1 /*****************************************************************************
2     Copyright (C) 1987-2015 by Jeffery P. Hansen
4     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7     (at your option) any later version.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12     GNU General Public License for more details.
14     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15     with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18     Last edit by hansen on Thu Jan 29 10:04:52 2009
19 ****************************************************************************/
20 #ifndef __bytecode_h
21 #define __bytecode_h
23 /*****************************************************************************
24  *
25  * This file implements the simulation byte code classes.  The basic byte code
26  * oepration is handled by the ByteCode object. A sequence of instructions is
27  * stored in an array in which instructions are executed ni sequence.  Each
28  * thread is handled by a VGThread object which contains the current thread
29  * state.  At any given time there may be a number of active threads and one
30  * current thread.  Execution on the current thread continues until it is
31  * suspended for some reason either by executing an event wait or a delay.
32  * At that time the next ative thread is invoked until it is suspened and so
33  * on.  When there are no longer any active threads, simulation time is
34  * advanced until more threads can become active.
35  *
36  * List of ByteCode instructions:
37  *
38  *   BCOpr		Execute an operation on Values.
39  *   BCCopy		Copy a Value to another Value
40  *   BCCopyRange	Copy a range of a Value to another Value
41  *   BCMemFetch		Fetch a value from a memory
42  *   BCMemPut		Put a value into a memory
43  *   BCNbMemPut		Non-blocking store of value into a memory
44  *   BCRaise		Raise an event
45  *   BCAsgn		Assign a Value to a Net
46  *   BCNbAsgnD		Non-blocking assign a Value to a reg Net after delay
47  *   BCNbAsgnE		Non-blocking assign a Value to a reg Net after event
48  *   BCWireAsgnD	Non-blocking assign a Value to a wire Net after delay
49  *   BCEnd		End the current thread
50  *   BCNoop		Do a No-op
51  *   BCGoto		Conditional or unconditional jump to a new address
52  *   BCTask		Execute a system task
53  *   BCDelay		Suspend task and schedule wake up time
54  *   BCTrigger		Suspend task and wait for a triggering event
55  *   BCSpawn		Spawn a new bytecode task
56  *   BCLock		Begin a critical section (wait for reg=0, then set reg=1)
57  *   BCWait		Wait for child tasks to complete
58  *   BCSubr		Jump to a subroutine
59  *   BCReturn		Return from a subroutine
60  *   BCDebugPrint	Print a string for debugging purposes
61  *
62  *****************************************************************************/
64 #define BCODE_BLOCKSIZE		64
66 /*****************************************************************************
67  *
68  * Thread states
69  *
70  *****************************************************************************/
71 typedef enum {
72   TS_ACTIVE = 0x0, /**< Thread is actively executing */
74   TS_BLOCKED = 0x1, /**< Thread is blocked waiting for event */
76   TS_DISABLED = 0x2, /**< Thread is disabled */
78 } VGThreadState;
80 /*****************************************************************************
81  *
82  * VGFrame - Represents a stack frame for a thread.
