1MODULE tsvdw_module
4! TS-vdW Code Version 14.0 (RAD/BS, Princeton University, February 2013)
6! All quantities necessary for the evaluation of the TS-vdW energy and forces are computed on the real-space
7! mesh using linear interpolation of the atomic pseudo-densities and their first derivatives which have been
8! mapped onto linear equispaced atomic grids from their original form computed on radial atomic grids via the
9! ATOMIC code.
11! SYNOPSIS: radial form of rhoA & drhoA mapped onto linear grid;
12!           atrho & rhosad on real-space mesh via linear interpolation;
13!           integration on spherical atomic domains (subsets of real-space mesh);
14!           quadratic veff derivatives computed linearly using sparse domain intersection algorithm.
17USE cell_base,          ONLY: h                  !h matrix for converting between r and s coordinates via r = h s
18USE cell_base,          ONLY: ainv               !h^-1 matrix for converting between r and s coordinates via s = h^-1 r)
19USE cell_base,          ONLY: omega              !cell volume (in au^3)
20USE constants,          ONLY: pi                 !pi in double-precision
21USE fft_base,           ONLY: dfftp              !FFT derived data type
22USE funct,              ONLY: get_iexch          !retrieves type of exchange utilized in functional
23USE funct,              ONLY: get_icorr          !retrieves type of correlation utilized in functional
24USE funct,              ONLY: get_igcx           !retrieves type of gradient correction to exchange utilized in functional
25USE funct,              ONLY: get_igcc           !retrieves type of gradient correction to correlation utilized in functional
26USE io_global,          ONLY: stdout             !print/write argument for standard output (to output file)
27USE ions_base,          ONLY: nat                !number of total atoms (all atomic species)
28USE ions_base,          ONLY: nsp                !number of unique atomic species
29USE ions_base,          ONLY: na                 !number of atoms within each atomic species
30USE ions_base,          ONLY: ityp               !ityp(i):=type/species of ith atom
31USE ions_base,          ONLY: atm                !atm(j):=name of jth atomic species (3 characters)
32USE kinds,              ONLY: DP                 !double-precision kind (selected_real_kind(14,200))
33! the charge density is parallelized over the "band group" or processors
34USE mp_bands,           ONLY: nproc_bgrp         !number of processors
35USE mp_bands,           ONLY: me_bgrp            !processor number (0,1,...,nproc_bgrp-1)
36USE mp_bands,           ONLY: intra_bgrp_comm    !standard MPI communicator
37! atoms are parallelized over the "image group"
38USE mp_images,          ONLY: nproc_image        !number of processors
39USE mp_images,          ONLY: me_image           !processor number (0,1,...,nproc_image-1)
40USE mp_images,          ONLY: intra_image_comm   !standard MPI communicator
41USE mp,                 ONLY: mp_sum             !MPI collection with sum
42USE parallel_include                             !MPI header
43USE uspp_param,         ONLY: upf                !atomic pseudo-potential data
49! PUBLIC variables
51LOGICAL, PUBLIC :: vdw_isolated    ! isolated system control
52REAL(DP), PUBLIC:: vdw_econv_thr   ! energy convergence threshold for periodic systems
53REAL(DP), PUBLIC :: EtsvdW                                   !the TS-vdW energy
54REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: UtsvdW        !the TS-vdW wavefunction forces (dispersion potential)
55REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: FtsvdW      !the TS-vdW ionic forces (-dE/dR)
56REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: HtsvdW      !the TS-vdW cell forces (dE/dh)
57REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: VefftsvdW     !the TS-vdW effective Hirshfeld volume
59! PRIVATE variables
61INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: NgpA=1000                     !number of grid points for linear equispaced atomic grids (current value=1000pts)
62INTEGER, PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: bsint=BIT_SIZE(NgpA)          !integer bit size (for use in bit array manipulation)
63INTEGER, PRIVATE :: me                                       !processor number (1,2,...,nproc_image)
64INTEGER, PRIVATE :: iproc                                    !processor dummy index
65INTEGER, PRIVATE :: nr1,nr2,nr3                              !real space grid dimensions (global first, second, and third dimensions of the 3D grid)
66INTEGER, PRIVATE :: nr1r,nr2r,nr3r                           !reduced real space grid dimensions (global first, second, and third dimensions of the 3D grid)
67REAL(DP), PRIVATE :: ddamp                                   !damping function parameter #1
68REAL(DP), PRIVATE :: sR                                      !damping function parameter #2
69REAL(DP), PRIVATE :: spcutAmax                               !maximum radial cutoff for all atomic species
70INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: nstates       !number of atoms per processor
71INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: sdispls       !send displacement (offset) array
72INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: rdispls       !receive displacement (offset) array
73INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: sendcount     !send count array
74INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: recvcount     !receive count array
75INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: istatus       !MPI status array
76INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: NsomegaA      !number of points in the spherical atomic integration domain
77INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: NsomegaAr     !number of points in the reduced spherical atomic integration domain
78INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: npair         !number of unique atom pairs
79INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: pair        !unique atom pair overlap matrix
80INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: gomegar     !precursor to spherical atomic integration domain (intersection bit array)
81INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: somegaA   !spherical atomic integration domain
82INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: somegaAr  !reduced spherical atomic integration domain
83INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: gomegaAr  !reduced spherical atomic integration domain (intersection bit array)
84REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE:: predveffAdn   !atomic dispersion potential prefactor
85REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: vfree        !free atomic volumes for each atomic species
86REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: dpfree       !free atomic static dipole polarizability for each atomic species
87REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: R0free       !free atomic vdW radius for each atomic species
88REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: C6AAfree     !free atomic homonuclear C6 coefficient for each atomic species
89REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: veff         !effective atomic volumes for each atom in the simulation cell
90REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: dpeff        !effective atomic static dipole polarizability for each atom in the simulation cell
91REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: R0eff        !effective atomic vdW radius for each atom in the simulation cell
92REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: C6AAeff      !effective atomic homonuclear C6 coefficient for each atom in the simulation cell
93REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: rhosad       !molecular pro-density (superposition of atomic densities) on real-space mesh
94REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: rhotot       !molecular charge density on real-space mesh
95REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE:: dveffAdn    !the local copy of the TS-vdW wavefunction forces (dispersion potential)
96REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: spgrd      !linear equispaced grid for each atomic species
97REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: sprho      !atomic pseudo-density for each atomic species
98REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: spdrho     !first derivative of atomic pseudo-density for each atomic species
99REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: spdata     !linear grid cutoff (is,1) and linear grid spacing (is,2) for each atomic species
100REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: LIA        !A coefficient for linear interpolation of rhoA
101REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: LIB        !B coefficient for linear interpolation of rhoA
102REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: dLIA       !A coefficient for linear interpolation of drhoA
103REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: dLIB       !B coefficient for linear interpolation of drhoA
104REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: atxyz      !Cartesian coordinates of ions adjusted according to PBC
105REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: C6ABfree   !free atomic heteronuclear C6 coefficient for each atom pair
106REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: C6ABeff    !effective atomic heteronuclear C6 coefficient for each atom pair
107REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: dveffdR  !first derivative of effective volume wrt nuclear displacement
108REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PRIVATE :: dveffdh  !first derivative of effective volume wrt cell displacement
110! PUBLIC subroutines
112PUBLIC :: tsvdw_initialize
113PUBLIC :: tsvdw_calculate
114PUBLIC :: tsvdw_finalize
116! PRIVATE subroutines
118PRIVATE :: tsvdw_para_init
119PRIVATE :: tsvdw_pbc
120PRIVATE :: tsvdw_unique_pair
121PRIVATE :: tsvdw_rhotot
122PRIVATE :: tsvdw_screen
123PRIVATE :: tsvdw_veff
124PRIVATE :: tsvdw_dveff
125PRIVATE :: tsvdw_effqnts
126PRIVATE :: tsvdw_energy
127PRIVATE :: tsvdw_wfforce
128PRIVATE :: tsvdw_cleanup
129PRIVATE :: Num1stDer
130PRIVATE :: CubSplCoeff
131PRIVATE :: GetVdWParam
132  !
133  !
135  !
136  !
137  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_initialize()
139  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
140  !
142  !
143  ! Local Variables
144  !
145  LOGICAL :: uniform_grid=.FALSE.
146  INTEGER :: ip,iq,ir,is,it,NrgpA,NrgpintA,icutrA,Ndim
147  REAL(DP) :: dxA,gfctrA,vref,eref,verr,d,dk1,dk2,dk3,num,den,drab,f1,f2,f3,L1,L2,L3
148  REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: atgrdr,atgrdrab,atrhor,datrhor,d2atrhor,CSA,CSB,CSC,CSD
149  !
150  ! Start of calculation banner...
151  !
152  WRITE(stdout,*)
153  WRITE(stdout,'(3X,"TS-vdW initialization")')
154  WRITE(stdout,'(3X,"---------------------")')
155  WRITE(stdout,*)
156  !
157  ! Error messages for inconsistencies with current version of code...
158  !
159  !RAD: Have we missed any inconsistencies?
160  !
161  ! Setup variables for use in TS-vdW module...
162  !
163  nr1=dfftp%nr1; nr2=dfftp%nr2; nr3=dfftp%nr3
164  nr1r=nr1/2; nr2r=nr2/2; nr3r=nr3/2
165  IF(MOD(nr1,2).EQ.1) nr1r=(nr1+1)/2
166  IF(MOD(nr2,2).EQ.1) nr2r=(nr2+1)/2
167  IF(MOD(nr3,2).EQ.1) nr3r=(nr3+1)/2
168  !
169  ! Initialize the TS-vdW ionic forces, cell forces, and dispersion potential (wavefunction forces)...
170  !
171  ALLOCATE(FtsvdW(3,nat)); FtsvdW=0.0_DP
172  ALLOCATE(HtsvdW(3,3)); HtsvdW=0.0_DP
173  !
174  ! Initialization of TS-vdW Hirshfeld effective volume public variable ... used in CP print_out.f90
175  !
176  ALLOCATE(VefftsvdW(nat)); VefftsvdW=0.0_DP
177  !
178  ALLOCATE(UtsvdW(dfftp%nnr)); UtsvdW=0.0_DP
179  !
180  ! Set ddamp damping function parameter (set to 20 and functional independent)...
181  !
182  WRITE(stdout,'(3X,"Determining TS-vdW damping function parameters...")')
183  ddamp=20.0_DP
184  WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"ddamp = ",F9.6)') ddamp
185  !
186  ! Set sR damping function parameter (functional dependent and currently only available for PBE & PBE0)...
187  !
188  IF (get_iexch().EQ.1.AND.get_icorr().EQ.4.AND.get_igcx().EQ.3.AND.get_igcc().EQ.4) THEN
189    !
190    sR=0.94_DP !PBE=sla+pw+pbx+pbc
191    !
192  ELSE IF (get_iexch().EQ.6.AND.get_icorr().EQ.4.AND.get_igcx().EQ.8.AND.get_igcc().EQ.4) THEN
193    !
194    sR=0.96_DP !PBE0=pb0x+pw+pb0x+pbc !RAD/BS: This line will not work in CP unless PBE0 code update funct.f90...
195    !
196  ELSE
197    !
198    CALL errore('tsvdw','TS-vdW sR parameter only available for PBE and PBE0 functionals...',1)
199    !
200  END IF
201  !
202  WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"sR = ",F9.6)') sR
203  !
204  ! Allocate and initialize species-specific quantities...
205  !
206  ALLOCATE(vfree(nsp)); vfree=0.0_DP
207  ALLOCATE(dpfree(nsp)); dpfree=0.0_DP
208  ALLOCATE(R0free(nsp)); R0free=0.0_DP
209  ALLOCATE(C6AAfree(nsp)); C6AAfree=0.0_DP
210  ALLOCATE(C6ABfree(nsp,nsp)); C6ABfree=0.0_DP
211  ALLOCATE(spdata(nsp,2)); spdata=0.0_DP
212  ALLOCATE(spgrd(nsp,0:NgpA)); spgrd=0.0_DP
213  ALLOCATE(sprho(nsp,0:NgpA)); sprho=0.0_DP
214  ALLOCATE(spdrho(nsp,0:NgpA)); spdrho=0.0_DP
215  ALLOCATE(LIA(nsp,0:NgpA)); LIA=0.0_DP
216  ALLOCATE(LIB(nsp,0:NgpA)); LIB=0.0_DP
217  ALLOCATE(dLIA(nsp,0:NgpA)); dLIA=0.0_DP
218  ALLOCATE(dLIB(nsp,0:NgpA)); dLIB=0.0_DP
219  !
220  spcutAmax=0.0_DP
221  !
222  ! Loop over atomic species and extract species-dependent quantities to modular arrays...
223  !
224  DO is=1,nsp
225    !
226    ! Obtain the radial grid and radial atomic pseudo-density from pseudo-potential file (via upf module) for
227    ! the given atomic species.  Convert the radial atomic pseudo-density to the real atomic pseudo-density using
228    ! rho_real(r) = rho_radial(r) / (4*pi*r^2)...
229    !
230    WRITE(stdout,'(3X,"Initializing species # ",I3," with atomic symbol ",A3)') is,atm(is)
231    !
232    ! Read in the number of grid points in radial mesh from upf...
233    !
234    NrgpA=upf(is)%mesh
235    !
236    ! Transfer radial atomic grid (in upf) to local atgrdr array...
237    !
238    ALLOCATE(atgrdr(NrgpA)); atgrdr=0.0_DP
239    !
240    DO ir=1,NrgpA
241      !
242      atgrdr(ir)=upf(is)%r(ir)
243      !
244    END DO
245    !
246    ! Transfer radial atomic grid spacing (in upf) to local atgrdrab array...
247    !
248    ALLOCATE(atgrdrab(NrgpA)); atgrdrab=0.0_DP
249    !
250    DO ir=1,NrgpA
251      !
252      atgrdrab(ir)=upf(is)%rab(ir)
253      !
254    END DO
255    !
256    ! Determine whether radial grid is logarithmic/exponential or equispaced/uniform...
257    !
258    drab=atgrdrab(NrgpA)-atgrdrab(1)
259    uniform_grid = (DABS(drab).LT.(1.0E-6_DP))
260    IF (uniform_grid) WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"Equispaced/Uniform radial atomic grid detected...")')
261    !
262    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
263    ! Logarithmic/Exponential grid (3 parameters: zmesh, xmin, dxA)
264    ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
265    !
266    !   For i = 1,2,...,NrgpA:
267    !     r(i) = exp[xmin+(i-1)*dxA]/zmesh
268    !          = exp[xmin]/zmesh * exp[(i-1)*dxA]
269    !          = gfctrA * exp[(i-1)*dxA]
270    !   rab(i) = r(i) * dxA
271    !
272    !   Assumptions: grid does NOT start from zero (use simpson_cp90()).
273    !
274    ! ---------------------------------------------
275    ! Equispaced/Uniform grid (1 parameter: dxA)
276    ! ---------------------------------------------
277    !
278    !   For i = 1,2,...,NrgpA:
279    !     r(i) = (i-1) * dxA
280    !   rab(i) = dxA
281    !
282    !   Assumptions: grid starts from zero (use simpson() for integration).
283    !
284    ! Determine atomic radial grid parameters...
285    !
286    IF (uniform_grid.EQV..TRUE.) THEN
287      !
288      gfctrA=1.0_DP
289      dxA=atgrdrab(1)
290      !
291    ELSE
292      !
293      gfctrA=upf(is)%r(1)
294      dxA=DLOG(upf(is)%r(2)/upf(is)%r(1))
295      !
296    END IF
297    !
298    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"Radial grid parameter: NrgpA is ",I5,".")') NrgpA
299    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"Radial grid parameter: gfctrA is ",F9.6,".")') gfctrA
300    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"Radial grid parameter: dxA is ",F9.6,".")') dxA
301    !
