1440     {  2880,  1560,  2010 },
1441     {  2880, 42449,   300 },
1442     {  2910, 24300, 25259 },
1443     {  3000,  2010,  2460 },
1444     {  3000,  2460,  3000 },
1445     {  3000, 11700, 12240 },
1446     {  3000, 41999, 42449 },
1447     {  3030,  3675,  4530 },
1448     {  3030, 30600, 32819 },
1449     {  3090, 28350, 30600 },
1450     {  3150,  5999,  8445 },
1451     {  3150,  8445,  9000 },
1452     {  3150, 41160, 41999 },
1453     {  3165, 39540, 39839 },
1454     {  3180, 21749, 24300 },
1455     {  3180, 27450, 28350 },
1456     {  3240,  2460,  3060 },
1457     {  3240, 10980, 11700 },
1458     {  3289, 37080, 39540 },
1459     {  3300,  5700,  5999 },
1460     {  3300, 39839, 40170 },
1461     {  3330, 25259, 25950 },
1462     {  3330, 25950, 27450 },
1463     {  3330, 34349, 34950 },
1464     {  3360,  9000, 10980 },
1465     {  3375, 40170, 41160 },
1466     {  3420,  4379,  5580 },
1467     {  3420,  5580,  5700 },
1468     {  3450,  3060,  3434 },
1469     {  3480, 34950, 35580 },
1470     {  3510,  3434,  4379 },
1471     {  3544, 41160, 41700 },
1472     {  3570, 35580, 36000 },
1473     {  3570, 36000, 36966 },
1474     {  3600, 12600, 14340 },
1475     {  3600, 14340, 15150 },
1476     {  3655, 36966, 37080 },
1477     {  3690, 36000, 36750 },
1478     {  3720, 10980, 12600 },
1479     {  3780, 24300, 25950 },
1480     {  3780, 41700, 42449 },
1481     {  3840, 21600, 24300 },
1482     {  3960,   599, 42449 },
1483     {  3960, 25200, 28200 },
1484     {  3960, 42449,   599 },
1485     {  3990, 20399, 21600 },
1486     {  4020, 36750, 37200 },
1487     {  4080,  5580,  6150 },
1488     {  4200, 23400, 25200 },
1489     {  4200, 28200, 29759 },
1490     {  4410, 14340, 16500 },
1491     {  4410, 16500, 20399 },
1492     {  4500, 29759, 31500 },
1493     {  4500, 36300, 37200 },
1494     {  4620,   599,  6150 },
1495     {  4620,  6150,  6314 },
1496     {  4620, 20700, 23400 },
1497     {  4620, 24449, 23400 },
1498     {  4800,  6314,  9000 },
1499     {  4800, 19200, 20700 },
1500     {  4800, 26100, 24449 },
1501     {  4800, 31500, 32400 },
1502     {  4800, 36300, 37800 },
1503     {  4920, 16500, 19200 },
1504     {  5100,  9000, 14400 },
1505     {  5160, 32400, 37800 },
1506     {  5169, 37800, 41400 },
1507     {  5190, 14400, 26100 },
1508     {  5280,  6300, 14400 },
1509     {  5280, 41400,  6300 },
1510 };
1512 #define	NDEC	((int)(sizeof(dec_edges)/sizeof(dec_edges[0])))
1514 /* given an epoch, give caller a list of all constellation edges.
1515  * return count if ok, else -1.
1516  * N.B. caller should *not* free what we return because we cache it here.
