1 // Created on: 1997-05-05
2 // Created by: Jerome LEMONIER
3 // Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
17 #include <GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface.hxx>
19 #include <Adaptor2d_Curve2d.hxx>
20 #include <Adaptor3d_Curve.hxx>
21 #include <Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface.hxx>
22 #include <Approx_CurveOnSurface.hxx>
23 #include <Extrema_ExtPS.hxx>
24 #include <Extrema_POnSurf.hxx>
25 #include <GCPnts_AbscissaPoint.hxx>
26 #include <Geom2d_BezierCurve.hxx>
27 #include <Geom2d_BSplineCurve.hxx>
28 #include <Geom2d_Curve.hxx>
29 #include <Geom2dAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
30 #include <Geom2dInt_GInter.hxx>
31 #include <Geom_BSplineSurface.hxx>
32 #include <Geom_Plane.hxx>
33 #include <Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface.hxx>
34 #include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
35 #include <GeomAdaptor.hxx>
36 #include <GeomAdaptor_Surface.hxx>
37 #include <GeomLProp_SLProps.hxx>
38 #include <GeomPlate_BuildAveragePlane.hxx>
39 #include <GeomPlate_CurveConstraint.hxx>
40 #include <GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal.hxx>
41 #include <GeomPlate_MakeApprox.hxx>
42 #include <GeomPlate_PointConstraint.hxx>
43 #include <GeomPlate_SequenceOfAij.hxx>
44 #include <GeomPlate_Surface.hxx>
45 #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
46 #include <gp_Pnt2d.hxx>
47 #include <gp_Vec.hxx>
48 #include <gp_Vec2d.hxx>
49 #include <IntRes2d_IntersectionPoint.hxx>
50 #include <Law_Interpol.hxx>
51 #include <LocalAnalysis_SurfaceContinuity.hxx>
52 #include <Plate_D1.hxx>
53 #include <Plate_D2.hxx>
54 #include <Plate_FreeGtoCConstraint.hxx>
55 #include <Plate_GtoCConstraint.hxx>
56 #include <Plate_PinpointConstraint.hxx>
57 #include <Plate_Plate.hxx>
58 #include <Precision.hxx>
59 #include <ProjLib_CompProjectedCurve.hxx>
60 #include <ProjLib_HCompProjectedCurve.hxx>
61 #include <Standard_ConstructionError.hxx>
62 #include <Standard_RangeError.hxx>
63 #include <TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d.hxx>
64 #include <TColgp_HArray1OfPnt.hxx>
65 #include <TColgp_HArray2OfPnt.hxx>
66 #include <TColgp_SequenceOfVec.hxx>
67 #include <TColStd_HArray1OfReal.hxx>
68 #include <TColStd_SequenceOfInteger.hxx>
69 #include <Message_ProgressScope.hxx>
71 #include <stdio.h>
73 #ifdef DRAW
74 #include <DrawTrSurf.hxx>
75 #include <Draw_Marker3D.hxx>
76 #include <Draw_Marker2D.hxx>
77 #include <Draw.hxx>
78 // 0 : No display
79 // 1 : Display of Geometries and intermediary control
80 // 2 : Display of the number of constraints by curve + Intersection
81 // 3 : Dump of constraints in Plate
82 static Standard_Integer NbPlan = 0;
83 //static Standard_Integer NbCurv2d = 0;
84 static Standard_Integer NbMark = 0;
85 static Standard_Integer NbProj = 0;
86 #endif
88 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
89 #include <OSD_Chronometer.hxx>
90 #include <Geom_Surface.hxx>
91 static Standard_Integer Affich=0;
92 #endif
94 //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
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96 //                   C O N S T R U C T O R S
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100 //---------------------------------------------------------
101 //    Constructor compatible with the old version
102 //---------------------------------------------------------
GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface(const Handle (TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)& NPoints,const Handle (GeomPlate_HArray1OfHCurve)& TabCurve,const Handle (TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)& Tang,const Standard_Integer Degree,const Standard_Integer NbIter,const Standard_Real Tol2d,const Standard_Real Tol3d,const Standard_Real TolAng,const Standard_Real,const Standard_Boolean Anisotropie)103 GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface (
104 		    const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)& NPoints,
105 		    const Handle(GeomPlate_HArray1OfHCurve)& TabCurve,
106 		    const Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)& Tang,
107 		    const Standard_Integer Degree,
108 		    const Standard_Integer NbIter,
109 		    const Standard_Real Tol2d,
110 		    const Standard_Real Tol3d,
111 		    const Standard_Real TolAng,
112 		    const Standard_Real ,
113 		    const Standard_Boolean Anisotropie
114 ) :
115 myAnisotropie(Anisotropie),
116 myDegree(Degree),
117 myNbIter(NbIter),
118 myProj(),
119 myTol2d(Tol2d),
120 myTol3d(Tol3d),
121 myTolAng(TolAng),
122 myNbBounds(0)
123 { Standard_Integer NTCurve=TabCurve->Length();// Number of linear constraints
124   myNbPtsOnCur = 0; // Different calculation of the number of points depending on the length
125   myLinCont = new GeomPlate_HSequenceOfCurveConstraint;
126   myPntCont = new GeomPlate_HSequenceOfPointConstraint;
127   if (myNbIter<1)
128     throw Standard_ConstructionError("GeomPlate :  Number of iteration must be >= 1");
130   if (NTCurve==0)
131     throw Standard_ConstructionError("GeomPlate : the bounds Array is null");
132   if (Tang->Length()==0)
133     throw Standard_ConstructionError("GeomPlate : the constraints Array is null");
134   Standard_Integer nbp = 0;
135   Standard_Integer i ;
136   for ( i=1;i<=NTCurve;i++)
137     { nbp+=NPoints->Value(i);
138     }
139   if (nbp==0)
140     throw Standard_ConstructionError("GeomPlate : the resolution is impossible if the number of constraints points is 0");
141   if (myDegree<2)
142     throw Standard_ConstructionError("GeomPlate ; the degree resolution must be upper of 2");
143   // Filling fields passing from the old constructor to the new one
144   for(i=1;i<=NTCurve;i++)
145     { Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) Cont = new GeomPlate_CurveConstraint
146                                                ( TabCurve->Value(i),
147 						 Tang->Value(i),
148 						 NPoints->Value(i));
149       myLinCont->Append(Cont);
150     }
151   mySurfInitIsGive=Standard_False;
153   myIsLinear = Standard_True;
154   myFree = Standard_False;
155 }
157 //------------------------------------------------------------------
158 // Constructor with initial surface and degree
159 //------------------------------------------------------------------
GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface(const Handle (Geom_Surface)& Surf,const Standard_Integer Degree,const Standard_Integer NbPtsOnCur,const Standard_Integer NbIter,const Standard_Real Tol2d,const Standard_Real Tol3d,const Standard_Real TolAng,const Standard_Real,const Standard_Boolean Anisotropie)160 GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface (
161                              const Handle(Geom_Surface)& Surf,
162                              const Standard_Integer Degree,
163 			     const Standard_Integer NbPtsOnCur,
164 		             const Standard_Integer NbIter,
165 		             const Standard_Real Tol2d,
166 		             const Standard_Real Tol3d,
167 			     const Standard_Real TolAng,
168 			     const Standard_Real /*TolCurv*/,
169 			     const Standard_Boolean Anisotropie ) :
170 mySurfInit(Surf),
171 myAnisotropie(Anisotropie),
172 myDegree(Degree),
173 myNbPtsOnCur(NbPtsOnCur),
174 myNbIter(NbIter),
175 myProj(),
176 myTol2d(Tol2d),
177 myTol3d(Tol3d),
178 myTolAng(TolAng),
179 myNbBounds(0)
180 {   if (myNbIter<1)
181     throw Standard_ConstructionError("GeomPlate :  Number of iteration must be >= 1");
182  if (myDegree<2)
183      throw Standard_ConstructionError("GeomPlate : the degree must be above 2");
184    myLinCont = new GeomPlate_HSequenceOfCurveConstraint;
185    myPntCont = new GeomPlate_HSequenceOfPointConstraint;
186   mySurfInitIsGive=Standard_True;
188   myIsLinear = Standard_True;
189   myFree = Standard_False;
190 }
193 //---------------------------------------------------------
194 // Constructor with degree
195 //---------------------------------------------------------
GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface(const Standard_Integer Degree,const Standard_Integer NbPtsOnCur,const Standard_Integer NbIter,const Standard_Real Tol2d,const Standard_Real Tol3d,const Standard_Real TolAng,const Standard_Real,const Standard_Boolean Anisotropie)196 GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface (
197                              const Standard_Integer Degree,
198 			     const Standard_Integer NbPtsOnCur,
199                              const Standard_Integer NbIter,
200                              const Standard_Real Tol2d,
201                              const Standard_Real Tol3d,
202                              const Standard_Real TolAng,
203                              const Standard_Real /*TolCurv*/,
204                              const Standard_Boolean Anisotropie ) :
205 myAnisotropie(Anisotropie),
206 myDegree(Degree),
207 myNbPtsOnCur(NbPtsOnCur),
208 myNbIter(NbIter),
209 myProj(),
210 myTol2d(Tol2d),
211 myTol3d(Tol3d),
212 myTolAng(TolAng),
213 myNbBounds(0)
214 {  if (myNbIter<1)
215     throw Standard_ConstructionError("GeomPlate :  Number of iteration must be >= 1");
216  if (myDegree<2)
217     throw Standard_ConstructionError("GeomPlate : the degree resolution must be upper of 2");
218   myLinCont = new GeomPlate_HSequenceOfCurveConstraint;
219   myPntCont = new GeomPlate_HSequenceOfPointConstraint;
220   mySurfInitIsGive=Standard_False;
222   myIsLinear = Standard_True;
223   myFree = Standard_False;
224 }
226 //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
227 //      =========================================================
228 //                     P U B L I C  M E T H O D S
229 //      =========================================================
230 //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
234 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 // Function : TrierTab, internal Function, does not belong to class
236 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 // Reorder the table of transformations
238 // After the call of CourbeJointive the order of curves is modified
239 // Ex : initial order of curves ==> A B C D E F
240 //      In TabInit we note ==> 1 2 3 4 5 6
241 //      after CourbeJointive ==> A E C B D F
242 //            TabInit ==> 1 5 3 2 4 6
243 //      after TrierTab the Table contains ==> 1 4 3 5 2 6
244 // It is also possible to access the 2nd curve by taking TabInit[2]
245 // i.e. the 4th from the table of classified curves
246 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
TrierTab(Handle (TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)& Tab)247 static void TrierTab(Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)& Tab)
248 {
249   // Parse the table of transformations to find the initial order
250   Standard_Integer Nb=Tab->Length();
251   TColStd_Array1OfInteger TabTri(1,Nb);
252   for (Standard_Integer i=1;i<=Nb;i++)
253    TabTri.SetValue(Tab->Value(i),i);
254   Tab->ChangeArray1()=TabTri;
255 }
257 //---------------------------------------------------------
258 // Function : ProjectCurve
259 //---------------------------------------------------------
Handle(Geom2d_Curve)260 Handle(Geom2d_Curve)  GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::ProjectCurve(const Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve)& Curv)
261 {
262  // Project a curve on a plane
263  Handle(Geom2d_Curve) Curve2d ;
264  Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) hsur = new GeomAdaptor_Surface(mySurfInit);
265  gp_Pnt2d P2d;
267  Handle(ProjLib_HCompProjectedCurve) HProjector = new ProjLib_HCompProjectedCurve (hsur, Curv, myTol3d/10, myTol3d/10);
269  Standard_Real UdebCheck, UfinCheck, ProjUdeb, ProjUfin;
270  UdebCheck = Curv->FirstParameter();
271  UfinCheck = Curv->LastParameter();
272  HProjector->Bounds( 1, ProjUdeb, ProjUfin );
274  if (HProjector->NbCurves() != 1 ||
275      Abs( UdebCheck -ProjUdeb ) > Precision::PConfusion() ||
276      Abs( UfinCheck -ProjUfin ) > Precision::PConfusion())
277    {
278      if (HProjector->IsSinglePnt(1, P2d))
279        {
280 	 // solution in a point
281 	 TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d poles(1, 2);
282 	 poles.Init(P2d);
283 	 Curve2d = new (Geom2d_BezierCurve) (poles);
284        }
285      else
286        {
287 	 Curve2d.Nullify(); // No continuous solution
288 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
289 	 std::cout << "BuildPlateSurace :: No continuous projection" << std::endl;
290 #endif
291        }
292    }
293  else {
294    GeomAbs_Shape Continuity = GeomAbs_C1;
295    Standard_Integer MaxDegree = 10, MaxSeg;
296    Standard_Real Udeb, Ufin;
297    HProjector->Bounds(1, Udeb, Ufin);
299    MaxSeg = 20 + HProjector->NbIntervals(GeomAbs_C3);
300    Approx_CurveOnSurface appr(HProjector, hsur, Udeb, Ufin, myTol3d);
301    appr.Perform(MaxSeg, MaxDegree, Continuity, Standard_False, Standard_True);
303    Curve2d = appr.Curve2d();
304  }
305 #ifdef DRAW
306  if (Affich) {
307    char name[256];
308    sprintf(name,"proj_%d",++NbProj);
309    DrawTrSurf::Set(name, Curve2d);
310  }
311 #endif
312  return Curve2d;
313 }
314 //---------------------------------------------------------
315 // Function : ProjectedCurve
316 //---------------------------------------------------------
Handle(Adaptor2d_Curve2d)317 Handle(Adaptor2d_Curve2d)  GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::ProjectedCurve( Handle(Adaptor3d_Curve)& Curv)
318 {
319  // Projection of a curve on the initial surface
321  Handle(GeomAdaptor_Surface) hsur = new GeomAdaptor_Surface(mySurfInit);
323  Handle(ProjLib_HCompProjectedCurve) HProjector = new ProjLib_HCompProjectedCurve (hsur, Curv, myTolU/10, myTolV/10);
324  if (HProjector->NbCurves() != 1)
325  {
326      HProjector.Nullify(); // No continuous solution
327 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
328      std::cout << "BuildPlateSurace :: No continuous projection" << std::endl;
329 #endif
330    }
331  else
332    {
333      Standard_Real First1,Last1,First2,Last2;
334      First1=Curv->FirstParameter();
335      Last1 =Curv->LastParameter();
336      HProjector->Bounds(1,First2,Last2);
338      if (Abs(First1-First2) <= Max(myTolU,myTolV) &&
339          Abs(Last1-Last2) <= Max(myTolU,myTolV))
340      {
341          HProjector = Handle(ProjLib_HCompProjectedCurve)::DownCast(HProjector->Trim(First2,Last2,Precision::PConfusion()));
342      }
343      else
344      {
345          HProjector.Nullify(); // No continuous solution
346 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
347          std::cout << "BuildPlateSurace :: No complete projection" << std::endl;
348 #endif
349      }
350    }
351    return HProjector;
352 }
354 //---------------------------------------------------------
355 // Function : ProjectPoint
356 //---------------------------------------------------------
357 // Projects a point on the initial surface
358 //---------------------------------------------------------
ProjectPoint(const gp_Pnt & p3d)359 gp_Pnt2d GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::ProjectPoint(const gp_Pnt &p3d)
360 { Extrema_POnSurf P;
361   myProj.Perform(p3d);
362   Standard_Integer nearest = 1;
363   if( myProj.NbExt() > 1)
364   {
365       Standard_Real dist2mini = myProj.SquareDistance(1);
366       for (Standard_Integer i=2; i<=myProj.NbExt();i++)
367       {
368         if (myProj.SquareDistance(i) < dist2mini)
369 	  {
370             dist2mini = myProj.SquareDistance(i);
371             nearest = i;
372           }
373       }
374   }
375   P=myProj.Point(nearest);
376   Standard_Real u,v;
377   P.Parameter(u,v);
378   gp_Pnt2d p2d;
379   p2d.SetCoord(u,v);
381   return p2d;
382 }
383 //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
384 //      =========================================================
385 //               P U B L I C   M E T H O D S
386 //      =========================================================
387 //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
388 //---------------------------------------------------------
389 // Function : Init
390 //---------------------------------------------------------
391 // Initializes linear and point constraints
392 //---------------------------------------------------------
Init()393 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::Init()
394 { myLinCont->Clear();
395   myPntCont->Clear();
396   myPntCont = new GeomPlate_HSequenceOfPointConstraint;
397   myLinCont = new GeomPlate_HSequenceOfCurveConstraint;
398 }
400 //---------------------------------------------------------
401 // Function : LoadInitSurface
402 //---------------------------------------------------------
403 // Loads the initial surface
404 //---------------------------------------------------------
LoadInitSurface(const Handle (Geom_Surface)& Surf)405 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::LoadInitSurface(const Handle(Geom_Surface)& Surf)
406 { mySurfInit = Surf;
407   mySurfInitIsGive=Standard_True;
408 }
410 //---------------------------------------------------------
411 // Function : Add
412 //---------------------------------------------------------
413 //---------------------------------------------------------
414 // Adds a linear constraint
415 //---------------------------------------------------------
416 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::
Add(const Handle (GeomPlate_CurveConstraint)& Cont)417                   Add(const Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint)& Cont)
418 { myLinCont->Append(Cont);
419 }
SetNbBounds(const Standard_Integer NbBounds)421 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::SetNbBounds( const Standard_Integer NbBounds )
422 {
423   myNbBounds = NbBounds;
424 }
426 //---------------------------------------------------------
427 // Function : Add
428 //---------------------------------------------------------
429 //---------------------------------------------------------
430 // Adds a point constraint
431 //---------------------------------------------------------
432 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::
Add(const Handle (GeomPlate_PointConstraint)& Cont)433                   Add(const Handle(GeomPlate_PointConstraint)& Cont)
434 {
435   myPntCont->Append(Cont);
436 }
438 //---------------------------------------------------------
439 // Function : Perform
440 // Calculates the surface filled with loaded constraints
441 //---------------------------------------------------------
Perform(const Message_ProgressRange & theProgress)442 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::Perform(const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress)
443 {
444 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
445   // Timing
446   OSD_Chronometer Chrono;
447   Chrono.Reset();
448   Chrono.Start();
449 #endif
451   if (myNbBounds == 0)
452     myNbBounds = myLinCont->Length();
454   myPlate.Init();
455   //=====================================================================
456   // Declaration of variables.