302    ! Transfer radial atomic pseudo-density to atrhor array...
303    ! Convert radial atomic pseudo-density to real atomic pseudo-density [n(r) = nrad(r)/(4*pi*r^2)]...
304    !
305    ALLOCATE(atrhor(NrgpA)); atrhor=0.0_DP
306    !
307    IF (uniform_grid.EQV..TRUE.) THEN
308      !
309      DO ir=2,NrgpA
310        !
311        atrhor(ir)=(upf(is)%rho_at(ir))/(4.0_DP*pi*atgrdr(ir)**(2.0_DP)) ! skip point at r=0...
312        !
313      END DO
314      !
315      ! Quadratic extrapolation of the atomic density to r=0...
316      !
317      L1=((0.0_DP-atgrdr(3))*(0.0_DP-atgrdr(4)))/((atgrdr(2)-atgrdr(3))*(atgrdr(2)-atgrdr(4)))
318      L2=((0.0_DP-atgrdr(2))*(0.0_DP-atgrdr(4)))/((atgrdr(3)-atgrdr(2))*(atgrdr(3)-atgrdr(4)))
319      L3=((0.0_DP-atgrdr(2))*(0.0_DP-atgrdr(3)))/((atgrdr(4)-atgrdr(2))*(atgrdr(4)-atgrdr(3)))
320      atrhor(1)=L1*atrhor(2)+L2*atrhor(3)+L3*atrhor(4)
321      !
322    ELSE
323      !
324      DO ir=1,NrgpA
325        !
326        atrhor(ir)=(upf(is)%rho_at(ir))/(4.0_DP*pi*atgrdr(ir)**(2.0_DP))
327        !
328      END DO
329      !
330    END IF
331    !
332    ! Set NrgpintA as the number of grid points (which must be odd) used during numerical integration using Simpson's rule...
333    !
334    IF (IAND(NrgpA,1).EQ.1) THEN
335      !
336      NrgpintA=NrgpA
337      !
338    ELSE
339      !
340      NrgpintA=NrgpA-1
341      !
342    END IF
343    !
344    ! Compute the number of electrons (eref) for each atomic species via numerical integration
345    ! of the atomic pseudo-density on the radial atomic grid using Simpson's rule...
346    !
347    eref=0.0_DP
348    !
349    DO ir=1,NrgpintA-2,2
350      !
351      f1=atrhor(ir  )*atgrdrab(ir  )*atgrdr(ir  )**(2.0_DP)  ! integrated quantity is rho
352      f2=atrhor(ir+1)*atgrdrab(ir+1)*atgrdr(ir+1)**(2.0_DP)
353      f3=atrhor(ir+2)*atgrdrab(ir+2)*atgrdr(ir+2)**(2.0_DP)
354      !
355      eref=eref+(f1+4.0_DP*f2+f3)
356      !
357    END DO
358    !
359    eref=(4.0_DP*pi/3.0_DP)*eref
360    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"The number of valence electrons, eref, is ",F25.15,".")') eref
361    !
362    ! Compute the reference free atom volume (vref) for each atomic species via numerical integration
363    ! of the atomic pseudo-density on the radial atomic grid using Simpson's rule...
364    !
365    vref=0.0_DP
366    !
367    DO ir=1,NrgpintA-2,2
368      !
369      f1=atrhor(ir  )*atgrdrab(ir  )*atgrdr(ir  )**(5.0_DP)  ! integrated quantity is rho * r^3
370      f2=atrhor(ir+1)*atgrdrab(ir+1)*atgrdr(ir+1)**(5.0_DP)
371      f3=atrhor(ir+2)*atgrdrab(ir+2)*atgrdr(ir+2)**(5.0_DP)
372      !
373      vref=vref+(f1+4.0_DP*f2+f3)
374      !
375    END DO
376    !
377    vref=(4.0_DP*pi/3.0_DP)*vref
378    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"The reference free atom volume, vref, is ",F25.15," bohr^3.")') vref
379    !
380    ! Using the reference free atom volume, determine an acceptable radial grid cutoff value such that the
381    ! free atom volume obtained using this cutoff does not deviate from the reference value by more than 1.0%.
382    !
383    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"Determining intial radial grid cutoff...")')
384    !
385    DO iq=5,NrgpintA,2
386      !
387      vfree(is)=0.0_DP
388      verr=0.0_DP
389      !
390      DO ir=1,iq-2,2
391        !
392        f1=atrhor(ir  )*atgrdrab(ir  )*atgrdr(ir  )**(5.0_DP)  ! integrated quantity is rho * r^3
393        f2=atrhor(ir+1)*atgrdrab(ir+1)*atgrdr(ir+1)**(5.0_DP)
394        f3=atrhor(ir+2)*atgrdrab(ir+2)*atgrdr(ir+2)**(5.0_DP)
395        !
396        vfree(is)=vfree(is)+(f1+4.0_DP*f2+f3)
397        !
398      END DO
399      !
400      vfree(is)=(4.0_DP*pi/3.0_DP)*vfree(is)
401      verr=(vref-vfree(is))/vref*100.0_DP
402      !
403      IF (verr.LE.1.0_DP) THEN
404        !
405        icutrA=iq
406        !
407        WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"An acceptable radial grid cutoff was determined by retaining ",I4," of ",I4," radial grid points.")') &
408              icutrA,NrgpA
409        !
410        EXIT
411        !
412      END IF
413      !
414    END DO
415    !
416    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"The magnitude of the atomic pseudo-density at the radial grid cutoff is ",ES13.6,".")') atrhor(icutrA)
417    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"Using this radial grid cutoff value of ",F25.15," au:")') atgrdr(icutrA)
418    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"The free atom volume computed with this cutoff is ",F25.15," bohr^3 with an error of ",F6.3,"%.")') &
419         vfree(is),verr
420    !
421    ! Form 1st derivative of atrhor for input into cubic spline coefficient subroutine...
422    !
423    ALLOCATE(datrhor(NrgpA)); datrhor=0.0_DP
424    CALL Num1stDer(atgrdr,atrhor,NrgpA,dxA,datrhor)
425    !
426    ! For logarithmic/exponential grid, transform linear derivative back to radial grid...
427    !
428    IF (.NOT.uniform_grid) THEN
429      !
430      DO ir=1,NrgpA
431        !
432        datrhor(ir)=datrhor(ir)/atgrdr(ir)
433        !
434      END DO
435      !
436    END IF
437    !
438    ! Form the coefficients of the cubic spline interpolant (2nd derivatives) for the real atomic pseudo-density
439    ! for use during cubic spline interpolation of the pseudo-density onto the linear equispaced atomic grid...
440    !
441    ALLOCATE(d2atrhor(NrgpA)); d2atrhor=0.0_DP
442    CALL CubSplCoeff(atgrdr,atrhor,NrgpA,datrhor,d2atrhor)
443    !
444    ! Precompute cubic spline interpolation vectors (utilizing Taylor series form) via:
445    !
446    !            y(x) = CSA + CSB*(x-x(k)) + CSC*(x-x(k))**2 + CSD*(x-x(k))**3
447    !
448    ALLOCATE(CSA(NrgpA)); CSA=0.0_DP
449    ALLOCATE(CSB(NrgpA)); CSB=0.0_DP
450    ALLOCATE(CSC(NrgpA)); CSC=0.0_DP
451    ALLOCATE(CSD(NrgpA)); CSD=0.0_DP
452    !
453    DO ir=1,NrgpA-1
454      !
455      ! CSA(k) := y(k)
456      !
457      CSA(ir)=atrhor(ir)
458      !
459      ! CSB(k) := delta(y)/delta(x) - 1/3*delta(x)*y''(k) - 1/6*delta(x)*y''(k+1)
460      !
461      CSB(ir)=(atrhor(ir+1)-atrhor(ir))/(atgrdr(ir+1)-atgrdr(ir))
462      CSB(ir)=CSB(ir)-((1.0_DP/3.0_DP)*(atgrdr(ir+1)-atgrdr(ir))*d2atrhor(ir))
463      CSB(ir)=CSB(ir)-((1.0_DP/6.0_DP)*(atgrdr(ir+1)-atgrdr(ir))*d2atrhor(ir+1))
464      !
465      ! CSC(k) := 1/2*y''(k)
466      !
467      CSC(ir)=(1.0_DP/2.0_DP)*d2atrhor(ir)
468      !
469      ! CSD(k) := 1/6*delta(y'')/delta(x)
470      !
471      CSD(ir)=((1.0_DP/6.0_DP)*(d2atrhor(ir+1)-d2atrhor(ir))/(atgrdr(ir+1)-atgrdr(ir)))
472      !
473    END DO
474    !
475    ! Pack species-specific radial cutoff into (is,1) of spdata array...
476    !
477    spdata(is,1)=atgrdr(icutrA)
478    IF (spdata(is,1).GT.spcutAmax) spcutAmax=spdata(is,1)
479    !
480    ! Compute and pack grid spacing of species-specific linear equispaced grid into (is,2) of spdata array...
481    !
482    spdata(is,2)=(atgrdr(icutrA)+1.0_DP)/DBLE(NgpA) !include additional buffer of 1 bohr...
483    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"Linear grid spacing was computed as: ",F25.15," bohr.")') spdata(is,2)
484    !
485    ! Form linear equispaced atomic grid (NOT including point at r=0) and pack into argument (is,:) of spgrd array...
486    !
487    DO ip=1,NgpA
488      !
489      spgrd(is,ip)=DBLE(ip)*spdata(is,2)
490      !
491    END DO
492    !
493    ! Map atomic pseudo-density (currently on the radial atomic grid) onto linear equispaced atomic grid using
494    ! cubic spline interpolation...Form first derivative of the atomic pseudo-density on the linear equispaced
495    ! atomic grid via differentiation of the cubic spline interpolant...
496    !
497    DO ip=1,NgpA
498      !
499      d=spgrd(is,ip)
500      !
501      IF (uniform_grid.EQV..TRUE.) THEN
502        !
503        ir=INT(d/dxA)+1 !since the equispaced/uniform grid first point is at r=0...
504        !
505      ELSE
506        !
507        ir=FLOOR(DLOG(d*EXP(dxA)/gfctrA)/dxA)
508        !
509      END IF
510      !
511      dk1=d-atgrdr(ir); dk2=dk1*dk1; dk3=dk2*dk1
512      sprho(is,ip)=CSA(ir)+CSB(ir)*dk1+CSC(ir)*dk2+CSD(ir)*dk3      !Pack density into argument (is,:) of sprho array
513      spdrho(is,ip)=CSB(ir)+2.0_DP*CSC(ir)*dk1+3.0_DP*CSD(ir)*dk2   !Pack density derivative into argument (is,:) of spdrho array
514      !
515    END DO
516    !
517    ! For computational efficiency during the remainder of the calculation, extrapolate sprho and spdrho to
518    ! include the point at r=0 (this eliminates an if statement in crucial inner loops)...
519    ! Use quadratic extrapolation to obtain these points...Hence the 0:NgpA dimension above...
520    !
521    spgrd(is,0)=0.0_DP   !Extend linear grid to include point at r=0...
522    !
523    L1=((0.0_DP-spgrd(is,2))*(0.0_DP-spgrd(is,3)))/((spgrd(is,1)-spgrd(is,2))*(spgrd(is,1)-spgrd(is,3)))
524    L2=((0.0_DP-spgrd(is,1))*(0.0_DP-spgrd(is,3)))/((spgrd(is,2)-spgrd(is,1))*(spgrd(is,2)-spgrd(is,3)))
525    L3=((0.0_DP-spgrd(is,1))*(0.0_DP-spgrd(is,2)))/((spgrd(is,3)-spgrd(is,1))*(spgrd(is,3)-spgrd(is,2)))
526    sprho(is,0)=L1*sprho(is,1)+L2*sprho(is,2)+L3*sprho(is,3) !Extend atomic pseudo-density to include point at r=0...
527    spdrho(is,0)=L1*spdrho(is,1)+L2*spdrho(is,2)+L3*spdrho(is,3) !Extend atomic pseudo-density derivative to include point at r=0...
528    !
529    ! Throughout the remainder of the code, to map the atomic quantities onto the real-space mesh, we will be
530    ! utilizing the Taylor series form of linear interpolation, given by:
531    !
532    !   y(x) = LIA + LIB*(x-x(k))    y'(x) = dLIA + dLIB*(x-x(k))
533    !
534    ! for x(k) <= x <= x(k+1)...
535    !
536    DO ip=0,NgpA-1
537      !
538      ! LIA(k) := y(k)
539      !
540      LIA(is,ip)=sprho(is,ip)
541      dLIA(is,ip)=spdrho(is,ip)
542      !
543      ! LIB(k) := delta(y)/delta(x)
544      !
545      LIB(is,ip)=(sprho(is,ip+1)-sprho(is,ip))/(spgrd(is,ip+1)-spgrd(is,ip))
546      dLIB(is,ip)=(spdrho(is,ip+1)-spdrho(is,ip))/(spgrd(is,ip+1)-spgrd(is,ip))
547      !
548    END DO
549    !
550    ! Populate reference free atom quantities...
551    !
552    CALL GetVdWParam(upf(is)%psd,C6AAfree(is),dpfree(is),R0free(is))
553    !
554    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"The free atom static dipole polarizability is ",F13.6," bohr^3.")') dpfree(is)
555    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"The free atom homonuclear C6 coefficient is ",F13.6," Hartree bohr^6.")') C6AAfree(is)
556    WRITE(stdout,'(5X,"The free atom vdW radius is ",F13.6," bohr.")') R0free(is)
557    !
558    ! Clean-up all species-specific temporary arrays
559    !
560    IF (ALLOCATED(atgrdr))   DEALLOCATE(atgrdr)
561    IF (ALLOCATED(atgrdrab)) DEALLOCATE(atgrdrab)
562    IF (ALLOCATED(atrhor))   DEALLOCATE(atrhor)
563    IF (ALLOCATED(datrhor))  DEALLOCATE(datrhor)
564    IF (ALLOCATED(d2atrhor)) DEALLOCATE(d2atrhor)
569    !
570  END DO !is
571  !
572  ! Compute free heteronuclear C6 coefficient matrix...
573  !  C6ABfree(A,B)=[2*C6AAfree(A)*C6AAfree(B)]/[(dpfree(B)/dpfree(A))*C6AAfree(A)+(dpfree(A)/dpfree(B))*C6AAfree(B)]
574  !
575  DO is=1,nsp
576    !
577    DO it=1,nsp
578      !
579      num=2.0_DP*C6AAfree(is)*C6AAfree(it)
580      den=(dpfree(it)/dpfree(is))*C6AAfree(is)+(dpfree(is)/dpfree(it))*C6AAfree(it)
581      C6ABfree(is,it)=num/den
582      !
583    END DO
584    !
585  END DO
586  !
588  !
589  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
590  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_initialize
591  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
592  !
593  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
594  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_calculate(tauin, rhor)
595  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
596  ! TS-vdW Management Code: Manages entire calculation of TS-vdW energy, wavefunction forces, and ion forces via
597  ! calls to PRIVATE subroutines below (called in each MD step). The calls to tsvdw_initialize and tsvdw_finalize
598  ! are done once at the beginning (init_run) and the end (terminate_run).
599  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
600  !
602  !
603  ! I/O variables
604  !
605  REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rhor(:)
606  REAL(DP) :: tauin(3,nat)
607  !
608  ! Parallel initialization...
609  !
610  CALL tsvdw_para_init()
611  !
612  ! Move all atoms into simulation cell by adjusting Cartesian coordinates according to PBCs...
613  !
614  CALL tsvdw_pbc(tauin)
615  !
616  ! Compute unique atom pair list...
617  !
618  CALL tsvdw_unique_pair()
619  !
