1 // This file is part of Golly.
2 // See docs/License.html for the copyright notice.
4 #include "lifealgo.h"
5 #include "util.h"       // for lifestatus
6 #include "string.h"
7 using namespace std ;
~lifealgo()8 lifealgo::~lifealgo() {
9    poller = 0 ;
10    maxCellStates = 2 ;
11 }
12 int lifealgo::verbose ;
13 /*
14  *   Right now, the base/expo should match the current increment.
15  *   We do not check this.
16  */
startrecording(int basearg,int expoarg)17 int lifealgo::startrecording(int basearg, int expoarg) {
18   if (timeline.framecount) {
19     // already have a timeline; skip to its end
20     gotoframe(timeline.framecount-1) ;
21   } else {
22     // use the current frame and increment to start a new timeline
23     void *now = getcurrentstate() ;
24     if (now == 0)
25       return 0 ;
26     timeline.base = basearg ;
27     timeline.expo = expoarg ;
28     timeline.frames.push_back(now) ;
29     timeline.framecount = 1 ;
30     timeline.end = timeline.start = generation ;
31     timeline.inc = increment ;
32   }
33   timeline.next = timeline.end ;
34   timeline.next += timeline.inc ;
35   timeline.recording = 1 ;
36   return timeline.framecount ;
37 }
stoprecording()38 pair<int, int> lifealgo::stoprecording() {
39   timeline.recording = 0 ;
40   timeline.next = 0 ;
41   return make_pair(timeline.base, timeline.expo) ;
42 }
extendtimeline()43 void lifealgo::extendtimeline() {
44   if (timeline.recording && generation == timeline.next) {
45     void *now = getcurrentstate() ;
46     if (now && timeline.framecount < MAX_FRAME_COUNT) {
47       timeline.frames.push_back(now) ;
48       timeline.framecount++ ;
49       timeline.end = timeline.next ;
50       timeline.next += timeline.inc ;
51     }
52   }
53 }
54 /*
55  *   Note that this *also* changes inc, so don't call unless this is
56  *   what you want to do.  It does not update or change the base or
57  *   expo if the base != 2, so they can get out of sync.
58  *
59  *   Currently this is only used by bgolly, and it will only work
60  *   properly if the increment argument is a power of two.
61  */
pruneframes()62 void lifealgo::pruneframes() {
63    if (timeline.framecount > 1) {
64       for (int i=2; i<timeline.framecount; i += 2)
65          timeline.frames[i >> 1]  = timeline.frames[i] ;
66       timeline.framecount = (timeline.framecount + 1) >> 1 ;
67       timeline.frames.resize(timeline.framecount) ;
68       timeline.inc += timeline.inc ;
69       timeline.end = timeline.inc ;
70       timeline.end.mul_smallint(timeline.framecount-1) ;
71       timeline.end += timeline.start ;
72       timeline.next = timeline.end ;
73       timeline.next += timeline.inc ;
74       if (timeline.base == 2)
75          timeline.expo++ ;
76    }
77 }
gotoframe(int i)78 int lifealgo::gotoframe(int i) {
79   if (i < 0 || i >= timeline.framecount)
80     return 0 ;
81   setcurrentstate(timeline.frames[i]) ;
82   // AKT: avoid mul_smallint(i) crashing with divide-by-zero if i is 0
83   if (i > 0) {
84     generation = timeline.inc ;
85     generation.mul_smallint(i) ;
86   } else {
87     generation = 0;
88   }
89   generation += timeline.start ;
90   return timeline.framecount ;
91 }
destroytimeline()92 void lifealgo::destroytimeline() {
93   timeline.frames.clear() ;
94   timeline.recording = 0 ;
95   timeline.framecount = 0 ;
96   timeline.end = 0 ;
97   timeline.start = 0 ;
98   timeline.inc = 0 ;
99   timeline.next = 0 ;
100 }
102 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 // AKT: the following routines provide support for a bounded universe
setgridsize(const char * suffix)106 const char* lifealgo::setgridsize(const char* suffix) {
107    // parse a rule suffix like ":T100,200" and set the various grid parameters;
108    // note that we allow any legal partial suffix -- this lets people type a
109    // suffix into the Set Rule dialog without the algorithm changing to UNKNOWN
110    const char *p = suffix;
111    char topology = 0;
112    gridwd = gridht = 0;
113    hshift = vshift = 0;
114    htwist = vtwist = false;
115    boundedplane = false;
116    sphere = false;
118    p++;
119    if (*p == 0) return 0;                 // treat ":" like ":T0,0"