457   //=====================================================================
458   Standard_Integer NTLinCont = myLinCont->Length(),
459   NTPntCont = myPntCont->Length(), NbBoucle=0;
460   Standard_Boolean Fini=Standard_True;
461   if ((NTLinCont + NTPntCont) == 0)
462   {
463 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
464     std::cout << "WARNING : GeomPlate : The number of constraints is null." << std::endl;
465 #endif
467     return;
468   }
470   //======================================================================
471   // Initial Surface
472   //======================================================================
473   Message_ProgressScope aPS(theProgress, "Calculating the surface filled", 100, Standard_True);
474   if (!mySurfInitIsGive)
475   {
476     ComputeSurfInit (aPS.Next(10));
477     if (aPS.UserBreak())
478       return;
479   }
481   else {
482    if (NTLinCont>=2)
483 	{ // Table of transformations to preserve the initial order, see TrierTab
484 	  myInitOrder = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,NTLinCont);
485 	  for (Standard_Integer l=1;l<=NTLinCont;l++)
486 	    myInitOrder->SetValue(l,l);
487 	  if (!CourbeJointive(myTol3d))
488 	    {//    throw Standard_Failure("Curves are not joined");
489 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
490 	      std::cout<<"WARNING : Courbes non jointives a "<<myTol3d<<" pres"<<std::endl;
491 #endif
492 	    }
493 	  TrierTab(myInitOrder); // Reorder the table of transformations
494 	}
495    else if(NTLinCont > 0)//Patch
496      {
497        mySense = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger( 1, NTLinCont, 0 );
498        myInitOrder = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger( 1, NTLinCont, 1 );
499      }
500  }
502   if (mySurfInit.IsNull())
503   {
504     return;
505   }
507   Standard_Real u1,v1,u2,v2;
508   mySurfInit->Bounds(u1,v1,u2,v2);
509   GeomAdaptor_Surface aSurfInit(mySurfInit);
510   myTolU = aSurfInit.UResolution(myTol3d);
511   myTolV = aSurfInit.VResolution(myTol3d);
512   myProj.Initialize(aSurfInit,u1,v1,u2,v2,
513 		    myTolU,myTolV);
515   //======================================================================
516   // Projection of curves
517   //======================================================================
518   Standard_Boolean Ok = Standard_True;
519   for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NTLinCont; i++)
520     if(myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
521       {
522 	Handle( Geom2d_Curve ) Curve2d = ProjectCurve( myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve3d() );
523 	if (Curve2d.IsNull())
524 	  {
525 	    Ok = Standard_False;
526 	    break;
527 	  }
528 	myLinCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetCurve2dOnSurf( Curve2d );
529       }
530   if (!Ok)
531     {
532       GeomPlate_MakeApprox App(myGeomPlateSurface, myTol3d,
533 			       1, 3,
534 			       15*myTol3d,
535 			       -1, GeomAbs_C0,
536 			       1.3);
537       mySurfInit =  App.Surface();
539       mySurfInit->Bounds(u1,v1,u2,v2);
540       GeomAdaptor_Surface Surf(mySurfInit);
541       myTolU = Surf.UResolution(myTol3d);
542       myTolV = Surf.VResolution(myTol3d);
543       myProj.Initialize(Surf,u1,v1,u2,v2,
544 			myTolU,myTolV);
546       Ok = Standard_True;
547       for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NTLinCont; i++)
548 	{
549 	  Handle( Geom2d_Curve ) Curve2d = ProjectCurve( myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve3d() );
550 	  if (Curve2d.IsNull())
551 	    {
552 	      Ok = Standard_False;
553 	      break;
554 	    }
555 	  myLinCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetCurve2dOnSurf( Curve2d );
556 	}
557       if (!Ok)
558 	{
559 	  mySurfInit = myPlanarSurfInit;
561 	  mySurfInit->Bounds(u1,v1,u2,v2);
562 	  GeomAdaptor_Surface SurfNew(mySurfInit);
563 	  myTolU = SurfNew.UResolution(myTol3d);
564 	  myTolV = SurfNew.VResolution(myTol3d);
565 	  myProj.Initialize(SurfNew,u1,v1,u2,v2,
566 			    myTolU,myTolV);
568 	  for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NTLinCont; i++)
569 	    myLinCont->ChangeValue(i)->
570 	      SetCurve2dOnSurf(ProjectCurve( myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve3d() ) );
571 	}
572       else { // Project the points
573 	for (Standard_Integer i=1; i<=NTPntCont; i++) {
574 	  gp_Pnt P;
575 	  myPntCont->Value(i)->D0(P);
576 	  myPntCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetPnt2dOnSurf(ProjectPoint(P));
577 	}
578       }
579     }
581   //======================================================================
582   // Projection of points
583   //======================================================================
584   for (Standard_Integer i=1;i<=NTPntCont;i++) {
585     if (! myPntCont->Value(i)->HasPnt2dOnSurf()) {
586       gp_Pnt P;
587       myPntCont->Value(i)->D0(P);
588       myPntCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetPnt2dOnSurf(ProjectPoint(P));
589     }
590   }
592   //======================================================================
593   // Number of points by curve
594   //======================================================================
595   if ((NTLinCont !=0)&&(myNbPtsOnCur!=0))
596     CalculNbPtsInit();
598   //======================================================================
599   // Management of incompatibilites between curves
600   //======================================================================
601   Handle(GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal) PntInter;
602   Handle(GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal) PntG1G1;
603   if (NTLinCont != 0) {
604    PntInter = new GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal(1,NTLinCont);
605    PntG1G1 = new GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal(1,NTLinCont);
606    Intersect(PntInter,  PntG1G1);
607   }
609   //======================================================================
610   // Loop to obtain a better surface
611   //======================================================================
613   myFree = !myIsLinear;
615   do
616     {
617 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
618       if (Affich && NbBoucle) {
619 	std::cout<<"Resultats boucle"<< NbBoucle << std::endl;
620 	std::cout<<"DistMax="<<myG0Error<<std::endl;
621 	if (myG1Error!=0)
622 	  std::cout<<"AngleMax="<<myG1Error<<std::endl;
623 	if (myG2Error!=0)
624 	  std::cout<<"CourbMax="<<myG2Error<<std::endl;
625       }
626 #endif
627       NbBoucle++;
628       if (NTLinCont!=0)
629 	{ //====================================================================
630 	  // Calculate the total number of points and the maximum of points by curve
631 	  //====================================================================
632 	  Standard_Integer NPointMax=0;
633 	  for (Standard_Integer i=1;i<=NTLinCont;i++)
634 	    if ((myLinCont->Value(i)->NbPoints())>NPointMax)
635 	      NPointMax=(Standard_Integer )( myLinCont->Value(i)->NbPoints());
636 	  //====================================================================
637 	  // Discretization of curves
638 	  //====================================================================
639 	  Discretise(PntInter,  PntG1G1);
640 	  //====================================================================
641 	  // Preparation of constraint points for plate
642 	  //====================================================================
643 	  LoadCurve( NbBoucle );
644 	  if ( myPntCont->Length() != 0)
645 	    LoadPoint( NbBoucle );
646 	  //====================================================================
647 	  // Construction of the surface
648 	  //====================================================================
650 	  myPlate.SolveTI(myDegree, ComputeAnisotropie(), aPS.Next(90));
652 	  if (aPS.UserBreak())
653 	  {
654 	    return;
655 	  }
657           if (!myPlate.IsDone())
658           {
659 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
660             std::cout << "WARNING : GeomPlate : calculation of Plate failed" << std::endl;
661 #endif
662             return;
663           }
665           myGeomPlateSurface = new GeomPlate_Surface(mySurfInit,myPlate);
666 	  Standard_Real Umin,Umax,Vmin,Vmax;
667           myPlate.UVBox(Umin,Umax,Vmin,Vmax);
668 	  myGeomPlateSurface->SetBounds(Umin,Umax,Vmin,Vmax);
670 	  Fini = VerifSurface(NbBoucle);
671 	  if ((NbBoucle >= myNbIter)&&(!Fini))
672 	    {
673 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
674 	      std::cout<<"Warning: objective was not reached"<<std::endl;
675 #endif
676 	      Fini = Standard_True;
677 	    }
679 	  if ((NTPntCont != 0)&&(Fini))
680 	    { Standard_Real di,an,cu;
681 	      VerifPoints(di,an,cu);
682 	    }
683 	}
684       else
685 	{ LoadPoint( NbBoucle );
686 	  //====================================================================
687 	  //Construction of the surface
688 	  //====================================================================
689 	  myPlate.SolveTI(myDegree, ComputeAnisotropie(), aPS.Next(90));
691 	  if (aPS.UserBreak())
692 	  {
693 	    return;
694 	  }
696           if (!myPlate.IsDone())
697           {
698 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
699             std::cout << "WARNING : GeomPlate : calculation of Plate failed" << std::endl;
700 #endif
701             return;
702           }
704           myGeomPlateSurface = new GeomPlate_Surface(mySurfInit,myPlate);
705 	  Standard_Real Umin,Umax,Vmin,Vmax;
706           myPlate.UVBox(Umin,Umax,Vmin,Vmax);
707 	  myGeomPlateSurface->SetBounds(Umin,Umax,Vmin,Vmax);
708 	  Fini = Standard_True;
709           Standard_Real di,an,cu;
710           VerifPoints(di,an,cu);
711 	}
712     } while (!Fini); // End loop for better surface
713 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
714   if (NTLinCont != 0)
715     { std::cout<<"======== Global results ==========="<<std::endl;
716       std::cout<<"DistMax="<<myG0Error<<std::endl;
717       if (myG1Error!=0)
718 	std::cout<<"AngleMax="<<myG1Error<<std::endl;
719       if (myG2Error!=0)
720 	std::cout<<"CourbMax="<<myG2Error<<std::endl;
721     }
722   Chrono.Stop();
723   Standard_Real Tps;
724   Chrono.Show(Tps);
725   std::cout<<"*** END OF GEOMPLATE ***"<<std::endl;
726   std::cout<<"Time of calculation : "<<Tps<<std::endl;
727   std::cout<<"Number of loops : "<<NbBoucle<<std::endl;
728 #endif
729 }
731 //---------------------------------------------------------
732 // Function : EcartContraintesMIL
733 //---------------------------------------------------------
734 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::
EcartContraintesMil(const Standard_Integer c,Handle (TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& d,Handle (TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& an,Handle (TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& courb)735 EcartContraintesMil  ( const Standard_Integer c,
736 		      Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& d,
737 		      Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& an,
738 		      Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal)& courb)
739 {
740   Standard_Integer NbPt=myParCont->Value(c).Length();
741   Standard_Real U;
742   if (NbPt<3)
743     NbPt=4;
744   else
745     NbPt=myParCont->Value(c).Length();
746   gp_Vec v1i, v1f, v2i, v2f, v3i, v3f;
747   gp_Pnt Pi, Pf;
748   gp_Pnt2d P2d;Standard_Integer i;
749   Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) LinCont = myLinCont->Value(c);
750   switch (LinCont->Order())
751     { case 0 :
752 	for (i=1; i<NbPt; i++)
753 	  { U = ( myParCont->Value(c).Value(i) +
754                     myParCont->Value(c).Value(i+1) )/2;
755 	    LinCont->D0(U, Pi);