1517  */
1518 int
cns_edges(double e,double ** ra0p,double ** dec0p,double ** ra1p,double ** dec1p)1519 cns_edges (double e, double **ra0p, double **dec0p, double **ra1p,
1520 double **dec1p)
1521 {
1522 #define	NEDGES	(NRA+NDEC)
1523 	static double *ra0, *dec0, *ra1, *dec1;
1524 	static double laste = -12345.6;		/* any bogus value */
1525 	double mjd0;
1526 	int i, n;
1528 	/* if same epoch just return the same list */
1529 	if (e == laste) {
1530 	    *ra0p = ra0;
1531 	    *dec0p = dec0;
1532 	    *ra1p = ra1;
1533 	    *dec1p = dec1;
1534 	    return (NEDGES);
1535 	}
1537 	/* get space for arrays, first time only */
1538 	if (!ra0) {
1539 	    ra0 = (double *)malloc (NEDGES * sizeof(double));
1540 	    if (!ra0)
1541 		return (-1);
1542 	    dec0 = (double *)malloc (NEDGES * sizeof(double));
1543 	    if (!dec0) {
1544 		free ((void *)ra0);
1545 		return (-1);
1546 	    }
1547 	    ra1 = (double *)malloc (NEDGES * sizeof(double));
1548 	    if (!ra1) {
1549 		free ((void *)ra0);
1550 		free ((void *)dec0);
1551 		return (-1);
1552 	    }
1553 	    dec1 = (double *)malloc (NEDGES * sizeof(double));
1554 	    if (!dec1) {
1555 		free ((void *)ra0);
1556 		free ((void *)dec0);
1557 		free ((void *)ra1);
1558 		return (-1);
1559 	    }
1560 	}
1562 	/* prepare for precession from 1875 */
1563 	cal_mjd (1, 1.0, 1875, &mjd0);
1565 	/* build the constant-ra edge lists */
1566 	n = 0;
1567 	for (i = 0; i < NRA; i++) {
1568 	    ra0[n] = ra1[n] = hrrad((double)ra_edges[i].ra/1800.0);
1569 	    dec0[n] = degrad((double)ra_edges[i].dec0/60.0);
1570 	    dec1[n] = degrad((double)ra_edges[i].dec1/60.0);
1571 	    precess (mjd0, e, &ra0[n], &dec0[n]);
1572 	    precess (mjd0, e, &ra1[n], &dec1[n]);
1573 	    n++;
1574 	}
1576 	/* add the constant-dec edge lists */
1577 	for (i = 0; i < NDEC; i++) {
1578 	    ra0[n] = hrrad((double)dec_edges[i].ra0/1800.0);
1579 	    ra1[n] = hrrad((double)dec_edges[i].ra1/1800.0);
1580 	    dec0[n] = dec1[n] = degrad((double)dec_edges[i].dec/60.0);
1581 	    precess (mjd0, e, &ra0[n], &dec0[n]);
1582 	    precess (mjd0, e, &ra1[n], &dec1[n]);
1583 	    n++;
1584 	}
1586 	/* sanity check the count */
1587 	if (n != NEDGES) {
1588 	    printf ("cns_edges(): n=%d NEDGES=%ld\n", n, (long)NEDGES);
1589 	    abort();
1590 	}
1592 	/* ok */
1593 	*ra0p = ra0;
1594 	*dec0p = dec0;
1595 	*ra1p = ra1;
1596 	*dec1p = dec1;
1597 	laste = e;
1598 	return (NEDGES);
1599 }
1601 /* given an ra, dec and epoch return the list of constellation ids which
1602  * *may* fall within the given radius of said location.
1603  * return the number of ids.
1604  * ids[] need be no larger than 89.
1605  */
1606 /* ARGSUSED */
1607 int
cns_list(double ra,double dec,double e,double rad,int ids[])1608 cns_list (double ra, double dec, double e, double rad, int ids[])
1609 {
1610 	int i;
1612 	/* TODO: this! */
1613 	for (i = 0; i < NCNS; i++)
1614 	    ids[i] = i;
1615 	return (NCNS);
1616 }
1618 /* epoch 2000 RA/Dec of constellation figure end-points.
1619  * drawcodes: 0=move to; 1=draw to; 2=draw to dashed; -1=end
1620  */
1621 typedef struct {
1622     int drawcode;	/* draw code */
1623     float ra;		/* rads */
1624     float dec;		/* rads */
1625 } ConFig;
1627 /* array of malloced lists of ConFigs, same order as cns_namemap[]
1628  */
1629 static ConFig *figmap[NCNS];
1631 /* add one entry to the drawing code lists */
1632 static void
addFigList(ConFig ** new,int * nused,int c,int drawcode,double ra,double dec)1633 addFigList (ConFig **new, int *nused, int c, int drawcode, double ra, double dec)
1634 {
1635 	ConFig *cp;
1637 	new[c]= (ConFig*) realloc (new[c], (nused[c]+1)*sizeof(ConFig));
1638 	cp = &new[c][nused[c]++];
1639 	cp->drawcode = drawcode;
1640 	cp->ra = (float)hrrad(ra);
1641 	cp->dec = (float)degrad(dec);
1642 }
1644 /* load the given constellation definition file.
1645  * return 0 if ok else reason why not in msg[] and -1.