120    if (*p == 't' || *p == 'T') {
121       // torus or infinite tube
122       topology = 'T';
123    } else if (*p == 'p' || *p == 'P') {
124       boundedplane = true;
125       topology = 'P';
126    } else if (*p == 's' || *p == 'S') {
127       sphere = true;
128       topology = 'S';
129    } else if (*p == 'k' || *p == 'K') {
130       // Klein bottle (either htwist or vtwist should become true)
131       topology = 'K';
132    } else if (*p == 'c' || *p == 'C') {
133       // cross-surface
134       htwist = vtwist = true;
135       topology = 'C';
136    } else {
137       return "Unknown grid topology.";
138    }
140    p++;
141    if (*p == 0) return 0;                 // treat ":<char>" like ":T0,0"
143    while ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9') {
144       if (gridwd >= 200000000) {
145          gridwd =   2000000000;           // keep width within editable limits
146       } else {
147          gridwd = 10 * gridwd + *p - '0';
148       }
149       p++;
150    }
151    if (*p == '*') {
152       if (topology != 'K') return "Only specify a twist for a Klein bottle.";
153       htwist = true;
154       p++;
155    }
156    if (*p == '+' || *p == '-') {
157       if (topology == 'P') return "Plane can't have a shift.";
158       if (topology == 'S') return "Sphere can't have a shift.";
159       if (topology == 'C') return "Cross-surface can't have a shift.";
160       if (topology == 'K' && !htwist) return "Shift must be on twisted edges.";
161       if (gridwd == 0) return "Can't shift infinite width.";
162       int sign = *p == '+' ? 1 : -1;
163       p++;
164       while ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9') {
165          hshift = 10 * hshift + *p - '0';
166          p++;
167       }
168       if (hshift >= (int)gridwd) hshift = hshift % (int)gridwd;
169       hshift *= sign;
170    }
171    if (*p == ',' && topology != 'S') {
172       p++;
173    } else if (*p) {
174       return "Unexpected stuff after grid width.";
175    }
177    // gridwd has been set
178    if ((topology == 'K' || topology == 'C' || topology == 'S') && gridwd == 0) {
179       return "Given topology can't have an infinite width.";
180    }
182    if (*p == 0) {
183       // grid height is not specified so set it to grid width;
184       // ie. treat ":T100" like ":T100,100";
185       // this also allows us to have ":S100" rather than ":S100,100"
186       gridht = gridwd;
187    } else {
188       while ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9') {
189          if (gridht >= 200000000) {
190             gridht =   2000000000;     // keep height within editable limits
191          } else {
192             gridht = 10 * gridht + *p - '0';
193          }
194          p++;
195       }
196       if (*p == '*') {
197          if (topology != 'K') return "Only specify a twist for a Klein bottle.";
198          if (htwist) return "Klein bottle can't have both horizontal and vertical twists.";
199          vtwist = true;
200          p++;
201       }
202       if (*p == '+' || *p == '-') {
203          if (topology == 'P') return "Plane can't have a shift.";
204          if (topology == 'C') return "Cross-surface can't have a shift.";
205          if (topology == 'K' && !vtwist) return "Shift must be on twisted edges.";
206          if (hshift != 0) return "Can't have both horizontal and vertical shifts.";
207          if (gridht == 0) return "Can't shift infinite height.";
208          int sign = *p == '+' ? 1 : -1;
209          p++;
210          while ('0' <= *p && *p <= '9') {
211             vshift = 10 * vshift + *p - '0';
212             p++;
213          }
214          if (vshift >= (int)gridht) vshift = vshift % (int)gridht;
215          vshift *= sign;
216       }
217       if (*p) return "Unexpected stuff after grid height.";
218    }
220    // gridht has been set
221    if ((topology == 'K' || topology == 'C') && gridht == 0) {
222       return "Klein bottle or cross-surface can't have an infinite height.";
223    }
225    if (topology == 'K' && !(htwist || vtwist)) {
226       // treat ":K10,20" like ":K10,20*"
227       vtwist = true;
228    }