756 	    if (!LinCont->ProjectedCurve().IsNull())
757               P2d = LinCont->ProjectedCurve()->Value(U);
758 	    else
759             { if (!LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
760 	         P2d = LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf()->Value(U);
761               else
762 	         P2d = ProjectPoint(Pi);
763             }
764 	    myGeomPlateSurface->D0( P2d.Coord(1), P2d.Coord(2), Pf);
765 	    an->Init(0);
766 	    courb->Init(0);
767 	    d->ChangeValue(i) = Pf.Distance(Pi);
768 	  }
769 	break;
770       case 1 :
771 	for (i=1; i<NbPt; i++)
772 	  { U = ( myParCont->Value(c).Value(i) +
773 		 myParCont->Value(c).Value(i+1) )/2;
774 	    LinCont->D1(U, Pi, v1i, v2i);
775 	    if (!LinCont->ProjectedCurve().IsNull())
776               P2d = LinCont->ProjectedCurve()->Value(U);
777 	    else
778             { if (!LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
779 	         P2d = LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf()->Value(U);
780               else
781 	         P2d = ProjectPoint(Pi);
782             }
783 	    myGeomPlateSurface->D1( P2d.Coord(1), P2d.Coord(2), Pf, v1f, v2f);
784 	    d->ChangeValue(i) = Pf.Distance(Pi);
785 	    v3i = v1i^v2i; v3f=v1f^v2f;
786 	    Standard_Real angle=v3f.Angle(v3i);
787 	    if (angle>(M_PI/2))
788 	      an->ChangeValue(i) = M_PI -angle;
789 	    else
790 	      an->ChangeValue(i) = angle;
791 	    courb->Init(0);
792 	  }
793 	break;
794       case 2 :
795 	Handle(Geom_Surface) Splate (myGeomPlateSurface);
796 	LocalAnalysis_SurfaceContinuity CG2;
797 	for (i=1; i<NbPt; i++)
798 	  { U = ( myParCont->Value(c).Value(i) +
799 		 myParCont->Value(c).Value(i+1) )/2;
800 	    LinCont->D0(U, Pi);
801             if (!LinCont->ProjectedCurve().IsNull())
802                 P2d = LinCont->ProjectedCurve()->Value(U);
803 	    else
804             { if (!LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
805 	          P2d = LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf()->Value(U);
806               else
807 	          P2d = ProjectPoint(Pi);
808             }
809 	    GeomLProp_SLProps Prop (Splate, P2d.Coord(1), P2d.Coord(2),
810 				    2, 0.001);
811 	    CG2.ComputeAnalysis(Prop, myLinCont->Value(c)->LPropSurf(U),
812 				GeomAbs_G2);
813             d->ChangeValue(i)=CG2.C0Value();
814 	    an->ChangeValue(i)=CG2.G1Angle();
815 	    courb->ChangeValue(i)=CG2.G2CurvatureGap();
816 	  }
817 	break;
818       }
819 }
823 //---------------------------------------------------------
824 // Function : Disc2dContour
825 //---------------------------------------------------------
826 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::
Disc2dContour(const Standard_Integer,TColgp_SequenceOfXY & Seq2d)827                   Disc2dContour ( const Standard_Integer /*nbp*/,
828                                   TColgp_SequenceOfXY& Seq2d)
829 {
830 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
831   if (Seq2d.Length()!=4)
832     std::cout<<"Number of points should be equal to 4 for Disc2dContour"<<std::endl;
833 #endif
834   //  initialization
835   Seq2d.Clear();
837   //  sampling in "cosine" + 3 points on each interval
838   Standard_Integer NTCurve = myLinCont->Length();
839   Standard_Integer NTPntCont = myPntCont->Length();
840   gp_Pnt2d P2d;
841   gp_XY UV;
842   gp_Pnt PP;
843   Standard_Real u1,v1,u2,v2;
844   Standard_Integer i ;
846   mySurfInit->Bounds(u1,v1,u2,v2);
847   GeomAdaptor_Surface Surf(mySurfInit);
848   myProj.Initialize(Surf,u1,v1,u2,v2,
849 		    myTolU,myTolV);
851   for( i=1; i<=NTPntCont; i++)
852     if (myPntCont->Value(i)->Order()!=-1)
853       { P2d = myPntCont->Value(i)->Pnt2dOnSurf();
854 	UV.SetX(P2d.Coord(1));
855 	UV.SetY(P2d.Coord(2));
856 	Seq2d.Append(UV);
857       }
858   for(i=1; i<=NTCurve; i++)
859     {
860    Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) LinCont = myLinCont->Value(i);
861    if (LinCont->Order()!=-1)
862      { Standard_Integer NbPt=myParCont->Value(i).Length();
863        // first point of constraint (j=0)
864        if (!LinCont->ProjectedCurve().IsNull())
865 	   P2d = LinCont->ProjectedCurve()->Value(myParCont->Value(i).Value(1));
867        else
868        {   if (!LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
869 	      P2d = LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf()->Value(myParCont->Value(i).Value(1));
871            else
872            {
873               LinCont->D0(myParCont->Value(i).Value(1),PP);
874 	      P2d = ProjectPoint(PP);
875            }
876        }
878        UV.SetX(P2d.Coord(1));
879        UV.SetY(P2d.Coord(2));
880        Seq2d.Append(UV);
881        for (Standard_Integer j=2; j<NbPt; j++)
882 	 { Standard_Real Uj=myParCont->Value(i).Value(j),
883 	   Ujp1=myParCont->Value(i).Value(j+1);
884            if (!LinCont->ProjectedCurve().IsNull())
885 	       P2d = LinCont->ProjectedCurve()->Value((Ujp1+3*Uj)/4);
887            else
888            { if (!LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
889 	         P2d = LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf()->Value((Ujp1+3*Uj)/4);
891              else
892              {
893                LinCont->D0((Ujp1+3*Uj)/4,PP);
894 	       P2d = ProjectPoint(PP);
895              }
896            }
897 	   UV.SetX(P2d.Coord(1));
898 	   UV.SetY(P2d.Coord(2));
899 	   Seq2d.Append(UV);
900 	   // point 1/2 previous
901            if (!LinCont->ProjectedCurve().IsNull())
902 	       P2d = LinCont->ProjectedCurve()->Value((Ujp1+Uj)/2);
904            else
905            {  if (!LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
906 	         P2d = LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf()->Value((Ujp1+Uj)/2);
908               else
909               {
910                  LinCont->D0((Ujp1+Uj)/2,PP);
911 	         P2d = ProjectPoint(PP);
912               }
913            }
915 	   UV.SetX(P2d.Coord(1));
916 	   UV.SetY(P2d.Coord(2));
917 	   Seq2d.Append(UV);
918 	   //  point 3/4 previous
919            if (!LinCont->ProjectedCurve().IsNull())
920 	       P2d = LinCont->ProjectedCurve()->Value((3*Ujp1+Uj)/4);
922            else
923            {   if (!LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
924 	          P2d = LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf()->Value((3*Ujp1+Uj)/4);
926                else
927                {
928                   LinCont->D0((3*Ujp1+Uj)/4,PP);
929 	          P2d = ProjectPoint(PP);
930                 }
931            }
933 	   UV.SetX(P2d.Coord(1));
934 	   UV.SetY(P2d.Coord(2));
935 	   Seq2d.Append(UV);
936 	   // current constraint point
937            if (!LinCont->ProjectedCurve().IsNull())
938 	       P2d = LinCont->ProjectedCurve()->Value(Ujp1);
940            else
941            {   if (!LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
942 	          P2d = LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf()->Value(Ujp1);
944                else
945                {
946                   LinCont->D0(Ujp1,PP);
947 	          P2d = ProjectPoint(PP);
948                }
949            }
951 	   UV.SetX(P2d.Coord(1));
952 	   UV.SetY(P2d.Coord(2));
953 	   Seq2d.Append(UV);
954 	 }
955      }
956    }
957 }
959 //---------------------------------------------------------
960 // Function : Disc3dContour
961 //---------------------------------------------------------
962 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::
Disc3dContour(const Standard_Integer,const Standard_Integer iordre,TColgp_SequenceOfXYZ & Seq3d)963 Disc3dContour (const Standard_Integer /*nbp*/,
964                const Standard_Integer iordre,
965                TColgp_SequenceOfXYZ& Seq3d)
966 {
967 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
968   if (Seq3d.Length()!=4)
969     std::cout<<"nbp should be equal to 4 for Disc3dContour"<<std::endl;
970   if (iordre!=0&&iordre!=1)
971     std::cout<<"incorrect order for Disc3dContour"<<std::endl;
972 #endif
973   //  initialization
974   Seq3d.Clear();
975   //  sampling in "cosine" + 3 points on each interval
976   Standard_Real u1,v1,u2,v2;
977   mySurfInit->Bounds(u1,v1,u2,v2);
978   GeomAdaptor_Surface Surf(mySurfInit);
979   myProj.Initialize(Surf,u1,v1,u2,v2,
980 		    Surf.UResolution(myTol3d),
981 		    Surf.VResolution(myTol3d));
982   Standard_Integer NTCurve = myLinCont->Length();
983   Standard_Integer NTPntCont = myPntCont->Length();
984 //  gp_Pnt2d P2d;
985   gp_Pnt P3d;
986   gp_Vec v1h,v2h,v3h;
987   gp_XYZ Pos;
988   Standard_Integer i ;
990   for( i=1; i<=NTPntCont; i++)
991     if (myPntCont->Value(i)->Order()!=-1)
992      { if (iordre==0)
993 	 { myPntCont->Value(i)->D0(P3d);
994 	   Pos.SetX(P3d.X());
995 	   Pos.SetY(P3d.Y());
996 	   Pos.SetZ(P3d.Z());
997 	   Seq3d.Append(Pos);
998 	 }
999        else {
1000 	 myPntCont->Value(i)->D1(P3d,v1h,v2h);
1001 	 v3h=v1h^v2h;
1002 	 Pos.SetX(v3h.X());
1003 	 Pos.SetY(v3h.Y());
1004 	 Pos.SetZ(v3h.Z());
1005 	 Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1006        }
1007      }
1009   for(i=1; i<=NTCurve; i++)
1010     if (myLinCont->Value(i)->Order()!=-1)
1012       { Standard_Integer NbPt=myParCont->Value(i).Length();
1013 	// first constraint point (j=0)
1014 	// Standard_Integer NbPt=myParCont->Length();
1015 	if (iordre==0) {
1016 	  myLinCont->Value(i)->D0(myParCont->Value(i).Value(1),P3d);
1017 	  Pos.SetX(P3d.X());
1018 	  Pos.SetY(P3d.Y());
1019 	  Pos.SetZ(P3d.Z());
1020 	  Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1021 	}
1022 	else {
1023 	  myLinCont->Value(i)->D1(myParCont->Value(i).Value(1),P3d,v1h,v2h);
1024 	  v3h=v1h^v2h;
1025 	  Pos.SetX(v3h.X());
1026 	  Pos.SetY(v3h.Y());
1027 	  Pos.SetZ(v3h.Z());
1028 	  Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1029 	}
1031 	for (Standard_Integer j=2; j<NbPt; j++)
1032 	  {  Standard_Real Uj=myParCont->Value(i).Value(j),
1033 	     Ujp1=myParCont->Value(i).Value(j+1);
1034 	     if (iordre==0) {
1035 	       // point 1/4 previous
1036 	       myLinCont->Value(i)->D0((Ujp1+3*Uj)/4,P3d);
1037 	       Pos.SetX(P3d.X());
1038 	       Pos.SetY(P3d.Y());
1039 	       Pos.SetZ(P3d.Z());
1040 	       Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1041 	       // point 1/2 previous
1042 	       myLinCont->Value(i)->D0((Ujp1+Uj)/2,P3d);
1043 	       Pos.SetX(P3d.X());
1044 	       Pos.SetY(P3d.Y());
1045 	       Pos.SetZ(P3d.Z());
1046 	       Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1047 	       // point 3/4 previous
1048 	       myLinCont->Value(i)->D0((3*Ujp1+Uj)/4,P3d);
1049 	       Pos.SetX(P3d.X());
1050 	       Pos.SetY(P3d.Y());
1051 	       Pos.SetZ(P3d.Z());
1052 	       Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1053 	       // current constraint point
1054 	       myLinCont->Value(i)->D0(Ujp1,P3d);
1055 	       Pos.SetX(P3d.X());
1056 	       Pos.SetY(P3d.Y());
1057 	       Pos.SetZ(P3d.Z());
1058 	       Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1059 	     }
1060 	     else {
1061 	       // point 1/4 previous
1062 	       myLinCont->Value(i)->D1((Ujp1+3*Uj)/4,P3d,v1h,v2h);
1063 	       v3h=v1h^v2h;
1064 	       Pos.SetX(v3h.X());
1065 	       Pos.SetY(v3h.Y());
1066 	       Pos.SetZ(v3h.Z());
1067 	       Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1068 	       // point 1/2 previous
1069 	       myLinCont->Value(i)->D1((Ujp1+Uj)/2,P3d,v1h,v2h);
1070 	       v3h=v1h^v2h;
1071 	       Pos.SetX(v3h.X());
1072 	       Pos.SetY(v3h.Y());
1073 	       Pos.SetZ(v3h.Z());
1074 	       Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1075 	       // point 3/4 previous
1076 	       myLinCont->Value(i)->D1((3*Ujp1+Uj)/4,P3d,v1h,v2h);
1077 	       v3h=v1h^v2h;
1078 	       Pos.SetX(v3h.X());
1079 	       Pos.SetY(v3h.Y());
1080 	       Pos.SetZ(v3h.Z());
