1 /*
2  *  Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Team Kodi
3  *  This file is part of Kodi - https://kodi.tv
4  *
5  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
6  *  See LICENSES/README.md for more information.
7  */
9 #pragma once
11 #include "MediaSource.h" // Definition of VECSOURCES
12 #include "utils/Digest.h"
14 #include <climits>
15 #include <cmath>
16 #include <stdint.h>
17 #include <string.h>
18 #include <vector>
20 #define ARRAY_SIZE(X)         (sizeof(X)/sizeof((X)[0]))
22 // A list of filesystem types for LegalPath/FileName
23 #define LEGAL_NONE            0
24 #define LEGAL_WIN32_COMPAT    1
25 #define LEGAL_FATX            2
27 class CFileItemList;
28 class CURL;
30 struct ExternalStreamInfo
31 {
32   std::string name;
33   std::string language;
34   unsigned int flag = 0;
35 };
37 class CUtil
38 {
39   CUtil() = delete;
40 public:
41   static void CleanString(const std::string& strFileName,
42                           std::string& strTitle,
43                           std::string& strTitleAndYear,
44                           std::string& strYear,
45                           bool bRemoveExtension = false,
46                           bool bCleanChars = true);
47   static std::string GetTitleFromPath(const CURL& url, bool bIsFolder = false);
48   static std::string GetTitleFromPath(const std::string& strFileNameAndPath, bool bIsFolder = false);
49   static void GetQualifiedFilename(const std::string &strBasePath, std::string &strFilename);
50   static void RunShortcut(const char* szPath);
51   static std::string GetHomePath(
52       const std::string& strTarget = "KODI_HOME"); // default target is "KODI_HOME"
53   static bool ExcludeFileOrFolder(const std::string& strFileOrFolder, const std::vector<std::string>& regexps);
54   static void GetFileAndProtocol(const std::string& strURL, std::string& strDir);
55   static int GetDVDIfoTitle(const std::string& strPathFile);
57   static bool IsPicture(const std::string& strFile);
58   /// Get resolved filesystem location of splash image
59   static std::string GetSplashPath();
61   /*! \brief retrieve MD5sum of a file
62    \param strPath - path to the file to MD5sum
63    \return md5 sum of the file
64    */
65   static std::string GetFileDigest(const std::string& strPath, KODI::UTILITY::CDigest::Type type);
66   static bool GetDirectoryName(const std::string& strFileName, std::string& strDescription);
67   static void GetDVDDriveIcon(const std::string& strPath, std::string& strIcon);
68   static void RemoveTempFiles();
69   static void ClearTempFonts();
71   static void ClearSubtitles();
72   static void ScanForExternalSubtitles(const std::string& strMovie, std::vector<std::string>& vecSubtitles );
74   /** \brief Retrieves stream info of external associated files, e.g., subtitles, for a given video.
75   *   \param[in] videoPath The full path of the video file.
76   *   \param[in] associatedFile A file that provides additional streams for the given video file.
77   *   \return stream info for the given associatedFile
78   */
79   static ExternalStreamInfo GetExternalStreamDetailsFromFilename(const std::string& videoPath, const std::string& associatedFile);
80   static bool FindVobSubPair( const std::vector<std::string>& vecSubtitles, const std::string& strIdxPath, std::string& strSubPath );
81   static bool IsVobSub(const std::vector<std::string>& vecSubtitles, const std::string& strSubPath);
82   static std::string GetVobSubSubFromIdx(const std::string& vobSubIdx);
83   static std::string GetVobSubIdxFromSub(const std::string& vobSub);
85   /** \brief Retrieves paths of external audio files for a given video.
86   *   \param[in] videoPath The full path of the video file.
87   *   \param[out] vecAudio A vector containing the full paths of all found external audio files.