83  *
84  *****************************************************************************/
85 typedef struct VGFrame_str VGFrame;
86 struct VGFrame_str {
87   ByteCode	*f_pc;		/* Instruction to which to return */
88   VGFrame	*f_next;	/* Next address on stack */
89 };
91 /*****************************************************************************
92  *
93  * VGThread - Thread state
94  *
95  *****************************************************************************/
96 struct VGThread_str {
97   Event		*t_pending;	/* Pointer to event if pending, null otherwise */
98   VGThreadState		t_state;	/* State of the thread (active, blocked, paused, etc.)  */
99   int		t_isLive;	/* Non-zero if this thread is live */
100   int		t_wait;		/* Suspend until this many threads end */
101   CodeBlock	*t_start_block;	/* CodeBlock to use for starting thread */
102   unsigned	t_start_pc;	/* Offset into starting thread for PC */
103   ByteCode	*t_pc;		/* Thread program counter */
104   ModuleInst	*t_modCtx;	/* Module context in which thread was initiated */
105   ModuleItem	*t_mitem;	/* Module item of thead (if applicable) */
106   int		t_numChild;	/* Number of running child tasks */
107   VGThread	*t_parent;	/* Parent task */
108   VGThread	*t_next;	/* Next pointer when we are in the active queue */
109   VGFrame	*t_callStack;	/* Call stack for any calls to user tasks/functions */
110 };
112 /*****************************************************************************
113  *
114  * BCOpr - Do a basic 1 to 3 operand operation
115  *
116  *****************************************************************************/
117 typedef struct {
118   BCfunc	*o_func;	/* Function for */
119   valueop_f	*o_op;		/* Operation function */
120   Value		*o_dest;	/* Destination state */
121   Value		*o_opr[3];	/* Operand states */
122 } BCOpr;
124 /*****************************************************************************
125  *
126  * BCMemFetch - Fetch a value from a memory
127  *
128  *****************************************************************************/
129 typedef struct {
130   BCfunc	*m_func;	/* Handler function */
131   Net		*m_net;		/* Net for memory */
132   Value		*m_addr;	/* Address we are operating on */
133   Value		*m_data;	/* Value to store/retrieve from memory */
134 } BCMemFetch;
136 /*****************************************************************************
137  *
138  * BCMemPut - Put a value into memory
139  *
140  *****************************************************************************/
141 typedef struct {
142   BCfunc	*m_func;	/* Handler function */
143   Net		*m_net;		/* Net for memory */
144   Value		*m_addr;	/* Address we are operating on */
145   Value		*m_netLsb;	/* LSB on net (memory) */
146   Value		*m_data;	/* Value to store/retrieve from memory */
147   unsigned	m_valLsb;	/* Lsb in value */
148   unsigned	m_width;	/* Width of assignment */
149 } BCMemPut;
151 /*****************************************************************************
152  *
153  * BCNbMemPutD - Non-blocking store of a value into memory
154  *
155  *****************************************************************************/
156 typedef struct {
157   BCfunc	*m_func;	/* Handler function */
158   Net		*m_net;		/* Net for memory */
159   Value		*m_addr;	/* Address we are operating on */
160   Value		*m_netLsb;	/* LSB on net (memory) */
161   Value		*m_data;	/* Value to store/retrieve from memory */
162   unsigned	m_valLsb;	/* Lsb in value */
163   unsigned	m_width;	/* Width of assignment */
164   deltatime_t	m_delay;	/* Delay for assignment */
165 } BCNbMemPutD;
167 /*****************************************************************************
168  *
169  * BCNbMemPutE - Non-blocking store of a value into memory
170  *
171  *****************************************************************************/
172 typedef struct {
173   BCfunc	*m_func;	/* Handler function */
174   Net		*m_net;		/* Net for memory */
175   Value		*m_addr;	/* Address we are operating on */
176   Value		*m_netLsb;	/* LSB on net (memory) */
177   Value		*m_data;	/* Value to store/retrieve from memory */
178   unsigned	m_valLsb;	/* Lsb in value */
179   unsigned	m_width;	/* Width of assignment */
180   Trigger	*m_trigger;	/* Trigger for assignment */
181 } BCNbMemPutE;
183 /*****************************************************************************
184  *
185  * BCCopy - Copy a value with possible mismatch in bit size.
186  *
187  *****************************************************************************/
188 typedef struct {
189   BCfunc	*c_func;	/* Function for */
190   Value		*c_dst;		/* Destination state */
191   Value		*c_src;		/* Source states */
192 } BCCopy;
194 /*****************************************************************************
195  *
196  * BCCopyRange - Copy a range of bits from a value.