1081 	       Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1082 	       // current constraint point
1083 	       myLinCont->Value(i)->D1(Ujp1,P3d,v1h,v2h);
1084 	       v3h=v1h^v2h;
1085 	       Pos.SetX(v3h.X());
1086 	       Pos.SetY(v3h.Y());
1087 	       Pos.SetZ(v3h.Z());
1088 	       Seq3d.Append(Pos);
1089 	     }
1090 	   }
1091       }
1093 }
1096 //---------------------------------------------------------
1097 // Function : IsDone
1098 //---------------------------------------------------------
IsDone() const1099 Standard_Boolean GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::IsDone() const
1100 { return myPlate.IsDone();
1101 }
1105 //---------------------------------------------------------
1106 // Function : Surface
1107 //---------------------------------------------------------
Handle(GeomPlate_Surface)1108 Handle(GeomPlate_Surface) GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::Surface() const
1109 { return myGeomPlateSurface ;
1110 }
1112 //---------------------------------------------------------
1113 // Function : SurfInit
1114 //---------------------------------------------------------
Handle(Geom_Surface)1115 Handle(Geom_Surface) GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::SurfInit() const
1116 { return mySurfInit ;
1117 }
1120 //---------------------------------------------------------
1121 // Function : Sense
1122 //---------------------------------------------------------
Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)1123 Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::Sense() const
1124 { Standard_Integer NTCurve = myLinCont->Length();
1125   Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) Sens = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,
1126 								       NTCurve);
1127   for (Standard_Integer i=1; i<=NTCurve; i++)
1128     Sens->SetValue(i,mySense->Value(myInitOrder->Value(i)));
1129   return Sens;
1130 }
1134 //---------------------------------------------------------
1135 // Function : Curve2d
1136 //---------------------------------------------------------
Handle(TColGeom2d_HArray1OfCurve)1137 Handle(TColGeom2d_HArray1OfCurve) GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::Curves2d() const
1138 { Standard_Integer NTCurve = myLinCont->Length();
1139   Handle(TColGeom2d_HArray1OfCurve) C2dfin =
1140     new TColGeom2d_HArray1OfCurve(1,NTCurve);
1142   for (Standard_Integer i=1; i<=NTCurve; i++)
1143     C2dfin->SetValue(i,myLinCont->Value(myInitOrder->Value(i))->Curve2dOnSurf());
1144   return C2dfin;
1146 }
1149 //---------------------------------------------------------
1150 // Function : Order
1151 //---------------------------------------------------------
Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger)1152 Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::Order() const
1153 { Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) result=
1154     new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,myLinCont->Length());
1155   for (Standard_Integer i=1;i<=myLinCont->Length();i++)
1156    result->SetValue(myInitOrder->Value(i),i);
1157   return result;
1158 }
1161 //---------------------------------------------------------
1162 // Function : G0Error
1163 //---------------------------------------------------------
G0Error() const1164 Standard_Real GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::G0Error() const
1165 { return myG0Error;
1166 }
1168 //---------------------------------------------------------
1169 // Function : G1Error
1170 //---------------------------------------------------------
G1Error() const1171 Standard_Real GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::G1Error() const
1172 { return myG1Error;
1173 }
1175 //---------------------------------------------------------
1176 // Function : G2Error
1177 //---------------------------------------------------------
G2Error() const1178 Standard_Real GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::G2Error() const
1179 { return myG2Error;
1180 }
1182 //=======================================================================
1183 //function : G0Error
1184 //purpose  :
1185 //=======================================================================
G0Error(const Standard_Integer Index)1187 Standard_Real GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::G0Error( const Standard_Integer Index )
1188 {
1189   Handle( TColStd_HArray1OfReal ) tdistance = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal( 1, myNbPtsOnCur );
1190   Handle( TColStd_HArray1OfReal ) tangle = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal( 1, myNbPtsOnCur );
1191   Handle( TColStd_HArray1OfReal ) tcurvature = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal( 1, myNbPtsOnCur );
1192   EcartContraintesMil( Index, tdistance, tangle, tcurvature );
1193   Standard_Real MaxDistance = 0.;
1194   for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= myNbPtsOnCur; i++)
1195     if (tdistance->Value(i) > MaxDistance)
1196       MaxDistance = tdistance->Value(i);
1197   return MaxDistance;
1198 }
1200 //=======================================================================
1201 //function : G1Error
1202 //purpose  :
1203 //=======================================================================
G1Error(const Standard_Integer Index)1205 Standard_Real GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::G1Error( const Standard_Integer Index )
1206 {
1207   Handle( TColStd_HArray1OfReal ) tdistance = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal( 1, myNbPtsOnCur );
1208   Handle( TColStd_HArray1OfReal ) tangle = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal( 1, myNbPtsOnCur );
1209   Handle( TColStd_HArray1OfReal ) tcurvature = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal( 1, myNbPtsOnCur );
1210   EcartContraintesMil( Index, tdistance, tangle, tcurvature );
1211   Standard_Real MaxAngle = 0.;
1212   for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= myNbPtsOnCur; i++)
1213     if (tangle->Value(i) > MaxAngle)
1214       MaxAngle = tangle->Value(i);
1215   return MaxAngle;
1216 }
1218 //=======================================================================
1219 //function : G2Error
1220 //purpose  :
1221 //=======================================================================
G2Error(const Standard_Integer Index)1223 Standard_Real GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::G2Error( const Standard_Integer Index )
1224 {
1225   Handle( TColStd_HArray1OfReal ) tdistance = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal( 1, myNbPtsOnCur );
1226   Handle( TColStd_HArray1OfReal ) tangle = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal( 1, myNbPtsOnCur );
1227   Handle( TColStd_HArray1OfReal ) tcurvature = new TColStd_HArray1OfReal( 1, myNbPtsOnCur );
1228   EcartContraintesMil( Index, tdistance, tangle, tcurvature );
1229   Standard_Real MaxCurvature = 0.;
1230   for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= myNbPtsOnCur; i++)
1231     if (tcurvature->Value(i) > MaxCurvature)
1232       MaxCurvature = tcurvature->Value(i);
1233   return MaxCurvature;
1234 }
Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint)1236 Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::CurveConstraint( const Standard_Integer order) const
1237 {
1238   return myLinCont->Value(order);
1239 }
Handle(GeomPlate_PointConstraint)1240 Handle(GeomPlate_PointConstraint) GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::PointConstraint( const Standard_Integer order) const
1241 {
1242   return myPntCont->Value(order);
1243 }
1244 //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
1245 //      =========================================================
1246 //                  P R I V A T E    M E T H O D S
1247 //      =========================================================
1248 //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
1250 //=======================================================================
1251 // Function : CourbeJointive
1252 // Purpose  : Create a chain of curves to calculate the
1253 //            initial surface with the method of max flow.
1254 //            Return true if it is a closed contour.
1255 //=======================================================================
1257 Standard_Boolean GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::
CourbeJointive(const Standard_Real tolerance)1258                                   CourbeJointive(const Standard_Real tolerance)
1259 { Standard_Integer nbf = myLinCont->Length();
1260   Standard_Real Ufinal1,Uinit1,Ufinal2,Uinit2;
1261   mySense = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,nbf,0);
1262   Standard_Boolean result=Standard_True;
1263   Standard_Integer j=1,i;
1264   gp_Pnt P1,P2;
1266   while (j <= (myNbBounds-1))
1267     {
1268       Standard_Integer a=0;
1269       i=j+1;
1270       if (i > myNbBounds)
1271 	{ result = Standard_False;
1272 	  a=2;
1273 	}
1274       while (a<1)
1275 	{ if (i > myNbBounds)
1276 	    { result = Standard_False;
1277 	      a=2;
1278 	    }
1279 	else
1280 	  {
1281 	    Uinit1=myLinCont->Value(j)->FirstParameter();
1282 	    Ufinal1=myLinCont->Value(j)->LastParameter();
1283 	    Uinit2=myLinCont->Value(i)->FirstParameter();
1284 	    Ufinal2=myLinCont->Value(i)->LastParameter();
1285 	    if (mySense->Value(j)==1)
1286 	      Ufinal1=Uinit1;
1287 	    myLinCont->Value(j)->D0(Ufinal1,P1);
1288 	    myLinCont->Value(i)->D0(Uinit2,P2);
1289 	    if (P1.Distance(P2)<tolerance)
1290 	      { if (i!=j+1) {
1291 		Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) tampon = myLinCont->Value(j+1);
1292 		myLinCont->SetValue(j+1,myLinCont->Value(i));
1293 		myLinCont->SetValue(i,tampon);
1294 		Standard_Integer Tmp=myInitOrder->Value(j+1);
1295 		// See function TrierTab for the functioning of myInitOrder
1296 		myInitOrder->SetValue(j+1,myInitOrder->Value(i));
1297 		myInitOrder->SetValue(i,Tmp);
1300 	      };
1301 	      a=2;
1302 		mySense->SetValue(j+1,0);
1304 	      }
1305 	  else
1306 	    { myLinCont->Value(i)->D0(Ufinal2,P2);
1308 	      if (P1.Distance(P2)<tolerance)
1309 		{ if (i!=j+1) {
1310 		  Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) tampon =
1311 		    myLinCont->Value(j+1);
1312 		  myLinCont->SetValue(j+1,myLinCont->Value(i));
1313 		  myLinCont->SetValue(i,tampon);
1314 		  Standard_Integer Tmp=myInitOrder->Value(j+1);
1315 		  // See function TrierTab for the functioning of myInitOrder
1316 		  myInitOrder->SetValue(j+1,myInitOrder->Value(i));
1317 		  myInitOrder->SetValue(i,Tmp);
1318 		};
1319 		  a=2;
1320  		  mySense->SetValue(j+1,1);
1321 		}
1322 	    }
1323 	  }
1324 	  i++;
1325 	}
1326       j++;
1327     }
1328   Uinit1=myLinCont->Value( myNbBounds )->FirstParameter();
1329   Ufinal1=myLinCont->Value( myNbBounds )->LastParameter();
1330   Uinit2=myLinCont->Value(1)->FirstParameter();
1331   Ufinal2=myLinCont->Value(1)->LastParameter();
1332   myLinCont->Value( myNbBounds )->D0(Ufinal1,P1);
1333   myLinCont->Value(1)->D0(Uinit2,P2);
1334   if  ((mySense->Value( myNbBounds )==0)
1335        &&(P1.Distance(P2)<tolerance))
1336     {
1337       return ((Standard_True)&&(result));
1338     }
1339   myLinCont->Value( myNbBounds )->D0(Uinit1,P1);
1340   if  ((mySense->Value( myNbBounds )==1)
1341        &&(P1.Distance(P2)<tolerance))
1342     {
1343       return ((Standard_True)&&(result));
1344     }
1345   else return Standard_False;
1346 }
1349 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1350 // Function : ComputeSurfInit
1351 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1352 // Calculate the initial surface either by the method of max flow or by
1353 // the method of the plane of inertia if the contour is not closed or if
1354 // there are point constraints.