230    if ((hshift != 0 || vshift != 0) && (gridwd == 0 || gridht == 0)) {
231       return "Shifting is not allowed if either grid dimension is unbounded.";
232    }
234    // now ok to set grid edges
235    if (gridwd > 0) {
236       gridleft = -int(gridwd) / 2;
237       gridright = int(gridwd) - 1;
238       gridright += gridleft;
239    } else {
240       // play safe and set these to something
241       gridleft = bigint::zero;
242       gridright = bigint::zero;
243    }
244    if (gridht > 0) {
245       gridtop = -int(gridht) / 2;
246       gridbottom = int(gridht) - 1;
247       gridbottom += gridtop;
248    } else {
249       // play safe and set these to something
250       gridtop = bigint::zero;
251       gridbottom = bigint::zero;
252    }
253    return 0;
254 }
canonicalsuffix()256 const char* lifealgo::canonicalsuffix() {
257    if (gridwd > 0 || gridht > 0) {
258       static char bounds[64];
259       if (boundedplane) {
260          sprintf(bounds, ":P%u,%u", gridwd, gridht);
261       } else if (sphere) {
262          // sphere requires a square grid (gridwd == gridht)
263          sprintf(bounds, ":S%u", gridwd);
264       } else if (htwist && vtwist) {
265          // cross-surface if both horizontal and vertical edges are twisted
266          sprintf(bounds, ":C%u,%u", gridwd, gridht);
267       } else if (htwist) {
268          // Klein bottle if only horizontal edges are twisted
269          if (hshift != 0 && (gridwd & 1) == 0) {
270             // twist and shift is only possible if gridwd is even and hshift is 1
271             sprintf(bounds, ":K%u*+1,%u", gridwd, gridht);
272          } else {
273             sprintf(bounds, ":K%u*,%u", gridwd, gridht);
274          }
275       } else if (vtwist) {
276          // Klein bottle if only vertical edges are twisted
277          if (vshift != 0 && (gridht & 1) == 0) {
278             // twist and shift is only possible if gridht is even and vshift is 1
279             sprintf(bounds, ":K%u,%u*+1", gridwd, gridht);
280          } else {
281             sprintf(bounds, ":K%u,%u*", gridwd, gridht);
282          }
283       } else if (hshift < 0) {
284          // torus with -ve horizontal shift
285          sprintf(bounds, ":T%u%d,%u", gridwd, hshift, gridht);
286       } else if (hshift > 0) {
287          // torus with +ve horizontal shift
288          sprintf(bounds, ":T%u+%d,%u", gridwd, hshift, gridht);
289       } else if (vshift < 0) {
290          // torus with -ve vertical shift
291          sprintf(bounds, ":T%u,%u%d", gridwd, gridht, vshift);
292       } else if (vshift > 0) {
293          // torus with +ve vertical shift
294          sprintf(bounds, ":T%u,%u+%d", gridwd, gridht, vshift);
295       } else {
296          // unshifted torus, or an infinite tube
297          sprintf(bounds, ":T%u,%u", gridwd, gridht);
298       }
299       return bounds;
300    } else {
301       // unbounded universe
302       return 0;
303    }
304 }
JoinTwistedEdges()306 void lifealgo::JoinTwistedEdges()
307 {
308     // set grid edges
309     int gl = gridleft.toint();
310     int gt = gridtop.toint();
311     int gr = gridright.toint();
312     int gb = gridbottom.toint();
314     // border edges are 1 cell outside grid edges
315     int bl = gl - 1;
316     int bt = gt - 1;
317     int br = gr + 1;
318     int bb = gb + 1;
320     if (htwist && vtwist) {
321         // cross-surface
322         //  eg. :C4,3
323         //  a l k j i d
324         //  l A B C D i
325         //  h E F G H e
326         //  d I J K L a
327         //  i d c b a l
329         for (int x = gl; x <= gr; x++) {
330             int twistedx = gr - x + gl;
331             int state = getcell(twistedx, gt);
332             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bb, state);
333             state = getcell(twistedx, gb);
334             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bt, state);
335         }
337         for (int y = gt; y <= gb; y++) {
338             int twistedy = gb - y + gt;
339             int state = getcell(gl, twistedy);
340             if (state > 0) setcell(br, y, state);
341             state = getcell(gr, twistedy);