197  *
198  *****************************************************************************/
199 typedef struct {
200   BCfunc	*r_func;	/* Function for */
201   Value		*r_dst;		/* Destination value */
202   unsigned	r_dLsb;		/* LSB in destination */
203   Value		*r_src;		/* Source value */
204   Value		*r_sLsb;	/* Least significant bit in Net (null for full assignment) */
205   unsigned	r_width;	/* Number of bits to assign */
206 } BCCopyRange;
208 /*****************************************************************************
209  *
210  * BCAsgn - Assign a value to a net and invoke any resulting actions
211  *
212  *****************************************************************************/
213 typedef struct {
214   BCfunc	*a_func;	/* Function for */
215   Net		*a_net;		/* Destination net */
216   Value		*a_value;	/* Value to assign */
217   unsigned	a_width;	/* Number of bits to assign */
218   unsigned	a_valLsb;	/* Least significant bit in Value */
219   Value		*a_netLsb;	/* Least significant bit in Net (null for full assignment) */
220 } BCAsgn;
222 /*****************************************************************************
223  *
224  * BCRaise - Raise an event
225  *
226  *****************************************************************************/
227 typedef struct {
228   BCfunc	*r_func;	/* Function for */
229   Net		*r_net;		/* Destination net */
230 } BCRaise;
232 /*****************************************************************************
233  *
234  * BCNbAsgnD - Non-blocking assign a value to a net and invoke any resulting
235  * actions after a specified (possibly 0) delay.
236  *
237  *****************************************************************************/
238 typedef struct {
239   BCfunc	*a_func;	/* Function for */
240   Net		*a_net;		/* Destination net */
241   Value		*a_value;	/* Value to assign */
242   unsigned	a_width;	/* Number of bits to assign */
243   unsigned	a_valLsb;	/* Least significant bit in Value */
244   Value		*a_netLsb;	/* Least significant bit in Net (null for full assignment) */
245   deltatime_t	a_delay;	/* Delay for assignment */
246 } BCNbAsgnD;
248 /*****************************************************************************
249  *
250  * BCNbAsgnE - Non-blocking assign a value to a net and invoke any resulting
251  * actions after a triggering event.
252  *
253  *****************************************************************************/
254 typedef struct {
255   BCfunc	*a_func;	/* Function for */
256   Net		*a_net;		/* Destination net */
257   Value		*a_value;	/* Value to assign */
258   unsigned	a_width;	/* Number of bits to assign */
259   unsigned	a_valLsb;	/* Least significant bit in Value */
260   Value		*a_netLsb;	/* Least significant bit in Net (null for full assignment) */
261   Trigger	*a_trigger;	/* Event trigger */
262 } BCNbAsgnE;
264 /*****************************************************************************
265  *
266  * BCWireAsgnD - Non-blocking assign a value to a wire net and invoke any
267  * resulting actions after a specified (possibly 0) delay.
268  *
269  *****************************************************************************/
270 typedef struct {
271   BCfunc	*a_func;	/* Function for */
272   Net		*a_net;		/* Destination net */
273   int		a_id;		/* Driver ID for net driver that is changing */
274   Value		*a_value;	/* Value to assign */
275   unsigned	a_width;	/* Number of bits to assign */
276   unsigned	a_valLsb;	/* Least significant bit in Value */
277   Value		*a_netLsb;	/* Least significant bit in Net (null for full assignment) */
278   deltatime_t	a_delay;	/* Delay for assignment */
279 } BCWireAsgnD;
281 /*****************************************************************************
282  *
283  * BCWireAsgnDF - Same as BCWireAsgnD but assumes value and net are the
284  * same bit size.
285  *
286  *****************************************************************************/
287 typedef struct {
288   BCfunc	*a_func;	/* Function for */
289   Net		*a_net;		/* Destination net */
290   int		a_id;		/* Driver ID for net driver that is changing */
291   Value		*a_value;	/* Value to assign */
292   deltatime_t	a_delay;	/* Delay for assignment */
293 } BCWireAsgnDF;
295 /*****************************************************************************
296  *
297  * BCEnd - End execution of a thread
298  *
299  *****************************************************************************/
300 typedef struct {
301   BCfunc	*e_func;
302 } BCEnd;
304 /*****************************************************************************
305  *
306  * BCNoop - Null opperation
307  *
308  *****************************************************************************/
309 typedef struct {
310   BCfunc	*n_func;
311 } BCNoop;
313 /*****************************************************************************
314  *
315  * BCGoto - Conditional/unconditional goto
316  *
317  *****************************************************************************/
318 typedef struct {
319   BCfunc	*g_func;	/* Handler function */
320   Value		*g_cond;	/* Condition or null for unconditional jump */
321   CodeBlock	*g_block;	/* Destination block of jump */
322   unsigned	g_offset;	/* Offset into block of jump */
323   int		g_neg;		/* Jump on negative of condition */
324 } BCGoto;
326 /*****************************************************************************
327  *
328  * BCSpawn - Spawn a child thread
329  *
330  *****************************************************************************/
331 typedef struct {
332   BCfunc	*s_func;	/* Handler function */
333   CodeBlock	*s_block;	/* Codeblock for child thread */
334   unsigned	s_offset;	/* Offset for child thread */
335 } BCSpawn;
337 /*****************************************************************************
338  *
339  * BCWait - Suspend current thread until something interesting happends.