1355 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
ComputeSurfInit(const Message_ProgressRange & theProgress)1357 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::ComputeSurfInit(const Message_ProgressRange& theProgress)
1358 {
1359   Standard_Integer nopt=2, popt=2, Np=1;
1360   Standard_Boolean isHalfSpace = Standard_True;
1361   Standard_Real LinTol = 0.001, AngTol = 0.001; //AngTol = 0.0001; //LinTol = 0.0001
1363   // Option to calculate the initial plane
1364   Standard_Integer NTLinCont = myLinCont->Length(), NTPntCont = myPntCont->Length();
1365   // Table of transformation to preserve the initial order see TrierTab
1366   if (NTLinCont != 0) {
1367     myInitOrder = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,NTLinCont);
1368     for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NTLinCont; i++)
1369       myInitOrder->SetValue( i, i );
1370   }
1372   Standard_Boolean CourbeJoint = (NTLinCont != 0) && CourbeJointive (myTol3d);
1373   if (CourbeJoint && IsOrderG1())
1374     {
1375       nopt = 3;
1376       // Table contains the cloud of points for calculation of the plane
1377       Standard_Integer  NbPoint = 20, Discr = NbPoint/4, pnum = 0;
1378       Handle( TColgp_HArray1OfPnt ) Pts = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt( 1, (NbPoint+1)*NTLinCont+NTPntCont );
1379       TColgp_SequenceOfVec Vecs, NewVecs;
1380       GeomPlate_SequenceOfAij Aset;
1381       Standard_Real Uinit, Ufinal, Uif;
1382       gp_Vec LastVec;
1383       Standard_Integer i ;
1384       for ( i = 1; i <= NTLinCont; i++)
1385 	{
1386 	  Standard_Integer Order = myLinCont->Value(i)->Order();
1388 	  NewVecs.Clear();
1390 	  Uinit = myLinCont->Value(i)->FirstParameter();
1391 	  Ufinal = myLinCont->Value(i)->LastParameter();
1392 	  Uif = Ufinal - Uinit;
1393 	  if (mySense->Value(i) == 1)
1394 	    {
1395 	      Uinit = Ufinal;
1396 	      Uif = -Uif;
1397 	    }
1399 	  gp_Vec Vec1, Vec2, Normal;
1400 	  Standard_Boolean ToReverse = Standard_False;
1401 	  if (i > 1 && Order >= GeomAbs_G1)
1402 	    {
1403 	      gp_Pnt P;
1404 	      myLinCont->Value(i)->D1( Uinit, P, Vec1, Vec2 );
1405 	      Normal = Vec1 ^ Vec2;
1406 	      if (LastVec.IsOpposite( Normal, AngTol ))
1407 		ToReverse = Standard_True;
1408 	    }
1410 	  for (Standard_Integer j = 0; j <= NbPoint; j++)
1411 	    { // Number of points per curve = 20
1412 	      // Linear distribution
1413 	      Standard_Real Inter = j*Uif/(NbPoint);
1414 	      if (Order < GeomAbs_G1 || j % Discr != 0)
1415 		myLinCont->Value(i)->D0( Uinit+Inter, Pts->ChangeValue(++pnum) );
1416 	      else
1417 		{
1418 		  myLinCont->Value(i)->D1( Uinit+Inter, Pts->ChangeValue(++pnum), Vec1, Vec2 );
1419 		  Normal = Vec1 ^ Vec2;
1420 		  Normal.Normalize();
1421 		  if (ToReverse)
1422 		    Normal.Reverse();
1423 		  Standard_Boolean isNew = Standard_True;
1424                   Standard_Integer k ;
1425 		  for ( k = 1; k <= Vecs.Length(); k++)
1426 		    if (Vecs(k).IsEqual( Normal, LinTol, AngTol ))
1427 		      {
1428 			isNew = Standard_False;
1429 			break;
1430 		      }
1431 		  if (isNew)
1432 		    for (k = 1; k <= NewVecs.Length(); k++)
1433 		      if (NewVecs(k).IsEqual( Normal, LinTol, AngTol ))
1434 			{
1435 			  isNew = Standard_False;
1436 			  break;
1437 			}
1438 		  if (isNew)
1439 		    NewVecs.Append( Normal );
1440 		}
1441 	    }
1442 	  if (Order >= GeomAbs_G1)
1443 	    {
1444 	      isHalfSpace = GeomPlate_BuildAveragePlane::HalfSpace( NewVecs, Vecs, Aset, LinTol, AngTol );
1445 	      if (! isHalfSpace)
1446 		break;
1447 	      LastVec = Normal;
1448 	    }
1449 	} //for (i = 1; i <= NTLinCont; i++)
1451       if (isHalfSpace)
1452 	{
1453 	  for (i = 1; i <= NTPntCont; i++)
1454 	    {
1455 	      Standard_Integer Order = myPntCont->Value(i)->Order();
1457 	      NewVecs.Clear();
1458 	      gp_Vec Vec1, Vec2, Normal;
1459 	      if (Order < GeomAbs_G1)
1460 		myPntCont->Value(i)->D0( Pts->ChangeValue(++pnum) );
1461 	      else
1462 		{
1463 		  myPntCont->Value(i)->D1( Pts->ChangeValue(++pnum), Vec1, Vec2 );
1464 		  Normal = Vec1 ^ Vec2;
1465 		  Normal.Normalize();
1466 		  Standard_Boolean isNew = Standard_True;
1467 		  for (Standard_Integer k = 1; k <= Vecs.Length(); k++)
1468 		    if (Vecs(k).IsEqual( Normal, LinTol, AngTol ))
1469 		      {
1470 			isNew = Standard_False;
1471 			break;
1472 		      }
1473 		  if (isNew)
1474 		    {
1475 		      NewVecs.Append( Normal );
1476 		      isHalfSpace = GeomPlate_BuildAveragePlane::HalfSpace( NewVecs, Vecs, Aset, LinTol, AngTol );
1477 		      if (! isHalfSpace)
1478 			{
1479 			  NewVecs(1).Reverse();
1480 			  isHalfSpace = GeomPlate_BuildAveragePlane::HalfSpace( NewVecs, Vecs, Aset, LinTol, AngTol );
1481 			}
1482 		      if (! isHalfSpace)
1483 			break;
1484 		    }
1485 		}
1486 	    } //for (i = 1; i <= NTPntCont; i++)
1488 	  if (isHalfSpace)
1489 	    {
1490 	      Standard_Boolean NullExist = Standard_True;
1491 	      while (NullExist)
1492 		{
1493 		  NullExist = Standard_False;
1494 		  for (i = 1; i <= Vecs.Length(); i++)
1495 		    if (Vecs(i).SquareMagnitude() == 0.)
1496 		      {
1497 			NullExist = Standard_True;
1498 			Vecs.Remove(i);
1499 			break;
1500 		      }
1501 		}
1502 	      GeomPlate_BuildAveragePlane BAP( Vecs, Pts );
1503 	      Standard_Real u1,u2,v1,v2;
1504 	      BAP.MinMaxBox(u1,u2,v1,v2);
1505 	      // The space is greater for projections
1506 	      Standard_Real du = u2 - u1;
1507 	      Standard_Real dv = v2 - v1;
1508 	      u1 -= du; u2 += du; v1 -= dv; v2 += dv;
1509 	      mySurfInit = new Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface( BAP.Plane(), u1,u2,v1,v2 );
1510 	    }
1511 	} //if (isHalfSpace)
1512       if (!isHalfSpace)
1513 	{
1514 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1515 	  std::cout<<std::endl<<"Normals are not in half space"<<std::endl<<std::endl;
1516 #endif
1517 	  myIsLinear = Standard_False;
1518 	  nopt = 2;
1519 	}
1520     } //if (NTLinCont != 0 && (CourbeJoint = CourbeJointive( myTol3d )) && IsOrderG1())
1522   if (NTLinCont != 0)
1523     TrierTab( myInitOrder ); // Reorder the table of transformations
1525   if (nopt != 3)
1526     {
1527       if ( NTPntCont != 0)
1528 	nopt = 1;  //Calculate by the method of plane of inertia
1529       else if (!CourbeJoint || NTLinCont != myNbBounds)
1530 	{//    throw Standard_Failure("Curves are not joined");
1531 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1532 	  std::cout << "WARNING : Curves are non-adjacent with tolerance " << myTol3d << std::endl;
1533 #endif
1534 	  nopt = 1;
1535 	}
1537       Standard_Real LenT=0;
1538       Standard_Integer Npt=0;
1539       Standard_Integer NTPoint=20*NTLinCont;
1540       Standard_Integer i ;
1541       for ( i=1;i<=NTLinCont;i++)
1542 	LenT+=myLinCont->Value(i)->Length();
1543       for (i=1;i<=NTLinCont;i++)
1544 	{ Standard_Integer NbPoint= (Standard_Integer )( NTPoint*(myLinCont->Value(i)->Length())/LenT);
1545 	  if (NbPoint<10)
1546 	    NbPoint=10;
1548 	  (void )Npt; // unused but set for debug
1549 	  Npt += NbPoint;
1550 	}
1551       // Table containing a cloud of points for calculation of the plane
1552       Handle(TColgp_HArray1OfPnt) Pts = new TColgp_HArray1OfPnt(1,20*NTLinCont+NTPntCont);
1553       Standard_Integer  NbPoint=20;
1554       Standard_Real Uinit,Ufinal, Uif;
1555       for ( i=1;i<=NTLinCont;i++)
1556 	{ Uinit=myLinCont->Value(i)->FirstParameter();
1557 	  Ufinal=myLinCont->Value(i)->LastParameter();
1558 	  Uif=Ufinal-Uinit;
1559 	  if (mySense->Value(i) == 1)
1560 	    { Uinit = Ufinal;
1561 	      Uif = -Uif;
1562 	    }
1563 	  for (Standard_Integer j=0; j<NbPoint; j++)
1564 	    { // Number of points per curve = 20
1565 	      // Linear distribution
1566 	      Standard_Real Inter=j*Uif/(NbPoint);
1567 	      gp_Pnt P;
1568 	      myLinCont->Value(i)->D0(Uinit+Inter,P);
1569 	      Pts->SetValue(Np++,P);
1570 	    }
1571 	}
1572       for (i=1;i<=NTPntCont;i++)
1573 	{ gp_Pnt P;
1574 	  myPntCont->Value(i)->D0(P);
1575 	  Pts->SetValue(Np++,P);
1576 	}
1577       if (!CourbeJoint)
1578 	myNbBounds = 0;
1579       GeomPlate_BuildAveragePlane BAP( Pts, NbPoint*myNbBounds, myTol3d/1000, popt, nopt );
1580       if (!BAP.IsPlane())
1581       {
1582 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1583         std::cout << "WARNING : GeomPlate : the initial surface is not a plane." << std::endl;
1584 #endif
1586         return;
1587       }
1588       Standard_Real u1,u2,v1,v2;
1589       BAP.MinMaxBox(u1,u2,v1,v2);
1590       // The space is greater for projections
1591       Standard_Real du = u2 - u1;
1592       Standard_Real dv = v2 - v1;
1593       u1 -= du; u2 += du; v1 -= dv; v2 += dv;
1594       mySurfInit = new Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface(BAP.Plane(),u1,u2,v1,v2);
1595     } //if (nopt != 3)
1597   //Comparing metrics of curves and projected curves
1598   if (NTLinCont != 0 && myIsLinear)
1599     {
1600       Handle( Geom_Surface ) InitPlane =
1601 	(Handle( Geom_RectangularTrimmedSurface )::DownCast(mySurfInit))->BasisSurface();
1603       Standard_Real Ratio = 0., R1 = 2., R2 = 0.6; //R1 = 3, R2 = 0.5;//R1 = 1.4, R2 = 0.8; //R1 = 5., R2 = 0.2;
1604       Handle( GeomAdaptor_Surface ) hsur =
1605 	new GeomAdaptor_Surface( InitPlane );
1606       Standard_Integer NbPoint = 20;
1607 //      gp_Pnt P;
1608 //      gp_Vec DerC, DerCproj, DU, DV;
1609 //      gp_Pnt2d P2d;
1610 //      gp_Vec2d DProj;
1613       for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= NTLinCont && myIsLinear; i++)
1614 	{
1615 	  Standard_Real FirstPar = myLinCont->Value(i)->FirstParameter();
1616 	  Standard_Real LastPar  = myLinCont->Value(i)->LastParameter();
1617 	  Standard_Real Uif = (LastPar - FirstPar)/(NbPoint);
1619 	  Handle( Adaptor3d_Curve ) Curve = myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve3d();
1620 	  Handle( ProjLib_HCompProjectedCurve ) ProjCurve = new ProjLib_HCompProjectedCurve (hsur, Curve, myTol3d, myTol3d);
1621           Adaptor3d_CurveOnSurface AProj(ProjCurve, hsur);
1623 	  gp_Pnt P;
1624 	  gp_Vec DerC, DerCproj;
1625 	  for (Standard_Integer j = 1 ; j < NbPoint && myIsLinear; j++)
1626 	    {
1627 	      Standard_Real Inter = FirstPar + j*Uif;
1628 	      Curve->D1(Inter, P, DerC);
1629 	      AProj.D1(Inter, P, DerCproj);
1631 	      Standard_Real A1 = DerC.Magnitude();
1632 	      Standard_Real A2 = DerCproj.Magnitude();
1633 	      if (A2 <= 1.e-20) {
1634 		Ratio = 1.e20;
1635 	      }
1636 	      else {
1637 		Ratio = A1 / A2;
1638 	      }
1639 	      if (Ratio > R1 || Ratio < R2)
1640 		{
1641 		  myIsLinear = Standard_False;
1642 		  break;
1643 		}
1644 	    }
1645 	}
1646 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1647       if (! myIsLinear)
1648 	std::cout <<"Metrics are too different :"<< Ratio<<std::endl;
1649 #endif
1650 //      myIsLinear =  Standard_True; // !!