620  ! Obtain molecular charge density given on the real-space mesh...
621  !
622  CALL tsvdw_rhotot( rhor )
623  !
624  ! Determine spherical atomic integration domains and atom overlap (bit array)...
625  ! Compute molecular pro-density (superposition of atomic densities) on the real-space mesh...
626  ! Compute functional derivative of vdW energy wrt charge density (numerator only)...
627  !
628  CALL tsvdw_screen()
629  !
630  ! Compute effective volume for each atom in the simulation cell...
631  ! Complete functional derivative of vdW energy wrt charge density...
632  !
633  CALL tsvdw_veff()
634  !
635  ! Calculate first derivative of veff wrt nuclear and cell displacements...
636  !
637  CALL tsvdw_dveff()
638  !
639  ! Calculate effective quantities for each atom in the simulation cell...
640  !
641  CALL tsvdw_effqnts()
642  !
643  ! Calculate total TS-vdW energy, dispersion potential prefactor, ionic forces, and cell forces...
644  !
645  CALL tsvdw_energy()
646  !
647  ! Calculate total TS-vdW wavefunction forces (dispersion potential)...
648  !
649  CALL tsvdw_wfforce()
650  !
651  ! Deallocate all arrays specific to tsvdw_calculate...
652  !
653  CALL tsvdw_cleanup()
654  !
656  !
657  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
658  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_calculate
659  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
660  !
661  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
662  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_para_init()
663  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
664  !
666  !
667  INTEGER :: i,j,k
668  !
669  me=me_image+1
670  !
671  ALLOCATE(nstates(nproc_image)); nstates=0
672  ALLOCATE(sdispls(nproc_image)); sdispls=0
673  ALLOCATE(sendcount(nproc_image)); sendcount=0
674  ALLOCATE(rdispls(nproc_image)); rdispls=0
675  ALLOCATE(recvcount(nproc_image)); recvcount=0
676  ALLOCATE(istatus(nproc_image)); istatus=0
677  !
678  ! Assign workload of atoms over nproc_image processors
679  !
680  IF (nat.LE.nproc_image) THEN
681    !
682    DO i=1,nat
683      !
684      nstates(i)=1
685      !
686    END DO
687    !
688  ELSE
689    !
690    k=0
691    !
69210  DO j=1,nproc_image
693      !
694      nstates(j)=nstates(j)+1
695      !
696      k=k+1
697      !
698      IF (k.GE.nat) GO TO 20
699      !
700    END DO
701    !
702    IF (k.LT.nat) GO TO 10
703    !
704  END IF
705  !
706  20 CONTINUE
707  !
709  !
710  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
711  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_para_init
712  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
713  !
714  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
715  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_pbc(tauin)
716  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
717  !
719  !
720  ! I/O variables
721  !
722  REAL(DP) :: tauin(3,nat)
723  !
724  ! Local variables
725  !
726  INTEGER :: ia
727  REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: atxyzs
728  !
729  ! Initialization of PBC-adjusted Cartesian coordinates...
730  !
731  ALLOCATE(atxyz(3,nat)); atxyz=0.0_DP
732  ALLOCATE(atxyzs(3,nat)); atxyzs=0.0_DP
733  !
734  ! Adjust Cartesian coordinates of ions according to periodic boundary conditions...
735  ! N.B.: PBC are imposed here in the range [0,1)...
736  !
737  DO ia = 1, nat
738    !
739    atxyzs(1,ia)=ainv(1,1)*tauin(1,ia)+ainv(1,2)*tauin(2,ia)+ainv(1,3)*tauin(3,ia)   ! s = h^-1 r
740    atxyzs(2,ia)=ainv(2,1)*tauin(1,ia)+ainv(2,2)*tauin(2,ia)+ainv(2,3)*tauin(3,ia)   ! s = h^-1 r
741    atxyzs(3,ia)=ainv(3,1)*tauin(1,ia)+ainv(3,2)*tauin(2,ia)+ainv(3,3)*tauin(3,ia)   ! s = h^-1 r
742    !
743    atxyzs(1,ia)=atxyzs(1,ia)-FLOOR(atxyzs(1,ia))   ! impose PBC on s in range: [0,1)
744    atxyzs(2,ia)=atxyzs(2,ia)-FLOOR(atxyzs(2,ia))   ! impose PBC on s in range: [0,1)
745    atxyzs(3,ia)=atxyzs(3,ia)-FLOOR(atxyzs(3,ia))   ! impose PBC on s in range: [0,1)
746    !
747    atxyz(1,ia)=h(1,1)*atxyzs(1,ia)+h(1,2)*atxyzs(2,ia)+h(1,3)*atxyzs(3,ia)   ! r = h s
748    atxyz(2,ia)=h(2,1)*atxyzs(1,ia)+h(2,2)*atxyzs(2,ia)+h(2,3)*atxyzs(3,ia)   ! r = h s
749    atxyz(3,ia)=h(3,1)*atxyzs(1,ia)+h(3,2)*atxyzs(2,ia)+h(3,3)*atxyzs(3,ia)   ! r = h s
750    !
751  END DO
752  !
753  IF (ALLOCATED(atxyzs))   DEALLOCATE(atxyzs)
754  !
756  !
757  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
758  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_pbc
759  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
760  !
761  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
762  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_unique_pair()
763  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
764  !
766  !
767  ! Local variables
768  !
769  INTEGER :: ia,ib,ias,ibs,ip,ir,i,j,k,jj,nj_max,nbmax,num,num1,jj_neib_of_i
770  REAL(DP) :: spcutA,spcutB,dAB(3),dAB2(3)
771  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nj,overlap2
774  !
775  CALL start_clock('tsvdw_pair')
776  !
777  ! Allocate and initialize temporary arrays...
778  !
779  ALLOCATE(dABmic(nat)); dABmic=0.0_DP
780  ALLOCATE(overlap(nat,nat)); overlap=0
781  ALLOCATE(overlap2(nat)); overlap2=0
782  ALLOCATE(nj(nat)); nj=0
783  !
784  ! Outer loop over atoms A to form non-unique atom pair overlap matrix...
785  !
786  DO ia=1,nat
787    !
788    nj(ia)=0; dABmic=0.0_DP
789    !
790    ! Connect atom type with species-dependent quantities...
791    !
792    ias=ityp(ia)
793    !
794    ! Transfer species-specific cutoff to spcutA...
795    !
796    spcutA=spdata(ias,1)
797    !
798    ! Inner loop over atoms B...
799    !
800    DO ib=1,nat
801      !
802      IF(ib.NE.ia) THEN
803        !
804        ! Connect atom type with species-dependent quantities...
805        !
806        ibs=ityp(ib)
807        !
808        ! Transfer species-specific cutoff to spcutB...
809        !
810        spcutB=spdata(ibs,1)
811        !
812        ! Compute distance between atom A and atom B (according to the minimum image convention)...
813        !
814        dAB(1)=atxyz(1,ia)-atxyz(1,ib)   ! r_AB = r_A - r_B
815        dAB(2)=atxyz(2,ia)-atxyz(2,ib)   ! r_AB = r_A - r_B
816        dAB(3)=atxyz(3,ia)-atxyz(3,ib)   ! r_AB = r_A - r_B
817        !
818        dAB2(1)=ainv(1,1)*dAB(1)+ainv(1,2)*dAB(2)+ainv(1,3)*dAB(3)   ! s_AB = h^-1 r_AB
819        dAB2(2)=ainv(2,1)*dAB(1)+ainv(2,2)*dAB(2)+ainv(2,3)*dAB(3)   ! s_AB = h^-1 r_AB
820        dAB2(3)=ainv(3,1)*dAB(1)+ainv(3,2)*dAB(2)+ainv(3,3)*dAB(3)   ! s_AB = h^-1 r_AB
821        !
822        dAB2(1)=dAB2(1)-IDNINT(dAB2(1))   ! impose MIC on s_AB in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
823        dAB2(2)=dAB2(2)-IDNINT(dAB2(2))   ! impose MIC on s_AB in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
824        dAB2(3)=dAB2(3)-IDNINT(dAB2(3))   ! impose MIC on s_AB in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
825        !
826        dAB(1)=h(1,1)*dAB2(1)+h(1,2)*dAB2(2)+h(1,3)*dAB2(3)   ! r_AB = h s_AB (MIC)
827        dAB(2)=h(2,1)*dAB2(1)+h(2,2)*dAB2(2)+h(2,3)*dAB2(3)   ! r_AB = h s_AB (MIC)
828        dAB(3)=h(3,1)*dAB2(1)+h(3,2)*dAB2(2)+h(3,3)*dAB2(3)   ! r_AB = h s_AB (MIC)
829        !
830        dABmic(ib)=DSQRT(dAB(1)*dAB(1)+dAB(2)*dAB(2)+dAB(3)*dAB(3))   ! |r_A - r_B| (MIC)
831        !
832        IF(dABmic(ib).LT.(spcutA+spcutB)) THEN
833          !
834          nj(ia)=nj(ia)+1
835          overlap(nj(ia),ia)=ib
836          !
837          IF(nj(ia).EQ.1) THEN
838            !
839            overlap(nj(ia),ia)=ib
840            !
841          ELSE IF(dABmic(overlap(nj(ia)-1,ia)).LE.dABmic(ib)) THEN
842            !
843            overlap(nj(ia),ia)=ib
844            !
845          ELSE
846            !
847            overlap2(:)=0
848            !
849            DO ir=1,nj(ia)-1
850              !
851              IF(dABmic(overlap(ir,ia)).LT.dABmic(ib)) THEN
852                !
853                overlap2(ir)=overlap(ir,ia)
854                !
855              ELSE
856                !
857                overlap2(ir)=ib
858                !
859                DO ip=ir+1,nj(ia)
860                  !
861                  overlap2(ip)=overlap(ip-1,ia)
862                  !
863                END DO
864                !
865                GO TO 30
866                !
867              END IF
868              !
869            END DO !ir
870            !
87130          CONTINUE
872            !
873            DO ir=1,nj(ia)
874              !
875              overlap(ir,ia)=overlap2(ir)
876              !
877            END DO
878            !
879          END IF !nj(ia)
880          !
881        END IF !dABmic(j)
882        !
883      END IF !ia/=ib
884      !
885    END DO !ib
886    !
887  END DO !ia
888  !
890  IF (ALLOCATED(overlap2)) DEALLOCATE(overlap2)
891  !
892  ! Now form unique atom pair overlap matrix...
893  !
894  nbmax=nat
895  !
896  ALLOCATE(pair(nbmax,nat)); pair=0
897  ALLOCATE(npair(nat)); npair=0
898  !
899  num=0; num1=0
900  !
901  DO j=1,nbmax
902    !
903    DO ia=1,nat
904      !
905      DO jj=1,nj(ia)
906        !
907        jj_neib_of_i=overlap(jj,ia)
908        !
909        IF(jj_neib_of_i.GT.0) THEN
910           !
911           pair(j,ia)=jj_neib_of_i
912           overlap(jj,ia)=0
913           num=num+1
914           !
915           DO k=1,nj(jj_neib_of_i)
916             !
917             IF(overlap(k,jj_neib_of_i).EQ.ia) THEN
918               !
919               overlap(k,jj_neib_of_i)=0
920               num1=num1+1
921               !
922               GO TO 40
923               !
924             END IF
925             !
926           END DO !k
927           !
928        END IF
929        !
930      END DO !jj
931      !
93240    CONTINUE
933      !
934    END DO !ia
935    !
936  END DO !j
937  !
938  IF(num.NE.num1) THEN
939    !
940    CALL errore('tsvdw','ERROR: num .NE. num1...',1)
941    !
942  END IF
943  !
944  ! Count number of unique atom pairs for each atom...
945  !
946  DO ia=1,nat
947      !
948      num=0
949      !
950      DO j=1,nbmax
951        !
952        IF(pair(j,ia).NE.0) num=num+1
953        !
954      END DO
955      !
956      npair(ia)=num
957      !
958  END DO
959  !
960  IF (ALLOCATED(overlap))   DEALLOCATE(overlap)
961  IF (ALLOCATED(nj))        DEALLOCATE(nj)
962  !
963  CALL stop_clock('tsvdw_pair')
964  !
966  !
967  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
968  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_unique_pair
969  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
970  !
971  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
972  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_rhotot( rhor )
973  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
974  !
976  !
977  REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: rhor(:)
978  !
979  ! Local variables
980  !
981  INTEGER :: ir,ierr
982  REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: rhor_tmp
983  !
984  CALL start_clock('tsvdw_rhotot')
985  !
986  ! Initialization of rhotot array (local copy of the real-space charge density)...
987  !
988  ALLOCATE(rhotot(nr1*nr2*nr3)); rhotot=0.0_DP
989#if defined(__MPI)
990  !
991  ! Initialization of rhor_tmp temporary buffers...
992  !
993  ALLOCATE(rhor_tmp(nr1*nr2*nr3)); rhor_tmp=0.0_DP
994  !
995  ! Collect distributed rhor and broadcast to all processors...
996  !
997  DO iproc=1,nproc_bgrp
998    !
999    recvcount(iproc)=dfftp%nr3p(iproc)*nr1*nr2
1000    !
1001  END DO
1002  !
1003  rdispls(1) = 0
1004  !
1005  DO iproc=2,nproc_bgrp
1006    !
1007    rdispls(iproc)=rdispls(iproc-1)+recvcount(iproc-1)
1008    !
1009  END DO
1010  !
1011  CALL MPI_ALLGATHERV(rhor(1),dfftp%nr3p(me_bgrp+1)*nr1*nr2,&
1012      MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,rhor_tmp(1),recvcount,rdispls,&
1013      MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION,intra_bgrp_comm,ierr)
1014  !
1015  ! Transfer rhor temporary arrays to rhotot array...
1016  !
1017  rhotot=rhor_tmp
1018  !
1019  ! Clean-up temporary arrays...
1020  !
1021  IF (ALLOCATED(rhor_tmp))     DEALLOCATE(rhor_tmp)
1022  !
1024  rhotot(:) = rhor(:)
1026  CALL stop_clock('tsvdw_rhotot')
1027  !
1028  RETURN
1029  !
1030  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1031  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_rhotot
1032  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1033  !
1034  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1035  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_screen()
1036  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1037  !
1039  !
1040  ! Local variables
1041  !
1042  INTEGER :: ia,ias,Ntmp,Ntmpr,Npts,Nptsr,ir1,ir2,ir3,Ndim,Nints,off1,off1r,ioff,boff,iq,ir
1043  REAL(DP) :: spcutA,spdA,dq(3),dqA(3),dqAs(3),dk1,rhoA
1044  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dqAmic(:,:,:),dveffAdntmp(:,:,:)
1045  !
1046  CALL start_clock('tsvdw_screen')
1047  !
1048  ! Allocate and initialize gomegar array which contains (in a bit array) which atoms contribute to a given point
1049  ! on the reduced real-space grid for all atoms...
1050  !
1051  Nints=nat/bsint+1
1052  ALLOCATE(gomegar(nr1r*nr2r*nr3r,Nints)); gomegar=0
1053  !
1054  ! Allocate and initialize NsomegaA and NsomegaAr arrays which contains the number of points in the
1055  ! full and reduced spherical atomic integration domains for all atoms...
1056  !
1057  ALLOCATE(NsomegaA(nat)); NsomegaA=0
1058  ALLOCATE(NsomegaAr(nat)); NsomegaAr=0
1059  !
1060  ! Allocate and initialize somegaA and somegaAr arrays which contains the grid indices (along nr1,nr2,nr3) for each point in the
1061  ! full and reduced spherical atomic integration domains for each atom assigned to a given processor...
1062  !