340  *
341  *****************************************************************************/
342 typedef struct {
343   BCfunc	*w_func;	/* Handler function */
344 } BCWait;
346 /*****************************************************************************
347  *
348  * BCTask - Invoke a task
349  *
350  *****************************************************************************/
351 typedef struct {
352   BCfunc	*t_func;	/* Handler function */
353   systask_f	*t_task;	/* Task function */
354   TaskContext	*t_context;	/* Task context if used */
355   Value		*t_rvalue;	/* Return value for task */
356   int		t_numArgs;	/* Number of arguments */
357   void		**t_args;	/* Array of arguments */
358 } BCTask;
360 /*****************************************************************************
361  *
362  * BCDelay - Delay current task (corresponds to #n )
363  *
364  *****************************************************************************/
365 typedef struct {
366   BCfunc	*d_func;	/* Handler function */
367   deltatime_t	d_delay;	/* Relative delay time */
368 } BCDelay;
370 /*****************************************************************************
371  *
372  * BCTrigger - Wait for a triggering event (corresponds to @(a) )
373  *
374  *****************************************************************************/
375 typedef struct {
376   BCfunc	*t_func;	/* Handler function */
377   Trigger	*t_trigger;	/* Trigger event to wait for */
378 } BCTrigger;
380 /*****************************************************************************
381  *
382  * BCLock - Wait for semephore to be zero, set semaphore to 1 and advance
383  *
384  *****************************************************************************/
385 typedef struct {
386   BCfunc	*l_func;	/* Handler function */
387   Trigger	*l_trigger;	/* Trigger indicating change in semephore value */
388   Value		*l_value;	/* Value of semephore variable */
389 } BCLock;
391 /*****************************************************************************
392  *
393  * BCSubr - Jump to a subroutine
394  *
395  *****************************************************************************/
396 typedef struct {
397   BCfunc	*s_func;	/* Handler function */
398   CodeBlock	*s_block;	/* Codeblock in which to jump to */
399   unsigned	s_offset;	/* Offsets of instructions to jump to */
400 } BCSubr;
402 /*****************************************************************************
403  *
404  * BCReturn - Jump to a subroutine
405  *
406  *****************************************************************************/
407 typedef struct {
408   BCfunc	*r_func;
409 } BCReturn;
411 /*****************************************************************************
412  *
413  * BCSubr - Jump to a subroutine
414  *
415  *****************************************************************************/
416 typedef struct {
417   BCfunc	*dp_func;
418   char		*dp_message;	/* Message to print */
419 } BCDebugPrint;
422 /*****************************************************************************
423  *
424  * ByteCode - A single byte code instruction.