1646  */
1647 int
cns_loadfigs(FILE * fp,char * msg)1648 cns_loadfigs (FILE *fp, char *msg)
1649 {
1650 	char line[1024];		/* one line from the file */
1651 	char cname[1024];		/* constellation name */
1652 	ConFig **new;			/* array of ConFig[] for each cnstn */
1653 	int *nused;			/* number of ConFig[] for each cnstn */
1654 	int c = -1;			/* index, same as cns_namemap[] */
1655 	int s = 0;			/* status */
1657 	/* init the temp lists */
1658 	new = (ConFig **) calloc (NCNS, sizeof(ConFig*));
1659 	nused = (int *) calloc (NCNS, sizeof(int));
1661 	/* read the file */
1662 	while (fgets (line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
1663 	    char rastr[64], decstr[64];
1664 	    char *lp;
1665 	    int code;
1667 	    /* skip leading/trailing whitespace, blank lines and # lines */
1668 	    for (lp = line+strlen(line)-1; lp>=line && isspace(*lp); --lp)
1669 		*lp = '\0';
1670 	    for (lp = line; isspace(*lp); lp++)
1671 		continue;
1672 	    if (*lp == '#' || *lp == '\0')
1673 		continue;
1675 	    /* ok, line looks interesting, look more carefully */
1676 	    if (sscanf (lp, "%d %s %s", &code, rastr, decstr) == 3) {
1677 		/* looks like a drawing line */
1678 		double ra, dec;
1680 		/* must be working on a current constellation */
1681 		if (c < 0) {
1682 		    sprintf (msg,"Found coord line before first constellation");
1683 		    s = -1;
1684 		    break;
1685 		}
1687 		/* check draw code */
1688 		if (code < 0 || code > 2) {
1689 		    sprintf (msg, "Bad draw code in %s: %d", cname, code);
1690 		    s = -1;
1691 		    break;
1692 		}
1694 		/* crack ra dec */
1695 		if (f_scansexa (rastr, &ra) < 0 || ra < 0 || ra >= 24) {
1696 		    sprintf (msg, "Bad RA format in %s: %s", cname, rastr);
1697 		    s = -1;
1698 		    break;
1699 		}
1700 		if (f_scansexa (decstr, &dec) < 0 || dec < -90 || dec > 90) {
1701 		    sprintf (msg, "Bad Dec format in %s: %s", cname, decstr);
1702 		    s = -1;
1703 		    break;
1704 		}
1706 		/* add to list */
1707 		addFigList (new, nused, c, code, ra, dec);
1709 	    } else {
1710 		/* finish previous list, if any */
1711 		if (c >= 0)
1712 		    addFigList (new, nused, c, -1, 0.0, 0.0);
1714 		/* see if it's a recognized constellation name */
1715 		for (c = 0; c < NCNS; c++)
1716 		    if (strcmp (lp, cns_namemap[c]+5) == 0)
1717 			break;
1718 		if (c == NCNS) {
1719 		    sprintf (msg, "Unknown constellation: %s", lp);
1720 		    s = -1;
1721 		    break;
1722 		}
1723 		if (new[c]) {
1724 		    sprintf (msg, "Duplicate definition for %s", lp);
1725 		    s = -1;
1726 		    break;
1727 		}
1729 		/* init its list */
1730 		strcpy (cname, lp);
1731 		new[c] = (ConFig *) malloc (1);     /* realloc seed */
1732 	    }
1733 	}
1735 	/* even if ok check we found all definitions */
1736 	if (s == 0) {
1737 	    int l = 0;
1739 	    /* finish last list */
1740 	    addFigList (new, nused, c, -1, 0.0, 0.0);
1742 	    for (c = 0; c < NCNS; c++)
1743 		if (!new[c])
1744 		    l += sprintf (msg+l, "%s ", cns_namemap[c]+5);
1745 	    if (l > 0) {
1746 		strcat (msg, ": no definition found");
1747 		s = -1;
1748 	    }
1749 	}
1751 	/* handle ok or error */
1752 	if (s < 0) {
1753 	    /* trouble: free temp lists */
1754 	    for (c = 0; c < NCNS; c++)
1755 		if (new[c])
1756 		    free (new[c]);
1757 	} else {
1758 	    /* make temp lists persistent */
1759 	    for (c = 0; c < NCNS; c++) {
1760 		if (figmap[c])
1761 		    free (figmap[c]);
1762 		figmap[c] = new[c];
1763 	    }
1764 	}
1766 	/* done with lists themselves regardless */
1767 	free (new);
1768 	free (nused);
1770 	/* done */
1771 	return (s);
1772 }
1774 /* given a constellation id and epoch, return arrays of ra[] and dec[]
1775  *   end-points precessed to the desired epoch that, if connected, will form the
1776  *   given constellation figure.
1777  * dcodes is 0 if the coord is a "move-to", 1 if a "draw-to" or 2 if a "draw-to
1778  *   as dotted-line".
1779  * return the total number of tripples or -1 if id is bogus.
1780  * the arrays need be no larger than 35 entries.
1781  */
1782 int
cns_figure(int id,double e,double ra[],double dec[],int dcodes[])1783 cns_figure (int id, double e, double ra[], double dec[], int dcodes[])
1784 {
1785 	ConFig *cfp;
1787 	if (id < 0 || id >= NCNS)
1788 	    return (-1);
1790 	for (cfp = figmap[id]; cfp->drawcode >= 0; cfp++) {
1791 	    *ra = (double)cfp->ra;
1792 	    *dec = (double)cfp->dec;
1793 	    precess (J2000, e, ra, dec);
1794 	    ra++;
1795 	    dec++;
1796 	    *dcodes++ = cfp->drawcode;
1797 	}
1799 	return (cfp - figmap[id]);
1800 }