342             if (state > 0) setcell(bl, y, state);
343         }
345         // copy grid's corner cells to SAME corners in border
346         // (these cells are topologically different to non-corner cells)
347         setcell(bl, bt, getcell(gl, gt));
348         setcell(br, bt, getcell(gr, gt));
349         setcell(br, bb, getcell(gr, gb));
350         setcell(bl, bb, getcell(gl, gb));
352     } else if (htwist) {
353         // Klein bottle with top and bottom edges twisted 180 degrees
354         //  eg. :K4*,3
355         //  i l k j i l
356         //  d A B C D a
357         //  h E F G H e
358         //  l I J K L i
359         //  a d c b a d
361         for (int x = gl; x <= gr; x++) {
362             int twistedx = gr - x + gl;
363             int state = getcell(twistedx, gt);
364             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bb, state);
365             state = getcell(twistedx, gb);
366             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bt, state);
367         }
369         for (int y = gt; y <= gb; y++) {
370             // join left and right edges with no twist
371             int state = getcell(gl, y);
372             if (state > 0) setcell(br, y, state);
373             state = getcell(gr, y);
374             if (state > 0) setcell(bl, y, state);
375         }
377         // do corner cells
378         setcell(bl, bt, getcell(gl, gb));
379         setcell(br, bt, getcell(gr, gb));
380         setcell(bl, bb, getcell(gl, gt));
381         setcell(br, bb, getcell(gr, gt));
383     } else { // vtwist
384         // Klein bottle with left and right edges twisted 180 degrees
385         //  eg. :K4,3*
386         //  d i j k l a
387         //  l A B C D i
388         //  h E F G H e
389         //  d I J K L a
390         //  l a b c d i
392         for (int x = gl; x <= gr; x++) {
393             // join top and bottom edges with no twist
394             int state = getcell(x, gt);
395             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bb, state);
396             state = getcell(x, gb);
397             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bt, state);
398         }
400         for (int y = gt; y <= gb; y++) {
401             int twistedy = gb - y + gt;
402             int state = getcell(gl, twistedy);
403             if (state > 0) setcell(br, y, state);
404             state = getcell(gr, twistedy);
405             if (state > 0) setcell(bl, y, state);
406         }
408         // do corner cells
409         setcell(bl, bt, getcell(gr, gt));
410         setcell(br, bt, getcell(gl, gt));
411         setcell(bl, bb, getcell(gr, gb));
412         setcell(br, bb, getcell(gl, gb));
413     }
414 }
JoinTwistedAndShiftedEdges()416 void lifealgo::JoinTwistedAndShiftedEdges()
417 {
418     // set grid edges
419     int gl = gridleft.toint();
420     int gt = gridtop.toint();
421     int gr = gridright.toint();
422     int gb = gridbottom.toint();
424     // border edges are 1 cell outside grid edges
425     int bl = gl - 1;
426     int bt = gt - 1;
427     int br = gr + 1;
428     int bb = gb + 1;
430     if (hshift != 0) {
431         // Klein bottle with shift by 1 on twisted horizontal edge (with even number of cells)
432         //  eg. :K4*+1,3
433         //  j i l k j i
434         //  d A B C D a
435         //  h E F G H e
436         //  l I J K L i
437         //  b a d c b a
439         int state, twistedx, shiftedx;
441         for (int x = gl; x <= gr; x++) {
442             // join top and bottom edges with a twist and then shift by 1
443             twistedx = gr - x + gl;
444             shiftedx = twistedx - 1; if (shiftedx < gl) shiftedx = gr;
445             state = getcell(shiftedx, gb);
446             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bt, state);
448             state = getcell(shiftedx, gt);
449             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bb, state);
450         }
452         for (int y = gt; y <= gb; y++) {
453             // join left and right edges with no twist or shift
454             state = getcell(gl, y);
455             if (state > 0) setcell(br, y, state);