88   */
89   static void ScanForExternalAudio(const std::string& videoPath, std::vector<std::string>& vecAudio);
90   static void ScanForExternalDemuxSub(const std::string& videoPath, std::vector<std::string>& vecSubtitles);
91   static int64_t ToInt64(uint32_t high, uint32_t low);
92   static std::string GetNextFilename(const std::string &fn_template, int max);
93   static std::string GetNextPathname(const std::string &path_template, int max);
94   static void StatToStatI64(struct _stati64 *result, struct stat *stat);
95   static void StatToStat64(struct __stat64 *result, const struct stat *stat);
96   static void Stat64ToStatI64(struct _stati64 *result, struct __stat64 *stat);
97   static void StatI64ToStat64(struct __stat64 *result, struct _stati64 *stat);
98   static void Stat64ToStat(struct stat *result, struct __stat64 *stat);
100   static void Stat64ToStat64i32(struct _stat64i32 *result, struct __stat64 *stat);
101 #endif
102   static bool CreateDirectoryEx(const std::string& strPath);
105   static std::string MakeLegalFileName(const std::string &strFile, int LegalType=LEGAL_WIN32_COMPAT);
106   static std::string MakeLegalPath(const std::string &strPath, int LegalType=LEGAL_WIN32_COMPAT);
107 #else
108   static std::string MakeLegalFileName(const std::string &strFile, int LegalType=LEGAL_NONE);
109   static std::string MakeLegalPath(const std::string &strPath, int LegalType=LEGAL_NONE);
110 #endif
111   static std::string ValidatePath(const std::string &path, bool bFixDoubleSlashes = false); ///< return a validated path, with correct directory separators.
113   static bool IsUsingTTFSubtitles();
115   /*! \brief Split a comma separated parameter list into separate parameters.
116    Takes care of the case where we may have a quoted string containing commas, or we may
117    have a function (i.e. parentheses) with multiple parameters as a single parameter.
119    eg:
121     foo, bar(param1, param2), foo
123    will return:
125     "foo", "bar(param1, param2)", and "foo".
127    \param paramString the string to break up
128    \param parameters the returned parameters
129    */
130   static void SplitParams(const std::string &paramString, std::vector<std::string> &parameters);
131   static void SplitExecFunction(const std::string &execString, std::string &function, std::vector<std::string> &parameters);
132   static int GetMatchingSource(const std::string& strPath, VECSOURCES& VECSOURCES, bool& bIsSourceName);
133   static std::string TranslateSpecialSource(const std::string &strSpecial);
134   static void DeleteDirectoryCache(const std::string &prefix = "");
135   static void DeleteMusicDatabaseDirectoryCache();
136   static void DeleteVideoDatabaseDirectoryCache();
137   static std::string MusicPlaylistsLocation();
138   static std::string VideoPlaylistsLocation();
140   static void GetSkinThemes(std::vector<std::string>& vecTheme);
141   static void GetRecursiveListing(const std::string& strPath, CFileItemList& items, const std::string& strMask, unsigned int flags = 0 /* DIR_FLAG_DEFAULTS */);
142   static void GetRecursiveDirsListing(const std::string& strPath, CFileItemList& items, unsigned int flags = 0 /* DIR_FLAG_DEFAULTS */);
143   static void ForceForwardSlashes(std::string& strPath);
145   static double AlbumRelevance(const std::string& strAlbumTemp1, const std::string& strAlbum1, const std::string& strArtistTemp1, const std::string& strArtist1);
146   static bool MakeShortenPath(std::string StrInput, std::string& StrOutput, size_t iTextMaxLength);
147   /*! \brief Checks wether the supplied path supports Write file operations (e.g. Rename, Delete, ...)
149    \param strPath the path to be checked
151    \return true if Write file operations are supported, false otherwise
152    */
153   static bool SupportsWriteFileOperations(const std::string& strPath);
154   /*! \brief Checks wether the supplied path supports Read file operations (e.g. Copy, ...)
156    \param strPath the path to be checked
158    \return true if Read file operations are supported, false otherwise
159    */
160   static bool SupportsReadFileOperations(const std::string& strPath);
161   static std::string GetDefaultFolderThumb(const std::string &folderThumb);
163   static void InitRandomSeed();
165   // Get decimal integer representation of roman digit, ivxlcdm are valid
166   // return 0 for other chars;
167   static int LookupRomanDigit(char roman_digit);
168   // Translate a string of roman numerals to decimal a decimal integer
169   // return -1 on error, valid range is 1-3999
170   static int TranslateRomanNumeral(const char* roman_numeral);
172 #if defined(TARGET_POSIX) && !defined(TARGET_DARWIN_TVOS)
173   //
174   // Forks to execute a shell command.