1063  Ntmp=INT(1.10_DP*((4.0_DP/3.0_DP)*pi*spcutAmax**(3.0_DP)/omega)*(nr1*nr2*nr3))    ! Number of points in the full sphere + 10% buffer (to be safe)
1064  Ntmpr=INT(1.10_DP*((4.0_DP/3.0_DP)*pi*spcutAmax**(3.0_DP)/omega)*(nr1r*nr2r*nr3r)) ! Number of points in the reduced sphere + 10% buffer (to be safe)
1065  Ndim=MAX(1,nstates(me))
1066  ALLOCATE(somegaA(Ntmp,3,Ndim)); somegaA=0
1067  ALLOCATE(somegaAr(Ntmpr,3,Ndim)); somegaAr=0
1068  !
1069  ! Allocate and initialize gomegaAr array which contains in a bit array all of the atoms that intersect with each point in the
1070  ! reduced spherical atomic integration domain for each atom assigned to a given processor...
1071  !
1072  ALLOCATE(gomegaAr(Ntmpr,Nints,Ndim)); gomegaAr=0
1073  !
1074  ! Initialization of rhosad(r)...
1075  !
1076  ALLOCATE(rhosad(nr1*nr2*nr3)); rhosad=0.0_DP
1077  !
1078  ! Initialization of dVA/dn(r)...
1079  !
1080  ALLOCATE(dveffAdn(Ntmp,Ndim)); dveffAdn=0.0_DP
1081  !
1082  DO iproc=1,nstates(me)
1083    !
1084    ! Connect processor number with atom...
1085    !
1086    ia=me+nproc_image*(iproc-1)
1087    !
1088    ! Connect atom type with species-dependent quantities...
1089    !
1090    ias=ityp(ia)
1091    !
1092    ! Transfer species-specific cutoff to spcutA...
1093    !
1094    spcutA=spdata(ias,1)
1095    !
1096    ! Precompute inverse of species-specific linear grid spacing (replaces / with * inside inner loop)...
1097    !
1098    spdA=1.0_DP/spdata(ias,2)
1099    !
1100    ! Loop over grid points and determine if they belong to spherical atomic integration domain (if r < RcutA)...
1101    !
1102    Npts=0; Nptsr=0
1103    !
1104    ALLOCATE(dqAmic(nr1,nr2,nr3)); dqAmic=0.0_DP
1105    ALLOCATE(dveffAdntmp(nr1,nr2,nr3)); dveffAdntmp=0.0_DP
1106    !
1107!$omp parallel do private(dq,dqA,dqAs,ir,dk1,rhoA,off1,ioff,boff,off1r)
1108    DO ir1=1,nr1
1109      !
1110      dq(1)=DBLE(ir1-1)/DBLE(nr1) ! s_i(1)
1111      !
1112      DO ir2=1,nr2
1113        !
1114        dq(2)=DBLE(ir2-1)/DBLE(nr2) ! s_i(2)
1115        !
1116        DO ir3=1,nr3
1117          !
1118          dq(3)=DBLE(ir3-1)/DBLE(nr3) ! s_i(3)
1119          !
1120          ! Compute distance between grid point and atom according to minimum image convention (MIC)...
1121          !
1122          dqA(1)=h(1,1)*dq(1)+h(1,2)*dq(2)+h(1,3)*dq(3)   ! r_i = h s_i
1123          dqA(2)=h(2,1)*dq(1)+h(2,2)*dq(2)+h(2,3)*dq(3)   ! r_i = h s_i
1124          dqA(3)=h(3,1)*dq(1)+h(3,2)*dq(2)+h(3,3)*dq(3)   ! r_i = h s_i
1125          !
1126          dqA(1)=dqA(1)-atxyz(1,ia)   ! r_iA = r_i - r_A
1127          dqA(2)=dqA(2)-atxyz(2,ia)   ! r_iA = r_i - r_A
1128          dqA(3)=dqA(3)-atxyz(3,ia)   ! r_iA = r_i - r_A
1129          !
1130          dqAs(1)=ainv(1,1)*dqA(1)+ainv(1,2)*dqA(2)+ainv(1,3)*dqA(3)   ! s_iA = h^-1 r_iA
1131          dqAs(2)=ainv(2,1)*dqA(1)+ainv(2,2)*dqA(2)+ainv(2,3)*dqA(3)   ! s_iA = h^-1 r_iA
1132          dqAs(3)=ainv(3,1)*dqA(1)+ainv(3,2)*dqA(2)+ainv(3,3)*dqA(3)   ! s_iA = h^-1 r_iA
1133          !
1134          dqAs(1)=dqAs(1)-IDNINT(dqAs(1))   ! impose MIC on s_iA in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1135          dqAs(2)=dqAs(2)-IDNINT(dqAs(2))   ! impose MIC on s_iA in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1136          dqAs(3)=dqAs(3)-IDNINT(dqAs(3))   ! impose MIC on s_iA in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1137          !
1138          dqA(1)=h(1,1)*dqAs(1)+h(1,2)*dqAs(2)+h(1,3)*dqAs(3)   ! r_iA = h s_iA (MIC)
1139          dqA(2)=h(2,1)*dqAs(1)+h(2,2)*dqAs(2)+h(2,3)*dqAs(3)   ! r_iA = h s_iA (MIC)
1140          dqA(3)=h(3,1)*dqAs(1)+h(3,2)*dqAs(2)+h(3,3)*dqAs(3)   ! r_iA = h s_iA (MIC)
1141          !
1142          dqAmic(ir1,ir2,ir3)=DSQRT(dqA(1)*dqA(1)+dqA(2)*dqA(2)+dqA(3)*dqA(3))   ! |r_i - r_A| (MIC)
1143          !
1144          ! Screen grid point according to atomic radial cutoff...
1145          !
1146          IF (dqAmic(ir1,ir2,ir3).LE.spcutA) THEN
1147            !
1148            ! Form rhosad(r) on the real-space mesh...
1149            ! N.B. This algorithm only works when the images of a given atom are greater than the radial grid cutoff values for ALL atomic species...
1150            !
1151            ! Determine the index in the atomic linear equispaced grid such that grd(ir) <= dqA <= grd(ir+1) and distance between dqA and grd(ir)...
1152            !
1153            ir=INT(dqAmic(ir1,ir2,ir3)*spdA)
1154            dk1=dqAmic(ir1,ir2,ir3)-spgrd(ias,ir)
1155            !
1156            ! Perform linear interpolation to obtain the value of the atomic pseudo-density at the given grid point...
1157            !
1158            rhoA=LIA(ias,ir)+LIB(ias,ir)*dk1
1159            !
1160            ! Increment contribution to rhosad(r)...
1161            !
1162            off1=ir1+(ir2-1)*nr1+(ir3-1)*nr1*nr2    !global offset [nr1,nr2,nr3]
1163            rhosad(off1)=rhosad(off1)+rhoA
1164            !
1165            ! Form numerator of dVA/dn(r) only...
1166            !
1167            dveffAdntmp(ir1,ir2,ir3)=dqAmic(ir1,ir2,ir3)**(3.0_DP)*rhoA
1168            !
1169            ! On reduced grid only, form screened somegaAr and gomegar...
1170            !
1171            IF ((MOD(ir1,2).EQ.1).AND.(MOD(ir2,2).EQ.1).AND.(MOD(ir3,2).EQ.1))  THEN
1172              !
1173              ioff=((ia-1)/bsint)+1                                    ! integer offset for gomegar bit array
1174              boff=(ia-((ioff-1)*bsint))-1                             ! bit offset for gomegar bit array
1175              off1r=(ir1+1)/2+((ir2-1)/2)*nr1r+((ir3-1)/2)*nr1r*nr2r   ! reduced global offset [nr1r,nr2r,nr3r]
1176              !
1177              gomegar(off1r,ioff)=IBSET(gomegar(off1r,ioff),boff)
1178              !
1179            END IF
1180            !
1181          END IF
1182          !
1183        END DO !ir3
1184        !
1185      END DO !ir2
1186      !
1187    END DO !ir1
1188!$omp end parallel do
1189    !
1190    DO ir1=1,nr1
1191      !
1192      DO ir2=1,nr2
1193        !
1194        DO ir3=1,nr3
1195          !
1196          ! Screen grid point according to atomic radial cutoff...
1197          !
1198          IF (dqAmic(ir1,ir2,ir3).LE.spcutA) THEN
1199            !
1200            Npts=Npts+1
1201            !
1202            ! Form screened somegaA...
1203            !
1204            somegaA(Npts,1,iproc)=ir1
1205            somegaA(Npts,2,iproc)=ir2
1206            somegaA(Npts,3,iproc)=ir3
1207            !
1208            dveffAdn(Npts,iproc)=dveffAdntmp(ir1,ir2,ir3)
1209            !
1210            ! On reduced grid only, form screened somegaAr ...
1211            !
1212            IF ((MOD(ir1,2).EQ.1).AND.(MOD(ir2,2).EQ.1).AND.(MOD(ir3,2).EQ.1))  THEN
1213              !
1214              Nptsr=Nptsr+1
1215              !
1216              ! Form reduced screened somegaAr...
1217              !
1218              somegaAr(Nptsr,1,iproc)=ir1
1219              somegaAr(Nptsr,2,iproc)=ir2
1220              somegaAr(Nptsr,3,iproc)=ir3
1221              !
1222            END IF
1223            !
1224          END IF
1226        END DO !ir3
1227        !
1228      END DO !ir2
1229      !
1230    END DO !ir1
1231    !
1232    NsomegaA(ia)=Npts
1233    NsomegaAr(ia)=Nptsr
1234    !
1235    IF (ALLOCATED(dqAmic))    DEALLOCATE(dqAmic)
1236    IF (ALLOCATED(dveffAdntmp))    DEALLOCATE(dveffAdntmp)
1237    !
1238  END DO ! iproc
1239  !
1240  ! Collect NsomegaA, NsomegaAr, gomegar, and rhosad over all processors and broadcast...
1241  !
1242  CALL mp_sum(NsomegaA,intra_image_comm)
1243  CALL mp_sum(NsomegaAr,intra_image_comm)
1244  CALL mp_sum(gomegar,intra_image_comm)
1245  CALL mp_sum(rhosad,intra_image_comm)
1246  !
1247  ! Decompose gomegar to gomegaAr to save on memory storage...
1248  !
1249  DO iproc=1,nstates(me)
1250    !
1251    ! Connect processor number with atom...
1252    !
1253    ia=me+nproc_image*(iproc-1)
1254    !
1255    ! Loop over points in the (pre-screened) reduced spherical atomic integration domain...
1256    !
1257!$omp parallel do private(off1r,ir)
1258    DO iq=1,NsomegaAr(ia)
1259      !
1260      DO ir=1,Nints
1261        !
1262        off1r=(somegaAr(iq,1,iproc)+1)/2+((somegaAr(iq,2,iproc)-1)/2)*nr1r+((somegaAr(iq,3,iproc)-1)/2)*nr1r*nr2r   ! reduced global offset [nr1r,nr2r,nr3r]
1263        gomegaAr(iq,ir,iproc)=gomegar(off1r,ir)
1264        !
1265      END DO
1266      !
1267    END DO !iq
1268!$omp end parallel do
1269    !
1270  END DO ! iproc
1271  !
1272  ! Clean-up temporary arrays...
1273  !
1274  IF (ALLOCATED(gomegar))    DEALLOCATE(gomegar)
1275  !
1276  CALL stop_clock('tsvdw_screen')
1277  !
1278  RETURN
1279  !
1280  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1281  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_screen
1282  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1283  !
1284  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1285  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_veff()
1286  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1287  !
1289  !
1290  ! Local variables
1291  !
1292  INTEGER :: ia,iq,off1
1293  REAL(DP) :: normr
1294  !
1295  CALL start_clock('tsvdw_veff')
1296  !
1297  ! Initialization of effective volume...
1298  !
1299  ALLOCATE(veff(nat)); veff=0.0_DP
1300  !
1301  ! Normalization factor for veff integral...
1302  !
1303  normr=omega/DBLE(nr1r*nr2r*nr3r)
1304  !
1305  ! Loop over atoms in the simulation cell...
1306  !
1307  DO iproc=1,nstates(me)
1308    !
1309    ! Connect processor number with atom...
1310    !
1311    ia=me+nproc_image*(iproc-1)
1312    !
1313    ! Loop over points in the (pre-screened) spherical atomic integration domain...
1314    !
1315!$omp parallel do private(off1),reduction(+:veff)
1316    DO iq=1,NsomegaA(ia)
1317      !
1318      ! Compute veff integrand and complete dispersion potential (functional derivative of veff(A) wrt charge density)...
1319      !
1320      !        veff(A) = INT [|r-rA|^3*rhoA(|r-rA|)*rhotot(r)/rhosad(r)]
1321      !
1322      !       dveff(A)/dn(r) = |r-rA|^3*rhoA(|r-rA|)/rhosad(r)
1323      !
1324      off1=somegaA(iq,1,iproc)+(somegaA(iq,2,iproc)-1)*nr1+(somegaA(iq,3,iproc)-1)*nr1*nr2    !global offset [nr1,nr2,nr3]
1325      dveffAdn(iq,iproc)=dveffAdn(iq,iproc)/rhosad(off1)
1326      !
1327      ! Increment veff...
1328      !
1329      IF ((MOD(somegaA(iq,1,iproc),2).EQ.1).AND.(MOD(somegaA(iq,2,iproc),2).EQ.1).AND.(MOD(somegaA(iq,3,iproc),2).EQ.1))  THEN
1330        !
1331        veff(ia)=veff(ia)+(dveffAdn(iq,iproc)*rhotot(off1))
1332        !
1333      END IF
1334      !
1335    END DO !iq
1336!$omp end parallel do
1337    !
1338    ! Apply final normalization to veff integral...
1339    !
1340    veff(ia)=normr*veff(ia)
1341    !
1342  END DO !iproc
1343  !
1344  ! Collect veff over all processors and broadcast...
1345  !
1346  CALL mp_sum(veff,intra_image_comm)
1347  !
1348  VefftsvdW = veff
1349  !
1350  CALL stop_clock('tsvdw_veff')
1351  !
1352  RETURN
1353  !
1354  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1355  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_veff
1356  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1357  !
1358  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1359  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_dveff()
1360  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1361  !
1363  !
1364  ! Local variables
1365  !
1366  INTEGER :: ia,ib,ias,ibs,iq,ir,i,j,ipair,off1,ioff,boff
1367  REAL(DP) :: spcutA,spcutB,spdA,spdB,dq(3),dqA(3),dqAs(3),dqB(3),dqBs(3),dqAmic,dqBmic,dABmic,normr
1368  REAL(DP) :: dk1,dptmp1,dptmp2,dptmp3,dptmp4,dptmp5,rhoA,rhoB,drhoA,drhoB,dVAdRA(3),dVAdRB(3),dVBdRA(3)
1370  REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dqxyzr,dqAxyzs,predVBdRA
1371  !
1372  CALL start_clock('tsvdw_dveff')
1373  !
1374  ! Initialization of the dveff/dR and dveff/dh arrays...
1375  !
1376  ALLOCATE(dveffdR(nat,nat,3)); dveffdR=0.0_DP
1377  ALLOCATE(dveffdh(nat,3,3)); dveffdh=0.0_DP
1378  !
1379  ! Normalization factor for dveff integrals...
1380  !
1381  normr=omega/DBLE(nr1r*nr2r*nr3r)
1382  !
1383  ! Loop over atoms A in the simulation cell and compute dveffdR and dveffdh...
1384  !
1385  DO iproc=1,nstates(me)
1386    !
1387    ! Connect processor number with atom...
1388    !
1389    ia=me+nproc_image*(iproc-1)
1390    !
1391    ! Connect atom type with species-dependent quantities...
1392    !
1393    ias=ityp(ia)
1394    !
1395    ! Transfer species-specific cutoff to spcutA...
1396    !
1397    spcutA=spdata(ias,1)
1398    !