456             state = getcell(gr, y);
457             if (state > 0) setcell(bl, y, state);
458         }
460         // do corner cells
461         shiftedx = gl - 1; if (shiftedx < gl) shiftedx = gr;
462         setcell(bl, bt, getcell(shiftedx, gb));
463         setcell(bl, bb, getcell(shiftedx, gt));
464         shiftedx = gr - 1; if (shiftedx < gl) shiftedx = gr;
465         setcell(br, bt, getcell(shiftedx, gb));
466         setcell(br, bb, getcell(shiftedx, gt));
468     } else { // vshift != 0
469         // Klein bottle with shift by 1 on twisted vertical edge (with even number of cells)
470         //  eg. :K3,4*+1
471         //  f j k l d
472         //  c A B C a
473         //  l D E F j
474         //  i G H I g
475         //  f J K L d
476         //  c a b c a
478         int state, twistedy, shiftedy;
480         for (int x = gl; x <= gr; x++) {
481             // join top and bottom edges with no twist or shift
482             state = getcell(x, gt);
483             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bb, state);
484             state = getcell(x, gb);
485             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bt, state);
486         }
488         for (int y = gt; y <= gb; y++) {
489             // join left and right edges with a twist and then shift by 1
490             twistedy = gb - y + gt;
491             shiftedy = twistedy - 1; if (shiftedy < gt) shiftedy = gb;
492             state = getcell(gr, shiftedy);
493             if (state > 0) setcell(bl, y, state);
495             state = getcell(gl, shiftedy);
496             if (state > 0) setcell(br, y, state);
497         }
499         // do corner cells
500         shiftedy = gt - 1; if (shiftedy < gt) shiftedy = gb;
501         setcell(bl, bt, getcell(gr, shiftedy));
502         setcell(br, bt, getcell(gl, shiftedy));
503         shiftedy = gb - 1; if (shiftedy < gt) shiftedy = gb;
504         setcell(bl, bb, getcell(gr, shiftedy));
505         setcell(br, bb, getcell(gl, shiftedy));
506     }
507 }
JoinShiftedEdges()509 void lifealgo::JoinShiftedEdges()
510 {
511     // set grid edges
512     int gl = gridleft.toint();
513     int gt = gridtop.toint();
514     int gr = gridright.toint();
515     int gb = gridbottom.toint();
517     // border edges are 1 cell outside grid edges
518     int bl = gl - 1;
519     int bt = gt - 1;
520     int br = gr + 1;
521     int bb = gb + 1;
523     if (hshift != 0) {
524         // torus with horizontal shift
525         //  eg. :T4+1,3
526         //  k l i j k l
527         //  d A B C D a
528         //  h E F G H e
529         //  l I J K L i
530         //  a b c d a b
532         int state, shiftedx;
534         for (int x = gl; x <= gr; x++) {
535             // join top and bottom edges with a horizontal shift
536             shiftedx = x - hshift;
537             if (shiftedx < gl) shiftedx += gridwd; else if (shiftedx > gr) shiftedx -= gridwd;
538             state = getcell(shiftedx, gb);
539             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bt, state);
541             shiftedx = x + hshift;
542             if (shiftedx < gl) shiftedx += gridwd; else if (shiftedx > gr) shiftedx -= gridwd;
543             state = getcell(shiftedx, gt);
544             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bb, state);
545         }
547         for (int y = gt; y <= gb; y++) {
548             // join left and right edges with no shift
549             state = getcell(gl, y);
550             if (state > 0) setcell(br, y, state);
552             state = getcell(gr, y);
553             if (state > 0) setcell(bl, y, state);
554         }
556         // do corner cells
557         shiftedx = gr - hshift;
558         if (shiftedx < gl) shiftedx += gridwd; else if (shiftedx > gr) shiftedx -= gridwd;
559         setcell(bl, bt, getcell(shiftedx, gb));
560         shiftedx = gl - hshift;
561         if (shiftedx < gl) shiftedx += gridwd; else if (shiftedx > gr) shiftedx -= gridwd;
562         setcell(br, bt, getcell(shiftedx, gb));
563         shiftedx = gr + hshift;
564         if (shiftedx < gl) shiftedx += gridwd; else if (shiftedx > gr) shiftedx -= gridwd;