1651     } //comparing metrics of curves and projected curves
1654   if (! myIsLinear)
1655     {
1656       myPlanarSurfInit = mySurfInit;
1657 #ifdef DRAW
1658       if (Affich) {
1659 	char name[256];
1660 	sprintf(name,"planinit_%d",NbPlan+1);
1661 	DrawTrSurf::Set(name, mySurfInit);
1662       }
1663 #endif
1664       Standard_Real u1,v1,u2,v2;
1665       mySurfInit->Bounds(u1,v1,u2,v2);
1666       GeomAdaptor_Surface Surf(mySurfInit);
1667       myTolU = Surf.UResolution(myTol3d);
1668       myTolV = Surf.VResolution(myTol3d);
1669       myProj.Initialize(Surf,u1,v1,u2,v2,
1670 			myTolU,myTolV);
1672       //======================================================================
1673       // Projection of curves
1674       //======================================================================
1675       Standard_Integer i;
1676       for (i = 1; i <= NTLinCont; i++)
1677 	if (myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
1678 	  myLinCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetCurve2dOnSurf(ProjectCurve(myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve3d()));
1680       //======================================================================
1681       // Projection of points
1682       //======================================================================
1683       for (i = 1; i<=NTPntCont; i++)
1684 	{ gp_Pnt P;
1685 	  myPntCont->Value(i)->D0(P);
1686 	  if (!myPntCont->Value(i)->HasPnt2dOnSurf())
1687 	    myPntCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetPnt2dOnSurf(ProjectPoint(P));
1688 	}
1690       //======================================================================
1691       // Number of points by curve
1692       //======================================================================
1693       if ((NTLinCont !=0)&&(myNbPtsOnCur!=0))
1694 	CalculNbPtsInit();
1696       //======================================================================
1697       // Management of incompatibilities between curves
1698       //======================================================================
1699       Handle(GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal) PntInter;
1700       Handle(GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal) PntG1G1;
1701       if (NTLinCont != 0)
1702 	{
1703 	  PntInter = new GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal(1,NTLinCont);
1704 	  PntG1G1 = new GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal(1,NTLinCont);
1705 	  Intersect(PntInter,  PntG1G1);
1706 	}
1708       //====================================================================
1709       // Discretization of curves
1710       //====================================================================
1711       Discretise(PntInter,  PntG1G1);
1712       //====================================================================
1713       //Preparation of points of constraint for plate
1714       //====================================================================
1715       LoadCurve( 0, 0 );
1716       if (myPntCont->Length() != 0)
1717 	LoadPoint( 0, 0 );
1718       //====================================================================
1719       // Construction of the surface
1720       //====================================================================
1721       Message_ProgressScope aPS(theProgress, "ComputeSurfInit", 1);
1722       myPlate.SolveTI(2, ComputeAnisotropie(), aPS.Next());
1723       if (theProgress.UserBreak())
1724       {
1725           return;
1726       }
1728       if (!myPlate.IsDone())
1729       {
1730 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1731         std::cout << "WARNING : GeomPlate : calculation of Plate failed" << std::endl;
1732 #endif
1733         return;
1734       }
1736       myGeomPlateSurface = new GeomPlate_Surface( mySurfInit, myPlate );
1738       GeomPlate_MakeApprox App(myGeomPlateSurface, myTol3d,
1739 			       1, 3,
1740 			       15*myTol3d,
1741 			       -1, GeomAbs_C0);
1742       mySurfInit =  App.Surface();
1744       mySurfInitIsGive = Standard_True;
1745       myPlate.Init(); // Reset
1747       for (i=1;i<=NTLinCont;i++)
1748 	{
1749 	  Handle( Geom2d_Curve ) NullCurve;
1750 	  NullCurve.Nullify();
1751 	  myLinCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetCurve2dOnSurf( NullCurve);
1752 	}
1753     }
1755 #ifdef DRAW
1756   if (Affich) {
1757     char name[256];
1758     sprintf(name,"surfinit_%d",++NbPlan);
1759     DrawTrSurf::Set(name, mySurfInit);
1760   }
1761 #endif
1762 }
1764 //---------------------------------------------------------
1765 // Function : Intersect
1766 //---------------------------------------------------------
1767 // Find intersections between 2d curves
1768 // If the intersection is compatible (in cases G1-G1)
1769 // remove the point on one of two curves
1770 //---------------------------------------------------------
1771 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::
Intersect(Handle (GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal)& PntInter,Handle (GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal)& PntG1G1)1772 Intersect(Handle(GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal)& PntInter,
1773 	  Handle(GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal)& PntG1G1)
1774 {
1775   Standard_Integer NTLinCont = myLinCont->Length();
1776   Geom2dInt_GInter Intersection;
1777   Geom2dAdaptor_Curve Ci, Cj;
1778   IntRes2d_IntersectionPoint int2d;
1779   gp_Pnt P1,P2;
1780   gp_Pnt2d P2d;
1781   gp_Vec2d V2d;
1782 //  if (!mySurfInitIsGive)
1783   for (Standard_Integer i=1;i<=NTLinCont;i++)
1784     {
1785       //Standard_Real NbPnt_i=myLinCont->Value(i)->NbPoints();
1786       // Find the intersection with each curve including the curve itself
1787       Ci.Load(myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve2dOnSurf());
1788       for(Standard_Integer j=i; j<=NTLinCont; j++)
1789 	{
1790 	  Cj.Load(myLinCont->Value(j)->Curve2dOnSurf());
1791 	  if (i==j)
1792 	    Intersection.Perform(Ci, myTol2d*10, myTol2d*10);
1793 	  else
1794 	    Intersection.Perform(Ci, Cj, myTol2d*10, myTol2d*10);
1796 	  if (!Intersection.IsEmpty())
1797 	    { // there is one intersection
1798 	      Standard_Integer nbpt = Intersection.NbPoints();
1799 	      // number of points of intersection
1800 	      for (Standard_Integer k = 1; k <= nbpt; k++)
1801 		{ int2d = Intersection.Point(k);
1802 		  myLinCont->Value(i)->D0(int2d.ParamOnFirst(),P1);
1803 		  myLinCont->Value(j)->D0(int2d.ParamOnSecond(),P2);
1804 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1805 		  if (Affich> 1)
1806 		    {
1807 		      std::cout << " Intersection "<< k << " entre " << i
1808 			<< " &" << j << std::endl;
1809 		      std::cout <<"  Distance = "<<  P1.Distance(P2) << std::endl;
1810 		    }
1811 #endif
1812 		  if (P1.Distance( P2 ) < myTol3d)
1813 		    { // 2D intersection corresponds to close 3D points.
1814 		      // Note the interval, in which the point needs to be removed
1815 		      // to avoid duplications, which cause
1816 		      // error in plate. The point on curve i is removed;
1817 		      // the point on curve j is preserved;
1818 		      // the length of interval is a length 2d
1819 		      // corresponding in 3d to myTol3d
1820 		      Standard_Real tolint = Ci.Resolution(myTol3d);
1821 		      Ci.D1(int2d.ParamOnFirst(),P2d, V2d);
1822 		      Standard_Real aux = V2d.Magnitude();
1823 		      if (aux > 1.e-7)
1824 			{
1825 			  aux = myTol3d/aux;
1826 			  if (aux > 100*tolint) tolint*=100;
1827 			  else tolint = aux;
1828 			}
1829 		      else tolint*=100;
1831 		      PntInter->ChangeValue(i).Append( int2d.ParamOnFirst() - tolint);
1832 		      PntInter->ChangeValue(i).Append( int2d.ParamOnFirst() + tolint);
1833 		      // If G1-G1
1834 		      if ( (myLinCont->Value(i)->Order()==1)
1835 			  &&(myLinCont->Value(j)->Order()==1))
1836 			{ gp_Vec v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v21,v22,v23,v24,v25,v26;
1837 			  myLinCont->Value(i)->D2( int2d.ParamOnFirst(), P1, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15 );
1838 			  myLinCont->Value(j)->D2( int2d.ParamOnSecond(), P2, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25 );
1839 			  v16=v11^v12;v26=v21^v22;
1840 			  Standard_Real ant=v16.Angle(v26);
1841 			  if (ant>(M_PI/2))
1842 			    ant= M_PI -ant;
1843 			  if ((Abs(v16*v15-v16*v25)>(myTol3d/1000))
1844 			      ||(Abs(ant)>myTol3d/1000))
1845 			    // Non-compatible ==> remove zone in constraint G1
1846 			    // corresponding to 3D tolerance of 0.01
1847 			    { Standard_Real coin;
1848 			      Standard_Real Tol= 100 * myTol3d;
1849 			      Standard_Real A1;
1850 			      gp_Pnt2d P1temp,P2temp;
1851 			      gp_Vec2d V1,V2;
1852 			      myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve2dOnSurf()->D1( int2d.ParamOnFirst(), P1temp, V1);
1853 			      myLinCont->Value(j)->Curve2dOnSurf()->D1( int2d.ParamOnSecond(), P2temp, V2);
1854 			      A1 = V1.Angle(V2);
1855 			      if (A1>(M_PI/2))
1856 				A1= M_PI - A1;
1857 			      if (Abs(Abs(A1)-M_PI)<myTolAng) Tol = 100000 * myTol3d;
1858 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1859 			      if (Affich) std::cout <<"Angle between curves "<<i<<","<<j
1860 				<<" "<<Abs(Abs(A1)-M_PI)<<std::endl;
1861 #endif
1863 			      coin = Ci.Resolution(Tol);
1864 			      Standard_Real Par1=int2d.ParamOnFirst()-coin,
1865 			      Par2=int2d.ParamOnFirst()+coin;
1866 			      // Storage of the interval for curve i
1867 			      PntG1G1->ChangeValue(i).Append(Par1);
1868 			      PntG1G1->ChangeValue(i).Append(Par2);
1869 			      coin = Cj.Resolution(Tol);
1870 			      Par1=int2d.ParamOnSecond()-coin;
1871 			      Par2=int2d.ParamOnSecond()+coin;
1872 			      // Storage of the interval for curve j
1873 			      PntG1G1->ChangeValue(j).Append(Par1);
1874 			      PntG1G1->ChangeValue(j).Append(Par2);
1875 			    }
1876 			}
1877 		      // If G0-G1
1878 		      if ((myLinCont->Value(i)->Order()==0 && myLinCont->Value(j)->Order()==1) ||
1879 			  (myLinCont->Value(i)->Order()==1 && myLinCont->Value(j)->Order()==0))
1880 			{
1881 			  gp_Vec vec, vecU, vecV, N;
1882 			  if (myLinCont->Value(i)->Order() == 0)
1883 			    {
1884 			      Handle( Adaptor3d_Curve ) theCurve = myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve3d();
1885 			      theCurve->D1( int2d.ParamOnFirst(), P1, vec );
1886 			      myLinCont->Value(j)->D1( int2d.ParamOnSecond(), P2, vecU, vecV );
1887 			    }
1888 			  else
1889 			    {
1890 			      Handle( Adaptor3d_Curve ) theCurve = myLinCont->Value(j)->Curve3d();
1891 			      theCurve->D1( int2d.ParamOnSecond(), P2, vec );
1892 			      myLinCont->Value(i)->D1( int2d.ParamOnFirst(), P1, vecU, vecV );
1893 			    }
1894 			  N = vecU ^ vecV;
1895 			  Standard_Real Angle = vec.Angle( N );
1896 			  Angle = Abs( M_PI/2-Angle );
1897 			  if (Angle > myTolAng/10.) //????????? //if (Abs( scal ) > myTol3d/100)
1898 			    {
1899  			      // Non-compatible ==> one removes zone in constraint G0 and G1
1900 			      // corresponding to 3D tolerance of 0.01
1901 			      Standard_Real coin;
1902 			      Standard_Real Tol= 100 * myTol3d;
1903 			      Standard_Real A1;
1904 			      gp_Pnt2d P1temp,P2temp;
1905 			      gp_Vec2d V1,V2;
1906 			      myLinCont->Value(i)->Curve2dOnSurf()->D1( int2d.ParamOnFirst(), P1temp, V1);
1907 			      myLinCont->Value(j)->Curve2dOnSurf()->D1( int2d.ParamOnSecond(), P2temp, V2);
1908 			      A1 = V1.Angle( V2 );
1909 			      if (A1 > M_PI/2)
1910 				A1= M_PI - A1;
1911 			      if (Abs(Abs(A1) - M_PI) < myTolAng) Tol = 100000 * myTol3d;
1912 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1913 			      if (Affich) std::cout <<"Angle entre Courbe "<<i<<","<<j
1914 				<<" "<<Abs(Abs(A1)-M_PI)<<std::endl;
1915 #endif
1916 			      if (myLinCont->Value(i)->Order() == 1)
1917 				{
1918 				  coin = Ci.Resolution(Tol);
1919 				  coin *=  Angle / myTolAng * 10.;
1920 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1921 				  std::cout<<std::endl<<"coin = "<<coin<<std::endl;
1922 #endif
1923 				  Standard_Real Par1 = int2d.ParamOnFirst() - coin;
1924 				  Standard_Real Par2 = int2d.ParamOnFirst() + coin;
1925 				  // Storage of the interval for curve i
1926 				  PntG1G1->ChangeValue(i).Append( Par1 );
1927 				  PntG1G1->ChangeValue(i).Append( Par2 );
1928 				}
1929 			      else
1930 				{
1931 				  coin = Cj.Resolution(Tol);
1932 				  coin *= Angle / myTolAng * 10.;
1933 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1934 				  std::cout<<std::endl<<"coin = "<<coin<<std::endl;
1935 #endif
1936 				  Standard_Real Par1 = int2d.ParamOnSecond() - coin;
1937 				  Standard_Real Par2 = int2d.ParamOnSecond() + coin;
1938 				  // Storage of the interval for curve j
1939 				  PntG1G1->ChangeValue(j).Append( Par1 );
1940 				  PntG1G1->ChangeValue(j).Append( Par2 );
1941 				}
1942 			    }
1943 			}
1944 		    } //if (P1.Distance( P2 ) < myTol3d)
1945 		  else {
1946 		    // 2D intersection corresponds to extended 3D points.
1947 		    // Note the interval where it is necessary to remove
1948 		    // the points to avoid duplications causing
1949 		    // error in plate. The point on curve i is removed,
1950 		    // the point on curve j is preserved.
1951 		    // The length of interval is 2D length
1952 		    // corresponding to the distance of points in 3D to myTol3d
1953 		    Standard_Real tolint, Dist;
1954 		    Dist = P1.Distance(P2);
1955 		    tolint = Ci.Resolution(Dist);
1956 		    PntInter->ChangeValue(i).Append( int2d.ParamOnFirst() - tolint);
1957 		    PntInter->ChangeValue(i).Append( int2d.ParamOnFirst() + tolint);
1958 		    if (j!=i)
1959 		      {
1960 			tolint = Cj.Resolution(Dist);
1961 			PntInter->ChangeValue(j).
1962 			  Append( int2d.ParamOnSecond() - tolint);
1963 			PntInter->ChangeValue(j).
1964 			  Append( int2d.ParamOnSecond() + tolint);
1965 		      }
1967 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
1968 		    std::cout << "Attention: Two points 3d have the same projection dist = " << Dist << std::endl;
1969 #endif
1970 #ifdef DRAW
1971 		    if (Affich > 1)
1972 		      {
1973 			Handle(Draw_Marker3D) mark = new (Draw_Marker3D)(P1, Draw_X, Draw_vert);
1974                         char name[256];
1975 			sprintf(name,"mark_%d",++NbMark);
1976 			Draw::Set(name, mark);
1977 		      }
1978 #endif
1979 		  }
1980 		}
1981 	    }
1982 	}
1983     }
1984 }
1986 //---------------------------------------------------------
1987 // Function : Discretize
1988 //---------------------------------------------------------
1989 // Discretize curves according to parameters
1990 // the table of sequences Parcont contains all
1991 // parameter of points on curves
1992 // Field myPlateCont contains parameter of points on a plate;
1993 // it excludes duplicate points and imcompatible zones.
1994 // The first part corresponds to verification of compatibility
1995 // and to removal of duplicate points.