425  *
426  *****************************************************************************/
427 union ByteCode_union {
428   BCfunc	*bc_func;	/* Handler function for operation */
429   BCOpr		bc_opr;		/* Basic operation */
430   BCEnd		bc_end;		/* End thread */
431   BCNoop	bc_noop;	/* No-op */
432   BCGoto	bc_goto;	/* Goto (conditional or unconditional) */
433   BCSpawn	bc_spawn;	/* Spawn child thread */
434   BCCopy	bc_copy;	/* Copy */
435   BCCopyRange	bc_copyrange;	/* Copy of range */
436   BCTask	bc_task;	/* Invoke a task */
437   BCAsgn	bc_asgn;	/* Net assignment */
438   BCRaise	bc_raise;	/* Raise an event */
439   BCNbAsgnD	bc_nbasgnd;	/* Non-blocking reg net assignment (on delay) */
440   BCNbAsgnE	bc_nbasgne;	/* Non-blocking reg net assignment (on trigger) */
441   BCWireAsgnD	bc_wireasgnd;	/* Non-blocking wire net assignment (on trigger) */
442   BCWait	bc_wait;	/* Suspend current thread */
443   BCDelay	bc_delay;	/* Delay current task */
444   BCTrigger	bc_trigger;	/* Suspend and wait for trigger */
445   BCLock	bc_lock;	/* Lock/semephore */
446   BCMemFetch	bc_memfetch;	/* Memory fetch */
447   BCMemPut	bc_memput;	/* Memory store */
448   BCNbMemPutD	bc_nbmemputd;	/* Non-blocking memory store (on delay) */
449   BCNbMemPutE	bc_nbmempute;	/* Non-blocking memory store (on trigger) */
450   BCSubr	bc_subr;	/* Jump to a subroutine */
451   BCReturn	bc_ret;		/* Return from a subroutine */
452   BCDebugPrint	bc_dbgprint;	/* Print a debugging message */
453 };
455 /*****************************************************************************
456  *
457  * CodeBlock - a block of bytecode instructions.
458  *
459  *****************************************************************************/
460 struct CodeBlock_str {
461   int		cb_length;		/* Number of generated instructions */
462   int		cb_nalloced;		/* Number of allocated entries */
463   ModuleInst	*cb_module;		/* Module instance we are in */
464   ByteCode	*cb_instructions;	/* Vector of instructions */
465 };
467 /*****************************************************************************
468  * CodeBlock member functions
469  *****************************************************************************/
470 CodeBlock *new_CodeBlock(ModuleInst *mi);
471 void delete_CodeBlock(CodeBlock *);
472 void CodeBlock_init(CodeBlock *cb,ModuleInst *mi);
473 void CodeBlock_uninit(CodeBlock *cb);
474 ByteCode *CodeBlock_nextEmpty(CodeBlock *cb);
475 #define CodeBlock_first(cb) (cb)->cb_instructions
476 #define CodeBlock_size(cb) (cb)->cb_length
477 #define CodeBlock_get(cb,offset) (&(cb)->cb_instructions[offset])
478 #define CodeBlock_getModuleInst(cb) ((cb)->cb_module)
479 void CodeBlock_close(CodeBlock*);
480 void CodeBlock_copy(CodeBlock *dst,unsigned dpos,CodeBlock *src,unsigned start,unsigned stop);
482 /*****************************************************************************
483  * ByteCode member functions
484  *****************************************************************************/
485 #define ByteCode_exec(bc,t) (*bc->bc_func)(bc,t)
487 /*****************************************************************************
488  * BCEnd - member functions
489  *****************************************************************************/
490 void BCEnd_init(ByteCode*);
491 void BCEnd_exec(BCEnd *bc,VGThread *t);
493 /*****************************************************************************
494  * BCNoop - member functions
495  *****************************************************************************/
496 void BCNoop_init(ByteCode*);
497 void BCNoop_exec(BCNoop *bc,VGThread *t);
499 /*****************************************************************************
500  * BCOpr - member functions
501  *****************************************************************************/
502 void BCOpr_init(ByteCode*,valueop_f*S,Value*r,Value*a,Value*b,Value*c);
503 void BCOpr_exec(BCOpr *bc,VGThread *t);
505 /*****************************************************************************
506  * BCCopy - member functions
507  *****************************************************************************/
508 void BCCopy_init(ByteCode *bc, Value*dst, Value*src);
509 void BCCopy_exec(BCCopy *bc, VGThread *t);
511 /*****************************************************************************
512  * BCCopyRange - member functions