565         setcell(bl, bb, getcell(shiftedx, gt));
566         shiftedx = gl + hshift;
567         if (shiftedx < gl) shiftedx += gridwd; else if (shiftedx > gr) shiftedx -= gridwd;
568         setcell(br, bb, getcell(shiftedx, gt));
570     } else { // vshift != 0
571         // torus with vertical shift
572         //  eg. :T4,3+1
573         //  h i j k l a
574         //  l A B C D e
575         //  d E F G H i
576         //  h I J K L a
577         //  l a b c d e
579         int state, shiftedy;
581         for (int x = gl; x <= gr; x++) {
582             // join top and bottom edges with no shift
583             state = getcell(x, gt);
584             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bb, state);
586             state = getcell(x, gb);
587             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bt, state);
588         }
590         for (int y = gt; y <= gb; y++) {
591             // join left and right edges with a vertical shift
592             shiftedy = y - vshift;
593             if (shiftedy < gt) shiftedy += gridht; else if (shiftedy > gb) shiftedy -= gridht;
594             state = getcell(gr, shiftedy);
595             if (state > 0) setcell(bl, y, state);
597             shiftedy = y + vshift;
598             if (shiftedy < gt) shiftedy += gridht; else if (shiftedy > gb) shiftedy -= gridht;
599             state = getcell(gl, shiftedy);
600             if (state > 0) setcell(br, y, state);
601         }
603         // do corner cells
604         shiftedy = gb - vshift;
605         if (shiftedy < gt) shiftedy += gridht; else if (shiftedy > gb) shiftedy -= gridht;
606         setcell(bl, bt, getcell(gr, shiftedy));
607         shiftedy = gb + vshift;
608         if (shiftedy < gt) shiftedy += gridht; else if (shiftedy > gb) shiftedy -= gridht;
609         setcell(br, bt, getcell(gl, shiftedy));
610         shiftedy = gt - vshift;
611         if (shiftedy < gt) shiftedy += gridht; else if (shiftedy > gb) shiftedy -= gridht;
612         setcell(bl, bb, getcell(gr, shiftedy));
613         shiftedy = gt + vshift;
614         if (shiftedy < gt) shiftedy += gridht; else if (shiftedy > gb) shiftedy -= gridht;
615         setcell(br, bb, getcell(gl, shiftedy));
616     }
617 }
JoinAdjacentEdges(int pt,int pl,int pb,int pr)619 void lifealgo::JoinAdjacentEdges(int pt, int pl, int pb, int pr)    // pattern edges
620 {
621     // set grid edges
622     int gl = gridleft.toint();
623     int gt = gridtop.toint();
624     int gr = gridright.toint();
625     int gb = gridbottom.toint();
627     // border edges are 1 cell outside grid edges
628     int bl = gl - 1;
629     int bt = gt - 1;
630     int br = gr + 1;
631     int bb = gb + 1;
633     // sphere
634     //  eg. :S3
635     //  a a d g c
636     //  a A B C g
637     //  b D E F h
638     //  c G H I i
639     //  g c f i i
641     // copy live cells in top edge to left border
642     for (int x = pl; x <= pr; x++) {
643         int state;
644         int skip = nextcell(x, gt, state);
645         if (skip < 0) break;
646         x += skip;
647         if (state > 0) setcell(bl, gt + (x - gl), state);
648     }
650     // copy live cells in left edge to top border
651     for (int y = pt; y <= pb; y++) {
652         // no point using nextcell() here -- edge is only 1 cell wide
653         int state = getcell(gl, y);
654         if (state > 0) setcell(gl + (y - gt), bt, state);
655     }
657     // copy live cells in bottom edge to right border
658     for (int x = pl; x <= pr; x++) {
659         int state;
660         int skip = nextcell(x, gb, state);
661         if (skip < 0) break;
662         x += skip;
663         if (state > 0) setcell(br, gt + (x - gl), state);
664     }
666     // copy live cells in right edge to bottom border
667     for (int y = pt; y <= pb; y++) {
668         // no point using nextcell() here -- edge is only 1 cell wide
669         int state = getcell(gr, y);
670         if (state > 0) setcell(gl + (y - gt), bb, state);
671     }
673     // copy grid's corner cells to SAME corners in border
674     setcell(bl, bt, getcell(gl, gt));
675     setcell(br, bt, getcell(gr, gt));
676     setcell(br, bb, getcell(gr, gb));