1996 //---------------------------------------------------------
1997 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::
Discretise(const Handle (GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal)& PntInter,const Handle (GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal)& PntG1G1)1998 Discretise(const Handle(GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal)& PntInter,
1999 	   const Handle(GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal)& PntG1G1)
2000 {
2001   Standard_Integer NTLinCont = myLinCont->Length();
2002   Standard_Boolean ACR;
2003   Handle(Geom2d_Curve) C2d;
2004   Geom2dAdaptor_Curve AC2d;
2005 //  Handle(Adaptor_HCurve2d) HC2d;
2006   Handle(Law_Interpol) acrlaw = new (Law_Interpol) ();
2007   myPlateCont = new GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal(1,NTLinCont);
2008   myParCont = new GeomPlate_HArray1OfSequenceOfReal(1,NTLinCont);
2011   //===========================================================================
2012   // Construction of the table containing parameters of constraint points
2013   //===========================================================================
2014   Standard_Real  Uinit, Ufinal,  Length2d=0, Inter;
2015   Standard_Real   CurLength;
2016   Standard_Integer NbPnt_i, NbPtInter, NbPtG1G1;
2017   Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) LinCont;
2019   for (Standard_Integer i=1;i<=NTLinCont;i++) {
2020     LinCont = myLinCont->Value(i);
2021     Uinit=LinCont->FirstParameter();
2022     Ufinal=LinCont->LastParameter();
2023 //    HC2d=LinCont->ProjectedCurve();
2024 //    if(HC2d.IsNull())
2025 //    ACR = (!HC2d.IsNull() || !C2d.IsNull());
2026     C2d= LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf();
2027     ACR =  (!C2d.IsNull());
2028     if (ACR) {
2029       // Construct a law close to curvilinear abscissa
2030       if(!C2d.IsNull()) AC2d.Load(C2d);
2031 //      AC2d.Load(LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf());
2032       Standard_Integer ii, Nbint = 20;
2033       Standard_Real U;
2034       TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d tabP2d(1,  Nbint+1);
2035       tabP2d(1).SetY(Uinit);
2036       tabP2d(1).SetX(0.);
2037       tabP2d(Nbint+1).SetY(Ufinal);
2038 /*      if (!HC2d.IsNull())
2040           Length2d = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(HC2d->Curve2d(), Uinit, Ufinal);
2041       else*/
2042       Length2d = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(AC2d, Uinit, Ufinal);
2044       tabP2d(Nbint+1).SetX(Length2d);
2045       for (ii = 2;  ii<= Nbint; ii++) {
2046 	U = Uinit + (Ufinal-Uinit)*((1-Cos((ii-1)*M_PI/(Nbint)))/2);
2047 	tabP2d(ii).SetY(U);
2048 /*        if (!HC2d.IsNull()) {
2049              Standard_Real L = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(HC2d->Curve2d(), Uinit, U);
2050              tabP2d(ii).SetX(L);
2051 	   }
2052         else*/
2053  	     tabP2d(ii).SetX(GCPnts_AbscissaPoint::Length(AC2d, Uinit, U));
2054       }
2055       acrlaw->Set(tabP2d);
2056     }
2058     NbPnt_i = (Standard_Integer )( LinCont->NbPoints());
2059     NbPtInter= PntInter->Value(i).Length();
2060     NbPtG1G1= PntG1G1->Value(i).Length();
2062 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
2063     if (Affich > 1) {
2064       std::cout << "Courbe : " << i << std::endl;
2065       std::cout << "  NbPnt, NbPtInter, NbPtG1G1 :" << NbPnt_i << ", "
2066            << NbPtInter << ", " << NbPtG1G1 << std::endl;
2067     }
2068 #endif
2069     for (Standard_Integer j=1; j<=NbPnt_i; j++)
2070     {
2071       // Distribution of points in cosine following ACR 2D
2072       // To avoid points of accumulation in 2D
2073       //Inter=Uinit+(Uif)*((-cos(M_PI*((j-1)/(NbPnt_i-1)))+1)/2);
2074       if (j==NbPnt_i)
2075         Inter=Ufinal;// to avoid bug on Sun
2076       else if (ACR) {
2077         CurLength = Length2d*(1-Cos((j-1)*M_PI/(NbPnt_i-1)))/2;
2078         Inter =  acrlaw->Value(CurLength);
2079       }
2080       else {
2081         Inter=Uinit+(Ufinal-Uinit)*((1-Cos((j-1)*M_PI/(NbPnt_i-1)))/2);
2082       }
2083       myParCont->ChangeValue(i).Append(Inter);// add a point
2084       if (NbPtInter!=0)
2085       {
2086         for(Standard_Integer l=1;l<=NbPtInter;l+=2)
2087         {
2088           // check if the point Inter is in the interval
2089           // PntInter[i] PntInter[i+1]
2090           // in which case it is not necessary to store it (problem with duplicates)
2091           if ((Inter>PntInter->Value(i).Value(l))
2092             &&(Inter<PntInter->Value(i).Value(l+1)))
2093           {
2094             l=NbPtInter+2;
2095             // leave the loop without storing the point
2096           }
2097           else
2098           {
2099             if (l+1>=NbPtInter) {
2100               // one has parsed the entire table : the point
2101               // does not belong to a common point interval
2102               if (NbPtG1G1!=0)
2103               {
2104                 // if there exists an incompatible interval
2105                 for(Standard_Integer k=1;k<=NbPtG1G1;k+=2)
2106                 {
2107                   if ((Inter>PntG1G1->Value(i).Value(k))
2108                     &&(Inter<PntG1G1->Value(i).Value(k+1)))
2109                   {
2110                     k=NbPtG1G1+2; // to leave the loop
2111                     // Add points of constraint G0
2112                     gp_Pnt P3d,PP,Pdif;
2113                     gp_Pnt2d P2d;
2115                     AC2d.D0(Inter, P2d);
2116                     LinCont->D0(Inter,P3d);
2117                     mySurfInit->D0(P2d.Coord(1),P2d.Coord(2),PP);
2118                     Pdif.SetCoord(-PP.Coord(1)+P3d.Coord(1),
2119                                   -PP.Coord(2)+P3d.Coord(2),
2120                                   -PP.Coord(3)+P3d.Coord(3));
2121                     Plate_PinpointConstraint PC(P2d.XY(),Pdif.XYZ(),0,0);
2122                     myPlate.Load(PC);
2123                   }
2124                   else // the point does not belong to interval G1
2125                   {
2126                     if (k+1>=NbPtG1G1)
2127                     {
2128                       myPlateCont->ChangeValue(i).Append(Inter);
2129                       // add the point
2130                     }
2131                   }
2132                 }
2133               }
2134               else
2135               {
2136                 myPlateCont->ChangeValue(i).Append(Inter);
2137                 // add the point
2138               }
2139             }
2140           }
2141         }
2142       }
2143       else
2144       {
2145         if (NbPtG1G1!=0) // there exist an incompatible interval
2146         {
2147           for(Standard_Integer k=1;k<=NbPtG1G1;k+=2)
2148           {
2149             if ((Inter>PntG1G1->Value(i).Value(k))
2150               &&(Inter<PntG1G1->Value(i).Value(k+1)))
2151             {
2152               k=NbPtG1G1+2; // to leave the loop
2153               // Add points of constraint G0
2154               gp_Pnt P3d,PP,Pdif;
2155               gp_Pnt2d P2d;
2157               AC2d.D0(Inter, P2d);
2158               LinCont->D0(Inter,P3d);
2159               mySurfInit->D0(P2d.Coord(1),P2d.Coord(2),PP);
2160               Pdif.SetCoord(-PP.Coord(1)+P3d.Coord(1),
2161                 -PP.Coord(2)+P3d.Coord(2),
2162                 -PP.Coord(3)+P3d.Coord(3));
2163               Plate_PinpointConstraint PC(P2d.XY(),Pdif.XYZ(),0,0);
2164               myPlate.Load(PC);
2166             }
2167             else // the point does not belong to interval G1
2168             {
2169               if (k+1>=NbPtG1G1)
2170               {
2171                 myPlateCont->ChangeValue(i).Append(Inter);
2172                 // add the point
2173               }
2174             }
2175           }
2176         }
2177         else
2178         {
2179           if (  ( (!mySurfInitIsGive)
2180                   &&(Geom2dAdaptor_Curve(LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf()).GetType()!=GeomAbs_Circle))
2181              || ( (j>1) &&(j<NbPnt_i))) // exclude extremeties
2182             myPlateCont->ChangeValue(i).Append(Inter);// add the point
2183         }
2184       }
2185     }
2186   }
2187 }
2188 //---------------------------------------------------------
2189 // Function : CalculNbPtsInit
2190 //---------------------------------------------------------
2191 // Calculate the number of points by curve depending on the
2192 // length for the first iteration
2193 //---------------------------------------------------------
CalculNbPtsInit()2194 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::CalculNbPtsInit ()
2195 {
2196   Standard_Real LenT=0;
2197   Standard_Integer NTLinCont=myLinCont->Length();
2198   Standard_Integer NTPoint=(Standard_Integer )( myNbPtsOnCur*NTLinCont);
2199   Standard_Integer i ;
2201   for ( i=1;i<=NTLinCont;i++)
2202     LenT+=myLinCont->Value(i)->Length();
2203   for ( i=1;i<=NTLinCont;i++)
2204     { Standard_Integer Cont=myLinCont->Value(i)->Order();
2205       switch(Cont)
2206 	{ case 0 : // Case G0 *1.2
2207 	    myLinCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetNbPoints(
2208 						   Standard_Integer(1.2*NTPoint*(myLinCont->Value(i)->Length())/LenT));
2209 	    break;
2210 	  case 1 : // Case G1 *1
2211 	    myLinCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetNbPoints(
2212 				 Standard_Integer(NTPoint*(myLinCont->Value(i)->Length())/LenT));
2213 	    break;
2214 	  case 2 : // Case G2 *0.7
2215 	    myLinCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetNbPoints(
2216 			      Standard_Integer(0.7*NTPoint*(myLinCont->Value(i)->Length())/LenT));
2217 	    break;
2218 	  }
2219       if (myLinCont->Value(i)->NbPoints()<3)
2220 	myLinCont->ChangeValue(i)->SetNbPoints(3);
2221     }
2222 }
2223 //---------------------------------------------------------
2224 // Function : LoadCurve
2225 //---------------------------------------------------------
2226 // Starting from table myParCont load all the points noted in plate
2227 //---------------------------------------------------------
LoadCurve(const Standard_Integer NbBoucle,const Standard_Integer OrderMax)2228 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::LoadCurve(const Standard_Integer NbBoucle,
2229 					    const Standard_Integer OrderMax )
2230 {
2231   gp_Pnt P3d,Pdif,PP;
2232   gp_Pnt2d P2d;
2233   Standard_Integer NTLinCont=myLinCont->Length(), i, j;
2234   Standard_Integer  Tang, Nt;
2237   for (i=1; i<=NTLinCont; i++){
2238     Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) CC = myLinCont->Value(i);
2239     if (CC ->Order()!=-1) {
2240       Tang = Min(CC->Order(), OrderMax);
2241       Nt = myPlateCont->Value(i).Length();
2242       if (Tang!=-1)
2243 	for (j=1; j<=Nt; j++) {// Loading of points G0 on boundaries
2244 	  CC ->D0(myPlateCont->Value(i).Value(j),P3d);
2245 	  if (!CC->ProjectedCurve().IsNull())
2246 	    P2d = CC->ProjectedCurve()->Value(myPlateCont->Value(i).Value(j));
2248 	  else {
2249 	    if (!CC->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
2250 	      P2d = CC->Curve2dOnSurf()->Value(myPlateCont->Value(i).Value(j));
2251 	    else
2252 	      P2d = ProjectPoint(P3d);
2253 	  }
2254 	  mySurfInit->D0(P2d.Coord(1),P2d.Coord(2),PP);
2255 	  Pdif.SetCoord(-PP.Coord(1)+P3d.Coord(1),
2256 			-PP.Coord(2)+P3d.Coord(2),
2257 			-PP.Coord(3)+P3d.Coord(3));
2258 	  Plate_PinpointConstraint PC(P2d.XY(),Pdif.XYZ(),0,0);
2259 	  myPlate.Load(PC);
2261 	  // Loading of points G1
2262 	  if (Tang==1) { // ==1
2263 	    gp_Vec  V1,V2,V3,V4;
2264 	    CC->D1( myPlateCont->Value(i).Value(j), PP, V1, V2 );
2265 	    mySurfInit->D1( P2d.Coord(1), P2d.Coord(2), PP, V3, V4 );
2267 	    Plate_D1 D1final(V1.XYZ(),V2.XYZ());
2268 	    Plate_D1 D1init(V3.XYZ(),V4.XYZ());
2269 	    if (! myFree)
2270 	      {
2271 		Plate_GtoCConstraint GCC( P2d.XY(), D1init, D1final );
2272 		myPlate.Load(GCC);
2273 	      }
2274 	    else if (NbBoucle == 1)
2275 	      {
2276 		Plate_FreeGtoCConstraint FreeGCC( P2d.XY(), D1init, D1final );
2277 		myPlate.Load( FreeGCC );
2278 	      }
2279 	    else {
2280 	      gp_Vec DU, DV, Normal, DerPlateU, DerPlateV;