1399    ! Precompute inverse of species-specific linear grid spacing (replaces / with * during interpolation)...
1400    !
1401    spdA=1.0_DP/spdata(ias,2)
1402    !
1403    ! Allocate and initialize atom-specific arrays...
1404    !
1405    ALLOCATE(dqxyzr(NsomegaAr(ia),3)); dqxyzr=0.0_DP
1406    ALLOCATE(dqAxyzs(NsomegaAr(ia),3)); dqAxyzs=0.0_DP
1407    ALLOCATE(predVAdRB(NsomegaAr(ia))); predVAdRB=0.0_DP
1408    ALLOCATE(predVBdRA(NsomegaAr(ia),3)); predVBdRA=0.0_DP
1409    !
1410    ! Initial loop over points in the (pre-screened) reduced spherical atomic integration domain for atom A to compute
1411    ! self-derivative (dV(A)/dR(A)), quantities necessary for dV(A)/dR(B) and dV(B)/dR(A), and self-contribution to dV(A)/dh...
1412    !
1413!$omp parallel do private(dq,dqA,dqAs,dqAmic,ir,dk1,rhoA,drhoA, &
1414!$omp off1,dptmp1,dptmp2,dptmp3,dptmp4,dVAdRA,dptmp5,i,j), &
1415!$omp reduction(-:dveffdh),reduction(+:dveffdR)
1416    DO iq=1,NsomegaAr(ia)
1417      !
1418      ! Compute global/cell reference frame Cartesian coordinates of given real-space grid point...
1419      !
1420      dq(1)=DBLE(somegaAr(iq,1,iproc)-1)/DBLE(nr1)   ! s_i(1)
1421      dq(2)=DBLE(somegaAr(iq,2,iproc)-1)/DBLE(nr2)   ! s_i(2)
1422      dq(3)=DBLE(somegaAr(iq,3,iproc)-1)/DBLE(nr3)   ! s_i(3)
1423      !
1424      dqA(1)=h(1,1)*dq(1)+h(1,2)*dq(2)+h(1,3)*dq(3)   ! r_i = h s_i
1425      dqA(2)=h(2,1)*dq(1)+h(2,2)*dq(2)+h(2,3)*dq(3)   ! r_i = h s_i
1426      dqA(3)=h(3,1)*dq(1)+h(3,2)*dq(2)+h(3,3)*dq(3)   ! r_i = h s_i
1427      !
1428      ! Accumulate the Cartesian coordinates of the real-space grid point in the dqxyzr array:
1429      !
1430      !   dqxyzr(:,1) := x-coordinate of grid point (global/cell reference frame)
1431      !   dqxyzr(:,2) := y-coordinate of grid point (global/cell reference frame)
1432      !   dqxyzr(:,3) := z-coordinate of grid point (global/cell reference frame)
1433      !
1434      dqxyzr(iq,1)=dqA(1)
1435      dqxyzr(iq,2)=dqA(2)
1436      dqxyzr(iq,3)=dqA(3)
1437      !
1438      ! Compute distance between grid point and atom in scaled coordinates (s_iA) according to minimum image convention (MIC)...
1439      !
1440      dqA(1)=dqA(1)-atxyz(1,ia)   ! r_iA = r_i - r_A
1441      dqA(2)=dqA(2)-atxyz(2,ia)   ! r_iA = r_i - r_A
1442      dqA(3)=dqA(3)-atxyz(3,ia)   ! r_iA = r_i - r_A
1443      !
1444      dqAs(1)=ainv(1,1)*dqA(1)+ainv(1,2)*dqA(2)+ainv(1,3)*dqA(3)   ! s_iA = h^-1 r_iA
1445      dqAs(2)=ainv(2,1)*dqA(1)+ainv(2,2)*dqA(2)+ainv(2,3)*dqA(3)   ! s_iA = h^-1 r_iA
1446      dqAs(3)=ainv(3,1)*dqA(1)+ainv(3,2)*dqA(2)+ainv(3,3)*dqA(3)   ! s_iA = h^-1 r_iA
1447      !
1448      dqAs(1)=dqAs(1)-IDNINT(dqAs(1))   ! impose MIC on s_iA in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1449      dqAs(2)=dqAs(2)-IDNINT(dqAs(2))   ! impose MIC on s_iA in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1450      dqAs(3)=dqAs(3)-IDNINT(dqAs(3))   ! impose MIC on s_iA in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1451      !
1452      ! Accumulate the components of the s_i - s_A vector in the dqAxyzs array:
1453      !
1454      !   dqAxyzs(:,1) := 1-coordinate of s_i - s_A vector (local/atom reference frame)
1455      !   dqAxyzs(:,2) := 2-coordinate of s_i - s_A vector (local/atom reference frame)
1456      !   dqAxyzs(:,3) := 3-coordinate of s_i - s_A vector (local/atom reference frame)
1457      !
1458      dqAxyzs(iq,1)=dqAs(1)
1459      dqAxyzs(iq,2)=dqAs(2)
1460      dqAxyzs(iq,3)=dqAs(3)
1461      !
1462      ! Convert MIC distance components from scaled coordinates to Cartesian coordinates (s_iA -> r_iA)...
1463      !
1464      dqA(1)=h(1,1)*dqAs(1)+h(1,2)*dqAs(2)+h(1,3)*dqAs(3)   ! r_iA = h s_iA (MIC)
1465      dqA(2)=h(2,1)*dqAs(1)+h(2,2)*dqAs(2)+h(2,3)*dqAs(3)   ! r_iA = h s_iA (MIC)
1466      dqA(3)=h(3,1)*dqAs(1)+h(3,2)*dqAs(2)+h(3,3)*dqAs(3)   ! r_iA = h s_iA (MIC)
1467      !
1468      dqAmic=DSQRT(dqA(1)*dqA(1)+dqA(2)*dqA(2)+dqA(3)*dqA(3))   ! |r_i - r_A| (MIC)
1469      !
1470      ! Determine the index in the atomic linear equispaced grid such that grd(ir) <= dqA <= grd(ir+1) and distance between dqA and grd(ir)...
1471      !
1472      ir=INT(dqAmic*spdA)
1473      dk1=dqAmic-spgrd(ias,ir)
1474      !
1475      ! Perform linear interpolation to obtain the value of the atomic pseudo-density and its derivative at the given grid point...
1476      !
1477      rhoA=LIA(ias,ir)+LIB(ias,ir)*dk1        !rhoA at grid point via linear interpolation
1478      drhoA=dLIA(ias,ir)+dLIB(ias,ir)*dk1     !drhoA at grid point via linear interpolation
1479      !
1480      ! Compute global offset for rhosad(r) and rhotot(r), both computed on the real-space mesh...
1481      !
1482      off1=somegaAr(iq,1,iproc)+(somegaAr(iq,2,iproc)-1)*nr1+(somegaAr(iq,3,iproc)-1)*nr1*nr2    !global offset [nr1,nr2,nr3]
1483      !
1484      ! Compute self-derivative dVA/dpA integrand for p={x,y,z}...
1485      !
1486      !   dVA/dpA = INT {(p-pA)*|r-rA|*rhotot(r)/rhosad(r)*[|r-rA|*rho(|r-rA|)*drho(|r-rA|)/rhosad(r)-|r-rA|*drho(|r-rA|)-3*rho(|r-rA|)]}
1487      !
1488      dptmp1=1.0_DP/rhosad(off1)
1489      dptmp2=dqAmic*drhoA
1490      dptmp3=dqAmic*rhotot(off1)*dptmp1
1491      dptmp4=((rhoA*dptmp1-1.0_DP)*dptmp2-3.0_DP*rhoA)*dptmp3
1492      !
1493      dVAdRA=dqA*dptmp4  !dVA/dpA integrand/contribution for the given grid point...
1494      !
1495      ! Increment self-derivative dVA/dpA for p={x,y,z}...
1496      !
1497      DO i=1,3
1498        !
1499        dveffdR(ia,ia,i)=dveffdR(ia,ia,i)+dVAdRA(i)
1500        !
1501      END DO !i
1502      !
1503      ! Increment self-contribution to dVA/dhpq for p,q={x,y,z}...
1504      !
1505      !   dVA/dhpq <-- INT {-(p-pA)*(qs-qsA)*|r-rA|*rhotot(r)/rhosad(r)*[|r-rA|*rho(|r-rA|)*drho(|r-rA|)/rhosad(r)-|r-rA|*drho(|r-rA|)-3*rho(|r-rA|)]}
1506      !
1507      DO i=1,3
1508        !
1509        DO j=1,3
1510          !
1511          dveffdh(ia,i,j)=dveffdh(ia,i,j)-dVAdRA(i)*dqAxyzs(iq,j)
1512          !
1513        END DO !j
1514        !
1515      END DO !i
1516      !
1517      ! Precompute quantities necessary for dV(A)/dR(B) and dV(B)/dR(A)...
1518      !
1519      predVAdRB(iq)=dptmp1*rhoA*dqAmic*dqAmic*dptmp3
1520      !
1521      dptmp5=dptmp1*dptmp1*drhoA*rhotot(off1)
1522      !
1523      IF (dqAmic.LT.(1.0E-12_DP)) THEN
1524        !
1525        predVBdRA(iq,:)=dptmp5
1526        !
1527      ELSE
1528        !
1529        predVBdRA(iq,:)=dptmp5*dqA(:)/dqAmic
1530        !
1531      END IF
1532      !
1533    END DO !iq
1534!$omp end parallel do
1535    !
1536    ! Inner loop over unique atom pairs B in the simulation cell to compute pair contributions to dveffdR and dveffdh...
1537    !
1538!$omp parallel do private(dqB,dqBs,dqBmic,ir,dk1,rhoB,drhoB,dVAdRB,dVBdRA, &
1539!$omp i,j,ib,ibs,spcutB,spdB,ioff,boff), &
1540!$omp reduction(+:dveffdR),reduction(-:dveffdh)
1541    DO ipair=1,npair(ia)
1542      !
1543      ! Connect pair number with atom...
1544      !
1545      ib=pair(ipair,ia)
1546      !
1547      ! Connect atom type with species-dependent quantities...
1548      !
1549      ibs=ityp(ib)
1550      !
1551      ! Transfer species-specific cutoff to spcutB...
1552      !
1553      spcutB=spdata(ibs,1)
1554      !
1555      ! Precompute inverse of species-specific linear grid spacing (replaces / with * during interpolation)...
1556      !
1557      spdB=1.0_DP/spdata(ibs,2)
1558      !
1559      ! Determine atom B offsets for using gomegaAr bit array screening below...
1560      !
1561      ioff=((ib-1)/bsint)+1                     ! integer offset for gomegaAr bit array
1562      boff=(ib-((ioff-1)*bsint))-1              ! bit offset for gomegaAr bit array
1563      !
1564      ! Inner loop over points in the (pre-screened) reduced spherical atomic integration domain for atom A to compute
1565      ! non-self-derivatives (dV(A)/dR(B) and dV(B)/dR(A)) and non-self-contributions to dV(A)/dh and dV(B)/dh in the overlapping integration domain...
1566      !
1567      DO iq=1,NsomegaAr(ia)
1568        !
1569        ! Determine if atom B contributes to the given point on the reduced spherical atomic integration domain on atom A (using gomegaAr bit array)...
1570        !
1571        IF (BTEST(gomegaAr(iq,ioff,iproc),boff)) THEN
1572          !
1573          ! Compute distance between grid point and atom B according to minimum image convention (MIC)...
1574          !
1575          dqB(1)=dqxyzr(iq,1)-atxyz(1,ib)   ! r_iB = r_i - r_B
1576          dqB(2)=dqxyzr(iq,2)-atxyz(2,ib)   ! r_iB = r_i - r_B
1577          dqB(3)=dqxyzr(iq,3)-atxyz(3,ib)   ! r_iB = r_i - r_B
1578          !
1579          dqBs(1)=ainv(1,1)*dqB(1)+ainv(1,2)*dqB(2)+ainv(1,3)*dqB(3)   ! s_iB = h^-1 r_iB
1580          dqBs(2)=ainv(2,1)*dqB(1)+ainv(2,2)*dqB(2)+ainv(2,3)*dqB(3)   ! s_iB = h^-1 r_iB
1581          dqBs(3)=ainv(3,1)*dqB(1)+ainv(3,2)*dqB(2)+ainv(3,3)*dqB(3)   ! s_iB = h^-1 r_iB
1582          !
1583          dqBs(1)=dqBs(1)-IDNINT(dqBs(1))   ! impose MIC on s_iB in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1584          dqBs(2)=dqBs(2)-IDNINT(dqBs(2))   ! impose MIC on s_iB in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1585          dqBs(3)=dqBs(3)-IDNINT(dqBs(3))   ! impose MIC on s_iB in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1586          !
1587          dqB(1)=h(1,1)*dqBs(1)+h(1,2)*dqBs(2)+h(1,3)*dqBs(3)   ! r_iB = h s_iB (MIC)
1588          dqB(2)=h(2,1)*dqBs(1)+h(2,2)*dqBs(2)+h(2,3)*dqBs(3)   ! r_iB = h s_iB (MIC)
1589          dqB(3)=h(3,1)*dqBs(1)+h(3,2)*dqBs(2)+h(3,3)*dqBs(3)   ! r_iB = h s_iB (MIC)
1590          !
1591          dqBmic=DSQRT(dqB(1)*dqB(1)+dqB(2)*dqB(2)+dqB(3)*dqB(3))   ! |r_i - r_B| (MIC)
1592          !
1593          ! Final screening based on the (pre-screened) spherical atomic integration domain on atom B...
1594          !
1595          IF (dqBmic.LE.spcutB) THEN
1596            !
1597            ! Determine the index in the atomic linear equispaced grid such that grd(ir) <= dqB <= grd(ir+1) and distance between dqB and grd(ir)...
1598            !
1599            ir=INT(dqBmic*spdB)
1600            dk1=dqBmic-spgrd(ibs,ir)
1601            !
1602            ! Perform linear interpolation to obtain the value of the atomic pseudo-density and its derivative at the given grid point...
1603            !
1604            rhoB=LIA(ibs,ir)+LIB(ibs,ir)*dk1         !rhoB at grid point via linear interpolation
1605            drhoB=dLIA(ibs,ir)+dLIB(ibs,ir)*dk1      !drhoB at grid point via linear interpolation
1606            !
1607            ! Compute dVA/dpB integrand for p={x,y,z}...
1608            !
1609            !   dVA/dpB = INT {(p-pB)/|r-rB|*[drho(|r-rB|)*|r-rA|^3*rho(|r-rA|)*rhotot(r)/rhosad(r)^2]}
1610            !
1611            IF (dqBmic.LT.(1.0E-12_DP)) THEN
1612              !
1613              dVAdRB(:)=predVAdRB(iq)*drhoB
1614              !
1615            ELSE
1616              !
1617              dVAdRB(:)=predVAdRB(iq)*drhoB*dqB(:)/dqBmic
1618              !
1619            END IF
1620            !
1621            ! Increment non-self-derivative dVA/dpB for p={x,y,z}...
1622            !
1623            DO i=1,3
1624              !
1625              dveffdR(ia,ib,i)=dveffdR(ia,ib,i)+dVAdRB(i)
1626              !
1627            END DO !i
1628            !
1629            ! Increment non-self-contribution to dVA/dhpq for p,q={x,y,z} from atom B...
1630            !
1631            !   dVA/dhpq <-- INT {-(p-pB)*(qs-qsB)/|r-rB|*[drho(|r-rB|)*|r-rA|^3*rho(|r-rA|)*rhotot(r)/rhosad(r)^2]}
1632            !
1633            DO i=1,3
1634              !
1635              DO j=1,3
1636                !
1637                dveffdh(ia,i,j)=dveffdh(ia,i,j)-dVAdRB(i)*dqBs(j)
1638                !
1639              END DO !j
1640              !