513  *****************************************************************************/
514 void BCCopyRange_init(ByteCode *bc, Value *dst, unsigned dLsb,Value *src,Value *srcLsb, unsigned width);
515 void BCCopyRange_exec(BCCopyRange *bc, VGThread *t);
517 /*****************************************************************************
518  * BCAsgn - member functions
519  *****************************************************************************/
520 void BCAsgn_init(ByteCode *bc, Net *net, Value *netLsb, Value *value, unsigned valLsb, unsigned width);
521 void BCAsgn_exec(BCAsgn *bc, VGThread *t);
523 /*****************************************************************************
524  * BCRaise - member functions
525  *****************************************************************************/
526 void BCRaise_init(ByteCode *bc, Net *net);
527 void BCRaise_exec(BCRaise *br, VGThread *t);
529 /*****************************************************************************
530  * BCNbAsgnD - member functions
531  *****************************************************************************/
532 void BCNbAsgnD_init(ByteCode *bc, Net *net, Value *netLsb, Value *value, unsigned valLsb, unsigned width,deltatime_t delay);
533 void BCNbAsgnD_exec(BCNbAsgnD *bc, VGThread *t);
535 /*****************************************************************************
536  * BCNbAsgnE - member functions
537  *****************************************************************************/
538 void BCNbAsgnE_init(ByteCode *bc, Net *net, Value *netLsb, Value *value, unsigned valLsb, unsigned width,Trigger *trigger);
539 void BCNbAsgnE_exec(BCNbAsgnE *bc, VGThread *t);
541 /*****************************************************************************
542  * BCWireAsgnD - member functions
543  *****************************************************************************/
544 void BCWireAsgnD_init(ByteCode *bc, Net *net, int id, Value *netLsb, Value *value, unsigned valLsb, unsigned width,deltatime_t delay);
545 void BCWireAsgnD_exec(BCWireAsgnD *bc, VGThread *t);
547 /*****************************************************************************
548  * BCGoto - member functions
549  *****************************************************************************/
550 void BCGoto_init(ByteCode *g,Value*cond,int neg,CodeBlock *cb,unsigned offset);
551 void BCGoto_exec(BCGoto *g,VGThread *t);
552 #define BCGoto_setOffset(g,offset) ((g)->g_offset = (offset))
554 /*****************************************************************************
555  * BCSpawn - member functions
556  *****************************************************************************/
557 void BCSpawn_init(ByteCode *s,CodeBlock *cb,unsigned offset);
558 void BCSpawn_exec(BCSpawn *s,VGThread *t);
559 #define BCSpawn_setOffset(s,offset) ((s)->s_offset = (offset))
561 /*****************************************************************************
562  * BCWait - member functions
563  *****************************************************************************/
564 void BCWait_init(ByteCode *w);
565 void BCWait_exec(BCWait *w,VGThread *t);
567 /*****************************************************************************
568  * BCTask - member functions
569  *****************************************************************************/
570 void BCTask_init(ByteCode *g,systask_f*, TaskContext *tctx, Value *rval,int numArgs,void **args);
571 void BCTask_exec(BCTask *g,VGThread *t);
573 /*****************************************************************************
574  * BCDelay - member functions
575  *****************************************************************************/
576 void BCDelay_init(ByteCode *d,deltatime_t t);
577 void BCDelay_exec(BCDelay *d,VGThread *t);
579 /*****************************************************************************
580  * BCTrigger - member functions
581  *****************************************************************************/
582 void BCTrigger_init(ByteCode *bct,Trigger *t);
583 void BCTrigger_exec(BCTrigger *bct,VGThread *t);
585 /*****************************************************************************
586  * BCLock - member functions
587  *****************************************************************************/
588 void BCLock_init(ByteCode *bc,Trigger *t, Value *value);