2282 	      Normal = V1^V2;
2283 	      //Normal.Normalize();
2284 	      Standard_Real norm = Normal.Magnitude();
2285 	      if (norm > 1.e-12) Normal /= norm;
2286 	      DerPlateU = myPrevPlate.EvaluateDerivative( P2d.XY(), 1, 0 );
2287 	      DerPlateV = myPrevPlate.EvaluateDerivative( P2d.XY(), 0, 1 );
2289 	      DU.SetLinearForm(-(V3 + DerPlateU).Dot(Normal), Normal, DerPlateU);
2290 	      DV.SetLinearForm(-(V4 + DerPlateV).Dot(Normal), Normal, DerPlateV);
2291 	      Plate_PinpointConstraint PinU( P2d.XY(), DU.XYZ(), 1, 0 );
2292 	      Plate_PinpointConstraint PinV( P2d.XY(), DV.XYZ(), 0, 1 );
2293 	      myPlate.Load( PinU );
2294 	      myPlate.Load( PinV );
2295 	    }
2296 	  }
2297 	      // Loading of points G2
2298 	      if (Tang==2) // ==2
2299 		{ gp_Vec  V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10;
2300 		  CC->D2(myPlateCont->Value(i).Value(j),
2301 				      PP,V1,V2,V5,V6,V7);
2302 		  mySurfInit->D2(P2d.Coord(1),P2d.Coord(2),PP,V3,V4,V8,V9,V10);
2304 		  Plate_D1 D1final(V1.XYZ(),V2.XYZ());
2305 		  Plate_D1 D1init(V3.XYZ(),V4.XYZ());
2306 		  Plate_D2 D2final (V5.XYZ(),V6.XYZ(),V7.XYZ());
2307 		  Plate_D2 D2init (V8.XYZ(),V9.XYZ(),V10.XYZ());
2308 //		  if (! myFree)
2309 //		    {
2310 		      Plate_GtoCConstraint GCC(P2d.XY(),D1init,D1final,D2init,D2final);
2311 		      myPlate.Load(GCC);
2312 //		    }
2313 //		  else // Good but too expansive
2314 //		    {
2315 //		      Plate_FreeGtoCConstraint FreeGCC( P2d.XY(),
2316 //		            D1init, D1final, D2init, D2final );
2317 //		      myPlate.Load( FreeGCC );
2318 //		    }
2320 		}
2321 	    }
2322 	  }
2323   }
2324 }
2327 //---------------------------------------------------------
2328 // Function : LoadPoint
2329 //---------------------------------------------------------
2330 //void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::LoadPoint(const Standard_Integer NbBoucle,
LoadPoint(const Standard_Integer,const Standard_Integer OrderMax)2331 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::LoadPoint(const Standard_Integer ,
2332 					    const Standard_Integer OrderMax)
2333 {
2334   gp_Pnt P3d,Pdif,PP;
2335   gp_Pnt2d P2d;
2336   Standard_Integer NTPntCont=myPntCont->Length();
2337   Standard_Integer Tang, i;
2338 //  gp_Vec  V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10;
2340   // Loading of points of point constraints
2341   for (i=1;i<=NTPntCont;i++) {
2342     myPntCont->Value(i)->D0(P3d);
2343     P2d = myPntCont->Value(i)->Pnt2dOnSurf();
2344     mySurfInit->D0(P2d.Coord(1),P2d.Coord(2),PP);
2345     Pdif.SetCoord(-PP.Coord(1)+P3d.Coord(1),
2346 		  -PP.Coord(2)+P3d.Coord(2),
2347 		  -PP.Coord(3)+P3d.Coord(3));
2348     Plate_PinpointConstraint PC(P2d.XY(),Pdif.XYZ(),0,0);
2349     myPlate.Load(PC);
2350     Tang = Min(myPntCont->Value(i)->Order(), OrderMax);
2351     if (Tang==1) {// ==1
2352       gp_Vec  V1,V2,V3,V4;
2353       myPntCont->Value(i)->D1(PP,V1,V2);
2354       mySurfInit->D1(P2d.Coord(1),P2d.Coord(2),PP,V3,V4);
2355       Plate_D1 D1final(V1.XYZ(),V2.XYZ());
2356       Plate_D1 D1init(V3.XYZ(),V4.XYZ());
2357       if (! myFree)
2358 	{
2359 	  Plate_GtoCConstraint GCC( P2d.XY(), D1init, D1final );
2360 	  myPlate.Load( GCC );
2361 	}
2362       else
2363 	{
2364 	  Plate_FreeGtoCConstraint FreeGCC( P2d.XY(), D1init, D1final );
2365 	  myPlate.Load( FreeGCC );
2366 	}
2367     }
2368     // Loading of points G2 GeomPlate_PlateG0Criterion
2369     if (Tang==2) // ==2
2370       { gp_Vec  V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8,V9,V10;
2371 	myPntCont->Value(i)->D2(PP,V1,V2,V5,V6,V7);
2372 //	gp_Vec Tv2 = V1^V2;
2373 	mySurfInit->D2(P2d.Coord(1),P2d.Coord(2),PP,V3,V4,V8,V9,V10);
2374 	Plate_D1 D1final(V1.XYZ(),V2.XYZ());
2375 	Plate_D1 D1init(V3.XYZ(),V4.XYZ());
2376 	Plate_D2 D2final (V5.XYZ(),V6.XYZ(),V7.XYZ());
2377 	Plate_D2 D2init (V8.XYZ(),V9.XYZ(),V10.XYZ());
2378 //	if (! myFree)
2379 //	  {
2380 	    Plate_GtoCConstraint GCC( P2d.XY(), D1init, D1final, D2init, D2final );
2381 	    myPlate.Load( GCC );
2382 //	  }
2383 //	else // Good but too expansive
2384 //	  {
2385 //	    Plate_FreeGtoCConstraint FreeGCC( P2d.XY(), D1init, D1final, D2init//, D2final );
2386 //	    myPlate.Load( FreeGCC );
2387 //	  }
2388       }
2389   }
2391 }
2392 //---------------------------------------------------------
2393 // Function : VerifSurface
2394 //---------------------------------------------------------
2395 Standard_Boolean GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::
VerifSurface(const Standard_Integer NbBoucle)2396 VerifSurface(const Standard_Integer NbBoucle)
2397 {
2398   //======================================================================
2399   //    Calculate errors
2400   //======================================================================
2401   Standard_Integer NTLinCont=myLinCont->Length();
2402   Standard_Boolean Result=Standard_True;
2404   // variable for error calculation
2405   myG0Error=0,myG1Error =0, myG2Error=0;
2407   for (Standard_Integer i=1;i<=NTLinCont;i++) {
2408     Handle(GeomPlate_CurveConstraint) LinCont;
2409     LinCont = myLinCont->Value(i);
2410     if (LinCont->Order()!=-1) {
2411       Standard_Integer NbPts_i = myParCont->Value(i).Length();
2412       if (NbPts_i<3)
2413 	NbPts_i=4;
2414       Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) tdist =
2415 	new TColStd_HArray1OfReal(1,NbPts_i-1);
2416       Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) tang =
2417 	new TColStd_HArray1OfReal(1,NbPts_i-1);
2418       Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) tcourb =
2419 	new TColStd_HArray1OfReal(1,NbPts_i-1);
2421       EcartContraintesMil (i,tdist,tang,tcourb);
2423       Standard_Real diffDistMax=0, diffAngMax=0;
2424       //Standard_Real SdiffDist=0, SdiffAng=0;
2425       Standard_Integer NdiffDist=0,NdiffAng=0;
2428       for (Standard_Integer j=1;j<NbPts_i;j++)
2429 	{ if (tdist->Value(j)>myG0Error)
2430 	    myG0Error=tdist->Value(j);
2431 	  if (tang->Value(j)>myG1Error)
2432 	    myG1Error=tang->Value(j);
2433 	  if (tcourb->Value(j)>myG2Error)
2434 	    myG2Error=tcourb->Value(j);
2435 	  Standard_Real U;
2436 	  if (myParCont->Value(i).Length()>3)
2437 	    U=(myParCont->Value(i).Value(j)+myParCont->Value(i).Value(j+1))/2;
2438 	  else
2439 	    U=LinCont->FirstParameter()+
2440 	      ( LinCont->LastParameter()-LinCont->FirstParameter())*(j-1)/(NbPts_i-2);
2441 	  Standard_Real diffDist=tdist->Value(j)-LinCont->G0Criterion(U),diffAng;
2442 	  if (LinCont->Order()>0)
2443 	    diffAng=tang->Value(j)-LinCont->G1Criterion(U);
2444 	  else diffAng=0;
2445 	  // find the maximum variation of error and calculate the average
2446 	  if (diffDist>0) {
2447             diffDist = diffDist/LinCont->G0Criterion(U);
2448 	    if (diffDist>diffDistMax)
2449 	      diffDistMax = diffDist;
2450 	    //SdiffDist+=diffDist;
2451 	    NdiffDist++;
2452 #ifdef DRAW
2453 	    if ((Affich) && (NbBoucle == myNbIter)) {
2454 	      gp_Pnt P;
2455 	      gp_Pnt2d P2d;
2456 	      LinCont->D0(U,P);
2457 	      Handle(Draw_Marker3D) mark =
2458 		new (Draw_Marker3D)(P, Draw_X, Draw_orange);
2459               char name[256];
2460 	      sprintf(name,"mark_%d",++NbMark);
2461 	      Draw::Set(name, mark);
2462 	      if (!LinCont->ProjectedCurve().IsNull())
2463                 P2d = LinCont->ProjectedCurve()->Value(U);
2464 	      else
2465               {  if (!LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf().IsNull())
2466 		    P2d = LinCont->Curve2dOnSurf()->Value(U);
2467                  else
2468 		    P2d = ProjectPoint(P);
2469               }
2470 	      sprintf(name,"mark2d_%d",++NbMark);
2471 	      Handle(Draw_Marker2D) mark2d =
2472 		new (Draw_Marker2D)(P2d, Draw_X, Draw_orange);
2473 	      Draw::Set(name, mark2d);
2474 	    }
2475 #endif
2476 	  }
2477           else
2478             if ((diffAng>0)&&(LinCont->Order()==1)) {
2479 	      diffAng=diffAng/myLinCont->Value(i)->G1Criterion(U);
2480 	      if (diffAng>diffAngMax)
2481 		diffAngMax = diffAng;
2482 	      //SdiffAng+=diffAng;
2483 	      NdiffAng++;
2484 #ifdef DRAW
2485 	      if ((Affich) && (NbBoucle == myNbIter)) {
2486 		gp_Pnt P;
2487 		LinCont->D0(U,P);
2488 		Handle(Draw_Marker3D) mark =
2489 		  new Draw_Marker3D(P, Draw_X, Draw_or);
2490                 char name[256];
2491 		sprintf(name,"mark_%d",++NbMark);
2492 		Draw::Set(name, mark);
2493 	      }
2494 #endif
2495 	    }
2496         }
2498 	if (NdiffDist>0) {// at least one point is not acceptable in G0
2499 	  Standard_Real Coef;
2500 	  if(LinCont->Order()== 0)
2501 	    Coef = 0.6*Log(diffDistMax+7.4);
2502 	  //7.4 corresponds to the calculation of min. coefficient = 1.2 is e^1.2/0.6
2503 	  else
2504 	    Coef = Log(diffDistMax+3.3);
2505 	  //3.3 corresponds to calculation of min. coefficient = 1.2 donc e^1.2
2506           if (Coef>3)
2507 	    Coef=3;
2508 	  //experimentally after the coefficient becomes bad for L cases
2509 	  if ((NbBoucle>1)&&(diffDistMax>2))
2510 	    { Coef=1.6;
2511 	    }
2513 	  if (LinCont->NbPoints()>=Floor(LinCont->NbPoints()*Coef))
2514 	    Coef=2;// to provide increase of the number of points
2516 	  LinCont->SetNbPoints(Standard_Integer(LinCont->NbPoints() * Coef));
2517 	  Result=Standard_False;
2518 	}
2519      else
2520 	if (NdiffAng>0) // at least 1 point is not acceptable in G1
2521 	  { Standard_Real Coef=1.5;
2522 	    if ((LinCont->NbPoints()+1)>=Floor(LinCont->NbPoints()*Coef))
2523 	      Coef=2;
2525 	    LinCont->SetNbPoints(Standard_Integer(LinCont->NbPoints()*Coef )) ;
2526 	    Result=Standard_False;
2527  	  }
2528     }
2529   }
2530   if (!Result)
2531     {
2532       if (myFree && NbBoucle == 1)
2533 	myPrevPlate = myPlate;
2534       myPlate.Init();
2535     }
2536   return Result;
2537 }
2541 //---------------------------------------------------------
2542 // Function : VerifPoint
2543 //---------------------------------------------------------
2544 void GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::
VerifPoints(Standard_Real & Dist,Standard_Real & Ang,Standard_Real & Curv) const2545                VerifPoints (Standard_Real& Dist,
2546 			    Standard_Real& Ang,
2547 			    Standard_Real& Curv) const
2548 { Standard_Integer NTPntCont=myPntCont->Length();
2549   gp_Pnt Pi, Pf;
2550   gp_Pnt2d P2d;
2551   gp_Vec v1i, v1f, v2i, v2f, v3i, v3f;
2552   Ang=0;Dist=0,Curv=0;
2553   Handle(GeomPlate_PointConstraint) PntCont;
2554   for (Standard_Integer i=1;i<=NTPntCont;i++) {
2555     PntCont = myPntCont->Value(i);
2556     switch (PntCont->Order())
2557       { case 0 :
2558 	  P2d = PntCont->Pnt2dOnSurf();
2559 	  PntCont->D0(Pi);
2560 	  myGeomPlateSurface->D0( P2d.Coord(1), P2d.Coord(2), Pf);
2561 	  Dist = Pf.Distance(Pi);
2562 	  break;
2563 	case 1 :
2564 	  PntCont->D1(Pi, v1i, v2i);
2565 	  P2d = PntCont->Pnt2dOnSurf();
2566 	  myGeomPlateSurface->D1( P2d.Coord(1), P2d.Coord(2), Pf, v1f, v2f);
2567 	  Dist = Pf.Distance(Pi);
2568 	  v3i = v1i^v2i; v3f=v1f^v2f;
2569 	  Ang=v3f.Angle(v3i);
2570 	  if (Ang>(M_PI/2))
2571 	    Ang = M_PI -Ang;
2572 	  break;
2573 	case 2 :
2574 	  Handle(Geom_Surface) Splate (myGeomPlateSurface);
2575 	  LocalAnalysis_SurfaceContinuity CG2;
2576 	  P2d = PntCont->Pnt2dOnSurf();
2577 	  GeomLProp_SLProps Prop (Splate, P2d.Coord(1), P2d.Coord(2),
2578 				  2, 0.001);
2579 	  CG2.ComputeAnalysis(Prop, PntCont->LPropSurf(),GeomAbs_G2);
2580 	  Dist=CG2.C0Value();
2581 	  Ang=CG2.G1Angle();
2582 	  Curv=CG2.G2CurvatureGap();
2583 	  break;
2584 	}
2585   }
2586 }
ComputeAnisotropie() const2588 Standard_Real GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::ComputeAnisotropie() const
2589 {
2590   if (myAnisotropie)
2591     {
2592       //Temporary
2593       return 1.0;
2594     }
2595   else return 1.0;
2596 }
IsOrderG1() const2598 Standard_Boolean GeomPlate_BuildPlateSurface::IsOrderG1() const
2599 {
2600   Standard_Boolean result = Standard_True;
2601   for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= myLinCont->Length(); i++)
2602     if (myLinCont->Value(i)->Order() < 1)
2603       {
2604 	result = Standard_False;
2605 	break;
2606       }
2607   return result;
2608 }