1641            END DO !i
1642            !
1643            ! Compute dVB/dpA integrand for p={x,y,z}...
1644            !
1645            !   dVB/dpA = INT {(p-pA)/|r-rA|*[drho(|r-rA|)*|r-rB|^3*rho(|r-rB|)*rhotot(r)/rhosad(r)^2]}
1646            !
1647            dVBdRA(:)=predVBdRA(iq,:)*rhoB*dqBmic*dqBmic*dqBmic
1648            !
1649            ! Increment non-self-derivative dVB/dpA for p={x,y,z} from atom A...
1650            !
1651            DO i=1,3
1652              !
1653              dveffdR(ib,ia,i)=dveffdR(ib,ia,i)+dVBdRA(i)
1654              !
1655            END DO !i
1656            !
1657            ! Increment non-self-contribution to dVB/dhpq for p,q={x,y,z} from atom A...
1658            !
1659            !   dVB/dhpq <-- INT {-(p-pA)*(qs-qsA)/|r-rA|*[drho(|r-rA|)*|r-rB|^3*rho(|r-rB|)*rhotot(r)/rhosad(r)^2]}
1660            !
1661            DO i=1,3
1662              !
1663              DO j=1,3
1664                !
1665                dveffdh(ib,i,j)=dveffdh(ib,i,j)-dVBdRA(i)*dqAxyzs(iq,j)
1666                !
1667              END DO !j
1668              !
1669            END DO !i
1670            !
1671          END IF
1672          !
1673        END IF !BTEST
1674        !
1675      END DO !iq
1676      !
1677    END DO !ipair
1678!$omp end parallel do
1679    !
1680    ! Deallocate temporary arrays...
1681    !
1682    IF (ALLOCATED(dqxyzr))     DEALLOCATE(dqxyzr)
1683    IF (ALLOCATED(dqAxyzs))    DEALLOCATE(dqAxyzs)
1686    !
1687  END DO !iproc
1688  !
1689  ! Apply final normalization of dVA/dR integrals...
1690  !
1691  dveffdR=normr*dveffdR
1692  !
1693  ! Apply final normalization of dVA/dhab integrals...
1694  !
1695  dveffdh=normr*dveffdh
1696  !
1697  ! Collect dveffdR and dveffdh over all processors and broadcast...
1698  !
1699  CALL mp_sum(dveffdR,intra_image_comm)
1700  CALL mp_sum(dveffdh,intra_image_comm)
1701  !
1702  CALL stop_clock('tsvdw_dveff')
1703  !
1704  RETURN
1705  !
1706  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1707  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_dveff
1708  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1709  !
1710  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1711  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_effqnts()
1712  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1713  !
1715  !
1716  ! Local variables
1717  !
1718  INTEGER :: ia,ib,ias,ibs
1719  REAL(DP) :: vA,vB,num,den
1720  !
1721  ! Initialization of base effective atomic quantities...
1722  !
1723  ALLOCATE(dpeff(nat)); dpeff=0.0_DP
1724  ALLOCATE(R0eff(nat)); R0eff=0.0_DP
1725  ALLOCATE(C6AAeff(nat)); C6AAeff=0.0_DP
1726  ALLOCATE(C6ABeff(nat,nat)); C6ABeff=0.0_DP
1727  !
1728  ! Population of base effective atomic quantities...
1729  !
1730  DO ia=1,nat
1731    !
1732    ! Connect atom type with species-dependent quantities...
1733    !
1734    ias=ityp(ia)
1735    !
1736    ! Precompute veff(A)/vfree(A) ratio...
1737    !
1738    vA=(veff(ia)/vfree(ias))
1739    !
1740    ! Effective atomic static dipole polarizability array...
1741    ! dpeff(A)=[veff(A)/vfree(A)]*dpfree(A)
1742    !
1743    dpeff(ia)=vA*dpfree(ias)
1744    !
1745    ! Effective atomic vdW radius array...
1746    ! R0eff(A)=[veff(A)/vfree(A)]^1/3*R0free(A)
1747    !
1748    R0eff(ia)=(vA**(1.0_DP/3.0_DP))*R0free(ias)
1749    !
1750    ! Effective homonuclear C6 coefficient array...
1751    ! C6AAeff(A)=[veff(A)/vfree(A)]^2*C6AAfree(A)
1752    !
1753    C6AAeff(ia)=(vA**(2.0_DP))*C6AAfree(ias)
1754    !
1755    DO ib=1,nat
1756      !
1757      ! Connect atom type with species-dependent quantities...
1758      !
1759      ibs=ityp(ib)
1760      !
1761      ! Precompute veff(B)/vfree(B) ratio...
1762      !
1763      vB=(veff(ib)/vfree(ibs))
1764      !
1765      ! Effective heteronuclear C6 coefficient matrix...
1766      ! C6ABeff(A,B)=(veff(A)/vfree(A))*(veff(B)/vfree(B))*C6ABfree(A,B)
1767      !
1768      C6ABeff(ia,ib)=(vA*vB)*C6ABfree(ias,ibs)
1769      !
1770    END DO !ib
1771    !
1772  END DO !ia
1773  !
1774  RETURN
1775  !
1776  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1777  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_effqnts
1778  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1779  !
1780  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1781  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_energy()
1782  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1783  !
1785  !
1786  ! Local variables
1787  !
1788  LOGICAL :: periodic_converged
1789  INTEGER :: ia,ib,ic,ias,ibs,n_period,n1,n2,n3,i,j
1791  REAL(DP) :: dAB(3),dAB2(3),dsAB(3),dABimg,dABimg2,dABimgn1,dABimgn2,dABimgn5,dABimgn6
1793  REAL(DP) :: EtsvdW_period,RAB0,edamp,fdamp,fdamp2,D1A,D1B,D2A,D2B,D12A,D12B,dptmp1,dptmp2,vtmp1(3),vtmp2(3)
1794  REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: predveffAdn_period
1795  REAL(DP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: FtsvdW_period,HtsvdW_period
1796  !
1797  CALL start_clock('tsvdw_energy')
1798  !
1799  ! Initialize total TS-vdW energy, ion force, and cell force ...
1800  !
1801  EtsvdW=0.0_DP; FtsvdW=0.0_DP; HtsvdW=0.0_DP
1802  !
1803  ! Allocate and initialize TS-vdW dispersion potential prefactor...
1804  !
1805  ALLOCATE(predveffAdn(nat)); predveffAdn=0.0_DP
1806  !
1807  ! Allocate and initialize periodic contributions to TS-vdW ionic forces, cell forces, and dispersion potential prefactor...
1808  !
1809  ALLOCATE(FtsvdW_period(3,nat)); FtsvdW_period=0.0_DP
1810  ALLOCATE(HtsvdW_period(3,3)); HtsvdW_period=0.0_DP
1811  ALLOCATE(predveffAdn_period(nat)); predveffAdn_period=0.0_DP
1812  !
1813  ! Precompute quantities outside all loops...
1814  !
1815  FDR0=ddamp/(2.0_DP*sR)
1816  FDV0=-FDR0/3.0_DP
1817  FCV0=0.5_DP
1818  FRR0=-3.0_DP
1819  !
1820  ! For periodic systems, converge the energy with respect to neighboring images...
1821  !
1822  n_period=0
1823  periodic_converged=.FALSE.
1824  !
1825  DO WHILE (.NOT.periodic_converged)
1826    !
1827    EtsvdW_period=0.0_DP
1828    FtsvdW_period=0.0_DP
1829    HtsvdW_period=0.0_DP
1830    predveffAdn_period=0.0_DP
1831    !
1832    ! Outer loop over atoms A...
1833    !
1834    DO iproc=1,nstates(me)
1835      !
1836      ! Connect processor number with atom...
1837      !
1838      ia=me+nproc_image*(iproc-1)
1839      !
1840      ! Connect atom type with species-dependent quantities...
1841      !
1842      ias=ityp(ia)
1843      !
1844      ! Precompute quantities outside loop over B...
1845      !
1846      FDV1=R0free(ias)/(vfree(ias)**(1.0_DP/3.0_DP)*veff(ia)**(2.0_DP/3.0_DP))
1847      FCVA1=1.0_DP/vfree(ias)
1848      FCVB1=veff(ia)*FCVA1
1849      !
1850      ! Inner loop over atoms B...
1851      !
1853!$omp parallel private(ibs,RAB0,FRR2,FDR2,FDVA2,FDVB2,FCVB2,FCVA2, &
1854!$omp dAB,dAB2,FDVi,FDRi,FDRii,FCVi,FRRi,FRRii,n1,n2,n3,dsAB,dABimg2, &
1855!$omp dABimg,dABimgn1,dABimgn2,dABimgn5,dABimgn6,edamp,fdamp,fdamp2,dptmp1, &
1856!$omp dptmp2,i,j,vtmp1,vtmp2,D1A,D2A,D1B,D2B,D12A,D12B,ic), &
1857!$omp reduction(-:EtsvdW_period),reduction(+:FtsvdW_period), &
1858!$omp reduction(+:HtsvdW_period),reduction(-:predveffAdn_period)
1859!$omp do
1860      DO ib=1,nat
1861        !
1862        ! Connect atom type with species-dependent quantities...
1863        !
1864        ibs=ityp(ib)
1865        !
1866        ! Compute RAB0 as the sum of the effective vdW radii of atoms A and B...
1867        !
1868        RAB0=R0eff(ia)+R0eff(ib)
1869        !
1870        ! Precompute quantities outside loop over image cells...
1871        !
1872        FRR2=C6ABeff(ia,ib)
1873        FDR2=FRR2/RAB0
1874        FDVA2=FDR2/RAB0
1875        FDVB2=FDVA2*R0free(ibs)/(vfree(ibs)**(1.0_DP/3.0_DP)*veff(ib)**(2.0_DP/3.0_DP))
1876        FCVB2=C6ABfree(ias,ibs)/vfree(ibs)
1877        FCVA2=FCVB2*veff(ib)
1878        !
1879        ! Compute distance between atom A and atom B (according to the minimum image convention)...
1880        !
1881        dAB(1)=atxyz(1,ia)-atxyz(1,ib)   ! r_AB = r_A - r_B
1882        dAB(2)=atxyz(2,ia)-atxyz(2,ib)   ! r_AB = r_A - r_B
1883        dAB(3)=atxyz(3,ia)-atxyz(3,ib)   ! r_AB = r_A - r_B
1884        !
1885        dAB2(1)=ainv(1,1)*dAB(1)+ainv(1,2)*dAB(2)+ainv(1,3)*dAB(3)   ! s_AB = h^-1 r_AB
1886        dAB2(2)=ainv(2,1)*dAB(1)+ainv(2,2)*dAB(2)+ainv(2,3)*dAB(3)   ! s_AB = h^-1 r_AB
1887        dAB2(3)=ainv(3,1)*dAB(1)+ainv(3,2)*dAB(2)+ainv(3,3)*dAB(3)   ! s_AB = h^-1 r_AB
1888        !
1889        dAB2(1)=dAB2(1)-IDNINT(dAB2(1))   ! impose MIC on s_AB in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1890        dAB2(2)=dAB2(2)-IDNINT(dAB2(2))   ! impose MIC on s_AB in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1891        dAB2(3)=dAB2(3)-IDNINT(dAB2(3))   ! impose MIC on s_AB in range: [-0.5,+0.5]
1892        !
1893        ! Initialize image-summed matrix elements...
1894        !
1895        FDVi=0.0_DP; FDRi=0.0_DP; FDRii=0.0_DP; FCVi=0.0_DP; FRRi=0.0_DP; FRRii=0.0_DP
1896        !
1897        ! Loop over image cells...
1898        !
1899        DO n1=-n_period,n_period
1900          !
1901          DO n2=-n_period,n_period
1902            !
1903            DO n3=-n_period,n_period
1904              !
1905              IF ((ABS(n1).EQ.n_period).OR.(ABS(n2).EQ.n_period).OR.(ABS(n3).EQ.n_period)) THEN
1906                !
1907                ! Recover MIC distance between atom A and atom B in crystal coordinates...
1908                !
1909                dsAB(1)=dAB2(1)   ! s_AB (MIC)
1910                dsAB(2)=dAB2(2)   ! s_AB (MIC)
1911                dsAB(3)=dAB2(3)   ! s_AB (MIC)
1912                !
1913                ! Increment MIC distance in crystal coordinates...
1914                !
1915                dsAB(1)=dsAB(1)+DBLE(n1)   ! s_AB (incremented, MIC only if n_period == 0)
1916                dsAB(2)=dsAB(2)+DBLE(n2)   ! s_AB (incremented, MIC only if n_period == 0)
1917                dsAB(3)=dsAB(3)+DBLE(n3)   ! s_AB (incremented, MIC only if n_period == 0)
1918                !
1919                ! Convert incremented distance back into cartesian coordinates...
1920                !
1921                dAB(1)=h(1,1)*dsAB(1)+h(1,2)*dsAB(2)+h(1,3)*dsAB(3)   ! r_AB = h s_AB (MIC only if n_period == 0)
1922                dAB(2)=h(2,1)*dsAB(1)+h(2,2)*dsAB(2)+h(2,3)*dsAB(3)   ! r_AB = h s_AB (MIC only if n_period == 0)
1923                dAB(3)=h(3,1)*dsAB(1)+h(3,2)*dsAB(2)+h(3,3)*dsAB(3)   ! r_AB = h s_AB (MIC only if n_period == 0)
1924                !
1925                ! Compute incremented distance between atom A and atom B...
1926                !
1927                dABimg2=dAB(1)*dAB(1)+dAB(2)*dAB(2)+dAB(3)*dAB(3)
1928                dABimg=DSQRT(dABimg2)
1929                !
1930                ! Precompute inverse powers of incremented distance between atom A and atom B...
1931                !
1932                IF ( dABimg > 0.0_dp ) THEN
1933                   dABimgn1=1.0_DP/dABimg
1934                   dABimgn2=dABimgn1*dABimgn1
1935                   dABimgn5=dABimgn2*dABimgn2*dABimgn1
1936                   dABimgn6=dABimgn5*dABimgn1
1937                ELSE
1938                   dABimgn1=0.0_DP
1939                   dABimgn2=0.0_DP
1940                   dABimgn5=0.0_DP
1941                   dABimgn6=0.0_DP
1942                END IF
1943                !
1944                ! Precompute damping function (fdamp) and damping function exponential (edamp)...
1945                !
1946                edamp=EXP(-ddamp*(dABimg/(sR*RAB0)-1.0_DP))
1947                fdamp=1.0_DP/(1.0_DP+edamp)
1948                fdamp2=fdamp*fdamp
1949                !
1950                ! Apply delta[ia;ib] x delta[n1,n2,n3;0,0,0] conditional...
1951                !
1952                IF (n_period.EQ.0.AND.ia.EQ.ib) THEN
1953                  !
1954                  ! Do not include self-interaction in the simulation cell...
1955                  !
1956                  FDVi=FDVi+0.0_DP
1957                  FDRi=FDRi+0.0_DP
1958                  FDRii=FDRii+0.0_DP
1959                  FCVi=FCVi+0.0_DP
1960                  FRRi=FRRi+0.0_DP
1961                  FRRii=FRRii+0.0_DP
1962                  !
1963                ELSE
1964                  !
1965                  ! Increment image-summed matrix elements...
1966                  !
1967                  dptmp1=edamp*fdamp2*dABimgn5
1968                  FDVi=FDVi+dptmp1
1969                  !
1970                  dptmp2=fdamp*dABimgn6
1971                  FCVi=FCVi+dptmp2
1972                  !
1973                  dptmp1=dptmp1*dABimgn2
1974                  dptmp2=dptmp2*dABimgn2
1975                  !
1976                  DO i=1,3
1977                    !
1978                    vtmp1(i)=dptmp1*dAB(i)
1979                    FDRi(i)=FDRi(i)+vtmp1(i)
1980                    !