589 void BCLock_exec(BCLock *lt,VGThread *t);
591 /*****************************************************************************
592  * BCMemFetch - member functions
593  *****************************************************************************/
594 void BCMemFetch_init(ByteCode *bct,Net *n, Value *addr, Value *data);
595 void BCMemFetch_exec(BCMemFetch *,VGThread *t);
597 /*****************************************************************************
598  * BCMemPut - member functions
599  *****************************************************************************/
600 void BCMemPut_init(ByteCode *bc,Net *n, Value *addr, Value *netLsb, Value *data,unsigned valLsb,unsigned width);
601 void BCMemPut_exec(BCMemPut *bct,VGThread *t);
603 /*****************************************************************************
604  * BCNbMemPutD - member functions
605  *****************************************************************************/
606 void BCNbMemPutD_init(ByteCode *bc,Net *n, Value *addr, Value *netLsb, Value *data,unsigned valLsb,unsigned width,deltatime_t t);
607 void BCNbMemPutD_exec(BCNbMemPutD *bct,VGThread *t);
609 /*****************************************************************************
610  * BCNbMemPutE - member functions
611  *****************************************************************************/
612 void BCNbMemPutE_init(ByteCode *bc,Net *n, Value *addr, Value *netLsb, Value *data,unsigned valLsb,unsigned width,Trigger *t);
613 void BCNbMemPutE_exec(BCNbMemPutE *bct,VGThread *t);
615 /*****************************************************************************
616  * BCSubr - member functions
617  *****************************************************************************/
618 void BCSubr_init(ByteCode *bc,CodeBlock *block,unsigned offset);
619 void BCSubr_exec(BCSubr *s,VGThread *t);
621 /*****************************************************************************
622  * BCReturn - member functions
623  *****************************************************************************/
624 void BCReturn_init(ByteCode *bc);
625 void BCReturn_exec(BCReturn *r,VGThread *t);
627 /*****************************************************************************
628  * BCDebugPrint - member functions
629  *****************************************************************************/
630 void BCDebugPrint_init(ByteCode *bc,char *msg,...);
631 void BCDebugPrint_exec(BCDebugPrint *dp,VGThread *t);
633 /*****************************************************************************
634  * VGFrame - member functions
635  *****************************************************************************/
636 VGFrame *new_VGFrame(ByteCode *bc,VGFrame *next);
637 void delete_VGFrame(VGFrame *);
639 /*****************************************************************************
640  * VGThread - member functions
641  *****************************************************************************/
642 VGThread *new_VGThread(CodeBlock *cb,unsigned pc,ModuleInst *modCtx,ModuleItem *mitem);
643 void delete_VGThread(VGThread *);
644 void VGThread_init(VGThread *thread,CodeBlock *cb,unsigned pc,ModuleInst *modCtx,ModuleItem *mitem);
645 void VGThread_uninit(VGThread *thread);
646 void VGThread_exec(VGThread *thread);
647 void VGThread_delay(VGThread *thread,deltatime_t);
648 void VGThread_delayToEnd(VGThread *thread);
649 void VGThread_eventWait(VGThread *thread,Trigger *t);
650 void VGThread_start(VGThread *thread);
651 void VGThread_childEndNotify(VGThread *thread);
652 VGThread *VGThread_spawn(VGThread *parent,CodeBlock *cb,unsigned offset);
653 void VGThread_goto(VGThread *thread,CodeBlock *codeBlock,unsigned offset);
654 void VGThread_kill(VGThread *thread);
655 #define VGThread_getModCtx(thread) (thread)->t_modCtx
656 #define VGThread_getCircuit(thread) (thread)->t_modCtx->mc_circuit
657 #define VGThread_getQueue(thread) Circuit_getQueue((thread)->t_modCtx->mc_circuit)
658 #define VGThread_suspend(t) ((t)->t_state |= TS_BLOCKED)
659 #define VGThread_resume(t) ((t)->t_state &= ~TS_BLOCKED)
660 #define VGThread_enable(t) ((t)->t_state &= ~TS_DISABLED)
661 #define VGThread_disable(t) ((t)->t_state |= TS_DISABLED)
662 #define VGThread_isActive(t) ((t)->t_state == TS_ACTIVE)
663 #define VGThread_doNextInsruction(t) (*t->t_pc->bc_func)(t->t_pc,t)
664 #define VGThread_getMItem(t) (t)->t_mitem
666 #endif