677     setcell(bl, bb, getcell(gl, gb));
678 }
JoinEdges(int pt,int pl,int pb,int pr)680 void lifealgo::JoinEdges(int pt, int pl, int pb, int pr)    // pattern edges
681 {
682     // set grid edges
683     int gl = gridleft.toint();
684     int gt = gridtop.toint();
685     int gr = gridright.toint();
686     int gb = gridbottom.toint();
688     // border edges are 1 cell outside grid edges
689     int bl = gl - 1;
690     int bt = gt - 1;
691     int br = gr + 1;
692     int bb = gb + 1;
694     if (gridht > 0) {
695         // copy live cells in top edge to bottom border
696         for (int x = pl; x <= pr; x++) {
697             int state;
698             int skip = nextcell(x, gt, state);
699             if (skip < 0) break;
700             x += skip;
701             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bb, state);
702         }
703         // copy live cells in bottom edge to top border
704         for (int x = pl; x <= pr; x++) {
705             int state;
706             int skip = nextcell(x, gb, state);
707             if (skip < 0) break;
708             x += skip;
709             if (state > 0) setcell(x, bt, state);
710         }
711     }
713     if (gridwd > 0) {
714         // copy live cells in left edge to right border
715         for (int y = pt; y <= pb; y++) {
716             // no point using nextcell() here -- edge is only 1 cell wide
717             int state = getcell(gl, y);
718             if (state > 0) setcell(br, y, state);
719         }
720         // copy live cells in right edge to left border
721         for (int y = pt; y <= pb; y++) {
722             // no point using nextcell() here -- edge is only 1 cell wide
723             int state = getcell(gr, y);
724             if (state > 0) setcell(bl, y, state);
725         }
726     }
728     if (gridwd > 0 && gridht > 0) {
729         // copy grid's corner cells to opposite corners in border
730         setcell(bl, bt, getcell(gr, gb));
731         setcell(br, bt, getcell(gl, gb));
732         setcell(br, bb, getcell(gl, gt));
733         setcell(bl, bb, getcell(gr, gt));
734     }
735 }
CreateBorderCells()737 bool lifealgo::CreateBorderCells()
738 {
739     // no need to do anything if there is no pattern or if the grid is a bounded plane
740     if (isEmpty() || boundedplane) return true;
742     bigint top, left, bottom, right;
743     findedges(&top, &left, &bottom, &right);
745     // no need to do anything if pattern is completely inside grid edges
746     if ( (gridwd == 0 || (gridleft < left && gridright > right)) &&
747          (gridht == 0 || (gridtop < top && gridbottom > bottom)) ) {
748         return true;
749     }
751     // if grid has infinite width or height then pattern might be too big to use setcell/getcell
752     if ( (gridwd == 0 || gridht == 0) &&
753          (top < bigint::min_coord || left < bigint::min_coord ||
754           bottom > bigint::max_coord || right > bigint::max_coord) ) {
755         lifestatus("Pattern is beyond editing limit!");
756         // return false so caller can exit step() loop
757         return false;
758     }
760     if (sphere) {
761         // to get a sphere we join top edge with left edge, and right edge with bottom edge;
762         // note that grid must be square (gridwd == gridht)
763         int pl = left.toint();
764         int pt = top.toint();
765         int pr = right.toint();
766         int pb = bottom.toint();
767         JoinAdjacentEdges(pt, pl, pb, pr);
769     } else if (htwist || vtwist) {
770         // Klein bottle or cross-surface
771         if ( (htwist && hshift != 0 && (gridwd & 1) == 0) ||
772              (vtwist && vshift != 0 && (gridht & 1) == 0) ) {
773             // Klein bottle with shift is only possible if the shift is on the
774             // twisted edge and that edge has an even number of cells
775             JoinTwistedAndShiftedEdges();
776         } else {
777             JoinTwistedEdges();
778         }
780     } else if (hshift != 0 || vshift != 0) {
781         // torus with horizontal or vertical shift
782         JoinShiftedEdges();
784     } else {
785         // unshifted torus or infinite tube