175   //
176   static bool Command(const std::vector<std::string>& arrArgs, bool waitExit = false);
178   //
179   // Forks to execute an unparsed shell command line.
180   //
181   static bool RunCommandLine(const std::string& cmdLine, bool waitExit = false);
182 #endif
183   static std::string ResolveExecutablePath();
184   static std::string GetFrameworksPath(bool forPython = false);
186   static bool CanBindPrivileged();
187   static bool ValidatePort(int port);
189   /*!
190    * \brief Thread-safe random number generation
191    */
192   static int GetRandomNumber();
ConvertSecsToMilliSecs(double secs)194   static int64_t ConvertSecsToMilliSecs(double secs) { return static_cast<int64_t>(secs * 1000); }
ConvertMilliSecsToSecs(int64_t offset)195   static double ConvertMilliSecsToSecs(int64_t offset) { return offset / 1000.0; }
ConvertMilliSecsToSecsInt(int64_t offset)196   static int64_t ConvertMilliSecsToSecsInt(int64_t offset) { return offset / 1000; }
ConvertMilliSecsToSecsIntRounded(int64_t offset)197   static int64_t ConvertMilliSecsToSecsIntRounded(int64_t offset) { return ConvertMilliSecsToSecsInt(offset + 499); }
199   /** \brief Copy files from the application bundle over to the user data directory in Application Support/Kodi.
200   */
201   static void CopyUserDataIfNeeded(const std::string& strPath,
202                                    const std::string& file,
203                                    const std::string& destname = "");
205 #if !defined(TARGET_WINDOWS)
206 private:
207   static unsigned int s_randomSeed;
208 #endif
210   protected:
211     /** \brief Retrieves the base path and the filename of a given video.
212     *   \param[in]  videoPath The full path of the video file.
213     *   \param[out] basePath The base path of the given video.
214     *   \param[out] videoFileName The file name of the given video..
215     */
216     static void GetVideoBasePathAndFileName(const std::string& videoPath,
217                                             std::string& basePath,
218                                             std::string& videoFileName);
220     /** \brief Retrieves FileItems that could contain associated files of a given video.
221     *   \param[in]  videoPath The full path of the video file.
222     *   \param[in]  item_exts A | separated string of extensions specifying the associated files.
223     *   \param[in]  sub_dirs A vector of sub directory names to look for.
224     *   \param[out] items A List of FileItems to scan for associated files.
225     */
226     static void GetItemsToScan(const std::string& videoPath,
227                                const std::string& item_exts,
228                                const std::vector<std::string>& sub_dirs,
229                                CFileItemList& items);
231     /** \brief Searches for associated files of a given video.
232     *   \param[in]  videoName The name of the video file.
233     *   \param[in]  items A List of FileItems to scan for associated files.
234     *   \param[in]  item_exts A vector of extensions specifying the associated files.
235     *   \param[out] associatedFiles A vector containing the full paths of all found associated files.
236     */
237     static void ScanPathsForAssociatedItems(const std::string& videoName,
238                                             const CFileItemList& items,
239                                             const std::vector<std::string>& item_exts,
240                                             std::vector<std::string>& associatedFiles);
242     /** \brief Searches in an archive for associated files of a given video.
243     *   \param[in]  strArchivePath The full path of the archive.
244     *   \param[in]  videoNameNoExt The filename of the video without extension for which associated files should be retrieved.
245     *   \param[in]  item_exts A vector of extensions specifying the associated files.
246     *   \param[out] associatedFiles A vector containing the full paths of all found associated files.
247     */
248     static int ScanArchiveForAssociatedItems(const std::string& strArchivePath,
249                                              const std::string& videoNameNoExt,
250                                              const std::vector<std::string>& item_exts,
251                                              std::vector<std::string>& associatedFiles);
253 };