1981                    vtmp2(i)=dptmp2*dAB(i)
1982                    FRRi(i)=FRRi(i)+vtmp2(i)
1983                    !
1984                    DO j=1,3
1985                      !
1986                      FDRii(i,j)=FDRii(i,j)+vtmp1(i)*dsAB(j)
1987                      FRRii(i,j)=FRRii(i,j)+vtmp2(i)*dsAB(j)
1988                      !
1989                    END DO
1990                    !
1991                  END DO
1992                  !
1993                END IF
1994                !
1995              END IF !n_period conditional
1996              !
1997            END DO !n3
1998            !
1999          END DO !n2
2000          !
2001        END DO !n1
2002        !
2003        ! Increment period energy via EtsvdWAB = - 1/2 * C6ABeff * FAB...
2004        !
2005        EtsvdW_period=EtsvdW_period-(FCV0*FRR2*FCVi)
2006        !
2007        ! Increment dispersion potential (predveffAdn) prefactor...
2008        !
2009        ! predveffAdn(A) = (d * R0freeA * C6ABeff * edamp * fdamp^2) / (6 * sR * vfreeA^1/3 * veffA^2/3 * RAB0^2 * RAB^5)
2010        !                - (C6ABfree * veffB * fdamp) / (2 * vfreeA * vfreeB * RAB^6)
2011        !
2012        ! predveffAdn(B) = (d * R0freeB * C6ABeff * edamp * fdamp^2) / (6 * sR * vfreeB^1/3 * veffB^2/3 * RAB0^2 * RAB^5)
2013        !                - (C6ABfree * veffA * fdamp) / (2 * vfreeA * vfreeB * RAB^6)
2014        !
2015        predveffAdn_period(ia)=predveffAdn_period(ia)-(FDV0*FDV1*FDVA2*FDVi+FCV0*FCVA1*FCVA2*FCVi)
2016        predveffAdn_period(ib)=predveffAdn_period(ib)-(FDV0*FDVB2*FDVi+FCV0*FCVB1*FCVB2*FCVi)
2017        !
2018        ! Increment effective volume derivative contributions to ionic and cell forces...
2019        !
2020        ! (dfdamp/dVA) --> D1A = - (d * R0freeA * C6ABeff * edamp * fdamp^2) / (6 * sR * vfreeA^1/3 * veffA^2/3 * RAB0^2 * RAB^5)
2021        !
2022        ! (dfdamp/dVB) --> D1B = - (d * R0freeB * C6ABeff * edamp * fdamp^2) / (6 * sR * vfreeB^1/3 * veffB^2/3 * RAB0^2 * RAB^5)
2023        !
2024        ! (dC6AB/dVA)  --> D2A =   (C6ABfree * veffB * fdamp) / (2 * vfreeA * vfreeB * RAB^6)
2025        !
2026        ! (dC6AB/dVB)  --> D2B =   (C6ABfree * veffA * fdamp) / (2 * vfreeA * vfreeB * RAB^6)
2027        !
2028        D1A=FDV0*FDV1*FDVA2*FDVi  ! (dfdamp/dVA)
2029        D2A=FCV0*FCVA1*FCVA2*FCVi ! (dC6AB/dVA)
2030        !
2031        D1B=FDV0*FDVB2*FDVi       ! (dfdamp/dVB)
2032        D2B=FCV0*FCVB1*FCVB2*FCVi ! (dC6AB/dVB)
2033        !
2034        D12A=D1A+D2A; D12B=D1B+D2B
2035        !
2036        DO i=1,3
2037          !
2038          DO ic=1,nat
2039            !
2040            FtsvdW_period(i,ic)=FtsvdW_period(i,ic)+(dveffdR(ia,ic,i)*D12A+dveffdR(ib,ic,i)*D12B)
2041            !
2042          END DO
2043          !
2044          DO j=1,3
2045            !
2046            HtsvdW_period(i,j)=HtsvdW_period(i,j)+(dveffdh(ia,i,j)*D12A+dveffdh(ib,i,j)*D12B)
2047            !
2048          END DO
2049          !
2050        END DO
2051        !
2052        ! Increment RAB derivative contributions to ionic and cell forces...
2053        !
2054        ! (dfdamp/dRA)  --> D1A = (d * C6ABeff * edamp * fdamp^2) / (2 * sR * RAB0 * RAB^7)
2055        !
2056        ! (dfdamp/dRB)  --> D1B = - D1A
2057        !
2058        ! (dRAB^-6/dRA) --> D2A = - (3 * C6ABeff * fdamp) / (RAB^8)
2059        !
2060        ! (dRAB^-6/dRB) --> D2B = - D2A
2061        !
2062        D1A=FDR0*FDR2  ! (dfdamp/dRA)
2063        D2A=FRR0*FRR2  ! (dRAB^-6/dRA)
2064        !
2065        ! N.B.: Manually zero out the force contribution from an atom in the simulation cell and
2066        !       any of its images (this applies to distance derivatives NOT volume derivatives)...
2067        !
2068        IF (ia.NE.ib) THEN
2069          !
2070          DO i=1,3
2071            !
2072            FtsvdW_period(i,ia)=FtsvdW_period(i,ia)+(D1A*FDRi(i)+D2A*FRRi(i))
2073            FtsvdW_period(i,ib)=FtsvdW_period(i,ib)+(-D1A*FDRi(i)-D2A*FRRi(i))
2074            !
2075            DO j=1,3
2076              !
2077              HtsvdW_period(i,j)=HtsvdW_period(i,j)+(D1A*FDRii(i,j)+D2A*FRRii(i,j))
2078              !
2079            END DO
2080            !
2081          END DO
2082          !
2083        END IF
2084        !
2085      END DO !ib
2086!$omp end do
2087!$omp end parallel
2088      !
2089    END DO !iproc
2090    !
2091    ! Synchronize n_period contribution from all processors...
2092    !
2093    CALL mp_sum(EtsvdW_period,intra_image_comm)
2094    CALL mp_sum(FtsvdW_period,intra_image_comm)
2095    CALL mp_sum(HtsvdW_period,intra_image_comm)
2096    CALL mp_sum(predveffAdn_period,intra_image_comm)
2097    !
2098    ! Increment total quantities...
2099    !
2100    EtsvdW=EtsvdW+EtsvdW_period                  !EvdW
2101    FtsvdW=FtsvdW+FtsvdW_period                  !(-dE/dR)
2102    HtsvdW=HtsvdW-HtsvdW_period                  !(dE/dh)
2103    predveffAdn=predveffAdn+predveffAdn_period   !(dE/dVA) & (dE/dVB)
2104    !
2105    ! DEBUGGING
2106    !WRITE(stdout,'(I10,2F25.12)') n_period,EtsvdW_period,EtsvdW
2107    ! DEBUGGING
2108    !
2109    ! Periodic convergence loop conditionals...
2110    !
2111    IF ( vdw_isolated .OR. (ABS(EtsvdW_period) <= vdw_econv_thr) ) periodic_converged=.TRUE.
2112    !
2113    n_period=n_period+1
2114    !
2115  END DO !convergence loop
2116  !
2117  ! Deallocate temporary arrays...
2118  !
2119  IF (ALLOCATED(FtsvdW_period))      DEALLOCATE(FtsvdW_period)
2120  IF (ALLOCATED(HtsvdW_period))      DEALLOCATE(HtsvdW_period)
2121  IF (ALLOCATED(predveffAdn_period)) DEALLOCATE(predveffAdn_period)
2122  !
2123  CALL stop_clock('tsvdw_energy')
2124  !
2126 !WRITE(stdout,'(3X,"<START veff ARRAY>")')
2127 !DO ia=1,nat
2128 !  WRITE(stdout,'(5X,I5,F25.12)') ia,veff(ia)
2129 !END DO
2130 !WRITE(stdout,'(3X,"<END veff ARRAY>")')
2131 !!
2132 !WRITE(stdout,'(3X,"<START FtsvdW ARRAY>")')
2133 !DO ia=1,nat
2134 !  WRITE(stdout,'(5X,I5,3F25.12)') ia,FtsvdW(:,ia)
2135 !END DO
2136 !WRITE(stdout,'(3X,"<END FtsvdW ARRAY>")')
2137 !!
2138 !WRITE(stdout,'(3X,"<START HtsvdW ARRAY>")')
2139 !DO i=1,3
2140 !  WRITE(stdout,'(5X,3F25.12)') HtsvdW(i,:)
2141 !END DO
2142 !WRITE(stdout,'(3X,"<END HtsvdW ARRAY>")')
2144  !
2145  RETURN
2146  !
2147  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2148  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_energy
2149  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2150  !
2151  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2152  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_wfforce()
2153  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2154  !
2156  !
2157  ! Local variables
2158  !
2159  INTEGER :: ia,ip,iq,off1
2161  !
2162  CALL start_clock('tsvdw_wfforce')
2163  !
2164  ! Initialization of UtsvdwA array...
2165  !
2166  ALLOCATE(UtsvdWA(nr1*nr2*nr3)); UtsvdWA=0.0_DP
2167  !
2168  ! Loop over atoms and populate UtsvdWA from predveffAdn and dveffAdn...
2169  !
2170  DO iproc=1,nstates(me)
2171    !
2172    ! Connect processor number with atom...
2173    !
2174    ia=me+nproc_image*(iproc-1)
2175    !
2176    ! Loop over points in the (pre-screened) spherical atomic integration domain...
2177    !
2178!$omp parallel do private(off1)
2179    DO iq=1,NsomegaA(ia)
2180      !
2181      off1=somegaA(iq,1,iproc)+(somegaA(iq,2,iproc)-1)*nr1+(somegaA(iq,3,iproc)-1)*nr1*nr2    !global offset [nr1,nr2,nr3]
2182      UtsvdWA(off1)=UtsvdWA(off1)+predveffAdn(ia)*dveffAdn(iq,iproc)
2183      !
2184    END DO !iq
2185!$omp end parallel do
2186    !
2187  END DO !iproc
2188  !
2189  ! Collect UtsvdWA over all processors and broadcast...
2190  !
2191  CALL mp_sum(UtsvdWA,intra_image_comm)
2192  !
2193  ! Partition out dispersion potential consistent with slabs of the charge density...
2194  !
2195  IF (dfftp%nr3p(me_bgrp+1).NE.0) THEN
2196    !
2197!$omp parallel do
2198    DO ip=1,dfftp%nr3p(me_bgrp+1)*nr1*nr2
2199      !
2200      UtsvdW(ip)=UtsvdWA(ip+rdispls(me_bgrp+1))
2201      !
2202    END DO
2203!$omp end parallel do
2204    !
2205  END IF
2206  !
2207  ! Deallocate temporary arrays...
2208  !
2209  IF (ALLOCATED(UtsvdWA))      DEALLOCATE(UtsvdWA)
2210  !
2211  CALL stop_clock('tsvdw_wfforce')
2212  !
2213  RETURN
2214  !
2215  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2216  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_wfforce
2217  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2218  !
2219  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2220  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_cleanup()
2221  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2222  !
2224  !
2225  ! Deallocate tsvdw_calculate specific arrays...
2226  !
2227  IF (ALLOCATED(atxyz))       DEALLOCATE(atxyz)
2228  IF (ALLOCATED(rhosad))      DEALLOCATE(rhosad)
2229  IF (ALLOCATED(rhotot))      DEALLOCATE(rhotot)
2230  IF (ALLOCATED(veff))        DEALLOCATE(veff)
2231  IF (ALLOCATED(dpeff))       DEALLOCATE(dpeff)
2232  IF (ALLOCATED(R0eff))       DEALLOCATE(R0eff)
2235  IF (ALLOCATED(dveffdR))     DEALLOCATE(dveffdR)
2236  IF (ALLOCATED(dveffdh))     DEALLOCATE(dveffdh)
2237  IF (ALLOCATED(somegaA))     DEALLOCATE(somegaA)
2238  IF (ALLOCATED(somegaAr))    DEALLOCATE(somegaAr)
2239  IF (ALLOCATED(gomegaAr))    DEALLOCATE(gomegaAr)
2240  IF (ALLOCATED(NsomegaA))    DEALLOCATE(NsomegaA)
2241  IF (ALLOCATED(NsomegaAr))   DEALLOCATE(NsomegaAr)
2242  IF (ALLOCATED(nstates))     DEALLOCATE(nstates)
2243  IF (ALLOCATED(sdispls))     DEALLOCATE(sdispls)
2244  IF (ALLOCATED(sendcount))   DEALLOCATE(sendcount)
2245  IF (ALLOCATED(rdispls))     DEALLOCATE(rdispls)
2246  IF (ALLOCATED(recvcount))   DEALLOCATE(recvcount)
2247  IF (ALLOCATED(istatus))     DEALLOCATE(istatus)
2248  IF (ALLOCATED(npair))       DEALLOCATE(npair)
2249  IF (ALLOCATED(pair))        DEALLOCATE(pair)
2250  IF (ALLOCATED(dveffAdn))    DEALLOCATE(dveffAdn)
2251  IF (ALLOCATED(predveffAdn)) DEALLOCATE(predveffAdn)
2252  !
2253  RETURN
2254  !
2255  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2256  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_cleanup
2257  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2258  !
2259  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2260  SUBROUTINE tsvdw_finalize()
2261  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2262  !
2264  !
2265  ! Deallocate module-specific arrays...
2266  !
2270  IF (ALLOCATED(VefftsvdW))DEALLOCATE(VefftsvdW)
2271  IF (ALLOCATED(vfree))    DEALLOCATE(vfree)
2272  IF (ALLOCATED(dpfree))   DEALLOCATE(dpfree)
2273  IF (ALLOCATED(R0free))   DEALLOCATE(R0free)
2276  IF (ALLOCATED(spgrd))    DEALLOCATE(spgrd)
2277  IF (ALLOCATED(sprho))    DEALLOCATE(sprho)
2278  IF (ALLOCATED(spdrho))   DEALLOCATE(spdrho)
2279  IF (ALLOCATED(spdata))   DEALLOCATE(spdata)
2284  !
2285  RETURN
2286  !
2287  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2288  END SUBROUTINE tsvdw_finalize
2289  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2290  !
2291  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2292  SUBROUTINE Num1stDer(r,f,N,h,df)
2293  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2294  !
2296  !
2297  ! I/O variables
2298  !
2299  INTEGER :: N
2300  REAL(DP) :: h,r(N),f(N),df(N)
2301  !
2302  ! Local variables
2303  !
2304  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Ndp=7 !using 7-point formulae...
2305  INTEGER :: ip,ir
2306  INTEGER :: A1(Ndp),A2(Ndp),A3(Ndp),A4(Ndp),A5(Ndp),A6(Ndp),A7(Ndp)
2307  REAL(DP) :: dsum
2308  !
2309  ! Populate Bickley coefficient vectors (Math. Gaz.,v25,p19-27,1941) according to cases...
2310  !
2311  DATA  A1/ -1764_DP, 4320_DP, -5400_DP,  4800_DP, -2700_DP,   864_DP, -120_DP /
2312  DATA  A2/  -120_DP, -924_DP,  1800_DP, -1200_DP,   600_DP,  -180_DP,   24_DP /
2313  DATA  A3/    24_DP, -288_DP,  -420_DP,   960_DP,  -360_DP,    96_DP,  -12_DP /
2314  DATA  A4/   -12_DP,  108_DP,  -540_DP,     0_DP,   540_DP,  -108_DP,   12_DP /
2315  DATA  A5/    12_DP,  -96_DP,   360_DP,  -960_DP,   420_DP,   288_DP,  -24_DP /
2316  DATA  A6/   -24_DP,  180_DP,  -600_DP,  1200_DP, -1800_DP,   924_DP,  120_DP /
2317  DATA  A7/   120_DP, -864_DP,  2700_DP, -4800_DP,  5400_DP, -4320_DP, 1764_DP /
2318  !