786         int pl = left.toint();
787         int pt = top.toint();
788         int pr = right.toint();
789         int pb = bottom.toint();
790         JoinEdges(pt, pl, pb, pr);
791     }
793     endofpattern();
794     return true;
795 }
ClearRect(int top,int left,int bottom,int right)797 void lifealgo::ClearRect(int top, int left, int bottom, int right)
798 {
799     int cx, cy, v;
800     for ( cy = top; cy <= bottom; cy++ ) {
801         for ( cx = left; cx <= right; cx++ ) {
802             int skip = nextcell(cx, cy, v);
803             if (skip + cx > right)
804                 skip = -1;           // pretend we found no more live cells
805             if (skip >= 0) {
806                 // found next live cell so delete it
807                 cx += skip;
808                 setcell(cx, cy, 0);
809             } else {
810                 cx = right + 1;     // done this row
811             }
812         }
813     }
814 }
DeleteBorderCells()816 bool lifealgo::DeleteBorderCells()
817 {
818     // no need to do anything if there is no pattern
819     if (isEmpty()) return true;
821     // need to find pattern edges because pattern may have expanded beyond grid
822     // (typically by 2 cells, but could be more if rule allows births in empty space)
823     bigint top, left, bottom, right;
824     findedges(&top, &left, &bottom, &right);
826     // no need to do anything if grid encloses entire pattern
827     if ( (gridwd == 0 || (gridleft <= left && gridright >= right)) &&
828          (gridht == 0 || (gridtop <= top && gridbottom >= bottom)) ) {
829         return true;
830     }
832     // set pattern edges
833     int pl = left.toint();
834     int pt = top.toint();
835     int pr = right.toint();
836     int pb = bottom.toint();
838     // set grid edges
839     int gl = gridleft.toint();
840     int gt = gridtop.toint();
841     int gr = gridright.toint();
842     int gb = gridbottom.toint();
844     if (gridht > 0 && pt < gt) {
845         // delete live cells above grid
846         ClearRect(pt, pl, gt-1, pr);
847         pt = gt; // reduce size of rect below
848     }
850     if (gridht > 0 && pb > gb) {
851         // delete live cells below grid
852         ClearRect(gb+1, pl, pb, pr);
853         pb = gb; // reduce size of rect below
854     }
856     if (gridwd > 0 && pl < gl) {
857         // delete live cells left of grid
858         ClearRect(pt, pl, pb, gl-1);
859     }
861     if (gridwd > 0 && pr > gr) {
862         // delete live cells right of grid
863         ClearRect(pt, gr+1, pb, pr);
864     }
866     endofpattern();
868     // do this test AFTER clearing border
869     if ( top < bigint::min_coord || left < bigint::min_coord ||
870          bottom > bigint::max_coord || right > bigint::max_coord ) {
871         lifestatus("Pattern exceeded editing limit!");
872         // return false so caller can exit step() loop
873         return false;
874     }
876     return true;
877 }
getcells(unsigned char * buf,int x,int y,int w,int h)879 void lifealgo::getcells(unsigned char *buf, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
880    viewport vp(w, h) ;
881    vp.setpositionmag(x+(w>>1), y+(h>>1), 0) ;
882    staterender hsr(buf, w, h) ;
883    memset(buf, 0, w*h) ;
884    draw(vp, hsr) ;
885 }
887 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
889 int staticAlgoInfo::nextAlgoId = 0 ;
890 staticAlgoInfo *staticAlgoInfo::head = 0 ;
staticAlgoInfo()891 staticAlgoInfo::staticAlgoInfo() {
892    id = nextAlgoId++ ;
893    next = head ;
894    head = this ;
895    // init default icon data
896    defxpm7x7 = NULL;
897    defxpm15x15 = NULL;
898    defxpm31x31 = NULL;
899 }
byName(const char * s)900 staticAlgoInfo *staticAlgoInfo::byName(const char *s) {
901    for (staticAlgoInfo *i=head; i; i=i->next)
902       if (strcmp(i->algoName, s) == 0)
903          return i ;
904    return 0 ;
905 }
nameToIndex(const char * s)906 int staticAlgoInfo::nameToIndex(const char *s) {
907    staticAlgoInfo *r = byName(s) ;
908    if (r == 0)
909       return -1 ;
910    return r->id ;
911 }
tick()912 staticAlgoInfo &staticAlgoInfo::tick() {
913    return *(new staticAlgoInfo()) ;
914 }