2319  ! Compute first derivative on linear mesh and then transform back to radial/exponential grid...
2320  !
2321  DO ir=1,N
2322    !
2323    dsum=0.0_DP
2324    !
2325    ! Deal with different cases one-by-one...
2326    !
2327    IF (ir.EQ.1) THEN
2328      DO ip=1,Ndp
2329        dsum=dsum+A1(ip)*f(ir-1+ip)
2330      END DO
2331    ELSE IF (ir.EQ.2) THEN
2332      DO ip=1,Ndp
2333        dsum=dsum+A2(ip)*f(ir-2+ip)
2334      END DO
2335    ELSE IF (ir.EQ.3) THEN
2336      DO ip=1,Ndp
2337        dsum=dsum+A3(ip)*f(ir-3+ip)
2338      END DO
2339    ELSE IF (ir.GE.4.AND.ir.LE.N-3) THEN
2340      DO ip=1,Ndp
2341        dsum=dsum+A4(ip)*f(ir-4+ip)
2342      END DO
2343    ELSE IF (ir.EQ.N-2) THEN
2344      DO ip=1,Ndp
2345        dsum=dsum+A5(ip)*f(ir-5+ip)
2346      END DO
2347    ELSE IF (ir.EQ.N-1) THEN
2348      DO ip=1,Ndp
2349        dsum=dsum+A6(ip)*f(ir-6+ip)
2350      END DO
2351    ELSE IF (ir.EQ.N) THEN
2352      DO ip=1,Ndp
2353        dsum=dsum+A7(ip)*f(ir-7+ip)
2354      END DO
2355    ELSE
2356      WRITE(stdout,'("Error in Num1stDer subroutine...")')
2357    END IF
2358    !
2359    ! Final Normalization...
2360    !
2361    df(ir)=dsum/(720.0_DP*h)
2362    !
2363  END DO !ir
2364  !
2365  RETURN
2366  !
2367  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2368  END SUBROUTINE Num1stDer
2369  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2370  !
2371  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2372  SUBROUTINE CubSplCoeff(r,f,N,df,d2f)
2373  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2374  !
2376  !
2377  ! I/O variables
2378  !
2379  INTEGER :: N
2380  REAL(DP) :: r(N),f(N),df(N),d2f(N)
2381  !
2382  ! Local variables
2383  !
2384  INTEGER :: i,j
2385  REAL(DP) :: dy1,dyn,p,q,un,qn
2387  !
2388  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2389  ! SYNOPSIS: Compute second derivatives at each of the atomic radial grid points using the cubic spline methodology (i.e., smooth &
2390  ! continuous piecewise first and second derivatives). These second derivatives will be utilized during cubic spline interpolation
2391  ! as a higher accuracy alternative to linear interpolation during the construction of the linear atomic grids. The two-parameter
2392  ! boundary conditions that will be utilized below are known as a clamped cubic spline in that the first derivative at both the
2393  ! first and last grid point were computed numerically and provided as input...
2394  ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2395  !
2396  ALLOCATE(work(N)); work=0.0_DP
2397  !
2398  d2f=0.0_DP
2399  !
2400  ! Enforce 'clamped' boundary condition at the first radial grid point...
2401  !
2402  dy1=df(1)
2403  d2f(1)=-0.5_DP
2404  work(1)=(3.0_DP/(r(2)-r(1)))*((f(2)-f(1))/(r(2)-r(1))-dy1)
2405  !
2406  ! Decomposition loop of the tridiagonal algorithm for the second derivatives...
2407  !
2408  DO i=2,N-1
2409    p=(r(i)-r(i-1))/(r(i+1)-r(i-1))
2410    q=p*d2f(i-1)+2.0_DP
2411    d2f(i)=(p-1.0_DP)/q
2412    work(i)=(f(i+1)-f(i))/(r(i+1)-r(i))-(f(i)-f(i-1))/(r(i)-r(i-1))
2413    work(i)=(6.0_DP*work(i)/(r(i+1)-r(i-1))-p*work(i-1))/q
2414  END DO
2415  !
2416  ! Enforce 'clamped' boundary condition at the last radial grid point...
2417  !
2418  dyn=df(N)
2419  qn=0.5_DP
2420  un=(3.0_DP/(r(N)-r(N-1)))*(dyn-(f(N)-f(N-1))/(r(N)-r(N-1)))
2421  d2f(N)=(un-qn*work(N-1))/(qn*d2f(N-1)+1.0_DP)
2422  !
2423  ! Back substitution loop of the tridiagonal algorithm for the second derivatives...
2424  !
2425  DO j=N-1,1,-1
2426    d2f(j)=d2f(j)*d2f(j+1)+work(j)
2427  END DO
2428  !
2429  ! Clean-up and return home...
2430  !
2431  DEALLOCATE(work)
2432  !
2433  RETURN
2434  !
2435  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2436  END SUBROUTINE CubSplCoeff
2437  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2438  !
2439  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2440  SUBROUTINE GetVdWParam(atom,C6,alpha,R0)
2441  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2442  !
2444  !
2445  ! I/O variables
2446  !
2447  CHARACTER(LEN=2) :: atom
2448  REAL(DP) :: C6,alpha,R0
2449  !
2450  SELECT CASE (atom)
2451  !
2452  CASE ('H')
2453  alpha=4.500000_DP
2454  C6=6.500000_DP
2455  R0=3.100000_DP
2456  !
2457  CASE ('He')
2458  alpha=1.380000_DP
2459  C6=1.460000_DP
2460  R0=2.650000_DP
2461  !
2462  CASE ('Li')
2463  alpha=164.200000_DP
2464  C6=1387.000000_DP
2465  R0=4.160000_DP
2466  !
2467  CASE ('Be')
2468  alpha=38.000000_DP
2469  C6=214.000000_DP
2470  R0=4.170000_DP
2471  !
2472  CASE ('B')
2473  alpha=21.000000_DP
2474  C6=99.500000_DP
2475  R0=3.890000_DP
2476  !
2477  CASE ('C')
2478  alpha=12.000000_DP
2479  C6=46.600000_DP
2480  R0=3.590000_DP
2481  !
2482  CASE ('N')
2483  alpha=7.400000_DP
2484  C6=24.200000_DP
2485  R0=3.340000_DP
2486  !
2487  CASE ('O')
2488  alpha=5.400000_DP
2489  C6=15.600000_DP
2490  R0=3.190000_DP
2491  !
2492  CASE ('F')
2493  alpha=3.800000_DP
2494  C6=9.520000_DP
2495  R0=3.040000_DP
2496  !
2497  CASE ('Ne')
2498  alpha=2.670000_DP
2499  C6=6.380000_DP
2500  R0=2.910000_DP
2501  !
2502  CASE ('Na')
2503  alpha=162.700000_DP
2504  C6=1556.000000_DP
2505  R0=3.730000_DP
2506  !
2507  CASE ('Mg')
2508  alpha=71.000000_DP
2509  C6=627.000000_DP
2510  R0=4.270000_DP
2511  !
2512  CASE ('Al')
2513  alpha=60.000000_DP
2514  C6=528.000000_DP
2515  R0=4.330000_DP
2516  !
2517  CASE ('Si')
2518  alpha=37.000000_DP
2519  C6=305.000000_DP
2520  R0=4.200000_DP
2521  !
2522  CASE ('P')
2523  alpha=25.000000_DP
2524  C6=185.000000_DP
2525  R0=4.010000_DP
2526  !
2527  CASE ('S')
2528  alpha=19.600000_DP
2529  C6=134.000000_DP
2530  R0=3.860000_DP
2531  !
2532  CASE ('Cl')
2533  alpha=15.000000_DP
2534  C6=94.600000_DP
2535  R0=3.710000_DP
2536  !
2537  CASE ('Ar')
2538  alpha=11.100000_DP
2539  C6=64.300000_DP
2540  R0=3.550000_DP
2541  !
2542  CASE ('K')
2543  alpha=292.900000_DP
2544  C6=3897.000000_DP
2545  R0=3.710000_DP
2546  !
2547  CASE ('Ca')
2548  alpha=160.000000_DP
2549  C6=2221.000000_DP
2550  R0=4.650000_DP
2551  !
2552  CASE ('Sc')
2553  alpha=120.000000_DP
2554  C6=1383.000000_DP
2555  R0=4.590000_DP
2556  !
2557  CASE ('Ti')
2558  alpha=98.000000_DP
2559  C6=1044.000000_DP
2560  R0=4.510000_DP
2561  !
2562  CASE ('V')
2563  alpha=84.000000_DP
2564  C6=832.000000_DP
2565  R0=4.440000_DP
2566  !
2567  CASE ('Cr')
2568  alpha=78.000000_DP
2569  C6=602.000000_DP
2570  R0=3.990000_DP
2571  !
2572  CASE ('Mn')
2573  alpha=63.000000_DP
2574  C6=552.000000_DP
2575  R0=3.970000_DP
2576  !
2577  CASE ('Fe')
2578  alpha=56.000000_DP
2579  C6=482.000000_DP
2580  R0=4.230000_DP
2581  !
2582  CASE ('Co')
2583  alpha=50.000000_DP
2584  C6=408.000000_DP
2585  R0=4.180000_DP
2586  !
2587  CASE ('Ni')
2588  alpha=48.000000_DP
2589  C6=373.000000_DP
2590  R0=3.820000_DP
2591  !
2592  CASE ('Cu')
2593  alpha=42.000000_DP
2594  C6=253.000000_DP
2595  R0=3.760000_DP
2596  !
2597  CASE ('Zn')
2598  alpha=40.000000_DP
2599  C6=284.000000_DP
2600  R0=4.020000_DP
2601  !
2602  CASE ('Ga')
2603  alpha=60.000000_DP
2604  C6=498.000000_DP
2605  R0=4.190000_DP
2606  !
2607  CASE ('Ge')
2608  alpha=41.000000_DP
2609  C6=354.000000_DP
2610  R0=4.200000_DP
2611  !
2612  CASE ('As')
2613  alpha=29.000000_DP
2614  C6=246.000000_DP
2615  R0=4.110000_DP
2616  !
2617  CASE ('Se')
2618  alpha=25.000000_DP
2619  C6=210.000000_DP
2620  R0=4.040000_DP
2621  !
2622  CASE ('Br')
2623  alpha=20.000000_DP
2624  C6=162.000000_DP
2625  R0=3.930000_DP
2626  !
2627  CASE ('Kr')
2628  alpha=16.800000_DP
2629  C6=129.600000_DP
2630  R0=3.820000_DP
2631  !
2632  CASE ('Rb')
2633  alpha=319.200000_DP
2634  C6=4691.000000_DP
2635  R0=3.720000_DP
2636  !
2637  CASE ('Sr')
2638  alpha=199.000000_DP
2639  C6=3170.000000_DP
2640  R0=4.540000_DP
2641  !
2642  CASE ('Y')
2643  alpha=126.7370_DP
2644  C6=1968.580_DP
2645  R0=4.81510_DP
2646  !
2647  CASE ('Zr')
2648  alpha=119.97_DP
2649  C6=1677.91_DP
2650  R0=4.53_DP
2651  !
2652  CASE ('Nb')
2653  alpha=101.603_DP
2654  C6=1263.61_DP
2655  R0=4.2365_DP
2656  !
2657  CASE ('Mo')
2658  alpha=88.4225785_DP
2659  C6=1028.73_DP
2660  R0=4.099_DP
2661  !
2662  CASE ('Tc')
2663  alpha=80.083_DP
2664  C6=1390.87_DP
2665  R0=4.076_DP
2666  !
2667  CASE ('Ru')
2668  alpha=65.8950_DP
2669  C6=609.754_DP
2670  R0=3.99530_DP
2671  !
2672  CASE ('Rh')
2673  alpha=56.1_DP
2674  C6=469.0_DP
2675  R0=3.95_DP
2676  !
2677  CASE ('Pd')
2678  alpha=23.680000_DP
2679  C6=157.500000_DP
2680  R0=3.66000_DP
2681  !
2682  CASE ('Ag')
2683  alpha=50.600000_DP
2684  C6=339.000000_DP
2685  R0=3.820000_DP
2686  !
2687  CASE ('Cd')
2688  alpha=39.7_DP
2689  C6=452.0_DP
2690  R0=3.99_DP
2691  !
2692  CASE ('In')
2693  alpha=70.22000_DP
2694  C6=707.046000_DP
2695  R0=4.23198000_DP
2696  !
2697  CASE ('Sn')
2698  alpha=55.9500_DP
2699  C6=587.41700_DP
2700  R0=4.303000_DP
2701  !
2702  CASE ('Sb')
2703  alpha=43.671970_DP
2704  C6=459.322_DP
2705  R0=4.2760_DP
2706  !
2707  CASE ('Te')
2708  alpha=37.65_DP
2709  C6=396.0_DP
2710  R0=4.22_DP
2711  !
2712  CASE ('I')
2713  alpha=35.000000_DP
2714  C6=385.000000_DP
2715  R0=4.170000_DP
2716  !
2717  CASE ('Xe')
2718  alpha=27.300000_DP
2719  C6=285.900000_DP
2720  R0=4.080000_DP
2721  !
2722  CASE ('Cs')
2723  alpha=427.12_DP
2724  C6=6582.08_DP
2725  R0=3.78_DP
2726  !
2727  CASE ('Ba')
2728  alpha=275.0_DP
2729  C6=5727.0_DP
2730  R0=4.77_DP
2731  !
2732  CASE ('Hf')
2733  alpha=99.52_DP
2734  C6=1274.8_DP
2735  R0=4.21_DP
2736  !
2737  CASE ('Ta')
2738  alpha=82.53_DP
2739  C6=1019.92_DP
2740  R0=4.15_DP
2741  !
2742  CASE ('W')
2743  alpha=71.041_DP
2744  C6=847.93_DP
2745  R0=4.08_DP
2746  !
2747  CASE ('Re')
2748  alpha=63.04_DP
2749  C6=710.2_DP
2750  R0=4.02_DP
2751  !
2752  CASE ('Os')
2753  alpha=55.055_DP
2754  C6=596.67_DP
2755  R0=3.84_DP
2756  !
2757  CASE ('Ir')
2758  alpha=42.51_DP
2759  C6=359.1_DP
2760  R0=4.00_DP
2761  !
2762  CASE ('Pt')
2763  alpha=39.68_DP
2764  C6=347.1_DP
2765  R0=3.92_DP
2766  !
2767  CASE ('Au')
2768  alpha=36.5_DP
2769  C6=298.0_DP
2770  R0=3.86_DP
2771  !
2772  CASE ('Hg')
2773  alpha=33.9_DP
2774  C6=392.0_DP
2775  R0=3.98_DP
2776  !
2777  CASE ('Tl')
2778  alpha=69.92_DP
2779  C6=717.44_DP
2780  R0=3.91_DP
2781  !
2782  CASE ('Pb')
2783  alpha=61.8_DP
2784  C6=697.0_DP
2785  R0=4.31_DP
2786  !
2787  CASE ('Bi')
2788  alpha=49.02_DP
2789  C6=571.0_DP
2790  R0=4.32_DP
2791  !
2792  CASE ('Po')
2793  alpha=45.013_DP
2794  C6=530.92_DP
2795  R0=4.097_DP
2796  !
2797  CASE ('At')
2798  alpha=38.93_DP
2799  C6=457.53_DP
2800  R0=4.07_DP
2801  !
2802  CASE ('Rn')
2803  alpha=33.54_DP
2804  C6=390.63_DP
2805  R0=4.23_DP
2806  !
2808  !
2809  CALL errore('tsvdw','Reference free atom parameters not available for requested atom type...',1)
2810  !
2812  !
2813  RETURN
2814  !
2815  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2817  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2818  !
2819  !
2820END MODULE tsvdw_module